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TAT2 Task 3 Instructor’s Manual

Melisa Johnson

Student Number: 000510078

Mentor: Elizabeth Krippner

A Written Project Presented to the Faculty of the Teachers College of

Western Governors University


Introduction to

Instructor’s Manual

Table of Contents

Instructional Goal and Length .....................................................................................................4

Intended Audience........................................................................................................................4
Instructional Sequence and Delivery ...........................................................................................5
Materials .....................................................................................................................................6

Lesson Plan Descriptions .............................................................................................................6

Student Performance Assessments ..............................................................................................8

Instructions for Teachers..............................................................................................................8

Resources and Instructional Materials .......................................................................................10

Instructional Sequence ................................................................................................................11

Lesson 1 - Days 1 and 2 .............................................................................................................11
Lesson 2 - Day 3 ........................................................................................................................15
Lesson 3 – Day 3........................................................................................................................17

Lesson 4 - Days 4-8 ...................................................................................................................19

Lesson 5 – Day 9 .......................................................................................................................22

Lesson 6 – Day 10......................................................................................................................24

Lesson 7 - Day 10 ......................................................................................................................26

Lesson 8 – Day 10......................................................................................................................28

Lesson 9 – Day 11......................................................................................................................29

References .....................................................................................................................................30
Appendices ....................................................................................................................................32

Instructional Goal and Length

This unit is an eleven-day, 10-hour unit on learning to format and type documents using a

computer keyboard and word processing software. This technology-based unit of instruction is

geared for eighth grade students who have never had any type of keyboarding, word processing,

or printer operation instruction. The setting is a K-12 school of approximately 150 students. The

high school consists of grades seven through twelve with one teacher for each subject as well as

an elective teacher. The high school students comprise about one half of the student body of the

school. A needs analysis was conducted, and the research demonstrated there is a problem with

students entering ninth grade not being able to type or format their assignments using a personal

computer and word processing software. This unit was developed because it is essential to the

academic success of the students during the high school years to know and be able to use these

skills in their class assignments.

Intended Audience

The target population is a group of eighth grade students consisting of seven boys and six

girls. They are all thirteen to fourteen years old and have not had any previous courses in

computers or keyboarding; however, they do all have cell phones which they use for texting, so

they are aware of the letter placement on keyboards. They are just beginning to use a computer

for educational purposes. All students in the target population can read and write. None have

disabilities or difficulties that would prevent them from using a computer keyboard. This is a

private school so there are no IEPs for any of the students; however, this group is average to

above average in intelligence so they should not have any difficulty with the instruction. All

students are Caucasian students from working class families, so there are no major cultural or

ethnic differences. Although the school is a private institution with a religious affiliation, there

is one student whose beliefs require her to dress differently from the other students which at

times leaves her feeling that she is not accepted in the group atmosphere. This group of students

is eager to learn and do whatever is asked of them. Learning new skills using a computer will be

a welcome change from their normal classroom routine. This group is very easily motivated by

external rewards such as a piece of candy or time to play a game.

Instructional Sequence and Delivery

This unit of instruction is a eleven-day unit encompassing nine learning objectives. The

lessons vary in length from ten minutes to a full fifty-minute class period. Some days several

lessons are taught in one day. The lessons are designed to use pre-instructional activities first

followed by the content presentation. After the content is presented, students participate in

guided practice. At the end of the lesson, as a formative assessment, the instructor observes

learners demonstrate their understanding by performing the specific tasks learned. At the

discretion of the teacher, homework can be assigned

using ( 2019). Follow up activities are

repetition of content taught each day in class. A review game is played using

(Kahoot 2019) to review for the summative assessment. A summative assessment is

administered at the end of the unit. A Padlet (Computer/Keyboarding Unit 2019) link is provided

at the beginning of the unit with all the websites, worksheets, videos, and other resources that are

used in this unit.



The materials used in this unit of instruction are mainly technology based. Websites such as

YouTube and GFC Learn Free provide the content of instruction. A personal computer, a

projector, and a printer are needed for the instructor and the learners. Handouts with written

instructions are printed from websites or created by the instructor. Worksheets created by the

instructor are used as assessment tools. The students will use the computer lab provided by the

school, so they do not need to supply their own computers. The only other resources they will

need for the unit are a pencil, a binder, and paper for notetaking.

Lesson Plan Descriptions

Lesson 1 and 2

 Students are taught to accurately identify and use six parts of a personal computer,

recognize and operate the word processing software, and boot a computer when they need to

format and type documents.

 Students are taught to locate and click the start menu each time they need to use the word

processing software.

Lesson 3

 Eighth graders are taught to click the start menu and choose the word processing software

from a list of fifty or more programs by clicking the correct button each time they need to

format a document

Lesson 4

 Students are taught to manipulate the keys on the keyboard to type text into the document

using proper indentation, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, spacing, font,

headers, footers, and formatting.

Lesson 5

 Eighth grade learners are taught to edit the text of all documents that they type using the

spellcheck, grammar check, and word count tools located in the toolbar.

Lesson 6

 Eighth graders are taught to save all their documents to the computer’s memory in the

form of a document file.

Lesson 7

 Students are taught to follow the four steps needed to select and print a document

whenever they are required to print a document and turn it in.   

Lesson 8

 Students are required to play the unit review game using their cellphones and Kahoot

for the allotted twenty minutes.

Lesson 9

 Students are given an exam to complete.


Student Performance Assessments

Students will be formatively assessed at the end of each lesson by being asked to

demonstrate the skill that was taught in the lesson while the instructor observes/checks for

accuracy. During the second day, students complete a worksheet. At the end of the unit, students

will be assigned documents to create as summative assessments.

Instructions for Teachers

This unit of instruction, although written for an eighth-grade class, could be used to teach

any students aged 11-14 years old. An instructor would need to check equipment availability in

his/her instructional setting to ensure that each student has access to a computer with internet

capability. Otherwise, the unit should work for any classroom without modification

The learning theory that most aligns with this lesson plan is behaviorism. Learning to

operate a computer requires students learn to execute specific commands (stimulus) to get a

desired outcome (response). The stimulus is given, and the student must provide the proper

response such as defining hardware and software, using the power button to turn on the

computer, manipulating the keyboard and mouse to input information, and labeling the parts of a

computer. Learners must also practice and repeat the tasks in this unit until they become rote.

The instructional methods in behaviorism such as stimulus equals correct response, chaining,

repetition, reinforcement, and corrective feedback are the best choice for this task.

In thinking about which design theory might best align with this unit, the most sensible

choice is Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction. Gagne’s Nine Events theory allows the instructor

to build instruction in logical steps followed by practice and reinforcement. Gagne’s theory

keeps students engaged in the learning process which is a necessary component of this unit.

Resources and Instructional Materials

o GFC Learn Free website and YouTube







 Worksheet (see appendix A).



 Https://

 Padlet

 Computer lab with an internet connected computer for each student

 Printer

 Overhead projector

 Word Art Creator

 Typing Curriculum

 Paragraph for editing (See Appendix


 Paragraph for typing (See Appendix B)


 Paper and pencil


Instructional Sequence
Days 1 and 2
Lesson Plan #1 Using a Personal Computer

Performance Objective: Working independently, eighth graders will accurately identify

and use six parts of a personal computer, recognize and operate the word processing software,

and boot a computer when they need to format and type documents in one out of one attempt.

Resources or Materials Needed: Desktop computers for each student, overhead

projector and screen, computer hardware labeling worksheet, Padlet link

(Computer/Keyboarding Unit 2019)

Time: 100 minutes or two 50-minute class periods

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities:

1. Have students make a list of all the parts of a computer that they know

2. Have students share their lists

3. Note any mention of software as part of the computer

4. Use a presentation software such as (Word Cloud Art Creator 2019)

to generate a word cloud of computer hardware parts to display and discuss

5. Create a second word cloud of computer software to display and discuss

6. Inform students of objectives and give students a Padlet link (Computer/Keyboarding

Unit 2019)

Step 2: Content Presentation:

7. Using the word cloud for computer hardware, ask students to write a definition of

computer hardware.

8. Show the following

video: (“All®

content is available for free at”)

9. Define computer hardware

10. Ask students to compare their definitions to what they learned from the video and make

corrections as needed.

11. Show the following

video: (“All®

content is available for free at”)

12. Ask students to demonstrate where the power button is located on a desktop computer

13. Using the word cloud for computer software, ask students to write a definition of

computer software.

14. Show the following

video“All® content is

available for free at”)

15. Ask students to compare their definition to the video and make corrections as

needed. Ask students to list two types of software.

16. Show the following

video: (“All® content is available for free at”)

17. Define word processing application.

18. Show students examples of word processing software programs.

Step 3: Learner Participation:


19. While sitting at the desktop computer, have students label a diagram of the parts of a


20. Allow students to practice powering on the computer by pressing the start button and

watching the booting process.

21. Ask students to look over the keyboard and make a list of questions they have about the

layout of the keyboard.

22. Let students practice moving the cursor around the screen(monitor) to become familiar

with using the mouse.

23. Point out the software applications on the screen. Challenge students to see if they

recognize the word processing software icon.

Step 4: Assessment: (See Appendix A)

24. Given a worksheet to label, students will label the parts of the personal computer


25. Students will define hardware, software, and computer applications.

26. Students will be asked to demonstrate their understanding of how to turn on a personal

computer by using the power button to boot their computer.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities:

27. Each day for the remainder of the course, students will boot their computers when they

come into the classroom. They will interact with the hardware of the computer as well as the

software and manipulate the mouse and keyboard to input information into the computer

Lesson Plan Summary: The learning theory that most aligns with this lesson plan is

behaviorism. The strategies of instruction associated with behaviorism are most appropriate for

teaching objective one. Learning to operate a computer requires students learn to execute

specific commands (stimulus) to get a desired outcome (response). The stimulus is given, and

the student must provide the proper response such as defining hardware and software, using the

power button to turn on the computer, manipulating the keyboard and mouse to input

information, and labeling the parts of a computer.


Day 3
Lesson Plan #2 Using Computer Software

Performance Objective: Working independently, eighth graders will locate and click

the start menu button in one out of one attempt each time they need to use the word processing


Resources or Materials Needed: Desktop computer for each student, overhead

projector and screen

Time: 30 minutes

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities:

1. Ask students to recall the definition of software and define word processing software


2. Lead the students in an oral review of the parts of a computer (hardware)

3. Review the power on procedure and ask students to boot their computers

4. Inform students of objective

Step 2: Content Presentation:

5. Show the following

video: (“All® content is available for free at”) which teaches how to

use the start button to locate and click software programs.

Step 3: Learner Participation:

6. Ask students to practice this skill by using the mouse to click the start menu button and

then also using the mouse to scroll through the pop-up menu to find the word processing

software and click it opening a new document


Step 4: Assessment:

7. Students will be asked to demonstrate their understanding of how to manipulate a mouse

and keyboard to interact with the computer by clicking the start menu and finding the word

processing software and clicking it

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities:

8. Each day for the remainder of the course, students will open the word processing

software to practice their typing skills or complete other assignments

Lesson Plan Summary: The learning theory that most aligns with this lesson plan is

behaviorism. The strategies of instruction associated with behaviorism are most appropriate for

teaching objective two. When students are given the instructional cue to boot their computers

and locate the start menu, they will provide the appropriate response.

Day 3
Lesson Plan #3 Creating a Document

Performance Objective: Working independently, eighth graders will click the start

menu and choose the word processing software from a list of fifty or more programs by clicking

the correct button in one out of one attempt each time they need to format a document.

Resources or Materials Needed: Desktop computer for each student, overhead

projector and screen

Time: 20 minutes

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities:

1. Lead the students in a review of the definition of software, particularly word processing


2. Discuss creating documents and the importance of being able to format and type a


3. Ask students to power on their computers

4. Inform students of objectives

Step 2: Content Presentation:

5. Ask students to locate the start menu button and click it using the mouse.

6. Guide students to click the word processing software button to open the word processing


7. Using an overhead projector, show this video

started-with-word/1/ (“All® content is available for free

at”) and then project the word processing software on the screen and

demonstrate to students how to click create a new document.


Step 3: Learner Participation:

8. Have students click the start menu button and choose the word processing

software. Once the software is open, ask the students to create a new document.

Step 4: Assessment:

9. Students will be asked to demonstrate how to open a new document in the word

processing software

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities:

10. Each day for the remainder of the course, students will open the word processing

software to practice their typing skills or complete other assignments.

Lesson Plan Summary: The learning theory that most aligns with this lesson plan is

behaviorism. The strategies of instruction associated with behaviorism are most appropriate for

teaching objective three. Students are building fluency as they follow the appropriate steps each

time to start the computer, use the start menu and open the word processing software.

Days 4-8
Lesson Plan #4 Learning to Type

Objective 4: From memory, students will manipulate the keys on the keyboard to type

text into the document using proper indentation, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar,

spacing, font, headers, footers, and formatting in 8 out of 10 attempts

Resources or Materials Needed: Desktop computer for each student, overhead projector

and screen

Time: 250 minutes (5 class periods of 50 minutes each)

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities:

1. Lead the students in a review

2. Discuss creating documents and the importance of being able to format and type a


3. Ask to power on their computers

4. Inform students of objectives

Step 2: Content Presentation:

5. Guide students to type in the web address and then sign into their accounts

using the google username and password we created for them in an earlier class.

6. Using the overhead projector, show students how to navigate the website.

Show them how to begin the lessons and progress through each lesson.

7. Answer any questions.


8. Teach students how to access a template for specific styles of writing such as APA or

MLA using the overhead projector.

9. Using the overhead projector, teach students how to format a document without a

template, including proper indentation, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar,

spacing, font, headers, and footers.

10. Teach the home row keys and proper finger placement on the keyboard.

11. Teach proper posture and importance of memorizing the keyboard

12. Ask students to begin lesson one which is the home row keys lesson and continue

through lesson 4, finishing for homework that which they do not complete in class.

Step 3: Learner Participation:

Have students’ complete lessons one through four on (Learn to Type: Free

Typing Tutor2019) at their desktop computers.

Step 4: Assessment:

Instructor will move around the room informally assessing that each student is on topic

and completing the assigned lesson as well as using proper posture.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities:

Each day the students will move on to the next four lessons until all 15 lessons are

completed which should take about five 50-minute class periods. There is practice of previous

material taught built into each new lesson. After assessing the students, assign homework or

extra practice as needed using ( 2019).

Lesson Plan Summary: The learning theory that most aligns with this lesson plan is

behaviorism. The strategies of instruction associated with behaviorism are most appropriate for

teaching objective four. Students are becoming more proficient each day as they boot their

computers and pull up the correct website. They are memorizing the keyboard as they complete

the tutorials and do the repetition exercises.


Day 9
Lesson Plan #5 Editing a Document

Objective 5: Working independently, eighth grade learners will edit the text of all

documents that they type in one out of one attempt using the spellcheck, grammar check, and

word count tools located in the toolbar without being prompted.

Resources or Materials Needed: Desktop computer for each student

Time: 60 minutes

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities:

1. Ask students to power on their computers

2. Have students locate the start menu and click on the word processing software

3. Once the software loads, have students open a new document and type a paragraph with

errors in spelling, grammar, spacing, etc. (see appendix D) (Autumn fun 2019)

Step 2: Content Presentation:

Using this video, (“All® content is available for free at”):

4. Teach students how to use the spell check feature in the toolbar

5. Teach students rules for proper spacing, indentation, punctuation, margins, headers and


6. Teach students how to find the word count for their document.

7. Teach students how to right click on a word that is underlined and then how to choose a

correction from the options listed.

Step 3: Learner Participation:

Students will use the tools taught today to correct the paragraph that they typed.

Step 4: Assessment: Instructor will move around the room informally assessing that

each student is using the correction tools properly.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: Students will use the correction and formatting

tools each time they create documents in the word processing software.

Lesson Plan Summary: The learning theory that most aligns with this lesson plan is

behaviorism. The strategies of instruction associated with behaviorism are most appropriate for

teaching objective five. Students learn the process and repeat it each time they type a


Day 10
Lesson Plan #6 Saving a Document

Objective 6:   Eighth graders, without guidance, will save all their documents to the

computer’s memory in the form of a document file in one out of one attempt.

Resources or Materials Needed: Desktop computer for each student

Time: 10 minutes

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities:

1. Ask students to power on their computers

2. Have students locate the start menu and click on the word processing software

3. Once the software loads, have students open a new document and type a paragraph.

Step 2: Content Presentation:

Using this video, (“All® content is available for free at”)

4. Teach students how to use the save button icon to save a document.

5. Teach students how to click the file button, click save as, and then name their document.

6. After naming their document, teach students to choose the correct format and file to save

the document in.

7. Teach students how to locate the folders button using the start menu and how to find

documents to open. Have students open the document that they saved.

Step 3: Learner Participation: Students will use the tools taught today to save and

retrieve the paragraph they typed.

Step 4: Assessment: Instructor will move around the room informally assessing that

each student is saving their documents correctly and then retrieving them.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: Students will save and retrieve documents in

future classes.

Lesson Plan Summary: The learning theory that most aligns with this lesson plan is

behaviorism. The strategies of instruction associated with behaviorism are most appropriate for

teaching objective six. Students learn the process and repeat it each time they save or retrieve a


Day 10
Lesson Plan #7 Printing a Document

Objective 7: From memory, students will follow the four steps needed to select and

print a document in one out of one attempt whenever they are required to print a document and

turn it in.   

Resources or Materials Needed: Desktop computer for each student, printer

Time: 10 minutes

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities:

1. Ask students to power on their computers

2. Have students locate the start menu and click on the document folders option

3. Ask students to open a document that they previously saved.

Step 2: Content Presentation:

4. Using the following

video,“All® content is

available for free at”) teach students how to use the printer icon to print

the document.

5. Teach students how to click the file button and then click print.

6. When the printer window opens, teach students how to select the correct printing options

and then click print.

Step 3: Learner Participation: Students will use the tools taught today to retrieve a

paragraph they typed previously in order to print it.

Step 4: Assessment: Instructor will move around the room informally assessing that

each student is using the correct steps to print their documents.


Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: Students will retrieve and print documents in

future classes.

Lesson Plan Summary: The learning theory that most aligns with this lesson plan is

behaviorism. The strategies of instruction associated with behaviorism are most appropriate for

teaching objective seven. Students learn the process and repeat it each time they print a


Lesson Plan #8 Review

Objective 8: All students will play the unit review game using their cellphones and

Kahoot for the allotted twenty minutes. (Kahoot 2019)

Resources or Materials Needed: Cell phones, overhead projector, computer,

(Kahoot 2019)

Time: 30 minutes

Step 1: Pre-instructional Activities:

1. Allow students to get their cell phones and open the Kahoot website

2. Have students enter the game pin and choose their username

Step 2: Learner Participation:

1. Play the review game


Day 11
Lesson Plan #9 Unit Assessment

Objective 9: Given a fifty-minute class period and a unit exam, students will take and

finish the test with a score of at least 70 %.

Resources or Materials Needed: Copy of unit test for each student (see appendix B),

and pencil.

Time: 50-minute class period.

Step 1: Give each student a copy of the exam and instruct them to complete it.


5 sample paragraphs for typing test for newbie typists. (2015, December 12). Retrieved October

06, 2019, from


Autumn fun. (2019). Retrieved October 08, 2019,

from (2012, March 09). Computer basics: Buttons and ports on a desktop

computer. Retrieved October 06, 2019,

from (2012, March 09). Computer basics: Understanding applications. Retrieved

October 06, 2019,

from (2012, March 09). Computer Basics: Understanding Operating Systems.

Retrieved October 06, 2019, from (2012, March 09). Computer basics: What is a computer? Retrieved October

06, 2019, from (2016, February 08). Word: Getting Started. Retrieved October 06, 2019,

from (2019, May 14). Windows Basics: Getting Started with the Desktop.

Retrieved October 06, 2019,


Https:// (2019). Retrieved September 21, 2019,



Johnson, L. (2019, October 09). Computer/Keyboarding Unit. Retrieved October 09, 2019,


Johnson. (2019). Kahoot. Retrieved October 09, 2019, from


Learn to Type: Free Typing Tutor. (2019). Retrieved October 06, 2019,


Word Cloud Art Creator. (2019). Retrieved September 24, 2019, from

Appendix A

Please label the parts of the computer using the word bank provided.

Word Bank: Monitor, Keyboard, Printer, Mouse, CPU, Speakers


Appendix A
Worksheet Page 2

1.Define computer hardware.

2. Define computer software and name two types of software.

3.Define a computer application.

4.Raise your hand when you are ready to have your teacher watch you use the power

button to boot your computer.


Appendix B
Unit Test

1. Label the parts of the computer.


Appendix B
Unit Test Page 2

2. Define computer hardware.

3.Define computer software and name two types of software.

4. Define a computer application.

5. Raise your hand when you are ready to have your teacher watch you use the power

button to boot your computer. Demonstrate your understanding to your teacher by booting your

computer without assistance.

6. Raise your hand when you are ready to have your teacher watch you locate and click

the start menu button, find the world processing software and click the correct button to open the


7.Once the word processing software program is open, create a new document and type

the following paragraph:

The Habit of Reading

Studying is the main source of knowledge. Books are indeed never-failing friends of man. For a

mature mind, reading is the greatest source of pleasure and solace to distressed minds. The study of good

books ennobles us and broadens our outlook. Therefore, the habit of reading should be cultivated. A student

should never confine himself to his schoolbooks only. He should not miss the pleasure locked in the classics,

poetry, drama, history, philosophy, etc. We can derive benefit from other’s experiences with the help of books.

The various sufferings, endurance and joy described in books enable us to have a closer look at human life.

They also inspire us to face the hardships of life courageously. Nowadays there are innumerable books and

time is scarce. So, we should read only the best and the greatest among them. With the help of books, we shall

be able to make our thinking mature and our life more meaningful and worthwhile. (5 sample paragraphs for

typing test for newbie typists 2015)


Appendix B
Unit Test Page 3

8.After you have typed the paragraph above, open your email and you should have an

email from me containing a paragraph. Copy this paragraph from the email using the copy and

paste tool. Paste this paragraph into a new document. Use the toolbar and the underlined

mistakes to make corrections to the paragraph.

9.Save both paragraphs to your documents using the steps learned during class.

10.Print a copy of both documents to turn in


Appendix C
Test Answer Key


CPU Monitor

mouse keyboard



Appendix C
Answer Key

2. Computer hardware: Any part of a computer that has a physical structure or the parts

you can touch.

3. Computer software: A set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do and how to

do it. Answers may vary: Microsoft Word, Paint

4. Computer application: Another name for a specific type of computer software


Appendix D
Paragraph to Edit

Take time to enjoy some of the sights and activitie that come with the autumn seson.

Have you ever picked apples at a orchard or jumped in a pile of leafs that have fallen from

the trees. May be you have use a pumpkin, guord, or scarecrow to decorate your home. If the

whether is starting to got colder where you live, try bundling up and going on a hike.

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