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prolong - పడగగచగదక

Draw out - పనన ఎకకవ కలగ సగదయట
Elongate - పగచ, సగతయ, పడగచయయ
Extend - పడగగచ, వససరగపజయయ, వయపగచ, చచ
Lengthen - పడగగచ, పడవవ న
Protract - protract
Stretch - చచ, వససరగచ
Stretch - చచ, వససరగచ
Abbreviate - సగకపసకరగచ, సగకపగచ
Abridge - సగగగహగ చయయ
Curtail - తగగగచ, తలగగచ
Cut - కతసత కయ, బబడత కతసరగచ
Cut back - ఖరరల కత, వయయ పదప
Shorten - చననదగ
prolong [Verb]

·0 lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer; "We prolonged our stay"; "She
extended her visit by another day"; "The meeting was drawn out until midnight"
·1 lengthen or extend in duration or space; "We sustained the diplomatic
negociations as long as possible"; "prolong the treatment of the patient"; "keep up
the good work"

circumstances - పరససతలల

Related Phrases

under the circumstances - పరససతలల

stab - పడచ, గయపరచ

Perforation - ఛదదణమ - శరర నళమ
Pinhole - చనన రగధదమ, చలబ
Pinprick - గచరట, అసకరయమ
Prick - మగదక తతయ, సననన రగధదమ చయ
Punch - పడకలత కటట, అరచయ బగగచ కటట
Puncture - టటయబనగద పడన రగధదమ
Exmple: all the three bodies bore multiple stab injuries.

liabilities - బధయతల


Assets - ఆసస, ధనగ, ధనసరరసరగ

liability - జవబదర బధయత

Debit - ఖరర, అపప, బక
Disadvantage - పగతకల పరససత, నషటమ
Downside - ససత
Drawback - అసకరయమ, లపమ
Handicap - పగతకలడ, పరగ పగదగల ఇతరల కగట మగద నలరట
Minus - తసవస, మనహ
Negative - అఖనరరకమవన, నజరరకమవన
Strike - దబబవయ, పనచయ నరకరగచ
Advantage - అనకలగ, లభగ/పగయజనగ
Asset - ఆసస, సతస
Edge - అగచ, పదన
Plus - చరరత, కడత
Related Phrases
liability insurance - బధయత బమ
limited liability - పరమత బధయత
tax liability - పనన బధయత
liability [Noun]

·2 the state of being legally obliged and responsible

·3 an obligation to pay money to another party
·4 the quality of being something that holds you back
ascertained - కనగనన

Determined - నరరయగచబడతగద
Example: However, the exact reason for the gruesome incident is yet to be ascertained.
shrink - వనకక మడచకన, కగచగచకనపవ

Compress - ఒతసడ చయడగ దరర పరమణగ తగగగచ, తకకవ పరమణగలక చరర ఒతసడ పగచ
Condense - చకకగ చయ, ఘనభవగచ
Constrict - బగతగ చయ, గటటగ బగగచ
Contract - సగకచగపజయ, కలప వస కబపసగ చయ
Balloon - గలబడగ, బటర
Expand - వససరగచ, వకసగచ, వకసగపచయయ, సగదయ
Snowball - సనబల
Swell - ఉబబ, వచ
Related Phrases
shrink back - వనక నగడ దడ
shrink from - నగడ కదగచ
Example: Do you shrink away from street foods,
shrink [Noun]

·5 a physician who specializes in psychiatry

shrink [Verb]

·6 wither, especially with a loss of moisture; "The fruit dried and shriveled"
·7 draw back, as with fear or pain; "she flinched when they showed the slaughtering
of the calf"
·8 reduce in size; reduce physically; "Hot water will shrink the sweater"; "Can you
shrink this image?"
·9 become smaller or draw together; "The fabric shrank"; "The balloon shrank"
·10 decrease in size, range, or extent; "His earnings shrank"; "My courage shrivelled
when I saw the task before me
unhygienic - అనరగయమవన

Insanitary - అపరశభదత
Unhealthful - unhealthful
Unsanitary - అపరశభదగగ అనరగయకరగగ
Exmaple: thinking they are unhealthy and unhygienic?
culinary - ఆహరనక సగబగధగచన, వగటశలక సగబగధగచన
Related Phrases
culinary art - పక కళ

instinct - సహజత పగవవతస, ఆతతశకస

Related Phrases
death instinct - మరణగ సరభవగ

comprehensive - అవసరమయన పగతద కలపకన, సరకరగచగల, సమగగమవన, సగపరరమవన

All-embracing - అగదరక ఆమదయగయమవన
All-inclusive - అనన కలపకన
Compendious - కగపడయస
Complete - పరసగ ఉనన, పరస చయబడన
Complete - పరసగ ఉనన, పరస చయబడన
Encyclopedic - ఎనవ నకబపడయ
Exhaustive - వసస వత, సమగగ
Full - నగడ, సగపరరమవన
Full - నగడ, సగపరరమవన
Global - పగపగచ
Inclusive - చరరకనన, కలపకనన, ఎకకవ లద అననటత కలపకనన
Omnibus - పదదబగడ
Omnibus - పదదబగడ
Panoramic - వసస వత
Thorough - పరపరరమవన, పరసయవన
Universal - పగపగచ సగబగధమవన, సమనయమవన
Imperfect - సమగగ రటపగ ఏరపడన, లపమ కలగన
Incomplete - పరసకన, అసగపరరమయన
Partial - పకకమవన, అసగపరరమవన
Partial - పకకమవన, అసగపరరమవన
Related Phrases
comprehensive school - సమగగ పఠశల
comprehensive [Adjective]

·11 broad in scope; "a comprehensive survey of world affairs"

·12 being the most comprehensive of its class; "an unabridged dictionary"
literary - వదయవధనగ, వదయసగబగధమవన


Bookish - పతపగచక జజనగ కగట పససక జజనగ ఎకకవకలవడ, చదపల నమగనమవన

Erudite - పగడతయమగల, పతఢ, శసససయయమవన
Learned - నరరకనన, చదవన


Colloquial - సమనయల మటబడ, పరసపరగ చరరగచకన

Nonliterary - nonliterary

Related Phrases

literary agent - సహత పగతనధ

literary argument - సహతయ వదన
literary composition - సహతయ కరప
literary critic - సహతయ వమరరకడ
literary criticism - సహతయ వమరర
literary genre - సహతయ పగకగయ
literary hack - సహతయ హక
literary pirate - సహతయ పవ రట
literary review - సహతయ సమక
literary study - సహతయ అధయయనగ
literary work - సహతయ పన

literary [Adjective]

·13 knowledgeable about literature; "a literary style"

·14 appropriate to literature rather than everyday speech or writing; "when trying to
impress someone she spoke in an affected literary style"

extensive - పదదఎతసన, వపలమవన, వశలమవన

Broad - వడలపట, వశల దవకపథమగల, వశలమవన, ఒకదనయకక భగమవన
Broad - వడలపట, వశల దవకపథమగల, వశలమవన, ఒకదనయకక భగమవన
Deep - లత
Expansive - వసస వత, వససరగపచస, వయపగచ
Extended - పడగగచన, వయపగచన, వససరగపజసన
Far-flung - దటర
Far-reaching - సదటర
Rangy - rangy
Sweeping - కవవసగ
Wide - వడలపయన, వశలమవన
Wide-ranging - వసస వత
Widespread - వసస వత
Narrow - సననమవన, ఇరకవన
ensive [Adjective]

·15 of agriculture; increasing productivity by using large areas with minimal outlay
and labor; "producing wheat under extensive conditions"; "agriculture of the
extensive type"
extensive []

·16 large in spatial extent or range; "an extensive Roman settlement in northwest
England"; "extended farm lands"
·17 having broad range or effect; "had extensive press coverage"; "far-reaching
changes in the social structure"; "sweeping reforms"
·18 large in number or quantity (especially of discourse); "she took copious notes";
"extensive press coverage"; "a subject of voluminous legislation"
·19 great in range or scope; "an extended vocabulary"; "surgeons with extended
experience"; "extensive examples of picture writing"; "suffered extensive
damage"; "a wide selection"

cuisine - వగటశల, తయరవన వగటకల


Cookery - పకశససగస
Cooking - వగట
regional - పతగతయ
rural - గతమణ


Bucolic - bucolic
Country - దశగ, నడ
Pastoral - మతసగబగధ
Urban - పటటణప, నగర సగబగధమవన
Related Phrases
anterior crural nerve - పరర కలకగన తడక గన సగబగధగచన నరల
rural area - గతమణ పతగతగల

complex - అరసగ కన, కబషటమవన

Establishment - ససపన, కదరపట, దటటమవన
Facility - సలవ, సలభత
Installation - సగససపన
Simple - సలభమగ గగహగపగల, సలభమవన
Simple - సలభమగ గగహగపగల, సలభమవన

complexity - సగకబషటత

Complexness - complexness
Complicatedness - complicatedness
Complication - అవలకణగ, వయదపరణమమ / మదరగతల ఊహగచన/ ఊహగచన ఘటటమ
Elaborateness - ఉననదనక
Intricacy - కబషటత
Involution - అగతరరలనమ, అగతరరలతమ-అవయవమ మడచకనట
Knottiness - knottiness
Sophistication - ఆడగబరగ
Plainness - plainness
Simpleness - simpleness
Simplicity - అమయకత, శగదద నరడగబరత
complexity [Noun]

·20 the quality of being intricate and compounded; "he enjoyed the complexity of
modern computers"

diverse - సరభవగల ఒకటగ లన, వరరర లకణమల గల

Different - భదమవన, వయతయసమవన, ఇతరమవన, వరవన
Disparate - మటలగశలల వరగ ఉనన
Dissimilar - వరగ ఉనన
Distant - దటరప, దటరమవన
Distinct - వరగ ఉనన, వసపషటమవన
Distinctive - భదగన తలయజసడ, వశషమవన
Distinguishable - పగతయకమవన
Other - మరక, ఇతరమవన
Other - మరక, ఇతరమవన
Unalike - unalike
Unlike - పలక లన, ఒకమదరగ లన
Alike - ఒకకలగ, సరగగ
Alike - ఒకకలగ, సరగగ
Identical - ఒకమదరగ ఉననట వగట, ఐడగటకల
Indistinguishable - వరగ తలయరన, భదగ చటపగచలన, పగతయకగచలన
Kin - బగధవ, కటగబ సభయల, దగగర సగబగధగ, బగధవరగగ
Kin - బగధవ, కటగబ సభయల, దగగర సగబగధగ, బగధవరగగ
Kindred - కగడదడ
Like - పలన
Parallel - ఒక పలక గల, సమగతరమవన
Same - ఒక మదర, ఇపపడ చపపబడన
Same - ఒక మదర, ఇపపడ చపపబడన
Similar - పలన, సరటపమగననన
diverse []

·21 many and different; "tourist offices of divers nationalities"; "a person of diverse
·22 distinctly dissimilar or unlike; "diverse parts of the country"; "celebrities as
diverse as Bob Hope and Bob Dylan"; "animals as various as the jaguar and the
cavy and the sloth"
despite - దరషభవమ
Contempt - ధకకరగ, ఏహయ భవగ
Disdain - ఏహయ భవమ, ఇతరల కగట తన అధకడనన భవగచ
Scorn - హనగగ చటచ, వకకరగత
Admiration - పగశగస, మపప
Esteem - గరవగ, ఎగచట, గపపగ తలచట, ఆదరగచ
Estimation - అగచన, లకయమ, వలవకటటడగ
Favor - అనకలమచయ, దయచయ
Regard - అనకన, పరగణగచ
Respect - మరయద, మగచగరవమ

despite [Noun]

·23 lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike; "he was held in
contempt"; "the despite in which outsiders were held is legendary"
·24 contemptuous disregard; "she wanted neither favor nor despite"
inspire - ఆసకసన పగరపగచ, శరస లనకపలర

Bear up - అప భరగచలదన
Buck up - అప బక
Embolden - పతతతహగచ, ధవరయగ చపప, ధవరయపరచ
Encourage - పతతతహగచ, ధవరయమవర, ధవరయపరచ
Hearten - ఉతతహపరర, ధవరయమ కలగగచ
Inspirit - జవగ పయ, పతతతహగచ, చవ తనయవగతగ చయ
Steel - ఉకక, ససరతరమలల దవఢతరమ
Daunt - నరతతహపరచ, వనకక లగ
Discourage - నరతతహపరచ, నరగరరట
Dishearten - నరతతహపరచనటబ చయ, నరగరర చరయ
Dispirit - నరతతహపరచ

overseas - వదశ

Related Phrases
overseas cap - వదశ టప
overseas telegram - వదశ టలగతమ

tough - పగలనటట, గటట అయన


Chewy - మతసగ యగడన

Leathery - తల వల నగడడ


Tender - లత

Related Phrases

tough guy - కఠనమవన వయకస

tough luck - కఠనమవన అదవషటగ

renounce - తయజగచ, సనయసగచ

Abdicate - తయజగచ, తయగగ చయ
Abnegate - తనకతనగ వదలకన, తయజగచ
Cede - హకకన వదలకన, హకకన మరకరక ఇచర
Relinquish - వదలకన, వసరరగచ
Resign - రజనమ చయ, పదవ వరమణ చయ
Surrender - లగగపవ, వరమగచ
renounce [Verb]

·25 give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations;
"The King abdicated when he married a divorcee"
·26 leave (a job, post, post, or position) voluntarily; "She vacated the position when
she got pregnant"; "The chairman resigned when he was found to have
misappropriated funds"
·27 turn away from; give up; "I am foreswearing women forever"
·28 cast off or disown; "She renounced her husband"; "The parents repudiated their
struck - పరగల

Affected - పగభవత
Affected - పగభవత

muddy - బరదల

Wet - తడ
Related Phrases
muddy up - బరదల అప

lay - ఉగచ, పటట


Depose - నయయససనగల పగమణపరరకగగ సకయమచర, అతయననత పదవ నగచ బలవగతగగ

Deposit - బయగకలన ఖతల జమ చయ మతసమ, భదదత కరకవ ఉగచన వససవ
Dispose - నరరత ససనగల ఏరపరచ, సదరపడనటబ చయ
Emplace - emplace
Fix - ససపగచ, నట
Place - ససలమ, పతగతమ
Position - తగన ఉదయగమ, సరవన ససనమ
Put - పగకటగచ, వయకసకరగచ
Set - సరగ ఏరపట చయ, సరవన ససతల వగచ
Set - సరగ ఏరపట చయ, సరవన ససతల వగచ
Set up - నరతగచట, రటపగదగచట
Situate - ఒక ససనగల ఉగచ, ఉదయగగ కలగయగడ
Stick - కరగ, చవర
Raise - లచనటబ చయ, పవ కతస

last - కడపట, చవరననన

Related Phrases

at last - చవర, ఆఖరక

at long last - దరర గత వదద
ballast resistor - అడగబరవ నరధకగ
blast furnace - బబసట ఫరనస
blast off - ఆఫ పలడ
blast trauma - పలడ గయగ
blast wave - పలడ వవ
every last - పగత గత
first and last - మదట మరయ చవర
in the last analysis - గత వశబషణల
last but not least - చవరద కన
last day - చవర రజ
last frontier - చవర సరహదదన
last gasp - గత మగగప
last half - గత సగగ
last hurrah - గత హరగ
last in first out - మగదగ గత
last judgement - గత తరప
last judgment - గత తరప
last laugh - గత నవరల
last mentioned - గత పరకననర
last mile - గత మవల
last minute - చవర నమషగల
last name - చవర పర
last not least - కనసగ ఉగడవ
last out - చవరగ అవట

last quarter - గత తవ మసకగల
last resort - ఆఖర కణగల
last respects - గత వధలగ
last rites - గత కరతల
last straw - ఆఖర ఉపదదవమ
last supper - గత రతద
last word - చవర పదగ

last [Verb]

·29 persist or be long; in time; "The bad weather lasted for three days"
·30 continue to live; endure or last; "We went without water and food for 3 days";
"These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America"; "The racecar driver
lived through several very serious accidents"
lost - పగటటకనన, పయన

Gone - పయన, గతమవన
Gone - పయన, గతమవన
Gone - పయన, గతమవన
Mislaid - హయవ
Misplaced - తపపగ
Missing - లద
Owned - యజమనయగల
Possessed - కలగ
Retained - అలగ
Related Phrases
lost cause - కలపయన కరణగ
lost tribes - కలపయన తగల
won-lost record - గలపగదనద కలపయగద రకరర

excessive - అదనప, నగడ, బహ, అతశయమవన

Unrestrained - అడర లన, సరచచగల

surveillance - పరయవకణ, జగగతసగ గమనగచట


Care - శగదర, జగగతస

Charge - నరరపణ, శకసన నగప
Guidance - ఉపదశమ, నడపగచడమ
Headship - నయకతరమ, పగధనతరమ
Oversight - పరయవకణ
Regulation - నయగతగ ణ
Stewardship - నయకతరగపవ
Superintendence - సటపరఇగటనరనత
Supervision - పరయవకణ
Related Phrases

electronic surveillance - ఎలకటసనక నఘ

foreign intelligence surveillance act - వదశ గటఢచర నఘ చటటగ
foreign intelligence surveillance court - వదశ గటఢచర నఘ కరట
surveillance of disease - వయధ నఘ
surveillance system - నఘ వయవసస

surveillance [Noun]

·31 close observation of a person or group (usually by the police)

tribute - కపపమ, నరబగధగగ చలబగచలతన మతసమ


Accolade - మరయద
Citation - పగశగసలత కడన వయకసగత వవరణ, అవరరత పట ఇచర వరరణతతక వవరణ
Commendation - మపపన
Dithyramb - dithyramb
Encomium - శబఘన
Eulogy - అతయగత శబఘన
Homage - వధయత, మరయద, పదదలయడ చటప గరవగ
Hymn - దవససత కరసన, భకసగతమ
Paean - పయన
Panegyric - పగడస, ససతగమ
Salutation - వగదనగ

trend - నరరత దకకల పవ, వవ ప వగగపవ


Incline - అనకలగగవగడ, వలగవగడ

Lean - ఆనకన, సననమవన
Run - పరగతస, తపపగచకనపవ
Tend - ఉగటయ

Straighten - నఠరగ

stink - దరరసన, బహరగగ వమరర

Reek - తవగ దరగగధమ, అత దరరసన
Related Phrases
stink bell - దరగగధగత గగట
stink bomb - బగబ దరరసన
stink fly - దరగగధగత ఫఫబ
stink out - బయటక దరరసన
stink up - అప దరరసన
stink [Verb]

·32 be extremely bad in quality or in one''s performance; "This term paper stinks!"
·33 smell badly and offensively; "The building reeks of smoke"

courtesy - మరయద, సజనయగ

Benevolence - మగచనకరడగ, ధరత గణగ
Boon - వరగ, లభగ, పగయజనగ
Favor - అనకలమచయ, దయచయ
Grace - అనగగహమ, రటపలవణయమల, దతవతరమ
Indulgence - కరక మ.వ. తరడగవలబ కలగ సగతవపస
Kindness - దయ
Mercy - దయ, కరణ
Service - సవ
Turn - తరగ, తదపప
Discourtesy - డసకరటస
Impoliteness - impoliteness
Incivility - మటదనగ, అమరయద
Rudeness - rudeness
Surliness - surliness
Ungraciousness - ungraciousness

Related Phrases
with courtesy - మరయద త

batter - కటట
Example: a young widow was found dead in Lucknow, her body severely battered

unforeseen - ఊహగచలన

Sudden - ఊహగపన, ఆకసతకమవన
Example: Due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict (as informed by L&D team) we will
have to move the diagnostic session from 27th Jun 2014 (Friday) to 30th Jun 2014

identical - ఒకమదరగ ఉననట వగట, ఐడగటకల

Same - ఒక మదర, ఇపపడ చపపబడన
Same - ఒక మదర, ఇపపడ చపపబడన
Selfsame - selfsame
Very - చల
Very - చల
Another - మరక
Different - భదమవన, వయతయసమవన, ఇతరమవన, వరవన
Other - మరక, ఇతరమవన
Other - మరక, ఇతరమవన
Related Phrases
identical twin - ఒక జగట

exhausted - అయపయన, అలసపయ, వగయమవన

Tired - అలసపయన, దసతన
Sleepy = ready to go to bed and sleep (yawn!)
I am very sleepy. I've been awake for the last 36 hours.

Exhausted = physically/mentally fatigued

I just ran a marathon; I'm exhausted

preclude - మటసవయ, దటరగగ ఉగచ

Avert - నవరగచ, వరగచ, తపపగచ, మళళగచ
Forestall - మగదఆరగభగచ, ఇతరలకగట మగదఆకగమగచ
Head off - ఆఫ తల
Help - సయమ చయ, తడపడ
Obviate - నవరగచ, తలగగచ
Prevent - నరధగచ, అడరకన
Stave off - అరకటటడనక
preclude [Verb]

·34 keep from happening or arising; have the effect of preventing; "My sense of tact
forbids an honest answer"
·35 make impossible, especially beforehand
obvious - సపషటమవన, పగతయకమవన

Apparent - సపషటగగ, అగపడ
Apparent - సపషటగగ, అగపడ
Bald - బటటతలగల, బడ
Barefaced - barefaced
Broad - వడలపట, వశల దవకపథమగల, వశలమవన, ఒకదనయకక భగమవన
Broad - వడలపట, వశల దవకపథమగల, వశలమవన, ఒకదనయకక భగమవన
Clear - మలనగ లనటట, నశరతమవన
Clear - మలనగ లనటట, నశరతమవన
Clear-cut - సపషటమవన కట
Crystal clear - కగసల
ట సపషటమవన
Decided - నరరయగచకగద
Distinct - వరగ ఉనన, వసపషటమవన
Evident - సపషటమవన, ససటమవన, వవరమవన, పగతయకమవన
Lucid - తలకగ అరదమగనటట
Luculent - luculent
Luminous - తజసతగల, పగతభవగతడవ న
Manifest - మనఫసట
Open-and-shut - ఓపన మరయ మటసవసగద
Palpable - తకతట లక నకకతట పరకగచట
Patent - హకక, అరరత
Pellucid - పరదరరకమవన, సరచచమవన
Perspicuous - అవగహన చసకగల, సపషటమవన
Plain - సహజమవన
Ringing - రగగగగ
Straightforward - నరగ
Transparent - బగగ కనబడనటట, సపషటమవన
Unambiguous - కపటమ లన, నసతగదహమవన
Unequivocal - సగదహనక తవవరనటట, సపషటమవన
Unmistakable - తపపగ తలచటక తవయయన, సపషటమవన
Ambiguous - అసపషట, సగదగరమవన/దరగదరరర బధక
Clouded - అధకగగ ఉగడడమ ఇగదక
Cryptic - గపసమవన
Dark - చకట, వలతర లన
Equivocal - సగదగరమవన, సగదహసపదమవన
Indistinct - అసపషటమయన, వశదగకన, గజబజగ ఉనన, గటఢమయన
Mysterious - రహసయమవన
Obscure - తలకగ అరరగకన, చకటబ కనపడన
Unapparent - unapparent
Unclear - అసపషటగగ
Unclouded - unclouded

obvious [Adjective]

·36 easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind; "a perceptible sense of
expectation in the court"; "an obvious (or palpable) lie"
·37 obvious to the eye; "a visible change of expression"

abstract - సగగగహగచ, పరగగహగచ, సగకపగచ

Conceptual - సగభవత
Ideal - సదగచదగన ఆదరరమ, కరదగన వటల ఉతసమమవన
Ideational - ideational
Metaphysical - అధభతక
Notional - అనకనన
Concrete - పదరసరటపగల ఉనన, సపషటమవన
Related Phrases
abstract art - అమటరస చతగ కళ, గరసగచదగన రటపమ, ఆకరమ లకగడ రగగలత భవవయకసకరణ
చయ చతగ రచన పదరత
abstract artist - నవ రటపయ కళకరడ
abstract expressionism - భతక రటపలక బదలగ భవలన మతగ మ పగదరరగచగల చతగ కళ
abstract thought - నవ రటపయ ఆలచన

abstract [Noun]

·38 a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance; "he loved her only in
the abstract--not in person"
·39 a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory
abstract [Adjective]

·40 existing only in the mind; separated from embodiment; "abstract words like
`truth'' and `justice''"
abstract [Verb]

·41 not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature; "a large
abstract painting"
·42 based on specialized theory; "a theoretical analysis"
·43 dealing with a subject in the abstract without practical purpose or intention;
"abstract reasoning"; "abstract science"

abstraction - సగకపగ, అమటరసకరణగ

abstracted - అమటరసకవత, సగకపసమవన

Separate - పగతయక
abstracted []

·44 taken out of or separated from; "possibility is...achievability, abstracted from

achievement"- A.N.Whitehead
·45 lost in thought; showing preoccupation; "an absent stare"; "an absentminded
professer"; "the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused
recurring - పనరవవత


Continual - నరగతర

Related Phrases

recurring decimal - పనరవవత దశగశ

revenant - మరణగతరగ తరగ వచర ఆతత
revenant [Noun]

·46 a person who returns after a lengthy absence

·47 someone who has returned from the dead
revenant [Adjective]

·48 coming back; "a revenant ghost"

bind - కటట, బగధగచ, బగధయనచయ, దరరరమవనద

Chain - గలస, సగకళబ వయ
Enchain - సగకళళ వయ, మగతగ మచత కటటబడ
Fetter - సగకల, శవగఖలమ
Handcuff - చత సగకళబ, చత సగకళబ వయ
Manacle - manacle
Pinion - పక రకక
Shackle - shackle
Trammel - చపల పటట ఓ రకమవన వల, పన, చలనమ

synopsis - సగగగహగ

Abstract - సగగగహగచ, పరగగహగచ, సగకపగచ
Breviary - breviary
Brief - సగకపసమగ
Capsule - రకటటల వడపగల వహక భగగ, కబపసమవన సరగశగ
Conspectus - సమగగ పరశలన, సరగశగ
Digest - ఆహరమన రకసమ గగహగచనటబగ మరపచయ, జరరగచ
Encapsulation - పరన అమరరట
Epitome - సగకపమ, సగగగహమ, సగకపగ సరగశగ
Inventory - జబతల చరరన వససవల, సమగగ జబత
Outline - ఆకరమ, రటప
Recap - పనశరరణ
Recapitulation - recapitulation
Roundup - రగడప
Run-through - రన దరర
Rundown - సగఖయల తగగగప, తకకవవ న
Sum - గణత శససమలస ఒక లకక, కగత మతసమ
Summarization - సగగగహగచటగ
Summary - సగగగహమ, సగగగహ నవదక
synopsis [Noun]

·49 a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory

abstract, breviary, brief, capsule, conspectus, digest, encapsulation, epitome,
inventory, outline, précis, recap, recapitulation, résumé (or resume also resumé),
roundup, rundown, run-through, sum, summa, summarization, summing-up, sum-up,
summary, wrap-up

noun \ˌek-spə-ˈdi-shən\
: a journey especially by a group of people for a specific purpose (such as to explore a
distant place or to do research)
: a group of people who travel together to a distant place : a group of people who go on
an expedition

Full Definition of EXPEDITION

a : a journey or excursion undertaken for a specific purpose
b : the group of persons making such a journey
: efficient promptness : speed
: a sending or setting forth
— ex·pe·di·tion·er \-sh(ə-)nər\ noun

Examples of EXPEDITION
a scientific expedition to Antarctica
<an avid mountain climber, always on an expedition to some far-off corner of the

return - తరగ

Replace - ససన పరస, పరస చయ

Restore - పనరదరరగచడనక


Ask - ఆడగ
Inquire - అడగ, వచరగచ, వవరల తలసకన, పగశనవయ
Question - పగశన, సగదహమ

Related Phrases

amended return - సవరగచన తరగ

carriage return - కయరజ రటరన
day return - రజ రబడ
estimated tax return - అగచన పనన తరగ
exponential return - వశషమవన తరగ
false return - రటరన ఫలత
in return - తరగ
income tax return - ఆదయగ పనన చలబగపల
information return - సమచరగ తరగ
joint return - ఉమతడ తరగ
law of diminishing returns - కణససనన ఆదయల చటటగ
point of no return - ఆపచయలన, అడరకలన
return address - చరనమ తరగ
return key - క తరగ
return ticket - టకట తరగ
tax return - పనన తరగ
returning - తరగ
Regressive - తరగమన
Related Phrases
returning officer - అధకర తరగ
verb \ri-ˈtərn\
: to come or go to a place again : to come back or go back again
: to bring, give, send, or take (something) to the place that it came from or the place
where it should go
: to bring or send (something that you bought) to the place that it came from because it
does not work or fit properly, because it is damaged, etc.

Examples of RETURN
We waited for you to return.
She is returning home tomorrow.
I'm leaving but will return at 2 p.m.
I have to return a book to the library.
I'm returning your ladder. Thanks for letting me borrow it.
The dishes were broken when they were delivered, so I had to return them.
I had to return the shirt and get a bigger size.
His jealousy returned when he saw his ex-wife with her new husband.
: the act of coming or going back to the place you started from or to a place where you
were before
: the act of going back to an activity, job, situation, etc. : the act of starting to do
something again after stopping
: the fact that something (such as a condition, feeling, or situation) happens again

Examples of RETURN
We are looking forward to your return.
We're looking forward to our return to Europe.
The team looked forward to his return to coaching.
a return to the old ways of farming
the department's return to normal
The people celebrated their leader's return to power.

dot - చనన మచర లక గరస, దశగశ బగదవ

Example: Garbagepiles are dotting many lanes of Jayanagar 3rd and 4th blocks, leading to
stench and mosquito menace, as in this dumping yard near NMKRV College in

embroil - గగదరగళ పరచ, కలవ బటట

Broil - అఱపలత కడన తగద
Embrangle - చకక పటట
Mire - రగప, బరద

pile - కపప, గటట

Related Phrases
atomic pile - పరమణ సమటహగ
compost pile - కగపసట పవ ల
galvanic pile - చలమ పవ ల
junk pile - జగక పవ ల

pile driver - పవ ల డవ వర
pile dwelling - పవ ల నవసససలగ
pile up - అప పవ ల
sheath pile - కశగ పవ ల
sheet pile - షట పవ ల
trash pile - చతస కపప
voltaic pile - వలటయక పవ ల

restoration - పనరదరరగచ, యధససతక వచర

Related Phrases
physical restoration - భతక పనరదరరణ

restoration [Noun]
·50 the reign of Charles II in England; 1660-1685
·51 the act of restoring something or someone to a satisfactory state
·52 getting something back again; "upon the restitution of the book to its rightful
owner the child was given a tongue lashing"
·53 the state of being restored to its former good condition; "the inn was a renovation
of a Colonial house"
·54 some artifact that has been restored or reconstructed; "the restoration looked
exactly like the original"
·55 a model that represents the landscape of a former geological age or that represents
and extinct animal etc.
·56 the re-establishment of the British monarchy in 1660

splitting - ఒక పదరసమన అనక భగమలగ చయట

concrete - పదరసరటపగల ఉనన, సపషటమవన


Actual - నజమవన
De facto - వససవగగ, వససవనక, నజగగ, వససత
Effective - సఫలమవన, సరసకమవన, ఉపయకసమవన, ఉపయగమవన
Existent - సజవ, యథరస, వగడ
Factual - వససవ
Genuine - ఎటవగట వగచన లన, వససవమవన ఆధర ససనగ నగచ వచరన
Real - వససవమవన, సతయమవన
Real - వససవమవన, సతయమవన
Sure-enough - ఖచరతగగ పదలగగ
True - నజమవన
True - నజమవన
True - నజమవన
Very - చల
Very - చల

Conjectural - ధగవమ కన, ఊహతతకమవన
Hypothetical - ఊహతతక
Ideal - సదగచదగన ఆదరరమ, కరదగన వటల ఉతసమమవన
Nonexistent - లన, లక ఉగడ
Platonic - గగక తతరవతసక సగబగదగచన
Possible - జరగటనక సధయమవన, చయడనక వలవ న
Potential - పన చయ శకస కలగన
Suppositional - కలపనతతకమవన

Related Phrases

concrete jungle - కగకగట అడవ

concrete mixer - కగకగట మకతర
concrete representation - కగకగట పతతనధయగ
reinforced concrete - రనసరతర కగకగట

stemmed - పడతగద


Stemless - stemless

Related Phrases

crooked-stemmed aster - వగకర - పడతగద గవగతగ

purple-stemmed aster - ఊద రగగ పడతగద గవగతగ
stem - కగడమ, తడమ భగమ

Related Phrases

blue stem - నలగ మటల

brain stem - మససషకగళరర ల మరయ వననపమ కలసన సగధ పగదశమ
decimal system of classification - వరగకరణ దశగశ వయవసస
embryonic stem-cell research - పగడ మటలకణ పరశధన
international system of units - యటనటబ అగతరరతయ వయవసస
onion stem - ఉలబపయ మటల
small computer system interface - సతల కగపయటర ససటమ యగటరసస
stem blight - మడత కగడమ
stem canker - మకక కమతలపవ కత కగడమ
stem cell - సల కగడమ
stem ginger - అలబగ కగడమ
stem lettuce - పలకర కగడమ

functioning - పనతర

Functional - ఒక అవయవమ యకక వధక సగబగధగచన
Operative - పనచస, కరయరటపమవన

bold - నసతగకచగగల, సహసగగల, పదద అకరమల గల

Adventuresome - సహసమవన
Adventurous - సహస, తగవగల
Audacious - పగరగల, సగగమలన, ధవరయగగల
Daring - సహసగగల, తగవగల
Dashing - సహస
Emboldened - emboldened
Enterprising - సహసలవ న, ధరలవ న
Gutsy - gutsy
Hardy - గటట, సహసమగల, దవఢమవన
Nervy - nervy
Venturesome - venturesome
Venturous - venturous

Unadventurous - unadventurous
Unenterprising - unenterprising

Related Phrases
bold face - పదదవగ
make bold - సహసగచ, ధవరయగ చయ
with boldness - ధవరయగ త
contraction - సగకచమ


Compaction - నడమ కహరప కననమల శశవ తల ఇరకకనట

Compression - ఒతసడ వవ దయమ
Condensation - వయవన దదవమగ మరరట
Condensing - గడరకటట
Constricting - constricting
Constriction - కగచనమ
Contracting - ఒపపగదనక
Squeeze - పగడ వయ, గటటగ కగలగచ
Squeezing - పవ న


Decompression - మటల పదరసమలన వరపరచ

Expansion - వశలగ, వసస వత, వకసగ, వవధర

contraction [Noun]

·57 (physiology) a shortening or tensing of a part or organ (especially of a muscle or

muscle fiber)
·58 the process or result of becoming smaller or pressed together; "the contraction of
a gas on cooling"
·59 a word formed from two or more words by omitting or combining some sounds;
"`won''t'' is a contraction of `will not''"; "`o''clock'' is a contraction of `of the
·60 the act of decreasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope

noun \kən-ˈtrak-shən\
: the act or process of making something smaller or of becoming smaller
medical : a movement of a muscle that causes it to become tight and that is sometimes
painful; especially : a movement of muscles in the womb when a woman is giving birth
to a child
: a short form of a word or word group that is made by leaving out a sound or letter

Full Definition of CONTRACTION

1 a : the action or process of contracting : the state of being contracted
b : the shortening and thickening of a functioning muscle or muscle fiber
c : a reduction in business activity or growth
2 : a shortening of a word, syllable, or word group by omission of a sound or letter; also :
a form produced by such shortening
— con·trac·tion·al \-shnəl, -shə-nəl\ adjective
— con·trac·tive \kən-ˈtrak-tiv, ˈkän-ˌ\ adjective
— con·trac·tion·ary \kən-ˈtrak-shə-ˌner-ē\ adjective

The hot metal undergoes contraction as it cools.
Two teams were eliminated in the contraction of the baseball league.
She felt contractions every two minutes.
The word don't is a contraction of do not.

contracted - సగకపస, సగకచత

Contractile - contractile
Narrowed - తకకవ
Shrunk - కణసటస
Shrunken - కగచగచకపయన
Expanded - వససరగచన, వకసగచన, సగదసన

possession - సరధనగ


Control - నయగతగ ణ పరచ, కగమ పరచ

Enjoyment - అనభవమ, సఖనభవమ, భగమ, ఆనగదగచడగ
Hands - కరతకల, పనవళబ
Keeping - ఉగచడగ
Related Phrases

actual possession - వససవ సరధనగ

constructive possession - సగభవత సరధనగ, నయయశససరతయ
possession [Noun]

·61 the act of having and controlling property

·62 anything owned or possessed
·63 being controlled by passion or the supernatural
·64 a mania restricted to one thing or idea
·65 a territory that is controllled by a ruling state
·66 the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior
·67 (sport) the act of controlling the ball (or puck); "they took possession of the ball
on their own goal line"

noun \-ˈze-shən also -
: the condition of having or owning something
: something that is owned or possessed by someone
law : the crime of having something that is illegal (such as a drug or weapon)

Full Definition of POSSESSION

a : the act of having or taking into control
b : control or occupancy of property without regard to ownership
c : ownership
d : control of the ball or puck; also : an instance of having such control (as in football)
<scored on their first two possessions>
: something owned, occupied, or controlled : property
a : domination by something (as an evil spirit, a passion, or an idea)
b : a psychological state in which an individual's normal personality is replaced by
c : self-possession
— pos·ses·sion·al \-ˈzesh-nəl, -ˈze-shə-nəl also -ˈsesh-nəl or -ˈse-shə-nəl\ adjective
— pos·ses·sion·less \-ˈze-shən-ləs, -ˈse-\ adjective

Examples of POSSESSION
The city can take possession of the abandoned buildings.
She came into possession of a rare silver coin.
The family lost all of its possessions in the fire.
This ring was my mother's most precious possession.
The defendant was charged with heroin possession.

feud - వగశకలహమ, జనతవరధమ

Related Phrases
blood feud - జజతవవ రగ, కలవవ రగ

feud [Noun]

·68 a bitter quarrel between two parties

feud [Verb]

·69 carry out a feud; "The two professors have been feuding for years"
animosity - పగ, దరషభవగ, వవ రగ


Animus - వరధగ, దరషగ

Antagonism - వరధగ, వరదరగ, వవ రమ
Antipathy - దరషమ, అసహయత, పగ, వవ రమ
Bad blood - శతగతర భవమ, వవ షమయ భవమ
Bitterness - చద, కగ రగ, తవగగ
Enmity - శతగతరగ, పగ, వరధమ, వవ రమ
Gall - శతగతరభవమ, పవ తయ రసగ
Grudge - పగ, ఎదట వయకస మద అసటయపడ, వవ రభవమ
Hostility - పగ, వరధమ
Jaundice - కమర బ వయద, కళళ పచరబడ వయధ
Rancor - తలకగగదలగ పడన, అససరమవన

Amity - సనహగ, వహతమ

sity [Noun]

·70 a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility

Example: Shah Rukh and Salman Khan have set an iftaar tradition of sorts. The feuding
superstars, whose six-year-long animosity has now reached fabled proportions, hugged
each other warmly at an iftaar party hosted by Congress MLA Baba Siddique in Mumbai

fabled - కథలల చపపబడన, పగసదరమవన


Fabulous - లనపన, కలపతమవన, కవతదమమవన, మథయయవన

Legendary - పరణ సగ, ఇతహసనక సగబగధగచన
Mythical - పరణక
proportion - రగడ రశల సగబగధమ, సమతలయమ


Balance - సమతటగ, నలకడగఉగడ, తయయ

Coherence - సగదరరశదర, ఒకదనకకట అగటకన ఉగడనద, సగదరరశదర గలద
Consonance - అనగణయత
Harmony - భగల గల పగదక, అనసరణ
Orchestration - వదయ
Symmetry - అవయవన రటపతరమ
Symphony - సగపరర వదయ గషష, శబదల రగగల సమనరయమ
Unity - ఒకటగ ఉగడట, ఐకయమ

Asymmetry - అసషషవగ
Discordance - అపశవత
Disproportion - అత పదద లక అత చనన అయన ససత
Disunity - వరపట
Imbalance - అసమతలయత
Incoherence - incoherence
Violence - హగస

symphony - సగపరర వదయ గషష, శబదల రగగల సమనరయమ


Balance - సమతటగ, నలకడగఉగడ, తయయ

Coherence - సగదరరశదర, ఒకదనకకట అగటకన ఉగడనద, సగదరరశదర గలద
Consonance - అనగణయత
Harmony - భగల గల పగదక, అనసరణ
Orchestration - వదయ
Proportion - రగడ రశల సగబగధమ, సమతలయమ
Symmetry - అవయవన రటపతరమ
Unity - ఒకటగ ఉగడట, ఐకయమ
Asymmetry - అసషషవగ
Discordance - అపశవత
Disproportion - అత పదద లక అత చనన అయన ససత
Disunity - వరపట
Imbalance - అసమతలయత
Incoherence - incoherence
Violence - హగస
coherence - సగదరరశదర, ఒకదనకకట అగటకన ఉగడనద, సగదరరశదర గలద


Definition of COHERENCE
: the quality or state of cohering: as
a : systematic or logical connection or consistency
b : integration of diverse elements, relationships, or values
: the property of being coherent <a plan that lacks coherence>
Examples of COHERENCE
<the house has been expanded and remodeled so many times that now it's a jumbled
mess that lacks coherence>

adjective \kō-ˈhir-ənt, -
: logical and well-organized : easy to understand
: able to talk or express yourself in a clear way that can be easily understood
: working closely and well together

Full Definition of COHERENT

a : logically or aesthetically ordered or integrated : consistent <coherent style> <a
coherent argument>
b : having clarity or intelligibility : understandable <a coherent person> <a coherent
: having the quality of holding together or cohering; especially : cohesive, coordinated <a
coherent plan for action>
a : relating to or composed of waves having a constant difference in phase <coherent
b : producing coherent light <a coherent source>
— co·her·ent·ly adverb

Examples of COHERENT
He proposed the most coherent plan to improve the schools.
They are able to function as a coherent group.
reposition - ససననన
reposition [Noun]

·71 depositing in a warehouse

reposition [Verb]

·72 change place or direction; "Shift one''s position"

·73 place into another position
stuck - కషటగ

Perplexed - కలవరపడరడ
Related Phrases
get stuck - కరకపయ
stuck with - త కషటగ

What is the difference between stuck struck?

Stuck: means you cant get out of something, as in "you are stuck in quicksand."

("Stuck" is the past tense of "stick")

Struck: means to strike or hit something, as in "he struck the fence with the bat"
("Struck" is the past tense of "strike")

“Struck”, as a verb is the past and past participle of the verb word ‘strike’ ~~~ strike –
struck –struck/stricken – striking, which means ‘to hit someone or something with one’s
hand or using a stick or some other weapon; to hit something or someone against
something else; (of an idea, plan) to get it into one’s mind suddenly, usually when one is
not actually thinking about it; (of a clock) to make a sound, such as ringing of a bell or by
giving the ding-dong sound, to show the hour of the day or night’
The cruel man struck the little child hard across her face whenever she asked for food.
We started exactly when the clock struck 10. [i.e. exactly when the clock showed ten O’
clock, probably with a sound of ringing bell]
After walking for while, it struck her that she was all alone in a dirty dark alley. [i.e. she
got into her head all of a sudden that she was alone]
“Stuck”, as a verb, is the past and past participle form of the verb word ‘stick’ ~~~stick –
stuck – stuck – sticking, which means ‘to push a sharp object, such as a pin, needle or
knife, into something or somebody; to fix or attach something, usually using a substance,
such as glue/gum, to something else; to put down something, such as a bag or box, in a
place quickly or carelessly; to be in a place and unable to move; to be in/with or accept a
difficult or unpleasant situation or person’,
Young children stuck their fingers in their noses.
She put some glue on the broken pieces of the vase and stuck them together.
Oops, I’m sorry! My teacher told me to stick the list of names on the notice-board, but I
stuck them on the blackboard.

substance - వషయమ, పగధనగశమ

Making - మకగగ
Material - భతక, వశష
Raw material - మడ పదరసగ
Stuff - వససవ, పదరసమ
Timber - వడదగగ పనక ఉపయగపడ కయయ, భవన భరగ భరగచ పగధన దటలమ

put back [Verb]

·74 put something back where it belongs; "replace the book on the shelf after you
have finished reading it"; "please put the clean dishes back in the cabinet when
you have washed them"
·75 cost a certain amount; "My daughter''s wedding set me back $20,000"
get back - పగటటకనన ససననన, ఆరగయనన తరగ పగదట
get back [Verb]

·76 come back to place where one has been before, or return to a previous activity
·77 recover something or somebody that appeared to be lost; "We got back the money
after we threatened to sue the company"; "He got back his son from the
·78 take revenge or even out a score; "I cannot accept the defeat--I want to get even"
·79 get one''s revenge for a wrong or an injury; "I finally settled with my old enemy"

rubbish - వయరస పదరసమ, ఉపయగగ లన వససవ

Chaff - ఊక, ధనయగపవ పటట
Deadwood - deadwood
Debris - చలబచదరవన చతస
Dross - చతసగ, చతస, మలనల, పనక రన
Dust - దమత, చతస, తటట, ధటళ మదలవ నవ
Garbage - వయరసపదరసమ, ఇగట చతస
Junk - చతస, రశ
Litter - డల, పలబక
Offal - చతస, మగగన
Raffle - లటర
Refuse - లద, కద
Riffraff - riffraff
Scrap - నటరగ వనన వల, నటరగ చయ
Scrap - నటరగ వనన వల, నటరగ చయ
Trash - నరపయగ వససవ, కపప
Truck - ఎకకవ చకగల లర, సరకలన రవణ చస తటటలగట వహనగ
Waste - చకకదదదబడన, నసతరమవన
Related Phrases
rubbish dump - చతస డగప
rubbish heap - చతస కపప
rubbish [Noun]

·80 worthless material that is to be disposed of

·81 nonsensical talk or writing
rubbish [Verb]

·82 attack strongly

glorious - కరసగల, దవయమవన

August - ఆగషట
Baronial - baronial
Epic - ఇతహసగ, కవయమ, మహకవయగ, పగబగధమ
Gallant - అదరతమవన, అగదమవన
Grand - పదదగ అగదగగ కనపససనన, ఉతసమమవన
Grandiose - గతగడయస, బదహతగడమవన ఆడగబరగత కడన
Homeric - హమరక
Imperial - అతయననతధకరగ కలగన, రజయ సగబగధమవన
Imposing - గగభరమవన
Magnificent - దవయ, వవ భవపత
Majestic - ఘన, గపప
Massive - భర, చలపదద
Monumental - సతరక
Noble - తలవ కలగన, పరరకలమ వకవధమవన బగగర నణయమ
Proud - గరరగగ
Regal - రజ ఠవత కడన, రజరక సగబగధమవన
Royal - రజఠవగల, రజరక సగబగధమవన
Splendid - అదరతమవన, శగషషమవన
Stately - గగభరమవన
Humble - లగగనటట, అనకవగల
Unimposing - unimposing
Unimpressive - బదరక అగదన, సరరశయమ లన
glorious [Adjective]

·83 having or worthy of pride; "redoubtable scholar of the Renaissance"; "born of a

redoubtable family"
·84 bringing great happiness and thankfulness; "glorious freedom"; "glorious times"
·85 characterized by or attended with brilliance or grandeur; "the brilliant court life at
Versailles"; "a glorious work of art"; "magnificent cathedrals"; "the splendid
coronation ceremony"
·86 having great beauty and splendor; "a glorious spring morning"; "a glorious
sunset"; "splendid costumes"; "a kind of splendiferous native simplicity"

tenure - పదవ

Hitch - తటలన జరప, ఊపత పవ కతస

Stint - మయజలనన
Term - నరరత కలగ
Tour - ఉలబస పగయణగ, సగచరగ చయ
Related Phrases
land tenure - భటమ పదవకలగ

noun \ˈten-yər also -ˌyuur\
: the amount of time that a person holds a job, office, or title
: the right to keep a job (especially the job of being a professor at a college or university)
for as long as you want to have it
law : the right to use property

Full Definition of TENURE

: the act, right, manner, or term of holding something (as a landed property, a position, or
an office); especially : a status granted after a trial period to a teacher that gives
protection from summary dismissal
: grasp, hold
— ten·ur·able \-ə-bəl\ adjective
— te·nur·ial \te-ˈnyuur-ē-əl\ adjective
— te·nur·ial·ly \-ə-lē\ adverb

Examples of TENURE
During his tenure as head coach, the team won the championship twice.
her 12-year tenure with the company
His tenure in office will end with the next election.
After seven years I was finally granted tenure.
He hopes to get tenure next year.
The defendant did not have tenure on the land

sanitation - పరసరల పరశభదత

presence - ఉనక
Company - సహచరల, ఒక చట చరన పగజల సమటహగ
Sight - దవషట, కనచటప
Absence - పరకగ, లకగడడగ
present - హజరగ, ఆ ససలగల ఉగడ

Attending - హజర
Ever-present - ఎపపడ ఉగడ
Existing - వగడ, వదయమనమవన
Omnipresent - అగదరక తలయజస, సరరవయపయవన
Ubiquitous - సరరవయపస
Absent - హజర కన, పగతయకగగలన

oblige - ఉపకరమ చయ
Accommodate - వసత కలపగచ
Favor - అనకలమచయ, దయచయ
Disoblige - సహయ నరకరణ చయ, బధయతన నరకబ యగ చయ
oblige [Verb]

·87 force or compel somebody to do something; "We compel all students to fill out
this form"
·88 bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted; "He''s held by a contract"; "I''ll hold
you by your promise"
·89 provide a service or favor for someone; "We had to oblige him"
obligate - బదదనన చయ

Blackjack - బబకరక
Coerce - బలవగతగగ పతతతహగచ, ఇషటగ లకనన నరబగధగచ పతతతహగచ
Compel - బలవగతపటట, ఆదశగచ
Constrain - అవసరనన బటట బలవగతగ చయ, అణచవయ
Dragoon - డతగన
Drive - నడప, మగదక నడప, తల, వహరగ
Force - శకస, బలమ
Impel - చలనగ కలగగచ, మగదక నడపగచ
Impress - ధరణ చయ, మనసతపవ న పగభవగ కనబరచ
Make - తయర, నరతణగ
Muscle - మనష శరరగల ఉగడ కగడరల, బలమ
Oblige - ఉపకరమ చయ
Press - ససరగగ ఒతసడ చయ, నలపవయ
Pressure - ఒతసడ, పడనగ, రకసపడనగ
Sandbag - sandbag

Facultative - మర పరసరలగద నవసగచగల లకణమ
Related Phrases
obligate anaerobe - వధ వయ
verb \ˈä-blə-ˌgāt\
: to make (a person or organization) do something because the law requires it or because
it is the right thing to do

Full Definition of OBLIGATE

transitive verb
1 : to bind legally or morally : constrain
2 : to commit (as funds) to meet an obligation

Examples of OBLIGATE
The contract obligates the firm to complete the work in six weeks.
<the problem is of your own making, so don't think that you can obligate me to help>
impel - చలనగ కలగగచ, మగదక నడపగచ

Actuate - చలగచనటబ చయ
Drive - నడప, మగదక నడప, తల, వహరగ
Move - చలనమల వగచ, చలగపజయ
Propel - మగదక నడపగచ, పగరపగచ
Work - చసన పన, శకసన ఉపయగగచ చస పన, చయవలసన పన, పగతయకమవన పన
impel [Verb]

·90 urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate

·91 cause to move forward with force; "Steam propels this ship"
actuate - చలగచనటబ చయ
Activate - కగయశలగ చయయ
Drive - నడప, మగదక నడప, తల, వహరగ
Move - చలనమల వగచ, చలగపజయ
Run - పరగతస, తపపగచకనపవ
Set off - పగలపవట, మగడపవట
Spark - నపపరవర, అగనకణమ
Start - పతరగభగచ, బయలదర
Touch off - ఆఫ తక
Trigger - తపకల గల కల, తగచటటన వడపగచ తలదగడగ లక పడ
Turn on - ఆన
Cut - కతసత కయ, బబడత కతసరగచ
Cut out - కటట
Deactivate - సమరగచయ
Kill - చగపవయ, అగతమచయ, ఫలతగ లకగడ చయ, సహజ చవ తనయనన నశగపజయ
Shut off - ఆపవయడగల
Turn off - ఆఫ

actuate [Verb]

·92 put in motion or move to act; "trigger a reaction"; "actuate the circuits"
·93 give an incentive for action; "This moved me to sacrifice my career"

set off [Verb]

·94 put in motion or move to act; "trigger a reaction"; "actuate the circuits"
·95 leave; "The family took off for Florida"
·96 direct attention to, as if by means of contrast; "This dress accentuates your nice
figure!"; "I set off these words by brackets"
·97 cause to explode; "We exploded the nuclear bomb"
·98 make up for; "His skills offset his opponent''s superior strength"
·99 set in motion or cause to begin; "The guide set the tour off to a good start"
·100 provoke or stir up; "incite a riot"; "set off great unrest among the people"
offset - లపమన సరచయ
Balance - సమతటగ, నలకడగఉగడ, తయయ
Corrective - దదదడ, సవరగచడ, సగసకరగచడ
బ ఉగడ కగటర
Counter - పకటల లకకల వస అటట, బయగక, హటళల
Counteraction - counteraction
Counterbalance - counterbalance
Counterpoise - counterpoise
Counterweight - వరదదగగ
Equipoise - సరతటగడమ, అవ సరగగ తటగనవ
Continuance - కనసగగచడనక
Continuation - పడగగప

: to cancel or reduce the effect of (something) : to create an equal balance between two

Full Definition of OFFSET

transitive verb
a : to place over against something : balance <credits offset debits>
b : to serve as a counterbalance for : compensate <his speed offset his opponent's greater
: to form an offset in <offset a wall>
intransitive verb
: to become marked by offset

Examples of OFFSET
Gains in one area offset losses in another.
The limited storage space in the house is offset by the large garage.

onset - దడ, పవ న పడ

Aggression - ఆకగమణ, శతవతరధరణ/దరకగమణ
Assault - దడ చయయ, పవబడ
Attack - దడ చయయ, ఆకగమగచ, పవ బడ
Attempt - పగయతనగచ
Blitz - ఆకసతక దడ, దడక గర అవర, ధరగసమవర
Blitzkrieg - బబటరటస గ
Charge - నరరపణ, శకసన నగప
Coup de main - అగతమ పగధన
Descent - దగడగననన ససలగ, తకకవ ససతక వచరట, దగట, శతగవల పవ బడట
Offensive - కపమ పటటగచ, అసహయగ పటటగచ
Onslaught - తకడ, భకరమవన దడ
Raid - ఆకసతక దడ, ఉదదశ పరరకమవన దడ
Rush - చతసడనలల పరగ గడరమకక
Rush - చతసడనలల పరగ గడరమకక
Strike - దబబవయ, పనచయ నరకరగచ

Close - దగగరగ, సమపగల
Conclusion - మగగప, అగతగ, సమపస
End - మగగచ, చవర, కన, అగతయమ
Ending - మగగప
Omega - గగక వరరమలల చవర అకరగ

onset [Noun]

·101 the beginning or early stages; "the onset of pneumonia"

·102 (military) an offensive against an enemy (using weapons); "the attack
began at dawn"
attempt - పగయతనగచ

Related Phrases

takeover attempt - పగయతనగన

renounce - తయజగచ, సనయసగచ


Abdicate - తయజగచ, తయగగ చయ

Abnegate - తనకతనగ వదలకన, తయజగచ
Cede - హకకన వదలకన, హకకన మరకరక ఇచర
Relinquish - వదలకన, వసరరగచ
Resign - రజనమ చయ, పదవ వరమణ చయ
Surrender - లగగపవ, వరమగచ

lower - తగగన, కగదక దగచ

lower [Noun]

·103 (usually preceded by `no'') lower in esteem; "no less a person than the king
·104 inferior in rank or status; "the junior faculty"; "a lowly corporal"; "petty
officialdom"; "a subordinate functionary"
·105 the bottom one of two; "he chose the lower number"
·106 of the underworld; "nether regions"
lower [Verb]

·107 move something or somebody to a lower position; "take down the vase
from the shelf"
·108 set lower; "lower a rating"; "lower expectations"
·109 cause to drop or sink; "The lack of rain had depressed the water level in
the reservoir"
·110 make lower or quieter; "turn down the volume of a radio"
·111 look angry or sullen, wrinkle one''s forehead, as if to signal disapproval


Examples of LOWER
<he turned to see the scornful lower on her face>
: located below another or others of the same kind
: located toward the bottom part of something
: not high above the ground

Full Definition of LOWER

: relatively low in position, rank, or order
: southern <lower New York State>
: less advanced in the scale of evolutionary development
a : situated or held to be situated beneath the earth's surface
b capitalized : being an earlier epoch or series of the period or system named <Lower
Cretaceous> <Lower Paleolithic>
: constituting the popular and often the larger and more representative branch of a
bicameral legislative body <lower house>

Examples of LOWER
the ship's upper and lower decks
The message appeared on the lower portion of the screen.
the mountain's upper and lower slopes
The forecast is for strong winds at lower elevations.
in the lower and higher latitudes
the lower and upper peninsulas
verb \ˈlō-ər\

Definition of LOWER
intransitive verb
: to move down : drop; also : diminish
transitive verb
a : to let descend : let down
b : to depress as to direction <lower your aim>
c : to reduce the height of
a : to reduce in value, number, or amount
b (1) : to bring down in quality or character : degrade (2) : abase, humble
c : to reduce the objective of
— lower the boom
: to deal a crushing blow or punishment

pertain - కలగయగడ, తగగయగడ

Appertain - వధగ సగబగధగచ ఉగడ, తగయగడ
Belong - చగద, సగబగధగచ
pertain [Verb]

·112 have to do with or be relevant to; "There were lots of questions referring
to her talk"; "My remark pertained to your earlier comments"
·113 be a part or attribute of

verb \pər-ˈtān\
: to relate to someone or something : to have a connection to a person or thing

Full Definition of PERTAIN

intransitive verb
1 a (1) : to belong as a part, member, accessory, or product (2) : to belong as an attribute,
feature, or function <the destruction pertaining to war> (3) : to belong as a duty or right
<rights that pertain to fatherhood>
b : to be appropriate to something <which rule pertains?>
2 : to have reference <books pertaining to birds>

Examples of PERTAIN
books pertaining to the country's history
<the belief that quality medical care is a right that pertains to everyone>
refer - దవషటక తచర, పరగణలక తచర

Appertain - వధగ సగబగధగచ ఉగడ, తగయగడ

Apply - అనవరసగచ, సరపడ
Bear - మయయ, భరగచ
Pertain - కలగయగడ, తగగయగడ
Relate - వషయగ తలయ జయ, చపప

verb \ri-ˈfər\
: to send (someone or something) to a particular person or place for treatment, help,
advice, etc.

Full Definition of REFER

transitive verb
a (1) : to think of, regard, or classify within a general category or group (2) : to explain in
terms of a general cause
b : to allot to a particular place, stage, or period
c : to regard as coming from or located in a specific area
a : to send or direct for treatment, aid, information, or decision <refer a patient to a
specialist> <refer a bill back to a committee>
b : to direct for testimony or guaranty as to character or ability
intransitive verb
a : to have relation or connection : relate
b : to direct attention usually by clear and specific mention <no one referred to
yesterday's quarrel>
: to have recourse : glance briefly <referred frequently to his notes while speaking>
— re·fer·able \ˈre-f(ə-)rə-bəl, ri-ˈfər-ə-\ adjective
— re·fer·rer \ri-ˈfər-ər\ noun

Examples of REFER
How can doctors refer patients for treatment without examining them first?
Most of the patients we see here were referred by other doctors.

noun \di-ˈstrək-shən\
: the act or process of damaging something so badly that it no longer exists or cannot be
repaired : the act or process of destroying something
Full Definition of DESTRUCTION
1 : the state or fact of being destroyed : ruin
2 : the action or process of destroying something
3 : a destroying agency

War results in death and widespread destruction.
We are trying to save the building from destruction.
destruction - నశగప

Annihilation - వనశనగ, నరటతలనగ, నశగ

Decimation - హతగ
Demolition - నశనగ చయట, పడదతయట
Desolation - నరరనమవ
Devastation - వధరగసగ
Extermination - దగప నశనమ, సమటల నశనమ
Extinction - నశనమ, నరటతలమ
Havoc - వనశనమ, నశనమ
Loss - నషటమ, నశమ
Mincemeat - mincemeat
Obliteration - తడచ వయ, మసపవ
Ruin - నశనమ, కణగచడమ
Ruination - ruination
Wastage - వవధ చయబడనటట, వయరసగ
Wreckage - శధలల

Building - కటటబడన నవసగవహగ
Construction - నరతణమ
Erection - నరతణగ, కటటడమ, భవగత, నకకడగ
Raising - పగచడగ
Related Phrases
destruction fire - వధరగసగ అగన
weapon of mass destruction - సమటహక వనశనగ యకక ఆయధగ
destruction [Noun]

·114 termination by an act of destruction

·115 an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something
·116 a final state; "he came to a bad end"; "the so-called glorious experiment
came to an inglorious end"

streamline - పగసరణ
streamline flow - అడర లన పగసరణ

Definition of STREAMLINE
1 : the path of a particle in a fluid relative to a solid body past which the fluid is moving
in smooth flow without turbulence
2 a : a contour designed to minimize resistance to motion through a fluid (as air)
b : a smooth or flowing line designed as if for decreasing air resistance

transitive verb .
: to design or make (something, such as a boat or car) with a smooth shape which makes
motion through water or air easier
: to make (something) simpler, more effective, or more productive

Full Definition of STREAMLINE

1 : to design or construct with a streamline
2 : to bring up to date : modernize
3 a : to put in order : organize
b : to make simpler or more efficient <a system that streamlines the process>

Examples of STREAMLINE
The manufacturer has streamlined the car's design.
The business is looking for ways to streamline production.

empower - సధకరమవర
Accredit - గరసగచ, నయగగచ
Authorize - అధకరమవర, అధకరగనచర
Certify - ఓ వషయనన సతయమన ధవవపరచ, ఆధర పడనదగ పగకటగచ
Commission - వయపర పగతఫలగ, పగభతరగ ఏరపట చస అధకర వరగగ
Enable - సశకస పరవ
Invest - చటటట ఆవరగచ, మటటడచయ
Qualify - అరరత పగద, సమరరతన నరటపగచ
Vest - చకక
Warrant - అధకరమ, నయయమ
Disqualify - అరరతలదన పగకటగచ
empower [Verb]

·117 give or delegate power or authority to; "She authorized her assistant to
sign the papers"
·118 give qualities or abilities to

verb \im-ˈpauu(-ə)r\
: to give power to (someone)
: to give official authority or legal power to (someone)

Full Definition of EMPOWER

transitive verb
: to give official authority or legal power to <empowered her attorney to act on her
: enable 1a
: to promote the self-actualization or influence of <women's movement has been
inspiring and empowering women — Ron Hansen>
— em·pow·er·ment \-mənt\ noun

Examples of EMPOWER
seeking changes in the workplace that will empower women
<the federal agency empowered to collect taxes>

nature - సహజమగ ఉదరవగచనవ

Character - సరభవగ, గణగ
Clay - బగక మనన, మటట పతగ ల చసగదక ఉపయగగచద
Colors - రగగల
Complexion - మఖ చరతమల ఛయ
Constitution - శరరకవత
Genius - గపప సహజ మథ సమరసరమ, మథ సమరసరగ గల వయకస
Personality - మటరసమతరమ - పగవరసన రతల
Self - తనక తన, సరగత ఆసకస
Tone - కగఠ సరరమ, శబద లకణమ

reconcile - పనరదరరగచ, పరషకరగచ


Accommodate - వసత కలపగచ

Attune - శగతచయయ
Conciliate - సమధన పరచ, శగత పరచ
Conform - నయమల అనసరగచ, సగపగదయల అనసరగచ
Coordinate - సమనరయగ
Harmonize - పగదక చయట, ఇమడక చయట, కగమపరచట
Key - బగల, తళగ చవ

reconcile [Verb]

·119 make compatible with; "The scientists had to accommodate the new
results with the existing theories"
·120 bring into consonance or accord; "harmonize one''s goals with one''s
·121 come to terms; "After some discussion we finally made up"
·122 accept as inevitable; "He resigned himself to his fate"

oppose - ఎదరగచ, వరధగచ


Buck - బక
Defy - ఋజవ చయవలసగదగ సవల చయ, బహరగగగగ వయతరకగచ
Fight - జగడమడ, పటబడ
Repel - వనకక నటటవయ, దటరగగపవ
Resist - వయతరకగచ, ఎదరగ పన చయ
Withstand - ఎదరకన నలబడ

oppose [Verb]

·123 be against; express opposition to; "We oppose the ban on abortion"
·124 fight against or resist strongly; "The senator said he would oppose the
bill"; "Don''t fight it!"
·125 oppose with equal weight or force
·126 set into opposition or rivalry; "let them match their best athletes against
ours"; "pit a chess player against the Russian champion"; "He plays his two
children off against each other"
·127 act against or in opposition to; "She reacts negatively to everything I say"
·128 be resistant to; "The board opposed his motion"

buck, defy, fight, resist, repel, withstand

regard - అనకన, పరగణగచ


Account - పరగణగచ, వవరగచ

Admiration - పగశగస, మపప
Appreciation - పరగదల, మచరకల, మదగప, దగలపడ
Esteem - గరవగ, ఎగచట, గపపగ తలచట, ఆదరగచ
Estimation - అగచన, లకయమ, వలవకటటడగ
Favor - అనకలమచయ, దయచయ
Respect - మరయద, మగచగరవమ

Disfavor - disfavor

Related Phrases

field of regard - సగబగధగచ రగగగల

fond regard - అమతమగ సగబగధగచ
regard as - సటచససర
regard to - సగబగధగచ

regard - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of regard
రగరర / రగరర / రగరర

Meanings of regard
[Show Transliteration]
గరవమ [gauravamu]
దయ [daya]
లకయమ [lakṣyamu]
అగతతకరణ [antaḥkaraṇa]
అభమనమ [abhimānamu]
గణయమ [gaṇyamu]
గరతరమ [gurutvamu]
చటచట [cūcuṭa]
దయచసట [dayacēsuṭa]
పటగచట [pāṭinncuṭa]
లకయపటట [lakṣyapeṭṭu]
వచరగచట [vicārinncuṭa]
కటకగచట [kaṭākṣinncuṭa]
regarding గరగచ

regardless లకయపటటన

regardlessly అలకయమగ

regardlessly ఉపకగ

regardlessly పరకగ

adore - ఆరధగచ, పజచయయ


Cherish - పషణ భరగ వహగచ, రకణ భరగ వహగచ

Love - పగమ, మహమ
Worship - ఆరధగచ, పజగచ, అతయగత వలవవ న దగ పరగణగచ


Abhor - అసహయపడ
Abominate - abominate
Despise - వలవలనదగ పరగణగచ, పటటగచకకపవట
Detest - అసహయగచకన, దరషగచ
Execrate - శపగచ
Hate - దరషగచ, దరషమ
Loathe - అసహయగచ, చదరగచ

Related Phrases
louis isadore kahn - లటయస ఇసడర ఖన

adore [Verb]

·129 love intensely; "he just adored his wife"

transition - మరప, మర పదరత
phase transition - దశ మరప

sition [Noun]

·130 the act of passing from one state or place to the next
·131 an event that results in a transformation
·132 a change from one place or state or subject or stage to another
·133 a musical passage moving from one key to another
·134 a passage that connects a topic to one that follows
·135 phase transition - a change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to
another without a change in chemical composition

Examples of TRANSITION
We want to have a smooth transition when the new owners take control of the
the sometimes difficult transition from childhood to adulthood
The country made a peaceful transition from dictatorship to democracy.

Full Definition of TRANSITION

a : passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another : change
b : a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another
a : a musical modulation
b : a musical passage leading from one section of a piece to another
: an abrupt change in energy state or level (as of an atomic nucleus or a molecule) usually
accompanied by loss or gain of a single quantum of energy
— tran·si·tion·al \-ˈsish-nəl, -ˈsizh-, -ˈzish-; -ˈsi-shə-nəl, -ˈzi-, -zhə-\ adjective
— tran·si·tion·al·ly adverb
intransitive verb
: to make a change from one state, place, or condition to another : to make a transition

Examples of TRANSITION
The company has transitioned to new management in the past year.
a student who is transitioning to a new school
vocative - సగభదన వభకస

adequate - తగనగత

Acceptable - ఆమదగచదగన, అగగకరయగయమవన

All right - అనన కడ
Decent - తగన, మరయదయవన, ఉచతమవన, తగపట యకసమవన
Fairish - fairish
Fine - శగషటమవన, దవయమవన
Good - మగచ లకణమల కలగయనన, తగనద, సరయవనద
Good - మగచ లకణమల కలగయనన, తగనద, సరయవనద
Passable - passable
Respectable - గరవనయమవన
Satisfactory - సగతవపసకరమవన
Serviceable - సవల
Tolerable - అనమతగచదగన, సహగపదగన


Deficient - మనసకగగ లపమ కలగన, కరతయవన

Inadequate - సరపన, తగన, యగయగకన, చలన
Insufficient - సరపన, చలన
Lacking - లన
Unacceptable - సరకరగప వలగన, అగగకరగపదగన
Unsatisfactory - తవపస కలగగచన, తవపస లన
Wanting - కరతగల
Wanting - కరతగల
Related Phrases

adequate to - తగనగత
to an adequate degree - ఒక తగనగత డగగ

: enough for some need or requirement
: good enough : of a quality that is good or acceptable : of a quality that is acceptable but
not better than acceptable

Full Definition of ADEQUATE

: sufficient for a specific requirement <adequate taxation of goods>; also : barely
sufficient or satisfactory <her first performance was merely adequate>
: lawfully and reasonably sufficient <adequate grounds for a lawsuit>
— ad·e·quate·ly adverb
— ad·e·quate·ness noun

Examples of ADEQUATE
The garden hasn't been getting adequate water.
The food was more than adequate for the six of us.
The school lunch should be adequate to meet the nutritional needs of growing
The machine does an adequate job.
The tent should provide adequate protection from the elements.
The quality of his work was perfectly adequate.
Your grades are adequate but I think you can do better.
The quality of his work was only adequate.

inside - లపల తలమ, కడప లపల పటట

Innards - అననశయమ మరయ పగల

Interior - లపల భగమ, మనసల ఉనన
Interior - లపల భగమ, మనసల ఉనన
Within - అగతరగత పరమతక లబడ, శరరగ లపల భగగలన, లపలక, లపలభగమ


Exterior - బహయ, వలపల, బయటతటట అగబడద, చటపక సరసమగ వగడవడ

Outside - వలపల, బహరరగగ
Outside - వలపల, బహరరగగ

Related Phrases

inside caliper - పతప లపల

inside clinch - లపల సధగచ
inside information - సమచరగ లపల
inside job - ఉదయగగ లపల
inside loop - లటప లపల
inside out - లపల
inside track - టతక లపల

inside [Adjective]

·136 relating to or being within or near the inner side or limit; "he reached into
his inside jacket pocket"; "inside out"; "an inside pitch is between home plate and
the batter"
·137 located, suited for, or taking place within a building; "indoor activities for
a rainy day"; "an indoor pool"
inside [Noun]

·138 the region that is inside of something

·139 the inner or enclosed surface of something

: along or close at the side
Examples of ALONGSIDE
We waited for the other boat to come alongside.
Example: After making his debut with Vennela long ago, he did get a few roles alongside
top heroes. But he could not reach the top league with his comic capers

lodge - నవసగపజయ, బసయచర

Accommodate - వసత కలపగచ

Bestow - ఇచర, అగదజయ
Billet - చట
Bivouac - తతకలక శబరగ
Board - బరర, పలక, చకక బలబ
Bunk - bunk
Camp - శబరగ, మకగ
Chamber - పదద గద, పదద హల
Domicile - నవసగ ఉగడ ససలమ, శశరత నవసగ ఉనన పగదశమ లక దశమ
Encamp - దగడదగ
Harbor - ఓడరవ, నకశగయమ
House - ఇళబ, గవహమ
Put up - అప చల
Quarter - పవ గగట, రటపయల నలగవవగత
Roof - చటర, ఇగట పవ కపప
Room - గద, రటమ
Shelter - ఆశగయమ, ఇళళ లన వరక తతకలక ఆశగయగ కలపగచ
Take in - టక
Dislodge - నరరత ససనమ నగచ తలగగచ, నరదశగచన ససనమ నగచ తలగగచట
Uproot - వరత పకలగచ పరవయ, నరటతలనగ చయ

inebriate - బగ తతగ, మతసకకగచ

inebriate [Noun]

·140 a chronic drinker

inebriate [Verb]

·141 fill with sublime emotion; tickle pink (exhilarate is obsolete in this usage);
"The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies"; "He was
inebriated by his phenomenal success"
·142 make drunk (with alcoholic drinks)
·143 become drunk or drink excessively
excessively - మకకల, మహ బహ, అదనగగ

verbal - మటలక సగబగధగచన, నట చపపన

verbal [Adjective]
·144 of or relating to or formed from words in general; "verbal ability"
·145 of or relating to or formed from a verb; "verbal adjectives like `running'' in
`hot and cold running water''"
·146 relating to or having facility in the use of words; "a good poet is a verbal
artist"; "a merely verbal writer who sacrifices content to sound"; "verbal aptitude"
·147 communicated in the form of words; "verbal imagery"; "a verbal protest"
·148 expressed in spoken words; "a verbal contract"
·149 prolix; "you put me to forget a lady''s manners by being so verbal"-

weird - వధ, అదవషటమ

desperate - ఆశలన, నరశయవన, నరశచతనవ న

Despairing - despairing
Despondent - despondent
Forlorn - దకకమలన, నరధరమవన
Hopeless - నరరరకమవన


Hopeful - ఆశభవగ
Optimistic - ఆశవద

Related Phrases

desperate criminal - నర తగగచన

desperate measure - తగగచన కలత
desperate straits - తగగచన కరకపయగద
desperate [Noun]

·150 arising from or marked by despair or loss of hope; "a despairing view of
the world situation"; "the last despairing plea of the condemned criminal"; "a
desperate cry for help"; "helpless and desperate--as if at the end of his tether";
"her desperate screa
·151 desperately determined; "do-or-die revolutionaries"; "a do-or-die conflict"
·152 (of persons) dangerously reckless or violent as from urgency or despair; "a
desperate criminal"; "taken hostage of desperate men"
·153 showing extreme courage; especially of actions courageously undertaken
in desperation as a last resort; "made a last desperate attempt to reach the
climber"; "the desperate gallantry of our naval task forces marked the turning
point in the Pacific war"- G
·154 showing extreme urgency or intensity especially because of great need or
desire; "felt a desperate urge to confess"; "a desperate need for recognition"
·155 fraught with extreme danger; nearly hopeless; "a desperate illness"; "on all
fronts the Allies were in a desperate situation due to lack of materiel"-
G.C.Marshall; "a dire emergency"
desperately - నరరరమగగ
desperately [Adverb]

·156 with great urgency; "health care reform is needed urgently"; "the soil
desperately needed potash"
·157 in intense despair; "the child clung desperately to her mother"
fetch - పయ తచర, తసకన వచర

Bring - దటరగ పగదశగనగడ దగగరక తసకనవచర

Cost - ఖరర, వయయగ
Run - పరగతస, తపపగచకనపవ

Related Phrases

fetch up - అప తసకచర

fetch [Verb]

·158 go or come after and bring or take back; "Get me those books over there,
please"; "Could you bring the wine?"; "The dog fetched the hat"
·159 be sold for a certain price; "The painting brought $10,000"; "The old print
fetched a high price at the auction"
·160 take away or remove; "The devil will fetch you!"
retaliate - పగతకరగ చయ, దబబక దబబ తయ

Avenge - పగతరరక, పగతరరకన

Redress - లపమన సర చయ, వరగడ చయ
Requite - బహమతగ ఇచర, దబబక దబబ తయ
Revenge - పగ, పగతకరమ

retaliate [Verb]

·161 take revenge for a perceived wrong; "He wants to avenge the murder of
his brother"
·162 make a counterattack and return like for like, especially evil for evil; "The
Empire strikes back"; "The Giants struck back and won the opener"; "The Israeli
army retaliated for the Hamas bombing"
perceive - చటచ తలసకన, అవగహన చసకన

Feel - సపరరమ చత తలసకన, తక యఱగ

Scent - వసన, సగగధమ
See - చటచ, మనసత తలసకన
Sense - మనసక శకస, మనసక ధరఢయమ
Smell - వసన చటచ, వసన గరసగచ
Taste - రచ, చవ, రసమ
Miss - బలక, చలప బలక
perceive [Verb]
·163 to become aware of through the senses; "I could perceive the ship coming
over the horizon"
·164 become conscious of; "She finally perceived the futility of her protest"

inundate - వరద నర మ వటల మగచవయ

Deluge - గపప వరద, భర వరరపతమ
Drown - నటల మనగ చనపవ, మగచ, మనగ, నటలగన, వరదలగన మగచవయ
Engulf - మగచ, మగగవయ
Flood - పగవహమ, వఱద
Gulf - గలస, అగధమ
Overflow - పగగ పరబ
Overwhelm - హతమరరడనక
Submerge - నటల మనగనటబ చయ, వరదల మగచవయ
Submerse - నటల మనగపవ, నటల పరగ
Swamp - చతసడ నల, తడ నల
Drain - నటన పగడవయ, నటన బవ టక పగప ఏరపటత నలన పడగ చయ
inundate [Verb]
·165 fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid; "the basement was
inundated after the storm"; "The images flooded his mind"
·166 fill or cover completely, usually with water

verb \ˈi-(ˌ)nən-ˌdāt\
: to cause (someone or something) to receive or take in a large amount of things at the
same time
: to cover (something) with a flood of water

grief - వయసనమ, వచరణ

Affliction - బధ, దరదవషటగ

Anguish - వదన, కభ, ఆరటమ
Dolefulness - dolefulness
Dolor - నపప
Heartache - heartache
Heartbreak - హరట బదక
Sorriness - sorriness
Sorrow - వచరమ, దతఖమ
Woe - దతఖసటచక పదమ, దతఖకరమవన వషయమ

Blessedness - భగయగ
Bliss - పరమనగదగ, పరమసఖగ
Blissfulness - blissfulness
Cheer - ఉతతహగగ ననదల చయడగ, పతతతహగచగదకవ కటట చపపటబ
Cheerfulness - ఉలబసగ
Delight - ఆనగదగ కలగగచ వససవ, ఆనగదగ కలగగచ
Ecstasy - పరవశయగ, పరవశగ, తనతయతరగ
Elation - హరరగ, ఉలబసగ, ఆనగదగ
Euphoria - సఖభతగత
Exhilaration - ఉలబసగ, ఆనగదగ
Exuberance - అభవవదర, అతశయమగ
Exultation - ఆనగదమ, ఆహబదమ
Felicity - ఆనగదమ, సగతషమ
Gladness - సగతషమ, ఆనగదమ
Gladsomeness - సగతషమ, ఉలబసమ
Glee - ఆనగదగ, సగతషగ
Gleefulness - gleefulness
Happiness - సగతషమ, ఆనగదమ
Joy - సగతషగ, ఆనగదమ
Joyfulness - joyfulness
Joyousness - joyousness
Jubilation - jubilation
Pleasure - ఆనగదగ
Rapture - రపరర

grief [Noun]
·167 intense sorrow caused by loss of a loved one (especially by death)
·168 something that causes great unhappiness; "her death was a great grief to

·169 His friends have been giving him a lot of grief.

·170 Malaysians express grief over William Yau's death via Internet. Read
·171 I've had enough grief for one day.
·172 He has been unable to recover from his grief at his son's death.
·173 She was overcome with grief.
·174 Maybe part of the reason for my grief is that I never expected this to
happen. Read Article
·175 He's taken a lot of grief from his friends.
·176 Survivor's grief for friends swept away by Glencoe avalanche. Read
·177 Drew's Hope is the grief support program of the Drew Michael Taylor
Foundation. Read Article
·178 Trying to fix the computer isn't worth the grief.
·179 the joys and griefs of our lives
·180 Unimaginable grief hits after two Lake County families killed in

noun \ˈsak\

Definition of SACK
1 : a usually rectangular-shaped bag (as of paper, burlap, or canvas)
2 : the amount contained in a sack; especially : a fixed amount of a commodity used as a
unit of measure
3 a : a woman's loose-fitting dress
b : a short usually loose-fitting coat for women and children
c : sacque 2
4 : dismissal <gave him the sack>
5 a : hammock, bunk
b : bed
6 : a base in baseball
7 : an instance of sacking the quarterback in football
— sack·ful \-ˌfuul\ noun

sack [Verb]

·181 plunder (a town) after capture; "the barbarians sacked Rome"

·182 terminate the employment of; "The boss fired his secretary today"; "The
company terminated 25% of its workers"
·183 make as a net profit; "The company cleared $1 million"
·184 put in a sack; "The grocer sacked the onions"

inmate - ఆసపతద, జవల

Outpatient - బహయరగ

inmate [Noun]

·185 one of several resident of a dwelling (especially someone confined to a

prison or hospital)
·186 a patient who is residing in the hospital where he is being treated
·187 a person serving a sentence in a jail or prison

deficient - మనసకగగ లపమ కలగన, కరతయవన

Fragmental - శకలల
Fragmentary - fragmentary
Half - సగమ, జగడ కయయ మధయ భగమ
Half - సగమ, జగడ కయయ మధయ భగమ
Halfway - సగగ
Incomplete - పరసకన, అసగపరరమయన
Partial - పకకమవన, అసగపరరమవన
Partial - పకకమవన, అసగపరరమవన


Complete - పరసగ ఉనన, పరస చయబడన

Complete - పరసగ ఉనన, పరస చయబడన
Entire - సమసస, యవతస
Full - నగడ, సగపరరమవన
Full - నగడ, సగపరరమవన
Intact - సగపరరగగ ఉనన, అగటకనబడన
Integral - మతసమగ ఉనన, పరసగ ఉనన
Perfect - లపగ లన, సమగగమవన
Perfect - లపగ లన, సమగగమవన
Whole - మతసగ

deficient [Adjective]

·188 of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement; "insufficient funds"

deficient []

·189 inadequate in amount or degree; "a deficient education"; "deficient in

common sense"; "lacking in stamina"; "tested and found wanting"
·190 falling short of some prescribed norm; "substandard housing"
fare - సగ, నడచ
Cope - సమరసగగ ఎదరకన, నరవరర
Do - పనన చయ, పరస చయ
Get along - కలస
Get by - ఇతరలక కనబడకగడ, పటటబడకగడ పరపవట
Get on - ఏదవధగగ పన చయట, సరసకనపవట
Make out - పగదడగ
Manage - నరరహగచ, నడప
Shift - ఒక ససలగనగడ మరక ససలనక మరర, ఒక దన ససనగల మరకదనన ఉగచ


Remain - మగలపవ, పరరప శథలల

Stand - నలబడ, నలబటటబడ
Stay - వయద వయ, చవరదక ఓపకపటట ఉగడ
Stop - ఆప, ఆగ

Related Phrases

bill of fare - ఛరరల బలబ

biological warfare defence - బయలజకల వరసర రకణ
biological warfare defense - బయలజకల వరసర రకణ
bus fare - బసత ఛరరల
cab fare - కర ఛరరల
child welfare agency - శశ సగకమగ ఏజనత
child welfare service - శశ సగకమగ సవ
fare increase - పగచడనక నడచ
naval air warfare center weapons division - నక గల యదరగ సగటర ఆయధల డవజన
naval surface warfare center - నవకదళ ఉపరతల యదద కగదదగ
naval underwater warfare center - నక నట అడగన యదరగ సగటర
say farewell - వడకల చపపటనక
subway fare - సబర ఛరరల
taxi fare - టకత ఛరరల
train fare - రవల ఛరర
welfare case - సగకమ కస
welfare state - సగకమ రషటస
welfare work - సగకమ పన
welfare worker - సగకమ కరతకడ
word of farewell - వడకల పదగ
fare [Noun]

·191 an agenda of things to do; "they worked rapidly down the menu of
·192 the sum charged for riding in a public conveyance
·193 a paying (taxi) passenger
·194 the food and drink that are regularly consumed
fare [Verb]

·195 proceed or get along; "How is she doing in her new job?"; "How are you
making out in graduate school?"; "He''s come a long way"
·196 eat well
furlough - శలవ, శలవమద దశమనకపయవగడ కలమ


Discharge - వదలపటట, ఉదయగగ నగడ తలగగచ

Dismissal - పగపవయట, సలవచరట
Layoff - గరక లన కలగ

overwhelmed - నషసలగగ


Powerless - మరమటల
Weak - బలగ లన, మవదవవ న

overwhelmed []

·197 rendered powerless especially by an excessive amount or profusion of

something; "a desk flooded with applications"; "felt inundated with work"; "too
much overcome to notice"; "a man engulfed by fear"; "swamped by work"

powerless, weak
drought - కరవ, వరరభవ పరససతల, దరరకల కరవ పరససత

Crunch - పళతబ కరక, చపపడ చసటస నమల

Dearth - కరవ, గరక, పగయగ
Deficit - కరత, ఆదయగ కగట ఎకకవగ ఉనన ఖరర
Failure - వచచతస, తపపడమ, భగగమ
Famine - కమమ, కఱవ
Inadequacy - అనరరత
Inadequateness - inadequateness
Insufficiency - చలమ, చలకగడట
Lack - కవలసయగడ, లపమ
Lacuna - చనన గగట
Paucity - తకకవ సగఖయ, తకకవ పరమణమ
Pinch - చటకడ, కదదగ
Poverty - బదతనగ, లనతనగ
Scantiness - scantiness
Scarceness - scarceness
Scarcity - కరత
Shortage - కరత
Want - కరత, ఎదదడ


Abundance - సమవధర, వససరగ

Adequacy - సగపరరత
Amplitude - వసస వత, వససరగ, వశలమ, ధరనతరగగ వససరరమ
Opulence - ఐశరరయమ, సగపద
Plenitude - plenitude
Plenty - పరస అగదబట, సగపరసగ
Sufficiency - యగయత, కరతలకగడట
Wealth - సగపద, ఐశరరయగ

drought [Noun]

·198 a temporary shortage of rainfall

·199 a prolonged shortage
rear - వనక భగమ, ఎడగ వవ పన

Breed - జత
Bring up - అప తసకచర
Foster - పగచ, కపడ
Nourish - పగచట, పషగచట
Nurse - నరత, దద
Raise - లచనటబ చయ, పవ కతస
Disassemble - యగతగ భగలన వడదయ, యగతగ మలన భగలన వర చయట
Dismantle - పడగటట, సమగగన పరసగ తలగగచ
Dismember - అవయవలన కస తసవయ, వభజగచ
Knock down - కటటటనక
Strike - దబబవయ, పనచయ నరకరగచ
Take down - రసకన, రసకదగన
Tear down - కలరవస

Related Phrases
rear admiral - రర అడతరల
rear back - వనక తరగ
rear end - వనక భగగల
rear lamp - వనక దపగ
rear light - వనక కగత
rear of barrel - బరల వనక
rear of tube - టటయబ వనక
rear window - వనక కటక

rear [Noun]

·200 the back of a military formation or procession; "infantrymen were in the

·201 the side of an object that is opposite its front; "his room was toward the
rear of the hotel"
·202 the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer; "he stood at
the back of the stage"; "it was hidden in the rear of the store"
·203 the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on; "he deserves a good kick
in the butt"; "are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?"
·204 the side that goes last or is not normally seen; "he wrote the date on the
back of the photograph"
rear [Verb]

·205 stand up on the hind legs, of quadrupeds; "The horse reared in terror"
·206 bring up; "raise a family"; "bring up children"
·207 rise up; "The building rose before them"
·208 cause to rise up
·209 construct, build, or erect; "Raise a barn"
rear []

·210 located in or toward the back or rear; "the chair''s rear legs"; "the rear door
of the plane"; "on the rearward side"

breed, foster, nourish, nurse, raise, bring up

demount, disassemble, dismantle, dismember, knock down, strike, take down, tear
Example: Doctors quoted the minister's personal staff as saying that another vehicle
crashed into the car on the side that the minister was seated in the rear seat. They said the
minister collapsed in the car.

spring - ఎగరపడ, దమక

Related Phrases

air spring - గల వసగత

box spring - బకత వసగత
coil spring - కయల సపసగగ
english springer - ఇగగబష సపసగగర
english springer spaniel - సపనయల ఇగగబష సపసగగర
hot spring - వడ వసగత
hot springs - వడ నటబగగల
hot springs national park - వడ నటబగగల జతయ పరక
leaf spring - ఆక వసగత
natural spring - సహజ సదద
rock springs - రక సపసగగత
spiral spring - మర వసగత
spring balance - వసగత సగతలనగ
spring beauty - వసగత అగదగ
spring break - వసగత వరమగ
spring chicken - వసగత చకన
spring cress - వసగత పరగ ఓ మకక
spring equinox - వసగత వషవతస
spring frog - వసగత కపప
spring gun - వసగత తపక
spring heath - వసగత పద
spring onion - వసగత ఉలబపయ
spring roll - వసగత రల
spring scale - వసగత ససయ
spring to mind - చటసకన వసగత
spring training - వసగత శకణ
spring up - అప ఆకరల

English to English Meaning - 'spring'

spring [Verb]

·211 move forward by leaps and bounds; "The horse bounded across the
meadow"; "The child leapt across the puddle"; "Can you jump over the fence?"
·212 develop into a distinctive entity; "our plans began to take shape"
·213 spring back; spring away from an impact; "The rubber ball bounced";
"These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide"
·214 produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly; "He sprang a new haircut
on his wife"
·215 develop suddenly; "The tire sprang a leak"
·216 produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly; "He sprang these news on
me just as I was leaving"
spring [Noun]

·217 the season of growth; "the emerging buds were a sure sign of spring"; "he
will hold office until the spring of next year"
·218 a natural flow of ground water
·219 a metal elastic device that returns to its shape or position when pushed or
pulled or pressed; "the spring was broken"
·220 a light springing movement upwards or forwards
·221 the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original
·222 a point at which water issues forth

Definition of SPRING
intransitive verb
a (1) : dart, shoot <sparks sprang out from the fire> (2) : to be resilient or elastic; also :
to move by elastic force <the lid sprang shut>
b : to become warped
: to issue with speed and force or as a stream <tears spring from our eyes>
a : to grow as a plant
b : to issue by birth or descent <sprang from the upper class>
c : to come into being : arise <towns sprang up across the plains>
d archaic : dawn
e : to begin to blow —used with up <a breeze quickly sprang up>
a : to make a leap or series of leaps <springing across the lawn>
b : to leap or jump up suddenly <sprang from their seats>
: to stretch out in height : rise
: pay —used with for <I'll spring for the drinks>
transitive verb
: to cause to spring
a : to undergo or bring about the splitting or cracking of <wind sprang the mast>
b : to undergo the opening of (a leak)
a : to cause to operate suddenly <spring a trap>
b : to apply or insert by bending
c : to bend by force
: to leap over
: to produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly
: to make lame
: to release or cause to be released from confinement or custody <sprung them from jail>

noun, often attributive .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0
19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: the season between winter and summer : the season when plants and trees begin to grow
: a twisted or coiled piece of metal that returns to its original shape when it is pressed
down or stretched
: the ability of something to return to its original shape when it is pressed down,
stretched, twisted, etc.

Examples of SPRING
We'll plant the seeds next spring.
We've had a rainy spring.
a beautiful day in early spring
The first few weeks of spring were unusually warm.
The mattress is old and some of the springs are broken.
The cushion has lost its spring.
speculation - పటటబడ, తవతలచన

Adventure - సహసగ, వవతసగతగ

Chance - అవకశగ, సధయమయయ అగశగ, సగకట ససత
Chance - అవకశగ, సధయమయయ అగశగ, సగకట ససత
Crapshoot - crapshoot
Enterprise - వయపరగ, సహసగ, సహసకవతయమ, తగగచ
Gamble - జదగ, సగకటమవన వయవహరమ
Throw - వసర, రవర
Venture - వగచర


Sure thing - ఖచరతగగ వషయగ

Related Phrases

with speculation - పకర బ

noun \ˌspe-kyə-ˈlā-shən\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0
19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: ideas or guesses about something that is not known
: activity in which someone buys and sells things (such as stocks or pieces of property) in
the hope of making a large profit but with the risk of a large loss

Full Definition of SPECULATION

: an act or instance of speculating: as
a : assumption of unusual business risk in hopes of obtaining commensurate gain
b : a transaction involving such speculation
He dismissed their theories as mere speculation.
The book is just a lot of idle speculation about the future.
Her speculations leave many questions unanswered.
He lost everything in foolish land speculation.

lure - ఎర, పరగలప


Allurement - తప
Bait - ఎరబటట
Come-on - వచర - న
Enticement - తప, రచ, పగలభగ
Siren song - ఈల పట
Temptation - టగపటషన
Turn-on - తరగలన - న

Related Phrases

fish lure - చప ఎర

lure [Noun]

·223 qualities that attract by seeming to promise some kind of reward

·224 anything that serves as an enticement
·225 something used to lure victims into danger
lure [Verb]

·226 provoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated)

promises or persuasion; "He lured me into temptation"

allurement, bait, come-on, enticement, siren song, temptation, turn-on
Definition of WARM UP
intransitive verb
: to engage in exercise or practice especially before entering a game or contest; broadly :
to get ready

Medical Definition of WARM UP

: to engage in preliminary exercise (as to stretch the muscles) <important to warm up
properly before running>
warm up - వడకకల
warm up [Verb]

·227 run until the normal working temperature is reached; "We warmed up the
car for a few minutes"
·228 become more friendly or open; "She warmed up after we had lunch
·229 get warm or warmer; "The soup warmed slowly on the stove"
·230 cause to do preliminary exercises so as to stretch the muscles; "The coach
warmed up the players before the game"
·231 make one''s body limber or suppler by stretching, as if to prepare for
strenuous physical activity

preposition .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: relating to (something or someone)
emerge - తల, బయట పడ
Arise - తలతస, లచ, ఏరపడ
Come up - చరరనయగశలల ఒకట, చరరగచలతన అజగడ అగశగ
Materialize - కరయరటపగ
Surface - ఉపరభగ తలతనయత
Surface - ఉపరభగ తలతనయత
Related Phrases
federal emergency management agency - సమఖయ అతయవసర నరరహణ సగసస
emerge [Verb]

·232 come out into view, as from concealment; "Suddenly, the proprietor
emerged from his office"
·233 come out of; "Water issued from the hole in the wall"; "The words seemed
to come out by themselves"
·234 become known or apparent; "Some nice results emerged from the study"
·235 come up to the surface of or rise; "He felt new emotions emerge"
·236 happen or occur as a result of something

come up, crop (up), arise, materialize, spring (up), surface


·237 His war record has emerged as a key issue in the election.
·238 Update 3:05 p.m.: More details emerge in fatal plane crash. Read Article
·239 when land first emerged from the sea
·240 More details emerge at Astoria meeting of changing healthcare in Oregon.
Read Article
·241 Heroes emerge after Elmwood Park teacher loses home in fire. Read
·242 She has emerged as a leading contender in the field.
·243 The facts emerged after a lengthy investigation.
·244 animals emerging from a long period of inactivity
·245 Several possible candidates have emerged.
·246 Early favorites emerge in the Ivy League with two blowouts to start the
season. Read Article
·247 Shudders emerge from beta: 'Actual Facebook Graph Searches'. Read
·248 The cat emerged from its hiding place behind the couch.

bandit - బగదపట

Related Phrases

one-armed bandit - ఒక సయధ బగదపట

noun \ˈband-ˌwidth\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0
19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: a measurement of the ability of an electronic communications device or system (such as
a computer network) to send and receive information

Full Definition of BANDWIDTH

: a range within a band of wavelengths, frequencies, or energies; especially : a range of
radio frequencies which is occupied by a modulated carrier wave, which is assigned to a
service, or over which a device can operate
: the capacity for data transfer of an electronic communications system <graphics
consume more bandwidth than text does>; especially : the maximum data transfer rate of
such a system <a bandwidth of 56 kilobits per second>

Examples of BANDWIDTH
The modem has a bandwidth of 56 kilobits per second.
Graphics use more bandwidth than text does.

exertion - శగమ, యతనమ, పగయతనమ, పగయస

Activity - కగయకలపగ
Conditioning - కగడషనగగ
Exercise - అభయసమ, సధకమ

Related Phrases

physical exertion - భతక శగమ

exertion [Noun]

·249 use of physical or mental energy; hard work; "he got an A for effort";
"they managed only with great exertion"

activity, conditioning, exercise


·250 He was panting from the exertion of climbing the stairs.

·251 His music is not just entertainment, it is his exertion of truth and strife for
healing. Read Article
·252 Never before has the global economy benefited from such an addition of
extra human exertion. Read Article
·253 an easy sport that requires little physical exertion
·254 How does the exertion resulting from the serve change based on what
happens after it? Read Article
·255 The extra exertion on the defensive end has caused Bryant to become
short on his jump shots. Read Article
·256 We recognize that you require to place your additional exertion in burden
in terms of something
regarding something; concerning something. I don't know what to do in terms of John's
problem. Now, in terms of your proposal, don't you think you're asking for too much?
in terms of something
in relation to something Cheryl was speaking in terms of improving students' grades by
teaching them how to study. Getting laid off from his job affected him more emotionally
than in terms of the loss of income.
hypothetical - ఊహతతక


Conjectural - ధగవమ కన, ఊహతతకమవన

Speculative - ఊహజనత
Suppositional - కలపనతతకమవన
Theoretical - అనభవగ వలబ పగదన, పగపగచ జజనగ లపమవన


Actual - నజమవన
Factual - వససవ
Real - వససవమవన, సతయమవన
Real - వససవమవన, సతయమవన

Related Phrases

hypothetical creature - ఊహతతక జవ

hypothetical imperative - ఊహతతక అతయవసరగ

thetical []

·257 based on hypothesis; "a hypothetical situation"; "the site of a hypothetical


academic (also academical), conjectural, theoretical, speculative, suppositional

actual, factual, real
nevertheless - అయత


Even so - ఇల
However - అయనపపటక, ఎటఫ బ నన
Nonetheless - అయత
Notwithstanding - అయనపపటకనన
Still - కదలన, చలగపన
Though - అయత
Withal - withal
Yet - ఇపపటక, ఇపపట వరక

English to English Meaning - 'nevertheless'

nevertheless [Adverb]

·258 despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession);

"although I''m a little afraid, however I''d like to try it"; "while we disliked each
other, nevertheless we agreed"; "he was a stern yet fair master"; "granted that it is
dangerous, all t

even so, howbeit, however, nonetheless, notwithstanding, still, still and all, though,
withal, yet

Definition of 'Grey Market'

1. A market where a product is bought and sold outside of the manufacturer's authorized
trading channels.

2. The unofficial trading of a company's shares, usually before they are issued in an initial
public offering (IPO).

Investopedia explains 'Grey Market'

1. For example, if a store owner is an unauthorized dealer of a certain high-end
electronics brand, the product is considered to be sold in the grey market. If the product is
illegal, it would be selling on the "black market".

2. The grey market is an over-the-counter market where dealers may execute orders for
preferred customers as well as provide support for a new issue before it is actually issued.
This activity allows underwriters and the issuer to determine demand and price the
securities accordingly before the IPO.

adjective \ek-ˈstrā-nē-əs\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0
19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: not forming a necessary part of something : not important

Full Definition of EXTRANEOUS

: existing on or coming from the outside <extraneous light>
a : not forming an essential or vital part <extraneous ornamentation>
b : having no relevance <an extraneous digression>
: being a number obtained in solving an equation that is not a solution of the equation
<extraneous roots>

Examples of EXTRANEOUS
She sped up the process by eliminating all extraneous steps.
<the architect's streamlined modern style shuns any sort of extraneous
extraneous - అసరభవక, వదశయ, అనయమవన


Accidental - ఆకసతక, యదవఛచకగగ, పతమదక

Adventitious - సగభవగచ
Alien - వదశయడ, పరడ
External - బహయ, బయట, వలపట
Extrinsic - బయట
Foreign - పరయ, అనయమవన


Inherent - శశరత లకణగగ కలగయనన

Innate - పటటకత వచరన, సహజమవన
Innate - పటటకత వచరన, సహజమవన
Intrinsic - సహజగగ చగదయనన

extraneous []

·259 not pertinent to the matter under consideration; "an issue extraneous to the
debate"; "the price was immaterial"; "mentioned several impertinent facts before
finally coming to the point"
·260 not essential; "the ballet struck me as extraneous and somewhat out of
keeping with the rest of the play"
·261 not belonging to that in which it is contained; introduced from an outside
source; "water free of extraneous matter"; "foreign particles in milk"
·262 coming from the outside; "extraneous light in the camera spoiled the
photograph"; "relying upon an extraneous income"; "disdaining outside pressure

accidental, adventitious, alien, extrinsic, external, foreign, supervenient

dupe - మసగగచ, మసగగచబడన వయకస, వగచగచ, ఏమరగచ

dupe [Noun]

·263 a person who is tricked or swindled

dupe [Verb]

·264 fool or hoax; "The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone";
"You can''t fool me!"
ritual - కరత

Related Phrases

religious ritual - మతచరగ

ritual dance - కరత నవతయగ
ritual dancing - కరత డయనత
ritual killing - కరత చగపడగ
spiritual being - ఉగడటగ ఆధయతతకగ
spiritual bouquet - ఆధయతతకగ గతస
spiritual jewel - ఆధయతతకగ ఆభరణలన
spiritual leader - ఆధయతతకగ నయకడ
spiritual rebirth - ఆధయతతక పనరరనతన
spiritual world - ఆధయతతక పగపగచమల

English to English Meaning - 'ritual'

ritual [Noun]

·265 any customary observance or practice

·266 the prescribed procedure for conducting religious ceremonies
·267 stereotyped behavior
ritual [Adjective]

·268 of or relating to or characteristic of religious rituals; "ritual killing"

·269 of or relating to or employed in social rites or rituals; "a ritual dance of
Haiti"; "sedate little colonial tribe with its ritual tea parties"- Nadine Gordimer
intimate - తలయపరచ, బహరగగగగ పగకటగచ, సననహతమవన, వయకసగతమవన


Allude - సటచగచ
Hint - సటచనగ తలప, సటచగచ
Imply - అరరమగనటట చయ, మఖయమవన బగగగ గరసగచ
Indicate - సటచగచ, కనపరచ
Infer - హత బదదగగ కనగన, పరకగగ చటచగచ
Insinuate - పరకగగ ఆరపగచ
Suggest - సటచగచ, సలహ చపప

Related Phrases

be intimate - సననహత ఉగటగద

intimate apparel - సననహత దససల
intimate with - సననహత

verb \ˌən-ˈvāl\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to show or reveal (something) to others for the first time
: to remove a cover from (something) so that people can see it

Full Definition of UNVEIL

transitive verb
: to remove a veil or covering from
: to make public : divulge, reveal <a good time to unveil their plans>
intransitive verb
: to throw off a veil or protective cloak

Examples of UNVEIL
The developer unveiled plans for a new housing complex.
The company will unveil its newest product today.

verb \ri-ˈvīv\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to make (someone or something) strong, healthy, or active again
: to become strong, healthy, or active again
: to bring (something) back into use or popularity

Full Definition of REVIVE

intransitive verb
: to return to consciousness or life : become active or flourishing again
transitive verb
: to restore to consciousness or life
: to restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state : bring back
: to renew in the mind or memory

Examples of REVIVE
The success of the movie has revived her career.
The government is trying to revive the economy.
Our spirits were revived by his enthusiasm.
The store's business is beginning to revive.
The family is trying to revive an old custom.
He has decided to revive Molière's Tartuffe.
flag - వగలడ, వదలగ వగలడ

Related Phrases

american flag - అమరక జగడన

battle flag - యదరగ జగడ
black flag - బబక జగడ
blue flag - నలగ జగడన
code flag - కడ జగడ
confederate flag - సమఖయ జగడ
flag captain - జగడ కపటన
flag day - జగడ రజ
flag down - జగడ డన
flag of truce - సగధ జగడ
flag officer - జగడ అధకర
flag rank - జగడ రయగక
flag smut - జగడ మస అగటకనన మరక
flag smut fungus - జగడ మస అగటకనన మరక ఫగగస
flag stop - జగడ సటప
flag waving - జగడన ఊపటగ
knight of the square flag - చదరప జగడ గరగగ
myrtle flag - మవరటల జగడ
national flag - జతయ జగడ
nautical signal flag - నటకల సగనల జగడ
pirate flag - పవ రట జగడ
red flag - ఎరప జగడ
signal flag - సగనల జగడ
soft flag - మవదవవ న జగడ
southern blue flag - దకణ నలగ జగడన
sweet flag - తప జగడ
union flag - యటనయన జగడ
wheat flag smut - గధమ జగడ మస అగటకనన మరక
white flag - తలబ జగడ

flag [Noun]

·270 emblem usually consisting of a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive

·271 plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing bright-colored
flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals
·272 a rectangular piece of fabric used as a signalling device
·273 a listing printed in all issues of a newspaper or magazine (usually on the
editorial page) that gives the name of the publication and the names of the
editorial staff, etc.
·274 flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green
·275 stratified stone that splits into pieces suitable as paving stones
·276 a conspicuously marked or shaped tail
flag [Verb]

·277 communicate or signal with a flag

·278 provide with a flag; "Flag this file so that I can recognize it immediately"
·279 droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness
·280 decorate with flags; "the building was flagged for the holiday"
·281 become less intense
emblem [Noun]

·282 special design or visual object representing a quality, type, group, etc.
·283 a visible symbol representing an abstract idea

ensign, hallmark, impresa, logo, symbol, totem, trademark

gear up: verb

Definition of GEAR UP
intransitive verb
: to get ready <are gearing up for the big game>
gear up [Verb]

·285 make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for
some use, event, etc; "Get the children ready for school!"; "prepare for war"; "I
was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill"
verb \im-ˈpȯrt, ˈim-ˌ\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0
19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to bring a product into a country to be sold
computers : to bring (something, such as data) into a file, system, etc., from another

Examples of IMPORT
a dealer who imports cars from Italy to the U.S.
software that makes it simple to import digital photographs onto your hard drive
noun, often attributive \bi-ˈhē-məth, ˈbē-ə-məth, -ˌmäth, -ˌmȯth\ .headword
.ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width: 405px;}
.ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate
p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;} #mwEntryData
div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color: black; font-weight:
normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate
.bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl, .ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style:
italic; }
: something very big and powerful

Full Definition of BEHEMOTH

often capitalized : a mighty animal described in Job 40:15–24 as an example of the power
of God
: something of monstrous size, power, or appearance <a behemoth truck>
behemoth [Noun]

·286 someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful

·287 a person of exceptional importance and reputation

remain - మగలపవ, పరరప శథలల


Abide - కటటబడ, బధరమవయగడ

Dwell - నవసగచ, దమకటనక మగదగ కదదసప ఆగ, నవసగ చయయ
Hang around - చటటట ఈగలబ
Stick around - చటటట కరగ
Tarry - tarry

Bail - జమన
Bail out - బయటక బయల
Bug out - బగ బయటక
Clear out - లపల వససవలన ఖళ చయ, లపల వయకసలన ఖళ చయ
Cut out - కటట
Depart - బయలదర, మరణగచ
Exit - నషకసమణ, లచపవడమ
Get off - శకన తపపగచకనట
Go - వళళ, మగదక కదల
Go off - దటసకన పవట
Leave - సలవ
Move - చలనమల వగచ, చలగపజయ
Peel off - ఆఫ తకక
Pull out - ఉపసగహరగచకనల
Push on - న పష
Quit - వదలగచకన, వదలపటట
Take off - ఎగర, బయలదర
Vamoose - vamoose
Walk out - బయటక

Related Phrases

archeological remains - పరవసస అవశషల

human remains pouch - మనవ పరత ఉగద
remain down - డన ఉగటయ
remain firm - సగసస ఉగటయ

remain [Verb]

·288 stay the same; remain in a certain state; "The dress remained wet after
repeated attempts to dry it"; "rest assured"; "stay alone"; "He remained unmoved
by her tears"; "The bad weather continued for another week"
·289 continue in a place, position, or situation; "After graduation, she stayed on
in Cambridge as a student adviser"; "Stay with me, please"; "despite student
protests, he remained Dean for another year"; "She continued as deputy mayor for
another year"
·290 be left; of persons, questions, problems, results, evidence, etc.; "There
remains the question of who pulled the trigger"; "Carter remains the only
President in recent history under whose Presidency the U.S. did not fight a war"
·291 stay behind; "The smell stayed in the room"; "The hostility remained long
after they made up"

abide, dwell, hang around, 1stay, stick around, tarry

adverb \-ˌ(h)wer\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: in or to another place

Full Definition of ELSEWHERE

: in or to another place <took my business elsewhere>

Examples of ELSEWHERE
The angry customer said he would take his business elsewhere.
Elsewhere in the same book she gives another date.
The parts are produced elsewhere.

elsewhere - ఇతరతత, అనయతత

Related Phrases
and elsewhere - మరయ ఏద ఒకచట
elsewhere [Adverb]

·292 in or to another place; "he went elsewhere"; "look elsewhere for the

noun \ˈslȯ-tər\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: the act of killing animals for their meat
: the violent killing of a large number of people

Full Definition of SLAUGHTER

: the act of killing; specifically : the butchering of livestock for market
: killing of great numbers of human beings (as in battle or a massacre) : carnage

Examples of SLAUGHTER
the slaughter of innocent people
<all civilized nations should protest this senseless slaughter>

transitive verb .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to kill (an animal) for food
: to kill (many people) in a very violent way
: to defeat (someone or something) easily or completely

Examples of SLAUGHTER
Our team got slaughtered yesterday.
<modern poultry farms slaughter a vast number of chickens every day>

example: in making sure our children grow up in a world where schoolgirls are not
kidnapped; where individuals aren't slaughtered because of tribe or faith or political
slaughter - భర ఎతసన వధగచట, చగపట


Bloodbath - రకసపటరలన
Butchery - వధ
Carnage - యదరగల జరగ హగస, యదరగల జరగ మరణకగడ
Death - మరణమ
Holocaust - వనశమ, నషటమ
Massacre - నరమధగ, జనసగహరగ

individual - వయకస, పగతయకమవన


Idiomatic - idiomatic
Individualized - వయకసగతకరగచవలసన
Particular - వడగ తసకనన, పగతయకమవన
Particular - వడగ తసకనన, పగతయకమవన
Patented - పటగట
Peculiar - వగతవ న, అసధరణమవన
Peculiar - వగతవ న, అసధరణమవన
Personal - వయకసగత
Personalized - వయకసగతకరగచన
Private - ఏకగతమవన, వయకసగతమవన
Privy - రహసయ జకయగ, రహసయగగ పలపగచకవడగ
Privy - రహసయ జకయగ, రహసయగగ పలపగచకవడగ
Separate - పగతయక
Singular - పగతయకతగల, అసధరణమవన
Subjective - వయకసగత అనభవమ, రగక సగబగధగచన
Unique - అపరరమవన, వచతగ మవన
Unique - అపరరమవన, వచతగ మవన


General - అగదర యకక అగదరకసగ, ఒక రకనక, తరగతక పరమతగ కనటవగట

Generic - జనరక, ఒక తరగతక చగదన, ఒక వరగమనక చగదన
Popular - పగజరగజకగ, పగజలయకక
Public - పగజలక చగదన, అగదరక తలసన
Shared - భగసరమయగ
Universal - పగపగచ సగబగధమవన, సమనయమవన

Related Phrases

individual retirement account - వయకసగత వరమ ఖత

on an individual basis - ఒక వయకస ఆధరగగ
rugged individualism - కఠనమవన వయకసవదగ

English to English Meaning - 'individual'

individual [Noun]

·293 a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
·294 a single organism
individual [Adjective]

·295 separate and distinct from others of the same kind; "mark the individual
pages"; "on a case-by-case basis"
·296 characteristic of or meant for a single person or thing; "an individual
serving"; "separate rooms"; "single occupancy"; "a single bed"
·297 concerning one person exclusively; "we all have individual cars"; "each
room has a private bath"

verb \ə-ˈlej\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to state without definite proof that someone has done something wrong or illegal

Full Definition of ALLEGE

transitive verb
archaic : to adduce or bring forward as a source or authority
: to assert without proof or before proving <the newspaper alleges the mayor's guilt>
: to bring forward as a reason or excuse

Examples of ALLEGE
He alleged that the mayor has accepted bribes.
The mayor is alleged to have accepted bribes.
You allege that she stole a large quantity of money. Do you have any proof?
allege - ఆరపగచ


Affirm - ధగవపరచ, రటఢగ చపప

Assert - నకక చపప, చపప
Aver - ససరగగచపప
Avouch - నశరయగగచపపట, ససరగగ చపప
Avow - ఒపప
Claim - వయకస తనక గల హకకన పగససవగచ, వససవపవ యజమనయ హకక
Contend - గటటగ చపప, పట పడ
Declare - బహరగగగగ చపప, తలయజయ, బయలపరచ, చటగచ
Insist - గటటగ కర, మరమర కవలన చపప
Maintain - నరరహగచ, పషగచ
Profess - నమతకమ, వశరసమ
Protest - అసమతత, ఆకపణత కడన పగకటన
Purport - ఆశగయగచవచర
Warrant - అధకరమ, నయయమ


Deny - నరకరగచ, సగబగధమ లనటబ పగకటగచ

Gainsay - తరసకరగచ, ఖగడగచ

English to English Meaning - 'allege'

allege [Verb]

·298 report or maintain; "He alleged that he was the victim of a crime"; "He
said it was too late to intervene in the war"; "The registrar says that I owe the
school money"

affirm, claim, assert, aver, avouch, avow, contend, declare, insist, maintain, profess,
protest, purport, warrant
deny, gainsay

adjective \ˌin-də-ˈvij-wəl, -ˈvi-jə-wəl, -ˈvi-jəl, -ˈvi-jü-əl\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate
{ margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0
10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px
0;padding:0;line-height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em,
.ld_on_collegiate p em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData
div.headword + div.d { margin-top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight:
bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl, .ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: of, relating to, or existing as just one member or part of a larger group
: having a special and unusual quality that is easily seen
: intended or designed for one person

Full Definition of INDIVIDUAL

obsolete : inseparable
a : of, relating to, or distinctively associated with an individual <an individual effort>
b : being an individual or existing as an indivisible whole
c : intended for one person <an individual serving>
: existing as a distinct entity : separate
: having marked individuality <an individual style>

Examples of INDIVIDUAL
What are the individual traits of the breed?
The doctor carefully evaluates the individual needs of her patients.
Students will receive as much individual attention as possible.
She has a very individual style of writing.
a pattern as individual as a fingerprint
The world is changing with accelerating speed.

Examples of CHANGE
Her mood changes every hour.
He changed from an optimist to a pessimist.
The town has changed little in recent years.
These events have changed me in my attitude to life.
You can't change human nature.
Life changed him from an optimist into a pessimist.
The leaves change color from green to red in the fall.
She changed her name when she got married.
France has changed its monetary unit from the franc to the euro.
change the channel on the TV

emblem - చహనగ, గరస


Ensign - టకకమ, ధరజమ

Hallmark - అటట గరసనగచ, అసల, నకరగ అన తలయజస గరస
Logo - మట సగబగధత
Symbol - గరస, చహనమ
Totem - ఆదమజతవరన తలపటక ధరగచ పక లక జగతవల వగట సహజ రటపల గల కటగబ
లక జత చహనమ
Trademark - టటడతరక

accord - సరపడ


Agree - ఒపపకన, సమతతగచ

Answer - జవబ, సమధనమవర
Check - చకక, తన ఖత నగచ నరరయగచన సమత ఇవరవచరన బయగకక ఖతదరడ ఇచర
రతపరరక ఆదశగ, అడరకన, గరస పటట
Chord - సరళ రఖ, భవవశగ
Cohere - హతబదరమవన, ససరమవన
Coincide - ఏకకలగల జరగ, ఒక సమయగల జరగ
Comport - మగచ పగవరసన కలగయగడ, సరవన పగవరసన కలగయగడ
Conform - నయమల అనసరగచ, సగపగదయల అనసరగచ
Consist - సమనరయగగ ఉగడ, మననకగ కలగయగడ
Correspond - ఒకదనకకట సరపడ, ఒక రకగగ ఉగడ
Dovetail - కపత బగధమ
Fit - తగన, యకసమవన
Fit - తగన, యకసమవన
Go - వళళ, మగదక కదల
Harmonize - పగదక చయట, ఇమడక చయట, కగమపరచట
Jibe - సమనరయగ కలగవగడ
Sort - తరగత, రకమ
Square - చతరసగ మ, ఒక సగఖయ యకక వరగమ
Square - చతరసగ మ, ఒక సగఖయ యకక వరగమ
Square - చతరసగ మ, ఒక సగఖయ యకక వరగమ
Tally - లకక పటటట, పరచయ చట

Related Phrases

బ మ తరపవట
accord and satisfaction - ఒపపగదగ పవ కయ
gospel according to john - సవరస జన పగకరగ
gospel according to luke - సవరస లటక పగకరగ
gospel according to mark - సవరస గరసగచడనక పగకరగ
gospel according to matthew - సవరస మథటయ పగకరగ
in accord - ఒపపగదగ ల
piano accordion - పయన అకరరయన

English to English Meaning - 'accord'

accord [Noun]

·299 harmony of people''s opinions or actions or characters; "the two parties

were in agreement"
·300 concurrence of opinion; "we are in accord with your proposal"
·301 a written agreement between two states or sovereigns
·302 sympathetic compatibility
accord [Verb]

·303 go together; "The colors don''t harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded"

·304 allow to have; "grant a privilege"

check, agree, answer, chord, cohere, coincide, comport, conform, consist, correspond,
dovetail, fit, go, harmonize, jibe, rhyme (also rime), sort, square, tally

differ (from), disagree (with)

noun \ˈəp-ˌbriŋ-iŋ\ .
: the way a child is raised : the care and teaching given to a child by parents or other

Full Definition of UPBRINGING

: early training; especially : a particular way of bringing up a child <had a strict

adjective \kən-ˈtent\
: pleased and satisfied : not needing more

Full Definition of CONTENT

: contented, satisfied <was content with her life as it was>

Examples of CONTENT
The baby looks content in her crib.
A fancy hotel is not necessary; I'd be content with a warm meal and a clean place to
No, I don't want to play. I'm content to watch.
Not content to stay at home, she set off to see the world at the age of 16.
Polls show that voters are growing less and less content with the current
Example: There was a farmer in Africa who was happy and content. He was happy
because he was content. He was content because he was happy.

: to make (someone) pleased and satisfied : to make (someone) content

Full Definition of CONTENT

transitive verb
: to appease the desires of
: to limit (oneself) in requirements, desires, or actions

Examples of CONTENT
The toys contented the children, at least for a little while.
<a person easily contented by life's simple pleasures>

verb \(ˌ)dis-ˈhär-tən\
: to cause (a person or group of people) to lose hope, enthusiasm, or courage : to
discourage (someone)

Full Definition of DISHEARTEN

transitive verb
: to cause to lose spirit or morale

Examples of DISHEARTEN
The conflict between their families disheartened them.
<we were disheartened by the news that our grandmother was seriously ill>

noun \ˈstrēm\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: a natural flow of water that is smaller than a river
: any flow of liquid or gas
: a continuous flow of people or things

Full Definition of STREAM

: a body of running water (as a river or brook) flowing on the earth; also : any body of
flowing fluid (as water or gas)
a : a steady succession (as of words or events) <kept up an endless stream of chatter>
b : a constantly renewed or steady supply <a stream of revenue>
c : a continuous moving procession <a stream of traffic>
: an unbroken flow (as of gas or particles of matter)
: a ray of light
a : a prevailing attitude or group <has always run against the stream of current fashion>
b : a dominant influence or line of development <the influence of two streams of
inheritance: genetic and cultural — P. B. Baltes>

Examples of STREAM
A stream flows through the field.

noun \ˈdī\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: a substance used for changing the color of something (such as hair or cloth) usually
Full Definition of DYE
: color from dyeing

Examples of DYE
<soaked the fabric in blue dye>

: to change the color of (something, such as hair or cloth) by using a dye

Full Definition of DYE

transitive verb
: to impart a new and often permanent color to especially by impregnating with a dye
: to impart (a color) by dyeing

Examples of DYE
She had been dyeing her hair for years.
The fabric is bleached, dyed, and then washed.

: the activity or process of buying, selling, or exchanging goods or services
: the amount of things or services that are bought and sold : the money made by buying
and selling things or services
: the act of exchanging one thing for another

Full Definition of TRADE

a obsolete : a path traversed : way
b archaic : a track or trail left by a person or animal : tread 1
: a customary course of action : practice <thy sin's not accidental, but a trade —
a : the business or work in which one engages regularly : occupation
b : an occupation requiring manual or mechanical skill : craft
c : the persons engaged in an occupation, business, or industry
a obsolete : dealings between persons or groups
b (1) : the business of buying and selling or bartering commodities : commerce (2) :
business, market <novelties for the tourist trade> <did a good trade in small appliances>
a : an act or instance of trading : transaction; also : an exchange of property usually
without use of money
b : a firm's customers : clientele
c : the group of firms engaged in a business or industry
: trade wind —usually used in plural
: a publication intended for persons in the entertainment business —usually used in plural

Examples of TRADE
the trade between the two countries
Trade accounts for half of our gross national product.
The Tigers made a few good trades this season and picked up some promising

verb .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to give something to someone and receive something in return : to give something in
exchange for something else
sports : to give (one of your players) to another team in exchange for one of their players
: to stop using (one thing) and start using another

Full Definition of TRADE

intransitive verb
obsolete : to have dealings : negotiate
a : to engage in the exchange, purchase, or sale of goods
b : to make one's purchases : shop <trades at his store>
: to give one thing in exchange for another
: sell 3
transitive verb
archaic : to do business with
a : to give in exchange for another commodity : barter; also : to make an exchange of
<traded places>
b : to engage in frequent buying and selling of (as stocks or commodities) usually in
search of quick profits

Examples of TRADE
If you don't like your seat, I'll trade with you.
I traded seats with her halfway through the show.
He was traded to the Yankees.
They traded him to the Broncos.
I traded my pen for a pencil and kept writing.
Their firm specializes in trading bonds.
She mostly trades in stocks.

constitute - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of constitute
కనతనటటట / కనతనటటట

Meanings of constitute
[Show Transliteration]
కలగచయట [kalagacēyuṭa]
కలపగచట [kalpinncuṭa]

Inflected forms
constituted (verb past tense)
constituting (verb present participle)
constitutes (verb present tense)

Definitions of constitute
constitute - verb
form or compose
- The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance
- These constitute my entire belonging
- The children made up the chorus
- This sum represents my entire income for a year
- These few men comprise his entire army
create and charge with a task or function
to compose or represent:
- The branches made a roof
- This makes a fine introduction
set up or lay the groundwork for
constituted నయమగచబడన

constituted నరతతలవ న

constituted యరపరచన

Ex: we have constituted an SIT for unearthing black money... This was an important issue
for us."

: to make up or form something
: to be the same as something : to be equivalent to something
: to establish or create (an organization, a government, etc.)

Full Definition of CONSTITUTE

transitive verb
: to appoint to an office, function, or dignity
: set up, establish: as
a : enact
b : found
c (1) : to give due or lawful form to (2) : to legally process
: make up, form, compose <12 months constitute a year> <high school dropouts who
constitute a major problem in large city slums — J. B. Conant>

Examples of CONSTITUTE
Women constitute 70 percent of the student population at the college.
<nine players constitute a baseball team>
constitute - వడభగలగ ఉగడ, సమనగగ ఉగడ

Compose - భగలగ కలగయగడ, వడభగలగ చయ
Comprise - కలగ ఉనన, కలగన
Form - ఆకవత, రటపమ
Make up - అలగకరగచ, పరస చయ

Phase out - దశలవరగ
constitute [Verb]
·305 form or compose; "This money is my only income"; "The stone wall was
the backdrop for the performance"; "These constitute my entire belonging"; "The
children made up the chorus"; "This sum represents my entire income for a year";
"These few men comprise h
·306 create and charge with a task or function; "nominate a committee"
·307 to compose or represent:"This wall forms the background of the stage
setting"; "The branches made a roof"; "This makes a fine introduction"
·308 set up or lay the groundwork for; "establish a new department"

compose, comprise, form, make up

close (down), phase out, shut (up)
·309 Tedder's mother, children and other family members constitute his work
force. Read Article
·310 Women constitute 70 percent of the student population at the college.
·311 Neither silence nor naive calls for volunteerism alone constitute
leadership. Read Article
·312 Filming all this without comment does not constitute an endorsement.
Read Article
·313 This is because just 8 stocks constitute more than 50% of the Nifty. Read
·314 <nine players constitute a baseball team>
·315 Depleting forex reserves: IMF payment likely to constitute a challenge.
Read Article

Meaning of 'Constitute' in Telugu

·316 వడభగలగ ఉగడ
·317 సమనగగ ఉగడ
·318 institute
·319 form
·320 establish
·321 make up
·322 make
·323 compose
·324 found

adjective \də-ˈrek-tiv, dī-\

Definition of DIRECTIVE
: serving or intended to guide, govern, or influence
: serving to point direction; specifically : directional 1b
: of or relating to psychotherapy or counseling in which the counselor introduces
information, content, or attitudes not previously expressed by the client
noun .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: an official order or instruction

Full Definition of DIRECTIVE

: something that serves to direct, guide, and usually impel toward an action or goal;
especially : an authoritative instrument issued by a high-level body or official

Examples of DIRECTIVE
They received a written directive instructing them to develop new security measures.
<the company president regularly issues directives intended for all staff members>
ective - ఏమ చయల, ఎకకడ చయల తదతరలపవ ఇవరబడ అధకరపరరక ఆదశమ, అధకర
పరరకమవన ఆదశమ


Leading - మఖయమవన, పగధనమవన

Leading - మఖయమవన, పగధనమవన
Leading - మఖయమవన, పగధనమవన

Related Phrases

presidential directive - అధయక నరదశకగ

noun \ˈchärj\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: an amount of electricity
: the amount of an explosive material (such as dynamite) that is used in a single blast
: the responsibility of managing or watching over something

Full Definition of CHARGE

a obsolete : a material load or weight
b : a figure borne on a heraldic field
a : the quantity that an apparatus is intended to receive and fitted to hold
b : the quantity of explosive used in a single discharge
c : a store or accumulation of impelling force <the deeply emotional charge of the
d : a definite quantity of electricity; especially : an excess or deficiency of electrons in a
e : thrill, kick <got a charge out of the game>
a : obligation, requirement
b : management, supervision <has charge of the home office>
c : the ecclesiastical jurisdiction (as a parish) committed to a clergyman
d : a person or thing committed to the care of another
a : instruction, command
b : instruction in points of law given by a court to a jury
a : expense, cost <gave the banquet at his own charge>
b : the price demanded for something <no admission charge>
c : a debit to an account <the purchase was a charge>
d : the record of a loan (as of a book from a library)
e British : an interest in property granted as security for a loan
a : a formal assertion of illegality <a charge of murder>
b : a statement of complaint or hostile criticism <denied the charges of nepotism that
were leveled against him>
a (1) : a violent rush forward (as to attack) <the charge of the brigade> (2) : the signal for
attack <sound the charge>
b : a usually illegal rush into an opponent in various sports (as basketball)
— in charge
: having control or custody of something <he is in charge of the training program>

Examples of CHARGE
He set off a charge that destroyed the mountain.
He has charge of the building.
There is no charge for fixing the tire.
a delivery charge for the refrigerator
an admission charge at the fair
verb .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to give an amount of electricity to (something) : to put electricity into a battery so that a
machine or device will run
: to give a job or responsibility to (a person or group) : to make (a person or group)
responsible for something
: to formally accuse (someone) of a crime

Full Definition of CHARGE

transitive verb
a archaic : to lay or put a load on or in : load
b (1) : to place a charge (as of powder) in (2) : to load or fill to capacity
c (1) : to restore the active materials in (a storage battery) by the passage of a direct
current through in the opposite direction to that of discharge (2) : to give an electric
charge to <charge a capacitor>
d (1) : to assume as a heraldic bearing (2) : to place a heraldic bearing on
e : to fill or furnish fully <the music is charged with excitement>
f : electrify 2 <the crowd was charged by her performance>
a : to impose a task or responsibility on <charge him with the job of finding a new
meeting place>
b : to command, instruct, or exhort with authority <I charge you not to go>
c of a judge : to give a charge to (a jury)
a : to make an assertion against especially by ascribing guilt or blame <charges him with
armed robbery> <they were charged as being instigators>
b : to place the guilt or blame for <charge her failure to negligence>
c : to assert as an accusation <charges that he distorted the data>
a : to bring (a weapon) into position for attack : level <charge a lance>
b : to rush against : attack; also : to rush into (an opponent) usually illegally in various
a (1) : to impose a financial burden on <charge his estate with debts incurred> (2) : to
impose or record as financial obligation <charge debts to an estate>
b (1) : to fix or ask as fee or payment <charges $50 for an office visit> (2) : to ask
payment of (a person) <charge a client for expenses>
c : to record (an item) as an expense, debt, obligation, or liability <charged a new sofa>
intransitive verb
: to rush forward in or as if in assault : attack; also : to charge an opponent in sports

Examples of CHARGE
We tried to charge the car's battery.
The government charged that he had not paid taxes for five years.
It is not clear if he violated the rules, as his critics have charged.
The basketball player was charged with a foul.

pursue - వగటడ, వటడ

Chase - వగటడ, వగట పరగతస
Course - మరగగ, వదయ కరతల
Dog - కకక, శనకజతక చగదన జగతవ
Follow - వగబడగచ, వగటపవ
Hound - వటకకక, కకకలసయగత వటడ
Run - పరగతస, తపపగచకనపవ
Shadow - నడ, ఛయ
Tag - వదలగ వగలడ వససవ, పరగతస పటటకన
Tail - అవయవమ చవర భగగ
Trace - బగడల కటటబడ కషటపడచగడ, బగడన లగ గరగమక బగడక కలప కటటబడ వర
Track - జడ, పయన తతవ
Trail - వటడ జగతవ యకక వసన, వటగడ పవ దర
Guide - దరచటప, మరగమన పవనటబ చయ
Lead - ససమ
Pilot - ఆకశ మరగదరరకడ, వమన పవ లట

pursue [Verb]

·325 carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in; "She pursued many
activities"; "They engaged in a discussion"
·326 follow in or as if in pursuit; "The police car pursued the suspected
attacker"; "Her bad deed followed her and haunted her dreams all her life"
·327 go in search of or hunt for; "pursue a hobby"
·328 carry further or advance; "Can you act on this matter soon?"

bird-dog, chase, course, dog, hound, follow, run, shadow, tag, tail, trace, track, trail

guide, lead, pilot

distract - తకమకపటట
distract [Verb]

·329 draw someone''s attention away from something; "The thief distracted the
bystanders"; "He deflected his competitors"
·330 disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed; "She
was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill"

Examples of DISTRACT
You sneak into his room while I distract him.
He was distracted from his studies.
The students are easily distracted, especially when they're tired.
I was distracted by a loud noise.
The local story distracted attention from news of the war overseas.
shy - పరక, సగగపడడ


Fainthearted - fainthearted
Fearful - భయగకరమవన, అఘరమవన
Fearsome - ఫయరతమ
Scary - భయపటట
Skittish - skittish
Timid - భయపడవడవ న, పరకవడవ న
Timorous - భయపడన, పరకయవన
Tremulous - ఆడనటట, వణకనటట


Adventuresome - సహసమవన
Adventurous - సహస, తగవగల
Audacious - పగరగల, సగగమలన, ధవరయగగల
Bold - నసతగకచగగల, సహసగగల, పదద అకరమల గల
Daring - సహసగగల, తగవగల
Dashing - సహస
Gutsy - gutsy
Hardy - గటట, సహసమగల, దవఢమవన
Venturesome - venturesome
Venturous - venturous

Related Phrases

bushy aster - గబరగ ఉగడ గవగతగ

mushy peas - మతసట బటనల
shy away from - దటరగగ సగగపడద
shy person - పరక వయకస

shy [Noun]

·331 a quick throw; "he gave the ball a shy to the first baseman"
shy [Verb]

·332 lacking self-confidence; "stood in the doorway diffident and abashed";

"problems that call for bold not timid responses"; "a very unsure young man"
·333 easily startled or frightened
·334 short; "eleven is one shy of a dozen"
·335 wary and distrustful; disposed to avoid persons or things; "shy of

fainthearted, fearful, fearsome, mousy (or mousey), scary, skittish, timid, timorous,

adventuresome, adventurous, audacious, bold, daring, dashing, gutsy, hardy,
venturesome, venturous


·336 She was too shy to ask for help.

·337 Falcons still hurting after coming up shy of title. Read Article
·338 Starbucks fights shy of UK figures amid fear of tax backlash. Read Article
·339 I was painfully shy as a teenager.
·340 'Dependable' mother Clifford Earles dies just shy of 109. Read Article
·341 He gave her a shy smile.
·342 GT&T announces YouTube contest for shy jingle competitors. Read
·343 This is a solid, entertaining evening, if half a notch shy of spectacular.
Read Article
·344 Help yourself if you want more. Don't be shy.
giant - అసధరణమవన శకస గల వయకస


Behemoth - behemoth
Blockbuster - పగచరగ పగదన, సగచలనగ, పదద బగబ
Colossus - కలసస
Dinosaur - పగససతగ అగతరగచపతనన జగతవ, పతచన కలమ నగచ వససననసరసవపజతక చగదన
Dreadnought - మహ సగగతమమ, ధవరయశల
Elephant - ఏనగ, ఐరవతమ
Goliath - గలయత
Jumbo - అత పదద పరమణగ కలగనద, జగబజట వమనగ
Leviathan - లవయథన
Mammoth - మమత
Mastodon - మసటడన
Monster - భటతమ, క గ రతరగ గల వయకస
Titan - అధక నరపగల వడ, బదహతగడమవన ఆకరమ, బలమ కలగన రకసడ వగటవడ
Whale - వల
Whopper - సగచలనగ


Diminutive - చననదగ చపపబడనటట, అత చననదవ న

Dwarf - చల పటటగ ఉగడ వయకస, మరగజర, నల
Half-pint - సగగ ఎనమదవ వగత
Midget - చనన
Mite - సరలప పరమణమ, చనన మతసమల దదవయమ
Peewee - peewee
Runt - చనన పగదపలబ, పటటవడ
Shrimp - రయయ చప, ఒక రకమవన చప
giant [Noun]

·345 of great mass; huge and bulky; "a jumbo jet"; "jumbo shrimp"

behemoth, blockbuster, colossus, dinosaur, dreadnought, elephant, Goliath, jumbo,
leviathan, mammoth, mastodon, monster, titan, whale, whopper

diminutive, dwarf, half-pint, midget, mite, peewee, pygmy (also pigmy), runt, shrimp

flout - తరసకరగచ, వకకరగచ


Despise - వలవలనదగ పరగణగచ, పటటగచకకపవట

Disregard - అలకయగ చయ
Scorn - హనగగ చటచ, వకకరగత

flout [Verb]

·346 treat with contemptuous disregard; "flout the rules"

·347 laugh at with contempt and derision; "The crowd jeered at the speaker"

Example:They have said that Hatami also flouted their religious beliefs by appearing in
public with her head bare.
snatch - ఆకసతక ఆకగమణ, కదద మతసమ


Bag - సగచ, గతగ

Capture - బలవగతగగ పటటకన, బగధగచ
Catch - పటటకన, తపపగచకకగడ పటటకన
Collar - మడ పటట, చకక వగట దససలక మడ చటటట ఉగడ వససగస
Corral - కరల
Get - పగదట, సగపదగచట
Glom - glom
Grab - ఆకసతకగగ సరధనగ చసకన, నరబగధగచ, పటటకన
Grapple - పనగలడ, కషట లన ఎదరకటనక పగయతనగచ
Hook - కకక, చపల గలమ
Land - భటమ, పగటనల
Land - భటమ, పగటనల
Nab - మనషన పటటకనట, దగగలగచట
Nail - గర, మక
Net - వల, చకకమ
Rap - చనన దబబ, నగద
Seize - పటట లగకన, ఈడరకన
Snag - నటల మనగవనన చటట, పవ క కనపససనన కన
Snare - సననబన, వల
Trap - జగతవలన పటట బన వల, బనపటట, వలపనన


Miss - బలక, చలప బలక

Related Phrases

body snatcher - శరరగ అపహరగచ

snatch block - బబక కదద మతసమ
snatch up - అప కదద మతసమ

flee - పరపవ, పరగతసపవ


Dematerialize - dematerialize
Disappear - లకగడ పవ, ఉనక లకగడట
Dissolve - దదవమల కరగగచ, కగమగగ అదవశయగ చయ
Evanesce - evanesce
Evaporate - ఆవరవర, ఆవరవన
Fade - వడపవ, వరరమచడ
Fly - ఎగర, పరపవ
Melt - కరగ, కరగగచ
Sink - తగగ పవ, కగగగ పవ
Vanish - అగతరగచపయ


Appear - కనపగచ, హజరవర

Materialize - కరయరటపగ

Related Phrases

battle fleet - యదరనకలన

china fleece vine - చవ న ఉనన వవ న
count fleet - వమనల కగట
golden fleece - బగగర ఉనన

flee [Verb]

·348 run away quickly; "He threw down his gun and fled"

dematerialize, dissolve, evanesce, evaporate, fade, disappear, fly, go (away), melt,
sink, vanish

appear, materialize

possess - తవగ పగభవమ, సరగతగగ వయవహరగచ


Command - ఆజజపగచ, అదప కలగ యగడ

Enjoy - ఇషటపడ, ఆనగదగచ
Have - కలగయగడ, పగదయగడ
Hold - పటటకన, ఉగచకన
Own - తన, సగతమవన
Own - తన, సగతమవన
Retain - పటట ఉగచ, తసకన వగచ


Lack - కవలసయగడ, లపమ

Want - కరత, ఎదదడ

Related Phrases

actual possession - వససవ సరధనగ

constructive possession - సగభవత సరధనగ, నయయశససరతయ సరధనగల ఉననటబగ భవగచటగ
criminal possession - నర సరధనగ
illegal possession - అకగమ సరధనగ
material possession - పదరసగ సరధనగ
taking possession - సరధనగ
transferred possession - బదల సరధనగ
worldly possessions - ఆససల

possess [Verb]

·349 have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill; "he possesses great knowledge

about the Middle East"
·350 have ownership or possession of; "He owns three houses in Florida";
"How many cars does she have?"
·351 enter into and control, as of emotions or ideas; "What possessed you to
buy this house?"; "A terrible rage possessed her"

command, enjoy, hold, own, have, retain

lack, want
posterity - రబయతరల, భవషయతసకలగ


Fruit - పగడ, ఫలమ

Get - పగదట, సగపదగచట
Issue - పగచరగచ, జరచయ, పగపణ చయ
Offspring - సగతనమ, సగతత
Progeny - దగవ తరల, ఫలతమ
Seed - వతసనమ, బజమ
Spawn - అధక సగతనమ, చపల, కపపల మదలవ నవ పటట గగడబ

: a person who walks by something on a street or road

Examples of PASSERBY
A passerby saw the accident and stopped to help.
Passersby were asked if they were registered to vote
negotiate - సగధ చయట, రయభరమ చయట


Arrange - ఏరపడ, ఏరపటచయయ

Bargain - బరగ, ఒడగబడక
Concert - కచరర, దరనల సమతళనగ
Conclude - మగగచ, పరస చయ

ceased - కటట

Dead - చనపయన, జవగలన
Dead - చనపయన, జవగలన
Dead - చనపయన, జవగలన
Related Phrases
deceased person - మరణగచన వయకస
The deceased were identified as S Syed Abu Naasal, 23, of Alwar Thiru Nagar, S Sankar,
23, of Sembium and R Jithu, 23, of Paramakudi.
defamation - అపకరస, అపఖయత కలగజయట, పరవనషటగ

Blackening - నలబబడటగ
Calumny - దటషణ, అపనగద
Character assassination - పతగ హతయ
Libel - దటషణపతదక
Slander - అపవద, మన నషటమ
Vilification - vilification
defamation [Noun]

·352 a malicious attack

·353 an abusive attack on a person''s character or good name

prominence - పతమఖయత


Obscurity - చకట, అపగసదరగ

Related Phrases

solar prominence - సర పతమఖయత

featured - ఆకరమగల, రటపగల


Conspicuous - ఆకరరణయగగ కనపగచ, గణనయమవన

Obvious - సపషటమవన, పగతయకమవన
Definition of FEATURED
: having facial features of a particular kind —used in combination <a heavy-featured
: displayed, advertised, or presented as a special attraction

: an interesting or important part, quality, ability, etc.
: a part of the face (such as the eyes, nose, or mouth)
: a movie that is made to be shown in a theater for entertainment : a full-length movie

Examples of FEATURE
This year's models include several new safety features.
This camera has several features that make it easy to use.
The car has some interesting new design features.
His plan combines the best features of the earlier proposals.
Her eyes are her best feature.
Tonight's feature is a new romantic comedy.
He starred in his first feature film a year ago.

verb .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to have or include (someone or something) as an important part
: to discuss or mention (something or someone) in a noticeable way : to give particular
attention to (someone or something important)
Full Definition of FEATURE
transitive verb
chiefly dialect : to resemble in features
: to picture or portray in the mind : imagine
a : to give special prominence to <the exhibit features local artists>
b : to have as a characteristic or feature <a menu featuring many options>
intransitive verb
: to play an important part

Examples of FEATURE
The building features a state-of-the-art security system.
The new menu features several low-fat entrees.
The show now features a new singer.
The evening news report featured the story of the murder.
The newspaper featured health care on its front page.

: to become four times bigger in value or number
: to cause (something) to become four times bigger

Full Definition of QUADRUPLE

transitive verb
: to make four times as great or as many
intransitive verb
: to become four times as great or as

Examples of QUADRUPLE
The value of the stock has quadrupled in the past year.
The town's population has quadrupled in the past 50 years.
The company has quadrupled the number of its employees.
: four times bigger in size or amount
: having four parts or including four people or things

Full Definition of QUADRUPLE

1 : having four units or members
2 : being four times as great or as many
3 : marked by four beats per measure <quadruple meter>
— qua·dru·ply \-ˈdrü-plē, -ˈdrə-, -drə-\ adverb
— qua·dru·plic·i·ty \ˌkwä-druu-ˈpli-sə-tē\ noun

Examples of QUADRUPLE
She ordered a quadruple espresso.

: to drink a large amount of (something) quickly

Full Definition of QUAFF

intransitive verb
: to drink deeply
transitive verb
: to drink (a beverage) deeply

Examples of QUAFF
We stopped at a bar and quaffed a few beers.
<after digging our car out of the snowdrift, we were ready to quaff some hot
Meaning of 'Quail' in Telugu
·354 భయమ చత కగగగపవ
·355 కలగక రకగ పటట
noun \ˈkwāl\
: a kind of small wild bird that is often hunted
: the meat of quail eaten as food
verb .
: to feel afraid and often to show your fear in a way that can be clearly seen

Full Definition of QUAIL

intransitive verb
1 a chiefly dialect : wither, decline
b : to give way : falter <his courage never quailed>
2 : to recoil in dread or terror : cower <the strongest quail before financial ruin —
Samuel Butler †1902>

Examples of QUAIL
Other politicians quailed before him.
He quailed at the thought of seeing her again.

Meaning of 'Quake' in Telugu

·356 భటకగపమ
·357 తవగగగ కదప వయ
Related Phrases
·358 earth quake 1. భటమ లపల లవదదవగ కదలకల వలన ఏరపడ భటకగపమ 2.
intransitive verb
: to shake because of fear, anger, etc.
: to shake violently

Full Definition of QUAKE

1 : to shake or vibrate usually from shock or instability
2 : to tremble or shudder usually from cold or fear

Examples of QUAKE
She was quaking with rage.
The explosion made the whole house quake.
noun \ˈrāj\
: a strong feeling of anger that is difficult to control
: a sudden expression of violent anger
: something that is suddenly very popular

Full Definition of RAGE

1 a : violent and uncontrolled anger
b : a fit of violent wrath
c archaic : insanity
2 : violent action (as of wind or sea)
3 : an intense feeling : passion
4 : a fad pursued with intense enthusiasm <was all the rage>

Examples of RAGE
Her note to him was full of rage.
He was shaking with rage.
She was seized by a murderous rage.
His rages rarely last more than a few minutes.
intransitive verb
: to talk in an extremely angry way : to shout loudly and angrily
: to happen or continue in a destructive, violent, or intense way

Examples of RAGE
She raged about the injustice of their decision.
The manager raged at the umpire.
A storm was raging outside, but we were warm and comfortable indoors.
The fire raged for hours.
Meaning of 'Qualify' in Telugu
·359 అరరత పగద
·360 సమరరతన నరటపగచ

: to give (someone) the necessary skill or knowledge to do a particular job or activity
: to have the necessary skill or knowledge to do a particular job or activity : to have the
qualifications to do something
: to pass an exam or complete a course of study that is required in order to do something
Examples of QUALIFY
His experience qualifies him for the job.
The training will qualify you to sell insurance.
They both qualify for the job.
Did she qualify to receive financial aid?
Financial assistance is available for those who qualify.
The win qualifies her to compete in the final race.
The certification qualifies you to teach only in this state.

: average in size or amount : neither too much nor too little
: neither very good nor very bad
: not expensive : not too high in price

Full Definition of MODERATE

1 a : avoiding extremes of behavior or expression : observing reasonable limits <a
moderate drinker>
b : calm, temperate
2 a : tending toward the mean or average amount or dimension
b : having average or less than average quality : mediocre
3 : professing or characterized by political or social beliefs that are not extreme
4 : limited in scope or effect
5 : not expensive : reasonable or low in price
6 of a color : of medium lightness and medium chroma
— mod·er·ate·ly adverb
— mod·er·ate·ness noun

Examples of MODERATE
Her doctor recommended moderate exercise.
There were moderate levels of chemicals in the lake.
drinking moderate amounts of coffee
Most of these medicines relieve mild to moderate pain.
a family of moderate income
a book of moderate length
The group met with only moderate success.
a writer of moderate talent
The hotel offers comfortable rooms at moderate prices.
Both moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans can agree on this new law.
verb \ˈmä-də-ˌrāt\
: to make (something) less harsh, strong, or severe or to become less harsh, strong, or
: to guide a discussion or direct a meeting that involves a group of people

Full Definition of MODERATE

transitive verb
1 : to lessen the intensity or extremeness of <the sun moderated the chill>
2 : to preside over or act as chairman of
intransitive verb
1 : to act as a moderator
2 : to become less violent, severe, or intense <the wind began to moderate>
— mod·er·a·tion \ˌmä-də-ˈrā-shən\ noun

Examples of MODERATE
The protesters have been unwilling to moderate their demands.
She moderates at our office meetings.
She moderates our discussions so that we don't argue or talk at the same time.
Meaning of 'Moderate' in Telugu
·361 ఒక హదదక లబడన
·362 తవగగకన
·363 temperate
·364 medium
·365 reasonable
·366 modest
·367 mild
·368 sober
·369 abstemious
·370 middling
·371 gentle
·372 mediocre
·373 mean
·374 middle
·375 mitigate
·376 soften
·377 temper
·378 allay
noun \ˈmä-d(ə-)rət\ .
: a person whose political ideas are not extreme : a person who has moderate opinions or
is a member of a moderate political group

Full Definition of MODERATE

: one who holds moderate views or who belongs to a group favoring a moderate course or

Examples of MODERATE
Moderates from both political parties have agreed on an economic plan.
<to the community's detriment, moderates were often shouted down at town meetings
by the local hotheads>
adjective \ik-ˈstrēm\
: very great in degree
: very serious or severe
: very far from agreeing with the opinions of most people : not moderate

Full Definition of EXTREME

1 a : existing in a very high degree <extreme poverty>
b : going to great or exaggerated lengths : radical <went on an extreme diet>
c : exceeding the ordinary, usual, or expected <extreme weather conditions>
2 archaic : last
3 : situated at the farthest possible point from a center <the country's extreme north>
4 a : most advanced or thoroughgoing <the extreme political left>
b : maximum
5 a : of, relating to, or being an outdoor activity or a form of a sport (as skiing) that
involves an unusually high degree of physical risk <extreme mountain biking down steep
b : involved in an extreme sport <an extreme snowboarder>
— ex·treme·ness noun .

Examples of EXTREME
The plant is sensitive to extreme heat and cold.
They are living in extreme poverty.
She went on an extreme diet.
Many thought that the punishment was too extreme for the crime.
The plan was rejected as too extreme.
This is an extreme example of what can happen when a company grows too quickly.
He has extreme opinions when it comes to politics.
Members of the extreme right opposed the legislation.
: either one of two opposite conditions, feelings, positions, etc., that are thought of as
being far from what is normal or reasonable
: an amount or degree that is far beyond what is normal or reasonable

Full Definition of EXTREME

1 a : something situated at or marking one end or the other of a range <extremes of heat
and cold>
b : the first term or the last term of a mathematical proportion
c : the major term or minor term of a syllogism
2 a : a very pronounced or excessive degree
b : highest degree : maximum
3 : an extreme measure or expedient <going to extremes>
— in the extreme
: to the greatest possible extent

Examples of EXTREME
After spending lavishly for years, the company has now gone to the opposite extreme
and has cut expenses drastically.
His mood changed from one extreme to the other.

: very bad, serious, or unpleasant
: causing a lot of physical pain or suffering
: very harsh

Full Definition of SEVERE

1 a : strict in judgment, discipline, or government
b : of a strict or stern bearing or manner : austere
2 : rigorous in restraint, punishment, or requirement : stringent
3 : strongly critical or condemnatory <a severe critic>
4 a : maintaining a scrupulously exacting standard of behavior or self-discipline
b : establishing exacting standards of accuracy and integrity in intellectual processes <a
severe logician>
5 : sober or restrained in decoration or manner : plain <a severe dress>
6 a : causing discomfort or hardship : harsh <severe winters>
b : very painful or harmful <a severe wound>
7 : requiring great effort : arduous <a severe test>
8 : of a great degree <severe depression>
— se·vere·ly adverb
— se·vere·ness noun
— se·ver·i·ty

Examples of SEVERE
The storm caused severe damage to the roof.
The patient is in severe pain.
children with severe learning disabilities
In the most severe cases, the disease can lead to blindness.
He suffered a severe head injury.
He faces severe penalties for his actions.
The war was a severe test of his leadership.

Meaning of 'Quash' in Telugu

·379 అణచవయ
·380 చలబబట లనదగ పగకటగచ
·381 annul
·382 cancel
·383 rescind
·384 nullify
·385 abrogate
·386 repeal
·387 suppress
·388 quell
·389 revoke
·390 void
·391 reverse
·392 abolish
·393 invalidate
Meaning of 'Annul' in Telugu
·394 రదదచయయ
·395 కటటవయ
·396 తసవయ
transitive verb \ˈkwäsh, ˈkwȯsh\

Definition of QUASH
: to suppress or extinguish summarily and completely <quash a rebellion>
transitive verb

Definition of QUASH
: to nullify especially by judicial action <quash an indictment>

transitive verb
: to make (something) legally null
: to cause (something) to lose its value or to have no effect
Full Definition of NULLIFY
1 : to make null; especially : to make legally null and void
2 : to make of no value or consequence

Examples of NULLIFY
The law has been nullified by the U.S. Supreme Court.
The penalty nullified the goal.

nullify - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of nullify

Meanings of nullify
[Show Transliteration]
కటటవసట [koṭṭivēsuṭa]
declare invalid
- void a plea
show to be invalid
make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of
- This action will negate the effect of my efforts
Meaning of 'Quell' in Telugu
·397 అణచవయ
·398 అధగమగచ
·399 suppress
·400 repress
·401 quash
·402 smother
·403 stifle
·404 quench
·405 subdue
·406 put down
Meaning of 'Repress' in Telugu
·407 అదప చయ
·408 అణచపటట
Meaning of 'Put Down' in Telugu
·409 అణచ వయట
·410 అగతగ చయ
·411 set down
·412 lay down
Meaning of 'Set Down' in Telugu
·413 ఇచరట
·414 సటచగచట
Meaning of 'Quench' in Telugu
·415 అణచ చలబరర
·416 అణచపటట
·417 extinguish
·418 slake
·419 put out
·420 suppress
·421 douse
Meaning of 'Extinguish' in Telugu
·422 ఆరర
·423 చలబర
·424 రటతలగచ
·425 put out
·426 quench
·427 douse
·428 turn off
·429 destroy
·430 blow out
: to stop (a fire) from burning : to put out (a fire)

Full Definition of QUENCH

transitive verb
1 a : put out, extinguish
b : to put out the light or fire of <quench glowing coals with water>
c : to cool (as heated metal) suddenly by immersion (as in oil or water)
d : to cause to lose heat or warmth <you have quenched the warmth of France toward you
— Alfred Tennyson>

Examples of QUENCH
<we thoroughly quenched the campfire before we headed to bed>
<this lemonade really quenches my thirst>
: including every possible part or detail
: careful about doing something in an accurate and exact way
: complete or absolute

Full Definition of THOROUGH

1 : carried through to completion : exhaustive <a thorough search>
2 a : marked by full detail <a thorough description>
b : careful about detail : painstaking <a thorough scholar>
c : complete in all respects <thorough pleasure>
d : having full mastery (as of an art) <a thorough musician>
— thor·ough·ly adverb
— thor·ough·ness noun

Examples of THOROUGH
a thorough understanding of the rules and regulations
The investigator will have to be thorough.
Meaning of 'Diverse' in Telugu
·431 సరభవగల ఒకటగ లన
·432 వరరర లకణమల గల
·433 different
·434 various
·435 varied
·436 variant
·437 several
·438 manifold
·439 miscellaneous
·440 sundry
·441 dissimilar
·442 unlike
·443 multifarious
·444 distinct

: different from each other
: made up of people or things that are different from each other

Full Definition of DIVERSE

1 : differing from one another : unlike <people with diverse interests>
2 : composed of distinct or unlike elements or qualities <a diverse population>
— di·verse·ly adverb
— di·verse·ness noun

Examples of DIVERSE
His message appealed to a diverse audience.
a diverse group of subjects

diverse - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of diverse
డఇవరత / డవరత / డవరత
Meanings of diverse
[Show Transliteration]
ననవధమవన [nānāvidhamaina]
బహవధమలవ న [bahuvidhamulaina]
భదమవన [bhēdamaina]
వరవన [vēraina]
చతగ మవన [citramaina]

sundry - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of sundry

Meanings of sundry
[Show Transliteration]
ననవధమవన [nānāvidhamaina]
Meaning of 'Sundry' in Telugu
·445 వవధమలవ న
·446 వరరర రకలత కడన
: made up of different things

Full Definition of SUNDRY

: miscellaneous, various <sundry articles>

/ˈsʌndri/ Show Spelled [suhn-dree] Show IPA
1. various or diverse: sundry persons. Idioms
2. all and sundry, everybody, collectively and individually: Free samples were given to all
and sundry.
Meaning of 'Diversity' in Telugu
·447 ననవధగ
·448 చతగ వచతగ గ
·449 variety
·450 multiplicity
·451 dissimilarity
·452 difference

: the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc.
: the state of having people who are different races or who have different cultures in a
group or organization

Full Definition of DIVERSITY

1 : the condition of having or being composed of differing elements : variety; especially :
the inclusion of different types of people (as people of different races or cultures) in a
group or organization <programs intended to promote diversity in schools>
2 : an instance of being composed of differing elements or qualities : an instance of being
diverse <a diversity of opinion>

Examples of DIVERSITY
The island has more diversity in plant life than other islands nearby.
The city is known for its cultural diversity.
The school aims for diversity in its student population.

noun \ˈre-sə-(ˌ)pē\
: a set of instructions for making food
: a way of doing something that will produce a particular result

Full Definition of RECIPE

: prescription 4a
: a set of instructions for making something from various ingredients
: a formula or procedure for doing or attaining something <a recipe for success>

Examples of RECIPE
The recipe calls for fresh thyme.
I didn't read the recipe carefully.
This is one of my grandmother's recipes.

: a system of pipes that carries water through a building
: the work of a plumber : the job of installing and repairing sinks, toilets, water pipes, etc.

Full Definition of PLUMBING

: the act of using a plumb
: a plumber's occupation or trade
a : the apparatus (as pipes and fixtures) concerned in the distribution and use of water in a
b : an internal system that resembles plumbing; especially : one consisting of conduits or
channels for conveying fluids

mples of PLUMBING
The house has old plumbing.
Meaning of హకకస hakkasu. [H.] n. Spite, hatred. పగ.
Telugu Meaning of 'Drive' or Lead
·453 మగదక నడప
·454 నడప
·455 తల
·456 వహరగ
Related Phrases
·457 full-drive దఢలన
·458 స ఇన
drive-in డవ వ
·459 run
·460 ride
·461 driving
Telugu Meaning of 'Driving'
·462 స
డవ వగగ
·463 నడపడమ
·464 తలడగ
·465 motive
·466 drive

contrary - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of contrary
కనటసర / కనటసర

Meanings of contrary
[Show Transliteration]
పగతకలమవన [pratikūlamaina]
వరదరమవన [virud'dhamaina]
వరధమవన [virōdhamaina]
Telugu Meaning of 'Destiny'
·467 వధ
·468 గత
·469 అదవషటగ
·470 fate
·471 lot
·472 fortune
·473 doom
·474 kismet
·475 luck
·476 portion
·477 chance
·478 predestination
·479 weird
·480 fatality

destiny - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of destiny

Meanings of destiny
[Show Transliteration]
అదవషటమ [adrrṣṭamu]
పతపస [prāpti]
భగయమ [bhāgyamu]

intellectual - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of intellectual
ఇనటలకరఅల / ఇనలకరఅల

Meanings of intellectual
[Show Transliteration]
వవకశలయవన [vivēkaśāliyaina]

unconditional - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of unconditional

Meanings of unconditional
[Show Transliteration]
Telugu Meaning of 'Unconditional'
·481 నబగధన లన
·482 ధరళమవన
Related Phrases
·483 Absolute and Unconditional సమగగమయనద మరయ ఎటవగట షరతల
·484 absolute
·485 unconditioned
·486 unqualified
·487 implicit
·488 unreserved
Telugu Meaning of 'Contraction'
·489 సగకచమ
Related Phrases
·490 hourglass contraction గలబగనగడ/బలగనగడ అవయవమల
·491 muscular contraction కగడర సగకచమ
·492 shrinkage
·493 reduction
·494 constriction

contraction - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of contraction
కనఫ కరన

Meanings of contraction
[Show Transliteration]

contracted - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of contracted
కనఫ కటట స డ / కనఫ కట
టస డ

Meanings of contracted
[Show Transliteration]
తసకనన [tīsukonna]
సగకచతమవన [saṅkucitamaina]
సగగగహమవన [saṅgrahamaina]
చసన [cēsina]
తగగగచన [tagginncina]

Synonyms for bothered

adj annoyed
·495 agitated
·496 distressed
·497 disturbed
·498 troubled
·499 bugged
·500 disconcerted
·501 harassed
·502 harried
·503 irked
·504 upset
·505 vexed
·506 anxious

Meaning of 'Wish' in Telugu

·507 కరక కలగయగడ
·508 కవలన కర, ఆశగచ
·509 ఒకరకసగ కవలన ఆశగచ
·510 గఢమవన కరక కలగయగడ
Related Phrases
·511 cross wish అడరమగ
: to want or wish for (something) : to feel desire for (something)
: to want to have sex with (someone)
: to express a wish for (something)
Full Definition of DESIRE
transitive verb
: to long or hope for : exhibit or feel desire for <desire success>
a : to express a wish for : request <they desire an immediate answer>
b archaic : to express a wish to : ask
obsolete : invite
archaic : to feel the loss of
intransitive verb
: to have or feel desire

Examples of DESIRE
He desired her approval more than anything.
The apartment has modern amenities, a great location—everything you could desire.
She knew that men still desired her

: bad or unfavorable : not good
: acting against or in a contrary direction : hostile <hindered by adverse winds>
a : opposed to one's interests <an adverse verdict> <heard testimony adverse to their
position>; especially : unfavorable <adverse criticism>
b : causing harm : harmful <adverse drug effects>
archaic : opposite in position
— ad·verse·ly adverb
— ad·verse·ness noun

Examples of ADVERSE
<all the adverse publicity really caused the movie star's popularity to suffer>
<the adverse effects of the drug are too severe to allow it to be marketed>
The Bankruptcy Code requires that debtor's counsel be disinterested and not have an
interest adverse to the estate. —Lawyers Weekly USA, 4 Oct. 1999
Meaning of 'Counter' in Telugu
·512 పకటల లకకల వస అటట
·513 బ ఉగడ కగటర
బయగక, హటళల
Related Phrases
·514 Counter offer ఒక ఆఫరక అనగ ఒక పగతపదనక ఈయబడ సమధనమ
·515 Counter-question ఎదర పగశన
·516 Counter charge ఎదర ఆరపణ
·517 Counter violence పగత హగస
·518 ren'counter 1. ఆకసతక కలయక 2. ఉననటబగడ కలసకనట
·519 Counter-proof 1. పగత రజవ 2. ఎదట పకగ రజవ
·520 Counter-plea 1. ఎదరవదగ 2. పగతవదగ
·521 Counter-petition ఎదర దరఖసస
·522 Counter-crier కరటల పరటలన పలచవడ
·523 counter-2 1. వయతరకగగ పన చయ 2. సవలన సరకరగచ
Meaning of 'Averse' in Telugu
·524 వయతరకమవన
·525 అయషటత
·526 వమఖత
·527 loath
·528 loth
·529 opposed
·530 reluctant
·531 unwilling

Definition of AVERSE
: having an active feeling of repugnance or distaste —usually used with to <averse to
strenuous exercise>
— averse·ly adverb
— averse·ness noun
noun \ri-ˈpəg-nən(t)s\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0
19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: a strong feeling of dislike or disgust

Full Definition of REPUGNANCE

a : the quality or fact of being contradictory or inconsistent
b : an instance of such contradiction or inconsistency
: strong dislike, distaste, or antagonism

Examples of REPUGNANCE
They expressed their repugnance at the idea.
They felt nothing but repugnance for the group's violent history.
adjective \ˈkän-ˌtrer-ē, -ˌtre-rē, 4 often kən-ˈtrer-ē\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate
{ margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0
10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px
0;padding:0;line-height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em,
.ld_on_collegiate p em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData
div.headword + div.d { margin-top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight:
bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl, .ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: exactly opposite to something else : entirely different from something else
: against or opposed to something
: not favorable or helpful

Full Definition of CONTRARY

: being so different as to be at opposite extremes : opposite <come to the contrary
conclusion> <went off in contrary directions>; also : being opposite to or in conflict with
each other <contrary viewpoints>
: being not in conformity with what is usual or expected <actions contrary to company
policy> <contrary evidence>
: unfavorable —used of wind or weather
: temperamentally unwilling to accept control or advice

Examples of CONTRARY
The sisters gave contrary answers: one said “yes” and one said “no.”
We had contrary opinions on the issue.
Without contrary evidence, the jury will find her guilty.
The boat sailed against a contrary wind.
Contrary weather impeded the rescue efforts.

adverse vs. averse

Contrary to one's interests or welfare
He had an adverse reaction to the medication

Strongly opposed (usually followed by 'to')
He is averse to taking risks.

All ways
By all routes
I will help you in all ways possible.
At all times; all the time and on every occasion
He always arrives on time
adjective .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: normal or usual : not unusual, different, or special
: neither very good nor very bad : not very impressive

Full Definition of ORDINARY

: of a kind to be expected in the normal order of events : routine, usual <an ordinary day>
: having or constituting immediate or original jurisdiction; also : belonging to such
a : of common quality, rank, or ability <an ordinary teenager>
b : deficient in quality : poor, inferior <ordinary wine>

Examples of ORDINARY
They've had the ordinary problems associated with starting a new business.
My wife thought our guide was strange, but he seemed perfectly ordinary to me.
The meal was ordinary and uninspired.

Antonyms for unique

·532 common
·533 normal
·534 ordinary
·535 regular
·536 usual
·537 commonplace
·538 like
·539 similar
·540 standard
adjective \ˈyü-zhə-wəl, -zhəl; ˈyüzh-wəl\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0
0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px
0;padding:0;line-height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px
0;padding:0;line-height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em,
.ld_on_collegiate p em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData
div.headword + div.d { margin-top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight:
bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl, .ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: done, found, or used most of the time or in most cases : normal or regular

Full Definition of USUAL

: accordant with usage, custom, or habit : normal
: commonly or ordinarily used <followed his usual route>
: found in ordinary practice or in the ordinary course of events : ordinary

Examples of USUAL
She charges less than the usual fee.
He took his usual route to work.
the usual method for preparing chili
She is not my usual doctor.
It's usual to charge a fee for delivery.
It's not usual for him to get home so late.

adjective \im-ˈpre-siv\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0
19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: deserving attention, admiration, or respect : making a good impression

Full Definition of IMPRESSIVE

: making or tending to make a marked impression : having the power to excite attention,
awe, or admiration <an impressive display of skill>
— im·pres·sive·ly adverb
— im·pres·sive·ness noun

Examples of IMPRESSIVE
He has an impressive vocabulary for a 10-year-old.
Her first performance was very impressive.
He has an impressive manner.

adjective \ˈsəb-stən-tiv; 2c & 3 also səb-ˈstan-tiv\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate
{ margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0
10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px
0;padding:0;line-height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em,
.ld_on_collegiate p em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData
div.headword + div.d { margin-top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight:
bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl, .ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: important, real, or meaningful
: supported by facts or logic

Full Definition of SUBSTANTIVE

: being a totally independent entity
a : real rather than apparent : firm <need substantive evidence to prove her guilt>; also :
permanent, enduring
b : belonging to the substance of a thing : essential
c : expressing existence <the substantive verb is the verb to be>
d : requiring or involving no mordant <a substantive dyeing process>
a : having the nature or function of a noun <a substantive phrase>
b : relating to or having the character of a noun or pronominal term in logic
: considerable in amount or numbers : substantial <made substantive progress>
: creating and defining rights and duties <substantive law> — compare procedural
: having substance : involving matters of major or practical importance to all concerned
<substantive discussions among world leaders>
— sub·stan·tive·ly adverb
— sub·stan·tive·ness noun

These changes are more symbolic than substantive.
No substantive changes were made to the document.
There is no substantive reason to change the law.

noun \ri-ˈfīn-mənt\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: the act or process of removing unwanted substances from something : the act or process
of making something pure
: the act or process of improving something
: an improved version of something

Full Definition of REFINEMENT

: the action or process of refining
: the quality or state of being refined : cultivation
a : a refined feature or method
b : a highly refined distinction : subtlety
c : a contrivance or device intended to improve or perfect

Examples of REFINEMENT
<the recent refinements in this area of medical technology>
<had a sense of refinement that her small hometown couldn't satisfy, so she moved to
New York City to be closer to great museums and concert halls>

Meaning of 'Substance' in Telugu

·541 వషయమ
·542 పగధనగశమ
Related Phrases
·543 hyaline substance పరదరరక పదరసమ
·544 irritating substance రపడ పటటగచ పదరసమ
·545 ground substance 1. బగధన కణజలమ 2. తగతవలత అలబబడన ఆధర పదరసమ
·546 matter
·547 essence
·548 material
·549 stuff
·550 gist
Meaning of 'Material' in Telugu
·551 భతక
·552 వశష
Related Phrases
·553 Acrylic material రసయనక పదరతలదరర తయర చసన గడరత తయరవన
దససల మ.వ.
·554 raw material మడ పదరసగ
·555 court material 1. సవ నక నయయససనగ 2. సవ నక కరట
·556 physical
·557 corporeal
·558 substantial
·559 bodily
·560 stuff
·561 matter
·562 fabric
·563 substance
·564 cloth

Full Definition of SUBSTANCE

a : essential nature : essence
b : a fundamental or characteristic part or quality
c Christian Science : god 1b
a : ultimate reality that underlies all outward manifestations and change
b : practical importance : meaning, usefulness <the…bill—which will be without
substance in the sense that it will authorize nothing more than a set of ideas — Richard
a : physical material from which something is made or which has discrete existence
b : matter of particular or definite chemical constitution
c : something (as drugs or alcoholic beverages) deemed harmful and usually subject to
legal restriction <possession of a controlled substance> <substance abuse>
: material possessions : property <a family of substance>
— sub·stance·less \-ləs\ adjective
— in substance
: in respect to essentials : fundamentally

Examples of SUBSTANCE
The pancreas secretes a substance called insulin.
The floor was covered with a white, powdery substance that turned out to be flour.
heroin and other illegal substances
He had a history of substance abuse.
When has he ever said anything of substance?
The results of the study give substance to their theory.
the substance of my argument

vary - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of vary

Meanings of vary
[Show Transliteration]
భననపడట [bhinnapaḍuṭa]
భదపడట [bhēdapaḍuṭa]
భదపరచట [bhēdaparucuṭa]
be at variance with; be out of line with
be subject to change in accordance with a variable
- His moods vary depending on the weather
make something more diverse and varied

verb \ˈver-ē\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to be different or to become different
: to make (something) different : to make changes to (something) so that it is not always
the same

Full Definition of VARY

transitive verb
: to make a partial change in : make different in some attribute or characteristic
: to make differences between items in : diversify
intransitive verb
: to exhibit or undergo change <the sky was constantly varying>
: deviate, depart
: to take on successive values <y varies inversely with x>
: to exhibit divergence in structural or physiological characters from the typical form
— vary·ing·ly \-iŋ-lē\ adverb

Examples of VARY
The terrain varies as you climb higher.
The cost of a room at the hotel varies with the season.
Their services vary depending on the customer.
They've tried to improve their procedures, with varying degrees of success.
The diamonds vary in size.
Colors vary from light to dark.
I try to vary my diet by eating different kinds of foods

Vain - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of vain
వన / వవ న

Meanings of vain
[Show Transliteration]
వయరసమవన [vyarthamaina]

verb \ˈwād\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to walk through water
: to move or proceed with difficulty
: to become involved in a discussion, situation, activity, etc., in a forceful, direct, or
careless way

Full Definition of WADE

intransitive verb
: to step in or through a medium (as water) offering more resistance than air
: to move or proceed with difficulty or labor <wade through the crowd> <wade through
all the evidence>
: to set to work or attack with determination or vigor —used with in or into <wade into a
transitive verb
: to pass or cross by wading

Examples of WADE
We waded into the ocean.
I jumped off the boat and waded back to shore.
Police waded into the crowd.
We waded through the crowded bus station.
It took several weeks to wade through all the evidence.
We waded our way through the crowd.

noun \ˈbev-rij, ˈbe-və-\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0
19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: something you can drink : a liquid for drinking

Full Definition of BEVERAGE

: a drinkable liquid

Examples of BEVERAGE
Beverages are listed on the back of the menu.
<would anyone like a beverage with their snack?>

verb \ˈdēm\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to think of (someone or something) in a particular way

Full Definition of DEEM

transitive verb
: to come to think or judge : consider <deemed it wise to go slow>

Examples of DEEM
The principal will take whatever action she deems appropriate in this case.
<I deem it fitting that we mark this solemn occasion with a day of prayer and

Meaning of 'Deem' in Telugu

·565 పరగణగచ
·566 think
·567 consider
·568 reckon
·569 suppose
·570 regard
·571 believe
·572 opine
·573 imagine
·574 guess
·575 judge
·576 repute
·577 count

Meaning of 'Applause' in Telugu

·578 పగశగస
·579 శబఘన
·580 approval
·581 acclamation
·582 hand
·583 acclaim
·584 clap
·585 plaudit
·586 clapping

Meaning of 'Censure' in Telugu

·587 తవగ వమరర
·588 అభశగసన
Related Phrases
·589 censure motion అభశగసన తరతనగ
·590 criticize
·591 condemn
·592 blame
·593 dece
·594 decry
·595 reprehend
·596 reprove
·597 reproach
·598 animadvert
·599 disapprove
·600 deprecate
·601 rebuke
·602 reprimand
·603 reprobate
·604 criticism
·605 reproof
·606 blame
·607 condemnation
·608 reprehension
·609 animadversion
·610 disapproval
·611 rebuke
·612 reproach
·613 reprimand

Meaning of 'Mollify' in Telugu

·614 శగతపరచ
·615 తవపస పరచ
In pictures, Chiranjeevi was seen trying to mollify the voter, who said he had come all the
way from London and had been waiting for more than an hour.

Meaning of 'Defeat' in Telugu

·616 పటల కన, యదరగల కన ఓడగచ
·617 పరభవమ
Related Phrases
·618 Defeat the ends of justice నయయ పగయజనగన మరయ లకయనన వఫలగ చయ
·619 vanquish
·620 beat
·621 overcome
·622 conquer
·623 overpower
·624 reverse
·625 failure
·626 rout
·627 frustration
·628 discomfiture
·629 loss
Narendra Modi today said the Congress has already accepted defeat as the party plans to
support a Third Front government at the Centre to keep him out of the race.

Meaning of 'Transition' in Telugu

·630 మరప
·631 మర పదరత
·632 transitive
·633 passage
·634 change
·635 crossing

noun \tran(t)-ˈsi-shən, tran-ˈzi-, chiefly British tran(t)-ˈsi-zhən\ .headword
.ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width: 405px;}
.ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate
p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;} #mwEntryData
div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color: black; font-weight:
normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate
.bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl, .ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style:
italic; }
: a change from one state or condition to another

Full Definition of TRANSITION

a : passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another : change
b : a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another
a : a musical modulation
b : a musical passage leading from one section of a piece to another
: an abrupt change in energy state or level (as of an atomic nucleus or a molecule) usually
accompanied by loss or gain of a single quantum of energy
— tran·si·tion·al \-ˈsish-nəl, -ˈsizh-, -ˈzish-; -ˈsi-shə-nəl, -ˈzi-, -zhə-\ adjective
— tran·si·tion·al·ly adverb

Examples of TRANSITION
We want to have a smooth transition when the new owners take control of the
the sometimes difficult transition from childhood to adulthood
The country made a peaceful transition from dictatorship to democracy.
Some students find it difficult to make the transition to a new school.
Transition Sentence Examples
·636 Transition from childhood to adulthood?
·637 No doubt this helps the baby ease the transition to life outside the womb.
·638 A smooth transition from a project to routine practice should be the
·639 Transition metal ions are often at the ' heart ' of many biological catalysts.
·640 The phase transition is accompanied by a 9.8 % volume contraction.
·641 In order for the carbamate to reform, the enzyme must undergo transition
to the open conformation.
·642 This would allow a seamless transition from interior to exterior.
·643 Transition probability of OK to ERROR is zero

Meaning of 'Word' in Telugu

·644 పగసగగగల ఉపయగగచ పతథమక భషరటపమ-పదమ
·645 సరలపభషణ
·646 పగసగగమ
·647 సగకపస పగకటన
Related Phrases
·648 word deafness శగవణ శకస వనన
·649 Code word సగకత పదగ
·650 crack-jaw word 1. ఉచచరగచగదక కషటమవన పదగ 2. పలకగదక చల కషటమవన
·651 By-word సపషటమవన ఉదహరణ చపపట
·652 phrase
·653 formulate
·654 couch
·655 alize
·656 speech
·657 vocable
·658 promise
Meaning of 'Formulate' in Telugu
·659 పదరత పగకరమ ఏరపటచయ
·660 state
·661 word
·662 frame
·663 couch
·664 phrase

Examples of WORD
How do you spell that word?
“Please” is a useful word.
Our teacher often used words I didn't know.
What is the French word for car?
Describe the experience in your own words.
The lawyer used Joe's words against him.
She gave the word to begin.
We will wait for your word before we serve dinner.

aired - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of aired

Meanings of aired
[Show Transliteration]
ఆరబటటన [ārabeṭṭina]

Definitions of aired
aired - adjective
open to or abounding in fresh air

featured - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of featured

Meanings of featured
[Show Transliteration]
ఆకరమగల [ākāramugala]
రటపగల [rūpugala]

Definitions of featured
featured - adjective
made a feature or highlight; given prominence
- a featured item at the sale
having facial features as specified; usually used in combination

noun \ˈfē-chər\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: an interesting or important part, quality, ability, etc.
: a part of the face (such as the eyes, nose, or mouth)
: a movie that is made to be shown in a theater for entertainment : a full-length movie

Full Definition of FEATURE

a : the structure, form, or appearance especially of a person
b obsolete : physical beauty
a : the makeup or appearance of the face or its parts
b : a part of the face : lineament
a : a prominent part or characteristic
b : any of the properties (as voice or gender) that are characteristic of a grammatical
element (as a phoneme or morpheme); especially : one that is distinctive
: a special attraction: as
a : a featured motion picture
b : a featured article, story, or department in a newspaper or magazine
c : something offered to the public or advertised as particularly attractive <one of the
car's most popular features>

Examples of FEATURE
This year's models include several new safety features.
This camera has several features that make it easy to use.
The car has some interesting new design features.
His plan combines the best features of the earlier proposals.
Her eyes are her best feature.
Tonight's feature is a new romantic comedy.
He starred in his first feature film a year ago.

Definition of FEATURED
: having facial features of a particular kind —used in combination <a heavy-featured
: displayed, advertised, or presented as a special attraction

Meaning of 'Feature' in Telugu

·665 సహజలకణమ
·666 మఖగలన భగమ
·667 characterize
·668 trait
·669 characteristic

Meaning of 'Characteristic' in Telugu

·670 సరభవకమవన
·671 typical
·672 distinctive
·673 peculiar
·674 specific
·675 representative
·676 feature
·677 trait
·678 attribute
·679 property
·680 quality
·681 peculiarity
Meaning of 'Attribute' in Telugu
·682 ఆకరరగచ

noun \ˈte-nənt\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: a person, business, group, etc., that pays to use another person's property : someone who
rents or leases a house, apartment, etc., from a landlord

Full Definition of TENANT

a : one who holds or possesses real estate or sometimes personal property (as a security)
by any kind of right
b : one who has the occupation or temporary possession of lands or tenements of another;
specifically : one who rents or leases (as a house) from a landlord
: occupant, dweller

Examples of TENANT
A tenant is now leasing the apartment.
<the laundry in the basement is for tenants only>
transitive verb

Definition of TENANT
: to hold or occupy as or as if as a tenant : inhabit
verb \in-ˈha-bət\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to live in (a place) : to have a home in (a place)
: to be present in (something)

Full Definition of INHABIT

transitive verb
: to occupy as a place of settled residence or habitat : live in <inhabit a small house>
: to be present in or occupy in any manner or form <the human beings who inhabit this
tale — Al Newman>
intransitive verb
archaic : to have residence in a place : dwell
— in·hab·it·able \-bə-tə-bəl\ adjective
— in·hab·it·er noun

Examples of INHABIT
Several hundred species of birds inhabit the island.
This part of the country is inhabited by native tribes.
There is a romantic quality that inhabits all her paintings.
The novel is inhabited by a cast of eccentric characters.

Meaning of 'Inhabit' in Telugu

·683 నవసగగ చసకన ఉగడ
·684 నవసమన ఏరపరచకన
·685 dwell
·686 live
·687 reside
·688 occupy
·689 populate
·690 people
·691 live in
·692 abide
·693 indwell
·694 settle

inhabit - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of inhabit
ఇనఫ రబట / ఇనఫ రబట

Meanings of inhabit
[Show Transliteration]

Definitions of inhabit
inhabit - verb
inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of
- The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted
- this kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean
- deer are populating the woods
be present in
exist or be situated within

fruitless - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of fruitless
ఫస టబస / ఫస టబస

Meanings of fruitless
[Show Transliteration]
నరరరకమవన [nirardhakamaina]
నషపలమవన [niṣpalamaina]
పనకరన [panikirāni]
వయరరమవన [vyardhamaina]

Definitions of fruitless
fruitless - adjective
unproductive of success
- futile years after her artistic peak
- a sleeveless errand
- a vain attempt
fruitlessly నరరరకమగ

fruitlessly నషసలమగ

fruitlessly వయరసమగ

fruitlessness నషసలతరమ

fruitlessness వయరసత

adjective \ˈfrüt-ləs\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: producing no good results : not successful

Full Definition of FRUITLESS

: unsuccessful <a fruitless attempt>
: lacking or not bearing fruit
— fruit·less·ly adverb
— fruit·less·ness noun
Examples of FRUITLESS
They made a fruitless attempt to find a solution.
It would be fruitless to continue

verb \ˈyēld\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to produce or provide (something, such as a plant or crop)
: to produce (something) as a result of time, effort, or work
: to produce (a profit, an amount of money, etc.)

Full Definition of YIELD

transitive verb
archaic : recompense, reward
: to give or render as fitting, rightfully owed, or required
: to give up possession of on claim or demand: as
a : to give up (as one's breath) and so die
b : to surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another : hand over possession of
c : to surrender or submit (oneself) to another
d : to give (oneself) up to an inclination, temptation, or habit
e : to relinquish one's possession of (as a position of advantage or point of superiority)
<yield precedence>
a : to bear or bring forth as a natural product especially as a result of cultivation <the tree
always yields good fruit>
b : to produce or furnish as return <this soil should yield good crops>
c (1) : to produce as return from an expenditure or investment : furnish as profit or
interest <a bond that yields 12 percent> (2) : to produce as revenue : bring in <the tax is
expected to yield millions>
: to give up (as a hit or run) in baseball <yielded two runs in the third inning>
intransitive verb
: to be fruitful or productive : bear, produce
: to give up and cease resistance or contention : submit, succumb <facing an enemy who
would not yield> <yielding to temptation>
: to give way to pressure or influence : submit to urging, persuasion, or entreaty
: to give way under physical force (as bending, stretching, or breaking)
a : to give place or precedence : acknowledge the superiority of someone else
b : to be inferior <our dictionary yields to none>
c : to give way to or become succeeded by someone or something else
: to relinquish the floor of a legislative assembly

yield - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of yield

Meanings of yield
[Show Transliteration]
పగట [paṇṭa]
పయర [payiru]
ఫలమ [phalamu]
yielding అణగ

yielding మతసన

Meaning of 'Yield' in Telugu

·695 ఇచర
·696 లభగచ
·697 give
·698 surrender
·699 give in
·700 produce
·701 bear
·702 crop
·703 harvest
·704 output
·705 produce
·706 product
·707 production
·708 proceeds
·709 income

Examples of YIELD
The apple trees yielded an abundant harvest.
This soil should yield good crops.
The seeds yield a rich oil.
New methods have yielded promising results in the field.
The studies yielded clear evidence.
The tax is expected to yield millions.
The bond yields seven percent annually.
After several hours of debate, the opposition yielded.
I yield the floor to the Senator from Maine.
I yield to the Senator.

Meaning of 'Hilarious' in Telugu

·710 సగతషమవన
·711 ఉలబసమవన
·712 merry
·713 jolly
·714 jocund
·715 cheerful
·716 joyful
·717 blithe
·718 cheery
·719 jovial
·720 sprightly
Meaning of 'Merry' in Telugu
·721 ఆనగదగత కడన
·722 ఉలబస
Meaning of 'Oppose' in Telugu
·723 ఎదరగచ
·724 వరధగచ
·725 resist
·726 withstand

Meaning of 'Mean' in Telugu

·727 సగట
·728 మధయమగ
Related Phrases
·729 the golden mean 1. మధయమరగమల 2. సగగల
·730 golden mean మతవద సటతగ గ

mean - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of mean

Meanings of mean
[Show Transliteration]
ఉపయమ [upāyamu]
కరణమ [kāraṇamu]
బగడరమ [baṇḍōramu]
మధయమససత [madhyamasthiti]
మధయమవసస [madhyamāvastha]
మతమ [mitamu]
సధనమ [sādhanamu]
తచచమవన [tucchamaina]
నచమవన [nīcamaina]
సమనయమవన [sāmān'yamaina]
హనమవన [hīnamaina]
అలపమవన [alpamaina]
తలచట [talacuṭa]
భవగచకనట [bhāvinncukonuṭa]
యగచట [yenncaṭu]
అరసమట [arthamauṭa]
meander తరగట

meander సగచరగచడమ

meander సగచరమ

meaning అరసగ

meaning అరసమ

meaning తతపరయమ

meaning భవమ

meanness తచచత

meanness నచత

meanness హనత
meander తరగడ

meander సగచరగచట

meanly తచచమగ

meanly నచమగ

meanly హనమగ

meantime యగతల

meanwhile యగతల

meant అనకనన

meant భవగచన

Swathi's friends as saying she was not meant to be on this train.

verb \ˈmēn\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to have (a particular meaning)
: to want or intend to express (a particular idea or meaning)
: to have (something) in your mind as a purpose or goal

Full Definition of MEAN

transitive verb
a : to have in the mind as a purpose : intend <she means to win> —sometimes used
interjectionally with I, chiefly in informal speech for emphasis <he throws, I mean, hard>
or to introduce a phrase restating the point of a preceding phrase <we try to answer what
we can, but I mean we're not God — Bobbie Ann Mason>
b : to design for or destine to a specified purpose or future <I was meant to teach>
: to serve or intend to convey, show, or indicate : signify <a red sky means rain>
: to have importance to the degree of <health means everything>
: to direct to a particular individual
intransitive verb
: to have an intended purpose <he means well>
— mean·er \ˈmē-nər\ noun
— mean business
: to be in earnest

Examples of MEAN
The word meant one thing in Shakespeare's day, but it means something else now.
Red means “stop” and green means “go.”
Can you tell me what my dream means?
What was meant by the poet?
Don't distort what she meant by taking her words out of context.
He's very ambitious, and I mean that as a compliment.
It's a very easy question. Anyone, and I mean anyone, should be able to answer it.
She's not getting any thinner, if you know what I mean.
She says she didn't mean anything by what she did.
I don't trust him. He means no good.
adjective \ˈmēn\

Definition of MEAN
: lacking distinction or eminence : humble
: lacking in mental discrimination : dull
a : of poor shabby inferior quality or status <mean city streets>
b : worthy of little regard : contemptible —often used in negative constructions as a term
of praise <no mean feat>
: lacking dignity or honor : base
a : penurious, stingy
b : characterized by petty selfishness or malice
c : causing trouble or bother : vexatious
d : excellent, effective <plays a mean trumpet> <a lean, mean athlete>
: ashamed 1b
— mean·ness \ˈmēn-nəs\ noun
adjective \ˈmēn\

Definition of MEAN
: occupying a middle position : intermediate in space, order, time, kind, or degree
: occupying a position about midway between extremes; especially : being the mean (see
mean) of a set of values : average <the mean temperature>
: serving as a means : intermediary
noun \ˈmēn\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: a middle point between two things
preposition \ˈthrü\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: into one side and out the other side of (something)
: from one side or end to another side or end of (something)
—used to describe movement within a place or an area of land, air, etc.

Full Definition of THROUGH

a (1) —used as a function word to indicate movement into at one side or point and out at
another and especially the opposite side of <drove a nail through the board> (2) : by way
of <left through the door> (3) —used as a function word to indicate passage from one
end or boundary to another <a highway through the forest> <a road through the desert>
(4) : without stopping for : past <drove through a red light>
b —used as a function word to indicate passage into and out of a treatment, handling, or
process <the matter has already passed through her hands>
—used as a function word to indicate means, agency, or intermediacy: as
a : by means of : by the agency of
b : because of <failed through ignorance>
c : by common descent from or relationship with <related through their grandfather>
a : over the whole surface or extent of : throughout <homes scattered through the valley>
b —used as a function word to indicate movement within a large expanse <flew through
the air>
c —used as a function word to indicate exposure to a specified set of conditions <put him
through hell>
—used as a function word to indicate a period of time: as
a : during the entire period of <all through her life>
b : from the beginning to the end of <the tower stood through the earthquake>
c : to and including <Monday through Friday>
a —used as a function word to indicate completion or exhaustion <got through the book>
<went through the money in a year>
b —used as a function word to indicate acceptance or approval especially by an official
body <got the bill through the legislature>

Examples of THROUGH
He hit the nail through the wood.
She looked through the binoculars.
The bullet had gone through his hand.
He just walked through the door.
The security guards pushed their way through the crowd.
She could see a figure through the fog.
I looked through the window.
adverb \ˈthrü\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: from one side or end to the other
: over the whole distance
: from the beginning to the end

Full Definition of THROUGH

: from one end or side to the other
a : from beginning to end
b : to completion, conclusion, or accomplishment <see it through>
: to the core : completely <soaked through>
: into the open : out <break through>

Examples of THROUGH
Let these people go through, please.
The nail went completely through.
It snowed heavily, but we made it through.
We'll never get through—the mud is too deep.
The package was shipped through to New Orleans.
Read the essay through and tell me what you think.
adjective \ˈthrü\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: having reached the end of an activity, job, etc.
: no longer in a romantic relationship
: no longer able to continue in a role, activity, etc.

Full Definition of THROUGH

a : extending from one surface to another <a through mortise>
b : admitting free or continuous passage : direct <a through road>
a (1) : going from point of origin to destination without change or reshipment <a through
train> (2) : of or relating to such movement <a through ticket>
b : initiated at and destined for points outside a local zone <through traffic>
a : arrived at completion or accomplishment <is through with the job>
b : washed-up, finished

Examples of THROUGH
I'm not through yet. I have one more topic to discuss.
If you're through using the phone, I'd like to use it next.
Is this a through road?
The left lane is for through traffic only.

noun \ˈstep-ˌəp\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: an increase in size or amount

Full Definition of STEP-UP

: an increase or advance in size or amount
a step-up in production

Meaning of 'Native' in Telugu

·731 సరభవకమవన
·732 సహజమవన
·733 indigenous
·734 natural
·735 innate
·736 inborn
·737 inbred
·738 aboriginal
·739 indigene
·740 aboriginal
·741 aborigine

native - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of native
నటవ / నవ టవ

Meanings of native
[Show Transliteration]
నలబవడ [nallavāḍu]
యకకడవడ [yikkaḍivāḍu]
ససలజజడ [sthalajñuḍu]
ససనకడ (m) [sthānikuḍu]
సరభవకమవన [svābhāvikamaina]
అకవతదమమవన [akrrtrimamaina]
పటటన [puṭṭina]
సహజమవన [sahajamaina]
Meaning of 'Proponent' in Telugu
·742 సదరగతమ
·743 పగతపదన
·744 supporter
·745 advocate
·746 proposer

adjective \ˈskā-lə-bəl\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0
19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: easy to make larger, more powerful, etc.

Full Definition of SCALABLE

: capable of being scaled
: capable of being easily expanded or upgraded on demand <a scalable computer
— scal·abil·i·ty \ˌskā-lə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun

prescriptively - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of prescriptively
Meanings of prescriptively
[Show Transliteration]
సరతసతదరమగ [svatas'sid'dhamugā]
అనదగ [anādigā]

adjective \pri-ˈskrip-tiv\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0
19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: giving exact rules, directions, or instructions about how you should do something
: providing rules and opinions that tell people how language should be used

Full Definition of PRESCRIPTIVE

: serving to prescribe <prescriptive rules of usage>
: acquired by, founded on, or determined by prescription or by long-standing custom
— pre·scrip·tive·ly adverb

Critics claim the new rules are too prescriptive.
<even in this age of e-mail the prescriptive response to a wedding gift is a
handwritten thank-you note>

Meaning of 'Agility' in Telugu

·747 హషర/చరక
·748 లఘవమ
·749 nimbleness
·750 quickness
·751 dexterity

agility - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of agility
అజలట / అజలట

Meanings of agility
[Show Transliteration]

Definitions of agility
agility - noun
the gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble

comprised - meaning in Telugu

Pronunciation of comprised

Meanings of comprised
[Show Transliteration]
యమడన [yimiḍina]
Meaning of 'Comprise' in Telugu
·752 కలగన
·753 కలగ ఉనన
·754 include
·755 contain
·756 embrace
·757 comprehend
·758 encompass
·759 embody

verb \kəm-ˈprīz\
: to be made up of (something) : to include or consist of (something)
: to make up or form (something)

Full Definition of COMPRISE

transitive verb
1 : to include especially within a particular scope <civilization as Lenin used the term
would then certainly have comprised the changes that are now associated in our minds
with “developed” rather than “developing” states — Times Literary Supplement>
2 : to be made up of <a vast installation, comprising fifty buildings — Jane Jacobs>
3 : compose, constitute <a misconception as to what comprises a literary generation —
William Styron> <about 8 percent of our military forces are comprised of women —
Jimmy Carter>

Examples of COMPRISE
Each army division comprised 4,500 troops.
The play comprises three acts.

go off

Definition of GO OFF
intransitive verb
: explode
: to burst forth or break out suddenly or noisily
: to go forth, out, or away : leave
: to undergo decline or deterioration
: to follow the expected or desired course : proceed <the party went off well>
: to make a characteristic noise : sound <could hear the alarm going off>
— go off the deep end
: to enter recklessly on a course
: to become very much excited

Examples of GO OFF
<specialists were able to deactivate the bomb before it went off>
<the wedding went off without so much as a single glitch>
Once a movie releases and goes off the theatres, one gets to see it only on television.
There are no second releases like in the past.

verb \kə-ˈla-bə-ˌrāt\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0
19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to work with another person or group in order to achieve or do something
: to give help to an enemy who has invaded your country during a war

Full Definition of COLLABORATE

intransitive verb
: to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor
: to cooperate with or willingly assist an enemy of one's country and especially an
occupying force
: to cooperate with an agency or instrumentality with which one is not immediately
— col·lab·o·ra·tion \-ˌla-bə-ˈrā-shən\ noun
— col·lab·o·ra·tive \-ˈla-bə-ˌrā-tiv, -b(ə-)rə-\ adjective or noun
— col·lab·o·ra·tive·ly \-lē\ adverb
— col·lab·o·ra·tor \-ˈla-bə-ˌrā-tər\ noun

The two companies agreed to collaborate.
He was suspected of collaborating with the occupying army.
noun \ˈdā-ˌbyü, dā-ˈ\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0
19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: the first time an actor, musician, athlete, etc., does something in public or for the public

Full Definition of DEBUT

: a first appearance <made her singing debut>
: a formal entrance into society

Examples of DEBUT
my debut as a pianist
He made his singing debut at a very young age.
She is making her television debut.

verb \ˈthrash\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to hit (someone or something) very hard with a stick, whip, etc.
: to defeat (someone or something) very easily or completely
: to move about violently

Full Definition of THRASH

transitive verb
: to separate the seeds of from the husks and straw by beating : thresh 1
a : to beat soundly with or as if with a stick or whip : flog
b : to defeat decisively or severely <thrashed the visiting team>
: to swing, beat, or strike in the manner of a rapidly moving flail <thrashing his arms>
a : to go over again and again <thrash the matter over inconclusively>
b : to hammer out : forge <thrash out a plan>
intransitive verb
: thresh 1
: to deal blows or strokes like one using a flail or whip
: to move or stir about violently : toss about <thrash in bed with a fever>

Examples of THRASH
He thrashed me with his belt.
The team thrashed them last week.
Something was thrashing wildly in the water.
She thrashed around in her sleep.

verb \ˈspe-kyə-ˌlāt\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to think about something and make guesses about it : to form ideas or theories about
something usually when there are many things not known about it
: to invest money in ways that could produce a large profit but that also involve a lot of

Full Definition of SPECULATE

intransitive verb
a : to meditate on or ponder a subject : reflect
b : to review something idly or casually and often inconclusively
: to assume a business risk in hope of gain; especially : to buy or sell in expectation of
profiting from market fluctuations
transitive verb
: to take to be true on the basis of insufficient evidence : theorize
: to be curious or doubtful about : wonder <speculates whether it will rain all vacation>

Examples of SPECULATE
She could only speculate about her friend's motives.
He speculated as to whether she would come.
We don't know what happened—we can only speculate.
speculating on the stock market

noun \ˈmō-tiv, 2 is also mō-ˈtēv\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0
0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px
0;padding:0;line-height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px
0;padding:0;line-height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em,
.ld_on_collegiate p em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData
div.headword + div.d { margin-top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight:
bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl, .ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: a reason for doing something

Full Definition of MOTIVE

: something (as a need or desire) that causes a person to act
: a recurrent phrase or figure that is developed through the course of a musical

Examples of MOTIVE
Their motive in running away was to avoid being punished.
I think he's guilty of the crime. He had the motive, the means, and the opportunity.
She denied that her offer to help was based on selfish motives.
adjective \ˈmō-tiv\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: of, relating to, or causing motion

Full Definition of MOTIVE

: of or relating to motion or the causing of motion <motive energy>
: moving or tending to move to action
Meaning of 'Motive' in Telugu
·760 కదలగచనటట
·761 చలనగ కలగగచనటట
·762 motor
·763 moving
·764 motional
·765 impellent
·766 motivate
·767 induce
·768 cause
·769 reason
·770 motif
·771 occasion
·772 incentive
·773 inducement
·774 ground
·775 impulse
·776 stimulus
·777 motivation
verb \ˈstint\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to use or give something in limited amounts

Full Definition of STINT

intransitive verb
archaic : stop, desist
: to be sparing or frugal <not stinting with their praise>
transitive verb
archaic : to put an end to : stop
a archaic : to limit within certain boundaries
b : to restrict with respect to a share or allowance <stinted herself of luxuries>
— stint·er noun

Definition of STINT
a : a definite quantity of work assigned
b : a period of time spent at a particular activity <served a brief stint as a waiter>
: restraint, limitation
Pawan Kalyan’s ex wife Renu Desai is surely enjoying her stint as a director.

verb .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to bind, fasten, or tie (something or someone) with a rope
: to catch (an animal) by throwing a circle of rope around it
: to use clever or tricky methods to get (someone) to do something

Full Definition of ROPE

transitive verb
a : to bind, fasten, or tie with a rope or cord
b : to partition, separate, or divide by a rope <rope off the street>
c : lasso
: to draw as if with a rope : lure
intransitive verb
: to take the form of or twist in the manner of rope
— rop·er noun

Examples of ROPE
The dog was roped to the fence.
The boats were roped together at the dock.
Mountain climbers often rope themselves together for safety.
He tried to rope the calf.

noun \-ˌlīt\

Examples of LIMELIGHT
<an actress who discovered that the limelight was not such a glowing experience
when her privacy was invaded>

Definition of LIMELIGHT
a : a stage lighting instrument producing illumination by means of an oxyhydrogen flame
directed on a cylinder of lime and usually equipped with a lens to concentrate the light in
a beam
b : the white light produced by such an instrument
c British : spotlight
: the center of public attention

adverb \-blē\

Definition of REMARKABLY
: in a remarkable manner <remarkably talented>
: as is remarkable <remarkably, no one was hurt>

verb \di-ˈvīz\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to invent or plan (something that is difficult or complicated)

Full Definition of DEVISE

transitive verb
a : to form in the mind by new combinations or applications of ideas or principles :
invent <devise a new strategy>
b archaic : conceive, imagine
c : to plan to obtain or bring about : plot <devise one's death>
: to give (real estate) by will — compare bequeath
— de·vis·able \-ˈvī-zə-bəl\ adjective
— de·vis·er noun

Examples of DEVISE
They have devised a new method for converting sunlight into electricity.
<she quickly devised a new scheme when the first one failed>

Meaning of 'Informative' in Telugu

·778 సమచరమగదజస
·779 భగటట తలయజస
·780 తలయజస
·781 ఉపదశగచ
·782 instructive
Meaning of 'Instructive' in Telugu
·783 భధకమయన
·784 పఠగ నరప
·785 informative
·786 didactic
·787 educative
·788 educational

adjective \in-ˈfȯr-mə-tiv\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0
19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: providing information

Full Definition of INFORMATIVE

: imparting knowledge : instructive

<some Web sites for family vacation resorts are very informative and some are
practically useless>

adjective \in-ˈstrək-tiv\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0
19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: providing knowledge or information : helping to instruct someone

Full Definition of INSTRUCTIVE

: carrying a lesson : enlightening

an interesting and instructive lesson
<an instructive demonstration of the proper way to pack a suitcase so your clothes
don't arrive in a mess>

verb \ˈthrä-təl\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to choke or strangle (someone)
: to defeat (someone or something) easily or completely
: to not allow (something) to grow or develop

Full Definition of THROTTLE

transitive verb
a (1) : to compress the throat of : choke (2) : to kill by such action
b : to prevent or check expression or activity of : suppress <policies that throttle
a : to decrease the flow of (as steam or fuel to an engine) by a valve
b : to regulate and especially to reduce the speed of (as an engine) by such means
c : to vary the thrust of (a rocket engine) during flight
intransitive verb
: to throttle something (as an engine) —usually used with back or down <the pilot
throttled back>
Examples of THROTTLE
He throttled her in a fit of jealous rage.
I'm so mad I could throttle her!

Meaning of 'Consideration' in Telugu

·789 మఖయగశగ
·790 పగతఫలగ
·791 పరశలనరరమవన వషయగ
·792 వచకణ
Related Phrases
·793 Agreement without consideration పగతఫలగలన ఒపపగదగ
·794 Active Consideration 1. పరశలన చయట 2. తవగగగ పరగణగచట
·795 Consideration for guarantee గయరగట కసగ పగతఫలగ
·796 Consideration motion వచరణకవ పగతపదన
·797 Adequate Consideration 1. చలనగత పగతఫలగ 2. చలనగత నషటపరహరగ
·798 Consideration of a bill చతస బలబ యకక పరశలన
·799 Contract for valuable consideration వలవరటప పగతఫలనక కగటతకట
·800 regard
·801 deliberation
·802 respect

noun \kən-ˌsi-də-ˈrā-shən\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0
0 19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: careful thought : the act of thinking carefully about something you will make a decision
: a desire to avoid doing something that will make another person sad, upset, angry, etc.
: something that you think about when you make a choice or decision

Full Definition of CONSIDERATION

: continuous and careful thought <after long consideration he agreed to their requests>
a : a matter weighed or taken into account when formulating an opinion or plan
<economic considerations forced her to leave college>
b : a taking into account
: thoughtful and sympathetic regard
: an opinion obtained by reflection
: esteem, regard <the family built themselves a large, ugly villa … and became people of
consideration — V. S. Pritchett>
a : recompense, payment <a consideration paid for legal services>
b : the inducement to a contract or other legal transaction; specifically : an act or
forbearance or the promise thereof done or given by one party in return for the act or
promise of another
— in consideration of
: as payment or recompense for <a small fee in consideration of many kind services>

You should give some serious consideration to your retirement plans.
After careful consideration, he agreed to their requests.
Show some consideration and turn down that radio.
Finding a house close to work was an important consideration for them.
Economic considerations forced her to delay her education.
Meaning of 'Undergo' in Telugu
·803 అనభవగచ
·804 పగద
·805 suffer
·806 endure
·807 bear
·808 experience
·809 sustain
·810 stand
verb \ˌən-dər-ˈgō\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to experience or endure (something)

Full Definition of UNDERGO

transitive verb
: to submit to : endure
: to go through : experience <undergo a transformation>
obsolete : undertake
obsolete : to partake of

Examples of UNDERGO
She will have to undergo an operation.
<some people undergo a complete transformation while away at college>

verb \in-ˈduur, -ˈdyuur, en-\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0
19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to continue to exist in the same state or condition
: to experience (pain or suffering) for a long time
: to deal with or accept (something unpleasant)

Full Definition of ENDURE

transitive verb
: to undergo (as a hardship) especially without giving in : suffer <endured great pain>
: to regard with acceptance or tolerance <could not endure noisy children>
intransitive verb
: to continue in the same state : last <the style endured for centuries>
: to remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yielding <though it is difficult, we
must endure>

Examples of ENDURE
She wants to make sure her legacy will endure.
He endured five years as a prisoner of war.
We endured the lecture for as long as we could

cut down
Definition of CUT DOWN
transitive verb
a : to strike down and kill or incapacitate
b : knock down
a : to remodel by removing extras or unwanted furnishings and fittings
b : to remake in a smaller size
intransitive verb
: to reduce or curtail volume or activity <cut down on smoking>
— cut down to size
: to reduce from an inflated or exaggerated importance to true or suitable stature

Examples of CUT DOWN

<we need to cut down that dying tree>

strike down
transitive verb

Definition of STRIKE DOWN

: annul, nullify <the board struck down the appointment>; especially : to declare (a law)
illegal and unenforceable <the Supreme Court struck down the law>

Examples of STRIKE DOWN

<a law that was later struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court as unconstitutional>
to make null and void : ANNUL <struck down the proposal>; especially : to declare (a
law) illegal and unenforceable <the court struck down the law>

1 : to make ineffective : NEUTRALIZE, CANCEL <annul the drug's effect>
2 : to bring to an end legally <annul a marriage>

noun \ˈta-kəl, nautical often ˈtā-\

Definition of TACKLE
: a set of the equipment used in a particular activity : gear <fishing tackle>
a : a ship's rigging
b : an assemblage of ropes and pulleys arranged to gain mechanical advantage for
hoisting and pulling
a : the act or an instance of tackling
b (1) : either of two offensive football players positioned on each side of the center and
between guard and end (2) : either of two football players positioned on the inside of a
defensive line

verb .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to forcefully seize (someone) and cause that person to fall to the ground
American football or rugby : to force (the player with the ball) to fall to the ground
soccer, field hockey, etc. : to try to get the ball from (an opposing player who has it)
Full Definition of TACKLE
transitive verb
: to attach or secure with or as if with tackle
a : to seize, take hold of, or grapple with especially with the intention of stopping or
b : to seize and throw down or stop (an opposing player with the ball) in football
: to set about dealing with <tackle the problem>
intransitive verb
: to tackle an opposing player in football

Examples of TACKLE
The police officer tackled him as he tried to escape.
He was tackled at the line of scrimmage.
I'll tackle my homework later.
We found new ways to tackle the problem.


Definition of PILE
: a long slender column usually of timber, steel, or reinforced concrete driven into the
ground to carry a vertical load
: a wedge-shaped heraldic charge usually placed vertically with the broad end up
a : a target-shooting arrowhead without cutting edges


Definition of PILE
transitive verb
: to lay or place in a pile : stack
a : to heap in abundance : load <piled potatoes on his plate>
b : to collect little by little into a mass —usually used with up
intransitive verb
: to form a pile or accumulation —usually used with up
: to move or press forward in or as if in a mass : crowd <piled into a car>

Meaning of 'Scope' in Telugu

·811 పరమత
·812 హదద
Related Phrases
·813 magneto-scope అయసకగత దరరన
·814 oto scope కరరగతరదరరన
·815 Gastro Fiber Scope అననశయమ లపల పరకగచ గటటమ
·816 Beyond the scope of his authority అతన అధకర కరయ పరధక వలపల
·817 Fundus Scope నతతగతరదరరన-కనగడరలపల భగమన పరశలగచ పరకరమ
·818 Acting within scope of employment ఉదయగ తన పరధలల వరవహరగచడ లద
అన అరసగల ఈ పదబగధగ పగయగగచడమవతగద
·819 range
·820 extent
·821 reach
·822 purview
·823 sphere
·824 area
Meaning of 'Limit' in Telugu
·825 పలమర
·826 సరహదగ
Related Phrases
·827 time-limit కలపరమత
·828 Age limit వయపరమత
·829 restrict
·830 confine
·831 circumscribe
·832 bound
·833 narrow
·834 stint
·835 border
·836 bound
·837 boundary
·838 frontier
·839 confine
·840 pale
·841 line
·842 term
·843 end
Meaning of 'Limitation' in Telugu
·844 హదద ఏరపరచట
Related Phrases
·845 Barred by limitation కలదషగ పటటనగదవలన నషధగచబడనద
·846 Bar of limitation కలదషగ
Meaning of 'Drawback' in Telugu
·847 అసకరయమ
·848 లపమ
·849 handicap
·850 disadvantage
·851 obstacle
·852 defect
·853 hindrance
·854 shortcoming

adjective \ˈstrest\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: feeling very worried or anxious
: having a lot of physical pressure or force on it

Full Definition of STRESSED

: stressed-out <feeling stressed about work>

Examples of STRESSED
He was feeling pretty stressed about the deadline.
<you seem really stressed right now, so maybe you should try to do something more

noun \ˌkän(t)-sər-ˈvā-shən\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0
0 19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-
height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p
em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-
top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: the protection of animals, plants, and natural resources
: the careful use of natural resources (such as trees, oil, etc.) to prevent them from being
lost or wasted
: the things that are done to keep works of art or things of historical importance in good

Full Definition of CONSERVATION

: a careful preservation and protection of something; especially : planned management of
a natural resource to prevent exploitation, destruction, or neglect
: the preservation of a physical quantity during transformations or reactions

They are trying to raise money for conservation.
the conservation of the environment
She specializes in the conservation of furniture.
the conservation of religious shrines
Meaning of 'Conservation' in Telugu
·855 సహజ వనరలన భదదపరచడగ
·856 సహజ వనరలన సగరకగచడగ
Related Phrases
·857 Conservation area సగరకత పతగతమ
·858 conservation treatment సగపగదయ వవ దయ చకతత
·859 preservation
·860 keeping
·861 maintenance
·862 protection
·863 retention
·864 storage
verb \kən-ˈsərv\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to keep (something) safe from being damaged or destroyed
: to use (something) carefully in order to prevent loss or waste

Full Definition of CONSERVE

transitive verb
: to keep in a safe or sound state <he conserved his inheritance>; especially : to avoid
wasteful or destructive use of <conserve natural resources>
: to preserve with sugar
: to maintain (a quantity) constant during a process of chemical, physical, or evolutionary
change <conserved DNA sequences>
— con·serv·er noun
Examples of CONSERVE
With so little rain, everyone had to conserve water.
We need to conserve our natural resources.
Don't run around too much—you need to conserve your strength.
Meaning of 'Conserve' in Telugu
·865 భదద పరచ
·866 సగరకగచ
·867 preserve
·868 keep
·869 protect
·870 maintain
·871 save
·872 retain
·873 can
·874 guard
·875 reserve
·876 jam
·877 preserve
·878 confiture
Meaning of 'Preserve' in Telugu
·879 భదదపరచ నలర చయ
·880 పడవ పకగడ చటడ
What is the difference between preserve and conserve?
Let us see the difference between preserve and conserve. When you conserve something,
you ensure that you make use of it wisely. You make sure it is not wasted. There is a
suggestion that if you do not make careful use of it, then chances are it will be impossible
to replace the commodity. During the summer, the government always tells us to
conserve power and water. It's okay to waste them during the winter months, but not
during the summer. When you conserve something, you do not wish to waste or deplete
any of the available resources. You attempt not to change anything drastically.

• The Minister asked the people in cities to conserve water.

• The fast bowler conserved his energy by shortening his run up.
• During the summer, theatre owners conserve energy by switching off the AC.

Preserve, on the other hand, suggests that you make attempts to keep something as it is,
without making any changes. In other words, when you preserve something you keep it
intact. You keep it safe, protecting it from danger.

• Our government doesn't do a good job of preserving our monuments.

• We must make an effort to preserve our forests.
• This is a beautiful old house. We must preserve it.

He accomplished many achievements at the very young age.


1. Achieve

2. Attain

3. Complete

4. Conclude

5. Effectuate

6. Finish

7. Perform

8. Fulfill

Contextual Examples:

They could not achieve their target of less than 30% inflation.

When will you complete the construction of this building?

We must conclude from these remarks that all hope of a settlement is dead.

Wait, I have not finished yet.

The play was first performed in 1991.

You must first fulfill the terms of your contract.


1. Fail
2. Fall

3. Short

4. Forsake

5. Give up

Contextual Examples:

The letter failed to arrive in time.

He forsook the glamour of the city life for the small and simple cottage in the country.

She does not give up easily.

Meaning of 'Emissary' in Telugu

·881 దటత
·882 రయబర
·883 envoy
·884 messenger
·885 legate
·886 spy
Meaning of 'Mire' in Telugu
·887 రగప
·888 బరద
·889 muddy
·890 mud
·891 ooze
·892 slough
·893 sludge
·894 morass
·895 bog
·896 slime
·897 dirt
·898 marsh
·899 swamp
·900 muck
·901 slush
·902 fen
·903 silt
Meaning of 'Slough' in Telugu
·904 బరదగ ఉనన ససలమ
·905 చతసడ నల
Meaning of 'Fen' in Telugu
·906 పఱఱ
·907 చతసడ భటమ
Related Phrases
·908 Fen-Intern తడయకకలపల తలమ

verb \(ˌ)dē-ˈsa-lə-ˌnāt also -ˈsā-\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0
0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px
0;padding:0;line-height:20px; } .ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px
0;padding:0;line-height:20px;} #mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em,
.ld_on_collegiate p em { color: black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData
div.headword + div.d { margin-top: -7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight:
bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl, .ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to remove salt from (something, such as water)

Examples of DESALINATE
The company is building a plant that will desalinate seawater.
Meaning of 'Integrity' in Telugu
·909 పరపరరత
·910 ఆరగయగ
·911 నజయత
·912 నషకపటయగ
·913 honesty
·914 probity
·915 entirety
·916 rectitude
·917 wholeness
·918 integrality
·919 completeness
Meaning of 'Honesty' in Telugu
·920 యగయత
·921 నయయబదర

noun \in-ˈte-grə-tē\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: the quality of being honest and fair
: the state of being complete or whole

Full Definition of INTEGRITY

: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
: an unimpaired condition : soundness
: the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness

Examples of INTEGRITY
He's a man of the highest integrity.
I admire her artistic integrity.
She had the integrity to refuse to compromise on matters of principle.
Without music, the film loses its integrity.
They are trying to preserve the cultural integrity of the community.
The earthquake may have damaged the building's structural integrity.
Meaning of 'Deride' in Telugu
·922 అవహళన చయ
·923 వకకరగచ
·924 mock
·925 ridicule
·926 scoff
·927 jeer
·928 taunt
·929 sneer
·930 gibe
·931 flout
·932 satirize
·933 jest
·934 laugh at
·935 laugh

verb \di-ˈrīd, dē-\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to talk or write about (someone or something) in a very critical or insulting way : to say
that (someone or something) is ridiculous or has no value

Full Definition of DERIDE

transitive verb
: to laugh at contemptuously
: to subject to usually bitter or contemptuous ridicule
— de·rid·er noun
— de·rid·ing·ly \-ˈrī-diŋ-lē\ adverb

Examples of DERIDE
<my brothers derided our efforts, but were forced to eat their words when we won
first place>
verb \kən-ˈden(t)s\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to make (something) shorter or smaller by removing parts that are less important
: to change from a gas into a liquid
: to remove water from (something) to make it thicker

Full Definition of CONDENSE

transitive verb
: to make denser or more compact; especially : to subject to condensation

Examples of CONDENSE
The information is collected and then passed on to the CEO in condensed form.
The cooler temperatures cause the gas to condense into a liquid.
Moisture in the air condenses to form tiny drops of water.
Condense the milk by cooking it slowly.

This is a list of Difficult Words : Abortive, Abridge, Absolute, Absolve, Abstinent and

Abridge (uh BRIJ) v: to shorten, to condense

• The thoughtful editor had abridged the massive book by removing the boring parts.

• An abridged dictionary is one that has been shortened to keep it from crushing desks
and people's laps.

• An abridgment is a shortened or condensed work.

Abortive (uh BAWR tiv) adj: unsuccessful

• Mary and Elisabeth made an abortive effort to bake a birthday cake; that is, their effort
did not result in a birthday cake.
• Fred's attempt to climb the mountain was abortive. He fell off when he was halfway up.

• To abort something is to end it before it is completed. An aborted pregnancy, called an

abortion, is one that is ended before the baby is born. An abortion in this sense doesn't
have to be the result of a controversial medical procedure.

Absolute (AB suh LOOT) adj: total, unlimited, perfect

• An absolute ruler is one who is ruled by no one else.

• An absolute mess is a total mess.

• An absolute rule is one that has no exceptions and that you must follow, no two ways
about it.

• Absolute is also a noun. It means something that is total, unlimited or perfect.

• Death, for living things, is an absolute. There just isn't any way around it.

Absolve (ab ZOLV) v: to forgive or free from blame, to free from sin, to free from an

• The priest absolved the sinner who had come to church to confess his sin.

• Tom's admission of guilt absolved Dick who had originally been accused of the crime.

• It is also possible to absolve someone of a responsibility.

• Bill absolved Mary of her obligation to go to the prom with him. That is, he told her it
was all right if she went with the captain of the football team instead.

• The act of absolving is called absolution (Ab sun LOO shun).

Abstinent (AB stuh nunt) adj: abstaining, voluntarily not doing something, especially
something pleasant that is bad for you or has a bad reputation

• Beulah used to be a chain-smoker. Now she's abstinent (it was just too hard to get those
chains lit).

• Cynthia, who was dieting, tried to be abstinent, but when she saw the chocolate cake
she realized that she would probably have to eat the entire thing.

Abstract (AB strakt) adj: theoretical, impersonal

• To like something in the abstract is to like the idea of it.

• He liked oysters in the abstract, but when he actually tried one he became nauseated.

This is a lidt of Difficult Words : Abortive,Abridge,Absolute,Absolve,Abstinent and


Banal (buh NAL, BANE ul) adj: unoriginal, ordinary

• The dinner conversation was so banal that Amanda fell asleep in her dessert dish.

• A banal statement is a boring, trite, and uncreative statement. It is a banality.

• What made Amanda fall asleep was the banality of the dinner conversation.

Bane (bane) n: poison, torment, cause of harm

• Bane means poison (wolf bane is a kind of poisonous plant), but the word is usually
used figuratively.

• To say that someone is the bane of your existence is to say that that person poisons your
enjoyment of life.

• Baneful means harmful.

Bastion (BAS chun) n: stronghold, fortress, fortified place

• Mrs. Garrett's classroom is a bastion of banality. That is, it's a place where originality
seldom if ever makes its way inside.

• The robbers terrorized the village for several weeks and then escaped to their bastion
high in the treacherous mountains.

Beget (bi GET) v: to give birth to, to create, to lead, to cause

• Those who lie should be creative and have good memories, since one lie leads often to
another lie, which begets another.

Belabor (bi LAY bur) v: to go over repeatedly or to an absurd extent

• For more than an hour, the boring speaker belabored his point about the challenge of
foreign competition.

• Mr. Irving spent the entire period belaboring the obvious. He made the same dumb
observation over and over again.

Beleaguer (bi LEE gur) v: to surround, to besiege, to harass

• No one could leave the beleaguered city; the attacking army had closed off all the exits.

• Oscar felt beleaguered at work. He was months behind in his assignments and he had
little hope of catching up.

• The beleaguered President seldom emerged from the Oval Office as he struggled to deal
with the growing scandal.

This is a list of Difficult Words: Belittle, Belie, Belligerent, Bemused, Benefactor,

Benevolent and Benign
Belie (bi LYE) v: to give a false impression of, to contradict

• Melvin's smile belied the grief he was feeling. Despite his happy expression he was
terribly sad inside.

• The messy appearance of the banquet table belied the huge effort that had gone into
setting it up.

• A word that is sometimes confused with belie is betray. To rework the first example

• Melvin was smiling, but a small tear in one eye betrayed the grief he was feeling.

• The fact that the groom kept his fingers crossed during the wedding ceremony betrayed
his true feelings about his bride. The loving look he gave his bride belied his true

Belittle (bi LIT ul) v: to make to seem little, to put someone down

• WE worked hard to put out the fire, but the fire chief belittled our efforts by saying he
wished he had brought some marshmallows.

• The chairman's belittling comments made everyone feel small.

Belligerent (buh LIJ ur unt) adj: combative, quarrelsome, waging war

• A bully is belligerent. Toe be belligerent is to push other people around, to be noisy and
argumentative, to threaten other people and generally to make a nuisance of oneself.

• Ali was so belligerent that the convention had the feel of a boxing match.

• Opposing armies in a war are referred to as belligerents. Sometimes one belligerent in a

conflict is more belligerent than the other.

This is a list of Difficult Words: Belittle, Belie, Belligerent, Bemused, Benefactor,

Benevolent and Benign
Bemused (BI myoozd) adj: confused, bewildered

• To muse is to think about or ponder things. To be bemused, then, is to have been

thinking about things to the point of confusion.

• The two stood bemused in the middle of the parking lot at Disneyland, trying to
remember where they had parked their car.

• Ralph was bemused when all the lights and appliances in his house began switching on
add off for no apparent reason.

• People often use the word bemused when they really mean "amused" but bemusement is
no laughing matter. Bemused means confused.

Benefactor (BEN uh FAK tur) n: one who provides help, especially in the form of a gift
or donation

• To give benefits is to be a benefactor. To receive benefits is to be a beneficiary. People

very, very often confuse these two words. It would be to their benefit to keep them

• If your next-door neighbor rewrites his life insurance policy so that you will receive all
his millions when he dies, then you become the beneficiary of the policy. If your
neighbor then dies, he is your benefactor.

• A malefactor is a person who does bad things. Batman and Robin made life hell for
Gorham City.

Benevolent (buh NEV uhnlunt) adj: generous, kind, doing good deeds

• Giving money to the poor is a benevolent act. To be benevolent is to bestow benefits.

The United way, like any Charity, is a benevolent organization.

Benign (bi NYNE) adj: gentle, not harmful, kind, mild

• Betty has benign personality. She is not at all unpleasant to be with.

• The threat of revolution turned out to be benign. Nothing much came of it.

• Charlie was worried that he had cancer, but the lump on his leg turned out to be benign.

• The difference between a benign Person and a Benevolent (see separate entry) one is
that the benevolent one is actively kind and generous while the benign one is more

• Benevolence is usually active generosity or kindness, while benignancy tends to mean

simply not causing harm.

• The opposite of a benign tumor is a malignant one. This is a tumor that can kill you. A
malignant means nasty, evil and full of dangers.

This is a list of Difficult Words: Belittle, Belie, Belligerent, Bemused, Benefactor,

Benevolent and Benign

Meaning of 'Bereft' in Telugu

·936 వహనమవన
·937 కలపయన
·938 bereaved
·939 devoid
Meaning of 'Bereaved' in Telugu
·940 శకగల మనగన

adjective \bi-ˈreft\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: sad because a family member or friend has died
Meaning of 'Carefree' in Telugu
·941 శగదరరహతగగ
·942 జగగతసలమగ

Difficult Words ( Blithe, Bourgeois, Bovine, Brevity, Broach and Bucolic) and their
usages have been explained here in detail.
Blithe (blythe) adj: carefree; cheerful

The blither birds in the garden were making so much noise that Paul began to think about
the shotgun in the attic.

The children were playing blithely in the hazardous-waste dump. While they played, they
were bitterly unaware that they were doing something dangerous.

To be blithely ignorant is to be happily unaware.

Bourgeois (boor ZHWWAW) adj: middle class, usually in a pejorative sense; boringly

The original bourgeoisie (BOOR zhwaw ZEE) were simply people who lived in cites, an
innovation at the time. They weren't farmers and they weren’t nobles. They were
members of a new class- the middle class. Now the word is used mostly in making fun of
or sneering at people who seem to think about nothing but their possessions and other
comforts and about conforming to other people who share those concerns.

A hip young city dweller might reject life in the suburbs as being too bourgeois.

A person whose dream is to have a swimming pool in his backyard might be called
bourgeois by someone who thinks there are more important things in life.

Golf is often referred to as bourgeois sport.

Bovine (BOH vyne) adj: cow related; cow like

Cows are bovine. Obviously, eating grass is a bovine concern.

A fat or mooing person might be said to be bovine, too.

The woman's bovine figure made her very unpopular with the man sitting next to here on
the airplane.

There are a number of similar wards based on other animals

Aquiline: eagle like

Asinine: ass like
Bovine: ox like
Canine: dog like
Corvine: deer like
Equine: horse like
Feline: cat like
Leonine: Lion like
Piscine: fish like
Porcine: pig like
Simian: monkey like
Ursine: bear like
Vulpine: fox like

Brevity (BREV i tee) n: briefness

The audience was deeply grateful for the brevity of the after dinner speaker's remarks.

The reader of this book may be grateful for the brevity of this example.

Broach (broach) v: to open up a subject for discussion, Often a delicate subject'

Henrietta was proud of her new dress, so no one knows how to broach the subject with
here of how silly grandmothers look in leather.

Bucolic (byoo KOL ik) adj: charmingly rural; rustic; country like

The changing of the autumn leaves, old stone walls, distant views. And horses grazing in
green meadows are examples of bucolic splendor.

The bucolic scene didn't do much for the city child, who preferred screaming fire engines
and honking horns to the sound of a babbling brook.

Difficult Words ( Cacophony, Cadence, Cajole, Callow, Candor and Capitalism ) and
their usages have been explained here in detail.

Cacophony (Koch KOF uh nee) n: harsh-sounding mixture of words, voices, or sounds

A cacophony isn't just a lot of noise. It's a lot of noise that doesn't sound good together. A
Steam whistles blowing isn’t a cacophony. But a high school orchestra that had never
rehearsed together might very well produce a cacophony. The roar of engines, horns and
sirens arising from a busy city street would be a cacophony. A lot of people all shouting at
once would produce a cacophony.

Euphony is the opposite of cacophony. Euphony is pleasing sound.


Cadence (KADE uns) n: rhythm; the rise and fall of sounds

We wished the tone of Irwin's words would have a more pleasing cadence, but he spoke
in a dull monotone.

Cajole (kuh JOHL) u: to persuade someone to do something he or she doesn't want to do

I didn't want to give the speech, but Joel cajoled me into doing it by telling me what a
good speaker I am. As it turned out, he simply hadn't been able to find anyone else.


Callow (KALoh) adj: immature

To be callow is to be youthfully native, inexperienced, and sophisticated.

A teenager might show callow disregard for the feelings of adults.

Driving fast cars and hanging out in the parking lot at the 7 are callow pursuits.

The patient was alarmed by the callowness of the medical staff. The doctors looked too
young to have graduated from high school, much less from medical school.

Candor (KAN dur) n: truthfulness; sincere honesty

My best friend exhibited candor when he told me that for many years now he has
believed me to be a jerk.

Teddy appreciated Ross's Candor; Teddy was glad to know that Ross thought Teddy's
sideburns looked stupid.

To show candor is to be candid. What is candid about the camera on Candid Camera? The
Camera is candid because it is truthful in showing what people do when they can't turn
off the coffee machine in the office where they're applying for a job. Candid does not
mean concealed or hidden. To be candid is to speak frankly.

Capitalism (KAP I tuh LIZ um) n: free enterprise; an economic system in which
businesses are owned by private citizens (not by the government) and in which the
resulting products and services are sold with relatively little government control.

The American economy is capitalistic. IF you wanted to start a company to sell signed
photographs of yourself, you could. You, not the government, would decide how much
you would charge for the pictures. Your success or failure would depend on how many
people decided to buy your pictures.

Difficult Words ( Choleric, Chimera, Chronic, Chronicle, Circuitous and Circumlocution)

and their usages have been explained here in detail.

Chimera (kye MEER uh) n: an illusion; a foolish fancy

Susan's dream of becoming a movie star was just a chimera.

Could you take picture of a chimera with a camera? No, of course not. It wouldn't show
up on the film.

Be careful not to mispronounce this word. Its apparent similarity to chimney is just a


Choleric (KOL ur ik) adj: hot-tempered; quick to anger

The choleric watchdog would sink his teeth into anyone who came within biting distance
of his doghouse.

When the grumpy old man was in one of his choleric moods, the children refused to go
near him.

The choleric administrator kept all the secretaries in a state of terror.

Chronic (KRON ik) adj: constant; lasting a long time; inveterate

Someone who always comes in last could be called a chronic loser.

Chronic is usually associated with something negative or undesirable: chronic illness,

chronic failure and chronic depression. You would be much less likely to encounter a
reference or chronic success or chronic happiness, unless the writer or speaker was being
A chronic disease is one that lingers for a long time, doesn't go away, or keeps coming
back. The opposite of a chronic disease is an acute disease. An acute disease is one that
comes and goes very quickly. It may be severe, but it doesn’t last forever.


Chronicle (KRON I kul) n: a record of events in order of time; a history

Sally's diary provided her mother with a detailed chronicle of her daughter's
extracurricular activities. Chronicle can also be used as a verb. The reporter chronicled all
the events of the revolution. Chronology and chronicle are nearly synonyms: Both
provide a chronological list of events. Chronological means in order of time.


Circuitous (sur KYOO I tus) adj: roundabout; not following a direct path

The circuitous bus route between the two cities went here, there, and everywhere and it
took an extremely long time to get anywhere.

The salesman's route was circuitous. It would go aimlessly through many small towns.

A circuitous argument is one that rambles around for quite a while before making its

A circuitous argument is very similar to a circular argument, which is one that ends up
where it begins or attempts to prove something without offering any new information. To
say, A majority is that which exists when there is a majority, is to give a circular, or
tautological, definition of the word majority.


Circumlocution (SUR kum loh KYOO shun) n: an indirect expression; use of wordy or
evasive language

The lawyer's circumlocution left everyone in the courtroom wondering what had been

The indicted executive evaded the reporters' questions by resorting to circumlocution.

To use a lot of big, vague words and to speak in a disorganized way is to be


Cognizant (KOG in zunt) adj: aware; conscious

To be cognizant of your responsibilities is to know what your responsibilities are.

Agora was cognizant of the dangers of sword swallowing, but he tried it anyway and hurt
himself quite badly.


Coherent (koh HEER Unt) adj: holding together; making sense

A coherent wad of cotton balls is one that holds together.

A coherent explanation is an explanation that makes sense; the explanation holds


To hold together is to cohere.

Colloquial (kuh LOH Kwee ul) adj: conversational; informal in languages

A writer with a colloquial style is a writer who uses ordinary words and whose writing
seems as informal as common speech.

"The way I figure it" is a colloquial expression, or a colloquialism; People often say it but
it isn't used in formal prose.


Collusion (kuh LOO zhun) n: conspiracy; secret cooperation

The increase in oil prices was the result of collusion by the oil-producing nations.

There was collusion among the owners of the baseball teams. They agreed secretly not to
sign any expensive free agents.

If the baseball owners were in collusion, then you could say that they had colluded.

To collude is to conspire.

Commensurate (kuh MEN sur it) adj: equal; proportionate

Ernie's salary is commensurate with his abilities. Like his abilities, his salary is small.

The number of touchdowns scored by the team and the number of its victories were
commensurate (both zero).

Compelling (kum PEL ing) adj: forceful; causing to yield

A compelling argument for buying a videocassette recorder is one that makes you go out
and buy a videocassette recorder.

The recruiter’s speech was so compelling that nearly everyone in the auditorium enlisted
in the army when it was over.

To compel someone to do something is to force him or her to do it.

Out consciences compelled us to turn the money we had found over to the authorities.

Difficult Words: Daunt, Cynic, Dearth, Debacle, Debauchery and Debilitate

Cynic (SIN ik) n: one who deeply distrusts human nature, one who believes humans are
motivated only by selfishness

When the rich man gave a million dollars to the museum, cynics said he was merely
trying to buy himself a reputation as a cultured person.

To be cynical is to be extremely suspicious of the motivation of other People.

Cynicism is general grumpiness and pessimism about human nature.


Daunt (dawnt) v: to make fearful; to intimidate

The steepness of the mountain daunted the team of amateur climbers who hadn't realized
what they were in for.

The size of the players on the visiting team was daunting. The players on the home team
began to perspire nervously.

To be dauntless or undaunted is to be fearless or unintimidated. The rescue crew was

undaunted by the flames and ran into the burning house look for survivors. They were
dauntless in their effort to save the people inside.


Dearth (durth) n: lack, Scarcity

There is no dearth of comedy at a convention of clowns.

When there is dearth of food, many people many stare.

There was a dearth of gaiety at the boring Christmas Party.


Debacle (day BAH kul, day BAk ul, di BAH kul) n: violent breakdown; sudden

A football game can turn into a debacle if one team is suddenly being clobbered.

A political debate would become a debacle if the candidates began screaming and
throwing dinner rolls at each other.

The government feels as a result of a debacle instigated by a scheming general.


Debauchery (di BAW Church ree) n: wild living; excessive intemperance Debauchery
can be expensive. Fortunately for William, his wallet matched his appetite for extravagant
pleasures. He died a poor albeit happy man..

To debauch is to seduce or corrupt. Someone who is debauched has been seduced or



Debilitate (di BILL I TATE) v: to weaken; to cripple

Hank debilitated Joe by hitting him on the head with a skillet.

The football Player's career was ended by a debilitating injury to his knee.

To become debilitated is to suffer debility which is the opposite of ability. A surgeon who
becomes debilitated is one who has lost the ability to operate on the debilities of other

Difficult Words : Decimate, Decadent, Decorous, Deduce, Defame and Deference

Decadent (DEK uh dunt) adj: decaying or decayed, especially in terms of morals

A Person who engages in decadent behavior is a person whose morals have decayed or
fallen into ruin.

Spending the time in local bars instead of going to class is decadent.

Decadent behavior is often an affectation of bored young people.


Decimate (DES uh MATE) v: to kill or destroy a large part of

To decimate an army is to come close to wiping it out.

When locusts attack a crop, they sometimes decimate it, leaving very little that's fit for
human consumption.

You might say in jest that your family had decimated its turkey dinner on Thanksgiving,
leaving nothing but a few crumbs and a pile of bones.


Decorous (DEK ur us, di KORE us) adj: proper; in good taste; orderly

Decorous behavior is good, polite and orderly behavior.

To be decorous is to be sober and tasteful.

The New Year's Eve crowd was relatively decorous until midnight, when they went wild.

To behave decorously is to behave with decorum.


Deduce (di DOOS) v: to conclude from the evidence; to infer

To deduce something is to conclude it without being told it directly.

From the footprints on the ground, the detective deduced that the criminal had feet.

Nancy deduced from the gun in Sluggo's hand that all was not well with their

Daffy deduced from the shape of its bill that the duck was really a chicken.

That the duck was really a chicken was Daffy's deduction.


Defame (di FAME) v: to libel or slander; to ruin the good name of

To defame someone is to make accusations that harm the person's reputation

The local businessman accused the newspaper of defaming him by publishing an article
that said his company was poorly managed.

To defame is to take away fame, to take away a good name.

To suffer such a loss of reputation is to suffer defamation. The businessman who believed
he had been defamed by the newspaper sued the paper's publisher for defamation.


Deference (DEF ur uns) n: submission to another's will, respect; courtesy

To show deference to another is to place that person's wishes ahead of your own.

The young man showed deference to his grandfather. He let the old man have first dibs
on the birthday cake.

Herby stopped dancing at the dinner table in deference to the wishes of his mother.

To show deference to another is to defer to that person. Joe was supposed to go first, but
he deferred to Steve who had been waiting longer.

To show deference is also to be deferential. Joe was being deferential when he allowed
Steve to go first.

Difficult Words: Degenerate, Definitive, Deleterious, Delineate, Delude and Deluge

Definitive (di FIN uh tiv) adj: conclusive; providing the last word

Walter wrote the definitive biography of Keats. Nothing more could have been added by
another book.

The army completely wiped out the invaders. Its victory was definitive.

No one could find anything to object to in Cindy's definitive explanation of how the
meteorite had gotten into the bathtub.


Degenerate (dj JEN uh RATE) v: break down; to deteriorate

The discussion quickly degenerated into an argument.

A Person whose behavior had degenerated can be referred to as a degenerate (di JEN ur

The mood of the party was spoiled when a drunken degenerate wandered in from off the

Degenerate (di JEN ur it) can also be an adjective, meaning degenerated.

The slum neighborhood was degenerate.


Deleterious (DEL I TEER ee us) adj: harmful

Smoking cigarettes is deleterious to your health. So is brushing your teeth with oven
cleaner or washing your hair with gasoline.

Is watching Family Feud deleterious? Of course not.


Delineate (di LIN ee ATE) v: describe accurately; to draw in outline

After Jack had delineated his plan, we had no doubt about what he intended to do.

Sharon's peculiar feelings about her pet gorilla were delineated in the newspaper article
about her.

The portrait artist delineated Sarah's features and then filled in the shading.


Delude (di LOOD) to deceive

The con man deluded us into thinking that he would make us rich.

Instead, he tricked us into giving him several hundred dollars.

The deluded mental patient believed that he was a chicken sandwich.

Betty is so persuasive that she was able to delude Henrietta into thinking that she was a

To be deluded is to suffer from a delusion. That he was a great poet was the delusion of
the English teacher who could scarcely write two complete sentences in a row.

Bert, the well-known jerk, suffered from the delusion that he was a very great man.

Deluge (DEL yooj) n: a flood; an inundation

A deluge is a flood, but the word is often used figuratively. The $ 1 million reward for the
lost poodle brought in a deluge of hot leads. The distraught owner was deluged by phone
calls all week

Meaning of 'Definitive' in Telugu

·943 నశరయమగ
·944 నరరయతతక
Related Phrases
·945 definitive host or primary host పరననజవ తన పతఢజవదశన, మరయ లవ గగక
దశన గడప అతధయ (శరరమ)
·946 Definitive judgment 1. నరరయతతక తరప 2. నశరయతతక తరప 3. నషకరర తరప
Meaning of 'Conclusive' in Telugu
·947 కడపట
·948 నషకరరమవన
·949 నసతగశయమవన
·950 నరరయగచ
Related Phrases
·951 Conclusive evidence of fact జరగన వషయనక సగబగధగచన నరరయక సకయగ
·952 Conclusive evidence 1. నరరయక సకయగ 2. సమతకగ కలగగచ సకయగ
·953 Conclusive proof నసతగశయమవన రజవ
·954 Conclusive and final evidence నరరయకమట మరయ చవరద అయన సకయగ
Difficult Words: Facetious, Fabrication, Facile, Farcical, Fastidious and Fatalist

Fabrication (FAB ruh KAY shun) n: a lie, something made up

My story about being the Prince of Wales was a fabrication. I'm really the King of

The suspected murderer's alibi turned out to be an elaborate fabrication. In other words,
he was lying. He said that he hadn't killed the victim.

To create a fabrication is to fabricate.

Facetious (fuh SEE shus) adj: humorous, not serious, clumsily humorous

David was sent to the principal's office for making a facetious remark about the
intelligence of the French teacher.

Our proposal about shipping our town's garbage to the moon was facetious, but the first
selectman took it seriously.

Facile (FAS il) adj: fluent, skillful in a superficial way, easy

To say that a writer's style is facile is so say both that it is skillful and that it would be
better if the writer exerted himself or herself more.

The word facile almost always contains this sense of superficiality.

Joe's poems were facile rather than truly accomplished. If you read them closely, you
soon realized they were filled with clichés.

The bank president was a facile speaker. He could speak engagingly on almost any topic
with very little preparation. He spoke with great facility.

Farcical (FARS i kul) adj: absurd, ludicrous

Farcical means like a farce, which is mockery or a ridiculous satire.

The serious play quickly turned farcical when the leading man's belt broke and his pants
fell to his ankles.

The formerly secret documents detailed the CIA's farcical attempt to discredit Fidel
Castro by sprinkling his shoes with a powder that was supposed to make his beard fall

Fastidious (fa STID ee us) adj: meticulous, demanding, finicky almost before they hit the

Jed was so fastidious in his work habits that he needed neither a wastebasket nor an

The fastidious secretary was nearly driven mad by her boss, who used the floor as a file
cabinet and his desk as a pantry.

Fatalist (FATE uh list) n: someone who believes that future events are already determined
and that humans are powerless to change them

Fatalist is closely related to the word fate. A fatalist is someone who believes that fate
determines everything.

The old man was fatalist about his illness, believing there was no sense in worrying about
something over which he had no control.

Bill was such a fatalist that he never wore a seat belt. He said that if he was meant to die
in a car accident, there was nothing he could do to prevent it.

To be fatalist is to be fatalistic.

Difficult Words: Fauna, Fatuous, Fecund, Felicity, Fervor and Fetter

Fatuous (FACH oo us) adj: foolish silly, idiotic

Pauline is so pretty that her suitors are often driven to fatuous acts of devotion. They are
infatuated with her.

Fecund (FEE kund, FEK und) adj: fertile, productive

The fecund mother rabbit gave birth to hundreds and hundreds of little rabbits.

The philosopher's imagination was so fecund that ideas hopped out of him like so many
baby rabbits.

Our compost heap became increasingly fecund as it decomposed.

The state of being fecund is fecundity (fi KUN di tee).

Fauna (FAW nuh) n: animals

We saw little evidence of fauna on our walk through the woods. We did, however, see
plenty of flora, or plants.

Flora and fauna means plants and animals. The terms are used particularly in describing
what lives in a particular region or environment.

Arctic fauna are very different from tropical fauna.

In Jim's yard, the flora consists mostly of weeds.

It's easy to remember which of these words means what. Just remember fawns and

Felicity (fi LIS i TEE) n: happiness, skillfulness, especially at expressing things,


Love was not all felicity for Glen and Pam. They argued all the time. In fact their
relationship was characterized by infelicity.

Shakespeare wrote with great felicity. His works are filled with felicitous expressions.

Fervor (FUR vur) n: great warmth or earnestness, ardor, zeal

Avid baseball fans frequently display their fervor for the game by throwing food at bad

Fetter (FET ur) v: to restrain, to hamper

In his pursuit of the Nobel Prize for physics, Professor Jenkins was fettered by his near-
total ignorance of the subject.

To be unfettered is to be unrestrained or free of hindrances.

When his parents went to Europe for a few months, Jimmy invited all his friends for
some unfettered partying in the empty house.

A fetter is literally a chain (attached to the foot) that is used to restrain a criminal or, for
that matter, an innocent person. A figurative fetter can be anything that hampers or
restrains someone.

The housewife's young children were the fetters that prevented her from pursuing her
profession of Interior Decorator.

Difficult Words: Foment, Foible, Forbear, Forgo, Forsake and Fortuitous

Foible (FOI bul) n: a minor character flaw

Barbara's foibles included a tendency to prefer dogs to people.

The delegates to the state convention ignored the candidates' positions on the major
issues and concentrated on their foibles.

Meaning of 'Refrain' in Telugu

·955 వనకక తగగ
·956 చయకగడ వగడ
·957 abstain
·958 forbear
·959 hold back
·960 restrain
·961 chorus
·962 burden
·963 tag
·964 undersong
Meaning of 'Abstain' in Telugu
·965 మనకన
·966 refrain
·967 forbear

Forbear (fawr BAIR) v: to refrain from, to abstain

Stephen told me I could become a millionaire if I joined him in his business, but his
company makes me nervous so I decided to forbear.

George forbore to punch me in the nose, even though I had told him that I thought he was
a sniveling idiot.

A forebear (FORE bair)-sometimes also spelled forbear-is an ancestor.

William's forebears came to America on the Mayflower.

Foment (foh MENT) v: to stir up, to instigate

The bad news from abroad fomented pessimism among professional investors.

The radicals set off several bombs in an effort to foment rebellion among the peasants.

Forgo (fohr GOH) v: to do without, to forbear

We had some of the chocolate cake, and some of the chocolate mouse, and some of the
chocolate cream pie, but we were worried about our weight so we decided to forgo the
chocolate-covered potato chips. That is, we forwent them.

Forsake (fawr SAKE) v: to abandon, to renounce and to relinquish

We urged Buddy to forsake his life with the lien beings and return to his job at the

All the guru's followers had forsaken him, so he became a real estate developer and
turned his temple into an apartment building.

Fortuitous (fawr TOO I tus) adj: accidental, occurring by chance

The program's outcome was not the result of any plan but was entirely fortuitous.

The object was so perfectly formed that its creation could not have been fortuitous.

Fortuitous is often misused to mean lucky or serendipitous. Don't make that same
mistake. It means merely accidental.

Difficult Words : Fraternal, Founder, Frenetic, Frugal, Furtive and Futile

Founder (FOUN dur) v: to frail, to collapse, to sink

The candidate's campaign for the presidency foundered when ti was revealed that he had
once been married to an orangutan.

Zeke struggled through the first part of the course but foundered when the final
examination was given.

The ship foundered shortly after its hull fell off.

Be careful not to confuse this word with flounder which means to move clumsily or in

Our field hockey team floundered helplessly around the field while the opposing team
scored point after point.

The witness began to flounder as the attorney fired question after question.

If you want to remember the difference between the two words, think that when a persons
flounders, he is flopping around like a flounder.

Fraternal (fruh TUR nul) adj: like brothers

The fraternal feeling among the meeting's participants disappeared when one of them
stood up at dinner and began firing a machine gun.

A fraternity is an organization of men who have bound themselves together in a

relationship analogous to that of real brothers.

Frenetic (fruh NET ik) adj: frantic, frenzied

There was a lot of frenetic activity in the office, but nothing ever seemed to get

The bird's frenetic attempt to free itself from the thorn bush finally exhausted it. Then the
cat strolled over and ate it.

Frugal (FROO gul) adj: economical, penny-pinching

Laura was so frugal that she even tried to bargain with the checkout girl at supermarket.

We were as frugal as we could be, but we still ended up several thousand dollars in debt.

Hannah's frugality annoyed her husband who loved nothing better than spending money.

Furtive (FUR tiv) adj: secretive, sly

John wiggled his ears while the countess was talking to him in a furtive attempt to catch
our attention.

The burglars were furtive, but not furtive enough. The alert policeman grabbed them as
they carried the color TV through the Washington's back door.

Futile (FYOOT il) adj: useless, hopeless

Our attempt to change the behavior of Harvard was futile, but Lucinda hoped against

Something futile is a futility. Lucinda doesn't know what futility it is.

Difficult Words: Extrapolate, Extraneous, Extricate, Extrovert and Exult

Extraneous (ik STRAY nee us) adj: unnecessary, irrelevant, extra

To be extraneous is to be extra, but always with the sense of being unnecessary. Extra ice
cream would never be extraneous, unless everyone had already eaten so much that no one
wanted any more.

The book's feeble plot was buried in a lot of extraneous material about a talking dog.

The soup contained several extraneous ingredients, including hair, sand and a single dead

Extrapolate (ik STRAP uh LATE) v: to project or deduce from some-thing known, to


George’s estimates were extrapolated from last year’s data. He simply took all the old
numbers and doubled them.

Jacob came up with a probable recipe by extrapolating from the taste of the cookies he
had eaten at the store.

By extrapolating from a handful of pottery fragments, the archaeologists formed a

possible picture of the ancient civilization.

To extrapolate, a scientist uses the facts he has to project to facts outside.

To interpolate, he tries to fill the gaps within his data.

Extricate (EK struch KATE) v: to free from a difficulty

It took two and a half days to extricate the little girl from the abandoned well into which
she had fallen.

Sam had no trouble driving her car into the ditch, but she needed a tow truck to extricate

Extrovert (EK stroh vurt) v: an open, outgoing person, a person whose attention is
focused on others rather than on himself or herself

The little girl was quite an extrovert. She walked boldly into the roomful of strange adults
and struck up a friendly conversation.

Hal was an extrovert in the sense that he was always more interested in other people's
business than in his own.

An introvert is a person whose attention is directed inward and who is concerned with
little outside himself or herself.

Bud was an introvert. He spent virtually all his time in his room, writing in his diary and
talking to himself. An introvert is usually introspective.

Exult (ig ZULT) v: to rejoice, to celebrate

Exult and exalt have distinct though similar meanings. The spelling team exulted in its
victory over the pronunciation club at the badminton finals. They were exalted by the
spectators as true champions.

Difficult Words: Expatriate, Exonerate, Expedient, Expedite, Explicit and Extol

Exonerate (ig ZON uh RATE) v: to free completely from blame, to exculpate

The defendant, who had always claimed he wasn't guilty, expected to be exonerated by
the testimony of his best friend.

Our dog was exonerated when we discovered that it was in fact the cat that had eaten all
the chocolate chip cookies.
Expatriate (eks PAY tree ATE) v: to throw (someone) out of his or her native land, to
move away from one's native land, to emigrate

The rebels were expatriated by the nervous general, who feared that they would cause
trouble if they were allowed to remain in the country.

Hugo was fed up with his native country and so expatriated to America.

In doing so, Hugo became an expatriate.

Expedient (ik SPEE dee unt) adj: providing an immediate advantage, serving one's
immediate self-interest, practical

Since the basement had nearly filled with water, the plumber felt it would be expedient to
clear out the drain.

The candidate's position in favor of higher pay for teachers was an expedient one adopted
for the national teachers' convention and abandoned shortly afterward.

Expedient can also be used as a noun. The car repairman did not have his tool kit handy,
so he used chewing gum as an expedient to patch a hole.

Expedite (EK spi DITE) v: to speed up or ease the progress of

The post office expedited mail delivery by hiring more letter carriers.

The lawyer expedited the progress of our case through the courts by bribing a few judges.

Our wait for a table was expedited by a waiter who mistook Angela for a movie star.

Explicit (ik SPLIS it) adj: clearly and directly expressed

The sexually explicit movie received an x-rating.

The machine's instructions were explicit. They told us exactly what to do.

No one explicitly asked us to set the barn on fire, but we got the impression that that was
what we were supposed to do.

Implicit means indirectly expressed or implied.

Gerry's dissatisfaction with our work was implicit in his expression, although he never
criticized us directly.

Extol (ik STOHEL) v: to praise highly, to laud

The millionaire extolled the citizen who returned his gold watch, and then rewarded him
with a heartfelt handshake.

Difficult Words: Exemplify, Exasperate, Exhaustive, Exhort, Exigency and Existential

Exasperate (ig ZEM puh RATE) v: to annoy thoroughly, to make very angry, to try the
patience of

The child's insistence on hopping backward on one foot exasperated his mother, who was
in a hurry.

The algebra class's refusal to answer any questions was extremely exasperating to the
substitute teacher.

Exemplify (ig ZEM pluh FYE) v: to illustrate by example, to serve as a good example

Fred participated in every class discussion and typed all of these papers. His teacher
thought Fred exemplified the model student. Fred's classmates thought Fred was

An exemplar is an ideal model or a paradigm. Exemplary means out-standing or worthy

of imitation.
Exhaustive (ig ZAWS tiv) adj: thorough, rigorous, complete, painstaking

Before you use a parachute, you should examine it exhaustively for defects. Once you
jump, your decision is irrevocable.

Exhort (ig ZAWRT) v: to urge strongly, to give a serious warning to

The coach used his bullhorn to exhort us to try harder.

The fearful forest ranger exhorted us not to go into the cave, but we did so anyway and
became lost in the center of the earth.

Exigency (EK si jen see) n: an emergency, an urgency

An academic exigency: You haven't opened a book all term and the final is tomorrow

Exigent means urgent.

Existential (EG zi STEN shul) adj: having to do with existence, having to do with the
body of thought called existentialism, which basically holds that human beings are
responsible for their own actions but is otherwise too complicated to summarize in a
single sentence.

This word is overused but misunderstood by virtually all of the people who use it. Unless
you have a very good reason for throwing it around, you should probably avoid it.

Difficult Words: Euphemism, Ethereal, Evanescent, Exacerbate, Exacting and Exalt

Ethereal (I THIR ee ul) adj: heavenly, as light and insubstantial as a gas or ether
The ethereal music we heard turned out to be not angels, plucking on their harps but the
wind blowing past our satellite-television antenna.

The ethereal mist on the hillside was delicate and beautiful.

Euphemism (YOO fuh miz um) n: a pleasant or inoffensive expression used in place of
an unpleasant or offensive one

Aunt Gladys, who couldn't bring herself to say the word death, said that Uncle George
had taken the big bus uptown. Taking the big bus uptown was her euphemism for dying.

The sex-education instructor wasn't very effective. She was so embarrassed by the subject
that she could only bring herself to speak euphemistically about it.

Evanescent (EV uh NES unt) adj: fleeting, vanishing, happening for only the briefest

Meteors are evanescent. They last so briefly that it is hard to tell whether one has actually

Exacerbate (ek ZAS ur bate) v: to make worse

Dipping Austin in lye exacerbated his skin condition.

The window's grief was exacerbated by the minister's momentary inability to remember
her dead husband's name.

The fender-bender was exacerbated when a line of twenty- five cars plowed into the back
of Margaret's car.

Exacting (ig ZAK ting) adj: extremely demanding, difficult, requiring great skill or care
The exacting math teacher subtracted points for even the most unimportant errors.

Weaving cloth out of guinea-pig hair is an exacting occupation, because guinea pigs are
small and their hair is short.

The surgeon's exacting task was to reconnect the patient's severed eye-lashes.

Exalt (ig ZAWLT) v: to raise high, to glorify

The manager decided to exalt the lowly batboy by asking him to pitch in the opening
game of the World Series.

The adjective exalted is used frequently.

Being Queen of England is an exalted occupation.

Larry felt exalted when he woke up to discover that his great-uncle had left him a
hundred million dollars.

Cleaning out a septic tank is not an exalted task.

Be careful not to confuse this word with exult.

Meaning of 'Exclusive' in Telugu
·968 కవల
·969 పగతయకమవన
·970 భనన
·971 వశషట
·972 sole
Difficult Words: Esoteric and Espouse

Esoteric (ESuh TER ik) adj: hard to understand; understood by only a select few; peculiar

Chicken wrestling and underwater modeling were just two of Bob's esoteric hobbies.

The author's books were so esoteric that no one except his mother ever bought any of

Espouse (e SPOUZ) v: to support; to advocate

The Mormons used to espouse bigamy or marriage to more than one woman.

Bert espoused so many causes that he sometimes had trouble remembering which side he
was on.

The Candidate for governor espoused a program in which all taxes would be abolished
and all the state's revenues would be supplied by income from Bingo and horse racing.

Meaning of 'Else' in Telugu

·973 ఇగక
·974 ఇతర
·975 లకగట
·976 లకపత
·977 another
·978 other
·979 different
·980 second
·981 otherwise
·982 more
·983 still
·984 other

Telugu Meaning or Translation of - 'else'

else - ఇగక, లకగట, లకపత, ఇతర


Differently - వభననగగ
Otherwise - లకపత

Likewise - కడ

Related Phrases

and elsewhere - మరయ ఏద ఒకచట

or else - లదగట

accord - సరపడ


Agree - ఒపపకన, సమతతగచ

Answer - జవబ, సమధనమవర
Check - చకక, తన ఖత నగచ నరరయగచన సమత ఇవరవచరన బయగకక ఖతదరడ ఇచర
రతపరరక ఆదశగ, అడరకన, గరస పటట
Chord - సరళ రఖ, భవవశగ
Cohere - హతబదరమవన, ససరమవన
Coincide - ఏకకలగల జరగ, ఒక సమయగల జరగ
Comport - మగచ పగవరసన కలగయగడ, సరవన పగవరసన కలగయగడ
Conform - నయమల అనసరగచ, సగపగదయల అనసరగచ
Consist - సమనరయగగ ఉగడ, మననకగ కలగయగడ
Correspond - ఒకదనకకట సరపడ, ఒక రకగగ ఉగడ
Dovetail - కపత బగధమ
Fit - తగన, యకసమవన
Fit - తగన, యకసమవన
Go - వళళ, మగదక కదల
Harmonize - పగదక చయట, ఇమడక చయట, కగమపరచట
Jibe - సమనరయగ కలగవగడ
Sort - తరగత, రకమ
Square - చతరసగ మ, ఒక సగఖయ యకక వరగమ
Square - చతరసగ మ, ఒక సగఖయ యకక వరగమ
Square - చతరసగ మ, ఒక సగఖయ యకక వరగమ
Tally - లకక పటటట, పరచయ చట
Related Phrases

బ మ తరపవట
accord and satisfaction - ఒపపగదగ పవ కయ
gospel according to john - సవరస జన పగకరగ
gospel according to luke - సవరస లటక పగకరగ
gospel according to mark - సవరస గరసగచడనక పగకరగ
gospel according to matthew - సవరస మథటయ పగకరగ
in accord - ఒపపగదగ ల
piano accordion - పయన అకరరయన

accentuate - పతమఖయగ పగచ


Accent - యస, సరరగ, పతమఖయత

Emphasize - నకక పలక
Feature - సహజలకణమ, మఖగలన భగమ
Foreground - పటమల పటససలమ
Highlight - హవ లవ ట
Illuminate - కగతన పగసరగపజయ, వలగన వరజమత
Play up - ఆడ
Press - ససరగగ ఒతసడ చయ, నలపవయ
Punctuate - అవరధగ కలగగచ, వరమ చహనలన ఉపయగగచ
Stress - ఒతసడ, పతధనయత


De-emphasize - డ - నకక
Play down - డన పబ


·985 Accentuate your fabulous figure and enhance every outift with a beautiful
belt. Read Article
·986 Andrew Wilson: Accentuate the positive and we can debate independence
in harmony. Read Article
·987 The Facebook personas that accentuate our positives and eliminate our
negatives. Read Article
·988 <let's accentuate the saxophones during this piece by having the sax
players stand up>
·989 Inside the home, neutral colored walls accentuate richly stained
woodwork. Read Article
·990 He likes to wear clothes that accentuate his muscular build.
·991 Policy responses even accentuate the effects of macroeconomic trends
foreground - పటమల పటససలమ

Related Phrases

foreground processing - మగదవవ ప పతససగగ

foreground [Noun]

·992 the part of a scene that is near the viewer

·993 (computer science) a window for an active application
foreground [Verb]

·994 move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent; "The
introduction highlighted the speaker''s distinguished career in linguistics"



·995 In the foreground is the casing that holds 8 cells of batteries. Read Article
·996 This was achieved by having the foreground scenery painted on a
transparent screen. Read Article
·997 In the foreground, Senator Kelly Ayotte and Governor Maggie Hassan
greet each other. Read Article
·998 Radio waves from this quasar come through the gas of the foreground
galaxy. Read Article
·999 We want the issue to be in the foreground.
·1000 In the foreground is absorbent material put down to soak up the spill
noun \ˈfȯr-ˌgrauund\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: the part of a scene or picture that is nearest to and in front of the viewer
: an important position

Full Definition of FOREGROUND

: the part of a scene or representation that is nearest to and in front of the spectator
: a position of prominence : forefront
: a level of computer processing at which the processor responds immediately to input to
a designated high-priority task — compare background

Examples of FOREGROUND
We want the issue to be in the foreground
verb .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px; width:
405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: to make (something) more important

Full Definition of FOREGROUND

transitive verb
: to bring to the foreground; especially : to give prominence or emphasis to

Examples of FOREGROUND
Public discussion has foregrounded the issue of health care.
<repeatedly foregrounded his experience in international affairs in the course of his
campaign for the presidency>
aberration - మత భదమ, ఉలబగఘనగ


Dementia - జజపకశకస, ఆలచన తగగపవట లకణమగ కలగన మనసక ససత

Derangement - అససవయససగ, తరమర
Insanity - ఉనతదమ, మన వకలపమ, వఱఱ
Lunacy - పచర, వఱఱ
Madness - పచర, ఉనతదగ
Mania - ఉనతదగ, పచర ఆవశగ


Mind - మనసత, బదర

Saneness - saneness
Sanity - మనసక ఆరగయమ

Related Phrases

chromatic aberration - వరరప ఉలబగఘనగ

chromosomal aberration - కటమజమ ఉలబగఘనగ
optical aberration - ఆపటకల ఉలబగఘనగ
spherical aberration - గళకర ఉలబగఘనగ

aberration [Noun]

·1001 a state or condition markedly different from the norm

·1002 a disorder in one''s mental state
·1003 an optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a lens or mirror to
produce a good image

insanity, dementia, derangement, lunacy, madness, mania, rage [archaic]
mind, saneness, sanity

Related Phrases

·1004 optical aberration - an optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a

lens or mirror to produce a good image
·1005 chromatic aberration - an optical aberration in which the image has
colored fringes
·1006 spherical aberration - a optical aberration resulting in a distorted image
·1007 chromosomal aberration - any change in the normal structure or number
of chromosomes; often results in physical or mental abnormalities

abet - పగరపగచ, సహయగ చయయ


Brew - పలయబటటట
Ferment - పలయ, పలయట
Foment - కపడమ వయ, ఒతసడమ వయ
Incite - రచరగటట, పగరపగచ
Instigate - రచరగటట, పరగలప
Pick - లగవయ, తలగగచ
Provoke - రచరగటటడనక
Raise - లచనటబ చయ, పవ కతస


Hinder - అడరపటట, ఆటగకపరర

Hinder - అడరపటట, ఆటగకపరర

Related Phrases
alphabet soup - వరరమల సటప

English to English Meaning - 'abet'

abet [Verb]

·1008 assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing

incite, brew, ferment, foment, instigate, pick, provoke, raise, stir (up), whip (up)



·1009 It is illegal to 'aid, abet, counsel or procure the suicide of another'. Read
·1010 If it doesn't shed tonnage, it might at least abet vitality. Read Article
·1011 A real man doesn't abet an abortion; he fights for his baby's life. Read
·1012 The CIA, under the Reagan administration, continued to aid and abet drug
running. Read Article
·1013 Did he abet the commission of a crime?
·1014 Their actions were shown to abet terrorism.
·1015 She abetted the thief in his getaway.
·1016 To discourage and impede gun ownership is to enable and abet violent
abiding - బధరత, నలకడ


Lasting - చలకలమగడడ
Permanent - శశరతమవన

abiding []
·1017 unceasing; "an abiding belief"; "imperishable truths"

permanent, lasting


·1018 According to water officials, most citizens are abiding by the new rules.
Read Article
·1019 We have never feared the possession of firearms by law abiding citizens.
Read Article
·1020 Oguaa SHS authorities not abiding by the GES directive on final year
students. Read Article
·1021 Forevermore that word will be shorthand for deep, abiding sorrow. Read
·1022 9:01 pm • Section: Life · Abiding by the five second rule. Read Article

adjective \ə-ˈbī-diŋ\ .
: continuing for a long time : not changing
: enduring, continuing <an abiding interest in nature>
lasting - చలకలమగడడ


Stable - ససరమ, ఊగసలట లన

Related Phrases

blasting cap - పలడ టప

blasting gelatin - జలటన పలరడగ
everlasting flower - నతయ పషపగ
everlasting pea - నతయ ప
English to English Meaning - 'lasting'
lasting [Adjective]

·1023 existing for a long time; "hopes for a durable peace"; "a long-lasting
·1024 lasting a long time without change; "a lasting relationship"
·1025 lasting for an indefinitely long period of time


adjective \ˈlas-tiŋ\ .headword .ld_on_collegiate { margin:10px 0 0 0;padding:0 0 0 19px;
width: 405px;} .ld_on_collegiate p {margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px; }
.ld_on_collegiate p.bottom_entry {margin:0 0 3px 0;padding:0;line-height:20px;}
#mwEntryData div.headword .ld_on_collegiate p em, .ld_on_collegiate p em { color:
black; font-weight: normal; } #mwEntryData div.headword + div.d { margin-top:
-7px; } .ld_on_collegiate .bnote { font-weight: bold; } .ld_on_collegiate .sl,
.ld_on_collegiate .ssl { font-style: italic; }
: existing or continuing for a long time

Examples of LASTING
a book with lasting significance
The trip had a lasting effect on her.

abnormal - అసధరణ, అసరభవక


Aberrant - అసధరణ, అసరభవక

Anomalous - కగమవరదరమవన, వపరతమవన
Atypical - అసధరణ
Especial - మఖయమవన, వశషమవన
Exceeding - మరన, అతశయమవన
Exceptional - అసధరణమవన, అపరరమవన
Exceptional - అసధరణమవన, అపరరమవన
Extraordinary - అతశయమవన, అసమనయమవన, అసధరణమవన
Extraordinary - అతశయమవన, అసమనయమవన, అసధరణమవన
Freak - చపలయమ, వపరతచషట
Odd - అసధరణమవన, వగతవ న
Peculiar - వగతవ న, అసధరణమవన
Peculiar - వగతవ న, అసధరణమవన
Phenomenal - అసధరణగగ
Preternatural - పగకవతక అగదన, సహజతరనక అతతమవన
Rare - అరదవ న, అసధరణమవన
Singular - పగతయకతగల, అసధరణమవన
Uncommon - అసధరణమవన, వగతవ న
Unique - అపరరమవన, వచతగ మవన
Unique - అపరరమవన, వచతగ మవన
Unusual - అసధరణమవన, అపరరమవన
Unwonted - అపరరమవన, వశషమవన


Common - అగదరక చగదన, అగదరక సగబగధగచన

Customary - వడకవన, అలవటవ న, మమటలవ న, ఆచరమవన
Normal - సధరణ, పగథమ శక సగబగధమవన
Ordinary - సమనయమవన, సధరణమవన
Typical - ఉదహరణమవన, చహనమవన
Unexceptional - అపరటపగ కన, సరరసధరణమవన
Usual - మమటలవ న, సధరణమవన

Related Phrases

abnormal condition - అసధరణ పరససత

abnormal psychology - అసధరణ మనససతరశససగస
congenital abnormality - పటటకత వచరన అసధరణత
genetic abnormality - జనయపరమవన అసధరణత
mental abnormality - మనసక అసధరణత

English to English Meaning - 'abnormal'

abnormal [Adjective]

·1026 much greater than the normal; "abnormal profits"; "abnormal ambition"
aberrant, aberrated, exceptional, anomalous, atypical, especial, exceeding,
extraordinaire, extraordinary, freak, odd, peculiar, phenomenal, preternatural, rare,
singular, uncommon, uncustomary, unique, unusual, unwonted

common, customary, normal, ordinary, typical, unexceptional, unextraordinary, usual


·1027 Shakira visits a hospital for abnormal 'abdominal pressure'. Read Article
·1028 The results of the blood test were abnormal.
·1029 Scientists localise genetic mutations responsible for abnormal thyroid
function. Read Article
·1030 They need special attention because they've lived such abnormal lives.
Read Article
·1031 Correcting abnormal signals in the womb may help prevent repeated
miscarriages. Read Article
·1032 They must make familiar family members into abnormal strangers. Read
·1033 <a completely abnormal school day, because half of the kids were out
odd - అసధరణమవన, వగతవ న


Unmatched - ససత
Unpaired - జతచయబడన


Matched - సరపలన
Paired - జత
Related Phrases

at odds - అసమనత వదద

betting odds - బటటగగ అసమనత
by all odds - అనన అసమనత దరర
odd fellow - బస తట
odd fish - బస చప
odd man out - బస మనష బయటక


·1034 That's odd. He was here a minute ago.

·1035 Some rather odd people used to live in this house.
·1036 She had an odd look on her face.
·1037 During the summer, he would do odd jobs for his neighbors to earn extra
·1038 Leicester City have had the odd match to savour in the FA Cup . Read
·1039 ODD: Man arrested after urinating on sheriff's building. Read Article
·1040 She kept a stack of magazines that she would read at odd moments.
·1041 Inaugural odd couples: Celebs, politicians make unlikely pairs. Read
·1042 People would call at odd hours during the night.
·1043 It's odd that nobody told me about this before.
·1044 She's got a really odd sense of humor.
·1045 That is one of the oddest creatures I have ever seen.
·1046 There was something odd about his story.
·1047 Russian evacuations, Idlib defeats and an odd Darayya strategy. Read
·1048 Gaiman and Lorre may seem like the oddest of odd couples at first. Read

above - మద, పవ

Aloft - ఎతసగ, పవ న
Over - మద, కగట
Over - మద, కగట
Overhead - ఓవరరడ


Below - కగదగ
Beneath - కగద, అడగన, దగవ భగన
Under - కగద, అడగన
Under - కగద, అడగన

Related Phrases

above all - అననగటన మగచ

head and shoulders above - పవ న తల మరయ భజల

·1049 First Financial reports preliminary 4Q results above estimates. Read

·1050 Temperatures range from 5 below to 5 above.
·1051 On Friday, it cleared a new milestone, closing above 1500 for the first
time in five years. Read Article
·1052 Alabama banks' and credit unions' interest rates above national average.
Read Article
·1053 up above and down below
·1054 'None of the above:' accounting for decrease in religious affiliation. Read
·1055 S&P 500 ends above 1,500; 1st time since late 2007. Read Article
absolve - వమచనగ చయయ, వమచనగ పగద

Acquit - వమకసపగద
Clear - మలనగ లనటట, నశరతమవన
Clear - మలనగ లనటట, నశరతమవన
Exculpate - exculpate
Exonerate - నవవతస చయయ, నరదషగ పగకటగచ
Vindicate - వససవమవన


Criminate - నరగ మప, నరగ ఆరపగచ

Incriminate - నరమ చసనటబ ఆరపగచ, తపప చసనటబగ పగదరతగచ
absolve [Verb]

·1056 grant remission of a sin to; "The priest absolved him and told him to say
ten Hail Mary''s"
·1057 let off the hook; "I absolve you from this responsibility"
insight - అగతరగత నజలన, అగతరరద లన తలసకగల శకస


Discernment - తలసకనట, తలవ, వవచన

Perception - జజనమ, తలసకనట
Perceptiveness - దవగగచరమల
Perceptivity - పరశధక గగహణ శకస
Sagaciousness - sagaciousness
Sagacity - చరకదనగ
Sapience - సపయనత
Wisdom - జజనగ

insight [Noun]

·1058 clear or deep perception of a situation

·1059 a feeling of understanding
·1060 the clear (and often sudden) understanding of a complex situation
·1061 grasping the inner nature of things intuitively

abstain - మనకన
abstain [Verb]

·1062 refrain from voting

·1063 choose no to consume; "I abstain from alcohol"

·1064 Ten members voted for the proposal, six members voted against it, and
two abstained.
·1065 As part of their preparations, they fast and even abstain from certain
comforts. Read Article
·1066 Commissioner Claggett did not abstain from vote on brother's contract.
Read Article
·1067 She also pointed out that a number of Hoosiers choose to abstain from
alcohol. Read Article
·1068 In nearly all of the remaining states, they are allowed to abstain. Read
·1069 Mr. Manter was forced to abstain and Mr. Knabel did not make a motion.
Read Article

abusive - దటరత, నగదరరకమవన


Contumelious - contumelious
Invective - దటషణత కడన దడ, దటషణ పరరకమవన
Opprobrious - దటషగచ, తటట
Scurrilous - దరరషలడట, చడమటలత పరహసగ చయట
Truculent - క గ రమవన, మరటవ న
Vitriolic - vitriolic
Vituperative - vituperative

English to English Meaning - 'abusive'

·1070 expressing offensive reproach
·1071 characterized by physical or psychological maltreatment; "abusive
punishment"; "argued...that foster homes are abusive"
contumelious, invective, opprobrious, scurrile (or scurril), scurrilous, truculent,
vitriolic, vituperative, vituperatory


·1072 Brentwood superintendent says 'legal limitations' kept abusive teacher in

district. Read Article
·1073 Scouting movement faces accusations over abusive scout leader. Read
·1074 Jim Porter: California Legislature addresses abusive ADA lawsuits. Read
·1075 The danger with abusive gaming is that it is accepted by society. Read
·1076 protecting wives from abusive husbands
·1077 Website hosting abusive Mary Beard comments closes. Read Article
·1078 The fans yelled abusive comments to the referee.

acquaintance - పరచయగ, పరజజనగ


Cognizance - వచరణ
Familiarity - అలవట, వహతమ, పరచయమ, చనవ


Unfamiliarity - దగగర పరచయగ లన, దటరమవన

acquaintance [Noun]

·1079 personal knowledge or information about someone or something

·1080 a relationship less intimate than friendship
·1081 a person with whom you are acquainted; "I have trouble remembering the
names of all my acquaintances"; "we are friends of the family"
adversity - వధ పగతకలగగ


Ill - జబబ పడన, చడర

Knock - తటట, కటట
Misadventure - దరదవషటమ, గగహచరమ బగలనపడ జరగన సగఘటన
Mischance - mischance
Misfortune - వపతస, ఆపతస
Mishap - పగమదగ
Tragedy - వషదగత నటకమ, దతఖమలత మగయ నటకమ


Fortune - అదవషటమ, భగయమ

Luck - అదవషటమ, యగమ
Serendipity - సరగడపట

adversity [Noun]

·1082 a state of misfortune or affliction; "debt-ridden farmers struggling with

adversity"; "a life of hardship"
·1083 a stroke of ill fortune; a calamitous event; "a period marked by

misfortune, ill, knock, misadventure, mischance, mishap, tragedy

fortune, luck, serendipity

suffocate - ఊపరడకగడ చయ, అణచవయ


Choke - ఊపరడకగడ చయ, అత కషటగపవ అణచపటట

Smother - ఊపరడకగడ చయ, దటటగగ అలమకన
Stifle - ఊపరడకగడ చయ, వనకక లగ
Strangle - మడ నలమ చగప, ఊపరడకగడ చయ

suffocate [Verb]

·1084 deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing; "Othello smothered

Desdemona with a pillow"; "The child suffocated herself with a plastic bag that
the parents had left on the floor"
·1085 impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of; "The foul air was
slowly suffocating the children"
·1086 become stultified, suppressed, or stifled; "He is suffocating--living at
home with his aged parents in the small village"
·1087 suppress the development, creativity, or imagination of; "His job
suffocated him"
·1088 be asphyxiated; die from lack of oxygen; "The child suffocated under the
·1089 feel uncomfortable for lack of fresh air; "The room was hot and stuffy and
we were suffocating"
·1090 struggle for breath; have insufficient oxygen intake; "he swallowed a
fishbone and gagged"

choke, stifle, strangle, smother
play around (with someone or something)
1. and play about (with someone or something) to play and frolic with someone or
something. Kelly likes to play around with the other kids. The boys are out in the yard,
playing about with the neighbor girls. Will you kids stop playing about and get busy?
Stop playing around and get busy!
2. Euph. to have a romantic or sexual affair with someone or persons in general. Kelly
found out that her husband had been playing around with Susan. I can't believe that
Roger is playing around!
play around
1. to have a sexual relationship with someone not your husband, wife, or partner He
played around with a number of women.
2. to behave in a silly way We have to quit playing around and get down to work.
See also: around, play
been around
have had many experiences in life. You don't need to warn me about anything! I've been
have been around
to be experienced in life. (Use with caution since this can also be taken to mean to be
promiscuous.) Ask Sally about how the government works. She's been around the state
capital for years. They all know a lot about life. They've been around

have been around (a bit) (informal)

if someone has been around, they have had a lot of experience of life and know a lot of
things She's been around a bit - she should know how to look after herself.
Yes, has been around means 'has been in existence'

being - ఉనక, పతణ, అససతరగ


Baby - బడర, శశవ, పసకగద, అమయకరల

Bird - పక, పటట
Body - శరరగ, పగధన భగగ, నరతణగ, శవగ
Character - సరభవగ, గణగ
Creature - జవ
Customer - ఖతదర, కనగలదర
Devil - దయయమ, దషటశకస
Duck - బత, ఆడబత, డక ఔట
Egg - గడర
Face - మఖమ, మఖవవ ఖర
Fish - చప, మతతరమ
Guy - దషటబమత
Head - తల, శరర మఖయభగమ
Human - మనయషయ సగబగధమవన, మనవ సగబగధమవన
Human being - మనవ
Individual - వయకస, పగతయకమవన
Individual - వయకస, పగతయకమవన
Life - జవమ
Man - మనష, మనవడ
Mortal - మరణగచనటట, నరగతరమవన
Mortal - మరణగచనటట, నరగతరమవన
Party - వగద, సమవశమ
Person - ఒక మనవడ, ఓ వయకస
Personage - వయకసతరల
Scout - గణ వషధర, సమచర సకరణ పన
Slob - slob
Sort - తరగత, రకమ
Soul - ఆతత, జవమ
Specimen - మదర, ఉదహరణగ పరకనబడ వయకస
Stiff - గటటగ ఉనన, వగగన
Thing - వససవ, సమన
Wight - వవ ట

Related Phrases

animate being - ఉగడటగ యనమట

come into being - ఉనకలక వససయ
extraterrestrial being - అన గగహగతర
for the time being - కగత కలగ
human being - మనవ
human beings - మనవల
imaginary being - అన ఊహతతక
mythical being - అన పరణక
spiritual being - ఉగడటగ ఆధయతతకగ
supernatural being - అన అతగదదయ
supreme being - సరరతసమడగన
time being - కలగ

English to English Meaning - 'being'

being [Noun]

·1091 the state or fact of existing; "a point of view gradually coming into being";
"laws in existence for centuries"
·1092 a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function


·1093 Masked armed robber dies after being pinned down during betting shop
raid. Read Article
·1094 I knew it was true in the core of my being.
·1095 An elderly man dies after being hit by a car on the southeast side. Read
·1096 Man, 64, dies after being hit by black taxi cab while crossing the road.
Read Article
·1097 Yonghwa gets teased for being the only CNBLUE member with bad
drama ratings. Read Article
·1098 a social movement that was brought into being in the 1960s
·1099 A week after being left in the cold, Pontiac residents see relief. Read

Related Phrases

·1100 animate being - a living organism characterized by voluntary movement

·1101 come into being - be born or come into existence; "All these flowers
come to life when the rains come"
·1102 time being - the present occasion; "for the nonce"
·1103 supreme being - the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and
omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of
worship in monotheistic religions
·1104 supernatural being - an incorporeal being believed to have powers to
affect the course of human events
·1105 spiritual being - an incorporeal being believed to have powers to affect
the course of human events
·1106 mythical being - an imaginary being of myth or fable
·1107 extraterrestrial being - a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth
or its atmosphere
·1108 imaginary being - a creature of the imagination; a person that exists only
in legends or myths or fiction
·1109 human beings - all of the inhabitants of the earth; "all the world loves a
lover"; "she always used `humankind'' because `mankind'' seemed to slight the
·1110 human being - any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae
·1111 for the time being - temporarily; "we''ll stop for the time being"

• Abandon
• Abash
• Abate
• Abbreviate
• Abduct
• Aberration
• Abet
• Abhor
• Abiding
• Ability
• Abject
• Abjure
• Able
• Abnormal
• Abolish
• Abominate
• Above
• Above board
• Abrupt
• Abridgment
• Abscond
• Absent
• Absolve
• Absolute
• Absorb
• Abstain
• Abstract
• Absurd
• Abundance
• Abusive
• Accept
• Accidental
• Accompany
• Accomplish
• Accumulate
• Accurate
• Accuse
• Accustomed
• Achieve
• Acknowledge
• Acme
• Acquaintance
• Acquire
• Acquit
• Acrimonious
• Active
• Acute
• Adamant
• Actual
• Adapt
• Adjust
• Admire
• Admit
• Adopt
• Adore
• Adversity
• Advise
• Affable
• Affecting
• Afraid
• Alarming
• Allay
• Allegiance
• Alliance
• Altruistic
• Always
• Allure
• Ally
• Almighty
• Alone
• Amazing
• Ambition
• Amorous
• Ample
• Amuse
• Animated
• Animosity
• Annexation
• Annihilate
• Annoy
• Answer
• Antiquated
• Anxiety
• Aplomb
• Apocryphal
• Apparent
• Appearance
• Appreciation
• Appropriate
• Approve
• Apt
• Arbitrary
• Archaic
• Ascent
• Associate
• Assure
• Assume
• Astonish
• Attach
• Attract
• Augment
• Attention
• Auspicious
• Authority
• Avoidance
• Awkward















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What is the meaning of MORE LIKELY, LESS LIKELY and
·1112 JJ answered 5 years ago
If you are a good listener (!) you are more likely to understand what people are talking
If you are a bad listener, you are less likely to understand what people are talking about.
If you speak Farsi, you are equally likely to understand what is being said as any other
MORE LIKELY- "a better chance of" ex. We are more likely to have a car crash than a
plane crash.
LESS LIKELY- "lesser chance of" ex. We are less likely to find $100 on the street than
finding a quarter on the street.
EQUALLY LIKELY- " to have no more chance than, and no less chance of" ex. We are
equally likely to grow hair again if we shaved the hairs on our heads'.
well, more likely means that there is a greater chance of something happening,
less likely means there is a lesser chance of something happening,
and equally likely means that something has a neutral chance of happening.
for example:
It is more likely for me to make the train than to miss it since I arrived an hour early.
It is less likely for me to make the train than to miss it because I am late.
It is equally likely for me to make the train due to the fact that both I and the train are a
few minutes late.
Example: Mr Pinckney will be shifted to Kadapa Central jail. But with cases pending
against him in Khammam, Warangal and Hyderabad, it's more likely that he will be on
the move on transit remand, as each of these district police is likely to seek his custody.

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