Introduction of The Galapagos Shark

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Erik Blanco

Galapagos shark

The galapagos shark island was found spots in the world in the galapagos
island but in the ocean off tropical oceanic the Atlantic ocean it occurs to
berrum and ​in​ ​the Indian Ocean, it is known from Walter's Shoal off southern
madagascar.They are also found in the Antarctic ocean sea where people have seen
them and caught them with there boat and they are about 22 to 32 inches long normally.
Galapagos sharks are normally found in very isolated spots in the world, primarily
concentrated in the Galapagos Islands.They can grow to be nearly 12 feet in
length.Galapagos shark pups can be approximately 22 to 32 inches long and a litter
can be anywhere from 6 to 16 pups.The mass lbs is 100 lbs which is a large
adult.​The Galapagos shark is quite similar to the Grey Reef Shark but has a
rounder head and a thicker body towards the tail section. It can often be difficult to
identify when spotted next to other shark species.

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