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Medium 0 (men) ‘yy shouertbe aca cine golst jo en pane Aap write axesponse Comet nit ee tar Oo nw ‘With many ofthe Data Sclence poston gong to elther Compuer sence Ps o se aught math an science majors where do you recommend _etngasole foundation ?Thmve a MS in Chemistry fom 15 years agoand ‘aa sof taugi fll etek developer but now em laoklng at the data ence rograms at MIT and UC Berkely. How would yourate > sree Lv renitnis ae eine ey, greatquestion. The short answers (unfortunately) thatit depends Deavy othe company. Although sme do eae abou specie majors (cS eompuer eng], inceasingy, we're finding companies are weking upto ‘he reaity thet even the dedionted majors that universities are putting together aren preparing people well eye usually out of &u smmsane EF] v Comersten nth eam ta Ion Mh Won (Deca Engineer here) Definitely some incorrect information in his tie: +" SOLmighe also be necessary" for Data Analysts. neal, Daa Anais se ypleally 70% SQL, 20% Tableau/SSRS/Excel (ser Bl oer tol here), and maybe $610 Python oF R + Also, MongoDB ws. 6 venom + ronnie a oat 1HiJon, hanks forthe response! Agreed about data analysand SQL—Tve made the corresponding update ro the pot. ‘onthe Moago pons, this might be more of a definitional issue. The reason utic there was that by the definition Te offered here, ML-engneets often Ihave to nerat with app DBs, sine they. on Ay Fives ernie on Pa {Good morning, could you give me permission to make «Spanish anseton of your ari? OF course wil ay that iis yours, 6 soane Ce ‘aL simena,ebsolucely—feel coco rach ourtome over mall (eremie@sherpestmindscom) if you have follow-up questions about this! 6 aw (aca Slenist~4+ yeas] Nee ntl, though would argue your pints ate definitely more suited ‘ovens mis-career dat scientists that have had industry experience and ‘hav amore rounded view of what aes they want spedaisen be . sane ‘ist, thamks for the atte, 1 ges some insights) However, Ido net understand what the dference in Data Scientist and ‘Machine learning engineer, atording to theJob description that you put or each ne. cece ke the Daa Selene doalio do the Machine Leeming Engineer jo. 6° ay say geo “The reason ties crucial is that data sence entangle, well-defined Feld, and companies don' hte generic, jack-oFal-wades "dara ‘scence, butzather indviduals wit. ‘iil agree withthe rest ofthe article his isan assumption thats not 100% true. Startups ofa very sll size need such det scents Blgger ‘companies which are just starting to transition to data seence als, Se ay "etal greed with your idea. However, itis quite a dificult to aveid generalist fr small or medium sale company when the dst team snot wel structured yet Inthat place, daa scientist sometimes has todo same task as other ‘data scence roe, ‘gree with chis— is unfortunate that these tiles arent stall ued, Hopeful in he fate companies wil begin to understand what hey need sand use the appropiate & ay LQ reine 1H, great artic, However, hink knowing tensorfiow only doesn't ake you ‘great ML researcher. AML researcher needs to have che abit go through ‘the lates published peper in ML and deep leaning, understand the math ‘behind them in ode o improve their model e Ay cote ‘have been through defining arole and bring date scent or solving ‘business problems in avery ge non tech compant end I completely agree ‘wih your bucks oles ‘The ony eng woul nave that te Data nay and ats ene shouldbe the same role. The analyst needs o understand the ata andthe, & ay Dy currentjb includes many tasks described in each one ofthe roles eseribed. Is gertng harder snd hader to label your jo nowadays, with the current Yesponsilies spaying hppening n workplaces everywhere inthe wot & Ay nist oe penne Tree eee cesta hun antateadoouternate conte neceonie ‘Tm ar coma ty yf eae eeepc eo ay en Bw dont ge the incsion of Data Engineer as typeof Data Scientist. The _esponsbliles and sk ofboth have some overlap, but thinkin prctce ‘most people ae ether DEs or DSs. Certainly there isno need fo oneto hare ‘the ls of another (or example there are lots of companies working with big ata tat don use much data stence, e ay ‘Thankyou for posting this Info. 1am selously thinking ransering nt dca science rom an aesdemia quate biology background, totally agree ‘hat ned tobe more focused on the tech required by the particular role 1 have narrowed down my option to data seentist and applied data scent and the Heal Industry t wanna workin isthe & Ay ‘Thankyou or your sve, overall the content was gret My opinion diters significantly fom this. Theres aalaysaspeerum end ‘eee you eprosch you ake shoul be based many feeors unique t0 ou, ‘youare easy in your career, you could explore and bea generalist. This will hel. & AY “eremie good write upon the staregnting the roles, Yes Data Senses too generalized and one has tobe cognizant onthe met tothe jb sls ‘egute,Inotderto enable Al elution allreler ou deseted ate eee, ‘hich could be one reason everything is atsibuted to Data Scence, & ay “Lest imagine chat youre acompany trying to hire adata scientist. You most erally have falely well defined problem a mind that you need ep with J" ‘Wii this might be tru for some companies, in many places management largely has no ea ebour what exactly todo wal the daa aid vb problems can & Ay od advice epudsfom Pe 6 ae on "think those who choose not to ite generalists are shooting themselves inthe foce Spedalis are very important of couse, but withours good generalist, oute not going beable innovete as well. Sure, mabitbinsed asa polemathansel but generals, and especialy “deep generalists reso ‘ruclltharchey mustnot be eveooked. 6 think belong to machine leaning engineer, mos ofthe apps develop for customers ae and alone computer vistn ape. Following ate the tools and skills needed for my jbs, maybe could be some references fer you blog, ‘Since de appl standalone, the too se isnot python nor jvesrpc but e+ rom busines. 6 aw @ rove ee kel oyna Wich ofthe species, i any, you mentioned would use Rrther chan Python? \Wete would R nguge beaded oe? 6 ay sot 08 ‘Thiswasa good read and relly liked ica ot. Plesekeep on posting some 00d ails. 6 abo | dont se the diffrence here between a data sient ond a data analyst, on ouplese larg? 6 aw Dice rnd ‘ow Tike o sink about this s developing comb shaped sl et. You have functional inowledge abou data vaangling and instrumentation, analysis (ineuding running ML lgos communication and helping develop a data product This defines the backbone ofthe comb, 6 aw peas ‘sorry but anus pone out ha, unless you've worklng for Googe, ‘acebook, Uber ee, theres no mainstream rele the industry called “Michine Learning Researches". This typeof claim makes the artidelse radi and ea take thereat ofeseriousy. 6 vane Dv WW 22 02010 se Hi, ‘have Worked In bth big (7500+) employe companies, nd eurentiy work in asmaler consulting fim. Uhav previously worked as en enterprise software developer (va tcl), a restarch cents (BN), and eurreniya dead data sletist ina consulting fr. 6 on in dou My goals tobe an expert date engincer/analpt/sients. Do you think that {sposible wo bean experi alee domains, or you just end up being verge on all ofthem ? 6 Oras This vey were, ec epg dm enti heres suede ts eam My geston ough atone} posing haven wes wet he dent poston aia ‘ented te silo deta ania dered ype mane Tengen ten toa ay pee 6

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