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Review An independent student voice since 1973
November 17, 2015 Volume 32 Issue 3

Recasting Black Friday

ByLindsey Major
News Editor
By now, almost everyone has heard of
the outdoor recreational store REI closing
down the entire branch for not only Thanks-
giving, but also Black Friday. That’s right,
the entire 143-store chain will be closed all
day on Black Friday.
In addition to being closed, the com-
pany is actually paying employees to spend
the day outside. With the announcement of
the Black Friday closure, the chain has also
began a social media campaign with the
hashtag #OptOutside. They’re hoping that
this will encourage not only employees but
also Black Friday shoppers to realize the
true meaning of the season; spending time
with loved ones and getting out there to ap-
preciate the beauty of nature.
“I think for us, Black Friday was kind
of one of those iconic days that has come to
mean more about shopping, so the idea of
being out on a mountain and maybe finding
some snow is pretty awesome,” said REI
President and CEO Jerry Stritzke in an in-
terview with online-based Newsy.
While this seems like a good idea in Photo by Todd Clayton Jr
terms of the meaning of the season, the de- Shoppers vie for great deals at a Black Friday sale at a Target store in Lynnwood, Wash on Thursday, Nov. 24, 2011.
cision also comes at a price. Stritzke point-
ed out that Black Friday is one of the top to $50.9 billion spent in-store. However, Kati Fadlevich, an employee of REI so on right away, and we’ve seen a lot of
ten highest earning days of the entire year. online shoppers set a new record: $2.4 bil- in Southlake, Texas, said in a Facebook that.”
Closing the store for the entire day lion sold in online sales on one day alone post: “This is why I love working for REI. Steele said that he plans on spending
could cost the company an estimated $50 in 2014. This is an increase from the $1.33 They would rather push a set of values than his Black Friday organizing a group bike
million. The Huffington Post, however, be- billion spend the year prior. While in- make money.” ride around Lake Washington and then hik-
lieves that the positive publicity the com- store sales remain high, online shopping In an interview with GearJunkie, Ben ing with his wife and daughter.
pany is receiving for their decision will is quickly on the rise. ABC news predicts Steele, the Seattle REI Chief Creative Offi- Steele also invites REI shoppers and
attract more shoppers throughout the year; Black Friday 2015 spending to rise 23 per- cer, said that the idea came about in January supporters to visit to
enough to make up for the loss of Black cent, to an expected minimum of $3 bil- 2015. After the 2014 holiday season ended, help plan their Black Friday outside. The
Friday. Forbes says “this could be among lion, and in-store shopping to continue to Stritzke sat down with all the executives to website features ideas of top hikes, pack-
the smartest marketing moves we see sink by 3 percent this year. work out their plans for this winter. “We re- ing lists, and more in order to prepare for a
among retailers this holiday season”. REI is planning to offer online Black alized what we did not want to do, and that day outdoors with family and loved ones.
However, with research done by the Friday deals, and as their website points was to perpetuate the retail frenzy,” Steele Stritzke announced the closure of the
National Retail Foundation, more and out, “the outdoors and the website are al- said. “We presented it to Stritzke and oth- chain with an email to members and was
more people are turning to the internet ways open”. You can view the website’s ers and eventually everyone got on board.” also posted on the company’s website;
as a means to complete their Black Fri- “gift guide” section to view previews of According to Steele, the co-op has which concluded with this powerful mes-
day shopping, as opposed to risking get- what will be available at reduced prices on gotten a lot of positive feedback on the de- sage:
ting trampled in stores. In 2013, shoppers November 27th. cision, not only from the public, but also “We’re a different kind of company—
spent a whopping $57.4 billion shopping The company also asks members to from other companies. “We’ve been over- and while the rest of the world is fighting it
in stores. keep in mind that any orders placed will whelmed by positive responses, both cus- out in the aisles, we’ll be spending our day
The number decreased the next year not be shipped until Monday, November tomers and industry partners and brands. a little differently. We’re choosing to opt
30. Places like Patagonia said ‘way to go’ and outside, and we want you to come with us.”
In This Issue:
Student Voices p. 3
Campus Notes p. 4
News p. 5-6
A&E p. 7-8
Opinion p. 9
Sports p. 10
Games & Comics p. 11-12 Tennis : page 10 Thanksgiving : page 6 Black Lives matter: page 9
2 NovemberJune
done an excellent job so far, Thank You,
Chief’s Notes and there is more to come in the following
quarters. EdCC Campus Safety
Todd M Clayton Jr Remember this is a newspaper for the
Editor-in-Chief students, so if you see, hear about a story
that is important, please email the staff or
Well this is our second to last issue for write the story up yourself.
the Fall Quarter, wow just think one more We at the Triton Review keep our
issue and the quarter will be over. Where newspapers from past issues, so if there is
did the time go, this quarter seemed to an article you are looking for that you re-
have flown by quickly. member reading, please feel free to stop by
First I want hope every one will have the newsroom and we can always give you
a happy and safe Thanksgiving break, copies of past papers.
even if it is short. It is the season to be with Thank You and please keep reading
family and your friends, make it the most, the Triton Review, its an award winning
while you are in college. newspaper.
Second, I would like to thank my new Happy Thanksgiving..
staff that started this quarter, they have

A Student Publication of Business Manager

Edmonds Community College Justin Bisacky
20000 68th Ave W. Lynnwood, WA
425.640.1315 Copy Editor
Gayle Johnson
Todd M Clayton Jr Photographers
Section Editors:
Ian Moffet - Opinion Faculty Advisor
Rob Harrill
Todd M Clayton Jr- News
Business Advisor
Review Staff - Sports
Lindsey Major- A&E Lindsey Major, Hannah Hall, Denise Robles, Haley Smith, Lesley Love,
Kearstin Franco, Kaitlin Morrison,
Layout & Design Sadie Jordan, Isatou Dumbuya, Kyla
Todd M Clayton Jr Blair, , Lucas Bisell, Everett Amundson,
Henry Welch,

The Triton Review is a student-written and -produced newspaper for Edmonds Community College and the surrounding community. The opinions expressed in the Triton Review
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Triton Review staff or of the college.
Mission Statement
The Triton Review is a student-run newspaper at Edmonds Community College that serves the student readership by reporting on issues and events as they relate to the campus
community and by supporting the open exchange of a diverse range of viewpoints and opinions.
The Triton Review strives to be impartial in its reporting and adheres firmly in its First Amendment rights.

Newspaper Policy
1. The Triton Review covers issues and events as they relate to the Edmonds Community College campus community and surrounding areas.
2. The Triton Review editorial staff reserves the right to comment editorially on any issues the staff finds newsworthy and important.
3. The Triton Review resists the influence of advertisers or special interest groups on the selection of news content or editorial expression.
4. The Triton Review will consider for publication signed letters to the editor or contributed opinion pieces reflecting student opinion on relevant topics, as well as those of other
on or off-campus constituents when submitted according to publication guidelines.
5. The Triton Review strives to uphold State and Federal Laws and Edmonds Community College policies, particularly the Office of Student Life Code of Ethics and the Society
of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics.

Letters to the Editor

The Triton Review welcomes letters to the editor. Letters submitted should be no more than 400 words, signed legibly, and accompanied by a phone number in order to verify
authenticity. Some letters may not be printed due to limited space, because they are similar to other letters received on the same subject, are potentially libelous, or are illegible. The
Triton Review reserves the right to edit letters.
The Review
remember those in need — not only during
Students Voices 3
Around campus and
Letters to the Editor the holidays, but all year long.
Mickey Laden, Lynnwood
At Thanksgiving, we are reminded
of the blessings of family, friends and an
abundance of food.
This year, the recent memory of the
the community
Nov. 25 Non-instructional Day (no classes and no faculty on campus): College
floods brings a heightened appreciation as
we grieve with families and friends in the
losses of homes, heirlooms and even lives.
Nov. 26 Thanksgiving Holiday: College Closed (no Saturday classes)
Transitions played an instrumental
role in providing shelter and meals during
Nov. 27 Thanksgiving Holiday: College Closed (no Saturday classes)
the floods. As board chair, I saw compas-
sion in action as our team served those in
Dec. 7 Non-instructional Day (no classes and no faculty on campus): College
Nov. 15-21 is Homelessness and Hun-
ger Awareness Week, when we are called
Dec. 7 Web grading available to instructors through instructor briefcase
to reflect on how each of us can be a part
of eliminating homelessness and hunger in
Dec. 8 Final exams begin
the Washington
As a state, we have seen what faith
Dec. 9 Final exams
and strength can accomplish; as a commu-
nity, let us do the same to ensure that we

Dear Triton, ...

If you have a burning question or problem feel free to drop it off in the folder taped
to our door on the second floor of Brier, room number 234; We look forward to helping
you in anyway possible.
Dear Triton, ... is helping one student at a time.
Dear Triton, time to have fun could make it harder to
I’m a junior and I’m currently ranked achieve your goal.
#10 in my class, which is a big deal. Any- I was a shy student in high school and
one who graduates in the top ten gets hon- never did achieve being in the top ten or
oured at a ceremony and a luncheon and even top twenty.
gives a speech. But I went on to earn a PhD because
This is a big deal for me because I found people who saw talents in me that
I’m not well–known like the others in the I did not even know were there! And this
top ten, and I just want to be recognized was true even though my parents never
for something. However, my rank could went to college.
change within the next year, and there is a It seems to me that you have a bright
boy right behind me who I’ve heard is tak- future ahead of you. Keep working to-
ing more weighted classes than I am next wards your goals and know that what you
year. learn in high school—even if you do not
I don’t know why this is worrying me make the top ten—will be helpful for the
so much, but I really want to stay in the rest of your life, even in ways you could
top ten, and if I get bumped out, I will feel not guess today.
like I’ve failed. This has been on my mind We are cheering you on!
nonstop, and I don’t know what to do.
— Worried, 17 Dear Triton
So, this is embarrassing but I am a 19
Dear Worried, year old girl from London and am here as
You may not be well known but you an exchange student, who has never kissed
DO know what you want to accomplish, or gone out with a boy.
which is more than many high school stu- I know. Bad. But there’s this guy who
dents. I have been friends with and liked for the
You sound very determined and are last year. My question is how can I let him
obviously smart and dedicated to high know I like him without embarrassing
achievement in school. Here are a couple myself and ruining our friendship? Thank
of thoughts, which I hope help you reach you!
your goal. — Unique, 19
First, keep up the great work! Any- Dear Unique,
thing you can do over the summer to pre- Remember you don’t have to follow
pare for courses you will take in your se- a set timetable for dating. But now that
nior year will give you a head start. you’re interested in a particular guy, you
Whatever study habits that have can start by flirting with him.
helped, continue them. And perhaps you If you’re not sure if what you’re do-
can learn even more about good study hab- ing counts as flirting, then it’s probably not
its used by college students. enough.
Second, you should start telling your- (If you’re nervous about how someone
self right now that even with your being will react, you may do things that are really
as determined as possible, you will NOT too small to seem like flirting, even though
have failed if you are not in the top ten. it might feel like a big deal to you.) Then
I am not saying not to try your very pay attention to how he reacts when you
best—you should do that because it means flirt with him.
a lot to you. But, there are times in every- At first he might not react because
one’s life that we do not achieve our goals he might not be sure you’re really flirting
no matter how hard we try. since you’ve been friends for so long, but
The best thing you can do when that after a while he’ll realize it and you’ll be
happens is to figure out why. If the reason able to figure out from his reaction whether
is within your control, then learn from the he’s interested.
experience. If the reason is not in your If he flirts back (though his flirting
control (such as two new super-geniuses might not be very obvious if he’s nervous,
transfer to your school), then you have to too), you can tell him how you feel or ask
accept it as part of life him out if he’s not brave enough to do so.
What you can control is how you react If he’s not interested, he’ll probably
to situations. Worrying nonstop does not seem uncomfortable when you flirt. In
help. You need to have some balance in that case, you can go back to being friends
your life. Being stressed-out without some without it being too weird.
4 Campus Notes NovemberJune
17, 1,2015

The Joys of Cooking and Eating

EdCC Library
Campus Notes
It is that time of year again when most
of us will get together with friends and
family and, whatever your practices or tra-
ditions, food is usually at the heart of those
The library has an excellent collection
of food-related books and magazines to
guide you through the challenges of satis-
fying all tastes and needs.
Will you be preparing a traditional
• “A to Z World Food & Recipes:
175 Countries - Appetizers, Soups, Salads,
Main Dishes, Side Dishes, Desserts, Bev-
erages and Holiday Favorites,” by Sibylla

• “Multicultural Cookbook of
Life-Cycle Celebrations,” by Lois Sinaiko

• “Joy of Cooking,” by Irma S. Photo by EdCC Library

Rombauer, Marion Rombauer Becker, and Many different types of cookbooks that the library offers up to improve your cooking or impress your friends and family with talent.
Ethan Becker
vorites,” by Carol Kicinski. • “Sweetness: Delicious Baked • “Consider the Fork: A History of
• “The World Cookbook for Stu- Do you want to use local ingredients? Treats for Every Occasion,” by Sarah Levy How We Cook and Eat,” by Bee Wilson
dents,” by Jeanne Jacob and Michael Ash- • “Northwest Essentials: Cooking
kenazi. with Ingredients that Define a Region’s • “Wild Sweets: Exotic Desserts • “Adventures In Eating: Anthropo-
Will you have guests who are vegan or Cuisine,” by Greg Atkinson and Wine Pairings,” by Dominique and logical Experiences of Dining from Around
gluten free? Cindy Duby the World,” edited by Helen R. Haines and
• “The Inspired Vegan: Seasonal • “Pike Place Market Cookbook: Clare A. Sammells.
Ingredients, Creative Recipes, Mouthwa- Recipes, Anecdotes, and Personalities • “Macarons: Authentic French
tering Menus,” by Bryant Terry from Seattle’s Renowned Public Market,” Cookie Recipes” from the Macaron Café • “Anything That Moves: Ren-
by Braiden Rex-Johnson egade Chefs, Fearless Eaters, and the Mak-
• “Vegan Yum Yum: Decadent (But • “Cookies: Simple and Delicious ing of a New American Food Culture,” by
Doable) Animal-free Recipes for Enter- • “Eating Local: The Cookbook In- Easy-to-make Recipes,” by Lesley Anne Dana Goodyear.
taining & Everyday,” by Lauren Ulm spired by America’s Farmers,” by Sur La Leach
Table Finally, whether you’re cooking or • “Cooked: A Natural History Of
• “Gluten Free Every Day Cook- eating, it’s always interesting to learn about Transformation,” by Michael Pollan
book,” by Robert M. Landolphi • “Good Fish: Sustainable Seafood food traditions and the future of food: To find these books and more, come
Recipes from the Pacific Coast,” by Becky • “Feast: Why Humans Share to the library or call (425/640-1472) and a
• “Simply--Gluten-free Desserts: Selengut Food,” by Martin Jones librarian will help you.
150 Delicious Recipes for Cupcakes, And for the best part of any meal: Bon appetit!
Cookies, Pies, and More Old and New Fa-

Sustainability, a way to keep going

Oil and coal are the fossilized/miner- globe four or five times before it lands on “Should I drive to school, or take the
Green Team alized remains of the organic matter that the store shelf. Everything we do in this bus?”, and “Should I buy this chocolate/t-
the ancient carboniferous forests laid down life affects everything else. shirt, even though it was made by child
By Chris Walker a hundred million years before the dino- Every pound of CO2 from a car or slaves?”.
Guest writer saurs; it took the earth billions of years to factory goes directly into our shared atmo- When we step back and consider the
Sustainability is one of those buzz- form, and the minerals and metals that it sphere. Thinking about that, it is easy to see outcomes of our actions for the planet, its
words that are all too common these days. contains do not re-grow like plants. how wide-reaching sustainability truly is. people, and their profits, we are beginning
You might hear someone say things like, We use oil because we have oil, but Getting back to the “balance” aspect to think sustainably.
“I’m very passionate about sustainability.” we also have the sun or the heat from the of sustainability, one of the easiest con-
That is about as descriptive as saying earth itself. How can we justify the contin- cepts to consider is the “”stool of sustain- I’ll leave you with a short riddle:
your favorite cuisine is, “food.” Words can ued use and destruction of resources while ability.” The three legs of this proverbial
get thrown around so much and with such acting like there is no other path to follow? stool are people, planet, and profit. A 1 litre jar is seeded with an aggres-
little care, that we can forget they actually When we consider some essential con- When all three things are in balance, sive bacteria.
have meaning. cepts of sustainability, “waste not, want we have a sustainable society and culture, It doubles every day.
Words are intangible threads that can not,” coupled with a deep-seated sense of and civilization can continue to grow. It is given more than enough food, but
bind ideas together or unravel arguments balance, we begin to see how foundational If we destroy the vital resources of is still confined to the jar.
in the blink of an eye. They convey ideas, sustainability could be to our society. the planet (water, air, etc.), it doesn’t mat- If the jar is only half full on the 30th
and they shape the way we view the world. A hundred years ago, before ter how much money we’ve made in the of January, on what date will there be no
Without meaning, they are useless. plastic,CFC’s, and chemical fertilizer our process. We can’t buy a new planet. If we more room?
So, with that in mind, what is the con- ancestors lived and died with the land. don’t help people, how can we expect to Jan 31st.
cept of “sustainability?” It could simply be Were their lives meaningless and empty have a happy, just society?
described as “practical balance.” because they didn’t have Wi-Fi? Hopefully If we ignore future profits and don’t
Sustainability prioritizes philosophies not, because life can feel meaningless and use any resources, we don’t grow as a
of balance and demands they be put into empty today. material culture. All three things need to
practical action. We must find harmony If Wi-Fi is the answer, we might be in be harmoniously present for the planet to
in our interactions with the world and the trouble. A life well lived, one with mean- progress.
people around us, or things will begin to ing, is based in balance and therefore could Daily life is a series of choices. I wake
fall apart. easily be sustainable. Life in the near past up in the morning and decide if I want to
In another sense, sustainability could was not entirely the hellacious post-indus- shower or not. I decide what I want to eat
be described as “responsible use of re- trial wasteland that we often think it was, for breakfast.
sources.” With a long view, it seems some- people lived and laughed and connected to Each choice makes up the fabric of our
what laughable, how aggressively some in- each other and the land. habits and habits make up who we are.
dividuals or companies consume and waste Today’s globe is more interconnected “Should I turn off the light, or pay for
things. than ever before, a t-shirt will circle the wasted electricity?”,
The Review News 5
Ready, set, go: Seacrets
By Kaitlin Morrison
Staff Writer they do in life.”
Carucci says that he aims to try and
“In your darkest moments, what is
add as much positivity as he can into the
your happy anchor that tethers you back to
world. “You see a lot of negativity on Face-
book, Twitter, the news… There’s a lot of
Seattle is full of secrets. With over
horrible stuff that you read.”
650,000 people living in the city alone,
Carucci says that despite his own per-
there are hundreds of thousands of stories
sonal struggles in life, from dealing with
waiting to be told. Unfortunately, however,
depression and anxiety to bullying and
most of these stories don’t have the chance
moving away from home, he just wants to
to be told.
bring more positivity into the world. “For
Matt Carucci of Seattle Seacrets wants
some reason, as human beings, we like
to give those stories the chance to be heard.
to talk about the negative aspects of life,
Started in March of 2015, Carucci was
which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.”
hit for inspiration for Seattle Seacrets at the
Carucci continued, “There’s a lot of
positivity that stems from negative sto-
“I have no idea why I started it…”
ries.” Carucci wants to focus on the posi-
Carucci said at the Alderwood Mall Star-
bucks. “I’ve always loved talking to peo-
While almost everyone Carucci has
ple. I like talking to people and I like hear-
interacted with for the project has been ex-
ing their stories. We’re a very diverse city
cited, Carucci still had to overcome some
that’s very up-and-coming. We have a lot
to offer. I feel like we just aren’t that well
“I started a photography blog without
owning a camera,” Carucci says with a
Carucci continued, “If you ask some-
laugh. He credits his parents, his sister, and
one what they think of Seattle they’re
his girlfriend Lindsey Major for helping
like ‘Space Needle and Macklemore.” He
him. “From March until August, I was just
wants to tell Seattle’s actual story, not just
going off the help of others who believed Photo Courtesy
the story of Seattle you see on TV. “I’m not a group of eagerly waiting group around a table at the Seattle Regional w/ CEO &
in the project.”
asking what makes you happy, I’m asking Founder Mr Izhak Ben Shabat
Seattle Seacrets hopes to help the com-
what saves your life.” Carucci continues, Carucci says about Peter Robinson’s want to read. Everyone has a story like
munity of Seattle. Not only by letting ev-
“It’s not something we think about daily.” interview, “People find a healthy outlet that that. What helps you save the day?”
eryday people have the chance to tell their
Carucci says he wants to know what gives them another chance. Another day. Carucci is considering opening a web-
story, but by also spreading the names of
pulls people back up when they hit rock Something to keep them going.” He has site for Seattle Seacrets in March of 2016.
up-and-coming artists and local business.
bottom. also featured fellow photographers such as You can find new postings every Sun-
Carucci has already featured a handful
“We have a lot more to offer and I kind Bezel Brilliant. Carucci wants everyone to day on Seattle Seacrets’ various social me-
of different artists, from Gifted Gab, a lo-
of just wanted to show that through people have the opportunity to tell their story. dia platforms.
cal hip-hop artist, to Peter “Ten Hundred”
who have dreams that they aspire to do as “You always read the books about
Robison, a painter.
well as people who have already achieved the hero who gets knocked down and gets
“He found out he could take out all of
their dreams.” Carucci said, “I think that back up,” Carucci says as we finish our in-
his anger and pain onto a canvas, because
people don’t get enough credit for what terview. “Those are the stories that people
there are no rules.”

In truth, the biggest impediment to
Hillary Clinton might just be Hillary Clin-
ton. There are still those emails lurking,
just waiting to be leaked by one investiga-
tor or another. The fact that they are even
an issue is a reflection of her discomfort
After Joe Biden announced that he with undergoing the kind of relentless
wouldn’t be joining the Democratic fray, I scrutiny that public officials must endure.
was asked on TV if it meant that Hillary She’s surrounded herself with hyper-
Clinton was “unstoppable” in her march to protective guards who too often bow and
the party nomination. Overlooking the fact scrape before her, while doing whatever it
that Bernie Sanders is quite an obstacle, the takes to annihilate anyone who dares chal-
reality is that there are all kinds of ways lenger her. All too often she and they have
that Hillary could fall flat on her face and tried to deflect an inconvenient question by
not get up. dissembling, or by disdain. The paradoxi-
First of all, it’s way too early to draw cal result is that they raise suspicions, the
any conclusions about anything, certainly kind that her political enemies can exploit.
about inevitability. The first Iowa caucus- So yes, Joe Biden has pulled out of
es are more than three months away, the the race. His pain over the loss of his son
nominating convention nine months in the is easy to understand. But as he and his
distance, and the general election is over a family heal, he might have the strength to
year forward to the future. reconsider if all the poking reveals some
It is certainly true that Hillary is on a egregious scandal that can cause Hillary
hot streak. She performed like a champ in to fall off her pedestal. The Republicans
the first Democratic presidential debate, are certainly not going away, in Congress
and then before the House Benghazi com- or out. The press isn’t either. If there is a
mittee, she took on the Republican assail- “there” there, someone will find it. If her
ants, chewed ‘em up and spit ‘em out. In backers can’t spin her way out of it, then
fact, as they came across as petulant chil- suddenly the party might be seeking a res-
dren, she would occasionally taunt them, cuer, a knight in shining armor to take over
like telling one aggressive questioner, when the leader falls.
Jim Jordan, a hard-right Republican from Who might that be? Bernie Sand-
Ohio, “I’m sorry it doesn’t fit your narra- ers? His campaign has inspired the left.
tive, Congressman, I can only tell you what But most Americans are centrists, like Joe
the facts are.” Biden. And Hillary Clinton. She’s survived
It went on for the better part of 11 the flak she’s gotten so far, but now she
hours, but it was her inquisitors who got must solidify her gains and avoid the inevi-
turned inside out. They didn’t draw any table traps out there.
blood, except maybe their own. The most
GOP members could sputter at the end is (c) 2015 Bob Franken
that they will continue with their investiga- Distributed by King Features Synd.
tion. But all they accomplished with their
marathon confrontation with Hillary was
to enhance her chances of becoming presi-
6 NovemberJune

Thanksgiving break should be a vacation

By Kyla Blair
Staff Writer
“Oh, November: it’s that time of year
again where families are coming together
for the holidays, but realistically, Thanks-
giving break isn’t long enough.
On the week of Thanksgiving, there
are classes on Monday and Tuesday and
no classes on Wednesday up until the fol-
lowing Monday, giving students a five-day
break. It may seem like enough days, but
many college students are away from their
families and some of them don’t spend
enough time or no time at all during break
since it’s so short.
It’s not quite fair for many students
and even professors to not be able to spend
quality time with their families. Just hav-
ing a week off would benefit everyone.
On top of that, there are a lot of inter-
national students at our campus who don’t
get the opportunity to go back home to see
their families for the holidays
They come from all over the world:
China, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Thailand,
you name it. These students come to
America to study and learn a new culture
and learn how to adapt, which isn’t always
It’s a huge transition, but nothing is Photo Jonathon Perlmutter
worse than not being able to spend the The family sitting around the Thanksgiving table happy that everyone is home for the Holidays from college and abroad.
holidays with your family. Being miles and
miles away is hard during the holidays; terms which need to be done either before signments and deadlines during the break. have the whole week off, and add a couple
home is where the heart is. With only a break or after, which not only puts pressure Since students tend to not show up to of days to the end of the quarter, it would
five-day break, these international students and stress on students but it gives profes- class on the week of Thanksgiving break, be easier for students and professors. Pro-
have no choice but to stay at the campus. sors more work to do during the break. it would make sense to have a week long fessors would have an “actual break,” and
These students do not get to spend Some strongly believe a long break break. it could all be a win-win situation for ev-
Thanksgiving with their families, as airfare would affect [in a positive or negative If the Office of the Superintendent eryone.
is quite expensive and not worth the money way?] the learning of a student and edu- of Public Instruction of Washington State
to fly out for only a few days. cation, but truthfully, the amount [ should would make these small changes and let us
Dezarae Grace, a student at EdCC, be number of students who stress] of stu-
says, “Every year for Thanksgiving, my dents that stress before and after the break
family has family gatherings in Florida, is quite high.
and I never get to go. It’s not worth the As students, our education is top prior-
money and on top of that, there’s always ity and it’s understandable we need to meet
homework I have to get done. I usually deadlines, but everyone seems to be spend-
spend time catching up on homework rath- ing time on studies and catching up on
er than enjoying it [Enjoying the holiday]. homework rather than spending time with
Truthfully, it’s a short break. I work, too.” their families. Which is more important?
An out-of-state ticket for only a few According to the Office of the Su-
days, could range from $300 to $700, de- perintendent of Public Instruction, by law,
pending on the time the ticket is bought “a school year of no less than 180 school
and how far it is. Normally, tickets cost days in such grades are conducted by the
even more, since everyone is flying out to school.” In that case, every school has to
see their families or travel. If it’s an inter- meet these requirements in Washington
national flight, it could range from $1,000 State.
to $2,000 dollars. Some students have suggested cut-
This seem to be the biggest issue for ting some of the days off of winter break
students every year. The amount a student or even adding more days toward the end
would be paying for an airfare ticket is in- of the quarter.
sane and it’s not even for a week, but only The majority of students surveyed say
for a few days. Not many college students they wouldn’t mind if these changes would
can afford to spend hundreds to thousands occur and would instead be satisfied with a
of dollars for a short trip; every year airfare longer break. Thanksgiving is a very spe-
is quite pricey during November! cial celebration that we all look forward to.
Instead, classes are in session on Thanksgiving break should be a time
Monday and Tuesday, but do students re- when we don’t have to worry about school
ally show up for class? Janis Gonzales of for a little bit, and can be stress-free and
EdCC says, “I’ve been going to EdCC for appreciate everyone in our lives, but a five-
three years now; every year half the stu- day break stops us from doing so. A break
dents aren’t even in class.” It seems point- doesn’t necessarily mean we are putting
less to even have class. our education aside; it’s a short amount
During this time of year, there are mid- of time of being able to unwind and relax
without having to worry about stressful as-
The Review A&E 7
Awakening the force
“American Ultra” (R) -- Mike (Jesse
Eisenberg) is a scrawny pothead grocery-
store clerk who is unbelievably deadly
when he thinks his life is in danger. See,
Mike doesn’t remember it, but he’s the
product of a secret program that trained
ultra-deadly, ultra-brainwashed sleeper
agents and placed them unsuspecting parts
of the U.S. An ambitious functionary in the
CIA (Topher Grace) decides to clean up
what’s left of the program by sending as-
sassins against the unsuspecting Mike and
his girlfriend, Phoebe (Kristen Stewart).
Eisenberg is the last guy you’d cast as
an action star, and that’s why he does so
well -- he goes from shirking schlub to kill-
er commando in an instant, and he’s just as
surprised as you. Stewart also plays an im-
portant role in the movie’s likability, since
Photo courtesy of Lucasfilm Ltd. she and Eisenberg share a facile chemistry
Kylo Ren heads the First Order stormtroopers into battle from a scene in the upcoming ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ which hits
and engaging rhythm.
theatres on Dec. 18, with some special showings on the 17.
“A Christmas Horror Story” (NR) --
By Lucas Bissell and rumors in Hollywood that it would The projections for the opening week- Despite the title, it’s really a handful of
Staff Writer make its return. During the interim, many end, according to Box Office Analyst Phil Christmas horror stories, strung together
The lights go down and you hold your books and stories were published expand- Contrino, is that the film could have the po- by a framing story with a drunk William
breath with nervous anticipation for the ing on the lore of the “Star Wars” universe. tential to take in as much as $540 million Shatner. One bit has teens poking around
screen to light up. You take a deep breath However, on April 25, 2014 it was an- globally, topping the three-day record set a creepy school basement on the anniver-
and smell the scent of freshly popped pop- nounced that the average “Star Wars” fans by the final “Harry Potter” film at $483.2 sary of a double-homicide -- it goes how
corn in the still air, the music swells as the don’t need to bother themselves with all of million. The marketing team for the film is you’d expect. Then there’s the family who
grand title appears before your eyes, “Star the books and stories, for they are no lon- working their hardest to make this film the enters the woods to (illegally) chop down
Wars: the Force Awakens.” The one and ger part of the lore. mega event of the year. Contrino also said their own Christmas tree, only to find that
only gem is returning to the big screen; Now the only stories a “Star Wars” “It’s in the same spot as ‘Avatar’, which something ... strange has happened to their
“Star Wars” has come back! The fantas- fan needs to understand are the six feature played and played and played. ‘Force son. Another naughty family gets a visit
tical space opera from 1977 is making a films, the “Star Wars Animated Film”, the Awakens’ will hit $1 billion without blink- from the Krampus, a nightmarish anti-San-
more-than-expected return to cinema in the television series “The Clone Wars” and ing. If it’s really good, it could cross $2 ta from Germanic folklore. Then there’s
form of the seventh movie in the film saga “Star Wars Rebels”, and every other ma- billion.” On top of that, seeing as “Avatar” the all-out Christmas carnage story where
“The Force Awakens”. Picking up where terial released after April 25, 2014, unless broke records at $77 million domestically Santa throws down against a horde of pro-
the sixth movie ended, the seventh movie otherwise stated. This is important in order at the opening release by opening in 3,461 fane zombie-elves.
is a return to form for many of the original to be caught up, a task made complicated theaters, “Star Wars” will be opening in So there’s a variety of tinsel-tinged ter-
trilogy fans. The Death Star is destroyed, by the amount of time between the films. roughly 4,500 theaters across the country, ror, and if any of these carols aren’t singing
the Emperor and Darth Vader are both dead Having this movie come out 10 years a wider release than any other film, ever. with you, it won’t be long before Shatner
and the future for the rebels (now the Re- after the last one will bring about strange “Star Wars” is not just going to be a cuts in and the next bit begins. It’s not the
sistance) is looking very bright. Or is it? behaviors in movie-going audiences. Ac- box office smash, but it is looking as if it most memorable holiday-horror flick, but
Introducing Kylo Ren, the main antag- cording to theater marketing data firm might be a good movie as well. According it’s a polished product with an assortment
onist of the next movie. He is a shadowy Movio Media, the average age of men who to Red Letter Media, and a handful of other of terrifying treats.
warrior of the dark side, strong with The will see this film will be 34 years of age. reviewing sites, a big problem that the pre- “Ricki and the Flash” (PG-13) -- Meryl
Force and commander of the First Order. Movio also found that upwards of 70 per- quels faced was that there was too many Streep stars as a woman who left her fam-
His goal is to finish the Empire’s initial cent of ticket buyers were male between 18 computer-generated images. Returning to ily to chase rock ‘n’ roll dreams, and now
goals. and 49 years of age. This has to do with form, “The Force Awakens” will be focus- has to come back down to earth to recon-
“Together, we will destroy the Resis- the age of the people who grew up with the ing on using more practical effects like in cile with her children and the life she could
tance and the last Jedi,” Ren’s action figure original “Star Wars” films. the original trilogy. This is looking good have had. Ricki (Streep) never touched
says. Not much is known about who this Even though the film has yet to pre- for the film itself. stardom, but she’s in a rockin’ bar-band
baddie is and that is a strong point of the miere, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” “Star Wars” is a fantastical story with with a strapping guitarist (Rick Spring-
advertising for this movie. has already broken records. Early pre-sale heart, soul and awesome space battles that field). She returns to the Midwest when her
Finn, a stormtrooper who is also Force tickets for the film went on sale during ES- has already made its mark on history. The ex-husband (Kevin Kline) summons her to
sensitive, has lost his way. He had once PN’s “Monday Night Football.” Although simple fact that it has made its triumphant support their adult daughter (Mamie Gum-
worked as part of the First Order, however the premiere of the trailer gave the game return is more than amazing, it is a trea- mer, Streep’s real-life daughter) in recover-
he and his ship crash on the desert planet a boost in viewership, that was nothing sure. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” ing from a disastrous divorce. The family
of Jakku and joins the forces of the Resis- compared to the record it shattered. “Star comes to theaters on December 17 of this melodrama is mixed in with stirring musi-
tance to fight against the organization he Wars” broke IMAX records with more year, and whether you grew up with the cal performances where Streep belts clas-
once was a part of. than $6.5 million, outshining the previ- original trilogy as a child or even the pre- sic rock covers with serious energy.
This film has been awaited a long time ous record holders such as “The Hunger quels, there is something for everyone in “No Escape” (R) -- Jack Dwyer
by many people. The last film was intro- Games: Catching Fire”, “The Dark Knight this amazing saga. “Star Wars” is one of (Owen Wilson) moves his wife (Lake Bell)
duced to the public 10 years ago in 2005, Rises,” and “The Avengers” by 15 percent the biggest “must-sees” of the year, some- and two pre-teen daughters from Texas to
and ever since then there had been hope at roughly $1 million. thing to check out this holiday season. an unnamed Southeast Asian country so he
can get to work with water resources. Too
bad the locals aren’t too keen on Western
intervention, and a violent uprising floods

Arts & Entertainment Events the streets just as the Dwyers are moving
in. All we know about the mob is that they
are bloodthirsty foreigners out to kill all
white Westerners, which puts a discom-
Nov. 27 Native American Heritage Day: College Closed Geek & Culture Club Meet every Friday at 1 p.m. Monroe Hall
forting damper on the action -- of which
(no Saturday classes) 110
there is plenty. The first part of the film
pounds through a gripping chase and a
Dec. 7 Non-instructional Day (no classes and no faculty EdCC Historical Society Meet every Friday at 11:30 a.m. Brier
series of shocking set-pieces, then Pierce
on campus): College Open Hall 244
Brosnan enters the fray as a Westerner with
the grit to help the family get out alive. It’s
Dec. 7 Web grading available to instructors through in- Nov. 17 2 p.m. Trashy Tuesdays EDCC Campus - Brier 244
still weird watching the film knowing that
structor briefcase
Third World peoples are used as a stand-in
for howling zombies.
Dec. 11 Last day of fall quarter
(c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
8 A&E November 17,1,2015
June 2015

A unique stew for a Mali holiday

By: Isatou Dumbuya
Staff Writer
It was a fine day at work and soon it
was time for a break. I went to the break
room and thought about the peanut butter
stew with coos coos I was going to devour
in minutes but I thought about how the aro-
ma was going to fill the room and everyone
was going to take it in and start wondering
what kind of oriental dish someone had in
there. I felt like I shouldn’t. But I opened
the fridge anyway, and a co-worker came
up to me and said, “Oh peanut butter stew,
that is really good, I had it a few days ago.”
My eyes opened thrice their size and my
face lit up. I was pleased that an American
who does not know where peanut butter
stew originated from could say that they
loved it. “You mean you tasted it before,” I
asked with joy.
“Absolutely,” she replied.
I was so excited I convinced her to
eat with me. As we ate, she made several
“ums” with her mouthful. She gobbled
the food like she couldn’t get enough of
it. “This stuff is healthy; do you know that Photo by Georgetta Hamilton
the peanut butter stew was featured on the A good recipe with a unique style and taste, peanut butter soup homemade style in a bowl ready to be eaten.
Doctors’ show one time?”
“Yes, they did, and I was so proud butter soup is popular especially in West around the fireplace and hug blankets and add in the blended onions, pepper, toma-
about it. I am glad to know that it has so Africa, Europe and the United States of eat warm soup. This is the perfect time for to paste, a pinch of salt and a spoonful of
many health benefits and people are be- America. peanut butter soup. lemon juice.
coming more aware of it, and I am glad Recipes for the stew vary widely The individual parts of the dish come Some like it warm and spicy but I like
that I am sharing my food with you, Kelly.” across regions around the world but the together to make a unique and perfect taste. it hot and the meat tender. It should melt
Even after the bowl was empty and we main ingredients are peanut butter, a It is welcoming, inviting and reminds me in my mouth and the spice should make me
each downed a bottle of water, the aroma spoonful of tomato paste, a cup of blended of home. Peanut butter stew should be want to eat more. Don’t forget to add lime
of the dish lingered around as if waiting for onions, a little bit of pepper to spice it up, well-cooked and the meat tender. One juice if you want to.
more words of praises about how satisfy- a spoonful of lemon juice and most impor- scoop of the stew and rice or coos coos The recipe
ing and mouth-watering it is. tantly chicken, lamb or beef to give it that should light up your face and curve your 1 cup of creamy peanut butter
This soup originated from the Mand- heavenly flavor. Some people would add lips into a smile. 1 small tin of tomato paste
inka and the Bambara people in Mali. Its cabbage, turmeric, hot pepper, root veg- Peanut butter stew takes about one 1tbsp of lime juice
original name in Mandinka is domodah or etables, and leafy greens, paprika, garlic, hour to cook. First you must put meat, be it 1 cup of beef/chicken/lamb
tigadegena. The peanut butter soup came black pepper and other spices. lamb, beef or chicken in a pot of water and 2 tbsp of chopped onions
into existence because of the huge expan- The peanut butter stew is traditionally let it boil for some time and then add two 1 tbsp of pepper
sion of the groundnut/peanut cultivation served with rice or coos coos. scoops of creamy peanut butter depending Pinch of salt
during the colonial period. The peanut It is fall season, and so we gather on how much you want to cook. You can

superstar. And Jeff is a talented, nice,

good-looking guy with a great, great sense
of humor. We have so much fun together.”
Q: Can you tell me what the actress
who plays Maeby on “Arrested Develop-
ment” has been doing lately? -- Linda R.
in Virginia
A: Alia Shawkat stars in a new TBS
dark-comedy series of her own, which
Q: I’m glad to see that “Agent X” is fi- is currently in development. It’s called
nally on TNT. I’ve been looking forward to “Search Party,” and it co-stars John Early,
seeing Sharon Stone in this. She is wonder- John Reynolds and Meredith Hagner. The
ful, of course, but I’m also impressed with show follows a group of four self-absorbed
the actress who plays Olga. What can you 20-somethings who come together when a
tell me about her? -- Jonathon T., via email former college acquaintance mysteriously
A: Olga Fonda, whom you might re- disappears. The series will debut sometime
member from “The Vampire Diaries” and in 2016.
“Real Steel,” is the gorgeous actress who Q: My wife heard that there is going
plays Olga Petrovka. She was born in Rus- to be a new “Star Trek” series. Is that true?
sia and came to the U.S. when she was 14 -- Paul T., via email
as a foreign exchange student. She was A: A new “Star Trek” series has indeed
thrilled to come to America, which is, in been greenlighted at CBS, with an expected
her words: “a land of opportunities and debut in January 2017. Prolific writer and
dreams. So, when I got the opportunity to producer Alex Kurtzman (producer of the
go to the United States, I happily grabbed “Star Trek” feature-film reboots) is devel-
it. I always wanted to get an experience of oping. According to The Hollywood Re-
living in different countries, studying in porter, “The new ‘Star Trek’ will introduce
different countries, learning the different new characters seeking imaginative new
cultures, and, of course, having better op- worlds and new civilizations, while explor-
portunities.” ing the dramatic contemporary themes that
Aside from working on the show, Olga have been a signature of the franchise since
is thrilled to work with Sharon Stone and its inception in 1966.” The latest in the
Jeff Hephner. “There is a great mix of ac- “Star Trek” feature films won’t premiere
tion, mystery and drama -- and a sense of until 2019, but die-hard Trekkies will have
humor. It’s a well-done show. Sharon is plenty to tide them over until then.
beautiful and smart and a talented woman.
And she is fun to be around. She is very Write to Cindy at King Features
supportive of her fellow actors. There was Weekly Service, 628 Virginia Drive, Or-
one scene she did where she had to work lando, FL 32803; or e-mail her at letters@
with kids. It was such a great experience to
observe that she was so kind and so patient.
It was a really beautiful moment. She’s a (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
The Opinion 9
‘All lives matter’ misses the point
By: Sadie Jordan
Staff Writer
Former Governor Mike Huckabee is
under fire for some of his tweets regarding
the #BlackLivesMatter movement, his first
tweet on the matter being “Black lives mat-
ter because ALL lives matter. Haven’t we
learned from history?”
Huckabee isn’t the only one making
this crucial error. Public figures across the
political spectrum, including Democratic
presidential candidate Hillary Clinton,
have recently made similar statements.
The problem here is simple. One can-
not advocate for equality by ignoring our
country’s racist past. By saying “all lives
matter” in response to the #BlackLives-
Matter movement is doing just that.
“The all lives matter idea does deni-
grate the root of the movement. The
hashtag isn’t black lives matter but white’s
don’t,” Erik Ray, chair of the history de-
partment at Edmonds Community College,
said. Ray frequently teaches classes on
African-American history.
Martin O’Malley, a 2016 democrat-
ic presidential candidate, said this same
phrase when confronted by a group of
black Americans, protesting the violence
against their community, at a conference
regarding criminal justice and police bru-
Though O’Malley later apologized for
his comment, there is still the underlying
problem -why he said it in the first place.
Photo by Renee Jones Schneider
It could be argued that people who use this Protesters walk along Washington Avenue during a Black Lives Matter rally on April 29, 2015, in Minneapolis.
phrase are trying to be inclusive of every-
one, either way it is a misinformed state- against black Americans, specifically. the most important thing an individual can Most important, realize that by say-
ment. “Whoever thinks they are saying white do. ing #BlackLivesMatter you aren’t saying
“If you have trouble seeing race or are lives don’t matter as much is confused and By not dismissing it and having a that all lives don’t matter. You are taking
tired of people making things about race, needs to do more research on racism in our discussion you are already on your way a stand against police brutality and the un-
realize that if they could, most people of society,” women’s studies Professor Gem to helping make the nation a place where equal treatment of black Americans.
color would ignore race too,” said Jarune Baldwin said. equality and justice for all people is a real-
Uwujaren, a writer for the web magazine America’s history of slavery and seg- ity.
“Everyday Feminism.” regation is well known, yet because of
Ignoring race isn’t an option for many how far America has come on the topic,
people of color, especially when they are sometimes racism in this century is over-
the target of police brutality and judicial looked. “It starts with this myth that after
inequality. #BlackLivesMatter was the the election of the president, Obama, racial
movement started to bring these issues to prejudice and racist action went away,”
light. Ray said.
Two years after its start, #BlackLives- This myth is just that, though -a myth.
Matter is still going strong. “When we say Even in 2015 with an African American
Black Lives Matter, we are broadening the president we are seeing rampant racism
conversation around state violence to in- and police brutality, mostly against black
clude all of the ways in which Black people Americans.
are intentionally left powerless at the hands A five month study, recorded on a
of the state,” the movement’s webpage re- database called The Counted, shows that
lays. “We are talking about the ways in while black Americans make up less than
which Black lives are deprived of our basic 13 percent of the US population, unarmed
human rights and dignity.” black males are twice as likely to be shot.
As a history teacher and an ally for Baldwin notes this difference in her
black rights, Ray knows the ideas and de- own life as well. She says anytime she is
mands of this movement aren’t entirely pulled over or is talking to a police officer
new. “I’m not afraid. I don’t think about the fact
It’s a continuation of a lot of the prin- he’s going to shoot me.” Yet, she knows
cipals and values of previous civil rights that it is a daily reality for some black
movements,” Ray said. It is specifically American’s.
targeting the relationship with law enforce- The white community can’t imag-
ment and issue of police brutality faced by ine what life is like as a person of color.
people of color. They can, however, be an ally to the black
Yet, even with the most prominent American community as they fight for
messages of the #BlackLivesMatter group their rights to be heard, seen, and treated as
being equality and protection against harm equals in our society.
some still see it as a hate group. “By its To be an ally is to recognize one’s own
very title, and certainly by its claim to ex- privilege in a particular situation and using
clusivity as to whose lives matter, Black that privilege to join the fight for justice,
Lives Matters would qualify as a racist out- equality, and protection from harm, Bald-
fit by just about any standard,” said Jack win said. Ray agrees with the idea that any-
Cashill, a well-known conservative jour- one can be an ally.
nalist and author, about the movement to “There is a way to engage in it that
independent news source WND. transcends any racial idea,” Ray said. Be-
What most white Americans fail to un- ing an ally is a great start to supporting the
derstand is that #BlackLivesMatter is pur- #BlackLivesMatter movement, no mat-
posefully turning the topic to black lives, ter your race. Even if you aren’t sure the
not to exclude white lives but to draw at- #BlackLivesMatter movement is some-
tention to the issue of police brutality thing you support, having a discussion is
10 Sports November

Intramural Sports Tennis anyone

By Henry Welch for players and teams to discuss game tim-
Staff Writer ing, and the availability of its members so
that everyone can make it to the games.
Whether you are a long-term basket- The games are played over the course
ball player in the off-season, or haven’t of four weeks when every team plays each
played soccer since sixth grade, intramu- of the other teams in the league once. The
ral sports are a fun way for students, staff, prize for having the most wins at the end of
and faculty to get moving each quarter at the season is an EdCC intramurals cham-
EdCC. pionship t-shirt for each of the members.
The intramural sports program Even if you are not particularly
here at EdCC is a student-run organization interested in playing, you can still come
which hosts both recreational and competi- out and support friends you may have play-
tive leagues for soccer, basketball, and vol- ing their games.
leyball. Availability of sports each quarter I was able to speak to the Intramurals
is based on interest, and how many teams Director, Miranda Wood, who is a student
and players sign up. here at EdCC, and she said, “Last year
Fall quarter’s program is already well we actually had quite a few people come
under way, hosting only indoor soccer, but watch spring basketball, most friends, but Photo by Lesley Love
upcoming quarters are available to you, and yeah they’re always welcome.” I imagine
The EdCC Soccer Club taking a group photo after some practice on the court.
you can look for them the first few weeks that it always would be more fun to have
of each quarter. This quarter indoor soccer an audience to cheer you on in the back- By Lesley Love friendly competition together.” The Tennis
is the only sport being hosted because of ground. Staff Writer Club is still a fairly new club and are look-
lack of players and teams, and the league The intramurals program is actu- ing for more students to join their club.
will actually be a mix of both competitive ally a student-led organization, which is Don’t you love the feeling of being So whether you’re a rookie or a pro, don’t
and recreational teams. run by a mix of the student position In- brave and doing something in front of a hesitate to go and check them out.
In order to mitigate some of the stu- tramurals Director with support of work- crowd of people and being cheered on You can also follow and like the Ed-
dents wanting to play other sports, they are study students. and winning? Everyone loves their victory monds Community College Tennis Club
also trying to host open gym time at which The program is supervised by Spencer moments. This is why you should join the on Facebook, where you will find informa-
anyone can participate. Stark, who is part of the administration fac- Tennis Club here at Edmonds Community tion about the club and practice times and
To sign up for intramurals you ulty in the athletics program. Additionally, College. It’s a very fun and active sport to updates.
have to go to the office in the front of the referees for the games are all volun- get involved with and participate in fun If playing tennis doesn’t come to your
Seaview Hall. The forms required are de- teers, so if you are interested in doing that, tournaments. interest, then don’t give up yet! There are
pendent on what you want to sign up for. there is no reason to hesitate. Finding a sport that’s right for you and more than 40 clubs here at Edmonds Com-
All players are required to sign a liability Intramurals are a great opportu- trying your hardest not to get cut from the munity College for you to join. It is a great
form in order to play, but after that you can nity for any level of player to play sports, team can be challenging, but joining the way to explore new things that may inter-
sign up either as a team member or as a meet people, relieve stress, and have fun. Tennis Club, is perfect walk through the est you or even expand your knowledge on
free agent. If you have any additional questions head door. “There are no try-outs required and what already interest you.
To create a team you need to have [at over to the EdCC intramurals webpage at all students with or without experience are It is also an opportunity for you to
least] OR [a minimum of] [pick one phrase, welcome to join us” says Kris Chan, the develop your skills in leadership, sports,
or the other, not both.] four players to sign or shoot an email to intramurals@edmail. president of the Edmonds Community Col- communication, organization, and team
up with you, and a maximum of eight. As Also, feel free to check out their lege Tennis Club. building. If you are having trouble find-
a free agent you can sign up for any and all Facebook page, EdCCIntramurals. Chan has been playing tennis since he ing a club you want, then don’t give up!
sports, and offer what days you are avail- I hope to see you all out there on the was six years old, and was a member of Edmonds Community College gives you
able to play games. court. Well, maybe not all of you. That his high school varsity tennis team. He has the opportunity to create your own club.
Once all the teams have signed, would be dangerous. decided to turn his passion for tennis into You just download the Chartering packet
up the program hosts a captain’s meeting action during the Winter 2015 quarter by on the Center for Student Engagement
chartering the Edmonds Community Col- and Leadership page and everything in the
lege Tennis Club. “The goal of the Ten- packet will tell you how to get your own
nis Club is to promote tennis at school and club started.
share the fun of playing it” says Chan. Being a part of a club or creating your
The Tennis Club plays at Lynndale own will also help your resume and college
Park every Saturday morning from 11 a.m. applications look more interesting because
to 1 p.m. if the weather is in good condition not only are you involved in school clubs,
to make it safe to play on the tennis courts. but you are creating them.
Chan says “Playing tournaments dur-
ing practice is an all-time favorite activ-
ity for our club members. In occasion, we
would play with Edmonds Community
College Triple A tennis club and have some

Athletic Events
Photo by EdCC Tritons
EdCC students enjoying some volleyball after and before classes in the Seaview gym.

Nov. 18 3 Days Women’s Volleyball @ NWAC Tournament Away

Nov. 21 4 p.m. Men’s Basketball @ Blue Mountain Away

Nov. 21 4 p.m. Women’s Basketball @ Big Bend CC Away

Nov. 22 2 p.m. Men’s Basketball @ Wenatchee Valley Away

Nov. 24 7 p.m. Men’s Basketball vs Alumni Home

Nov. 28 4 p.m. Women’s Basketball vs South Puget Sound Home


Dec. 4 4 p.m. Women’s Basketball @ Treasure Valley Away

Dec. 4 7 p.m. Men’s Basketball vs Pierce College Home

Dec. 5 2 p.m. Women’s Basketball @ Blue Mountain Away

Dec. 5 4 p.m. Women’s Basketball @ Yakima Valley Away

The Review Comics & Games 11

1. HISTORY: What conflict did Secre-

tary of State John Hay refer to as a “splen-
did little war”?
2. MUSIC: What was Aretha Frank-
lin’s first No. 1 hit?
does the candy name M&M’s stand for?
4. GEOGRAPHY: Which California
city is the farthest west -- San Francisco,
Los Angeles or San Diego?
5. AD SLOGANS: What laundry de-
tergent vowed to erase “ring around the
6. FAMOUS PEOPLE: What was the
profession of Duncan Hines, whose name
became a household brand of food prod-
7. TELEVISION: Who was talk-show
host Johnny Carson’s announcer and side-
8. MATH: What is the only number
whose letters are in alphabetical order?
9. FOOD & DRINK: What is the color
of the liquor called absinthe?
10. LANGUAGE: What is the mean-
ing of the term “canard”?

10. A false report or story

9. Green
8. 40 (f-o-r-t-y)
7. Ed McMahon
6. Restaurant critic
5. Wisk
4. San Francisco
last names of the candy’s founders
3. (Forrest) Mars & (William) Murrie, the
2. “Respect,” in 1967
1. Spanish-American War
(c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
12 Comics & Games

Answers to Horoscope
last issue puzzles super-organizational skills can do.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22)
Librans and holidays are made for each
other, especially if children and animals
* It was 20th-century American jour- are going to be part of your joyous season.
nalist Walter Lippmann who made the fol- SCORPIO (October 23 to Novem-
lowing sage observation: “Our conscience ARIES (March 21 to April 19) This ber 21) Time is getting too short to allow
is not the vessel of eternal verities. It grows year, instead of jumping into the whole a spat to taint the holiday season. Restart
with our social life, and a new social condi- holiday prep scene, move in a little at a your relationship and reschedule holiday
tion means a radical change in conscience.” time. You’ll appreciate the sense of control fun times.
* According to a recent analysis of you’re more likely to enjoy. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to
data from the online music streaming ser- TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) The December 21) Seeking advice is laudable.
vice Spotify and artist popularity data from separation between the Bovine’s head and You might learn far more than you thought
a website called The Echo Nest, Americans heart is never as far apart as it seems. Both you could. Stay with it.
tend to stop listening to new music at the senses work best when they come out of CAPRICORN (December 22 to Janu-
age of 33. logic and honesty. ary 19) Continuing to assess changes works
* John Tyler, born March 29, 1790, GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) The best toward your getting your new project up
was the 10th president of the United States. way to keep those pre-holiday pressures and ready. Trusted colleagues remain ready
He was married twice and had a total of 15 under control is to just say no to taking on to help.
children. These children, collectively, were new tasks while you’re still trying to work AQUARIUS (January 20 to February
witness to a surprisingly large swath of with a heap of others. 18) That new situation needs a lot of atten-
American history. The oldest, Mary Tyler CANCER (June 21 to July 22) News tion, but it’s worth it. This is a very good
Jones, was born in 1815, the year that saw means a change might be on its way, but time for you to involve the arts in what you
the end of the War of 1812; the youngest, what does it hold? Don’t just ask questions; do.
Pearl Tyler Ellis, survived until 1947, two make sure you get answers you can trust. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) It
years after the end of World War II. Presi- LEO (July 23 to August 22) Old friends might be a good idea to slow your hectic
dent Tyler even has two grandsons who are and new have one thing in common: Both holiday pace so that you don’t rush past
still alive today. your longtime and newly minted pals have what -- or who -- you’re hoping to rush
* You might be surprised to learn that much wisdom to impart. toward.
it costs the U.S. government nearly 2 cents VIRGO (August 23 to September 22)
to mint a single penny. With time running out, this is a good time (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
* Unless you’ve been to Crater Lake for you to show ‘em all what those Virgo
National Park in Oregon, it’s difficult to
believe just how blue the water of that lake
Have story ideas? let us know what’s working and what’s
appears. In fact, there was a time when the
rich blues made the professionals at Kodak - Is something going on around campus? not.
believe the photos to be overdeveloped, Comments on Or want to write for us?
and the pictures would be returned at no
charge. stories? Drop us a line at:
- Letters to the editor are a good way to
(c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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