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THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill : Book Review

Think and Grow Rich is one of the most popularly read and coveted self-help books penned by Napoleon
Hill in 1937. The inspiration of this book arose from Hill interviewing 500 of the most successful businessmen of
his time, and writing their learnings down as 13 principles through which one can think, and grow rich!

These 13 principles have been broadly derived from Hill’s elaborate meetings with the businessmen. He took
an entire 20 years to compile all his experiences, and then formulated the principles, which and have been
discussed as below, based on my understanding.

Through the principle of “Mindset or Brain”, it is conveyed that wealth is less about the numbers, and more
about the kind of person you become along the way.
It is said that if you lock numerous millionaires in a room, (considering they are self-made) take all their money
away from them, and release them after one year, they will probably be able to acquire that money again
in no time.
This is because what matters is the skills that have been learnt in the process, and the financial IQ they have

Hill propagates a burning “desire” and says that If you want it bad enough, then no matter the obstacles or
hindrances that come your way, you can achieve what you want nevertheless.
It is imperative to have so much conviction in your idea, that you would fight or die, but not retreat. The
commitment, or passion to achieve something is key to success.
For example, Steve Harvey was a struggling comic who slept in cars with not enough food to sustain himself;
but he had one desire: to make it big no matter what. And thus, he did.

Have “faith” in what you are trying to achieve, and it will work out. The “Fake it till you make it” logic does
not work. Instead, start acting like you have already made it. Every time you take a step towards achieving
your goal, keep that grand image of what you want to achieve intact in your mind. It is said that it is easier to
reach the shore if it is in your sight; so always believe in yourself and know that your victory isn’t too far

“Jack of all trades - master of none” is a common phrase that tells us the importance of being a specialist, not
a generalist. That is the only way you can be the “lynchpin” or the essential part of something, without which
the others can barely function.
To be a specialist, you must know a lot about the little. For instance, surgeons are successful because of their
vast knowledge and expertise in their particular fields.

Organising Planning is all about setting smaller goals to achieve the grander goal. The baby steps count.
Each of the steps you take forward keeps you motivated to continue forward, and helps you get on the right
track towards achieving your vision.
Think about the one small thing you can do right now, which will lead you even one step closer to achieving
your goal. That sort of planning will ensure you are put into the right momentum to acquiring what you truly

“More than 500 of the most successful men this country has ever known told the author their greatest
success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them.”

Bill Gates sat for 10 years in a cubicle without getting anything, yet, did not quit.
The founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Col. Harland Sanders decided he had discovered the best
chicken recipe and tried to sell it. He failed exactly 1009 times, but the 1010th time, he was successful.
J.K.Rowling was rejected by multiple publishers before Bloomsbury agreed to publish what is now the most
widely read series in the world, Harry Potter.
The “mastermind” concept says that you are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with. Your
company largely affects the kind of person you become. Thus, it is essential that you keep yourself around
positive people, who match the energy you have.
This will give rise to an atmosphere of shared learning and boosted growth.

Your “subconscious mind” knows what you want, you just need to simulate it.
For this, one may choose to “Become Bored”. This would mean, either putting yourself deliberately in
environments where you have no distractions and nothing to do, which would in turn simulate your thoughts into
realising what your aspirations are, or doing creative tasks and meditation to awaken your subconscious.

Unfortunately, we tend to live in a world where we are often undermined, or brainwashed into believing we
cannot achieve what we want to. The society constructs our brains into a little box, and it is often very difficult
to think beyond it.
To deal with such a situation, it is important that one understands their self-worth and takes all steps into
achieving it, by only listening to that tiny voice inside their head, instead of the million others telling them
they just can’t do it.

Imagination is an attribute that most of us possess. The author encourages us to channelise our imaginative skill
in the right manner and direction, to maximise output. Imagination can either be used solely for entertainment
purposes, or creative imagination can be simulated into achieving one’s end goal.

To be a decision-maker is imperative, as difficult as it is. Instead of having a swaying mindset, it is important

to make concrete decisions. For this, one must thoroughly analyse what they want, and take an informed
decision after having gone through all possible contingencies in their mind. Taking the decision, and then
sticking by that decision, is very important.

The theory of “Sexual Transmutation” was quite controversial and not agreed by many. According to this,
Hill says that we all have a sexual energy. Instead of using that energy to charm people we are attracted to,
if that energy is channelised creatively into achieving our goals, it can help us towards the same much better.

Personally, I disagree with the aforementioned principle. This is because I believe that sexual energy is
natural, and a facet of one’s life that cannot be ignored. Moreover, it is disagreeable to say that the people
you love act as distractions, because in many cases, they can act as motivators to your success, not deterrents.

The final principle : or the sixth sense, speaks about that gut feeling that all of us have, or have acquired over
the years based on our past learnings and experiences. Sometimes, when theoretical knowledge does not
seem to work, gut feelings do.
That tiny voice inside your head, somehow, knows exactly what do to.

These principles guide us towards how we can stay focused towards achieving our end vision. Although it was
written in the previous century, it is safe to say that most of the principles still hold good in the existing
business world, and help shape our thoughts and goals.
Personally, even though I do not happen to be a great fan of the self-help genre of books, I found the
Principles of Napoleon Hill fascinating and interesting to read about, and highly relatable to many of the
current scenarios we face.

All-in-all, a book definitely recommended for anyone who is looking for a tinge of motivation to get on their
path to becoming rich!

Thank You.

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