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Unit 1 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Zmień zdania twierdzące w zdania przeczące.

1 Peter likes ice cream.
1 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupełnij wyrazy.
Peter doesn’t like ice cream.___________
2 2 We take the bus to school.
3 Amy wears jeans and hoodies.
1 3 4 I play football on Monday.
5 You and Jack surf the Internet in the evening.
6 Mum goes shopping on Saturday.
4 5 6
5 Ułóż pytania w czasie present simple.
1 belt 4 b____ 1 we / like / cheese?
2 t________ 5 s____ Do we like cheese?__________________
3 h_____ 6 g______ 2 Karen / go to / St Paul’s school?
5 ______________________________________
3 I / get up / at seven o’clock?
2 Połącz połówki wyrazów tak, aby powstały
nazwy ubrań. ______________________________________
4 they / watch TV / in the evening?
1 ski oes
2 sh ners ______________________________________
3 sho cks 5 you / ride / your bikes / to school?
4 so rt ______________________________________
5 co rts 6 when / you / do / your homework?
6 trai at
Grammar Speaking
3 Ułóż zdania twierdzące. 6 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami i wyrażeniami
1 go / I / often / skateboarding z ramki.
I often go skateboarding. ______________ start good idea Let’s Really What about Let
2 do / our / always / we / homework
______________________________________ Jane We need £70 for our trip. What can we do?
3 usually / you / red / wear / coat / a Sue 1 _ What about _ a car boot sale? We can
______________________________________ sell old clothes and make lots of money.
4 TV / she / watches / sometimes Jane That’s a 2 ______________!
The next day ...
Sue What have you got for the sale?
5 I / friends / meet / often / my
Jane 3 ______________ see. There are two
coats and lots of old shirts.
6 Mum and Dad / hardly / tennis / play / ever Sue 4 ______________? That’s good.
______________________________________ Jane Well, it’s a 5 ______________, but we need
5 some jackets and skirts too.
Sue My mum’s got lots of clothes she doesn’t
want. 6 ______________ ask her.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Editable Steps Forward 2 • Unit 1 Test A

Unit 1 Test A

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij zdania. 9 Napisz tekst o swoim koledze lub o swojej
koleżance. Uwzględnij informacje o:
Dogs and cats usually fight. But my dog, • jego/jej rodzinie,
Bob, and my cat, Mimi, are unusual – • jego/jej zainteresowaniach,
they’re best friends! When I take Bob • jego/jej wyglądzie.
outside for a walk, Mimi sits next to the door Podziel swój tekst na trzy akapity.
and waits for us. When she sees Bob, she _______________________________________
runs to him. Bob always likes playing with
Mimi, but he never eats her food. When _______________________________________
Bob goes to sleep, Mimi jumps on his back, _______________________________________
and they go to sleep together. It’s unusual _______________________________________
to see, because Bob is a big, brown dog, _______________________________________
and Mimi is a small, grey cat.
1 Dogs and cats _usually_ fight.
2 Bob and Mimi are _________ friends. _______________________________________
3 Mimi _________ for Bob when he goes for _______________________________________
a walk. _______________________________________
4 Bob and Mimi _________ play together. _______________________________________
5 Bob _________ eats Mimi’s food. _______________________________________
6 Bob and Mimi go to sleep _________. _______________________________________
5 _______________________________________
Listening _______________________________________
8 02
 Posłuchaj nagrania. Czy te ubrania 5
podobają się Sarze i Tomowi? Uzupełnij tabelkę
właściwymi znakami: lub .
jacket coat hoodie

Sarah 1
_ _ 3
_____ 5
_____ 11 Popatrz na tabelkę. Uzupełnij zdania w formie
twierdzącej lub przeczącej.
Tom 2
_____ 4
_____ 6
play go read
5 computer swimming magazines


Jo and I
10 Uzupełnij nazwy czynności poznane
w rozdziale 1. 1 Amy __doesn’t play __ computer games.
1 s u r f  the  I n t e r n e t 2 Amy _______________ magazines.
2 r _ _ _  a  b _ k _ 3 Amy and Ryan _______________ swimming.
3 p _ _ _  f _ _ t b _ _ l 4 Jo and I ________________ swimming.
4 l _ _ _ _ _  to  _ u _ _ c 5 Jo and I _______________ magazines.
5 d _  h _ _ e _ _ _ k 6 Ryan _______________ computer games.
6 w _ _ _  a  j _ _ k _ t 5

Total 45 Total 55

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