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58 | Managing Differences: The Central

Challenge of Global Strategy
Pankaj Ghemawat

Executive The main goal of any international strategy should

be to manage the large differences that arise at the

Summaries borders of markets. Yet executives often fail to ex-

ploit market and production discrepancies, focusing
instead on the tensions between standardization
MARCH 2007 and localization.
In this article, Pankaj Ghemawat presents a new
framework that encompasses all three effective re-
sponses to the challenges of globalization. He calls
it the AAA Triangle. The A’s stand for the three dis-
tinct types of international strategy. Through adapta-
tion, companies seek to boost revenues and market
share by maximizing their local relevance. Through
aggregation, they attempt to deliver economies of
scale by creating regional, or sometimes global, op-
erations. And through arbitrage, they exploit dispari-
ties between national or regional markets, often by
locating different parts of the supply chain in differ-
ent places – for instance, call centers in India, facto-
ries in China, and retail shops in Western Europe.
Ghemawat draws on several examples that illus-
trate how organizations use and balance these strat-
egies and describes the trade-offs they make as
they do so.
Because most enterprises should draw from all
three A’s to some extent, the framework can be
used to develop a summary scorecard indicating
how well the company is globalizing. However,
given the tensions among the strategies, it’s not
enough simply to tick off the corresponding boxes.
Strategic choice requires some degree of prioritiza-
tion – and the framework can help with that as well.
While it is possible to make progress on all three
Companies growing their busi- strategies, companies usually must focus on one or
nesses outside the home market two when trying to build competitive advantage.
Reprint R0703C; HBR Article Collection “Choos-
must choose one or more of three ing the Right Global Strategy” 1866
basic strategic options: adaptation,
aggregation, and arbitrage.
– page 58

140 Harvard Business Review | March 2007 |



20 | Take Your Third Move First 37 | Good Money After Bad?

Through the coevolutionary war game,
John W. Mullins
strategists can better understand the
forces that influence complex competi- Christian Harbinson, a young associate
tions. Reprint F0703A at the venture capital firm Scharfstein
Weekes, has a difficult decision to make
Pursuit of Happiness A social psychol- before the next investment committee
ogist combines data from more than 100
meeting. He’s been watching over SW’s
studies involving 80,000 people to gauge
investment in Seven Peaks Technologies,
countries’ comparative level of well-being.
and sales of its single product have been
High-Tech Ways to Keep Cupboards disappointing. Now the company’s head,
Full Makers of nondurable goods should Jack Brandon, wants another $400,000 to
focus on keeping customers’ – not just pursue a new product.
retailers’ – shelves fully stocked. Harbinson believes in Brandon and in
Reprint F0703B his proprietary technology – a titanium
alloy that prevents surgical instruments
Hidden Wealth in B2B Brands Man- from sticking to tissue. Three years ago,
agers consistently skimp on B2B brand Brandon quit his job and put $65,000 of
building. That’s an expensive mistake. his savings into developing a nonstick cau- LEADERSHIP PROGRAM
Reprint F0703C terizing device. Two distributors offered to June 3–8, 2007
Meet the Innovation Capitalist carry it after they saw his demonstration
Large firms puzzling over whether to pay at a trade show, and a couple of surgeons, MARKETING FOR
for developed technology or take a risk on quickly becoming enthusiastic, promised
bleeding-edge concepts now have a third testimonials.
But if Brandon’s cauterizer is to take June 17–20, 2007
choice – a new kind of “innomediary” that
identifies and refines innovations, reduc- off, surgeons will have to abandon the for-
ing market risk in return for a share in the ceps they’ve traditionally used and switch FINANCE FOR SENIOR EXECUTIVES
potential rewards. Reprint F0703D to the Seven Peaks device – a change in July 8–14, 2007
behavior that will come slowly if at all. So,
Getting Attention for Unrecognized Brandon thinks, why not adapt his alloy to
Brands People prefer a brand they know LEADING PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT
a line of forceps?
over one they don’t – even when the famil- Now Harbinson wonders if he himself
July 9–13, 2007
iar one is dangerous. But there are ways has become emotionally overinvested in
for unknown brands to compensate. Seven Peaks and if this decision is as DRIVING CORPORATE
Reprint F0703E much a test of his VC potential as of the PERFORMANCE
Novartis’s Great Leap of Trust CEO actual deal. Should Scharfstein Weekes July 15–20, 2007
Daniel Vasella explains why his company back Brandon’s company with a second
is placing a big bet on China’s future as round of funding, or would it be a case of


a world scientific power. Reprint F0703F throwing good money after bad?
Commenting on this fictional case study
July 15 –20, 2007
Make Your Back Office an Acceler- are Ivan Farneti, a partner with Doughty
ator A new study identifies exactly how Hanson Technology Ventures; Fred Hassan, DELIVERING INFORMATION
much bang for the buck a firm can get the chairman and CEO of Schering-Plough; SERVICES
when it makes targeted cuts in back-office Robert M. Johnson, a venture partner
costs and takes steps to boost efficiency.
July 22–28, 2007
with Delta Partners and a visiting profes-
Reprint F0703G sor at the University of Navarro’s IESE
Beating the Market with Customer Business School; and Christoph Zott, an
Satisfaction A growing body of research associate professor of entrepreneurship
at Insead.
conclusively shows that higher customer
satisfaction leads to higher share prices. Reprint R0703A EMAIL:
Reprint F0703H Reprint Case only R0703X
Reprint Commentary only R0703Z
Reviews Featuring “Getting Ahead of the PHONE: 800-HBS-5577, ext. 4143
Curve: Corporate Strategies That Address (Outside the U.S. + 1-617- 495 -
Climate Change,” by Andrew J. Hoffman. 6555, ext. 4143)

700460_4261HBR_MAR07_onethird_021 1 1/13/07

51 | The Ethical Mind 72 | Leading Clever People 80 | Crisis at the Summit

A Conversation with Psychologist Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones George D. Parsons and Richard T. Pascale
Howard Gardner In an economy driven by ideas and intel- An unrecognized affliction is striking cer-
Business leadership has become synony- lectual know-how, top executives recog- tain gifted performers at the top of their
mous in the public eye with unethical be- nize the importance of employing smart, game. Its cause, paradoxically, is success
havior. Widespread scandals, massive lay- highly creative people. But if clever people itself. These stars, who thrive on conquer-
offs, and inflated executive pay packages have one defining characteristic, it’s that ing new challenges, can lose their bear-
have led many to believe that corporate they do not want to be led. So what is a ings and question their purpose once a
wrongdoing is the status quo. That’s why leader to do? job has been mastered. A vague dissatis-
it’s more important than ever that those at The authors conducted more than 100 faction gives way to confusion and then
the top mend relationships with custom- interviews with leaders and their clever to inner turmoil. Left unattended, this
ers, employees, and other stakeholders. people at major organizations such as summit syndrome can derail promising
Professor Gardner has spent many PricewaterhouseCoopers, Cisco Systems, careers.
years studying the relationship between Novartis, the BBC, and Roche. What they The syndrome has three phases. In the
psychology and ethics at Harvard’s Gradu- learned is that the psychological relation- approach phase, when most of the chal-
ate School of Education. In this interview ships effective leaders have with their lenges of a current job have been met,
with HBR senior editor Bronwyn Fryer, clever people are very different from the sufferers tend to push harder in a vain at-
Gardner talks about what he calls the ethi- ones they have with traditional followers. tempt to recapture the adrenaline rush of
cal mind, which helps individuals aspire to Those relationships can be shaped by the climb. Then, in the plateauing phase,
do good work that matters to their col- seven characteristics that clever people when virtually all the challenges have
leagues, companies, and society in general. share: They know their worth – and they been conquered, these individuals, who
In an era when workers are over- know you have to employ them if you are incapable of coasting, bear down to
whelmed by too much information and want their tacit skills. They are organiza- try to produce ever more stellar results,
feel pressured to win at all costs, Gardner tionally savvy and will seek the company but to less effect and greater dissatisfac-
believes, it’s easy to lose one’s way. What’s context in which their interests are most tion. This leads to the terminal descending
more, employees look to leaders for cues generously funded. They ignore corporate phase, when performance slips notice-
as to what’s appropriate and what’s not. hierarchy; although intellectual status is ably. As their superstar status fades, they
So if you’re a leader, what’s the best way important to them, you can’t lure them jump ship, accept demotions, or take lat-
to stand up to ethical pressures and set with promotions. They expect instant ac- eral transfers.
a good example? cess to top management, and if they don’t It’s a terrible waste, for if the syndrome
First and foremost, says Gardner, you get it, they may think the organization is recognized, steps can be taken before
must believe that retaining an ethical com- doesn’t take their work seriously. They are performance slips to dispel the confusion
pass is essential to the health of your or- plugged into highly developed knowledge and set the stage for productive growth to
ganization. Then you must state your ethi- networks, which both increases their the next assignment. There are four parts
cal beliefs and stick to them. You should value and makes them more of a flight to this process: First, understand your
also test yourself rigorously to make sure risk. They have a low boredom threshold, “winning formula” – the characteristic way
you’re adhering to your values, take time so you have to keep them challenged and you approach a situation – and the vital
to reflect on your beliefs, find multiple committed. They won’t thank you – even part it plays in feeling stale or losing your
mentors who aren’t afraid to speak truth when you’re leading them well. edge. Second, reconnect with your core
to your power, and confront others’ egre- The trick is to act like a benevolent purpose in life. Third, recast your current,
gious behavior as soon as it arises. guardian: to grant them the respect and or future, job to better align your inner as-
In the end, Gardner believes, the world recognition they demand, protect them pirations with the external requirements
hangs in the balance between right and from organizational rules and politics, and of your work. And fourth, create a devel-
wrong, good and bad, success and disas- give them room to pursue private efforts opmental path by honing a handful of core
ter. “You need to decide which side you’re and even to fail. The payoff will be a flour- leadership competencies.
on,” he concludes, “and do the right ishing crop of creative minds that will en- None of this is easy, but for talented
thing.” rich your whole organization. individuals – and the organizations that
Reprint R0703B Reprint R0703D; HBR Article Collection rely on them – the vaccine of preventive
“Leading Creative People” 1867 awareness is far better than gambling on
an after-the-fact cure once the crisis is
Reprint R0703E

142 Harvard Business Review | March 2007 |

Executive HR Network

2007 Summits
94 | Competitive Advantage
on a Warming Planet
Jonathan Lash and Fred Wellington
Connecting Best Practices, Leaders and Organizations
Whether you’re in a traditional smoke-
stack industry or a “clean” business like
investment banking, your company will
increasingly feel the effects of climate
change. Even people skeptical about
global warming’s dangers are recognizing “The program was pertinent and
that, simply because so many others are
concerned, the phenomenon has wide- insightful. The best experience
ranging implications.
I have had in a long time.”
Investors already are discounting share
prices of companies poorly positioned to 2006 EXECUTIVE HR NETWORK
compete in a warming world. Many busi-
nesses face higher raw material and en-
ergy costs as more and more govern-
ments enact policies placing a cost on
emissions. Consumers are taking into ac-
count a company’s environmental rec-
ord when making purchasing decisions.
There’s also a burgeoning market in green-
house gas emission allowances (the car-
bon market), with annual trading in these
assets valued at tens of billions of dollars.
Companies that manage and mitigate An exclusive SUMMIT SCHEDULE*
their exposure to the risks associated with
climate change while seeking new oppor-
invitation-only April 5, 2007

tunities for profit will generate a com- event for senior HR and the New Accountability
Dallas, Texas
petitive advantage over rivals in a carbon-
constrained future. HR leaders.
This article offers a systematic ap- April 18, 2007
proach to mapping and responding to cli- Bringing together forward-thinking HR leaders HR and the Innovative Organization
mate change risks. According to Jonathan from top organizations to address critical San Francisco, Calif.
Lash and Fred Wellington of the World Re-
sources Institute, an environmental think challenges, exchange ideas and solutions,
July 18, 2007
tank, the risks can be divided into six cate- and interact with renowned experts in HR and the Change Leadership
gories: regulatory (policies such as new Imperative
leadership, strategy and management.
emissions standards), products and tech-


Boston, Mass.
nology (the development and marketing of
climate-friendly products and services), lit-
Reserve space today at September 20, 2007
igation (lawsuits alleging environmental
HR and the Global Leadership
harm), reputational (how a company’s en-
vironmental policies affect its brand), sup- Challenge

ply chain (potentially higher raw material Washington, D.C.

and energy costs), and physical (such as PRESENTED BY:
*Program topics and dates
an increase in the incidence of hurricanes). are subject to change.

The authors propose a four-step process

for responding to climate change risk:
Quantify your company’s carbon footprint;
identify the risks and opportunities you
face; adapt your business in response;
and do it better than your competitors. B U S I N E SS
Reprint R0703F P U B L I S H I N G

104 | What It Means to Work Here 115 | Maximizing Your Return 125 | Realizing What You’re
Tamara J. Erickson and Lynda Gratton on People Made Of
What distinguishes a company that has Laurie Bassi and Daniel McMurrer Glenn E. Mangurian
deeply engaged and committed employ- Though most traditional HR performance A ruptured disk pressed against Glenn
ees from another one that doesn’t? It’s metrics don’t predict organizational per- Mangurian’s spinal cord several years ago,
not a certain compensation scheme or formance, alternatives simply have not leaving the lower half of his body perma-
talent-management practice. Instead, it’s existed – until now. During the past ten nently paralyzed. One minute, Mangurian
the ability to express to current and poten- years, researchers Laurie Bassi and Daniel was healthy and secure in his career as a
tial employees what makes the organiza- McMurrer have worked to develop a sys- management consultant; the next, his life
tion unique. Companies with highly en- tem that allows executives to assess hu- was transformed and filled with uncer-
gaged employees articulate their values man capital management (HCM) and to tainty. The injury has taught him volumes
and attributes through “signature experi- use those metrics both to predict organi- about resilience and leadership. In this
ences” – visible, distinctive elements of zational performance and to guide orga- first-person account, he explains how peo-
the work environment that send powerful nizations’ investments in people. ple can create a new future after a crisis
messages about the organization’s aspira- The new framework is based on a core hits – and how, even if they’re simply tack-
tions and about the skills, stamina, and set of HCM drivers that fall into five major ling everyday challenges, they can prepare
commitment employees will need in order categories: leadership practices, em- themselves for the worst.
to succeed there. ployee engagement, knowledge accessi- Mangurian identifies resilience as one
Whole Foods Market, for example, bility, workforce optimization, and organi- of the key qualities desired in business
uses a team-based hiring and orientation zational learning capacity. By employing leaders today, but he says that many peo-
process to convey to new employees the rigorously designed surveys to score a ple confuse it with toughness. Toughness
company’s emphasis on collaboration and company on the range of HCM practices certainly can be an advantage in business,
decentralization. At JetBlue, the reserva- across the five categories, it’s possible because it enables you to separate emo-
tion system is run by agents from their to benchmark organizational HCM capa- tion from the negative consequences of
homes, a signature experience that boosts bilities, identify HCM strengths and weak- difficult choices. But it can also be a disad-
employees’ satisfaction and productivity. nesses, and link improvements or back- vantage, because it can cut you off from
Companies that successfully create sliding in specific HCM practices with many of the resources you’ll need to
and communicate signature experiences improvements or shortcomings in organi- bounce back after a crisis. Resilience, by
understand that not all workers want the zational performance. contrast, is mostly about absorbing chal-
same things. Indeed, employee prefer- The process requires determining a lenges – not deflecting them – and re-
ences are an important but often over- “maturity” score for each practice, based bounding stronger than before.
looked factor in the war for talent. Firms on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high). Over time, The author has learned a number of
that have engendered productive and en- evolving maturity scores from multiple lessons about leadership in the face of ad-
gaged workforces address those prefer- surveys can reveal progress in each of the versity. For instance, although crisis dis-
ences by following some general princi- HCM practices and help a company de- torts reality by reinforcing your fears, it
ples: They target potential employees as cide where to focus improvement efforts also puts an emphasis on what matters
methodically as they target potential cus- that will have a direct impact on perfor- right now; it highlights what’s important to
tomers; they shape their signature experi- mance. The authors draw from their work you and what you’re capable of. Another
ences to address business needs; they with American Standard, South Carolina’s major lesson is that loss amplifies the
identify and preserve their histories; they Beaufort County School District, and a value of what remains, pushing you to
share stories – not just slogans – about life bevy of financial firms to show how im- take stock of what you have and to cele-
in the firm; they create processes consis- proving HCM scores led to increased brate your assets. Perhaps most impor-
tent with their signature experiences; and sales, safety, academic test scores, and tant, you can’t know what will happen to-
they understand that they shouldn’t try to stock returns. morrow – and it’s better that way, because
be all things to all people. Bassi and McMurrer urge HR depart- it’s far more rewarding to engage with the
The best strategy for coming out ahead ments to move beyond the usual metrics present than just to prevent bad things
in the war for talent is not to scoop up and begin using HCM measurement tools from happening.
everyone in sight but to attract the right to gauge how well people are managed Reprint R0703J
people – those who are intrigued and and developed throughout the organiza-
excited by the environment the company tion. In this new role, according to the au-
offers and who will reward it with their thors, HR can take on strategic responsi-
loyalty. bility and ensure that superior human
Reprint R0703G capital management becomes central to
the organization’s culture.
Reprint R0703H

144 Harvard Business Review | March 2007 |

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