Professional Growth Plan

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Professional Growth Plan

Name Established October 7th, 2019

Student Emma Walker Review Date 1
Beginning of Practicum
/Teacher with TA and UC
Name TA Review Date 2
Mid-term Review
with TA and UC
Name: UC Darlene St. Georges Review Date 3
End of Practicum
with TA and UC

Goal #1

Develop my teaching skills by fostering all feedback given from any teaching associates, peers or

Related TQS(s)

TQS #2 Engaging in Career Long Learning: A teacher engages in career-long professional learning
and ongoing critical reflection to improve teaching and learning.

Indicator(s) of Success

 Applying what I have learned from feedback given to me by TA

 Integrate new ideas that have been collaborated with others
 Record my progress and document what has been beneficial or has not worked
Action Resource(s) Timeline
 Logbook
Log feedback given by TA and implement
 Documents with new ideas, Throughout my PSI
feedback into my teaching in the
progress of what has worked
 Have meetings and
conversations with TA about Throughout my PSI
Create effective communication with TA
what I can improve
 Journal or Logbook to complete
Create a list of things to work on with my Week 1-2
and work on with TA

ED3505 – Teaching Seminar

Professor D. St. Georges

I want to learn as much as I can and be open to all feedback given. Being able to be given feedback and then
applying it is an important component I want to integrate into my learning. A lot of people can be given feedback
and do not put action to the comments being said but I think this is an essential part of feedback; I want to take
every opportunity given to excel and grow as an educator.

Goal # 2

Demonstrating confidence with my ability to plan, instruct and assess my students needs. Taking
note of individual needs and the strengths and weakness of my particular classroom.

Related TQS(s)

TQS #3 Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge: A teacher applies a current and

comprehensive repertoire of effective planning, instruction, and assessment practices to meet
the learning needs of every student.

Indicator(s) of Success

 Develop a strong ability to build a successful lesson plan

 Acknowledge and address individual students needs and assess appropriately
 Create a well rounded instruction that incorporates more then just direct instruction
Action Resource(s) Timeline
 Lesson plans Throughout PSI but have strong
Create lesson plan that results in a whole
classroom understanding  TA and student feedback ability by week 3
 Conversation with students,
Provide a chance for Feedback from
what works well for them, what
students on activities Week 1-2
would they like more for
instruction; discuss with TA
 Communicate with TA; where is
Week 1-2
Evaluate where my students knowledge is their class at this moment

ED3505 – Teaching Seminar

Professor D. St. Georges

I want to develop my ability to be a well-rounded professional body of knowledge; this will all be learned
throughout my practicums but would like to sculpt my knowledge more in depth. I would like to create lessons that
help students understand the link between activity and learning goals and learning activities that are engaging and
relevant to students. Building a lesson than carrying out the lesson and evaluating the lesson successfully and
knowing whether the lesson went well or not.

Goal #3

Creating positive healthy relationships with my students, TA and parents.

Related TQS(s)

TQS #1 Fostering Effective Relationships: A teacher builds positive and productive relationships
with students, parents/guardians, peers and others in the school and local community to
support student learning.

Indicator(s) of Success

 Positive learning relationship with TA; strong communication, respectful and encouraging
 Students are comfortable coming to me for help, they feel safe and cared for by me
 Ability to communicate effectively with parents of my classroom
Action Resource(s) Timeline
 Introduction powerpoint or
Introduction activity activity to learn more about
Week 1
students and have students get
to know me better
 Email or introduction to parents
Week 1 or 2 (discuss with TA)
Parent teacher interviews or email about me

ED3505 – Teaching Seminar

Professor D. St. Georges

I believe that fostering healthy relationships within your classroom is an essential part of teaching. Having a bond
with your students will help to develop trust and help add to a safe a positive learning environment. I believe it is
also so important to develop a relationship with the parents of your students this will help to develop a strong
support system for yourself as the teacher and the students.

ED3505 – Teaching Seminar

Professor D. St. Georges

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