Chapter 3 Dynamic Programming: Divide-and-Conquer

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Chapter 3 Dynamic Programming

The Binomial Coefficient

Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths

Dynamic Programming and Optimization Problems

Chained Matrix Multiplication
The Traveling Salesperson Problem

 top-down approach
 divide an instance of a problem into
smaller instances
 both smaller instances are unrelated
 e.g., in mergesort, instances are sorted
 not suitable for related smaller instances
 e.g., Fibonacci F(n) = F(n-1)+F(n-2)
 Computing F(4) and F(3) both require F(2) 2
Dynamic Programming
 bottom up approach
 divide an instance into smaller instances
 solve small instance first, store it, look it up later
not recomputing
 using array (table) to store solution
 e.g., Fibonacci F[n] = F[n-1]+F[n-2]

 steps:
 1. Establish a recursive property to a problem
 2. Solve an instance of the problem in a bottom-
up fashion; solving smaller instance first. 3

3.1 The Binomial Coefficient

3.1 The Binomial Coefficient
 n n! for 0<=k<=n
   
 k  k!n  k !
 15 
   ?

  n  1  n  1
 n    , 0k n
    k  1  k 
 k  1, k  0 or k  n 5

3.1 The Binomial Coefficient

 Algorithm 3.1 binomial coefficient
 using divide-and-conquer pp. 96
 bin(n, k) = bin(n-1, k-1)+ bin(n-1, k)
 inefficient
 recomputing bin(n-2, k-1) when computing
both bin(n-1,k-1) and bin(n-1, k) 6
3.1 The Binomial Coefficient 7

3.1 The Binomial Coefficient

 using dynamic programming
 1. Establish a recursive property
 Bi  1 j  1  Bi  1 j  0  j  i
Bi  j   
1 j  0 or j  i

 2. Solve an instance of the problem in a bottom-

up fashion; solving smaller instance first.
 for (i=1, j=1; ....)
{computing B[i][j]; }
 Fig. 3.1 pp.98 8
3.1 The Binomial Coefficient 9

3.1 The Binomial Coefficient

 Example 3.1 pp. 98
 Algorithm 3.2 pp. 99
 Analysis
 total number of passes (for-j loop) pp. 100

i= 0 1 2 k k+1 n
1 + 2 + 3+....+ k + (k+1) + (k+1) + ....+ (k+1)

 k(k+1)/2 + (n-k+1)(k+1) ∈ Θ(nk)

 Improvements
 using only one dimensional array
 B[i-1][j-1] B[i-1][j] B[i][j] 10
3.1 The Binomial Coefficient
n  n 
    
k  n  k  11

3.2 Floyd’s Algorithm for

Shortest Paths
3.2 Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths
 graph G=(V,E)
 vertices
 edges
 digraph
 weights (weighted graph )
 path (a sequence of vertices) [v1, v4, v3] 13

3.2 Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths

 cycle ([v1, v4, v5, v1])
 cyclic (G contains a cycle)
 Acyclic
 simple path ( never pass through same
vertex twice)
 length
 length [v1, v4, v3] =1+2=3
 shortest path
 length [v1, v2, v3] = 1+3=4
 length [v1, v4, v3] = 1+2=3 → shortest
 length [v1, v2, v4, v3] = 1+2+2=5 14
3.2 Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths
 Shortest Path Problem
 optimization problem (min, max)
 solution may be not unique
 solve: an obvious algorithm
 for each vertex, determining the lengths of all
paths from it to every other vertex, selecting
the minimum
 worst than exponential-time
 (n-2)*(n-3)*......*1= (n-2)!
 2nd, 3rd, … 15

3.2 Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths

 An dynamic programming approach
with cubic-time
 adjacency matrix W[i][j] 16
3.2 Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths 17

3.2 Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths

 shortest path lengths matrix D[i][j]
 e.g., in Fig. 3.2, D[3][5]=7
 find a way to calculate D from W
 D (k) [i][j]
 length of a shortest path from vi to vj
using only the vertices in set {v1, v2, ...,
 e.g., Example 3.2 pp. 103 18
3.2 Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths
 compute D(k)[i][j] by using dynamic
 D(0) =W
 D(n) =D
 1. Establish a recursive property
 compute D(k) from D(k-1)
 2. Solve in a bottom-up fashion
 D(0), D(1), D(2), ..., D(n)
W D 19

3.2 Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths

 Step 1: two cases:
 (1) one shortest path from vi to vj not passing vk
 D(k)[i][j] = D(k-1)[i][j]
 e.g., D(5)[1][3] = D(4)[1][3]=3
 → [v1,v4, v3] is still shortest even including v5
 (2) all shortest paths from vi to vj passing vk
 Fig. 3.4 pp. 105 (a sub-path of a shortest path is still
 D(k)[i][j] = D(k-1)[i][k]+ D(k-1)[k][j] 20
3.2 Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths
 D(k)[i][j] = min(D(k-1)[i][j], Case 1

D(k-1)[i][k]+ D(k-1)[k][j])
Case 2

 Step2:
 create the sequence of arrays for
computing D(n) from D(0)
 e.g., Example 3.3 pp. 106 21

3.2 Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths 22
3.2 Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths
 Every-case time complexity of Algorithm
3.3, pp.107
 Algorithm 3.4 (Floyd‘s algorithm for
shortest paths 2) for output a shortest
 e.g., Fig. 3.5 pp.108
 Algorithm 3.5 (Print Shortest Path)
 e.g., in Fig. 3.5 if q=5, r=3
 path [v5, v1, v4, v3] 23

3.2 Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths 24
3.2 Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths 25

3.2 Floyd’s Algorithm for Shortest Paths 26
3.3 Dynamic Programming
and Optimization Problems

3.3 Dynamic Programming and

Optimization Problems
 1. Establish a recursive property that
gives the optimal solution to an
instance of the problem.

 2. Compute the value of an optimal

solution in bottom-up fashion.

 3. Construct an optimal solution in a

bottom-up fashion. 28
3.3 Dynamic Programming and
Optimization Problems
 Principle of Optimality:

 an optimal solution to an instance always

contains optimal solutions to all
 e.g., pp. 110 Example 3.4 29

3.4 Chained Matrix

3.4 Chained Matrix Multiplication

 2×3×4 multiplications (standard method)

 (i×j) * (j×k) matrix
  i×j ×k multiplications 31

3.4 Chained Matrix Multiplication

A × B × C × D
20×2 2×30 30×12 12×8
- A(B(CD) = 30×12×8+2×30×8+20×2×8 =3680
- (AB)(CD)= ........... =8800
- A((BC)D)= ........... =1232
- ((AB)C)D= ........... =10320
- (A(BC)D)= ........... =3120 32
3.4 Chained Matrix Multiplication
 how to determine the optimal order in
A1 × A2 × ... × An ?
 consider all possible order and take the
minimum (exponential-time)
 tn: the number of different order in A1
× A2 × ... × An
 A1×(A2×A3×...×An) → tn-1
 (A1×A2×A3×...)×An → tn-1
 tn ≥ tn-1+tn-1=2tn-1 ; t2 = 1
 tn ≥2n-2 33

3.4 Chained Matrix Multiplication

 principle of optimality in A1×A2×...×An
 If A1((((A2A3)A4)A5)A6) is optimal
 (A2A3)A4 must be optimal too
 using dynamic programming to solve 34
3.4 Chained Matrix Multiplication
 Let d0 = # of rows in A1
 dk = # of columns in Ak, 1<=k<=n
 e.g., Figure 3.7
A1 × A2 × A3 × A4
d0xd1 d1xd2 d2xd3 d3xd4
 Example 3.5 pp. 109 35

3.4 Chained Matrix Multiplication

 M[i][j]= min # of multiplications
needed in Ai×...×Aj
 M[i][i]= 0
 Example 3.5 pp. 114 36
3.4 Chained Matrix Multiplication
 consider multiplying six matrices (i.e.,
computing M[1][6])
 1. A1×(A2×A3×A4×A5×A6)
 2. (A1×A2)(A3×A4×A5×A6)
 ..............................
 If (A1×A2)(A3×A4×A5×A6) is optimal,
 both (A1×A2) and (A3×A4×A5×A6) are
 M[1][6] = M[1][2]+M[3][6] + d0d2d6
 M[1][6] = M[1][k]+M[k+1][6] +
d0dkd6 37

3.4 Chained Matrix Multiplication

M i  j   min M i k   M k  1 j   d i 1d k d j , if i  j
i  k  j 1

M i i   0 38
3.4 Chained Matrix Multiplication
 how to compute array M[i][j] in steps ?
 M[i][j] is computed all entries on row i
but left it and all entries in column j but
beneath it.
 compute entries in the diagonal 0, 1,...,j
 See Example 3.6 pp. 115
 See Fig. 3.8 pp. 116 39 40 41

3.4 Chained Matrix Multiplication

 Every-Case Time Complexity of
Algorithm 3.6, pp. 118 42
3.4 Chained Matrix Multiplication
 See Fig. 3.9, pp. 119 43

3.6 The Traveling Salesperson

3.6 Traveling Salesperson Problem
 finding a shortest simple cycle which
passes all vertices
 tour (Hamiltonian circuit)
 a path from a vertex to itself passing all
vertices exactly once
 optimal tour
 a tour with minimum length
 See Fig. 3.16 pp. 131 45

3.6 Traveling Salesperson Problem

 Length of an optimal tour (V1→→→V1)
 
min W 1 j   D v j V  v1 , v j  
2 j  n

  
Dvi A  min W i  j   D v j A  v j  , if A  
j:v j  A

Dvi    W i 1 46
3.6 Traveling Salesperson Problem
 See Example 3.11, pp. 133
 Algorithm 3.11
 Every-Case Time and Space Complexity
of Algorithm 3.11, pp. 135 47 48
The End

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