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Nursing Care of Patients Receiving

Intra-aortic Balloon
Mary Beth Reid, RN, PhD, APRN-BC, CCRN, CEN
Damon Cottrell, RN, MS, APRN-BC, CCNS, CCRN, CEN

I ntra-aortic balloon counterpul-

sation (IABC) was introduced into
clinical settings in 1967 for the treat-
ated with IABC are essential. In this
article, we describe the indications
for using IABC, potential complica-
Displacement of blood, proximally
to the aortic root and coronary arter-
ies and distally to the systemic circu-
ment of cardiogenic shock.1 IABC is tions and the nursing care required, lation, results in elevation of the
now used for more than 100 000 potential risk factors for complica- diastolic pressure (Figure 1). Defla-
patients each year in the United tions, and education of patients and tion occurs at the end of diastole just
States.2 In the past 3 decades, IABC their families about IABC. before the onset of the heart’s isovol-
has assumed a prominent role in umetric contraction (Figure 2). The
the treatment of patients with a fail- Intra-aortic Balloon displacement of the blood that occurs
ing heart; the intra-aortic balloon Counterpulsation during inflation decreases the work-
catheter is the most widely used left To initiate IABC, a polyurethane, load of the left ventricle by decreasing
ventricular assist device.3 nonthrombogenic catheter is inserted, the systolic and aortic end-diastolic
Patients receiving IABC require most commonly into the femoral pressure or afterload. Thus, the mean
the same intense and expert nursing artery, and threaded upward so that pressures are elevated and tissue
care required by all critically ill the distal tip of the catheter is in the perfusion is improved.
patients. In addition, specialized man- thoracic part of the aorta just distal
agement is required to reduce the risk to the origin of the left subclavian Indications for Using IABC
of complications and to minimize artery. The proximal end of the Although IABC was originally
the morbidity associated with IABC. catheter is connected to a balloon designed to assist patients in cardio-
These acutely ill patients require nurs- pump console that forces helium genic shock, the indications for IABC
ing care based on specialized knowl- into and out of the balloon, inflating have expanded during the past 30
edge and skill. Prompt recognition and deflating the balloon. years because of continued research,
and treatment of the sometimes life- Inflation occurs during the dias- the ease of catheter insertion, the
threatening complications associ- tolic or resting phase of the heart. increased availability of the technol-
ogy, and a decrease in the size of the
Authors pump console.4 Table 1 lists many
Mary Beth Reid is a clinical nurse specialist in the intensive care unit at Presbyterian indications for IABC.
Hospital of Plano in Plano, Tex. The most common indication
Damon Cottrell is a clinical nurse specialist for cardiology/telemetry at Providence for use of IABC is low cardiac output
St. Vincent Medical Center in Portland, Ore. due to left ventricular dysfunction.
To purchase electronic or print reprints, contact The InnoVision Group, 101 Columbia, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656. Low cardiac output can result from
Phone, (800) 809-2273 or (949) 362-2050 (ext 532); fax, (949) 362-2049; e-mail,
mechanical complications due to


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commonly used Limb Ischemia
Aorta to relieve myo- Limb ischemia is the most fre-
cardial ischemia quent complication of IABC.3 The
Heart in such conditions primary causes are obstruction of a
as impending or small or diseased femoral artery by
acute myocardial the catheter, distal formation of a
infarction or thrombus from direct arterial injury
unstable refrac- during insertion of the catheter, and
Inflated intra-aortic
balloon catheter tory or postin- thromboembolism.3
Kidneys farction angina.7 Critical care nurses must complete
It has also been an extensive peripheral vascular
indicated for assessment before the intra-aortic
hemodynamic balloon (IAB) catheter is inserted
support during and should continue reassessments
and after proce- throughout the remainder of the
dures such as patient’s stay in the hospital because
Renal angiography and long-term complications related to
arteries angioplasty, for decreased perfusion to the extremity
weaning from are not unusual. Nurses should start
cardiopulmonary by assessing the skin’s color and
Figure 1 Catheter with inflated balloon.
bypass, and as a temperature, observing for indica-
bridge to and tions of poor perfusion and arterial
after heart trans- insufficiency such as cyanosis, mot-
plantation.8,9 tling, pallor, or coolness of each
extremity. Then they should palpate
Potential Com- the femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis,
plications and and posterior tibial pulses while
the Nursing marking the sites bilaterally with a
Care Required permanent marker before the IAB
When moni- catheter is inserted. Because 8% to
Deflated intra-aortic toring patients 10% of persons in the general popu-
balloon catheter receiving IABC, lation do not have a palpable dorsalis
critical care pedis pulse,10 the absence of this pulse
nurses must be should be documented before the
alert for the pos- IAB catheter is inserted. The pulses
sible occurrence are recorded on the assessment form
of complications by using numerical values to indicate
throughout the the quality:
process. Table 2 0 = no pulse,
arteries lists potential 1 = thready pulse,
complications 2 = weak pulse,
attributed to 3 = normal pulse, and
Figure 2 Catheter with deflated balloon. IABC, including 4 = bounding pulse.
the nursing care A portable Doppler ultrasound
acute myocardial infarction or from and treatment for each. Each compli- device should be used to determine
left ventricular failure resulting in cation is addressed in more detail in the presence or absence of distal
congestive heart failure.5,6 IABC is the following sections. pulses that are difficult to palpate,


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Table 1 Indications for use of intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation
sure to obtain the index11 (Table 3).
Ideally, the IAB catheter is inserted
Low cardiac output states due to left ventricular dysfunction, such as into the leg that has the higher ankle-
Right ventricular failure brachial index. Measurements of the
Refractory left ventricular failure
Ventricular septal defect ankle-brachial index can be useful in
Ventricular aneurysm monitoring changes in blood flow to
Papillary muscle rupture with mitral valve regurgitation
Mechanical complications due to acute myocardial infarction
the limb, detecting the presence of
acute ischemic changes, and moni-
Relief of myocardial ischemia in
Impending or acute myocardial infarction toring progression of peripheral vas-
Unstable refractory angina or angina after a myocardial infarction cular disease.
Ischemia related to intractable ventricular dysrhythmias after myocardial infarction
Maintaining body temperature,
Hemodynamic support during and after procedures, such as
Support and stabilization during coronary angiography and angioplasty
cardiac index, and systemic vascular
Prevention of acute restenosis in percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty resistance near normal levels is essen-
Weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass tial to promote maximum perfusion
Cardiac support for high-risk general noncardiac surgical patients
of the affected limb. Nitroglycerin
As a bridge to heart transplantation and after transplantation because of
cardiovascular deterioration from rejection can be applied topically to the limb
in an attempt to increase blood flow
if the limb becomes ischemic.4 In most
especially the dorsalis pedis and pos- examination that provides objective cases, removal of the IAB catheter
terior tibial pulses. In addition, any baseline data for later comparison resolves the ischemia; rarely a partial
neurological deficits or impairments with subsequent measurements. It or full amputation is necessary when
of the lower extremities should be is a simple, painless, and objective irreversible, massive necrosis due to
documented before the IAB catheter method of detecting vascular changes prolonged ischemia occurs.
is inserted.
Acute ischemia of the limb may
produce the “6 P’s”: pain, pallor, Acute ischemia of the limb may produce
pulselessness, poikilothermia (cold), the “6 P’s”: pain, pallor, pulselessness,
paresthesia, and paralysis. Circula-
tion checks of the femoral, popliteal, poikilothermia (cold), paresthesia, and
dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial paralysis.
pulses should be completed every 15
minutes for the first hour after the
catheter is inserted, every 30 minutes in the lower limb associated with the Compartment Syndrome
for the second hour, then every hour patient’s subjective complaints. Critical care nurses must be alert
for 2 hours, and then every 4 hours In order to measure the ankle- for changes that can lead to com-
thereafter until the catheter is brachial index, the blood pressure cuff partment syndrome. Compartment
removed. Bilateral capillary refill is put around the ankle above the syndrome is a condition in which
should be recorded in seconds. malleolus. When the dorsalis pedis increased pressure within a closed,
Circulation checks include using pulse has been located via Doppler unyielding fascial space reduces cap-
Doppler imaging to locate an impal- imaging, the cuff is inflated in the illary blood flow to the point that
pable pulse; comparing both lower usual manner until the Doppler sig- the viability and function of the tis-
extremities to detect differences or nal is no longer heard. As the cuff is sues enclosed in the fascia are at risk.
changes in color, temperature, and slowly deflated, the systolic pressure The increase in pressure is due to
sensation; and using an ankle-brachial is recorded when the signal returns. increases in fluid pressure plus the
index to provide a more quantitative The brachial systolic pressure is contribution of cells, fibers, gels,
measurement of circulation. The measured in the same manner and and matrices. Compartment syn-
ankle-brachial index is a noninvasive divided into the ankle systolic pres- drome can be triggered by any con-


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dition that reduces capillary blood sive drugs, lengthy periods of immo- Deep throbbing pain or pressure,
flow, such as difficulty of insertion of bilization, and thrombosis.12 When paresthesia, and paralysis localized
the catheter further reducing blood an event occurs that affects the micro- in the involved compartment are
flow within small vessels, preexisting vasculature, the result is diffuse common complaints. The earliest
peripheral vascular disease, vasopres- ischemia within the compartment. objective findings of compartment

Table 2 Nursing care and treatment of potential complications of intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation
complication Nursing care Treatment
Limb ischemia Before insertion of catheter, complete an extensive peripheral vascular assessment, noting Physician may order that
Risk factors topical nitroglycerin be
Skin color and temperature applied to the lower
Capillary refill extremity
Peripheral pulses (palpate and mark), recording quality of pulse Physician may have to
Ankle-brachial index remove catheter
Any neurological deficits or impairments in sensitivity or movement
During intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation, assess
Distal pulse every 15 minutes for 1 hour after catheter insertion, every 30 minutes for
1 hour after that, every hour for the next 2 hours, and then every 4 hours until the
catheter is removed
Ankle-brachial index every 4 hours
After removal of the catheter, assess
Distal pulses every 4 hours until patient is discharged (instruct patient and patient’s
family to inform physician of any peripheral circulatory changes in lower extremity)
Notify physician immediately if any changes in the extremity occur
Compartment Assess patient for Surgeon performs
syndrome Throbbing pain or pressure, paresthesia, or paralysis localized in the extremity with the compartmental
catheter decompression
Swollen, tense localized area of extremity (pulse may or may not be affected)
Pallor in feet when lower extremity is elevated 45°
Increase in level of creatine phosphokinase
Increase in pressure measured directly
Notify physician immediately if any of these changes occur
Dissection of Monitor patient for Surgeon repairs dissection
aorta Intense ripping or tearing pain in back or abdomen with an increase in abdominal girth
Peripheral pulses becoming unequal or absent with decreases in blood pressure,
cardiac output, and urine output
Decrease in hematocrit
Evidence of mediastinal enlargement on chest radiograph
Notify physician immediately if any of these changes occur
Dislodgment of Assess patient for Prevention is the best
plaque or Signs and symptoms similar to those of compartmental syndrome or limb ischemia treatment
emboli with neurological compression Supportive care
Signs and symptoms of cerebrovascular accident
Changes in the electrocardiogram indicative of an acute myocardial infarction
Respiratory failure due to pulmonary emboli
Notify physician immediately if any of these changes occur
Catheter Secure catheter with tape and document position of catheter: length from insertion site to Physician repositions the
migration proximal end catheter or removes it
Assess patient for changes in and inserts a new one
Upper extremity pulses, color, temperature, sensitivity, and motion
Level of consciousness, unilateral neurological deficits
Decrease in urine output
Elevate head of bed to no more than 30°
Instruct patient to keep leg straight (may need to use long leg or knee immobilizer) to
prevent hip flexion
Notify physician if patient complains of back, flank, or abdominal pain associated with
nausea and vomiting


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Table 2 Continued
complication Nursing care Treatment

Bleeding Initially monitor the insertion site every 15 minutes for 1 hour after the catheter is Nurse applies pressure to
inserted, every 30 minutes for the next hour, then every hour for 2 hours, and after that catheter insertion site
every 4 hours for bruising or tenderness until hemostasis is
Monitor laboratory values for decreases in hematocrit, hemoglobin level, platelet count, achieved
prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, and activated clotting time Nurse covers insertion site
Assess patient for increase in heart rate and decrease in blood pressure with compression bandage
Notify physician if patient complains of back, flank, or abdominal pain unrelieved by and sandbag if more
changing patient’s position or if distal pulses decrease or are absent compression is needed
Physician may order
replacement blood
Balloon Assess catheter for brown flecks or blood every 2 hours Physician removes catheter
rupture Assess patient for poor augmentation with inflation by femoral artery
Report any “gas leak” alarms on console cutdown
Notify physician immediately if any of these changes occur
Infection Assist with maintaining asepsis during insertion of catheter Prevention is the best
Scrupulously use aseptic technique when manipulating or changing tubing and during all treatment
dressing changes Physician may order
Monitor patient for increase in white blood cell count, increase in body temperature, blood antibiotics
cultures that show growth of microorganisms, and redness, warmth, swelling, or
drainage at insertion site
Skin Reposition patient by log rolling every 1 to 2 hours; provide back rubs Prevention is the best
breakdown Use heel and elbow protectors treatment
Assess bony prominences for changes in color
Obtain and use pressure-relieving devices such as low-air-loss beds
Assist patient to maintain adequate hydration and nutritional status
Keep patient clean and dry

inserted into the compartment, the other compartments. Elevation

Table 3 Ankle-brachial index
allowing direct measurement of the in the level of creatine phosphoki-
Index Indication
pressure. Normal capillary perfusion nase is also used as an indicator of
>1 Normal
pressure is 25 mm Hg. Normal mus- muscle ischemia in acute compart-
0.88-0.99 Mildly abnormal
cle tissue pressure is 0 to 12 mm Hg. ment syndrome. Early detection and
0.40-0.79 Claudication
When tissue pressure exceeds capil- surgical decompression of the
<0.40 Ischemia lary perfusion pressure, the capillar- affected area are crucial to avoid per-
ies collapse. A compartment pressure manent damage of muscles and
syndrome are a swollen, palpably of greater than 30 mm Hg is an indi- nerves and to increase the chances
tense compartment, reflecting cation of compartment syndrome that for functional recovery of the limb.
increased intracompartmental pres- requires quick intervention, whereas The limb should be kept elevated at
sure. The compartment pressure may a pressure of 70 mm Hg or higher the level of the heart, and the patient’s
be high enough to cause nerve and requires acute surgical fasciotomy to hydration should be maintained at
muscle damage but not so high as to avoid contractures or rhabdomyolysis adequate levels. Mannitol has been
occlude the artery and obliterate with acute renal failure.12 used in some cases of compartment
peripheral pulses. The anterior and lateral compart- syndrome.12
Direct measurement of the pres- ments are most often affected by
sure in the compartment is a more chronic exertional compartment Dissection of the Aorta
sophisticated method of quantify- syndrome.12 The posterior compart- Dissection of the aorta is a seri-
ing the increase in compartmental ment is deeper and does not respond ous complication of IABC that can
pressure. A needle or catheter is as well or as quickly to fasciotomy as be caused by trauma due to difficulty


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inserting, repositioning, or moving compression. Emboli making their Inward migration of the IAB
the catheter.4 Dissection occurs when way to the cerebral circulation may catheter creates the potential for
the catheter causes a tear in the inti- cause an occlusion that evolves into occlusion of the subclavian or the
mal wall of the aorta. The pressure neurological signs and symptoms of carotid artery. Such occlusion will
within the aorta forces blood between a cerebrovascular accident. Emboli result in unequal or absent radial
the vascular layers. This forceful that become lodged in the coronary pulses and dampening or loss of the
lengthwise channel of blood can strip arteries can lead to an acute myocar- arterial waveform in the radial artery.
the intimal layer from the adventitial dial infarction. Respiratory failure The upper extremities must be
layer along the aorta, resulting in can occur if the emboli travel to the assessed and documented before the
obstruction of arterial branches along pulmonary artery. Prevention of this catheter is inserted. The patient’s
the path of the dissection or rupture complication is key. Treatment gener- hands and extremities should be
of the aorta leading to catastrophic ally consists of supportive care. Main- assessed for color, temperature, sen-
hemorrhage. tenance of ventilation, oxygenation, sitivity, and motion along with the
Signs and symptoms of aortic and anticoagulation with close mon- rate and rhythm of the radial pulses
dissection (Table 2) include patients’ itoring are extremely important. bilaterally. If the carotid artery
reports of a ripping or tearing pain becomes occluded, changes will be
in the back or in the abdomen radi- Catheter Migration apparent in the patient’s level of con-
ating to the back or chest. The periph- After the IAB catheter is inserted, sciousness, mental alertness, and
eral pulses may be unequal, or blood interventions to monitor for and orientation, or the patient may have
pressure may vary between the right prevent migration of the catheter are unilateral neurological deficits. Out-
and left extremities. Peripheral pulses undertaken. The IAB catheter is ward migration of the IAB catheter
may decrease on one or both sides. positioned high in the aorta so that may result in occlusion of the renal
Once the IAB catheter is inserted, the lower end of the balloon does artery. Indicators of renal artery
cardiac output and renal function not compromise perfusion to the occlusion include the patient’s report
may decrease. Other indications of celiac, superior mesenteric, or renal of abdominal, back, or flank pain,
aortic dissection include decreases arteries (Figure 1). On a chest radi- fever, nausea, vomiting, or anorexia,
in blood pressure and hematocrit, ograph, the proper position of the followed by a decrease in renal out-
signs and symptoms of shock, and catheter is 2 cm below the origin of put. The treatment for balloon migra-
an increase in abdominal girth. A the left subclavian artery, or between tion is for the physician to reposition
chest radiograph will show medi- the second and third ribs and above the catheter if possible or to remove
astinal enlargement. Aortic dissec- the renal arteries.2 the catheter and insert a new one.
tion is an emergency complication Migration of the IAB catheter
commonly managed by surgical during counterpulsation is a concern. Bleeding
intervention. Once inserted, the catheter should Another potential complication
be taped securely, and the length of that can occur during any part of
Dislodgment of Plaque or Emboli the catheter from the insertion site IABC is systemic or local bleeding.
Complications arising from dis- to the proximal end should be marked Thrombocytopenia from the use of
lodgment of plaque or emboli in the for reference. The patient should be anticoagulants in patients requiring
femoral artery or aorta can occur at instructed to lie flat, keeping the IABC reduces the risk for throm-
any point during IABC and result in affected leg still and straight; a long boembolic complications but can
an obstruction somewhere in the leg or knee immobilizer can be used increase the risk of bleeding. Throm-
vasculature. Emboli that decrease if necessary. The catheter may migrate bocytopenia also can be a result of
capillary blood flow to the extremi- as much as 1 to 4.5 cm when the platelet destruction due to the
ties could result in compartment patient sits up.2 The head of the bed mechanical trauma that occurs dur-
syndrome, which has many of the should be elevated to no more than ing the inflation of the IAB catheter
same signs and symptoms as limb 30°, and flexion of the patient’s hip against the wall of the aorta. Hemo-
ischemia with symptoms of nerve should be avoided. globin level, hematocrit, platelet


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count, prothrombin time, and par- continuously, or until hemostasis is are the same as with any invasive
tial thromboplastin time must be achieved. Then a 4.5-kg (10-lb) sand- catheter: elevation of body tempera-
monitored closely for changes that bag and a compression bandage can ture; elevation of white blood cell
could indicate bleeding or the poten- be applied for 2 hours. The patient count; warmth at the site, with red-
tial for bleeding. should be instructed to remain on ness, swelling, and drainage; blood
Indications of bleeding may be bed rest for a minimum of 8 hours cultures that show growth of microor-
manifested as bruising or a hematoma after removal of the catheter and to ganisms; and indications of sepsis.
at the insertion site or by an increase avoid exercising the extremity so as The primary goal of critical care
in the girth of the thigh. The patient to prevent bleeding. Treatment for nurses is prevention of infection.
may not initially be hypotensive, but bleeding includes administration of Scrupulous aseptic technique must
becomes tachycardic and has a platelets, packed red blood cells, and be exercised throughout the inser-
decrease in hemoglobin level and other blood products as needed. tion procedure, during manipulation
hematocrit. Retroperitoneal bleeding of the catheter, and when redressing
may be manifested by the patient Balloon Rupture the insertion site.
becoming hypotensive and com- Blood or brown flakes in the IAB
plaining of back, flank, or abdominal catheter are indications of balloon Skin Breakdown
pain unrelieved by changes in posi- rupture. When the catheter balloon Because of their restricted mobil-
tion. The pulse distal to the catheter ruptures, immediate recognition of ity, chronic disease, impaired sensory
may be absent because of blood loss, the rupture and removal of the IAB perception, and altered tissue perfu-
a situation that requires immediate catheter are crucial. If the gas leak is sion, patients receiving IABC are
surgical intervention. only a small pinhole, the catheter prime candidates for development
Several factors can be checked in may not contain any blood. The bal- of pressure ulcers. These patients
an effort to avoid bleeding complica- loon pump may indicate a “gas leak” generally have limited mobility
tions when the IAB catheter is or augmentation with inflation of because of mechanical ventilation,
removed. Prothrombin and partial the catheter may be poor. Whether deep sedation, chemical or physical
thromboplastin times should be less blood appears in the catheter, the restraints, immobilizing devices, and
than 1.5 times the control; the acti- same grievous potential exists for a hemodynamic instability. The mere
vated clotting time should be greater gas embolus or for entrapment of presence of the IAB catheter in the
than 200 seconds; and administra- the IAB catheter. When the balloon femoral artery exposes patients to a
tion of anticoagulants should be ruptures, it fills with blood that decrease in tissue perfusion to the
stopped 1 to 4 hours before the forms a clot and the balloon cannot affected extremity.
catheter is removed. The physician deflate completely. As a result, the Pressure-reducing or pressure-
should apply pressure above and catheter cannot simply be pulled relieving devices such as low-air-loss
below the site of insertion while out. Treatment for an entrapped beds that are designed to maintain
removing the sheath and the catheter balloon is usually surgical removal; low interface tissue pressure would
simultaneously, usually allowing the however, the clot can be dissolved reduce or eliminate interface pressure
insertion site to bleed vigorously for with a fibrinolytic agent, allowing to a level below that of capillary clos-
1 to 2 seconds to remove any clots at the physician to aspirate the liquid ing pressure. Patients should be
the site. The physician may choose blood and remove the catheter by repositioned every 1 to 2 hours to
to deploy a vascular hemostasis femoral artery cutdown.14 promote skin integrity. Ensuring
device.13 adequate nutrition and hydration
The extremity must be evaluated Infection also assists in protecting the skin’s
closely for signs of ischemia for 24 The second most frequent com- integrity.
hours after the catheter is removed. plication of IABC is infection at the
Once the IAB catheter is removed, catheter insertion site, which is man- Risk Factors for Complications
pressure should be applied to the ifested by fever, local infection, and Thoroughness when obtaining a
puncture site for 20 to 30 minutes bacteremia.15 Indications of infection patient’s medical history is essential


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for recognizing factors that can pre- betic patients than in nondiabetic told to put pressure on the insertion
dispose patients to the development patients when an IAB catheter is site when coughing or sneezing and
of complications related to IABC. inserted in the femoral artery.16 The to notify the nurse immediately if
Information from patients’ medical patient’s lower extremities should be they experience pain in the lower
histories can assist critical care assessed for signs of poor perfusion back or a sudden burning, pain, or
nurses in determining which patients such as loss of leg hair, thickened wetness at the insertion site.
are more likely to have complications toenails, pallor, and shiny skin. Patients and their families
related to IABC. Table 4 lists factors Major ischemia of the lower limb should be instructed to immediately
that put patients at greatest risk for in patients receiving IABC is 3 times report symptoms indicative of
development of such complications. more likely in cigarette smokers peripheral circulatory changes (eg,
Lower limb ischemia is more likely than in nonsmokers.16 Hypertensive tingling, numbness, coldness, pallor,
to develop in women than in men patients have a higher incidence of and pain) to a nurse while in the
when the IAB catheter is inserted via vascular complications than do nor- hospital and to a physician after dis-
the femoral artery.3,16 This increased motensive patients.16 Other estab- charge from the hospital.
risk for peripheral vascular compli- lished risk factors such as obesity, Once home, patients should
cations is often attributed to the dif- low cardiac index, elevated systemic know that if any pain in the extrem-
ferences between men and women vascular resistance, and the use of ity occurs when walking (claudica-
in the diameter of the femoral artery. vasopressors are related to the devel- tion) or while at rest, especially at
The smaller diameter in women opment of lower limb ischemia.16 night, a physician should be noti-
increases the chance for compro- fied. Patients and their families must
mised blood flow and the risk of Education of Patients and understand that such a change is
thrombosis.16 Their Families About IABC serious and requires immediate eval-
Preexisting peripheral vascular Educating patients and patients’ uation and treatment to prevent
disease is a major, if not the main, families about IABC is important to possible tissue damage. Patients and
risk factor for the development of prepare them for the limitations the their families must be taught how to
vascular complications associated patients will experience and to reduce inspect the patients’ feet daily for
with IABC.9 Predisposing factors to anxiety. Helping patients and their redness or ulcers, especially on the
peripheral vascular disease include families understand the basics of toes or around any pressure points,
diabetes mellitus, cigarette smoking, IABC and why the patients’ mobility and patients should be instructed to
hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, is limited increases compliance. wear shoes loose enough to avoid
advanced age, and obesity.3,16 Because The limitations that patients will pressure points on the feet. Patients
of the peripheral vascular disease experience while receiving IABC and their families should understand
associated with diabetes mellitus, should be explained. If the catheter that any of the preceding changes,
the incidence of lower limb ischemia is inserted via the femoral artery, the even if seemingly insignificant, must
is as much as 6 times higher in dia- patient will be on complete bed rest be brought to the attention of a
with the head of bed raised to no physician immediately.
more than 30°. Patients should be
Table 4 Risk factors for complica- taught how to apply an immobilizer Conclusion
tions of intra-aortic balloon counter-
pulsation to maintain extension of the limb Since the initial introduction of
Female sex
that has the catheter insertion site. IABC in 1967 for the treatment of
Patients must be turned at least every cardiogenic shock, the IAB catheter
Preexisting peripheral vascular disease
2 hours to prevent skin breakdown has become the most widely used
Advanced age
and promote comfort. left ventricular assist device. IABC is
Diabetes mellitus
Nurses should explain to not accomplished without risk to
Cigarette smoking
patients and patients’ families that patients; therefore, practitioners
Hypertension bleeding may occur at the catheter must weigh the risks against the
Obesity insertion site. Patients should be benefits before using IABC. Nurses


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Nursing Care of Patients Receiving: Intra-aortic Balloon Counterpulsation
Mary Beth Reid and Damon Cottrell
Crit Care Nurse 2005;25 40-49
Copyright © 2005 by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
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