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People of Scotland I stand before you today to address my husbands

position I will not let this country fall in his hands, it is too late for me to join

you since I already perished from his sins, but I can help this country

become great again without him. I admit doing horrible actions and

influencing Macbeth but my sins already took over me and the

consequences are already tearing me apart, Macbeth's actions hurt many

people and he will continue to do so if he is not stopped, my husband is

pushing himself to do unspeakable actions that I can not stand by and see

the innocent perish.

"To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus (3.1)"

after he was announced King Macbeth still fears what he has done

considering his position is not safe yet, since some people know what he

has done and he has no heir to the crown, so he is eliminating all factors of

him losing his throne, Macbeth biggest weakness is his strong ambition to

keep moving forward even if it means losing people he cares about, he will

not feel empathetic towards anyone or anything until he gets what he


He was the one to kill Duncan, he was the one who killed Banquo and

attempted to kill his son, he was the one who killed Macduff's innocent
children and wife including many more for what? a thrown he does not

even deserve.

"Methought I heard a voice cry 'Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder

sleep.'" Act 2, Scene 1

this pressure and weight Macbeth has made him more of a terrible leader

than he already is, yesterday at the castle when we dismissed everyone

because Macbeth was ill, that was a lie, he was hallucinating again the

ghost of his murdered friend, Banquo, Macbeth is in no position to lead a

country. he does not sleep, which makes him hallucinate more and

anticipate the future when the throne is taken away from him which makes

more susceptible to causing danger.

"Let not light see my black and deep desires.

The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be

Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see. "(1.4.55-60)

macbeth explains to me that he does not want his ambition to be brought

from fate and chance to toss his future around that is why he would take it

in his hands even if it means hurting people.

"Thou wouldst be great

Art not without ambition, but without

The illness should attend it "(1.5)

macbeth finds excessive ambition as power but in reality, it is an illness as

it is shown to be hurting many people, Macbeth can not control his actions

let alone control a country at peak when it is divided,

I have to go now but take what I said as a warning, we have to remove

Macbeth from the throne whatever it takes. he will destroy your lives if he is

not removed this country will shatter and will be divided if he is not

displaced, many people lost their life from him and many more will.

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