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Fact Sheet 1 - What is Family Violence?

Domestic and family violence is the repeated dominate people close to them. Their behaviour
use of violent, threatening, coercive or controlling causes people to fear for their own safety and
behaviour against a family member or someone sometimes for the safety of other family members,
the perpetrator has or previously had an intimate or pets.
relationship with, which may include carers.
It includes not only physical assault, but also other
This definition, from the Victorian code of practice behaviour that can be just as harmful.
for specialist family violence services for women It may include:
and children, has been endorsed by the Australian
Association of Social Workers. > Monitoring and limiting a person’s movements
and access to others.
Family violence happens to women, and less often
to men, from all cultures and walks of life. Most of- > Controlling a person’s access to money.
ten it involves men abusing their current or former > Verbal insults and abuse.
female partners, girlfriends or wives. > Damage to property.
> Threatening someone, or their children, pets,
Abuse can also occur in gay and lesbian relation- other family members or friends.
ships, or between parents and older children,
siblings or any other family members. People with > Preventing someone from practising their reli-
disabilities can be abused by carers, who may or gious beliefs or cultural practices.
may not be family members.
Because the violence is ongoing, it gradually un-
In Aboriginal and some other communities, the dermines the confidence of the person experienc-
definition of ‘family’ may include kinship groups ing it and their ability to leave the violent person.
and other community members. The severity and frequency of violence often esca-
lates over time.
The Family Violence Protection Act (Victoria) 2008 Any behaviour or action that constitutes family
defines family violence as behaviour towards a violence is unacceptable, even if it is not of a type
family member which is: physically or sexually which is currently a criminal offence.
abusive; emotionally or psychologically abusive;
economically abusive; threatening; coercive; or in
any other way controls or dominates a family mem- Breaching human rights
ber and causes them to feel fear for the safety or
well-being of themselves or another person. Family violence directly contravenes Australia’s
commitment to the United Nations Declaration of
The Act says a child is also a victim of the violence Human Rights, the Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
if it hears, witnesses or is otherwise exposed to
(CEDAW), and the Rights of the Child.
such behaviour or its effects (e.g. a distressed
adult, an injured person, damage to property). As a signatory to CEDAW, all Australian
governments must continue to implement policies
What does family and domestic violence look like? and programs to eradicate discrimination in all its
People who inflict domestic and family violence forms, against all women.
assume they have the right to be in charge and 1
Fact Sheet 1:
What is Family Violence

Gender-based data They include:

The vast majority of perpetrators of all violence are > Aboriginal women
men. About 80% of all violent assaults (including > The culturally and linguistically diverse
sexual) are carried out by men against other men > Women with disabilities
and women. > Rural women
> Older women
Women are most likely to be assaulted by a
> Women with mental health issues
partner or former partner. Men are most likely to be
> Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer,
assaulted by men they don’t know (74%) and most
assaults are single incidents in public places, such
a pub or street. Women who are isolated geographically, or be-
cause of limited English language skills, their age
These findings are from the Australian Bureau of or other factors, are less likely to seek and receive
Statistics’ Personal Safety Survey (2006). Of all the help and information. Women who have expe-
violence men experience, very little is domestic rienced discrimination or a poor response from
or family violence. A third of all women, but only services in the past may be reluctant to seek help
4% of men, are assaulted by a partner during or may receive inappropriate responses.
their lifetime. (Measuring the Extent of Domestic Violence, In the Australian component of the International
Ferrante, A., et al, 1996) Violence Against Women Survey, 20% of Aboriginal
women had experienced physical violence in the
The homicide figures are particularly stark. One- previous 12 months compared to 7% of non-Aborig-
fifth of all homicides in Australia are committed inal women.
by intimate partners, and four out of five of these
Just over 2% of the Australian population is Abo-
involve a man killing his female partner. Typically, riginal, but Aboriginal women accounted for 15% of
women are killed in the context of a history of homicide victims in Australia in 2002-03. (National
domestic and family violence. (Family Homicide in Homicide Monitoring Program annual report, 2004)
Australia, Mouzos and Rushforth, 2003)
Women with disabilities are twice as likely to experi-
The Personal Safety Survey (a national survey of ence violence at the hands of a family member or
16,400 Australians aged 18 and over) found that: carer.
> 40% of women have experienced violence Effects of the violence
since reaching the age of 15. Domestic and family violence affects not only the
victims themselves, but the children who witness it,
> 29% have experienced physical assault. extended families, friends, workplaces and ulti-
> 16% have experienced violence by a current or mately the whole Australian community.
previous partner in their lifetime. Intimate partner violence is the leading contributor
The Australian component of the International to death, disability and illness in Victorian women
Violence Against Women Survey (a national survey aged 15-44 (The Health Costs of Violence: Measuring the
Burden of Disease Caused by Intimate Partner Violence, Vic
of 6,677 women aged 18-69, conducted by the
Health, 2004).
Australian Institute of Criminology in 2004) found
that: All children and young people who experience
family violence are affected in some way. Such
> 57% of Australian women report experiencing exposure has long-term psychological, emotional
at least one incident of physical or sexual vio- and behavioural consequences. (Department of Human
lence by a man over their lifetime. Services, 2006)
> 48% have experienced physical violence and Violence against women is economically costly. It
34% have experienced sexual violence. puts pressure on state budgets in terms of health,
Most vulnerable criminal justice interventions and loss of productiv-
Women from particular groups in the Australian ity. The total cost to Australia in 2009 was estimated
community are at higher risk from family violence at $13.6 billion. Without appropriate action, an
and its effects, and can face barriers in accessing estimated 750,000 women will experience violence
support and legal protection. in 2021-22, costing $15.6 billion. (Economic Cost of
Violence Against Women and Their Children, National Council
to Reduce Violence Against Women and Their Children, 2009)

December 2013 2

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