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Guiding compass to synchronize internal stakeholders, communicators & content contributors 


The purpose of this conversation tool is cohesiveness, not consistency. It serves a different purpose than a graphics 
standards manual or statement of beliefs. Key words: CUE CARD. Think of it as a “spark notes,” at-a-glance tool to 
describe the way your church expresses their theology in real life action and plain language.  
Instructions​: Avoid copying and pasting from existing content, use normal language and keep everything to one page. 

WHO WE ARE  Tagline or short paragraph that captures the heartbeat of 
your church for public messaging. Sometimes this could be 
your mission statement, but most of the time it is not. Mission 
statements are not taglines. But, this section could capture a 
paraphrased version of your mission statement. Or, describe 
your “tribe.” What does the persona and life of the people 
who call your church home look like? Describe who fits here. 

WHO WE SERVE  Use this section to describe your primary audience; the ones 
who aren’t part of the tribe yet. Describe how they think and 
what matters to them in day to day, real life outside of your 
church. Psychographics are more important here than 
demographics. What real life problems are they facing? What 
are they looking for?  

WHAT WE DO  List the top 3 (no more than 5) biggest categories every 
event, ministry and volunteer opportunity falls under. This 
may be your core strategies or the “top three things” 
everyone does as part of your church. How do you 
systematically move people through a journey; no matter the 
life stage? Ultimately, this section will define your categorical 
promotions emphasis.  

HOW WE DO IT   This list of values (recommended 3-5) that defines what’s 
most important in how you work and play daily? What’s your 
vibe? What trumps everything? Don’t get too lofty or 
aspirational here. Make it real. List the top essentials in plain 
language that makes sense. If you already have values, 
paraphrase them here. Find a different way to share the 
same values without changing the meaning.  

PERSONALITY  How you talk is as important as what you talk about. List the 
phrases, axioms, posture, narratives and tone that represent 
your personality (i.e., brand promise) here. Or, think about 
how you leave people feeling when they leave. Use this 
section to describe your church like it was a person.   

A simple behind the scenes tool like this might seem underwhelming at first. Yet, it's simple behind-the-scenes work like 
this that yields the biggest returns for every person, in every department. Implementing (and sticking to) central 
frameworks and strategies delivers clarity, builds momentum, and aligns staff and volunteer culture for the long run. 


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