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Contest Winners: page 12-13 Ethics Challenge : page 7 Tabletop Gaming : page 9 Sofia Talvik : page 11

The Triton Review An independent student voice since 1973

Serving Edmonds Community College and the surrounding communities of Lynnwood and Edmonds

Winter Break is Coming

December 8, 2014 Volume 31 Issue 5

Finals Week is
not always bad
By Hunter Reinhardt
Staff Writer
The period after Thanksgiving gener-
ally marks the time of transition between
It is when people’s minds turn to the
purchase of gifts, it is when family and
friends celebrate their relationships, and it
is when it becomes socially acceptable to
play Christmas music in a group setting.
For most college students, however,
this is also a time when the twin demons
of procrastination and poor study habits
come to a head, as we rapidly approach
finals week.
“It’s just super stressful,” said Bren-
dan Walters, EdCC sophomore and self-
professed terrible studier.
“Even if I kick my own butt all quar-
ter and study to the point of exhaustion,
studying for finals are always the biggest
stress-inducer for me because it’s all re-
view of everything in the course.”
Study habits are the biggest concern
for students throughout the quarter, ac-
cording to Sarah Pavlik, counsellor at
Poolesville High School in Poolesville,
“There’s a common misconception
that the more time you put into studying,
the better you’ll get, but that’s not entirely
You could get more done in an hour
Photo By: Rebecca Mullinnix
of good studying than you can by pulling
The Space Needle standing tall with a lighted holiday tree close at hand, awaiting the traditional New Year’s fireworks. an all-nighter of meaningless recitation.”

European Christmas experience

The College Board agrees with this
assessment; the best way to conquer the
stress of finals is to develop good study
habits to maximize the effectiveness of
you are none of these people, and don’t will ride the bus from EdCC campus to your time.
By Melissa Gueiros
know what to buy or what to do in this Leavenworth, Chelan County, WA. One of their biggest tips is to find a
Staff Writer
merry holiday, here is an option: Leaven- So, what is Leavenworth? Leaven- good environment to study in. “Ultimately,
Christmas Day is around the corner, worth Village. worth is a small town with many events the decision of where to study depends on
and some people have already started on Edmonds Community College offers a and one of the top worldwide undiscovered two factors: the environment in which you
their shopping. Some even have their tur- traditional European Christmas experience winter destination tourist place. “We’ve got are best able to concentrate and the type
key in the fridge, while others bought ev- for every student. On Dec. 12, supposedly
erything they needed on Black Friday. If the last day of school, at 9:30 a.m., students Leavenworth, page 6 Test, page 6

In This Issue:
News, pp. 6-8
Campus Notes, pp. 4-5 Dungeons & Dragons 5E The Seattle Seahawks
Student Voices, p. 3
A&E, pp. 9- 10
Celebrity News, p. 11 Gaming has gotten a lot The Seahawks had a slow but
Features, pp. 14 more fun, with the newest eventful start to the season, can
Opinion, pp. 15 edition of DnD 5e hitting the they pull of the magic twice and
Pro and Con, p. 16
gaming tables. make to the Superbowl in 2015 Day left until
New Years
Environmental, p. 17
Sports, pp. 18-19
Events Calendar, p. 21 A&E // page 10 Sports // page 18
Games & Comics, pp. 22-23
2 December 8, 2014
The Triton Review Staff Blog

Chief’s Notes A&E Opinion Sports

Todd M Clayton Jr Dylan Welsh Ivy Raines Sean Bigelow
Editor-in-Chief A&E Editor Opinion Editor Sports Editor

First off I want to wish everyone a As the weather gets colder and wetter, Happy end-of-quarter, Tritons! Fall The quarter is ending, and with it
Happy Holidays, and hope each and every- the thought of going out and seeing cultur- Quarter finals always brings new transi- access to the gym for the duration of the
one has a good winter break, and returns al events in the community may seem less tions. Many are just starting their college break. Still, that’s not stopping Tritons
safely back to the campus in 2015. appealing. However, I encourage you not career paths, and others are one quarter from going out and doing their best on the
I believe we have had a great fall quar- to forget the wonderful events happening closer to finishing it. basketball court, nor should it stop any of
ter here at the Triton Review, after a rough right here on campus! As many of you are busy preparing for you from doing fun athletic things!
start, but the staff and crew are all on top Our very own Black Box Theater will the end of quarter, the newspaper is busy In fact, the break is the perfect time to
of it now. be hosting some incredible musicians, art- bringing you a broad range of articles re- get over the stress of finals week by going
Winter quarter will be a blast: there is ists, and speakers in the coming weeks, garding different events on campus. out and burning some energy, be it indoors
so much we can put into the paper now that most of which are free of charge for EdCC As the Triton Review is primarily or out. The snowpack is still small at Ste-
we have a good staff with fresh ideas and students. Many of these events will even a college newspaper whose direct audi- vens Pass but is steadily building up, and
even a new printing company that publish- feature your fellow students! There are ence consists of staff, faculty and the stu- over the weekend expects to see several
es our papers for us. wonderful things to be seen on campus ev- dent body, the Triton Review additionally days of snowfall.
There is much to do over the break, ery single week, and it would be a waste serves the surrounding community (i.e., Perhaps there will be enough snowfall
besides get ready for Winter Quarter. If to miss such wonderful opportunities for the Lynnwood and Edmonds area) before the start of Winter quarter to open
anyone is in need of ideas, you can always personal growth. Thus, opinions and thoughts are not up the ski lifts...
volunteer at your local food bank or help Should you decide to attend one of only limited to the campus geographic area But there are other things to do as well.
serve meals to the homeless. these events, I would love to hear what you but also anything internal that is relevant to Swimming, running, eating way too much
This paper could not be here if it thought of it. Please don’t hesitate to send the community, which Edmonds Commu- food.... there’s no shortage of sports during
wasn’t for the students that send in ideas your thoughts to tritonaeeditor@gmail. nity College is proudly part of. Look out the winter break. But whatever you choose
and suggestions and even to our commu- com. for views on textbook prices in this issue. to do, I hope you do it with conviction and
nities. We love hearing from residents in You can always check about an up- Happy relaxing over break! Stay opinion- gain much enjoyment from it.
Lynnwood and Edmonds so please don’t coming play at the Wade James Theatre, ated! Edmonds Community College and Happy New Year!
stop talking and see you all in 2015. put on by the Driftwood Players. The Review will see you next quarter!

A Student Publication of Photographers

Edmonds Community College Rebecca Mullinnix
20000 68th Ave W. Lynnwood, WA Mike Curry
Faculty Advisor
Editor-in-Chief Rob Harrill
Todd M Clayton Jr
Business Advisor
Section Editors: Charles Loomis
Ivy Raines - Opinion Writers:
Julynn Triplett, Sean Bigelow, Maney
Todd M Clayton Jr- News Orm, Melissa Gueiros, Benjamin Roquet, Marina McDermott, Ben Richards,
Rebecca Mullinnix, Emily Ullerich, Devin
Sean Bigelow- Sports Harper, Jesslyn Freeman, Nichola Harris, Ulises Sanchez, Arthur Williams

Dylan Welsh- A&E

Layout & Design

Todd M Clayton Jr

Business Manager
Justin Bisacky

Copy Editor
Dave Luttinen

The Triton Review is a student-written and -produced newspaper for Edmonds Community College and the surrounding community. The opinions expressed in the Triton Review
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Triton Review staff or of the college.
Mission Statement
The Triton Review is a student-run newspaper at Edmonds Community College that serves the student readership by reporting on issues and events as they relate to the campus
community and by supporting the open exchange of a diverse range of viewpoints and opinions.
The Triton Review strives to be impartial in its reporting and adheres firmly in its First Amendment rights.

Newspaper Policy
1. The Triton Review covers issues and events as they relate to the Edmonds Community College campus community and surrounding areas.
2. The Triton Review editorial staff reserves the right to comment editorially on any issues the staff finds newsworthy and important.
3. The Triton Review resists the influence of advertisers or special interest groups on the selection of news content or editorial expression.
4. The Triton Review will consider for publication signed letters to the editor or contributed opinion pieces reflecting student opinion on relevant topics, as well as those of other
on or off-campus constituents when submitted according to publication guidelines.
5. The Triton Review strives to uphold State and Federal Laws and Edmonds Community College policies, particularly the Office of Student Life Code of Ethics and the Society
of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics.

Letters to the Editor

The Triton Review welcomes letters to the editor. Letters submitted should be no more than 400 words, signed legibly, and accompanied by a phone number in order to verify
authenticity. Some letters may not be printed due to limited space, because they are similar to other letters received on the same subject, are potentially libelous, or are illegible. The
Triton Review reserves the right to edit letters.
Students Voices 3
Three photos will be selected to
appear in our March issue of the
paper. Themes of the photos should
be of Winter and Holidays, around
Dear Triton, ...
the EdCC campus or Lynnwood
/ Edmonds City. Please include a If you have a burning question or problem feel free to drop it off in the folder taped
to our door on the second floor of Brier, room number 234; We look forward to helping
written caption that describes the you in anyway possible.
photo. Dear Triton, ... is helping one student at a time.
Dear Triton
Send submissions to I am a happily engaged 24 year old his mind about his belief regarding homo-
The Triton Review is, college student. I am bisexual, something I sexuality or bisexuality, but the nature of
excited to announce the describe the photo. Photo defini- have only recently admitted to myself. My
fiancé does not know, he is a Christian with
the best relationship is honest communica-
tion. A deep and loving relationship will be
tion needs to be 300 ppi or higher.
2015 Winter Quarter the belief that people are gay by choice. open and vulnerable, a risk that people take
by sharing their innermost thoughts. In an
Photo contest. Photo Contest Deadline
The only issue is that should I tell him and
hope that we stay engaged, because I love appropriate setting, talk to him and share
February 26 2015 him, and he makes me happy. I have these that you have discovered something about
feelings for a co-worker and want her to yourself that is important enough that you
be part of our relationship too, and she is are willing to lose him. It does not sound
willing to give it a try. I don’t know what like you have finished looking around.

Triton Talk
to do, please help. His response to your honesty is an is-
-Strictly confused sue that he has to work through. Being con-
cerned about how the other person would
Dear SC. respond is the beginning of codependency.
As a student you can voice your opinion about anything you want, keep When we commit to a relationship, we It is a strong character that is willing to
it clean though: often trade our freedom of sexual expres- open up about issues such as yours, but do
Send you voices to Todd M Clayton Jr, Editor-in-Chief, Triton Review at sion in exchange for the commitment to it now rather than reveal something in the
the person we love most. If you think that future that would jeopardize your relation-
sacrificing extracurricular sex is worth los- ship.
ing the relationship with your fiance, that The best situation would have him
Winter Break is coming, what are your plans? is one option. accepting you on your terms. You never
Perhaps your marriage is too soon? know what surprises are underneath the
Keep in mind that what you do now with still waters of love that run deep. Whatever
Finals are over and students are ready ally do exercise! And then on New Year’s others will be part of your history and will you choose, being honest with yourself al-
to enjoy their holiday from school. It’s al- Eve we go to church and countdown to- be revealed to that person eventually. lows you to not have to say, “I wish I had
ways interesting to learn what the EdCC gether to the New Year!”
 Brenda Rivera, It is unlikely that you will ever change done something different.”
community will be up to during winter Freshman.
break. “My plans for Christmas: a lot of
We asked students a variety of ques- snowboarding at Mount Hood with my
tions – What are your plans? How will you friends and spending quality time with my
celebrate the holidays? Do you have any family.”
 Jake Fohn, Sophomore.
holiday traditions? What’s on your wish “During the winter break I will be
list? Here’s what we found: working at Sports Authority back home in
“My plans are to go to Lake Tahoe for Seattle. I’ll possibly get some more tattoos
New Year. I go there a lot, but it will be my and then I’m also going to Mexico with a
second time spending the holidays there. friend. We are going to head to Tijuana,
No New Year’s resolution yet!”
 Dylan Los Cabos, and Guadalajara!”
Crist, Junior. Jackson, Sophomore.
“Going back home! I am excited be- “Hanging out with family and friends
cause the last time I was there was in May. in Sacramento!”
 Anthony Bendana, Senior
I don’t have any special plans except for “I will be going to Disneyland and will
a Christmas Eve celebration.”
 Stan Liu, visit my friends that are still in school. On
Junior. my Christmas wish list are a lot of clothes
“For the winter break I am going back and money for gas – but clothes are more
to China! I am very excited to spend some important!”
 Jessica Magallon, Freshman.
time with my family.”
 Chen Liu, Sopho- “Going to Hawaii, I think. I’ll be go-
more. ing by myself to visit a friend, who is actu-
“I will be going back home to Bra- ally a former Menlo student!”
 Jan Dyks-
zil and celebrating Christmas there. On tra, Professor of Humanities at Menlo.
my wish list this year is an iPad from my “I am going to Southern California –
mom! And hopefully a pair of shoes!”
 Tal- home! On Saturday I am headed to Disney-
lita Rosa, Junior. land! A Christmas tradition we have is just
“My family has a lot of Christmas tra- to get together as a family on Christmas
ditions! One of them is that we cook food Eve, then we open our presents together
from all of the different cultures we come the next morning.” 
Jose Chacon, Senior.
from – Indian, Ethiopian, Mexican, Chi-
nese, and Traditional Southern food. We
then set it up in our backyard and invite our
“Going to New York to visit family.
My mom is Ethiopian and my dad is Ger-
man and we celebrate both Christmas and
15 day weather forecast
whole neighborhood! Also, my dad every New Year. Other than my trip to New York,
year finds a new dish and makes it for us.”
 I don’t have any specific plans yet!”
Shakila Caldwell, Freshman. Leul, Freshman.
“I’ll be going back home to Marys- “Going back to Saudi Arabia for
ville. We just moved, so we’re still getting Christmas. For New Year I plan to go to
settled, but we’re going to get together and either Dubai or Geneva. I have friends in
do what we do best: be a family! What is both places and went to school in Switzer-
on my Christmas wish list? My driver’s li- land!”
 Abdulaziz Al-Saud, Freshman.
 Brandon Bell, Freshman. “I am going to Dubai and Saudi Ara-
“Sleeping and watching TV! Un- bia for winter break. I’m going with my
winding! I will be back home in Mantica, older brother, who also goes to college in
a tiny town, and I will just hang out there California – UC Davis.”
 Manhal Elhein,
in the Central Valley.”
 Caroline Moreno, Freshman.
Freshman. “I’m going back home to Tracy and
“Hang out with family and friends, will mainly be working at a real estate of-
and go to church. Traditionally we go to fice there. My plans are just to hang out
my sister’s house for Christmas with the with my family for both Christmas and
whole family, so that’s what I’ll be doing New Year!”
 Victoria Piazza, Sophomore.
again this year.”
 Andrea Mendez, Fresh- “Just relaxing and spending time with
man. my family at home in San Diego.”
“My New Year’s Resolution is to actu- erina LoCoco, Junior.
4 Campus Notes December 8, 2014

New group computer space for use in the library

Does your group need a computer to
work together on a presentation?
Do you need to share a computer
screen with another student to participate
in an online discussion in your Canvas
Until recently, your main option was
to cram together around a computer in the
library’s always crowded computer lab or
hope that the library classroom was avail-
able where there is slightly more space.
No longer!
Last month the Library and Academic
Computing Services (ACS) redesigned
the back area of the Learning Commons
computer lab to create a group comput-
ing space. In the area, there are four high
tables and four low ones.
Each table has a desktop computer
with extra-large monitors and enough Photo By: Rebecca Mullinnix
space for two to four students to sit around The new area in the library for group usage of computers, these are open to all studenst needing a computer for a group project for a class.
the computer. work only. As enticing as it may be to cifically designed as a group computer proven how necessary having a computer
There is also space on each table for watch a sporting event or play video games space, two or more students working to- area that supports and facilitates collabora-
students to bring a laptop or tablet, connect on the large monitors, these computers are gether have priority. tion and interaction between students.
it to the large monitor so students can work for students who need to do their school This means, if you are alone, you will It is great addition and would not have
together on a shared image. work. need to give up the space to a group and been possible without the technical and fi-
A few things you need to know when • If you are alone and want to use move to a computer in the main lab area. nancial support of ACS. Another example
you use this space: one of the computers for academic work, In just a few short weeks, the popular- of your student technology fees at work!
• The computers are for academic you can. However, since this area is spe- ity of the new group computing space has

Advising is a good way for a student to succeed in college

student in attendance. You will be able to
Advising meet fellow students in your program, re-
ceive answers to your academic advising
Advising for Student Success questions, and plan your next steps with the
Academic Advising educates students help of an advisor. Check out our schedule
as they navigate the world of higher edu- of the upcoming advising sessions.
cation; providing support for articulation
and achievement of their educational and Always come to your Advising Ses-
career goals, and by creating an environ- sion prepared!
ment for personal transformation, lifelong
learning, and success. An Advisor Can Help You:
Select only the classes you want and
Advising Sessions need;
Advising sessions are offered by the Navigate the campus and connect you Photo By: Rebecca Mullinnix
Advising Resource Center weekly. These to resources; The advising office located on the 1st floor of the Lynnwood Hall, in the same location as
Financial Aid and Registrationa and the Cashiers Office.
sessions are open to prospective, new, and Explore career training programs or
continuing students. During a session, an options for continuing your education at Determine how to finish your degree have a quick question for advising, you can
advisor will lead discussion about your the university level; if you are returning to school after time email us:
program, answer group questions, and pro- Find answers to questions about the away; and,
vide time for individual advising for each transfer process; Understand the graduation process.
If you don’t need to see an advisor, but

Students with children have a safe solution to their worries

be eager learners, creative thinkers, confi-
Center for Families dent problem solvers, and compassionate
Childcare and Infant Care Our excellent and engaged staff mem-
bers develop activities and schedules based
To enroll online, go to www.escrip. on children’s ages, abilities, interests, and
com, click on Sign Up Today button and — within the context of culture of the chil-
follow the prompts. dren — their families and the community.
Group Name: Edmonds CC Center for Our experienced and Early Childhood
Families Education-educated teachers support your
Group ID Number : 500024098 child’s future success in school.
Your child’s experiences will include:
developing critical thinking, language,
On-campus childcare for children 3 literacy, and math skills.
months to 5 years old. Licensed by the De- encouraging emotional and social de-
partment of Early Learning. velopment.
providing opportunities to use small
The Center for Families celebrates and large muscles.
the growth and learning of children and Please share any questions or con-
Photo By: Rebecca Mullinnix
their parents. Best practices — in both the cerns. We have many resources available,
The Center for Families located on EdCC campus in the back near the former putting field.
education of children as early learners and including conferences, parenting classes,
support of their families — guide this pro- referrals, and individualized educational reduced rates. Priority is also given to the Questions? Ask us!
gram as a model in our community. plans. children of college employees and Central 425.640.1662 |
Washington University-Lynnwood stu-
We center educational practices on re- Community Children Welcome dents and the siblings of children enrolled The Center for Families is supported
specting and understanding the early learn- in the college’s preschool cooperatives, by the Associated Students of Edmonds
ing needs of children. Edmonds Community College stu- infant and toddler classes, and Center for Community College (ASEdCC).
We create opportunities for children to dents have first priority for childcare at Families Head Start.
Campus Notes 5
The Student Technology Advice and Resource Team
START Support Services: Drop-in / workshop and you can participate for a issues, as well as, attempting to provide
START Phone / Email chance to win the QUARTERLY RAFFLE resolution for the technology issue and/or
Lynnwood Hall, Room 305 PRIZE!!!! referral to college resources for assistance
Is a student led resource focused on 425-640-1101 Check out the START Workshop site if necessary.
helping students understand available for information.
EdCC technologies — including but not START Tech Talk Workshops: START Knowledge Base & Tutorials:
limited to: Canvas, EdMail, Google Apps, Workshops provide an opportunity for Check out our Knowledge Base and
and putting that technology to it’s best use. students to learn how to utilize existing get access to tutorials on:
Along with drop-in, phone, and email technology and improve their experience Canvas / EdMail / Google Apps
assistance available for student to ask and success in college. Internet Navigation
questions, START also hosts Tech Talk START Tech Talk Workshops cover Basic & Advanced PC Navigation
Workshops and have developed on-line tu- the following topics: Operating Systems & Browsers
torials on our extensive Knowledge Base. Canvas/EdMail On / Off Campus Resources
The START team is staffed primar- Google Calendar/Drive And much much more!!!
ily by students from the Computer Sci- Google Drive/Sites START’s primary focus is providing
ence and Computer Information Systems Advanced Google Drive Canvas, EdMail, and Google Apps support
programs. START staff work in the Li- Advanced Google Sites and we also provide basic and advanced
brary Computer Commons Area located Windows 8 (offered for a limited time) PC operations.
in Lynnwood Hall, Room 305, providing Attend a workshop and get a chance START staff is responsible for docu-
students with basic technology assistance. to WIN!!! Prizes are given out at every menting and tracking student technology

Always staffed with an open door at the counseling center

Counseling Center
The Counseling and Resource Center
provides free, confidential and professional
counseling services, resources and referral
to support the academic and personal suc-
cess, health and well-being of our students
and campus community.
Personal Counseling – Counselors are
trained to be supportive, relate to others
and are sensitive to a client’s background
and life experience. Counseling can offer
a client an ear to listen, help a client learn
how to address issues and how to manage
and cope with symptoms.
Career Counseling – Counselors can
assist to develop a better understanding of
oneself, learn about career and academic Photo By: Todd Clayton
research tools, and develop a method for Counseling Center Office in Mountlake Terrace Hall has many table with useful information for all students to get if the need any type of help.
informed decision making. your needs. We provide referrals for all of tion, academic success strategies and top- vide a wonderful opportunity for emotion-
Academic Success Counseling – Hav- our campus community members! ics surrounding overall wellness. al growth and insight building. At the same
ing difficulty in classes or navigating the Consultation - Want to discuss student Why Counseling? - Being a college time, these wonderful opportunities can
college system? Our counselors help stu- concern and/or behavior? Need guidance student is a very unique time in a person’s also result in overwhelming stress, psycho-
dents develop skills and strategies to be a or support with assisting students in dis- life. Some students are experiencing their logical distress and academic difficulties.
successful student. tress? Are you a staff member in need of first time away from home and others may For more information or to schedule an
Resources and Referral – Need help referral to a mental health provider? be returning to school to begin a new ca- appointment with a professional counselor,
with day-to-day or long-term needs? Re- Classroom Visit - Outreach - Presenta- reer with the responsibility of a family. please call our front desk at 425.640.1358
view our printed material for information tions - Don’t Cancel That Class!!! All of No matter your reason for attending or visit our office, Mountlake Terrace Hall,
on a variety of topics or ask our staff for as- our counselors are available to present on a college, the lessons learned and obstacles Room 145.
sistance to connect with resources to meet variety of topics to include career explora- overcome during your experience will pro-

Writing should not be scary when there is help available

Writing Center Students who have writing in their
other classes may choose to sign up for 1
or 2 credits in the Writing Center and work
The Writing Center, staffed with both with faculty. Students commonly work on
instructors and accomplished peer tutors, essay structure, clarity of ideas, develop-
offers free support to students on writing ment of ideas, and mechanics. Registration
assignments in any subject area and at any permitted first seven weeks
stage in the writing process. We can help Can’t stop by the Writing Center?
students at any point in the writing pro- Try eTutoring! Free online writing
cess: brainstorming drafting revising edit- assistance available to current students at
ing Students learn that writing is a process Edmonds Community College.
of exploration and enquiry. Students may Are you interested in tutoring in the
drop in at any time during the quarter. Stu- Writing Center?
dents Can Drop-In for Help in the Visit the center at Mukilteo Hall, 1st
Writing Center: Students can drop by schedules and further information about
the Writing Center any hour that we’re the Writing Center.
open and work with a peer writing assis- To qualify as a tutor in our program.
tant. You must: Have a 3.6 in the subject(s)
Peer tutors help students brainstorm, to be tutored. Be an Edmonds Community Photo By: Rebecca Mullinnix
generate thesis statements, create outlines, College student enrolled in at least 6 units The writing and tutor center, located in Mukilteo Hall near the Black Box Theatre.
prepare rough drafts, and learn to become or graduate.
eligible to get one.
To add your department to the cam-
stronger proofreaders of their own papers. Have a signed instructor recommenda-
tion form for each subject. (recommended The Writing Center is friendly and pus notes, please send a maximum
Information is also available to help stu-
dents with grammar, punctuation, essay but not mandatory). helpful to everyone that stops in, and they 500 word article and photo to
structure, and sentence clarity. Interview with the Learning Support also have great ideas and solutions to help Editor-in-Chief Todd M Clayton Jr
Students Can Earn Credit in the Writ- Center director/coordinator. with any of your topics. at
ing Center: Write 95 and Write 101 Have a social security number or be
6 News December 8, 2014
Leavenworth continued aspects of culture in America just by going
from front page to a city that’s near.
Each area of the US has something dif-
Bavarian charm and Northwest hospital- ferent to offer, and that is amazing,” which
ity,” the Leavenworth web page describes. the reason that EdCC offers this experience
A little town for every age. “Christmas is to every student to bring fun, knowledge,
here, bringing good cheer to young and and the European Christmas experience.
old, meek and the bold,” Carol of the Bells “The main purpose is to bring new
lyrics. knowledge for those students that don’t
What kind of events are there? A tra- know much about different cultures,” Julie
ditional Tree Lighting ceremony. Since Wescliff, the programming coordinator of
EdCC is having this event on a Friday, ISS, said.
there will be live musical performances Students will be able to explore, eat,
of Christmas songs filling the streets from drink, and buy many European treats that
4:00-9:00 p.m., interrupted briefly at 4:30 they never had before.
p.m., for the arrival of St. Nickolas. Buckle “We are only going to provide trans-
up for a Christmas ride. portation, and then students are free to ex-
“It’s truly a Christmas experience,” plore the little town,” Wescliff. This is the
Daniel Albuquerque, an international stu- season to be jolly, and Leavenworth is the
dent, said. This event is for everyone, in- place to feel and enjoy what Christmas is
ternational students, domestic students, really supposed to be. Photo By: David Morgan-Mar
younger students, and older students. The “Students should expect to be cold, so Downtown Leavenworth, Washington’s own Bavarian town for tourists.
host, International Student Services (ISS), bring heavy coats and money to spend for
will provide transportation and at least four food and souvenirs” Wescliff said. Leaven- best wines; and for the little ones, there be glad to give this opportunity to you. The
staff for safety and for guidance if neces- worth is near a skiing region, Stevens Pass, will be multiple snow slides, so bring a event is only $18 and there will be only two
sary. so be prepared for a very cold and beautiful snow slider. Anyone, with any age can find busses, which is about 100 students. Hurry
Don’t be afraid to explore the small white Christmas. interesting events to participate, and any- up, before the sign-up sheet is filed up.
town and ask questions to any staff of ISS. Besides taking a lot of pictures from one can slide down the hill, even adults. Save the date, December 12th from
They usually offer this event every year. the beautiful Christmas lights, there are This event is provided every year and 9:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Leavenworth Vil-
Besides having the experience of ex- many opportunities to try something new anyone can sign up at the ISS building lage, “It’s beginning to look a lot like
ploring a new place, there will be oppor- at Leavenworth Village. For example, a today. It’s easy to sign up, just go to ISS Christmas everywhere you go” even more
tunity to learn from a different culture. free pepper sauces tasting that might leave building (the two houses outside the cam- in Leavenworth. Don’t miss this opportuni-
Albuquerque said, “I learned so much at your mouth numb; for older students, there pus in the parking lot area) ask for the sign- ty. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Leavenworth. It was cool to see different is a wine tasting with Washington States’ up sheet for Leavenworth trip and ISS will

Test continued from front page

of work you are planning to do,” they ad-

vise. For completing problem sets or brain-
storming possible test questions, you may
want to study with a group or at least in a
setting where others in the class are avail-
able for discussion. When you are reading
and analyzing literature or working on a re-
search paper, by contrast, you are probably
better off in a less social environment.
The most important thing to under-
stand about studying is that it is objectively
reliant on your mindset, according to Dr.
John Grohol, founder & CEO of Psych
Central. “Too many people look at study-
ing as a necessary task, not an enjoyment
or opportunity to learn. That’s fine, but
researchers have found that how you ap- Photo By: Rebecca Mullinnix
proach something matters almost as much Students studying in the library preparing for finals coming up before winter break starts at EdCC.
as what you do. Being in the right mindset • Do things that are harder or re- but not absorbing it. respect and can study with or call and ask
is important in order to study smarter.” quire more intense thought earlier in the • Make use of “dead” time right be- questions. Keep up with the workload and
This means that, as cheesy as it day. fore and after class and in breaks between seek help at the time you need it. You don’t
sounds, aim to think positively when you • Take breaks so that you stay fresh other activities. want to become paralyzed by stress or get
study, and remind yourself of your skills and don’t waste time looking at material • Get to know students whom you so far behind in the work
and abilities. Avoid catastrophic and abso-
lute thinking; don’t think about how unpre-
pared you are, think of how prepared you
can be with the allotted time. Dr. Grohol
also advises to avoid comparing yourself
with others, “because you usually just end
up feeling bad about yourself.”
The stress from finals can have a huge
psychological toll on an individual. It is
important to stay on top of studying, so you
can conquer Dead Week, as opposed to it
conquering you.
The College Board also has these
helpful tips for studying:
• Have a routine for where and
when you study.
• Decide in advance what you’ll
study, choosing reasonable and specific
goals that you can accomplish.
The Review 7
The EdCC Ethics Challenge at the Black Box Mackenzie Watson, Libby Lewis and the
By: Todd Clayton Jr one from ASA- Brian Kelly.
Editor-in-Chief After the luncheon, everyone headed
to the Black Box Theatre where the stu-
Edmonds Community College stu- dents were already at their assigned tables
dents from various academic programs waiting to begin.
recently competed in an Ethics Challenge Team 1: Paralegal - Carrie Lim, Tony
sponsored by the college an in partnership Hart, Anne Mulholland (used alternate) Al-
with the Boeing Co. ternate : Jin Chang, Crystal Edwards Neal
In the competition at the Black Box and Keith Landis.
Theatre on campus, teams of students Team 2: Accounting – Yi Fan Zhang,
discussed ethical strategies through three Sajia Salehin (used Alternate) Alternate :
rounds of live scenarios. Each team using Sara Reed, Chia-Hsuam Shih, Dan Zahl-
teamwork, communication, and critical man and Shu Su.
thinking skills were given seven minutes to Team 3: Business Management - Mi-
discuss its given scenario and three min- chael DiGiovanni, Gabriel Ludlum. Leah
utes to present solutions. Carter, Simon Yabowerk Haile, Christian
But before the event took place there Clarete.
was a luncheon at the EdCC Café for some Team 4: BSTEC (Who were the
the judges and others to meet with other winning team of the challenge) - Deb-
Photo By: Marie Tran
members and talk. There were members bie Ryden, Mika C. Rozenberg, Maria L.
The winning team of the EdCC Ethics Challenge Team #4: BSTEC - Debbie Ryden, Mika C.
from EdCC, Boeing and the Automotive Smith, Herman Velasco, Marcus Martinez.
Rozenberg, Maria L. Smith, Herman Velasco, Marcus Martinez.
Service Association. The Guest from Team 5 was from Hospitality - Ben-
EdCC - Jean Hernandez, Gail Miulli, jamin Kong, Tyler Long, Nancy Travis, waiting for a response from the teams and response from every one that attended, so it
Susan Loreen, Andy Williams, Ann Paul- Chris Dresnek and Leandra Dicken (alter- then from the judges. seems that EdCC has a hit on their hands to
son, Sophia Ju, Dan White, Marie Tran, nate in place of Abulla Abdirazag). Mark Matthews a student was willing do this every fall, and maybe the students
Robert Allen, Jennifer Matthews, Marisa Once everything was ready, the house to stop and talk “Yes this was really ener- will see the journalism department par-
Pierce, Todd Clayton, Lynne Rigoroso, was packed with students standing and getic, at first I was just here to get extra ticipate in it next year. The fun perk that
Ulyana Pyzo. waiting to watch these five teams answer credit from my class, but I did have a good the teams get afterwards is a group tour
The guest from Boeing - Charles ethical situations and to find out how ethi- time, I might think about trying to partici- through Boeing. So that is exciting and fun
Ruthford, Jane Ruthford, Kathryn Wyatt, cal they are. The students in the audience pate in it next year.” to hang out a day at the Boeing Plant in
Max Asaf, Gerald Madsen, Adam Yanasak, seem to have a ball listening and patiently The challenge seemed to get a great Everett.

Working with Veterans struck a chord with Lin

By: Chris Szarek said, “was that Veterans go through so
Guest Writer much. Veterans who have been to war are
surrounded by life and death. They expe-
October 20th marked a turning point rience things most civilians won’t in their
for Student Veterans at Edmonds Commu- lifetime and sometimes come back with is-
nity College. After months of planning, sues such as Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI),
the Veterans Resource Center welcomed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
Teresa Lin aboard as the new Veterans and other issues such as depression, anxi-
Support Specialist and Counselor. Teresa ety and survivor’s guilt.” Coming back
brings a wealth of experience in the mental and readjusting to relationships and civil-
health field and is committed to serving the ian life in general also poses unique prob-
needs of our diverse veteran community. lems for service members and veterans.
Although born and raised in Wiscon- “Coming back is often a culture shock,”
sin, Teresa has strong ties to the North- Lin said, “You may have missed a lot while
west. She earned a BA in Psychology with you were gone. Society, culture and tech-
a minor in Diversity from the University nology may have changed. Things change
of Washington, Seattle Campus, in 2011. within people’s families as well. Relation- Photo By: Chris Szarek
Shortly thereafter she was accepted into Teresa Lin in front of her office at the Vet Center holding The US Flag given to the center on
ships change, and children grow up.”
the Master of Social Work Program at an- the opening of the new ocenter.
Lin has had a busy schedule set-
other UW, the University of Wisconsin, ting up a brand new program at Edmonds very welcoming. There’s lots of change Degree, Lin worked two part time jobs in-
Madison, where she earned her Master Community College’s Veterans Resource taking place and there is great support for cluding an in-patient psychiatric unit spe-
of Social Work (MSW) Degree in 2013. Center. Her first day on the job, the cen- diversity and culture.” cializing in Geriatrics and also as a Mental
While completing the second year of her ter hosted two open houses for the Boots Although not a veteran herself, Lin Health Counselor in a County Jail. With
MSW program, Teresa had her first expo- to Books and Beyond Campaign which is very supportive of veterans and would each of these positions and her internship
sure to veterans while serving as in intern raises funds and awareness for the center like to serve as a guide to help them reach at the VA Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin,
at the Veterans Administration Hospital in and programs aimed at helping student vet- their fullest potential. She has also experi- Lin gained experience with special groups
Madison, Wisconsin. While working at erans on our campus. Immediately after enced some of the same struggles student that often have unique cultures and special-
the VA Hospital, Lin developed a passion those two events, Lin began helping with veterans face. While an undergraduate ized needs. Student veterans at Edmonds
for serving the brave men and women who the planning effort for Veterans Awareness student in the University of Washington’s Community College will benefit greatly
serve our country that, along with family Day on November 5th, and the Boots to Psychology Program, Lin worked two part from Lin’s diverse experience and pas-
and friends in the region, would bring her Books and Beyond Campaign Celebration time jobs and took one class per quarter sion for helping veterans. When not at
back to the Great Northwest and Edmonds on November 10th. Attending these events for an entire year. She worked hard, per- work, Lin’s interests tend towards gravi-
Community College. helped Lin to meet many of the Veterans severed and earned her degree and moved tate strongly to artistic pursuits including
While at the VA Hospital, she met Resource Center’s supporters from across on to another UW, this time the University painting, singing and dancing. She would
people who served in combat during all of the campus and throughout the community. of Wisconsin where she also worked part- like to encourage all veterans on campus to
our nation’s conflicts dating back to World “What I like about Edmonds Community time jobs while she was in school. After stop by say hello.
War II. “What caught my attention,” Lin College,” Lin said, “is that the campus is graduating with her Master of Social Work

by Samantha Satterfield America of 2001. In addition to Waters’ into a one-acre garden and was on its way In its efforts to inspire reform in the
Columnist for Pow Wow Press success as a restaurateur, she has a solid to becoming an integral part of the school’s school lunch curriculum, the ESY has
history of activism. As a student at the curriculum and culture. joined forces with nearly 3,000 similar
Five years into the Obama presidency, University of California, Berkeley, she In the ESY’s 17-year history, it has “seed to table” garden classrooms across
we’re all familiar with the first lady’s White was active in the Free Speech Movement, expanded to include a chicken coop, a the globe -- and the message continues to
House kitchen garden and “Let’s Move!” and after opening Chez Panisse, her efforts self-sustainable irrigation system and over spread. King Middle School now draws
campaign, which addresses the American turned to organic and sustainable food. 100 varieties of seasonal produce. Sup- over 1,000 visitors annually, including
obesity epidemic and aims to put healthful In 1995, Waters founded The Edible ported by the Center for Ecoliteracy, the Charles, Prince of Wales, and the U.S. sur-
foods on school lunch tables. Let’s Move! Schoolyard, arguably the biggest societal ESY provides students with nourishment geon general.
was inspired by the activism of one Cali- game-changer of her career. After noticing and hands-on learning, both in the garden To learn more about bringing the sus-
fornian woman named Alice Waters. an unused plot of land at Berkeley’s Mar- and inside the school’s kitchen classroom. tainable food movement to your own com-
Waters is the owner of Chez Panisse, a tin Luther King, Jr. Middle School, Waters It also emphasizes the importance of hard munity, visit
Berkeley, California, restaurant famous for contacted then-principal Neil Smith to pro- work and cooperation, and supports in-
its use of local organic foods and named pose a school garden project. Just over a volvement from all members of the com- (c) 2014 PowWow Press Inc.,
“Gourmet” magazine’s Best Restaurant in year later, the empty lot was transformed munity. Dist. by King Features Synd., Inc.
8 December 8, 2014

The success of the Running Start students

by Todd M Clayton Jr
Editor in Chief
Running Start is a program and is
intended to provide students a program
option consisting of attendance at certain
institutions of higher education and the
simultaneous earning of high school and
college/university credit.
Running Start was initiated by the
Legislature as a component of the 1990
parent and student “Learning by Choice
Students in grades 11 and 12 are al-
lowed to take college courses at Washing-
ton’s community and technical colleges,
and at Central Washington University,
Eastern Washington University, Washing-
ton State University, and Northwest Indian
Running Start Students and their fam-
ilies do not pay tuition, but they do pay
college fees and buy their own books, as
well as provide their own transportation. Photo By: Todd M Clayton Jr
Students receive both high school and col- Krysta Pendelton studying with her friends, at a coffee house. Studying has become fun since being part of the Running Start Program.
lege credit for these classes and therefore the high school environment.” Pendleton sponsoring high school or school district, a much more relaxed campus that actively
accelerate their progress through the edu- commented Have not earned enough credits for a high tries to bring positivity to the lives of the
cation system. She was willing to express her feel- school diploma as of the beginning of their students. Running Start has helped me fin-
The exercise of that right is subject ings towards how good the Running Start senior year. ish my high school diploma early, begin
only to minimal eligibility and procedural System is and how students who get the The student also must be under 21 working on my general credits and have
requirements, which are spelled out, in opportunity should go for it. years of age, Complete all required paper- a leap in transferring to a university later,
state administrative rules. “My experience at Edmonds Commu- work, Take the reading, writing and math and lessen the amount of stress school has
Many students from the local high nity College has been absolutely wonder- portions of the placement test. Students previously given me. The program is ab-
schools such as Edmonds-Woodway, ful. Honestly, I don’t dread waking up for should place into English 101 on the writ- solutely phenomenal and I honestly think
Meadowdale, Mountlake Terrace come school anymore, and in fact I’ve come to ing and reading placement tests to be suc- everybody should give it a shot!”
to Edmonds Community College to study love my classes, teachers, and fellow stu- cessful in Running Start, Complete a man- Many students around Washington get
and get away from the common high dents. Everything about Running Start is datory orientation. the opportunity to enroll in the Running
school life. so much more relaxed. The teachers don’t Pendleton went on to add more about Start Program, and do better then if they
One such student Krysta Pendleton breath down my neck to complete assign- her experience “I decided on doing Run- would have stayed in high school.
who hails from Edmonds-Woodway high ments, because yeah, I’m paying to be at ning Start pretty last minute, but I’m ex- It seems that this program was a good
school had the choice of staying at the high this school and it’s my own responsibility, tremely happy for the decision I made. I idea from the start.
school and graduating with her classmates which in the end doesn’t give me as much initially wanted to join Running Start to Matthew Sullivan a parent of a student
or leaving and attending college using the stress. The workload is probably the same escape from the high school environment in the running start program “ This was a
running start program. as if I had continued at the high school, but that was pushing my grades down and good choice for my son, he seems to en-
She chose the latter. the way it’s given to me and the way my weighing me with stress. After looking up joy the college life better then he was in
“Running Start is different for a num- teachers introduce different topics make more information about it and interacting high school, it is easier to get him going in
ber of reasons. It’s honestly much better it feel as if my workload has drastically with the kind people at the Running Start the morning now. I’m glad that he agreed
and easier for me to fit into my schedule. decreased. Because I got to choose my office, I realized that this program was def- with me and did this, it will help him get
The simple reasons are that I have the free- schedule, I was able to work it around my initely made for me. It would allow me to through college a lot faster.”
dom to choose my own schedule, I can de- work schedule as well and that helped me knock out my general credits a lot quicker The Running Start Program also is a
cide how large of a break I want between immensely mentally. All in all, Running and make transfer to a university a heck drive from the high schools to help tran-
classes (or if I want no break at all), and Start has basically offered me a new start of a lot easier. The fact that I was able to sition the students that want to move onto
the campus is much larger offering more at school and it’s been the best experience finish all of my final high school credits a college life easier, while they are taking
courses that suit my wants for the major I think it could possibly be. I really wish I within one quarter was amazing enough, high school credits that work towards a
I want to pursue. Yeah, Running Start is joined the program last year.” and after learning more about the program college degree of their choice.
a lot different from high school because Even though it is a choice students I knew I’d absolutely love it.” This seems the best way for high
I encounter people of all ages around the from the different high school do have to “Of course! I would recommend Run- school juniors and seniors to become more
campus and I start and end school at dif- qualify to get into the program, and even ning Start to ANY student who is eligible responsible and be treated as adults while
ferent times. This is easier and more effi- though it sounds like it would be hard it is for the program. Running Start creates a preparing for their future.
cient for me, as I just don’t function well in not. Be considered a junior or senior by the much better environment to work in and

Sit in a different corner and think

Here are the images I see: tive store, but it’s affordable and hospita- pearance is newsworthy. How many think
On MSNBC, pictures of Renee Zell- ble enough. I drove past it one time with Cialis and sunny camera filters and happi-
weger’s old face and her new one. A com- a friend, who mentioned it -- something ness are all packaged together in real life
mercial in which a man takes an under- about his general wariness of local grocers: like some sort of blissful, all-in-one value
water selfie with his dog. On Fox News, “I went in there once, and all the apples meal?
footage of a shooting and an accompany- looked deformed.” My father-in-law once said, “If you’re
ing news banner: “Canada gunman con- I responded that they’re not deformed, bored, go sit in a different corner of the
verted to Islam.” An Instagram-esque com- they’re just normal apples, and they in fact house and look around. Sit under a table.
mercial for Cialis, featuring a middle-age remind me of the apples I used to steal Stand on your head. See how different ev-
It’s a weekday around 6 p.m. I’m at couple frolicking in the sunshine. A com- from neighbors’ trees while growing up. erything looks?”
the gym, listening to Sarah Silverman’s mercial for Wal-Mart, also shot out in the He stared at me blankly. If you think you know what you’re
“We Are Miracles” stand-up on Spotify. sun, with a bright red, picture-perfect apple “Have you never picked an apple?” I looking at, turn off the volume. If you think
I’ve already seen it on Netflix, but I like to being sliced up right there in the orchard. asked incredulously. you know what you’re hearing, turn off the
enjoy comedy specials both ways. Without It includes the slogan: “Picked by farmers. “No.” screen. If things look too familiar, go sit in
visual cues, the set sounds more vulnerable Guaranteed by us.” I can’t explain why television makes a different corner of the house.
and interesting. Maybe this sounds contrary of me me so uncomfortable, but I can say this: Alison Datko is the editorial direc-
I’m looking up at the televisions, too, (or overstated, depending on what circle I’ve eaten aesthetically perfect apples from tor and a contributor to Pow-Wow Press,
which are lined up in front of the cardio you’re in), but doesn’t this all seem ... cra- Wal-Mart, and they’re never quite as juicy a weekly news service for college-age
gear, all set to different channels. If you zy? The exact crazy is hard to explain, but as the wonky-shaped ones right from the readers. Check out the Pow-Wow Press
want, you can plug in earbuds and listen it seems like propaganda, no? tree. Facebook page or contact Ali at adatko@
to the one of your choosing. But I prefer Let me phrase it a different way: I wonder how many people think ap-
to view the screens without sound. Again, There’s a little produce store near the gym. ples are naturally flawless. I wonder how
I find that omitting one sensory element The owners sell locally grown fruits and many associate “Islam” with the word (c) 2014 PowWow Press Inc.,
changes the experience. locally butchered meats. It’s not an attrac- “gunman,” or think that a celebrity’s ap- Dist. by King Features Synd., Inc.
A&E 9
PNB says farewell to the Stowell & Sendak Nutcracker
By Dylan Welsh That’s one of the many things I wasn’t
Arts & Entertainment Editor expecting, as a first time viewer of The Nut-
cracker. As soon as I entered the seating
For the last 31 years, Pacific Northwest area, an awe-inspiring backdrop greeted
Ballet has been dazzling audiences of all me from the stage. I immediately recog-
ages with their rendition of The Nutcracker. nized Maruice Sendak’s signature art style;
The PNB’s version is particularly special, as overwhelmingly colorful, with images of all
it features a set that was designed by Artis- of the story’s characters portrayed in a way
tic Director Kent Stowell, in collaboration that was both strange and imaginative. The
with world renouned children’s author and depth of the art was incredible; the image
illustrator Maurice Sendak (of Where the seemed to stretch back for miles. I settled
Wild Things Are fame). into my seat in the middle of the first floor,
This year marks the final season of the stage right, still transfixed by the backdrop.
Stowell & Sendak Nutcracker, and I was There were many incredible back-
fortunate enough to attend one of the first grounds used over the course of the night.
performances of the season. As a opera viewer, I’m accustomed to the
It was atrociously chilly on the night use of one or two primary backdrops that
of November 30th when I entered Mc- are adjusted and manipulated as the scenes
Caw Hall, but the atmosphere immediately changed. Sendak lovinglycrafted at least
warmed me. On the first floor of the mas- four different backdrops, with each featur-
sive lobby, there stood massive replications ing incredibly elaborate images and auto-
of the Nutcracker, the Rat King, and other mation. Everything from giant automated Photo By: Pacific Northwest Ballet
various characters that many attendees rats, clocks, snow, and a ship at sea were The Pacific Northwest Ballet company’s last year for performing the Nutcracker, one of their
were posing for pictures with. All around set into motion to make one of the most more popular shows.
sat various set pieces and tables where the visually stimulating stage performances The Nutcracker runs through Decem- program, which will net you a ticket to The
staff were giving away gifts, as the sound I’ve ever witnessed. I would go as far as say- ber 28th, and I would absolutely recom- Nutcracker for as little as $5! If you are 25
of McCaw Hall’s busy café bustled in the ing that it holds a candle to Seattle Opera’s mend it, should you have the time and the or under, and plan on attending without
background. world famous sets for The Ring. funds. The ballet, which only runs for about the entire family, you have the option of
I immediately noticed that the attitude The music was performed without two hours, is extremely accessible. Any fan getting one ticket for $15, or two for $25,
of the audience at large was significantly flaw, as is to be expected when Seattle Sym- of music or the visual arts will have a great when you buy tickets for a Thursday or Fri-
different from the typical opera crowd that phony players are in the pit. The sound of time, and I’d encourage the entire fam- day evening.
fills McCaw. There were people of all ages the hall is incredibly warm and resonant, ily to come out. Tickets are typically very Between the accessibility of the perfor-
in attendance, from the youngest babies to which also contributed significantly to the pricey (many seats are upwards of $100), mance and the option to get tickets for such
their grandparents. Entire families came already festive environment. I was pleas- but PNB has plenty of offers that will help a low price, there is absolutely no reason
out to see The Nutcracker, which made antly surprised when I heard the first song mitigate that cost. For example, their group not to attend the last season of the Stowell
the hall feel much more warm and festive. that included voices; sopranos Maria Man- discount gets you 20% off each ticket if you & Sendak Nutcracker. It’s an opportunity
The house was completely full, which made nisto and Sarah Mattox gave an incredible buy for ten or more people. Anybody be- you should take advantage of, as it likely
even the movie-theater style seating feel performance that I found very moving. tween the ages of 13 and 19 can also make will not run again for a long time.
cozy. use of Seattle Center’s wonderful Teen Tix

EdCC TableTop Gamers club welcomes all comers

By Ulises Sanchez
Staff Writer
Many people, at one time or another,
have played a board game for fun or to pass
some time, the most common and popular
ones being Monopoly, Yahtzee, Checkers,
or Chess. On the EdCC campus, students
play board games too, but their games are
much more interesting, complicated, and
require a lot of cunningness.
“Will the spies open your eyes at this
time and acknowledge each other.” states
Dr. Nicholas Sibicky teacher of Digital Mu-
sic and Audio Engineering at EDCC. He is
reading off the rules to a game called The
Resistance that the TableTop Gamers enjoy
playing very much. In this game, the good
guys, called The Resistance, try to figure
out who the spies are in the group by going
on missions. The missions involve a group
of four individuals, each possessing a card,
in which they choose whether the mission
is successful or not. The spies want the mis-
sions to fail, because after certain amount
of failed missions the spies win the game. Photo By: Ulises Sanchez
After a certain amount of successful mis- members of the Tabletop Gaming Club palying a card game at one of their meetings on Fridays in Meadowdale Hall room 201
sions, The Resistance wins.
When I arrived to the TableTop Gam- enjoys playing board games. Dr. Sibicky pick up a copy? Well for now Kings Forge
Patrick Burnett a professor of Engi-
ers room, they were deep into a game of doesn’t just play games, he makes his own is sold out, and the rules and gameplay are
neering at EdCC, is a regular attendee of
Coup, which involves eliminating other games for others to play as well! all online. So if you are interested in Kings
the TableTop Gamers. The TableTop Gam-
players until you are the last one left. You King’s Forge was created by Dr. Sibicky. Forge and want to know more about it, go
ers meet at 2 p.m. in Meadowdale Hall 221
start with two cards, and each has a power The first prototype was created in late 2011 online or pay Dr. Sibicky a visit on Fridays
on Fridays.
figure on it. Depending on what it is, you and the final version was complete in Au- in Meadowdale 201.
“We open at 2 p.m. but most don’t
will have a certain power. Some can steal gust 2013. The Kickstarter campaign for “Seattle has a great gamer environ-
come till after 3 p.m.” says Professor Bur-
coins from others, others tax the large pot Kings Forge raised an impressive $80,000 ment, and I like it.” Dr. Sibicky said, “I
nett. “We are on our third year here at
and get coins, and the Assassin does assas- of funding and sold 2,500 copies. Online know lots of gamers out here I really like it.”
EdCC.” The average attending group var-
sinations. After the game, Professor Bur- the majority of reviews were positive. So Anybody can show up to the club, and all
ies from time to time, but asking around,
nett had some work to catch up on and left positive, that a second edition along with are welcome to participate. If feel your skill
it seems the average is eight. Meadowdale
for a short time, while the others played an apprentice expansion pack got a Kick- level isn’t that great, don’t worry. No one is
Hall 221’s main purpose is an Engineering
Blokus, A game in which the objective is to starter campaign and successfully raised going to ask you to leave because you don’t
classroom with a computer study area off to
put as many of your colored oddly shaped $47,527. know how to play the game. What you can
the side. The office of Professor Burnett is
pieces down. The catch is that they only “My dad had a workshop. He would expect is to have a good time, learn a new
right outside the classroom so he can keep
touch each other by the corners. ask me what I wanted to make and he exciting game and maybe meet some new
a vigil watch on his students. The amount
Dr. Sibicky is also a regular attendee would show me how to make it,” said Dr. friends. So if you have some spare time on
of board games available to play is indeed
of TableTop Gamers. “Board games are Sibicky when asked about if he had any in- a Friday and are interested in the TableTop
incredible. There is an entire bookcase of
great because of the social interaction,” spiration in making Kings Forge. How does Gamers, stop on by Meadowdale 201 and
them, to be exact. You are sure to find a
Dr. Sibicky said when asked about why he one play Kings Forge and where can you check the club out.
game that is suitable for your skill and taste.
10 A&E December 8, 2014

Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition is the most new-

comer and old school gamer-friendly version yet
By Todd Clayton Jr
Staff Writer
You might know that the long-awaited
new edition of Dungeons & Dragons 5th
edition is upon us. You might be playing it PICKS OF THE WEEK
right now, waving a pencil around, inform- “Edge of Tomorrow” (PG-13) -- Tom
ing your friends that they’re up to their nips Cruise gets ripped apart by space aliens
in orcs and should roll for initiative. and resurrected over and over again until
Maybe you’re the other kind of person he gets it right. In this unfortunate futuris-
that you’ve never played D&D, and news tic setting, a powerful alien army is spread-
that the new, 5th edition returns to the ing over Earth. Cruise plays a military
roots of the game is like telling you that officer who’s more of a spokesman than
scientists have discovered a new gender of a rifleman -- until he mouths off and gets
swan. This is the best, most exciting kind of sent to the front line. He doesn’t last long
D&D we’ve had in ten years, and that’s not in combat, but whenever he dies, he just
all. It’s never been more beginner-friendly. wakes up at the beginning of the day. Us-
Half of that’s down to the beginner box ing his Groundhog Day power, Cruise does
they’re selling, which contains a quick- a little better each time.
start rule booklet (forget any images you The whole time, I wished I was the one
might have of stacks of hardback books), with the video-game controller, and not
Photo: Todd M Clayton Jr
a set of dice, a load of pre-filled character watching somebody else play. The upside
sheets and an epic adventure that’ll fill a A game set up for playing Dungeons and Dragon 5E, characters sheets multiple dice, book
and miniatures in a scenerio set up by the game master usually called a Dungeon Master. is that the movie looks like a game worth
month of pizza-powered Sundays. You just playing. The core gimmick of the movie is
add pencils and friends. place? romance, the personalities—everything used to good effect, generating a rhythm of
You know how when movies or sit- Many agree that D&D lost its way that lets a game *transcend combat*— intense action.
coms depict D&D, people sit down and ever since 4th edition was released back that’s what keeps D&D relevant in a world “A Million Ways to Die in the West”
within 60 seconds they’re being ambushed in 2008, something I always tracked using where video games are getting better and (R) -- This Western parody shows that
by goblins, panickedly figuring out who the odd metric of how many wizard spells better, and it’s what’s on offer again with people didn’t need epic gunfights and
they are and what they’re carrying? That’s were for use outside of combat. By 4th D&D 5e. wild horse chases to die spectacularly in
what the beginner box offers. Printed on edition, D&D had become quite a focused Dungeons are lived-in places, where the Wild West, there were plenty of aw-
the back of each character sheet are in- grid-based combat game, with Wizards of every room offers players clues and cre- ful ways to die a humiliating and mundane
structions on how to level up, especially the Coast making up for ailing pen’n’paper ative solutions to get the advantage. When death. Seth McFarlane, the creator of TV’s
relevant in this version because (again, RPG sales by flogging accessories and characters level up there’s often the op- “Family Guy” and the raunchy buddy-
just like video games) the many and varied miniatures. portunity to gain non-combat powers. comedy “Ted,” wrote, directed and stars in
power trees of your character class open up A neat thing about pen and paper In the player’s handbook alone, which is this rambling spoof. An A-list cast fills in
gradually. games is that players can run them how- little more than the jumping-off for play- the township where lowbrow jokes blow
Only once you’ve been playing for ever they want, the rules are always going ers (with a more lateral exploration of around like tumbleweed -- Charlize Ther-
two evenings will you be asked whether to steer you. the world and its rules coming in future on, Amanda Seyfreid, Neil Patrick Harris
your Rogue wants to be a Thief, Assas- While D&D originated as a more gran- sourcebooks), they find space to describe and Liam Neeson.
sin or Arcane Trickster. And if you decide ular spin-off from a miniatures game, at its sodding-Glassbowing as a hobby, craft or Like much of MacFarlane’s work, the
to pick up the Player’s Handbook for the best it’s always offered so much more. In background for your character. humor gives you a clear idea that a smart
full rules, you’ll find fantastically written the modern gaming landscape, it’s relevant You should take the plunge and start guy is writing the dumbest and grossest
charts you can roll on to help players down because of the freedom it offers players to a D&D group because it’s back to offer- jokes he can get away with. While not ev-
the unsettling path of roleplaying. think laterally, play creatively and tell sto- ing the freedom that video games can only ery joke is a winner, the movie makes up
Asking someone to pretend to be an elf ries. dream of; because not only can you talk to in volume. However, the rapid-fire raunchy
wizard was always a hard sell. Now, D&D This is what the new edition remem- the monsters, you can decide who receives humor can wear on some audiences.
suggests that your wizard loves mysteries bers with startling clarity. It’s not just that monster status. “Obvious Child” (R) -- Donna (Jenny
more than anything else and is adventuring combat’s tense and tactical, or that skill In the very first session, my group Slate) tells her embarrassingly personal
to save up funds to preserve a crumbling, and stat checks have been given pride of emptied a goblin lair by working to scare jokes in a tight stand-up club with a little
ancient library. Meanwhile the book might place. An effort’s been made to knit it all the crap out of them, defeated a bandit boss audience. She’s honest and awkward and
suggest to your thief that they’d run away together into something more ambitious. by simply going in the back entrance, talk- refreshingly funny. However, her jokes
from a fight to save their own skin, but This is still relevant even if you don’t care ed their way around paying for the inn and about her relationship finally push her boy-
they hate that about themselves and would about roleplaying and view D&D as a plat- they’re already talking about simply giv- friend to dump her, triggering a downward
never admit it. form for fantasy adventures. ing the quest-giving town mayor’s job to swing for Donna. In a subsequent one-night
So this edition of D&D leaves your Think about everything incredible that somebody else. As heroes, they are free to stand, Donna and her partner are both too
table and floats up into your imagination happens between the fights in Lords of the decide what saving the world means, and drunk to figure out a condom. Later, when
with the speed and grace of a VTOL air- Rings, or even Arnold Schwarzenegger’s how to go about it. If you haven’t experi- Donna realizes she’s pregnant, the all too
craft. The question remains, though: why Conan. The speeches, the confrontations, enced that, you should. sweet-as-pie guy from her one-night stand
is this something you’d want in the first the burglaries, the agonizing decisions, the starts to court her. This is the first starring
role for Slate, who had a short stint on
“Saturday Night Live,” and she shows an
astounding talent for balancing the heavy
with the light.
“The Grand Seduction” (PG-13) --
Don’t expect rays of white-hot seduction
to emanate from your screen as Brendan
Gleeson turns up the charm in this small-
town dramedy. In an itty-bitty fishing vil-
lage in a far-flung piece of coastal Canada,
fishing is restricted and the townspeople
have set their hopes on a oil company set-
ting up a new factory. Trouble is, the com-
pany won’t build unless the town has at
least one doctor in its population, and the
town has none. Gleeson plays the town’s
acting mayor, tasked with wooing a visit-
ing young doctor (Taylor Kitcsh) into tak-
ing up residence.
“Vikings Season 2”
“American Horror Story: Season 3 --
“Psych: The Complete Series
“The Following: Season 2”
“Adventure Time: The Complete
Photo: Todd M Clayton Jr Fourth Season”
A typical gaming group meeting regularly to play D&D, or one of the many other roleplaying games that are on the market. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.
Celebrity News 11
Meet Sofia Talvik – A beautiful and Talented Swedish Singer
By: Todd M Clayton Jr minds of all who would hear the words mer months in Florida in 2009.
Editor-in-Chief when set to Sofia’s gentle, melodic acous- Talvik toured the US several times
tic guitar and minimalist back up of cellos, from her first success at the Lollapalooza
Sofia Talvik is the next rising star from double bass and soft percussion. festival in 2008 and has been invited to
Sweden. She has emerged like a lady of the Talvik’s debut album Blue Moon was officially showcase at SxSW 3 years as
forest, bringing a new interesting side to released in 2005 to much critical acclaim well as to The Folk Alliance International
folk music. She’s playing a unique blend followed by Street of Dreams in 2007 Conference in 2012, completed a 16 month
of folk-pop (someone said Neo-Folk). This which features a duet with indie pop icon long tour of the US promoting her 5th re-
American genre filtered through her Swed- Bernard Butler from British band Suede, lease The Owls Are Not What They Seem.
ish heritage, becomes something totally released on her then newly formed record The tour took her through 37 states and she
unique, a blend that has attracted attention label Makaki Music. Continuing a steady did over 250 concerts. She’s been noted in
from American reviewers, blogs and mu- pace of releasing albums Sofia released her media all over the US for her impeccable
sic lovers, allowing her tour the US several album “Jonestown,” named after the tragic live performances and captivating stage
times. In 2008, she became the first Swed- 1978 event in Jonestown, Gyuana, 2008, presence, and recently released her first
ish female singer to play the Lollapalooza and was the first Swedish female artist to Daytrotter session. She is now based in
festival in Chicago. play the Lollapalooza festival in Chicago, Berlin and is touring Europe. In October
Sofia Talvik was born on an island just that same year. 2013 she released her 6th album “Drivin’
off the west coast of Sweden. At the tender US indie distributer CD Baby wrote & Dreaming” LIVE an album with live re-
age of eighteen she left behind the comfort “It’s not often that an album takes your cordings from her U.S tour.
of home for the bright lights and lonely breath away, and I hate to sound hyperbol- Talvik enjoys coming to America and
nights of Stockholm where every experi- ic, but “Florida” actually has several “Oh playing in front of audiences of all ages,
ence, good and bad, would soon take the my god!” moments of sheer beauty.” about she has also been invited to a few Son’s of
form of a beautiful, funny or heartbreak- Sofia Talvik’s 2010 release “Florida”, and Norway functions to perform during their
Photo By Doug Sanders:
ing story destined to capture the hearts and album inspired by spending a few hot sum- Yule Fest meetings. Sofia Talvik posing with her guitar and on a
porcelian horse for one of her cover.

EdCC music student to release debut EP in December

the making?
By: Dylan Welsh
Kathleen Parrish: About a year ago I
A&E Editor
won a scholarship for free recording time.
Kathleen Parrish, a local singer, song- I was living in Boston at the time and the
writer, EdCC student, and long-time Ed- studio was here in Seattle so when I moved
monds resident, will be releasing her debut back to the west coast and my current band
EP on December 19th. and I had been playing together for a while
Parrish has been singing and writing we decided it was a good time to put out
songs for the majority of her life, and has the EP.
put a band together over the last year in TR: You mention online that the EP is
order to perform the plethora of original a four-part story, with each track being one
music that she’s compiled. A prolific writer part. Could you tell me about that?
(she makes her living as a music journal- KP: Veins encompasses very specific
ist), she showed me the pages upon pages time periods in my life, or the lives of those
upon pages of documents she has on her I was observing. The album starts in the
computer, containing literally thousands of darkest part of the mind, moving through
lyrics for songs that are at various stages of stories of recollection, acceptance and
development. change. When I first decided to approach it
Parrish’s first official release, an EP this way, I was a little timid as the majority
titled Veins, was complied as an autobio- of lyrical content is quite dark. However, I
graphical four part story that encompasses decided it was very important to me to tell
many of the darkest experiences and ob- a piece of a story with each song and found
servances in her life. The songs are lyrically it fitting for the darkness to find light at the
driven, with even the more upbeat songs end of the tunnel.
conveying a strong sense of melancholy TR: Was that intentional when you
Photo By: Jeff Hunter
and self-reflection. The EP was recorded wrote the songs? Or did it come about or- Kathleen Parrish is posing for photographer Jeff hunter for one of her publicity shoots.
at a tiny studio called Castle Bitterlake in ganically? preted as one story when presented as they a huge perfectionist in a lot of aspects of my
Seattle, which brings a sense of intimacy to KP: Very organically. The songs on are on the album. life, music especially, so the lack of time we
the music. the album were all written over the course TR: What was the most difficult part of had was a bit overwhelming to me but in
I recently had the chance to speak with of multiple years, the earliest being ‘Red the process for you? the end it all worked out.
Parrish about her new EP, her music on the Fleece Jacket’ which I wrote when I was KP: Time was certainly the biggest TR: What was the most enjoyable part
whole, and her experience as an EdCC stu- 14. I was going through lyrics a while back constraint in terms of the recording pro- of the process for you?
dent: and felt even though when they stand on cess. Thankfully, I have an incredibly tal- KP: The first song on the album, ‘Hard
Triton Review: Veins will be your first their own they are very different stories, the ented backing band because we were able
official release; how long has this been in songs intertwine nicely and can be inter- to record the entire record in 12 hours. I am Music page 13

Gillian Anderson on the next season Hannibal acter to series regular. He also teased that watched seasons one and two several Dennis O’Hare, whom I loved on “True
when the show returns in 2015, it will be times, and have bought the DVDs for both Blood,” will guest-star on one episode.
one year after Hannibal and Bedelia jetted seasons. Can you please tell me when ***
off to Europe (after the bloodbath that he season three will return? -- John F., Palm Q: Will “Cougar Town” be back for
caused at his house), and that the show will Springs, Calif. another season? -- Carly T., via email
feel like “a pilot for a new series starring A: “Banshee” will return for a new A: The Cul-de-Sac Crew will return to
Mads Mikkelsen and Gillian Anderson.” season in early 2015. The series -- which is TBS for its sixth and final season in early
Bryan Fuller told “The executive-produced by one of my favorite 2015. SPOILER ALERT: Brian Van Holt,
cast and crew of ‘Hannibal’ are positively authors, Jonathan Tropper, and one of my who plays the hilariously dim-witted Bob-
giddy to be welcoming Gillian to season favorite screenwriters, Alan Ball -- centers by Cobb, will be leaving the series early,
three as a series regular. A striking presence on Lucas Hood, an ex-con and master thief with his final appearance in the season-six
Q: I know it won’t start back up until on stage and screen, she brings wit, grace who tracks down Carrie Hopewell, his for- opener.
next year, but can you give me any scoop and intelligence to every role she embod- mer lover and partner in crime, who is now ***
about “Hannibal”? -- Linda F., Galveston, ies. Screenwriting is so much easier when the wife of the Banshee, Pa., prosecutor. Q: I was happy to read in your column
Texas you’re inspired by a great actor, and Gil- Lucas becomes Banshee’s sheriff and con- that “Beauty and the Beast” would be re-
A: As we saw in the season-two finale, lian has filled the ‘Hannibal’ writers room tinues his criminal activities, even though turning, but I haven’t seen it on the CW’s
Gillian Anderson’s character, Dr. Bedelia with wonderful inspiration. I can’t wait for he’s being hunted by the criminals he be- fall schedule. -- Tina R., via email
du Maurier, was more than just Hannibal audiences to see her make a bigger meal trayed years earlier. A: The cop drama/romance/fantasy
Lector’s psychologist -- she’s his getaway out of ‘the Cannibal’ than ever before.” A bit of a spoiler for you: Jonathan series will return for a third season as a
buddy (possibly lover?). Executive pro- *** Tropper revealed that while Proctor still midseason show, which means sometime
ducer Bryan Fuller confirmed that Gillian Q: “Banshee” is my all-time favor- will be an important nemesis for Lucas, in early to spring 2015.
has been bumped up from a recurring char- ite TV series that airs on Cinemax. I’ve Chayton will be back in a big way. Also, (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.
12 December 8, 2014

The Winners of the 2014 F


“Ferris Wheel” e
1st Place Winner for the 2014 Fall Quarter Photo Contest
Antonio Car

Three photos will be

selected to appear in our
March issue of the paper.
Themes of the pho-
tos should be of Winter
and Holidays, around the
EdCC campus or Lyn-
nwood / Edmonds City.
Please include a written
caption that describes the

Send submissions to
describe the photo.
Photo definition needs to
be 300 ppi or higher.

Photo Contest
February 26 2015
“Calm Path”
2nd Place Winner for the 2014 Fall Quarter Photo Contest
Mohammad Motaileq
The Review 13

Fall Quarter photo contest

Honorable mentions

Haseeb Farooq

d Place Winner for the 2014 Fall Quarter Photo
Submitted without name

The Triton Review is

excited to announce the “Untitled”
2015 Winter Quarter Submitted without name
Photo contest.

Music continued from page 11 releases at this point? intended to be. It is incredibly difficult to see the possibil-
KP: I have a huge archive of music I’ve TR: Balancing a career as a solo artist ity of health when you are dealing with
e to Breathe,’ was one of the more difficult written over 7 years ago up until now that and a journalist with school must be pretty self destructive behavior. I spent about a
I have been sifting through and deciding difficult. What’s your secret? decade of my life having the constant in-
r songs to track due to the setting we record-
when it’d be appropriate to release each KP: (laughs) I don’t sleep much. I sup- ner debate of if my voice or eating disorder
ed in. I think I had let the stress of time get
to me because we were nearing the final one. I would love to release a full-length pose I just take each task as they come. was more important. This is something not
- hours and hadn’t finished recording when album sometime next year. TR: How long have you been involved many people will understand, but for those
r I really began to think about the song and TR: What would you do differently with the EdCC music department? listeners who are struggling with a similar
e where I am now compared to the time peri- next time around? KP: I left high school early and started situation, I hope that they know that they
KP: With Veins, I made do with the as a college freshman at Edmonds in 2011. are not alone. I suppose the title track of my
- od it took place in. After Sarah [referring to
time I was given and am astounded at how At the time, I was taking a few music class- album, ‘Veins,’ would be the best answer as
her pianist, Sarah Mahony] and I recorded,
. we just listened while the other members well it turned out considering all the fac- es but wasn’t very involved in the program. it relates directly to this. ‘It’s a long way up
n were out and it was a very emotional and tors of the process. For the next album, I After a brief time living in Vancouver, Can- from the bottom I’ve created. I am stand-
e joyful experience. plan on spending a much longer time in the ada and Boston, MA, I started at EDCC ing tall, though I’m starting to sway. I will
TR: Do you have plans for any future studio so that the final piece is exactly as it’s again this past summer. reach the lights before they fade away. I will
TR: What is your goal when it comes not fall.’
to studying music here? TR: Would you say that you make mu-
KP: I have always played, written and sic more for yourself, or for others?
. sang but unlike many of my peers I don’t KP: I think it’s a combination. Looking
have a traditional music background apart at it as the bigger picture, I would probably
. from voice lessons. My goal is to come out say I do make it for myself. Writing is an
of the music program fully comprehending outlet, but something that happens so natu-
o what and why I am writing so I can further rally for me. There are certain songs though
my understanding and skill as a musician. that are absolutely written for others.
TR: Have your studies here helped you TR: What’s next for you? What are
with your own music in any way? your goals for the future?
KP: Absolutely. I’ve been taking pri- KP: I’m very excited to continue grow-
vate voice with Linda Kappus off and on ing as an artist and person. More immedi-
since I was 17. While the music I write is ately, my band and I will be having our EP
more contemporary than what I focus on release show on January 22nd at 8:30pm at
in school, taking classical lessons has been the Vera Project in Seattle.
key to furthering my singing in a healthy Veins will be available online via Band-
way. camp on December 19th. Physical copies
TR: You are also an advocate against will be available at Parrish’s CD Release
eating disorders and self-harm, a subject show on January 22nd at The Vera Project.
you discuss in your music. What do you For more information about Kathleen
hope that somebody struggling with that Parrish and her music, head to www.kath-
will get out of your songs?
KP: There is always the option of hope.
14 Features December 8, 2014

Popcorn and pool table may move up

By: Ivy A Raines
Opinion Editor
Fall Quarter brings on many changes –
start to a new academic year, the transition
into winter and of course the tedious time
for finals and all the studying it entails.
For many, The Triton Student Center
provides break space where one is able to
grab a bite from the nearby Brier Grill, re-
lieve some stress and enjoy free popcorn
in the Game Room, or visit the Diversity
Student Center for some last minute print-
ing before a class.
Little do many know that the Triton
Student Center, like its student occupants,
have planned making changes too.
New furniture (projected date Febru-
ary 2015) and fresh painted walls (pro-
jected date January 2015) are not the only
potential renovations the Triton Student
Center (TSC) will be seeing this academ-
ic year. ASEdCC (Edmonds Community
College’s Student Government) has been
working closely with architects to plan a
new look for the TSC to better accommo-
date student needs.
But what do these student accommo-
dations look like?
Last year’s ASEdCC Executive Board
(2013/2014) proposed to EdCC’s Presi-
dent’s Cabinet to close off the upstairs
outside patio in the TSC for more student
space while additionally proposing the Di-
versity Student Center (DSC) move into
conference rooms 231/233 as they felt the
DSC’s student demand was larger than the
space provided. What Max Chen, Admin- Photo by: Todd M Clayton Jr
istrative Liaison for ASEdCC describes as Proposals for the relocation of the Game Room upstairs and the Diversity Student Center downstairs have been proposed. You choose.
a “closet space”
The President’s Cabinet allocated a building takes. They [the students] deter-
total of $600,000 to support the move of mine the future course.”
the DSC, but suggested to Student Govern- Latimer, who oversees the Game
ment to look into moving the Game Room Room shares last year alone they had
(located downstairs Brier) upstairs for the 27,000 visits by students. Latimer also
four pool tables, four computers and free adds that there is no doubt the DSC is too
student popcorn. small and needs more room. He doubts
Chen shared that the President’s Cabi- moving the game room will have signifi-
net has additionally agreed to pay addition- cant effect on their staffing.
al costs of moving the DSC (which would Wayne Anthony, Director of the Cen-
include moving the Game Room as well) ter for Student Engagement and Lead-
if needed. ership additionally agrees that the DSC
This switch is what Student Govern- is not meeting the needs of campus and
ment is now looking into – moving the adds that there will be an expanded DSC,
DSC into the current Game Room Space period. This expansion of the DSC could
and moving the Game Room upstairs into potentially include a reflection room, tutor-
Brier 231/233. ing areas and an office space for the DSC
What will this switch look like, you manager, Diana Bustos who unfortunately
may ask? Student Government is asking could not partake in this article due to time
the same question as they are awaiting constraints.
their next meeting with their architect to “There’s ideas” clarifies Anthony as
determine how relocating the game room he shares that ASEdCC is still in the idea
would play out. generation stage, collaborating with the ar-
“You do what you can to help as many chitect to take all program needs into con-
people as possible” said Chen. “You won’t sideration.
be able to please everyone, that’s just a fact The Game Room signifies a student
of life.” recreation area and the DSC is a center
Chen additionally shared about dis- for students of all backgrounds to express
pleased students year’s back who strongly themselves – both are important. EdCC is
opposed relocating the game room, or per- dealing with limited TSC space that the
haps what they thought would be taken all campus is quickly outgrowing.
together. Student’s started a petition that Anthony describes these potential
garnered over 1,000 signatures. Chen likes renovations as a “stepping stone into the
to share this story to show the power of stu- future” as the ultimate goal would be to
dent voices. expand the student center as a whole to
“[This potential project] is one hun- encompass the growing needs of students.
dred percent student funded. This is your Anthony, like Chen, encourages un-
money,” said Chen as he encourages stu- happy students to talk to their Student
dents to share their voice. Government, “get to know the people
“This whole half a million dollar proj- that represent you, everyone has a right to
ect was started by one student three years know their student government”
ago, we’re looking for that next student,” ASEdCC are looking at promising a
Chen adds. recommendation for Triton Student Cen-
“Come to our office, talk to me, drop ter renovations to the President’s Cabinet
us an email.” before the end of Winter Quarter. Students
Lew Latimer, Assistant Director for are able to visit or seek alternative ways to
Student Engagement & Triton Student contact their Student Government in Brier
Center echoes Chen by adding “It should 252 (Center for Student Engagement and
be student driven, whatever changes this Leadership).
The Opinion
Review 15
Textbook prices on a captive market
By: Will Linares
Staff Writer

Three out of the four quarters in the

year, we begin another grind with school
and our studies.
The first day of the quarter is here and
we’re looking forward to our new classes.
Classes that will eventually get us to the
specific degree that most of us are all after.
We settle into class, the instructor in-
troduces themselves, goes over the sylla-
bus, and everything is silky smooth. Then
the moment that we all are avoiding awaits
Textbooks. Yes, I said it, the word that
most of us college students hate to hear.
Many to us, when the word is brought up,
a ton of dollar signs appear in the back of
our head. Most classes require a textbook
to pass the class which can hit our wallets
fairly hard.
Tuition prices aren’t dropping anytime
soon and the prices of textbooks aren’t ei-
ther. “According to the College Board, the
average student spends $1,200 per year on
textbooks and supplies.
By Rebecca Mullinnix
That’s as much as 39% of tuition and A couple of textbooks on a shelf at a college student store, one with a price of the cost on the book, these are usually required for
fees at a community college and 14% of the class and most if not all classes require a textbook and some can get very costly.
tuition and fees at a four year public insti-
tution.” Said Ethan Senack who writes for as I thought I did, really upset me.” said quired for my English class, but to save which is using electronic textbooks, or as
The U.S. PIRG Education Fund & the Stu- Miguel Medina, who is a current student some money, I would borrow my friends many know as open free textbooks.
dent PIRGs. here at Edmonds. For some, this can take here and there.” said Cristhian Robles, who Irene Duranczyk, a professor at the
Most of us students are having to pay a toll on some our grades. “Textbooks are is also attending school at Edmonds. Stu- University of Minnesota, uses a free online
all or a part of our tuition and sometimes not only hurting their wallets, but also their dents might not have the option of sharing textbook for her statistics class, where the
have difficulties of having to purchase grades and their academic decisions.” said someone’s book as it leaves them with the textbook is generally $180. “Students are
a textbook that’s more Samantha Zwerling, stu- possibility of not receiving the grades they very, very appreciative of being assigned a
than $100. “Between Textbooks are not dent body president at rightfully deserve. textbook that didn’t break the bank,” said
2002 and 2013, the price the University of Mary- One other occasion that can also Duranczyk.
of college textbooks rose
only hurting their land, College Park. With be relatable is where the student doesn’t at- For every winner, there is a loser, and
82%” said Herb Weis- wallets, but also their a lack of use in our text- tempt on registering for a class due to cer- if the education world decides to go this
baum, who is a writer for grades and their aca- books, some may lose tain requirements with buying a textbook. route (hopefully sooner than later), then
CNBC. the aspiration of doing Some know right off the bat that it’s not the loser of this outcome will be the pub-
There can be two
demic decisions. well in the class, leav- worth taking the class if they’re not pur- lishing companies. The profits that these
different situations that -Samantha ing you with a cold, chasing the specific textbook. “Students companies usually make will seriously de-
can backfire with or Zwerling empty wallet and a not might not be taking a course with the best crease, as well the textbook stores across
without the purchase of a so friendly grade. professor or a course that they’d really every campus in the United States.
textbook. The first one is The other situ- like to take because the materials cost so From a financial standpoint, this reeks
the most common, with ation that is very heard much.” Said Samantha Zwerling. for business, but leaves the wallets of hard-
the student purchasing a very expensive of, is where the student does not purchase From the survey that Weisbaum took working college students with a little bit of
textbook that isn’t used throughout the a textbook due to the amount of money place in, out of the 2,000 students that were cash for some delicious teriyaki.
quarter. that they would rather not lose in a text- surveyed, 48% of those students chose dif- Like I said before, hopefully this solu-
Frustration can build up very quickly book. With everything going on in their ferent classes due to the impact of pricy tion takes place in the near future because
since there was a waste of time and money financial world, some students don’t feel textbooks. I find it very wrong for students of any age
put into the book. “It was hard looking for that it’s necessary to purchase a textbook, This is an ongoing problem to not be able to pursue a degree of their
the textbook that I needed for my Biology whether it is going to affect their class or throughout the country, but fortunately choice due to financial difficulties of text-
class, especially for the right price. Know- not. there is a solution. Many schools have books and supplies.
ing later on that I didn’t use it as much “There was a small book that was re- already had a jump start to this solution,

Congress Should Vote on ISIS

statement of national will. It would com- The problem is that under the War Obama was a scold about how important it
municate to our allies our seriousness. It Powers Resolution -- a fetish of the left was for Congress to authorize military in-
would put everyone on record, making it -- Congress must authorize military action terventions. It wasn’t long ago that his ad-
harder for finger-in-the-wind members of 60 days after it is undertaken. So, unless ministration considered the 2001 and 2002
We have as close to a national consen- Congress to bail out. the administration wants to openly defy the authorizations dated and overly broad, and
sus as possible in the war against ISIS. Even more obvious is the alliance of resolution, it would still need congressio- talked of their repeal. Now, he is happy to
Polls show the public wants strong convenience between President Obama nal authorization. sidestep Congress by any legalistic parsing
measures. Practically everyone on the po- and Congress to avoid a vote (except on the It prefers, then, to argue that the war necessary.
litical spectrum says the terror group should more limited mission of arming and train- has already been authorized. It is relying Just because the president doesn’t
be destroyed, even Elizabeth Warren and ing Syrian rebels). primarily on the 2001 authorization against want to push for an authorization doesn’t
Rand Paul. President Barack Obama has So the president rummages around his those who “planned, authorized, commit- mean Congress has to stand by the side-
given a prime-time speech committing the desk drawers searching for a legal basis ted, or aided” the Sept. 11 attacks, or “har- lines. Yet that is where it is happy to be.
country to a yearslong war. for his war, while Congress mumbles and bored” those who did. This has been taken The fight against ISIS will be accompanied
And yet Congress can’t bring itself to looks at its shoes. Such are the exertions as a broad mandate to hit al-Qaida or al- by fiery denunciations of the group’s bar-
vote to authorize military action. President of the nation’s political branches as they Qaida-allied groups. Its application to ISIS barism and ringing statements of resolve.
Obama doesn’t want to ask for an autho- embark on a long fight against an enemy of is dubious, though. ISIS didn’t commit It will include everything, it seems, but a
rization, and Congress doesn’t want to be the United States. 9/11, and it is fighting al-Qaida rather than congressional vote of authorization. How
asked. Who says that no one can get along Even if it is unauthorized, the war being allied with it. pathetic.
in Washington? When it comes to evading against ISIS is not illegal. The president As backup, the administration says the
democratic accountability, the consensus is has the inherent authority as commander in 2002 authorization for the Iraq War still ap- Rich Lowry is editor of the National
broad and deep. chief to act against a threat to the United plies. This, too, is tenuous. The regime that Review.
The advantages of an authorization States, and Americans have been killed by constituted that threat is long gone.
are obvious. It would be an unmistakable ISIS. It wasn’t long ago that President (c) 2014 by King Features Synd., Inc.
Environmental Issues 17
Sustainability into the New Year: saying goodbye to Alison Pugh
By: Lia Andrews Researcher. From there, she procured $1.3
Guest Writer million in grant funds for the energy man-
agement program and helped develop new
Sustainability into the New Year: Say- programs/classes with a sustainable focus
ing Goodbye to Alison Pugh. to prepare graduates for the green econo-
After six years serving as the Energy my.
Management Director & Instructor and the As a mentor, Alison encouraged en-
Sustainability Researcher, Edmonds Com- terprising students to contribute their voice
munity College says goodbye to Alison to the sustainability scene on campus. The
Pugh. Sustainability Fee, proposed by students
A History and funded by students at .50/credit, was
In 2001, Alison Pugh started out as an born. That fund bore the Campus Commu-
Administrative Services Manager in the nity Farm, the Cultural Kitchen, the Lacta-
Executive Vice-President for Instruction’s tion room and many other projects. It also
office, managing the event and classroom bore the Green Team – student-staff hired
scheduling department and class schedule to work throughout the academic year on
data in the student information system for sustainability advocacy.
accurate submittal of data to the state as Continuing with her work in recent
well as the annual and quarterly schedule years, Alison was passionate about final-
development process for all academic divi- izing strategic goals and a sustainability
sions. plan framework, but, unfortunately, the
Recognized by her peers for her ex- grants that funded her position ended, and
traordinary performance and innovation, the college administration did not provide
she received several Bravo awards. operational dollars to continue funding the
Alison earned her MBA in Sustainable position.
Business from the Bainbridge Graduate Moving Forward
Institute in 2008. Marrying her passion for Sustainability initiatives, activities,
sustainability and her experience in man- and projects on campus will undoubtedly
aging data, she received a part-time assign- continue. The legacy Alison Pugh has left
ment to develop sustainability initiatives lives on through her colleagues, students,
for the college. projects financed by the Green Fund and
With climate change becoming a hot Edmonds Community College’s Core
topic in the community, Alison was quick Theme 5: “Edmonds Community College
to become part of the conversation. Sus- provides programs, resources, services,
tainability became part of the Edmonds and learning environments that foster inno-
Community College philosophy and fac- vation, sustainability, service, and lifelong Photo By The Green Team
ulty, administrators and students formed learning.” When talk of the green economy became big, Alison stepped up to the plate and
the Sustainability Council. However, moving forward with these brought sustainability to new heights in Edmonds Community College.
Acting as chair of the council, Alison activities and ideas will not be as easy
provided goals, objectives and targets in an without a leader in higher administration If you’re interested in getting in- As for instructors, you’re in a unique
advisory role to the college for advancing to tie everything together. volved with the sustainability movement position to introduce new worlds of thought
sustainability initiatives. What can the rest of us do now? Quite on campus, there are many opportunities like few others in a student’s life are.
Edmonds Community College made a bit, actually. available: participating in service learning You are the best resource for the many
great strides promoting these initiatives One thing all of us can do right now activities, proposing ideas directly to the fresh minds on campus and a powerful
with participation in the first Green Ed- is reshape the way we think about sustain- Green Team, or even chartering a club. advocate. Think about how sustainability
monds Festival and NW Green Jobs Expo, ability. Don’t let the excessive use of the There is still time to apply for Green relates to your curriculum, whether it is
new degrees in energy efficiency and word “green” fool you, as sustainability is Fund grants for next year for anyone with about sustaining the environment, society
habitat restoration, faculty participation in not exclusive to environmentalism - in fact, an exciting undertaking in mind. The mon- or yourself.
workshops for embedding sustainability in our fair college has its own definition of ey and the framework exist, and it needs For anyone wanting to be in the know
the curriculum. the term: “Creating lasting outcomes that you to work with it. or directly contribute their voice, the Sus-
Hosting the Partnership for Energy balance the prosperity of people and the Another unique opportunity for sus- tainability Council and Green Team staff
Technology Education (PETE) conference, planet.” Sustainability includes even more tainable-minded students will be kicking meetings are open to any member of the
and the signage of the President’s Climate broad components like economic wellness, off next quarter - the Center of Student college to attend (
Commitment in 2008. social justice, human health, biodiversity Engagement and Leadership office will be The need for sustainability is a thread
In 2009, eager to provide direct lead- and ecological integrity. Its intersections offering the chance to job shadow specific that connects all life on earth together and
ership for sustainability across the campus, are many. positions of student staff. During the first its pursuit brings deep fulfillment. All over
Alison was hired full-time to lead the En- As students, you are the lifeblood of week of winter quarter, come to Brier 252 the world people are responding to the call,
ergy Management department and work on Edmonds Community College. The deci- to fill out an application for the position both by choice and necessity. Hold your
sustainability initiatives in a grant funded sions you make on not only a collective you are interested in shadowing and you head high and join the campus in its mis-
position, becoming the college’s first En- level, but on a personal level affect the di- will be paired with that staff member for sion to become an institution not only of
ergy Management Director/Sustainability rection of the college. an hour a week. learning, but of change.
18 Sports December 8, 2014

Interview with a sports photographer

By: Jesslyn Freeman
Staff Writer
“Sports photography lets me see and
capture the energy there is from the game.”
When you look back through your
memories, every time you recollect a mo-
ment you had, the process your brain takes
to retrieve those memories actually chang-
es the memory; even the past is always
changing. A photo is a tricky way to bring
back memories clearer than our brain could
ever do. A photo really is worth a thousand
words. There must be a secret to working
with photos and capturing those picture-
perfect moments. Sam Freeman is a pho-
tographer out of Mukilteo and he is good at
capturing those moments on the field, on
the court, and in the stadium.
Jesslyn: What are you looking for
when taking sports photography?
Sam: Everything is in motion, but
I still want to capture a picture that is in
focus but more importantly a money shot.
I’m looking for the moments when a player
is making a goal, has the ball, the epic mo-
Jesslyn: What kind of camera do you
Sam: …Canon 1D mark 4, it’s about
$5000. It has a high frame per second ca-
pability. It used to be called the flagship.
For sports it’s great because it has low light
capabilities, and over 100 focal points,
Many sports are played late at night, or it’s
a dark and rainy day here in Seattle. It can
process and sensor fast enough to take 7-15
pictures per second but in focus. For sports
you almost have to have nice equipment.
Jesslyn: As a photographer, how do
you prepare? photo by : Samuel Freeman

Sam: It’s key to understand the sport I a particularly action-packed example of Freeman’s photography skills.
am going to take pictures of. If you don’t Sam: If you want to be a sports pho- Rugby and Soccer because there are Sam: You can’t get rained on….. You
know the rules or what is happening, you tographer, go take pictures all the time. no helmets in the players face and you can have to anticipate the movement of the
can’t be on the right part of the field or court Also, it’s important to remember that you see the emotion they have while they play. show rather than game plays. The more
at the right time for the perfect picture. If have to process the photos you take. For Jesslyn: What are all the sports you shows you have seen then you can antici-
you’re thinking of doing sports photogra- every game you are taking anywhere from take photos of? pate the perfect picture of the funny mo-
phy, you have to like sports. For most of 500-1000 photos per Sam: Soccer, ment or big dance number finish. A big
the game you have to be intently watching hour; less if you know Rugby, Golf, La- difference is the play with light. For the
because then you can start to anticipate your sport well. But I’m looking for the mo- crosse, basketball, most part, when you are on a field or in a
what players are going to do or how they then for the hour of ments when a player is volleyball, tennis, court, the light stays the same for the rest of
will move. Also, practice is important. You photos it takes almost swimming, wrestling, the game, and I don’t have to worry about
can’t expect to go out on your first shoot
making a goal, has the
two hours to sort, edit track, football, dance, adjusting my camera for the light after the
and have great photos. If you go see many and choose final prod- ball, the epic moment. taekwondo.. etc., basi- first few pictures. But for theater, the lights
teams, you start to memorize game pat- ucts. Although most -Sam Freeman cally any sport. on stage are always changing. I have to ad-
terns for the teams you’re seeing and you the time when I am Jesslyn: What just the settings for light for almost every
can predict picture perfect moments. But if taking photos, I am else do you take pho- scene.
you only go to one game, then you might after pictures of all the kids for teams to tos of?
be lucky with a few good snaps. But that buy, so I have many more photos to pro- Sam: Theatre, Concerts, events, senior
won’t always happen. cess. But just like anything, it takes time photos, family portraits.
Jesslyn: Any advice for future sports and practice to become good. Jesslyn: Is there anything different be-
photographers? Jesslyn: What’s your favorite sport? tween theatre and sports photography?

Seaview Gym provides many amenities for students

By: Devin Harper seys, tennis rackets and birdies for bad- ing the stadium is paid for by tuition in- Tyler Leenknecht, an instructor at
Staff Writer minton, etcetera. You can view stead of rentals. EdCC for 2 years now, currently teaches
athletics/hours.html to view the schedule De la Torre said lockers were installed P.E. 124 and 224 – Men’s Body Condi-
The Seaview Gym and Hall has ser- for the gym. in the shower rooms at a cost of $30,000, tioning. He would like more room in the
vices waiting for students of EdCC. All De la Torre said over email that gym and cameras were set up around the vicin- weight room to handle more free weights
you need to do to use them is to purchase maintenance is paid for by student Services ity to handle thefts that were taking place, and performance exercises.
an EdPass, though some students find that and Activities fees as part of tuition. so he advises you to use the lockers to pro- I asked nine students who use the
the weight room can get overcrowded. De la Torre said that the field and gym tect your belongings. weight room what they would change
Jorge de la Torre, the gym’s athletic are reserved for 300 days of the year. The Johansen, the athletic program assis- about it if they could, and seven of them
director, and Kim Johansen, the gym’s gym is used for P.E., open gym/intramural tant, said that students need to bring their also wanted the weight room to be expand-
athletic program assistant, said the gym’s teams, intercollegiate teams, and rentals in own locks to use the lockers. ed.
basketball court can be split into two side that order. Only the intercollegiate games De la Torre said the EdPass check- Kearstin Franco, pursuing an AA de-
courts, three volleyball courts, or be used have higher priority because they are point was put in place in order to keep the gree, said, “Even with just the basketball
for indoor soccer, dodgeball, or badmin- scheduled by the sports leagues. college from being held liable for accidents team, it’s really crowded in the weight
ton as well. The gym also has a ping pong De la Torre said that the gym is on a to community members such as local kids. room.”
table, and it has an aerobics room which self-sustaining budget. The gym lets orga- “The struggle is finding time for ev- Nathan Longoria, one of Leenknecht’s
is used for P.E. classes and clubs including nizations rent the facilities to help pay off eryone while making sure we have funds to students, said he likes that his teacher is an
dancing, yoga, and self-defense. the $800,000 project for the field lights, the pay off the bills,” de la Torre said concern- actual body builder. “I get the most out of
De la Torre says that the sports equip- $600-$1,000 per month for utilities, and ing the scheduling conflicts between rental my workout because the guy knows what
ment can be found in Seaview 106 next staff salaries. The gym is currently paying and student access to the gym. “We always
to the EdPass checkpoint; such as basket- off the field lights at a rate of $53,489 per encourage everyone to participate in ath-
balls, volleyballs, soccer balls, dodgeballs, year for 10 more years. letic activity: intramurals, open gym, the See Seaview -- page 19
ping pong balls, ping pong paddles, jer- De la Torre said the cost for construct- weight room, or starting a club.”
The Review 19

By: Austin Bradley statement. “We thank Percy for his efforts
Staff Writer that contributed to the Super Bowl XLVIII
The Seattle Seahawks’ season is victory and wish him well.”
sprinting to a finish with just 4 more games In the wake of Harvin’s departure just
left in the regular season. With their cur- as fans thought everything was okay, ru-
rent record sitting at 8 wins and 4 loses the mors of Marshawn Lynch leaving the team
Seahawks are now 2nd in the NFC Western surfaced.
Division. However much has happened off Marshawn Lynch, who is known for
the field as well. his affection for Skittles and is even offi-
What with the loss of Percy Harvin, the cially endorsed by the candy, has 420 rush-
news of Marshawn Lynch possibly leaving ing yards and three touchdowns, currently
the team, and lets not forget about Lynch making him 10th in the NFL. Lynch’s most
and Sherman’s most recent interviews in recent contract is in the top 6 for running
which they totally disrespected the NFL. backs.
It’s hard to turn on any sports related news But just like Harvin, the Seahawks are
program and not hear about the Seahawks! becoming fed up with Lynch.
So as the season comes to a close, where According to sources some of the rea-
do the Seahawks stand on and off the field? sons are his tendency to influence locker
The loss of Percy Harvin seemed like a room distractions, his absence from the
big hit at first but it was a result of on-field White House Super Bowl ceremony, and
performance, off-field performance and, of what is being reported as “little to no”
course, money. According to sources Har- communication between Marshawn and
vin had been a BIG problem off field and the team’s coach, Pete Carroll. Photo By: Tom Gannam
There is a lot of speculation pointing Seattle All-Pro safety Earl Thomas, trying to stop St. Louis’ Tre Mason Sunday, says Percy
from the looks of it, Seattle was very ready Harvin “was a great guy” with Seahawks.
to get rid of him. towards Lynch leaving the team in 2015.
Seattle Seahawk Michael Robinson Although he’s currently not up for trade, and the league is now proposing another NFL would not be happy with any of this.
reported that the day before Super Bowl neither Lynch nor the Seahawks expect $50,000 fine. The NFL wants Lynch to participate
XLVIII, there had been an altercation be- him to stay. Marshawn’s antics have taken The league is unsure what to do in this in the spirit of the interviews, not just do
tween Harvin and his fellow teammate their toll on the team and Lynch is not hap- situation. Many fans believe they need to them as a mandatory event (which they
Golden Tate that led to Harvin punch- py about the trade of Harvin. tread lightly. are). Lynch’s short answers could result in
ing Tate. It was also reported that Harvin Those antics have now made their way Richard Sherman and Doug Bald- more fines down the road.
had gotten in a fight with Doug Baldwin off of the field as well. In a recent inter- win came out in a press conference and So as the season comes to a close a lot
recently and refused to re-enter the game view with Lynch when asked a question slammed the NFL as a result of the fines of drama has happened off field. Perhaps
against the Cowboys. he would ignore the question and respond given to Lynch. Many are speculating that that’s why we’re not the top dogs anymore.
After the decision to cut Harvin was with “yeah” for everything asked. His last the involvement of other players in this fi- We’re certainly not the Super Bowl team
made, General Manager, John Schneider of response was “nope.” asco is not good. we saw last year.
the Seahawks had this to say: Marshawn had been fined $50,000 last Technically Lynch isn’t breaking any
“Although this was an extremely diffi- year from the NFL for consistently avoid- rules. He’s sticking around and talking
cult decision, we are constantly evaluating ing reporters. He would get out of the lock- to the media. Whether he says “yeah” or
our team and believe at this time, that this er room before the reporters could ask him “no”, Lynch is in compliance to the rules.
is in our best interest to move the team for- any questions. The fine was dropped but And with more and more players getting
ward,” Schneider said, via a team-issued now the problem is happening again. The involved, they could even join Lynch in
fine that was dropped has been reinstated giving one-word answers. Obviously the

Seaview -- from page 18

he’s talking about.” Max Minchuk, one of the college’s students

Leenknecht said he has earned several who said the weight room is too small, also
personal trainer certificates in addition to a said he wants more free weights. He uses
BS degree in health and wellness: NASM, the weight room as a last resort.
NASM-CES, NESTA, and ISSA. Dzmitry Biahanski, the gym’s intra-
Longoria, pursuing an AA degree in mural program assistant, said when asked
business and taking P.E. as an elective, said what the best part about the gym is, “I get
he wouldn’t change anything about the my adrenaline rush on, just coming out to
gym. He is able to build his own workout play, and staying active.”
routine in Leenknecht’s class, and it’s very Biahanski, a running start student pur-
individualized. suing an AS degree in computer science
Longoria, as one of the two students engineering, also said the weight room is
who did not say that the weight room is too small.
too small said, “If there’s anything I could Biahanski said intramural teams can
change, I wish it [the class] could last lon- practice anytime on the side courts during
ger like as a semester class.” open court hours. The first two weeks of
Leenknecht said the performance ex- the quarters are recruiting times for the in-
ercises he wants the weight room to sup- tramural teams, and the last two weeks of
port need new equipment for athletes; the quarters are playoff times.
such as super bands, jump platforms, jump Biahanski said go to Seaview 106
shoes, and squat/chest press chains. from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. or email intramu-
Leenknecht said there could be less to get a sign-up sheet
machines in the weight room to make more to start an intramural team, get team infor-
room for more free weights which provide mation, ask questions, or file complaints.
a more natural Range Of Motion (ROM).
20 Sports December 8, 2014

The Twelve nights Stressed out? Take Yoga

of Snarkmas By: Emily Ullerich
Staff Writer
The squeaking of tennis shoes is hard
ity stand in the way. When Megan talked
about her beginning days of yoga she said
to ignore in Megan Toney’s gym side of- how inflexible she was, but that changed
fice, but once the door is closed and all once she got into her practice and with the
focus is put on the main topic yoga, every- encouragement of her teachers. Megan is
thing else fades away. glad she never let her flexibility stand in
Toney has been teaching yoga at Ed- the way and she doesn’t want students to
monds Community College for 10 years, let that be the reason they don’t do yoga.
and with every class she teaches she feels Yoga is not just for girls, once guys
rewarded with knowing she is helping stu- start practicing yoga they are happy with
dents. This makes teaching yoga very ben- what it brings as well. Those who are fo-
eficial for Toney. cused on muscle training will be happy to
Before Toney started teaching at know that yoga finds all the muscle that
EDCC she taught at local gyms helping hides under layers of other muscle, and
students release stress and be healthy. She helps to make them just as strong as the
teaches at EDCC and Shoreline Commu- less hidden ones. Yoga is about strength
nity College, but with her busy schedule from the deepest part out, and making peo-
she no longer teaches in studios or gyms. ple strong and healthy no matter their size,
She is very happy with what she does and strength or level of knowledge in yoga.
is always encouraging students to try yoga. Toney makes sure as a teacher to provide
At the age of 18 Megan took her first multiple options for poses, to help students
yoga class. She had been taking aerobic get the most out of yoga without pushing
classes and dance classes and found much the limits too far.
enjoyment in them. She and her friends Yoga shouldn’t be a scary class or a
became curious about yoga and wanted to dreaded one, these classes are for students
try it out. So they all took a class together; to gather and focus on improving them-
for Meagan it was love at first Downward selves. It is a time to put the cell phones
Dog. and computers down, to take a break from
Since that time she had gotten into the outside world, and all of the stresses of
Photo by Rebecca Mullinnix
teaching aerobics and decided at the age of school, work and family. Yoga is a piece
The Seahawk 12 is the proud display of football fans of the Pacific Northwest. 20 she would liked to teach yoga as well. of peace in the middle of crazy daily lives,
She started her certification training with helping you get some much needed rest
By: Rebecca Mullinnix with out having to travel for a vacation.
fans” – Yoga Fit. This 200-hour yoga training took
Staff Writer Yoga classes are held every quarter
This keeps me in check from utter- Toney back and forth from Seattle and
Portland and even sometimes to Idaho, and at EDCC taught by Megan Toney and her
ing, in fan frustration, derogatory remarks
the classes gave her a wider understanding associates Elena Johnston and Michelle
Our youngest daughter climbed into about this year. I just keep yelling at Wil-
of what teaching yoga is all about. After Befus. These women are excellent teach-
our new van, the nicest vehicle we had ever son to pass it to Kearse, who has shown a
she completed the class she continued her ers who all want to help students. Class
owned. knack for snatching that ball out of the air
learning in a 500-hour training class and options can be found in the course catalog
Her first comment? between defenders.
periodically takes classes to keep her cer- in the Physical Education section.
“Either you need to paint this van or The 12 is not fair weathered.
tification up to date. For students who have already caught
we need to get some Seahawks stickers all Yet, I noticed a decline in the Hawk’s
Yoga doesn’t have to go as far as the yoga bug, there are many locally owned
over it – something that says ‘We are NOT Nest population wearing Hawk gear on
teaching in order for some good to come studios that offer classes for the perfect
Forty-Niner fans!’” Blue Friday. I’m not even sure Blue Friday
out of it. For many people all they need is study break. Check out Twist Vinyasa Yoga
Shock hit me. My mental eye con- still exists. Blue Friday extended far past
a weekly class that will get them settled for in downtown Edmonds or Bindi Yoga in
ducted a sweep of the outside of the van. the January 10, 2014 governor’s declara-
life over the next seven days. Lynnwood. Richmond Beach Yoga lo-
Realization - our new vehicle - named tion, through the summer and into the start
There are many reasons to start prac- cated in Richmond Beach is another great
Ruby007 - WAS Whiner-Niner colors and of the new season.
ticing yoga – don’t let the fear inflexibil- studio to find a much-needed break.
my new brother in law, a deep-rooted Nin- A few weeks ago, on a Friday, I trav-
er fan, was going to rub it in – elled around the University of Washington
Every. Single. Time. campus, the University District, downtown
On Thanksgiving Day this year, the Seattle and it was then I first realized some-
Seahawks played the Whi…uh, Niners. thing was wrong with the Nest.
Originally we thought we would travel I travelled to the Northgate Mall, Red
home for the holiday, joining our new in Robin and Thornton Place theatre – the
laws in a friendly family ball watching day place a frenzy of adults and families. My
- as our side screamed for Blue & Green, eye did not spy one other person dressed in
while their side screamed in agony, for Hawks’ gear.
their Crimson & Gold. WHERE IS THE 12?
Did we go? I don’t understand. I am perplexed,
No way. Because it most certainly is as I continue to wear my Kearse jersey
not “just a game.” This is war. And family proudly, while my other-half cries over his
is important. It’s best to allow 500 miles Harvin jersey.
to reside between the Hawks’ Nest and the We are from Oregon, transplanted to Photo by Tom Gannam

Seattle. There is no fair-weather here in A Childs Pose gets these students centered as they prepare for a great workout in yoga.
Niner’s Nation.
When the Hawks’ stopped running Seattle during football season. Rain, wind,
through the Niner’s naptime and Sherman sleet – in your face Niners.
stopped taunting the crimson sea, I emailed We arrive, we stay, we yell, we shake
my sister and asked if she had provided her the ground and WE ARE FANS.
husband with a box of tissues. Seattle Seahawks seating chart online
As I said, it’s best to allow 500 miles explains: “Hawks Nest is a special seating
to reside between the Hawks’ Nest and the area which attracts a specific type of fan.
Niner’s Nation. The loudest and craziest portion.”
Even though the Hawks currently re- So, here’s the Nest. Where are your
side at 2nd place of the AFC West, fans re- jerseys? Your sweatshirts? Your flags?
alize the team has struggled this season. I Fair-weathered are not fans – and
think we were sucked into the glory of the should not call themselves Hawks.
Vince Lombardi Trophy and expected the Join us. Wear your gear boldly, with
team to burst through opening day, domi- pride. Join us for the game on TV or Radio
nate from the first down and drive Seattle –
into another February win. But, please don’t talk. If you dare, I
Reality check. The fans’ silly and un- will politely ask you to SHUT UP.
educated dreams were deflated and I hear Don’t mess with Mom’s game time.
the words spit at me on Facebook after the Because it most definitely is NOT
amazing Superbowl win last season - “just a game.”
“all you Seattle fair-weather Seahawks
Event Calendars 21
Around campus and the community

Law Association Club Dec 12

First Thurs of the Month Leavenworth Christmas
4:30 - 6 p.m. 9:30 a.m. – 8p.m.
Sno 304A Leavenworth Village

Black Student Association

4-5 p.m.
MLT 204

Arts & Entertainment

EdCC Campus EdCC Clubs Edmonds Lynnwood
Join a Club! There are many on Campus
Dec 26 –Jan 1 Edmonds Artwalk Lynnwood Library Booksale
Kwanzaa Geek Culture Club Third Thursday 5 p.m. Mon.-Sun. during library hours
Fridays 1 - 3 p.m. Downtown Edmonds Lynnwood Library
Dec 16 – Dec 24 Brier 233
Hanukkah Driftwood Players If you find something
Global Volunteers Club Miracle on 34th St. of interest
Dec 25 Fridays 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Nov. 28 - Dec. 21 that is not located on
Christmas Brier 231-233 Wade James Theatre the calendar
8 - 10 p.m. Thurs -Sat please let us
Dec 22 – Dec 26 Ignite Fellowship 2 - 4 p.m. Sun know @
Winter Holiday Mondays
College Closed 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Brier 244

Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball Sports Clubs
Dec 12 Rugby Club
Dec 17
2 p.m. Fridays 1 p.m.
7 p.m.
@ Spokane Frances Anderson Field
@ South Puget Sound
Away Edmonds

Dec 12 The EdCC Soccer Club

Dec 12
3 Days Mon. & Wed 5 - 6 p.m.
7 p.m.
@ Everett Tournament Triton Soccer Field
@ Green River
Away Seaview Gym

Dec 9 Don’t see a sport that has a club?

Dec 10
2 p.m. Find an adviser and
7 p.m.
@ Tacoma CC start one, there are many
@ Yakima Valley CC
Away sports out there for you to
enjoy, maybe an
EdCC Karate Club
22 Comics & Games December 8, 2014

major action you might take regarding ca-
reer, travel or other endeavors. You’ll want
a ready reserve to help you back up those
SCORPIO (October 23 to November
21) Trying to resolve a problem in a per- 1. GAMES: What popular board game • It was 19th-century Cuban poet and
sonal relationship could be more difficult originally was called Lexiko? revolutionary Jose Marti who made the
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Cau- 2. MOVIES: Who was the female star following sage observation: “Barricades
than you’d expected. Look into the possi-
tion dominates the Sheep’s monetary as- of “Pulp Fiction”? of ideas are worth more than barricades of
bility that someone might be interfering for
pect this week. Rams and Ewes might 3. TELEVISION: In which television stones.”
his or her own reasons.
want to shear their big spending plans until sitcom did the character Reverend Jim ap- • When you think of dangerous occu-
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to
a more favorable financial picture begins to pear? pations, the jobs that immediately come to
December 21) A project you once rejected
emerge by week’s end. 4. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What mind are probably firefighter and police of-
might be more attractive because of chang-
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Thrift is the common birthstone associated with ficer. You might be surprised to learn, then,
es that you feel you can now work with.
counts both at home and at work. So you the month of February? that in New York City, the fatality rate for
The weekend is especially favorable to
might want to rethink major purchases or 5. HISTORY: Which two early Ameri- garbage collectors is twice as high as it is
family matters.
investments. Also, be wary of a so-called can cities were linked by the Natchez Trace for members of the NYPD.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to Janu-
revelation about a previous decision. route? • A pregnant goldfish is known as a
ary 19) This is a good week for the gregari-
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Both 6. MYTHOLOGY: What were the twit.
ous Goat to enjoy being with people you
household budgets and workplace ac- Hesperides? • The U.S. Open, which takes place at
care for. You might even want to show off
counts might benefit from some judicious 7. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital the end of summer every year, is one of the
those creative kitchen skills you’re so ad-
trimming of unnecessary expenses. A part- of Morocco? oldest tennis championships in the world,
ept at.
nership could lead to an unexpected chal- 8. FAMOUS QUOTATIONS: Which beginning in 1881 with a men’s singles
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February
lenge. children’s author once said, “Adults are competition. The modern competition, of
18) A colleague might think your attitude
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A pre- just obsolete children and the hell with course, now includes men’s and women’s
is patronizing or even outright insulting.
viously overlooked opportunity could re- them”? singles, men’s and women’s doubles and
True. That might be his or her problem.
emerge with a new travel-related matter. 9. AD SLOGANS: Which cosmet- mixed doubles. That’s a lot of tennis -- and
But you might want to take some reassur-
Check this out carefully to see if it’s what ics company used the advertising slogan, a lot of balls. During the two weeks of the
ing steps anyway.
you really want before you decide one way “Maybe she’s born with it”? championship, approximately 70,000 ten-
PISCES (February 19 to March 20)
or another. 10. PHOBIAS: What kind of fear is nis balls are used.
It’s a good time to jettison those old con-
LEO (July 23 to August 22) This could represented by the condition called “tha- • In 2012, at a hospital in Ireland, twin
cepts about a family matter you might have
be the start of a new career-changing phase, lassophobia”? girls set a Guinness World Record when
been holding on to. This will help make
so start marking down your many accom- Answers they were born 87 days apart -- and they
room for a new and more enlightened way
plishments for those who need to know 1. Scrabble confounded medical experts’ gloomy prog-
of dealing with it.
how much you have to offer. Good luck. 2. Uma Thurman nosis by both surviving.
BORN THIS WEEK: You like to ana-
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) 3. “Taxi” • If you make a serious study of Hun-
lyze a puzzling situation before you try to
It’s not too early for the sometimes pro- 4. Amethyst garian gypsies, you probably already know
resolve it. This makes you excel at getting
crastinating Virgo to start making those 5. Nashville, Tenn. and Natchez, Miss. that you’re a tziganologist.
things done the right way.
long-distance travel plans. The sooner you 6. Greek nymphs of the evening • The flag of Ireland and the flag of
decide where to go, when to go and how to 7. Rabat Cote d’Ivoire are nearly identical, with
(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.
go, the better. 8. Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel) vertical stripes of green, white and orange.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) 9. Maybelline There are only two minor differences: 1)
Financial matters once again figure in any 10. A fear of the sea The Irish flag has the green stripe on the

This week in History

left and the orange stripe on the right, while
(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. Cote d’Ivoire has the two colors reversed;
and 2) the Irish flag is slightly longer.
December 5, 1876 - President Ulysses of income tax evasion. Thought for the Day: “The object of
S. Grant delivered a speech of apology to December 6, 1978 - In Spain, a new war is not to die for your country but to
Congress claiming mistakes he made as constitution was approved by referendum, make the other bastard die for his.” -- Gen.
president were “errors of judgment, not providing for a constitutional monarchy George Patton
intent.” and a parliamentary form of government.
December 5, 1933 - The 18th Amend- Birthday - American poet Alfred Joyce (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.
ment (Prohibition Amendment) to the U.S. Kilmer (1886-1918) was born in New
Constitution was repealed. For nearly 14 Brunswick, New Jersey. Best known for
years, since January 29, 1920, it had out- his poem Trees, published in 1913. He was
lawed the manufacture, transportation, and killed in action during World War I near
sale of alcoholic beverages in the U.S. Ourcy, France. The U.S. Army’s Camp
December 5, 1955 - In Alabama, the Kilmer was named in his honor.
Montgomery bus boycott began in re- December 7, 43 B.C. - Cicero (Marcus
sponse to the arrest of Rosa Parks for refus- Tullius) died. He was a writer, statesman,
ing to give up her seat on a municipal bus and was considered ancient Rome’s great-
to a white man. Organized by the African est orator.
American community, the boycott lasted December 7, 1787 - Delaware became
until December 20, 1956, when a U.S. Su- the first state to adopt the new constitution
preme Court ruling integrated the public of the United States of America.
transportation system. December 7, 1941 - The U.S. Naval
Birthday - Martin van Buren (1782- base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, was attacked
1862) the 8th U.S. President was born in by nearly 200 Japanese aircraft in a raid
Kinderhook, New York. He was the first that lasted just over one hour and left near-
President who was born a citizen of the ly 3,000 Americans dead.
United States. He served from March 4, December 8, 1941 - A day after the
1837 to March 3, 1841. Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the United
December 6, 1865 - The 13th Amend- States and Britain declared war on Japan.
ment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, December 8, 1980 - Former Beatle
abolishing slavery. musician John Lennon was assassinated in
December 6, 1877 - At his laboratory New York City.
in West Orange, New Jersey, Thomas Edi- December 8, 1987 - President Ronald
son spoke the children’s verse “Mary had Reagan and Soviet Russia’s General Sec- Have story ideas?
a Little Lamb...” while demonstrating his retary Mikhail Gorbachev signed the INF - Is something going on around campus?
newly invented phonograph which utilized Treaty eliminating all intermediate-range
a revolving cylinder wrapped in tinfoil to and shorter-range nuclear missiles. Comments on
record sounds. December 9, 1941 - During World stories?
December 6, 1921 - The Irish Free War II, China issued a formal declaration - Letters to the editor are a good way to
State became an independent member of of war against Japan, Germany and Italy.
let us know what’s working and what’s not.
the British Commonwealth. December 9, 1948 - The United Na-
December 6, 1973 - Gerald Ford was tions General Assembly unanimously ap- Or want to write for us?
sworn in as vice president under Richard proved the Convention on the Prevention Drop us a line at:
Nixon following the resignation of Spiro and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
Agnew who pleaded no contest to charges It took effect on January 12, 1951
The R eview 23

Answers to
last issue puzzles
The R eview

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