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Book Review: page 5 50 style modeling: page 10 Brier Hall : page 15 Chocolate with a twist : page “A life is like a garden. Perfect

moments can be had, but not
preserved, except in memory.”
- Leonard Nimoy’s Last Tweet


The Triton Review An independent voice since 1973

Serving Edmonds Community College and the communities of Lynnwood and Edmonds

March 2, 2015 Volume 31 Issue 8

By: Brendan Kurack

Staff Writer

Conflicted, brave and angry is what

the African American men were who
fought for our country in Germany and the
rest of the world during World War II.
What many people do not know is that
the civil rights movement was triggered by
what happened to African American sol-
diers during and after the war.
There were over a million African
American troops during World War II.
At the beginning of the war most African
American units were confined as service or
engineer units rather than combat units so
that an African American wouldn’t have a
chance to become a war hero.
African American troops were also
segregated into their own units, dining halls
as well as blood banks. African American
troops that weren’t from the south and had
to go to basic in the south were succumb to
a rude awakening.
Joseph Hairston was from Philadel-
phia and said, “I had to learn the hard way”
when it comes to the way you treated white
women in the south, you couldn’t look at
them in the eyes and if you were to walk
by them on the sidewalk you had to step
off the curb.
Leon Bass recalled on his way to basic
training that he had to stand at the back of
the bus because, it was full and had to stand
photo by Rebecca Mullinnix
there for one hundred miles even though Guest panelists from right to left Ray Miller, Herbie E Martin and Aletha Tatge shared their perspective on how their military service has
there were open seats in the front and he impacted their own lives.
had just volunteered to join the army. The training was done at the Tuskegee at this time as our army was being pushed have their own freedoms back at home.
At one point there were over 260,000 Institute in Tuskegee, Alabama. The Afri- back by the German Nazis. Leon Bass, felt at that point that the,
African American troops in Europe. How- can American pilots that trained here be- If it wasn’t for the extra enforcement “country was using him.” Many felt angry
ever, less then nine percent of them were in came known as the Tuskegee Airmen. of the African American troops at this time because, they were fighting for the same
combat units. During World War II they were sent of the war there is a good chance this war rights back at home as what they were
After World War I many African out to protect the air raid bombers from en- could have been lost, if not extended for a fighting for for the United States in the war.
Americans were upset that they had been emy planes. lot longer than it was. In 1945 Leon Bass went to the con-
reject as pilots for the war, this caused In 1944 during the Battle of the Bulge However, at this time African Ameri- centration camp of Buchenwald and it
them to fight for that right which they got the U.S. Army broke segregation rules and can troops became angry and conflicted as changed him forever. He understood now
in 1939 thanks to Public Law 18 which the 761st Armed Division or the “Black they were fighting to preserve the freedom why they were fighting this war and felt a
provided an expansion of the Army Air Panthers” were put into combat. of the United States and other people in the
Corps. They were in need of black soldiers countries in Europe but, they didn’t even Breathe continue on page 6

In This Issue:
Student Voices p. 3
Campus Notes p. 4
50 Shades of the movie The value of women’s history
News p. 5-8
A&E p. 9-10 If you have seen the movie or March is Women’s History Month,
Celebrity News p. 11 not, it is hard to dispute that it and the EdCC Campus is support-
Lifestyle p. 12-13 is a success on the big screen. ing the knowledge of women in
Opinion p. 14-15 The movie ‘50 Shades of
Grey” is a must see, even if
history. who have done something Days until
Spring Break
Environmental p. 17 to remember.
Sports 18 -19 you think you’ll hate it.
Events Calendar p. 21
A&E // page 9 Campus Notes // page 4
Games & Comics p. 22-23
2 March 2, 2015
The Triton Review Staff Blog

Chief’s Notes A&E Sports Opinion

Todd M Clayton Jr Vacant Sean Bigelow Vacant
Editor-in-Chief A&E Editor Sports Editor Opinion Editor

Well it seems that this quarter is al- This Saturday, the EdCC Men’s’ and
most over , we have this issue and the next Women’s basketball teams will be com-
issue, that will be it for the winter quarter. peting against their Skagit Valley College
Next quarter there will be a few new counterparts in the Seaview gym. From
things coming, hopefully new staff mem- there, the Men’s team will head on over to
bers to fill the empty spots that we have. the NWAC Championships that are taking
We will continue with the photo con- place from March 7-10 in the Tri Cities.
test, but there is a new added contest. Since We don’t know who they will be playing
spring is a time for romance and getting to- yet, but the final game of the championship
gether, we will have a cutest couple photo will be held on Tuesday, Mar. 10th, and we
contest along with the regular contest. all hope our team will be taking part in it!
Other then that I really don’t have With these clouds and the rain in the
much more to say, except that finals will lowlands, we can finally say that there’s
coming up in two weeks. been some snow up in the mountains – at
Hope everyone has a good week and least around Stevens Pass. Though it’s
studies hard. not too much they do expect some more
Don’t forget to pick up the last issue in snowfall over the weekend and possibly
two weeks also, the winners of the Winter for Monday and Tuesday as well. While
Photo Contest will be in the paper, so come I don’t think there will be a major storm
and see if your photo was chosen. – and nobody else is predicting it either
– there will be enough snow to refresh
the slopes at Stevens pass, and the slopes
should be closer to what we expect winter-
time to actually be like. Snoqualmie, sadly,
remains closed

A Student Publication of Photographers

Edmonds Community College Rebecca Mullinnix
20000 68th Ave W. Lynnwood, WA
425.640.1315 Faculty Advisor
Rob Harrill
Todd M Clayton Jr Business Advisor
Charles Loomis
Section Editors:
Vacant - Opinion Writers: Jeremy Allegre, Jenifer Birch, Leah Carter, Keiko Deluca, Jahn Derous-
seau, Megan Jensen, Alexander Jones,
Todd M Clayton Jr- News Azaria Keys, Brendan Kurack, Bennett Norman, Andrea Perdomo, Alicia Prasad,
Parmvir Rai, Pearl Reid, Ivana Schoop,
Sean Bigelow- Sports Scott Spicer, Thomas Susnios, Danielle Taiclet, Brooke Watson, Lindsey West,
Evan Wiederspohn, Marina McDermot
Vacant - A&E

Layout & Design

Todd M Clayton Jr

Business Manager
Justin Bisacky

Copy Editor

The Triton Review is a student-written and -produced newspaper for Edmonds Community College and the surrounding community. The opinions expressed in the Triton Review
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Triton Review staff or of the college.
Mission Statement
The Triton Review is a student-run newspaper at Edmonds Community College that serves the student readership by reporting on issues and events as they relate to the campus
community and by supporting the open exchange of a diverse range of viewpoints and opinions.
The Triton Review strives to be impartial in its reporting and adheres firmly in its First Amendment rights.

Newspaper Policy
1. The Triton Review covers issues and events as they relate to the Edmonds Community College campus community and surrounding areas.
2. The Triton Review editorial staff reserves the right to comment editorially on any issues the staff finds newsworthy and important.
3. The Triton Review resists the influence of advertisers or special interest groups on the selection of news content or editorial expression.
4. The Triton Review will consider for publication signed letters to the editor or contributed opinion pieces reflecting student opinion on relevant topics, as well as those of other
on or off-campus constituents when submitted according to publication guidelines.
5. The Triton Review strives to uphold State and Federal Laws and Edmonds Community College policies, particularly the Office of Student Life Code of Ethics and the Society
of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics.

Letters to the Editor

The Triton Review welcomes letters to the editor. Letters submitted should be no more than 400 words, signed legibly, and accompanied by a phone number in order to verify
authenticity. Some letters may not be printed due to limited space, because they are similar to other letters received on the same subject, are potentially libelous, or are illegible. The
Triton Review reserves the right to edit letters.
Students Voices 3
Triton Talk Dear Triton, ...
As a student you can voice your opinion about anything you want, keep If you have a burning question or problem feel free to drop it off in the folder taped
it clean though: to our door on the second floor of Brier, room number 234; We look forward to helping
Send your voices to Todd M Clayton Jr, Editor-in-Chief, Triton Review at you in anyway possible. Dear Triton, ... is helping one student at a time.

So what are students Spring Break plans this year, and what do you plan on doing Dear Triton, lationship. We’ve been together for almost
for Spring quarter? Recently, I had a falling out with my a year, and this is the first time this sort of
best friend since middle school. Her and I thing has happened. Should I bring this up
taking Math 141, World History 148, and have been super close for such a long time, to her?
Over spring break I will mostly be work- Survey of Anthropology. and I already miss her and her family. I Thanks, Concerned Girlfriend
ing as a soccer referee and as a dietary am feeling really alone, since most of our
aide. I will also be playing a lot of soccer friends have also taken to her, and left me Hello Concerned Girlfriend,
and preparing for multiple tryouts. During For spring break I’m going to take a behind in the dust. Its really hard, and I feel Open communication in a relationship
the quarter I’ll be taking Chemistry 121, road trip with some friends to Phoenix, like I don’t really have anyone to talk to is always a key part in making it work,
English 100, and Math 151. Arizona to catch some rays. Then when anymore. but it is one of the most difficult parts to
school starts back up I’m going to be tak- Thanks, Friendless achieve.
ing African American History, PE, English I recommend making or thinking
I’m going to Florida for spring break to 100 and Eco Tourism. Losing friends is always a very hard about a list of things that are incredibly
visit my brother and his fiancé. It should situation, and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed important, things that you absolutely are
be really fun. Then next quarter I’m going and lonely, especially if the two of not willing to budge for such as distance
to be taking English 102, Math 100, and This spring break I’m gong to be you have known each other for quite some to/from family, friends, and lifestyle. From
either music 103 or digital music. working mainly but I’ll relax with some time. Just remember that there are plenty there, I would think about what areas you
friends at hookah bars and go clubbing. of people who love you! Have you tried would be willing or not willing to live in,
As for school next quarter I plan on taking reconciling with your best friend? Some- and think about what you would like to
Over the spring break I will be moving Physics and English 101; then my last class times just some breathing room and time study.
back to Eastern Washington. For spring will either be Chemistry 141 or Math 142. to think are the best remedies, followed I would give it a little bit of time,
quarter I’ll be taking online classes which by some thorough communication. If that some- times the sunshine makes people do
I don’t know which ones yet, but the excit- doesn’t seem like a plausible outcome, funky things, since most pacific northwest-
ing thing about spring quarter is that I will Over spring break I plan on going to though, take some time and let the water erners are not used to getting Vitamin D.
be graduating at the end of it. Canada with some friends break. I also settle. Friends will occur naturally, usually. If you still find the problems are con-
want to go skydiving and hopefully I can If you’re feeling especially lonesome, the tinuing over the next few weeks, I would
take a small road trip to Yellowstone Na- counseling center is always a good option bring it up gently.
I’m so excited because my birthday tional Park in Wyoming. As for spring as well. Aside from popular belief, a lot of From there, it makes it a little easier
is coming up! I plan on partying, going to quarter I know I’m going to take General people attend counseling during hardships. choosing a college. If you are entirely un-
the club, and working. Then when school Chemistry (Chem141), Pre-caluculus 2 It definitely makes it a little easier to get sure, or have any bumps along the way
starts back up I’ll be re-taking Math 90 (Math142), and the third class I still don’t through. Hope you the best, and brighter with you decision, it is also always good to
for a better grade. Aside from that I’ll be know what I want to take. days! check with the advisors, they are definitely
such a help! I wish you the best with your
Dear Triton decisions!
Recently my girlfriend has been sort Sometimes people can be caught off
12-day weather forecast of “falling off the face of the Earth”. she
always seems to be busy studying, out with
guard by this sort of conversation, and
immediately become defensive. If you do
her other friends, or just not responding to plan on talking to her about it, I would start
me. off with your feelings of distance.
I’m concerned that there is a possibil- Remember in these sorts of conversa-
ity that she may be cheating on me, or even tions to avoid the use of “you” and replace
losing interest in our relationship. it with “I feel” to convey that there is no
During this time of the year, it seems accusation that may create arguments. I
like a lot of people get Spring Fever, and I hope the best for you and your girlfriend.
am hoping that is not happening to our re-

Sorry for any inconvenience in our current issue and readers, but with the untimely
departure of three of our staff members, we had to advertise for their replacements. And
in doing so removed the police beat and the letters to the editor. These two sections should
return to normal next issue. So keep you eyes wide and look for them in upcoming issues.
Thanks Editor-in-Chief

Seeking Columnists!
Are you a conservative or a liberal
or just want to debate on a pro or con subject.

The Triton Review is currently looking for a regular conservative or

liberal columnist for this section, called “Versus.”, it is a point/counter-
point section that will cover the issues of the day from both view points.

Please contact and send a
sample of your work.
4 Campus Notes March 2, 2015

The Student store rentals and returns for textbooks

in minutes! • New Rental: $133.70 book page, and give us a shout! We look
Student Store Don’t want to come in right now? • Used Rental: $80.20! forward to seeing you soon!
That’s ok! This online tool lets you find We are your campus bookstore, and
Hi! Your college bookstore is your go- your books, choose the option that is right we want you to get the best deals around.
to resource for textbooks, a quick snack for you, and order them from the comfort We encourage you to join our mailing
and any other school supplies you need in of your own home, while avoiding that list in the store so you can be the first to
a pinch. We know the costs of textbooks huge line during the first week of class! know about flash sales, new promotions
rise every quarter, but The College Store- Just go to the online-order counter, pick up and bookstore events.
YOUR campus bookstore has a huge rental your books and go! Signing up in-store also gets you 10%
selection (over 50% of required texts!) that For example; MATH& 141 (Pre- off any non-clearance logo item of your
saves you a whole lot of money. Not only Calc): choice! We want you to be informed about
do our rentals save you money, we offer • New Book: $122.65 how we can help you,
both new and used rentals, which offer • Used Book: $92.00. Not only does the bookstore save you
huge savings! The rentals are even more affordable: money, we’re involved on campus! You
Renting is easy! Check us out online * New Rental: $79.70 can see us at home games and college
( to see if your book * Used Rental: $55.20! hosted author readings/lectures like the
is rentable. * Renting Used saves $67.45 (~ college’s upcoming Women Entrepreneurs
On our website we provide a list of 55%)! event and Earth Month speakers/readers.
books and price ranges (like those listed * A second great example; We also carry awesome spirit gear for
above) for all your classes! Just come into Biol&175 (Human Bio): games and college events, and we carry
the store with a picture ID and a credit card • New Book: $267.35 speaker’s books in-store so you can pick
(to secure your rental) and we can get you • Used Book: $200.50 Rentals up a copy before and at the event!
in, out and on your way to saving money again, save a whole bunch: See what events we’re at on our Face-

Women’s history month is celebrated on EdCC campus

male Musicians of the Punk Era by Helen
Library Reddington
March is Women’s History Month! When Everything Changed: The
The library has an excellent collection of Amazing Journey of American Women
resources documenting the achievements From 1960 to the Present by Gail Collins
and contributions of women in the United Full-Court Quest: The Girls from Fort
States in all areas of society. We have bi- Shaw Indian School, Basketball Champi-
ographies and memoirs, fiction and non- ons of the World, by Linda Peavy and Ur-
fiction about women whose lives are well- sula Smith.
documented and celebrated, such Susan B. From Out of the Shadows: Mexican
Anthony, Rosa Parks, and Eleanor Roos- Women in Twentieth-Century America, by
evelt, and women who have been left out Vicki L. Ruiz
of the spotlight but whose contributions Rachel Carson and Her Sisters: Ex-
are no less significant. traordinary Women Who Have Shaped
Here are some interesting books, eb- America’s Environment, by Robert K. Mu-
ooks and videos available through the li- sil
brary: Hands on the Freedom Plow: Personal Photo By EdCC Library
Accounts by Women in SNCC, edited by A photo of the Woman’s Suffrage movement in the early 20th century.
Books & eBooks
The Madame Curie Complex: The Faith S. Holsaert Documentary portrait of Joan Wil- tabases for articles, essays, images, and
Hidden History of Women in Science, by Films & videos: liams, a 77-year-old African-American biographical information. The databases
Julie des Jardins. Compañeras. washroom attendant, and her journey from can be accessed remote through the library
Creating Their Own Image: The His- Documentary following the 12 mem- an Oklahoma farm to the wartime factories website at
tory of African-American Women Artist, ber Mariachi Reyna de Los Angeles, the of Chicago. ticles_databases.
by Lisa E. Farrington. first all-female mariachi band in the United Not for Ourselves Alone: The Story For help finding resources, talk to a
Petticoats and Pinstripes: Portraits of States. of Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. An- librarian, in-person (3rd floor Lynnwood
Women in Wall Street’s History by Sheri Some Spirit in Me thony. Hall), on the phone (425/640-1472), or on-
J. Caplan. Documentary examining the impact The history of the women’s suf- line (
The Girls of Atomic City: The Un- of the feminist movement on the lives of frage movement in the United States told For more information on women’s
told Story of the Women Who Helped Win women who were not high-profile activ- through the friendship of Elizabeth Cady history, go to http://womenshistorymonth.
World War II by Denise Kiernan. ists. Stanton and Susan Anthony. gov.
The Lost Women of Rock Music: Fe- Where Did You Get that Woman? You can also search the library’s da-

Come see what’s new in engineering technology

Engineering nician, test technician or aircraft assembly,
you might like trying this class on for size,
New staff; new equipment; new so to speak.
class…so let’s take those in reverse or- New equipment – as we retire a couple
der… of older 3-D printers, we have also brought
New class – ETEC 100 – have you in 4 new 3-D printers, including one that
ever wanted to try making something, works with flexible materials (you should
where you get to work with 3-D printers, see the cool blue octopus we printed!)
a little welding, a little machining, a little These printers complement the long
drilling, riveting, etc.? list of other equipment we have for stu-
Well, we now have a 2 credit lab class dents to use when creating many types of
for you to do just that. First offered this things, from race cars and kayaks, to wind-
Winter quarter with 9 students enrolled, mills and smaller objects made with com-
this class will be offered in Spring quarter posite materials.
Photo by; Rebecca Mullinnix
as well – no prerequisites needed! Our newest Science Technology Engi-
All students work on the same proj- neering and Math (STEM) staff is Celine a student using one of the few 3-D printers that EdCC has on campus for use on projects
ect (fondly referred to as a “gerbil cage” Pastore, who is our STEM Student Success tors will help staff that room; for more ing marketing materials while also con-
though no animals are ever caged therein), and Retention Coordinator. info, please see ducting outreach activities.
each creating one product by the end of the Celine is working with Relationships So, who am I? I was hired as the Out- If you are interested in touring Monroe
course. in Science Education (RiSE), coordinat- reach, Recruitment and Operations Man- Hall or learning more about any of the En-
If you like hands-on, creating things, ing the new STEM advising/study area in ager for Engineering Technology (ETEC) gineering Technology programs (Materials
or fiddling around in a workshop, this SNH 126; if you are a STEM student and and Pre-Engineering, a position funded Science degree, Robotics and Electronics
might be a class for you. haven’t visited there yet, the room is open with a high-demand aerospace allocation. degree, plus some shorter certificates),
If you’ve thought about careers such from 12:30-4:30 pm Monday through Fri- I started in November and am now please email me at or call
as engineering technician, industrial tech- day; different faculty and student instruc- managing the ETEC web pages and updat- me at 425.640.1980.
News 5
“The Girl on the Train” a psychological thriller
By Megan Jensen We learn from the start that there is another
Staff Writer man in her life, and a dark past.
Anna is the person whom Rachel can-
On the first day of the year, the new not stand. She has her husband, her child,
psychological thriller, “The Girl on the her life.
Train,” by Paula Hawkins, was released. But her life doesn’t seem all it’s
Hyped to the max, this novel is said to be cracked up to be. Paranoia begins setting
the next “Gone Girl,” filled with twists, in after an incident with Rachel, and she
turns, and a supposed unreliable narrator. has to constantly fight back the ideas that
But hasn’t that become a little gimmicky? something might happen to her or her
This book is a fairly quick read, an ‘af- daughter.
ternoon’ type of read, meaning you could One day, Rachel sees Megan doing
pick it up and finish it in less than a day. something she knows can’t be right-and
Unlike “Gone Girl,” this novel has a this leads to a night that, for the rest of the
quick pace from the start, and rarely slows book, is extremely blurred.
down or speeds up. The plot is obviously We can’t seem to pick out what to be-
outlined well, and the story is told by three lieve, mostly because, from the start, we’ve
of its characters: Rachel, Megan, and Anna. been told that Rachel is not someone to be
Rachel is a black-out drunk who trusted. To me, that seems to be the starting
spends her days taking the trains to London problem.
to make her roommate believe she still has How can we try to pick and choose
a job. But she doesn’t. what is real and what isn’t real, if we know
After being cheated on, fired, and some of the things we are being told didn’t
made into a disappointment, the only thing actually happen?
she has left to hold onto is her view from At least with “Gone Girl” we can try to
the window. figure out the mystery, but with this novel,
From that view she sees her old house, we have to patiently wait until the author
now occupied by her ex-husband, his new tells us what is real and what is not. There
wife, Anna, and their baby girl-the baby aren’t clues for us to pick up on, at least not Photo by; Rebecca Mullinnix
girl Rachel could never have. clues that we could ever really see. The cover to the audio book for the book ‘The Girl on the Train’, read by Clare Corbett.
Through her window she also sees Paula Hawkins was obviously trying trating if we didn’t even have to pay atten- knowing that they would just have to sit
a couple from a house two doors down. her hand at the idea of the ‘unreliable nar- tion to the story, but we do, mostly because down and enjoy the ride, this book might
Jess and Jason-she calls them-the perfect, rator’ but did it work? The thing with these we can’t tell what is real and what isn’t. be good.
young, happy couple. They sit in their gar- types is that we shouldn’t be told from the But the story also ‘cheats’ a lot. It But a well-written thriller should have
den drinking coffee and smiling, to her, get-go that this person is not to be trusted, gives us an unreliable narrator but then something more. It should give you the
they have the life she wanted with her hus- we should have to figure it out on our own, tries to make her reliable. clues to figure out the ending, but surprise
band. or, if done well, not until the very end. The characterization seems forced, we you when you can’t figure it out, even if it
Megan is the person with the ‘perfect’ All of the clues, all of the signs should are being manipulated into hating her and was all there to begin with.
life that Rachel sees through her window, be laid out for us, but not in this story. then growing fond of her. Readers can un- This book didn’t seem to successfully
aka Jess. But not the romanticized version To the books credit, I must say that it doubtedly tell when an author tries to ma- do this.
that Rachel sees from the train. successfully tells a story from a split per- nipulate them, and it usually doesn’t spring A fun afternoon read? Sure, but a well
She, too, lost her job, and becomes spective, and it doesn’t dumb anything the best reaction. done psychological thriller? Maybe not.
increasingly wary of Scott, her husband. down. It would have been much more frus- If someone wanted to read a thriller

Edmonds Community College recognized

for culture of wellness by the American
Heart Association
LYNNWOOD, Wash.—The Ameri- ing options;
can Heart Association has named Edmonds • Promotes a wellness culture; and
Community College a Gold Fit-Friendly • Embraces at least nine criteria as
Worksite for the fourth time, for creating a outlined by the American Heart Associa-
culture of wellness in the workplace, which tion in the areas of physical activity, nutri-
puts the college among an elite group of tion, and culture.
awardees for this initiative. Pardo stated that Edmonds CC has
Edmonds CC was honored for recog- met the high standards of the American
nizing the importance of a healthy work- Heart Association to be designated as a
place and for its support of employees. Gold Status Fit-Friendly Worksite in the
“Edmonds CC employees greatly ben- areas of administration support, cafeteria
efit from working in an environment that and vending choices that are heart healthy,
promotes health/wellness and provides workout/exercise availability, educational
opportunities to reach individual wellness and informational classes and newsletters,
goals,” said Barbara Pardo, program coor- community-building, on-site self-care, in-
dinator for Edmonds CC’s LiveWell pro- process policy-making, counseling and
gram. Employee Assistance Program services in
The program assists students, employ- campus-wide efforts to create a culture of
ees, and their family members in making wellness.
voluntary behavior changes that reduce As a Gold Fit-Friendly Worksite,
health and injury risks, improve health Edmonds CC receives recognition on the
consumer skills, and enhance individual AHA’s website, and recognition by the
productivity and well-being. AHA at local events, and in communi-
Being recognized at the gold level cation material supporting the program.
means that Edmonds Community College: In addition, the college can now use the
• Offers all employees physical ac- AHA’s Fit-Friendly Worksites gold seal on
tivity support; all internal and external communications
• Provides a number of healthy eat- for recruitment purposes.
6 News March 2, 2015

The Cafe Louvre review

By: Jeremy Allegre something that might just send you back
Staff Writer there.
Sinking into the couches Cafe Lou- Haifa gets her pastries delivered every
vre and there is a couple of microphones morning from Macrina Bakery so they are
near the corner of the cafe with a couple of fresh and just melt in your mouth but there
musicians tuning their guitars and getting is something else that makes this cafe im-
ready for their performance. pressive.
The staff, smiling, makes small talk Some of their croissants are deliv-
before the orders are placed and you feel ered from France, yes you read that right,
very welcome and appreciated. The first France. The butter and almond croissants
employee I talk to just happens to be the are delivered from France making this cafe
owner, Haifa Alhssieni. She takes pride in just that more worth a visit.
her cafe who owns it with her husband. I went there for the music at night so
The music starts to play and it is very I got a sandwich that was very, very good.
subtle. Easily to talk to a person sitting The sandwich was spinach, tomato, ham,
near you but audible throughout the whole and lettuce on Ciabatta bread. The bread
place. was slightly toasted and buttered perfectly.
Every Friday night from 6-7 pm Ed- What really set this sandwich apart was the
monds Tunes puts together a live music spinach.
session in Cafe Louvre set up by Calvin Now I’m not a huge fan of spinach but
Martin who’s a local musician. Edmonds with the combination of everything in your
Tunes puts together some local artists to mouth the spinach wrapped it all together.
play there and they are usually different They have options for everyone with a new
artists each week. vegetarian aspect to their menu. Cafe Lou-
All the artists that I witnessed were all vre has all the makings for a one stop food Breathe continued from page 1 nity of people back home.
very good and easy to listen to. Each art- destination. The feelings that African American
ist takes about 15 to 20 minutes for their The cafe itself is very welcoming. The transformation within himself. veterans had during World War II trans-
set and they usually have stations for more staff is all very nice and they are genuine Once the war was over Germany be- pired into the Civil Rights Movement of
information on their music. Not all of the in what they do. Alixandra Gonzalez, an came occupied by US soldiers, this is when the late 1950s and the 1960s.
musicians have this information but they employee at Cafe Louvre, mentioned that African Americans had their “breath of Roscoe Brown, a Tuskegee Airmen
all seemed very willing to talk about their they are like a family there. “When they freedom”. said that, “Segregation denies the whole
passion, music. first introduced me, they introduced me as They were given this because, there fruits of our ability” That is true.
If you like the sound of raw music in ‘the newest addition to the family.” wasn’t any segregation in Germany, espe- They had fought, they flew their
a friendly setting then this is definitely the She went on to say that she never felt cially after the war. planes and protected the freedom of our
place for you Friday nights and it is a place as welcomed into a job as much as she did The expunging of Nazism had started. country and the freedoms of many people
for everyone. The crowd isn’t big but most at Cafe Louvre. The only downside to this There was a helplessness felt with the Ger- in the countries of Europe.
passing looked inside the window and is that if you are in a rush to get coffee it man people as a lot of them were unaware However, when they came back home
showed interest. can take a little longer than usual because of what was going on and they had felt that from the war they were confronted with the
The cafe on the other is something just for their friendliness. they had been used, just as many of the same fight that they had been fighting dur-
as good to go to. The walls are covered in The art that I mentioned on the wall is African America soldiers had felt during ing the war. Thus the Civil Rights Move-
local art created by local artists and there is all for sale and all the proceeds go straight World War II. ment had begun.
a fireplace in the very center of it all. to the artist, there is no commission taken Many of the African American sol-
There are tables outside for when from the cafe to put it up on the wall. It diers had become used to the customs of
the weather is nice and more than enough changes about every 4-6 weeks depend- post-war Germany as there was no seg-
room inside the building. There are more ing on the piece and the artist. Some of the regation, and because of the uniform that
than enough options for food and drink of- works of art are expensive but most of the they were wearing they were respected by
fered at Cafe Louvre and from what I had art is fairly priced. the people of Germany, some people might
there it was all very good. Overall this cafe is worth checking out not have liked them but they were respect-
The coffee they serve is roasted in the and I thoroughly enjoyed most everything ed and treated with dignity.
Pacific Northwest by Caffee Umbria. The it had to offer. You can check out Edmonds Unfortunately, for African American
coffee is very good, not too bitter doesn’t Tunes on Facebook and if you’re a musi- soldiers their homecoming wasn’t so much
taste burnt, and can be a little strong but cian then you can also find the scheduler of a homecoming at all.
that might be my pickiness for coffee. on there. Many of them came back to the same
There is all kinds of options for coffee as You can find Cafe Louvre on Face- segregation they had to deal with before
like any respectable cafe but the food is book for location and reviews. the war, and after being used to the living
in an unsegregated country, the civil rights

Poem the week

movement had been triggered.
Charles Evers, brother of Medgar
Evers recalled that when he was discharged
Guidebooks for the Dead About this poem and on his way home in Mississippi he sat
down on the bus and was asked to move to
Cynthia Cruz “I am currently at work on a new col- the back because, he was, “still a negro” Photo: Darwinek
lection of poems ‘on’ or ‘around’ ruins- even though he had fought in the war it “Keep us flying. Buy War Bonds.” poster of a
which, in my mind, is a photograph of the wasn’t enough to gain the respect and dig- Tuskegee Airman
Mother’s crimson leather bags end; of junk and rubble, of us with our
things. In this ‘snapshot’ is my mother,
Crammed with saint cards while she was still in Germany, still a danc-
er, before she became a woman in exile.”
And tiny glass bottles of liquor. -Cynthia Cruz

The bright stitch
About Cynthia Cruz
Of God’s final coming.
Cynthia Cruz is the author of “Wun-
derkammer” (Four Way Books, 2014). She
Dirt and dregs, silt and stars. teaches at Sarah Lawrence College and
lives in Brooklyn, N.Y.

The sweet song The Academy of American Poets is

a nonprofit, mission-driven organization,
Of poverty whose aim is to make poetry available to a
wider audience.
Rinsing through me

Like the memory (c) 2015 Cynthia Cruz. Originally pub-
lished by the Academy of American Poets,
Of a dream. Distributed by King Fea-
tures Syndicate
The Review 7
After the new year resolution phase has left
they don’t see results, they stop trying” come your dependence really makes a dif-
By: Parmvir Rai
said a personal trainer at LA Fitness. ference”.
Staff Writer
“In my experience, people who decide Whether you’re committed to losing
As February draws to a close, one- to invest in personal training have higher weight or quitting smoking in order to ob-
sixth of the year has nearly passed, and for rates of success in attaining their goals be- tain a healthier lifestyle, there is no need
many, their New Years’ Resolutions have cause there is someone there with them, to wait until the New Year to change your
fallen by the wayside. pushing them. habits.
The University of Scranton released We know what we’re doing so you’ll Individuals who are dedicated to insti-
a study showing that over 40 percent of see results that are real. I’ve found that tuting a change in their life will accomplish
Americans usually make New Year’s Res- people who are dedicated to a healthier it regardless if it’s January or July. Speak-
olutions, with approximately eight percent lifestyle will achieve it no matter what, I ing from personal experience, I started
achieving success in their endeavors. The don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions at weight lifting after I got hired at a local
most popular categories for New Year’s all. gym, around December 2014.
Resolutions include weight loss, quitting If you want to get something done, I wouldn’t call it a New Year’s Resolu-
smoking and/or drinking, and saving more just go and do it, there’s no need to wait tion, but I started to lift because I got tired
money. until a new year”. Photo by Edward of being freakishly tall with toothpicks for
“You see a lot of people coming in and “I signed right up during the first week A no to new years resolution sign, for some arms.
joining the gym in hopes of getting in bet- of January and have had some decent re- people that don’t stick to the resolution any In contrast to many resolutions, my
sults from being in the gym just a couple way. goal was to gain weight throughout my
ter shape” said the general manager of a
notable gym in Lynnwood. days a week” said Emily Olsen, a new classes that are open to all students. body, but it still requires me to be dedi-
“I’ve been in this business for a de- member at a local gym. “It can be tough to fight through crav- cated to eating right and exercising daily.
cent length of time and for the most part, a “I’m not sure what contributes more ings, especially if you are a heavy smoker. Regardless of your weight or lifestyle.
lot of people don’t stick with their program to a healthier lifestyle, but exercise and a I know I had a hard time quitting cold Those who are dedicated to improv-
and never end up meeting their goals, how- healthy diet have really helped me get in turkey, and I even a couple relapses, but ing themselves will gain success in their
ever there are always a few people who end better shape. I’ve started losing weight and eventually I was able to quit smoking com- endeavors, and will be in the eight percent
up transforming completely”. I have so much more energy now. I just feel pletely” said Nathan Kingsley, a former of Americans who follow through on their
Working in a gym myself, the new like a healthier individual”. smoker who is now at Western Washington New Year’s Resolutions.
year always brings in people and can lead Another popular New Year’s Resolu- University.
to frustration and overcrowding in the tion is quitting smoking. “I tried quitting first in December of
group aerobics classes and through the A report by the Centers for Disease 2013, but I didn’t become cigarette-free
gym overall. Control and Prevention stated that smok- until around February, so I wouldn’t nec-
As the month of January passes by and ing is the primary cause of preventable essarily consider it a full-on New Year’s
February begins, more space on the floor death and disease in the United States, with Resolution”. Kingsley said that support
opens up and there are fewer members ex- nearly seven out of 10 smokers in the US from his father, who was once a heavy
ercising during the peak hours. wanting to quit. smoker helped him overcome his addiction
“It’s sad to say it, but a lot of people Here at the college, the counseling to nicotine.
have no clue how to exercise and when center provides free smoking cessation “Having someone to help you over-

Black Box success

By: Scott Spicer recommended that the department be shut
Staff Writer down.
And that was the end of what the
The Black Box theater is a strange ad- Black Box had been... and it was time to
dition to our campus. Back in the days that move on to being something new. It was a
the college had a drama program, a theatre slow start, and the Black Box sat vacant for
seemed like a perfect addition to our cam- over a year.
pus. The school could not let the theatre sit
But what happened? Few students empty and useless, it needed to rise from
ever attend an event in the Black Box, and the proverbial ashes. Enter Jennifer Mat-
some hardly know what it is. So what hap- thews. With twenty years of experience in
pened to push our theatre into being this the theatre business, she was the perfect
peripheral part of campus? In searching candidate to make something meaningful
for this answer, I found many people who with the space.
were deeply invested in the theatre, com- “The college hired me in 2012 to do
munity, and campus. … something. That was my commission.
But there is no better place to start Do something.” Matthews said. And do
than at the beginning. The Black Box first something she did.
opened in January 2008, as a major project “In the last three years we’ve seen our
by the then-head of EDCC, Jack O’Harrah. attendance increase by almost two-thirds.”
Back then, EDCC had a drama department Matthews elaborated on the evolution of
that had intended to use the stage for pro- the theatre.
ductions. Many different groups come to use
The theatre, a fully-furnished, 200 the theatre on-campus and it can be hard
capacity stage with flexible seating, gave to tell what events are related to groups on
multiple departments a place to host pre- campus, and what events are produced by
sentations for the campus and the com- members of the community.
munity as a whole. The drama department What many people don’t realize is
staged full plays in the theater, most nota- that clubs sponsor and throw events while
bly of which was a production of Rocky sometimes being pushed into the back-
Horror Picture Show that was highly pub- ground.
licized in the Lynnwood area during 2010. “Roughly two-thirds are campus-
And then, disaster struck. The college based events” Matthews said, meaning that
announced that it would not be offering either clubs or classes initiated the event.
theatre classes from the 2011-12 school Students are also the ones who benefit
year. most from the programs and events.
The president of the school at the Many times, movies and seminars
time, Jean Hernandez, was quoted saying are held on the stage and sometimes even
“These are not easy times, and we’re try- prominent speakers are brought in to give
ing to be positive and forward-thinking,” something to our campus. All members of
when she spoke to the Everett Herald. our campus should keep a close eye on the
Among the cited reasons for scrapping the theatre and catch a show, a seminar, or
program were concerns over budget cuts even just see art by students such as Megan
and low enrollment. McDermott.
Jack O’Harrah, the very president that The theatre is a beautiful and valuable
oversaw the construction of the Black Box resource, take advantage of it!
8 News March 2, 2015

Taste of chocolate is a delight at EdCC

By: Bennet Norman
Staff Writer

This year the Center For Service-

Learning hosted their annual event of
“Chocolate with a twist, Coffee with a
conscience” or as many students joyously
called it; Chocolate Day.
This year there were eight booths in the
lobby of Brier Hall showcasing a wealth of
knowledge about chocolate, coffee, some
great upcoming service-learning events on
campus, and even some information about
the ongoing RecycleMania competition the
Green Team is a part of.
Some of the booths hosted informa-
tion from groups on campus, while oth-
ers were booths from guests related to the
event. Some of the on guests from on cam-
pus included the Study Abroad information
table with information on how you can
spend a quarter in places like Costa Rica
and Australia.
Information on the upcoming events
from the Health and Wellness center. From
off campus there was a Nutrition major
who was studying at Seattle Pacific Uni-
versity who gave attendees of the event
a chance to learn about all the ways that
chocolate can actually be a nutritious thing
Photo by Rebecca Mullinnix
to eat, rather than a comfort food, best
served with a pint of ice cream. Many students attended the Chocolate fair that was held in Brier Lobby, it was a huge success, there were many different kinds of chocolate
The obvious highlight of the event and coffe too.
was that the was a large amount and vast Leadership (CSEL) office in Brier Hall. information about the college and events love. But a little chocolate now and then
variety of treats to choose from after you The Center for Service-Learning is happening locally, makes chocolate day doesn’t hurt”.
walked around the event and learned all located in the CSEL office on the second one of the most popular events here on Check out the calendar to see what
that you could ever want to know about floor of Brier hall, and frequently hosts campus each year. other activities are happening in the Brier
chocolate and coffee. events that qualify to take count for the Another year, another successful Lobby for the quarter and for Spring quar-
After listening to the different vendors Service-Learning hours needed by many chocolate day celebration, and it was just ter.
and information tables, students were re- classes here at Edmonds Community Col- like Charles Shultz said “All you need is
quired to fill out a brief survey of how they lege.
thought the event was handled, set up and There are a events each week, and
whether or not they found the information there is often a need for more volunteers
fun and not a dull lecture. at some of the bigger events that take place
After filling out a quick and painless here on campus.
survey you had access to the bountiful re- One of the volunteers for the Choco-
wards of your chocolate adventure, three late Day celebrations was Kendra Lacoste.
full tables full of different kinds of choc- Kendra is attending classes here at Ed-
olates and cookies and cake, topped off monds Community college before she
with a free cup of coffee given out by Cafe transfers to a currently undecided four year
Ladro, a local sustainable cafe from here in university.
the Pacific NorthWest. Kendra is just beginning her time at
All of the chocolate came from Theo’s Edmonds Community College and said
Chocolate, from their factory down in that “the event was a nice welcome to the
Freemont. college” and “that it was nice to see that so
Taylor, a running start student here at many students are interested in helping at
Edmonds Community college, stated that events and want to be a part of what is hap-
“this was one of the first events that she pening on campus”.
had attended here on campus, and it was Many of the other volunteers and
cool to see that students were willing to of- vendors agreed with her view on the event
fer their time to help put on events for other and were also impressed with the over 150
students”. students who found themselves waiting
Any student wanting to volunteer at for a sample of one of the many treats that
future events was welcomed to check the awaited them at the event.
Service-Learning website at the Edmonds Over 16 types of chocolate were avail-
Community College homepage, or to stop able to sample at the event and with all
by the Center for Student Engagement and these treats and the bountiful amounts of

Photo by Rebecca Mullinnix

some of the different kinds of chocolate that was served at the Chocalte with a twist event.
A&E 9
‘50 Shades of Grey’ proves to be a sensual success
By Lindsey West
Staff Writer

On Valentine’s Day, was the perfect

time to release the “Fifty Shades of Grey,”
Women all around the world have
been eagerly waiting to see this erotic phe-
nomenon about a young women that falls
in love with a troubled young billionaire
who likes to be dominant/submissive rela-
tionship only if he can accompany it with
quite formal, stylized corporal punish-
It has been a couple of weeks now,
and Fifty Shades of Grey is still being
talked about.
I have heard good and bad reviews
concerning this movie, so I decided to go
see this movie for myself and see what all
the fuss is about and to be honest the mov-
ie was not so great.
I wasn’t the only one that thought so.
“I thought the actors were very stiff, like
cardboard. There wasn’t a lot of chemistry
between the casts. The script could have
been good, but the movie just didn’t flow
right.” Parmvir Rai.
The chemistry between Jamie Dornan
as billionaire Christian Grey and Dakota
Photo: courtesy of Universal Studios
Johnson as the inquisitive college student
Anastasia Steele was horrible. Things get steamy in the elevator with Anastasia and Christian in the movie adaptation of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ from Universal Studios.
An article from USA Today wrote, onstrating Christian values.” People of different prospective and first four days in theaters, the movie raked
“Dornan spends most of his time frowning Countless of women believe that Fifty values on what they do and see. So of in $94.4 million in the U.S., plus $172 mil-
while Johnson stares vacantly and bites her Shades romanticizes sexual violence, im- course there is going to be a lot of ex- lion more internationally.
lip. Clearly, she went to the Kristen Stew- plying that women seek to be controlled. change about the movie. According to Box Office Mojo, about
art School of Acting.” What goes on between consenting If there wasn’t then the author and the 32 percent of moviegoers were men.” Even
But not everyone though it was a bad adults on equal footing is one thing, but the director of the movie aren’t doing their though, the movie didn’t get the best rat-
movie, according to Q13Fox, “Russell power imbalance here is striking, especial- jobs. ings, people all around the world loved the
Wilson also got some unwanted attention ly given that a middle-aged woman wrote “The movie is a form of the people to books and we all know that when and if
after seeing the movie. Fifty Shades and its two sequels. express your ideas. Then I would watch the the second trilogy comes out people will
The Seattle Seahawks quarterback “I believe that this movie represent- movie “Fifty shades of grey”. Why not? be lining up waiting to get the best seat in
tweeted “great movie,” after the show. ing society negatively because it’s show- No prejudice.” By James Alben the house.
Many of his Twitter followers responded ing that women once again are being over Fifty Shades of Grey was the fastest-
with displeasure. Some said that the movie powered and ruled by men.” Said Sarah selling novel of all time. According to The
is immoral and that Wilson was not dem- Anderson a student from EDCC. Washington Post, “ Over the course of it’s

Photo courtesy Universal Studios

Movie poster for Fifty Shades of Grey with the two stars Dakota Johnson as Anastasia Steele
and Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey.
10 A&E March 2, 2015

50’s modeling making a comeback

By Todd Clayton Jr

Modeling is a subject that seems to be

on a lot of peoples minds at this point in
With the news of a plus size model PICKS OF THE WEEK
gracing the pages of the ‘Sports Illustrat- “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible,
ed Swimsuit Issue, to stores adding retro No Good, Very Bad Day” (PG) -- Based
clothing to the new clothing line up. on the beloved kids book, this family-
But there is a new craze in modeling film adaptation gives us a likable account
that more or less came from the fans of of unfortunate events in the lives of an
Victorian and Steampunk genre, and that is 11-year-old and his (briefly) family. Alex
the 40’s and 50’s pin up model. (Ed Oxenbould) is the victim of escalat-
It has been gaining in popularity since ing misfortunes, from gum in his hair to
the return of the classic style Berlesque sharing a birthday with an infinitely more
modeling and models such as Dita Von popular kid. Once Alex has his bad day, he
Teese, Sabrina Kelly and Maryam Maquil- wishes his parents (Steve Carell and Jen-
lage. nifer Garner) and siblings could feel what
Becoming a pin up model is not a it’s like -- and they soon do.
stigma for models as it was in the past. Disney delivers a satisfactory update
Many regular and super models do the of the original story, without pushing any
pin up photos on the side of their regular boundaries. Alex, for instance, has to face
modeling careers, or even quit doing regu- the new-age humiliation of seeing his face
lar modeling and stay with the pin up style photoshopped into a mocking image. Ul-
modeling. timately, we get a few chuckles while
People right from high school and learning an important lesson -- good luck
early college are getting in to the pin up swings both ways.
and 50’s style modeling and learning what “Nightcrawler” (R) -- Jake Gylenhaal
it takes to do 40’s and 50’s clothing. plays a ruthless amateur clawing his way to
Getting into the pin up modeling is the top of the local news game. Lou Bloom
not hard as it once was, either with the ad- (Gylenhaal) is an ever-smiling, self-taught,
vancement of technology and social me- ambitious and amoral kind of “reporter”
dia. Any one with a good sense of camera -- his bread and butter come from filming
operations and a person wanting to do the blood, car wrecks and other types of may-
modeling can do it. hem. He’s energetic, yet dead behind the
Why the 40’s and 50’s for pin up eyes. On his way to the top, Bloom winds
modeling, well that is a good question and up at the center of one of his own gruesome
many people have different answers to the stories.
question. The force of the film comes from Jake
Sarah Cook “ Ah, modern pinup mod- Gyllenhaal’s performance as a charming
els; that curious throwback to the times sociopath. On one hand, you can’t stop
when even a tiny bit of female skin could watching him, while on the other hand, you
set a persons heart racing. As the field of really believe this guy would chop up his
pinup models regains popularity, we can’t photo courtesy of Cupcake Photography grandma if somebody would pay for the
help but reflect on how much has changed Polly posing in front of her house, showing that she loves being in front of the camera. pictures.
since those bygone days of the “cheesecake “Force Majeur” (R) -- This dark com-
Once you have started to build your the attention. edy gathered good buzz at the Cannes film
model” who, with her stylized poses and
portfolio and networking with other pin up “I’ve learned in my adult life that my festival as one of the best foreign-language
seductive glances, brought so much com-
models and enthusiasts, you can start mak- vulnerability is a strength. I love to be seen flicks to hit the screen. It follows a Swedish
fort to troops stationed abroad during times
ing yourself be sen for who I really am. I’m not hiding behind family taking some quality-time at a high-
of war. In today’s bare-it-
around the scene. a facade or a mask of makeup; it’s just end ski resort, under the constant threat
all age of internet mod-
els, these girls perhaps
When things get you EdCC has something I do as a woman. It’s a ritual I of “controlled” avalanches that keep the
don’t get the recognition down, make the best of had and does have love. (Being well-turned out) is almost like slopes how they’re supposed to be. During
a small group of having good manners. It’s just, like, what one such planned avalanche, Tomas -- the
they deserve Instead, your own life rather than women that are you do. When things get you down, make
modern pinup models dad of the family -- gets frightened and
worrying about what ev- working in the field the best of your life rather than worrying makes a run for safety, leaving his wife and
prefer the traditional
eryone else thinks. of the 50’s fashion about what everyone else thinks.” kids, well ... behind. The avalanche turns
road to arousal. Their
and pin up model Pin up and vintage models (as the ac- out to be nothing, but Tomas’ act of cow-
fans require an imagina-
area. tual term is called) can be from any where ardice becomes a comical crisis of its own.
tion above all else and
don’t feel the need to
-Dita Von Teese They enjoy it and from any city, Edmonds and Lyn- “Rosewater” (R) -- This directorial
and they don’t have nwood has a few photographers that do pin debut for Jon Stewart (TV’s “The Daily
degrade to achieve the
any thing bad to say about the profession. up and vintage photography. Show”) uses the real-life story of an Ira-
desired effect.”
This is something they feel comfort- Amber Johnson vintage model and nian-born journalist (Gael Garcia-Bernal)
The classification of a pinup model
able about it, and it makes them happy, student “ As an experienced model, I was and the suffering he faced -- partly as a
can be a bit confusing too. Naturally,
Some do nudes with their modeling, but hesitant to do vintage modeling, because I result of his appearance on Stewart’s com-
there is some cross-over with other types
others don’t that choice is up to the indi- as many other always thought that it dealt edy show. Maziar Bahari was born in Teh-
of modeling, such as fetish, glamour and
vidual and the industry is okay with the with nudity, and nude models from the era ran, but had Canadian citizenship when he
choice. such as Bettie Page. But that is farther from was detained as an enemy of the state and
Kathleen Jones a upcoming pin up
People are seeing more and more of the truth, vintage modeling is fun and the tortured for 118 days. His “crimes” were
model and student at EdCC enjoys what
the clothing and the styles of the 40’s and clothing is quite comfortable.” related to his coverage of a presidential
she does.
50’s in regular clothing stores. johnson has been modeling for only a candidate running against Mahmoud Ah-
“I started modeling when I was very
Modern burlesque is another part of couple of years, but she is good at it, ap- madinejad in Iran’s tumultuous 2009 elec-
little doing baby clothes and young tween
the pin up world, but its not connected to pearing on a couple local pin up magazines tion. It’s a film about hope and human suf-
lines, and when I turned eighteen, I wanted
all the models, just some transition from and websites that cater to just models from fering, shot with a comedian’s sensitivity
to move into the pin up world and classic
one to the other. the Pacific Northwest.” for irony and emotion.
fashion modeling , and yes since it was
Dita Von Teese is one that has done “Each to their own, I don’t do the nude TV RELEASES
brought up, I have done some nude model-
both in a very professional way. photos, but whose to say that down the “Nurse Jackie Season 6”
ing, I enjoy the nude body and mine are
Teese has said “I have a distinctive line i wouldn’t want to do it. For me its all “Mama’s Family: Season 6”
tasteful and artistic.”
aesthetic of what I think is sexy, and I have about the fashion and how comfortable I “Hart to Hart: Season 4”
She goes on to showing some her
kind of a uniform. It’s usually something am with the shoot.” Johnson added talking “Peanuts: Race for Your Life, Charlie
photos in her portfolio and adds.
that shows a little bit of cleavage and pos- about opinions of models. Brown”
“I can’t remember when there wasn’t
sibly has long sleeves. I like to wear long, Here is a short list of website to check- “Captain Scarlet and The Mysterons:
a camera in my face, I have always been
black, leather upper glove and black long- out. The Complete Series”
a show off, so modeling was the perfect
seamed stocking. I like to have my hem-
line just below the knee, and I like a perfect
Details of the shoot are always dis-
Louboutin pump.”
cussed before hand either by her in person
Von Teese is one of the most popular (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
or on the phone through her manager.
model day pin-up models and she loves all
Celebrity News 11
From Jurassic World to Pete’s Dragon, Howard shines
By: Todd M Clayton Jr Howard has recently finished direc-
Editor-in-Chief torial duties for the short film When You
Find Me, a social film developed through a
Bryce Dallas Howard a very talented collaboration with Canon.
actress. The daughter of director Ron How- The film was developed under the
ard, she made her acting debut as an extra premise of gathering inspiration through
in her father’s film Parenthood and went on images selected from a photography con-
to have small roles in films and make stage test. 96,362 entries were accepted, while
appearances for the next several years. only eight final images were selected to be
After she came to the attention of utilized for the production of the film.
M. Night Shyamalan, he cast her in what Howard married actor Seth Gabel,with
would be her breakout film, the psycho- whom she now lives in Hollywood, Cali-
logical thriller The Village and then in the fornia.
fantasy thriller Lady in the Water. The two met at New York University
Howard became more recognizable to and dated for five years.
audiences as Gwen Stacy in Spider-Man She had only one previous boyfriend
3 and as Victoria in The Twilight Saga: and claims to have pursued Gabel vigor-
Eclipse and Terminator Salvation. ously after first meeting him.
They are among her most financially They had planned to start a family to-
successful movies, but all three garnered gether in their 30s. However, seven days
mixed reviews from the press. after their wedding, she learned that she Photo By Lady Lotus
She is currently playing the role of was expecting their first child.
Howard as her character from the Twilight films preparing for a publicity shot.
Claire Dearing in the science fiction adven- Howard gave birth to their child, a son
ture film Jurassic World (2015), the fourth named Theodore Norman Howard-Gabel, careful in keeping his childhood years as Just one problem: She felt it sounded too
installment in the Jurassic Park film series. nicknamed Theo, on February 16, 2007. normal as possible, Bryce’s parents were much like an adult film star’s name.
Howard attended Stagedoor Manor, a Theo’s godfather is actor Josh Gad. also cautious about their children getting Like her father, Bryce Dallas Howard,
performing arts camp in upstate New York, Howard openly discussed having ex- too close to the Hollywood limelight too who sometimes goes by the nickname of
with actress Natalie Portman. perienced post-partum depression. soon. As a result, Bryce Howard and her Bry, isn’t shy about working on big-budget
During her time in New York, How- Bryce Dallas Howard is in early talks siblings grew up far from Hollywood’s Hollywood films.
ard was also a member of downtown the- to play the female lead in Disney’s “Pete’s glare, in Greenwich, Connecticut. So when Jurassic World hits the the-
ater company Theater Mitu, in residence Dragon” reboot. Robert Redford is also in But carrying the Howard name still of- atres go and check it out, and keep in-
at New York Theatre Workshop, who are talks to star with Oakes Fegley playing the fered up some burdens, and as she began formed about Pete’s Dragon coming to a
known for their exploration of theatrical title character. to think more seriously about her career, theatre in the near future.
forms. Just as Ron Howard’s parents were Bryce considered dropping it completely.

Asylum entertainment the new king of ‘mock-busters’

By: Todd M Clayton Jr copies a major motion picture before the The Asylum has also produced films
Editor-in-Chief actual ones hit the theatres. with strong religious themes.
The company was started to make For example, The Apocalypse was
If you haven’t heard of Asylum, that’s films in the horror genre was founded by initially developed as a straightforward di-
okay, most people really haven’t, but most former Village Roadshow executives Da- saster film in the style of Deep Impact, but
likely you have seen their movies. vid Rimawi, Sherri Strain, and director Da- Latt states that certain buyers wanted the
Mistaking them for the actual block- vid Michael Latt. company to develop a religious film. As a
busters or passing through to the Syfy The Asylum produced Z Nation for the result, the company consulted priests and
channel. Syfy Network. The show about an a group rabbis in order to incorporate faith-based
They are an American film studio that that attempts to get the only known person elements.
was founded in 1997, its focus is on pro- with immunity to a zombie virus from New The division Faith Films was cre-
ducing low budget direct to video and en- York to the last operating lab in California. ated in order to distribute titles with such
tertaining movies. According to show-runner Karl Shae- themes. Sunday School Musical was pro-
These films are similar to those of fer, the show will bring “a sense of hope to duced after The Asylum staff attended a
the current blockbuster genre, which they the horror of the apocalypse.” Ratings for seminar for marketing to a Christian audi-
make their own version and some times a Z Nation have been about 1.6 million per ence where the seminar’s host suggested
little bit cooler. episode, and has been renewed for a sec- that the perfect film would be a Christian
They have been dubbed the “mock- ond season. version of High School Musical.
buster”, not because they are making fun The Asylum’s usual budget for a pro- The Asylum productions sometimes
of the blockbuster filme, but because they duction is reportedly “well under a million feature more overt sexuality or graphic
want to appeal to an audience that loves dollars”, and it typically breaks even after violence than their major studio counter-
low budget and high budget films. about three months. The Asylum has never parts, because The Asylum’s releases are Photo by Asylum Studios
Copies of their movie posters, showing a few
Asylum usually has a film out that lost money on a film. not in competition with films. of the mock-busters that they make.

Christina Ricci becomes Lizzie Borden in a new movie

eight, with the series airing sometime this Almy, the business partner of Lizzie’s mur- cording to show runner Bryan Fuller.
April. dered father. ***
“Chronicles” delivers an intense and *** READERS: A few months back I
fictionalized account of actual events and Q: You told us that “Hannibal” would answered a question about whether “Out-
people surrounding Lizzie’s life after her be back as a midseason show, but I haven’t lander” would be available on DVD. I
controversial acquittal of the horrific dou- heard anything about when it will be on. wrote that of course it would, we just
ble murder of her father and stepmother Please help! -- Daniel S., via email didn’t know when yet. Well, now we
in 1892. The exonerated figure lives a life A: I promise I did not lie to you, Dan- know. “Outlander: Season One, Volume
awash in newfound celebrity and filled iel. NBC merely changed up the timing of One” will be available March 3 on DVD
with scandalous love affairs. But when nu- the season-three premiere of the cult-hit and Blu-ray. The two-disc set will include
merous people close to Lizzie -- ranging drama. The network announced that it will the first eight episodes of season one, some
Q: I absolutely loved Lifetime’s from her half-brother, William, to Broad- air the series this summer, which I think “making of” featurettes, a 32-page book
“Lizzie Borden Took an Ax,” and was so way luminaries and business associate/ will actually be good for the show, which with photographs, and deleted scenes. The
happy when you wrote that the network is underworld kingpin Mr. Flowers -- start to sometimes is lacking in the all-important Blu-ray version will have even MORE de-
turning it into a series. Can you give me die mysteriously under brutal and strange viewer numbers. With less competition leted scenes and featurettes. It might even
any more information? -- Steff S. in Florida circumstances, legendary Pinkerton detec- over the summer, maybe more people will be enough to keep you occupied as you
A: I do have a few more details about tive Charlie Siringo becomes determined find their way to “Hannibal” and help pro- wait for the second half of season one to
the Lifetime limited series, which sees to prove her involvement in their deaths. pel it to a much-deserved fourth season. begin April 4 on Starz.
Christina Ricci taking up her ax again as Jessy Schram plays Nancy O’Keefe, The new season will take story elements
Lizzie Borden, with Clea DuVall returning an alluring and ambitious actress and from Thomas Harris’ “Hannibal Rising”
as her sister, Emma. And more great news dancer who befriends Lizzie, while Emmy and “Red Dragon” novels, and will include (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
for fans: “The Lizzie Borden Chronicles” nominee John Heard portrays William a different origin story for Dr. Lecter, ac-
has been extended from six episodes to
12Lifestyle March 2, 2015

Teaching about religion in public schools

By: Ivana Schoop It is certainly true that teaching about
Staff Writer religions will bring conflicts about objec-
tivity, as well as open the door to questions
Education is a large topic with many about what religions to teach, and even
different debates regarding what should be whether certain religions should be taught.
done, and possibly one of the largest de- There is a possibility that a religion
bates is whether or not religion should be may be taught incorrectly, or that one may
taught in public schools. be stressed over another. With all this, it’s
Many argue that teaching about reli- not an uncommon thing to ask if we should
gion isn’t objective, and that a lot of prob- bother with religion at all.
lems can arise from teaching it in public Here’s the thing— religious hate
schools. I believe that religion should be crimes are on the rise. According to the
taught about in schools. Hate Crime Victimization report put out
The first step in discussing this is to by the U.S Department of Justice in 2014,
separate the idea of teaching religion ver- hate crimes that were motivated by reli-
sus teaching about religion. gious bias were three times higher in 2012
Teaching religion means that the class than in 2004.
is focused on learning a particular religion. With the number of hate crimes we
Teaching about religion means teaching are experiencing this year that number is
the history of religion itself, and a basic rising. People are constantly hurt by reli-
overview of religions whilst remaining as gious stereotypes, and because of a lack of
objective as possible. knowledge, it’s easy for the general public
Essentially, it’s less about teaching a to believe it.
singular religion and more teaching a class If we teach students the basics of
on comparative religions. different religions, and help them to un-
Many who are against teaching about derstand, as well as respect, people with
religions in schools argue that it will be ex- different religions, we have a chance at
tremely hard for this to remain objective. working towards a more peaceful world. Photo by : Sarah Jones
Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Charles C. Haynes, a senior scholar Students raising their hand to answer a question that the teacher has asked during a social
Freedom from Religion Foundation, brings at the First Amendment Center and direc- science lesson.
this idea up in “The Dangers of Religious tor of the Religious Freedom Education without a study of comparative religion or encourage students to understand, accept,
Instruction in Public Schools”. Project at the Newseum, Washington, D.C, the history of religion and its advancement and respect other’s differences.
“Today in the United States fully writes that “For better and for worse, re- of civilization.” Teaching about religion will not be
one in five adults and one in three young ligious convictions play a central role is Should it be allowed that a teacher can easy, and there will be many problems
persons identifies as ‘nonreligious.’ If shaping events in America and throughout say one religion is better than the other? likely to occur along the way.
we’re going to teach religion in the public the world. No, and it isn’t. But teaching about reli- But if we can succeed, then we can
schools, we must ‘teach atheism’ as well,” A cursory glance at the daily headlines gion will help students to receive correct have a chance to maybe reduce the hate
writes Gaylor. reminds us that religious differences are at information about other religions, and gain crimes committed out of religious bias.
“Are Americans prepared to do that the heart of many of the world’s most vio- both a better understanding and respect for Teaching about religion can help
in a fair and neutral manner? Will teach- lent conflicts.” other people. students of less familiar religions feel in-
ers point out that the nonreligious segment He continues on to write that “If we And while teaching about religion cluded in their learning environment, and
is the second largest ‘denomination,’ after hope to prevent religious discrimination would require that it be completely objec- diminish bullying based on religion.
Catholics in the United States?” and division in the United States, schools tive, schools demonstrate fairness when America has become one of the most
Gaylor writes earlier in her article how need to take religion seriously, not only to the curriculum includes study about reli- diverse nations on the Earth. Charles C.
low America is on the list of industrialized increase religious literacy, but also to pro- gion. It also gives students an opportunity Haynes says that “If we can’t get this right
countries that teach evolution. mote religious freedom as a fundamental, to discuss their own religion. in public schools, we have little hope of
She asks “How can a scientifically il- inalienable right for every person”. My little brother once told me a story getting this right in the public square of
literate nation compete in global market? This idea of religious freedom brings regarding his 5th grade class. A girl wore what is now the most religiously diverse
What does it mean for our future when another opposition to teaching about reli- a type of veil that completely covered her nation on Earth.”
half our population rejects fact and accepts gion in schools. Many think that the Con- head. If we can accomplish teaching about
fable?” Evolution is something that should stitution “requires public schools to be ‘re- Being curious, the other children be- religion in public schools, and do it cor-
be taught in schools. ligion-free zones’” writes Joseph Laycock. gan to wonder as to why she wore it. May- rectly, we have an opportunity to change
It is a major scientific theory, and all “This notion is not only inaccurate; it be she had lice? Maybe she was bald? the way this nation interacts with others on
students should have at least a basic under- undermines the very educational standards Finally one student asked her “do a global scale.
standing of it. But teaching evolution and that public schools are charged with teach- you wear that because you don’t have any
avoiding teaching about religion is not be- ing.” hair?” The girl responded, rolling her eyes,
ing objective. The case of Abington v. Schempp in “Of course I have hair!”
By only teaching evolution, we are 1963 banned devotional reading of the Bi- While this interaction between stu-
presenting kids with only one way to view ble in public schools, but presiding Justice dents was certainly innocent, this is how
the world. Teaching about religion will Thomas Clark remarked that “It might well religious misunderstandings and bias can
help students to understand how people be said that one’s education is not complete begin.
can view the world differently. By teaching about religion, we can

The Super Bowl of Advertising

seems frivolous at best. On the other hand, tising. This year, a 30-second spot costs but they ARE carefully constructed with
I can appreciate any occasion that raises around $4.5 million and will be viewed by profit in mind.
a spirit of tradition and (mostly) friendly over 100 million people. With so many ze- And still, this is all perfectly fine, so
competition, and gives me a reason to eat ros to account for, there’s no denying that long as we view advertisements for what
finger foods covered in queso. each of these clever ads is supported by they are. This year, when and if you watch
But what I enjoy most about the Super meticulous data-gathering, analytics and, the Super Bowl of Commercials, watch it
Bowl, even more than I enjoy consuming yes, a wee hint of manipulation. with an open and inquisitive mind. Be en-
irresponsible amounts of melted cheese, is I understand that advertising and ma- tertained, but hold on to those heartstrings.
If you know me, you know that adver- ... you guessed it. The commercials. nipulation are not necessarily one and the ***
tising and manipulation are my two favor- Super Bowl advertising is widely same, but they do go hand in hand. Adver-
ite topics of conversation. I think it goes known as a “cultural phenomenon,” and tising is so prominent in our culture that it Alison Datko is the editorial direc- tor
without saying that I’m a big hit at parties. for this reason, it fascinates me. Yes, the seems silly to even imagine a world with- of PowWow Press, a multimedia news ser-
And, hey ... speaking of advertising and ads are always entertaining and clever, and out it. And because it’s so commonplace vice. Connect with Alison on Twitter (@
parties, the Super Bowl is coming up soon. like anyone, I like chatting later about my and cleverly presented, it can be difficult alidatko) or email her at alison@powwow-
(Subtle segues aren’t really my thing.) favorites and least favorites, and which one to know where it ends and we begin. The
I have conflicted feelings about the (or two) most successful ads tug at our heartstrings.
Super Bowl, which is probably true for a made me cry a little. But there’s also They seem personal. They tell us we’re not
lot of people. I’m neither a football fan nor an important sociological aspect that can’t alone, and that we deserve to have and feel
the gambling type, and the idea of spending be ignored. lots of great things. © 2015 PowWow Press Inc., Dist. by
up to $16,000 for a seat in a crowded arena As we all know, Super Bowl adver- These messages aren’t necessarily King Features Synd., Inc.
tising is the most expensive of all adver- evil, and they’re not necessarily greedy ...
The Review 13
Part murder mystery, part farce noir, all fun

Photo By The Driftwood players

Death by Chocolate a mystery comedy starring from left to right Justin Tinsley as Francois Lepew and Sarita Benson as Bobbie Sue two of the characters caught up in a muder mystery.
farcical, convulsing, zany death scene that er, There’s the French Detective Francois However, he also lovingly cares for
By: Anne Sinlcair
is repeated throughout the play. Physical Lepew who thinks he is sexy. Selma, his assistant.
Guest Writer
comedy defines the performances in Death Yolanda a grieving widow who is al- Death by Chocolate goes on as highly
Death by Chocolate is a play written by Chocolate. ways crying and ready for revenge after- entertaining and fun evening , even a date
with a purpose. That purpose is solely to Jon Woods who plays the main char- wards. night for you and you significant other.
entertain an audience. With the help of a acter of Nick Noir is fantastic as the absent The audience must wonder what more Death by Chocolate keeps the audi-
great director and a wonderful cast, it ac- minded private detective, and his assistant is there to this character that makes her act ence guessing “Who done it?” while they
complishes that goal well. Selma played by Rita Baxter is the brains this way. try to catch their breath from laughter.
As you walk into the Wade James The- of the two, they work well together. Christian Huey as the old man Henry With an assembly of characters
atre, you are met with a lavishly decorated All characters in Death by Chocolate who sits in the corner listening to every- straight out of a clown college, a haunting
set, bordering on over-decoration. Coupled have their dark secrets or failings, making thing. lighting design, and a fun soundtrack remi-
with the instrumental pre-show music them all suspects in the series of mysteri- Georgia Gore played by Hayley Erw- niscent of the old style crimes shows.
which lends a fun, macabre mood to the ous deaths. erz also delivers a performance worthy of It is an enjoyable evening out any one
scene and classic film noir movies being Sarita Benson a new comer to the Drift praise. can appreciate.
played. players, this her second show on the stage. Sky Grants portrayal as the lamp quite The Wade James Theatre in Edmonds.
The set design’s frenetic style well She was last seen the lawyer in Other fun and interesting always following Noir The play goes until Sunday March 8. show
prepares the audience for the events they Peoples Money. Being away from the stage around in the beginning and then as the times Thurs-Sat 8 - 9:45 p.m. and Sundays
are about to witness. There is almost too so long, you would never know it from background lamp for the any-towners that 2 -4:45 p.m. So come out and see it, it is
much at which to look, but it does give you her acting Benson just falls right into her are always walking around in the back- fun and enjoyable, you will not be disap-
that modern 1940’s feel. character, believing that she wants to be a ground. pointed .
Death by Chocolate begins, as murder singer at the Grand Ole Opry. We see Nick discover many clues that To order tickets call the box office at
mysteries tend to, with a murder. And with Each character is a broad representa- lead him to believe that innocent people 425-744-9600 or visit the Box Office at
the murder the audience is treated to the tion of a type. Nick Noir is the inept lead- are the guilty ones. 306 Main Street, Edmonds.

Barack, Mitch, John and Charlie

that if they add a Republican president to a port oil extracted from Canada’s extremely instance, that old bugaboo the debt ceiling
Republican Congress, that’s going to be a dirty tar sands and swoosh it down to ports rears its ugly face like it inevitably does.
scary outcome. I want the American peo- in Texas. The country’s borrowing authority
ple to be comfortable with the fact that the Obama’s press secretary immediately again will be running out, and already the
Republican House and Senate is a respon- said that the president would veto the bill extreme rhetoric is flying about, particu-
Surely you didn’t believe these guys, sible, right-of-center, governing majority.” if it passed Congress. The problem is that larly from true believers who insist that it’s
with their promises of bipartisanship and What’s scary is that he and his co- this is a bogus confrontation. As the bril- better if the United States defaults on its
compromise? That’s what we got from horts could talk about cooperation with a liant columnist Ron Fournier writes in the financial obligations than if they move one
President Barack Obama, but particularly straight face. At least on the other side of National Journal: “They’re playing you inch from whatever their grievances are.
from the Republican con- gressional lead- the Hill, in the House of Representatives’ for fools on both sides of the Keystone XL Perhaps cooler heads will prevail, but
ers after an election where Capitol Hill — action central, Speaker John Boehner also pipeline debate. Oil lobbyists and conser- so far all we’ve gotten for assurance is the
all the real estate under the dome and the was waxing eloquent about bipartisanship vatives call it a jobs project; they’re wrong. promise of bipartisan constructive engage-
outbuildings — became a GOP fiefdom, ... sort of: “May the fruits of our labors be Environmental lobbyists and liberals call ment. As we’re seeing, that is an empty
facing off against the Democrats’ shrink- ladders our children can use ...” it a globe killer; they’re wrong.” In other promise.
ing territory down the Pennsylvania Av- Yes, his metaphors were mixed, but so words, this is a tempest in a pipeline. Now, I’d like to depart for a moment
enue no-man’s-land that ends at the White was the message he and his fellow Repub- But it’s a chance for the R’s and the and ask for indulgence as I join my fellow
House. licans delivered with their first actions. D’s to stomp on one another and to lay the journalists around the word in saying “Je
New Senate Majority Leader Mitch Instead of deal-making, they seemed groundwork for the next presidential cam- Suis Charlie,” or “I Am Charlie.” If we
McConnell even offered a rationale for much more interested in embarrassing paign. As we should know, 2015 is really can’t feel secure in presenting ideas, then
cooperation, telling The Washing- ton President Obama. Potshot No. 1 will be about 2016. The problem is that there are we’re not free.
Post that his party has something to prove, legislation that authorizes construction of plenty of ways this year that our politicians © 2015 Bob Franken Distributed by
which is that it’s not a haven for nut cases: the Keystone pipeline, which would trans- can do us great harm. In mid-March, for King Features Synd.
“I don’t want the American people to think
14 March 2, 2015

Why choose to go to a community college? a freshman that is a nonresident, you can

By Azaria Keys
Staff Writer expect to pay roughly $33,513 to attend the
University of Washington.
As a current student at a community Now it might just be me, but I don’t
college, Edmonds Community College to think too many of us are walking around
be exact, I must say that one of the best with that type of money just sitting around
decisions I have made was choosing com- in our bank accounts. And those numbers
munity college over a university. seem even more obscene when you look at
Growing up I always had this the ‘Washington State Board for Commu-
idea that I was going to graduate from high nity & Technical Colleges’ website.
school and instantly jump on a plane and According to their numbers a resi-
fly out of state to attend some large, presti- dent can expect to pay roughly $1,333 in
gious university. tuitions and fees for one quarter (15 cred-
I was attracted to all the hype usually its), and roughly $4,000 dollars for the
associated with big universities. I was ex- entire academic year (3 quarters). And if
cited to get out of my mom’s house, join a you’re a non-resident planning on attend-
sorority, party every weekend and eventu- ing a Washington state community college
ally walk across a big stage on graduation you can expect to pay about $3,078 for a
night and accept my diploma. Up until a quarter and $9, 235 for the entire academic
certain age I had no idea what it actually year. The numbers speak for themselves.
took to get into a university. Not only does one receive a huge
I was completely blind-sided when my financial break by spending their first two
mom sat me down one day and told me that years of higher education at a community
we just couldn’t afford a university. college, but there are several other benefits Photo by Rebecca Mullinnix

From that moment on, more and that come with this choice as well. The EdCC campus Snoqualamie Hall building which also houses CWU Lynnwood classes.
more I began to see little glimpses of just Speaking for myself, I can’t begin to get the hang of things. Manika Boyer, a limited curriculum (not a large amount of
how hard it would be to afford a university to remember the amount of times I have 23-year-old, former Edmonds Community courses to choose from), a lighter work-
education. questioned what I will be doing with my College Student, agrees. load than most university students receive,
If you are not someone that is capable future. It seems pretty common that in your In Boyer’s opinion, “A community and students that in general are uninvolved
of receiving a full-ride scholarship, or is freshman and even sophomore year of col- college gives students and opportunity to because they often don’t have plans of fur-
someone who comes from a wealthy fam- lege, you go back and forth on what it is experience higher education without the thering their college career.
ily, then it is nearly impossible to afford you want to study and what it is you see overwhelming feel of a huge campus that I can definitely understand these
a university education without taking out yourself doing in the long-run. universities have.” points made, but as long as you’re a hard-
several loans. And the more I began to real- Twenty-year-old Scott Spicer, a stu- I feel as though attending a communi- working student dedicated to making a fu-
ize how slim my chances were of attending dent here at Edmonds Community College, ty college allows for a smoother transition ture for yourself, I believe that it is easy to
a university straight out of high school, the said it best, “it’s [community college] more into that fast-paced university life. overcome such challenges.
harder I became on myself. affordable and it gives an opportunity to try If you haven’t been able to tell So there it is. Community college
I think it is common for people to feel many things and find the career path you yet, I am a huge supporter of people attend- might not be for everyone, but I believe
as though they are failures or not ‘good wand before shelling out loads of money.” ing community college before making that that it is a great option for most.
enough’ simply because they cannot af- Community college allows an individ- move to a university. It’s important to ‘work smarter, not
ford or attend a university. Thankfully the ual to not feel as pressured to pick a career I mean aside from all the awesome harder’ and with this crazy costs of univer-
moment I began taking classes here at Ed- path because they might not be as stressed benefits that I’ve already discussed, if you sities and the overpopulated campuses, it
monds Community College, my perspec- as they would be if they were attending a pass all of your classes with an acceptable seems to me that attending a community
tive changed completely. university. GPA, you receive and automatic guarantee college for the first two years is the smart-
Since we live here in Washing- But wait, there’s more! All some- that you will be able to transfer to any col- est decision one could make.
ton, I will refer to one of the most popular one has to do is watch a movie about col- lege/university of your choice afterwards. And if President Obama’s proposal to
universities in our state, the University of lege students, and instantly there is a de- That alone had me sold on attending a make the first two years of community col-
Washington. According to the University piction of this huge college campus full of community college. However I am aware lege free, passes, then there should be no
of Washington website, Washington resi- students enjoying that ‘college life’. that not all people are as big of fans of this reason to not attend a community college.
dents can expect tuitions and fees for the As exciting as that might sound, big option as I am. Remember, ‘think smarter, not hard-
school year of 2014-2015 to cost them university campuses can often be over- According to, some er’.
roughly $12,394. And if you happen to be whelming to a freshman who is just trying cons of attending a community college are:

The so-called terrorist organizations in power

By Thomas Susnios policies have created a situation in which terrorist group is “beyond anything we’ve I am truly aggravated that my money
Staff Writer ISIS can survive and may well flourish. seen,” and I am supposed to be calm? as a taxpayer goes to all these secret proj-
All over the media is one-sided infor- I am a 20-year-old male who by law ects without me even knowing, if my mon-
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria mation about ISIS and how bad they are, might be forced to fight in the future. ey that I work for is going to be taken from
(ISIS) was funded for years by wealthy which is very true because I do not con- ISIS is the best trained, most funded me, I want to know where it is going.
donors in Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia done killings of any nature. However, the and highly sophisticated terrorist group in At the end of the day, all this mayhem
and the three U.S. allies have dual agendas United States is the main culprit for the history. Apparently, the mainstream media comes down to hypocrisy on the part of
in the war on terror. ISIS situation. would more likely attempt to have people the United States. First of all, we invade,
Why is this? ISIS is murdering people A CNN report written by Greg Both- believe such a thing exists rather than ex- destroy, rape, kill, torture, and murder the
and beheading innocent people left and elo explains the plans of ISIS. Greg says, pose the blatant reality that yes, the U.S. people of Iraq (almost 2 million dead as we
right, so why would this the allies of the “Such violent, extremist organizations has trained and funded ISIS and without speak) just because we thought they had
United States be funding ISIS? (ISIS, Al-Qaeda) tend to gravitate toward the U.S. government, ISIS would not be weapons of mass destruction, which ended
Maybe there is an irrational hate of the less stable, more turbulent areas where the threat it has become. up not being the case.
religion of Islam or the United States is up they can operate more freely, recruit from a The United States hold secret databas- Then, we fund terrorist organizations
to something. If the American allies fund desperate populace and build up resources es in Jordan, Iraq, Afghanistan and almost such as Al-Qaeda (which is nothing more
ISIS, who is to say the United States isn’t and momentum”. every country involved in this mess to train than a CIA database because prior to Sep-
funding them as well? Although ISIS is moving across North people to put them into these so called ter- tember 2002, the CIA was the Bush admin-
From what we know, ISIS is very Africa, the question is why? What is the in- rorist groups. Can this be true? istration’s main provider of intelligence on
wealthy and things do not look like they tention of these so-called terrorist groups? Former state department official An- Iraq.) and ISIS and then blame the terrorist
are getting better. We already know ISIS is a very drew Doran let the cat out of the bag back groups themselves for committing acts of
The harsh reality of the U.S policy is wealthy organization and our allies in the in June that some of these ISIS members terror, as if we haven’t done the BEST JOB
to help the government of Iraq against ISIS west such as the United States, Great Brit- are actually combat veterans from Western of that for the past decade.
and not Syria. One may ask, why? ain, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia fund them. nations including the U.S. who have pass- And what is the worst part about this
It is very simple, the United States This leads to much suspicion among ports and could return home anytime basi- thing is that the media lies about all this
wants ISIS too reinforce its fighters in Iraq many people including myself; creating an cally asserting that ISIS could easily attack information I am sharing with you in this
from Syria and vice versa. enemy and then trying to go to war against America at any time. story with conjectures and fabrications to
By doing this, the United States will them seems stupid and redundant. If all this is true, then why all I hear on twist people’s minds.
and currently is successfully escaping People need to realize this is getting CNN and FOX news that ISIS is the ter- I truly think the United States creat-
blame for the rise of ISIS by putting all the out of hand; a report from rorist and they are such a bad organization ing its own enemies then declaring war on
blame on the Iraqi government. reported how the defense secretary Chuck when the United States and our allies fund them while putting the rest of the world in
In fact, these idiotic and contradictory Hagel told reporters at the Pentagon that the them? grave danger.
The Review Opinion 15
Many activities are always going on in Brier Hall
By Leah Carter
Staff Writer

Brier is a building at Edmonds Com-

munity College that houses the social trian-
gle of forces that inspire community within
the school.
Remodeled in 2009, Brier represents
the campus hub. Located inside are the
student government and Center for Student
Engagement and Learning offices (CSEL),
the bookstore, private meeting rooms,
club space, the Triton Review office, and
the Diversity Student Center office, all of
which exist to support EdCC students.
The main social attractions are located
on the first floor. The three forces that bring
students together to create new friendships
and a strong sense of community: Brier
Grill, the game room, and the lounge with
its cozy interior, comfy chairs, and fire-
“It has an energy of its own,” said
Wayne Anthony, director of CSEL, who
refers to Brier as the college’s own ‘living
room’. “It can go from docile to bubbling Photo by: Leah Carter
with activity. Students moving around the Brier lobby during an event that was put on by CSEL and the student government during the quarter.
It’s exceptionally important. Students works hard to keep their food inexpensive,
designed this place with the philosophy to Roeter, catering and food service manager. ing group work.”
convenient, local, and offer healthy op-
be the campus hub. It’s truly the students’ She says the staff are always interested in About 150 students visit the game
space. It’s whatever they bring here.” hearing students’ feedback and sugges- room every day, and even more in the seat-
Jordan Basuel, supervisor of food op-
According to Anthony, the former tions. ing area and lounge outside. The lounge
erations, said Brier Grill employees visit
Edmonds Community College (EdCC) “Everywhere you see green efforts, I includes a fireplace and several tables and
other campuses through trainings, and that
Student Union decided to create a bigger like that,” comments Htet Thu, an EdCC chairs for students to meet.
on average, food items at Edmonds are
space for students in 2009. student from Myanmar who visits Brier On an average day, students can be
about three dollars cheaper than most other
Moving the existing game room, eat- Grill for lunch almost every day. seen doing anything from playing guitar,
school eateries!
ery, and meeting rooms from Woodway to Lastly, Basuel added some tips about to practicing for a cultural performance, to
“That is where all my friends go,” said
Brier and adding features from the campus on Brier. She said the least crowded times simply playing cards or sleeping. Students
Minami Murata, an EdCC student from
wish list. This was a $6 million project to come are 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. As value the space and their time here and
Japan, who visits Brier Grill every day to
which students are paying for over a 20 an extra insider bonus, she also said if stu- have met many of their friends within the
meet and talk with her friends. “First of all,
year period. dents are in the cafeteria when Brier Grill walls of Brier.
you want to relax. You don’t need to think
It adds about $2.50 onto tuition and closes at 6 p.m. they often give out unsold There are always event from the
about studying.”
we are entering our sixth year of pay- food. school being thrown that often include
Brier Grill offers gluten free, vegetar-
ing it back. This project added a room for Another reason to visit Brier is for the games and free food.
ian, and some vegan options and are ex-
publication, pocket lounges, group study free popcorn! The game room provides “A lot of people gather here. You meet
panding their line to include healthier and
rooms, club meeting space, and expanded popcorn from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every week- a lot of friends through mutual friends. It’s
more convenient options. They also partic-
the campus cafeteria, a feature that has be- day as long as you have a current Edpass. a big social place,” said Thu who expressed
ipate in a variety of practices to assist the
come increasingly popular with students. Some students get as many as five that he likes the ‘bright atmosphere’ brier
campus with their push to stay green and
“In general, the food is pretty good, bags a day! Located on the first floor of has. “I feel a sense of community. I usually
exercise sustainability.
the taste is alright, and the price is afford- Brier, the game room provides pool tables, hang out with new international students.”
Brier Grill reduces their waste stream
able, especially for students,” said Adriana TV, and a PS3 and Wii available for stu- “I wouldn’t want to work in any other
by composting and recycling. They use lo-
Hartono, a second year EdCC student who dents to rent out. Clubs often meet there or space on campus,” said Wayne. Who en-
cal and seasonal ingredients, and sell pre-
works for the game room in Brier. groups who are practicing to perform. joys passing through brier and greeting
packaged food in compostable containers
In 2009 Edmonds Community College “I love how you can interact with a the familiar faces always abundant there.
with biogradable utensils. For the last 10-
moved the campus eatery, originally called lot of people,” said Hartono. “There’s defi- “People create the energy. People make it
15 years the culinary department has made
Mulligans, to Brier and renamed it accord- nitely a sense of community. Staff become what it is. I’m privileged to be able to work
attending sustainability classes part of their
ingly. Since then, it has expanded both as a really close. And I definitely see strangers in a place like this and it’s fun!”
cafeteria and flourishing catering business. talk with each other and become friends. Thu wraps up what many students
“I hope that everyone is thinking sus-
Run mainly by students or graduates Friends can just come together and have expressed. “If I came back after many
tainably and eating locally with more of
from the EdCC culinary department, Brier hang out here. You see a lot of people do- years, I’d still want it to be the same thing.”
a farm to table mentality,” said Jennifer

The Return of the War Hero

per, also means he will be remembered as a ican Sniper” to the Nazi propaganda Despite the reaction against it in some
larger-than-life figure. Such is the power of film featured in the movie “Inglourious quarters, “American Sniper” is hardly
the silver screen. Basterds.” Director Michael Moore tweet- a simplistic glorification of warfare. It
“American Sniper” had the largest ed that he’d been taught to consider snipers shows its terrible cost, in lost and broken
Clint Eastwood’s new movie, “Ameri- opening weekend ever in January. It is pro- cowards. Kyle “was a hate-filled killer,” lives. The New Yorker, accurately, calls it
can Sniper,” marks the return of the Ameri- ducing the kind of numbers usual- ly re- according to The Guardian, which also “a devastating pro- war movie and a dev-
can war hero. served for mindless comic-book superhero deems him “a racist who took pleasure in astating anti-war movie.” Kyle himself is
Heroism on the battlefield had never movies. It has played especially well in dehumanizing and killing brown people.” nearly consumed by the horrors of what he
gone away, of course, far from it (wit- ness Middle America, with its top-grossing the- One member of the Academy of Motion experienced in Iraq, and his tragic death
the Medal of Honors awarded for acts of aters in places like San Antonio, Oklahoma Picture Arts and Sciences — “American at the hands of a disturbed vet is a heart-
extraordinary valor in Iraq and Afghani- City, Houston and Albuquerque. Sniper” is up for best pic- ture — told the breaking coda to his service.
stan). But the classic war hero is more than All of this is profoundly disquieting to website TheWrap that Kyle “seems like he Chris Kyle, who had his flaws like
just brave or fierce. He is famous and al- the left, which has so much sway in Holly- may be a socio- path.” anyone else, wasn’t a saint. He was an ex-
most universally acclaimed. On top of his wood. It hates and distrusts the idea of the One can only imagine, in this spirit, ceptional warrior whose bravery and feats
battlefield exploits, he is a cultural phe- war hero, believing it smacks of backward- the criticisms that might have been made on the battlefield will now be remembered
nomenon. ness and jingo- of past American war heroes. Why did for a very long time. He is, in short, a war
That is what “American Sniper” un- ism. Its notion of compelling war John Paul Jones have such destructive urg- hero.
questionably makes of Chris Kyle. The movies were the tendentiously anti-war es toward British ship- ping? Did Joshua Rich Lowry is editor of the National
late Navy SEAL sniper had already writ- flops “Green Zone,” “Stop-Loss” and “In Chamberlain have to be so bloodthirsty Review.
ten a best-selling memoir and was known the Valley of Elah.” Its reaction to “Ameri- when under assault on Little Round Top? © 2015 by King Features Synd., Inc.
as “The Legend” with- in the military for can Sniper” has been to belittle the movie What was wrong with Alvin York and Aud-
his record number of confirmed kills dur- and smear Chris Kyle. ie Murphy that they were so obsessed with
ing four tours in Iraq. The success of the Actor Seth Rogen compared “Amer- killing Germans?
movie, where he is played by Bradley Coo-
16 March 2, 2015
Environmental Issues 17
EdCC’s 2015 alternative spring break trip
By: Lia Andrews
Guest Writer
Every student stands somewhere
a little different with spring break, and
we all have a unique way of spending it.
The gamut traditionally runs from a long-
awaited week of vacationing and party-
ing to a do-nothing (but no less awaited)
week of catching up on sleep. For students,
however, there’s another way to enjoy your
time off school: the alternative break.
Every Winter and Spring, Edmonds
Community College’s Center for Service
Learning provides students with the op-
portunity to earn their service learning
hours by traveling to diverse environments
around Washington State, immersing par-
ticipants in the needs of the community and
performing several days’ worth of work for
local non-profit organizations.
This quarter, the Center for Service
Learning is encouraging students to rethink
their spring break with registration for Al-
ternative Spring Break 2015 opening!
From March 23rd to 26th, student
participants will be volunteering with Port
Townsend Marine Science Center, Wash-
ington Trails Association, and Washington
State Parks to restore the ecological integ-
rity of Ford Worden State Park.
Break Away, a national nonprofit or-
ganization that promotes the development
of quality alternative break programs, has
created a framework of eight quality com- Photo By The Green Team

ponents of an alternative break. Students The Winter 2014 Alternative Winter Break participants, after three days of hard work, celebrating on their newly constructed trail.
will find the components demonstrated time, they will bring unique viewpoints to 3. Training – Breakers will be pro- conversations and activities in civic en-
well in Alternative Spring Break 2015: the project for their classmates and com- vided with the skills necessary to carry out gagement. Providing a platform for partici-
1. Diversity and Social Justice – Ed- munity partners to observe. the service project. This includes training pants to become active citizens is the entire
monds Community College is a campus 2. Orientation – Orienting yourself in manual labor, ecological knowledge of purpose of an alternative break.
of great diversity, and that translates into with the needs of the community you are their surroundings, interpersonal commu- 8. Alcohol and drug free – Expecta-
those who participate. Alternative break- performing volunteer service is absolutely nication, and operation of any tools needed. tions of legality, liability and personal safe-
ers, representing the countries and commu- essential for making your service mean- 4. Strong Direct Service – The meat ty will be clearly addressed. Sorry, this will
nities they hail from, will explore and ex- ingful. Breakers will learn early on about of the alternative break. Strong, direct ser- have to wait for other parts of your break,
amine the social and environmental issues the goals and purposes of their community vice is hands on engagement in the project. if you so choose!
of the project they assist with. At the same partners with whom they will be working. The work will involve outdoor restoration With all that said, there will be more
(planting, removal of inversive species, to this break than simply service! There
trail-building, etc.) and physical explora- will be plenty of free time to relax, hike
tion of the environment. the trails, mingle, and explore the park and
5. Education – Breakers will not only spend time in Port Townsend.
learn about the complexities of the issues So, who should get involved? Any-
through brief reading materials and speak- one! Registration is open to ALL students
ers representing the community and orga- (Running Start, EdCAP, International,
nizations involved but will have the chance etc.). If you are interested, or know any-
to educate others. For one of the four days, one who may be interested in this fantastic
there will be an opportunity for interested opportunity to learn, serve and earn credit,
breakers to go on a trip and share their registration packets are free to pick up at
experiences at EdCC with a group of 5th the front desk of Center for Student En-
and 6th grade students through a College gagement and Leadership, Brier 252. Any
Readiness presentation. additional questions can be forwarded to
6. Reflection – At the end of the trip, Natalie Reszka at natalie.reszka@email.
there will be time set aside for breakers to There are only 18 spots avail-
reflect upon their work and learning as it able, so register soon!
connects to broader contexts. Just one more thing to keep in mind
7. Reorientation – The journey doesn’t that everyone can agree on: a fun spring
end when breakers return to campus. The break vacation is expensive. All costs
spirit of reorientation is participants shar- (travel, lodging, meals) of this trip will be
ing their experiences with others on cam- covered by a mere $35. While pondering
pus and in their communities, starting your plans, consider that for a moment.
18 Sports March 2, 2015

New Men’s Soccer coach Relax with Yoga at EdCC

By: Keiko DeLuca “I’m a competitive coach yet an educa-
Staff Writer tional coach.”
Erkut is also interested in creating a
After six years and three NWAC team that will positively impact the com-
North titles, Brandon Mitalas announced munity at EdCC as well as the surrounding
that he will step down from his position as community of Edmonds.
head coach of the men’s soccer team. The He is planning reach out through com-
announcement was made on Feb. 3 to the munity service work with the team but also
surprise of the team. Mitalas brought the wants the players to find ways that they can
Edmonds Community College soccer team help out on their own.
to a higher standard during his six years By showing how giving back to the
and was much beloved and respected by community will have a positive impact on
the players. the team, he hopes that more players will
“He’s one of the first coaches that I’ve proactively find something they are pas-
ever been able to really talk to about stuff sionate about. Just as he aspires to be a role
happening in soccer and outside of soccer. model for the players, he wants them to as-
He was always there for us, texting us how pire to be role models for others.
we’re doing in big group messages.” said In terms of more technical goals, Er-
player Ty Flemming. “He was a cool guy kut is influenced by FC Barcelona’s style
outside of the coaching aspect.” of soccer.
The ball has now been passed to Ogu- Barcelona is known for a playing style
zhan “Ozzy” Erkut who strives to carry on called ‘possession’ where the ball is passed
the success Mitalas brought to the team. and shared within the team and move the
Erkut had been coaching youth clubs when ball towards the goal together. This is in
he found an opening for the head coach po- contrast to other styles such as the English
sition and felt that it was the prefect next Premier where the ball is passed to get to
step in his coaching career. the goal as quickly as possible.
This will be his first time as head He feels that the philosophy behind
photo by: Sam Kneuve
coach for a college team. the ‘possession’ style reflects the true es- Students take Yoag classes just not to get fit, but to be at a better peace with in themselves.
“For my coaching career, that was the sence of what it means to be a team.
By: Danielle Taiclet class helps her release her anxiety that is
time to make the next step as a coach,” said “I want other teams to think ‘today
Staff Writer sometimes increased by the amount of tests
Erkut. will be a tough day’ because Edmonds
she takes in other class.
Erkut has a rich history of both play- plays like a team,” said Erkut.
Yoga is a practice used to establish “I feel more energized and relaxed
ing and coaching soccer. The game of soc- Adapting to a new environment is
relaxation, while unifying the mind, body throughout the day after doing yoga” says
cer was first introduced to him through his never easy but Erkut plans to build upon
and spirit. Edmonds Community College Arvani.
father who was a professional player in his what Mitalas left behind and the players
offers a 1.5 credit yoga course by instruc- Arvani says that at the end of each
home country of Turkey. Naturally, he fol- seem to already be feeling Erkut’s passion
tor Megan Toney. class, Toney allows about ten minutes of
lowed in his father’s footsteps and began as a coach.
For a student looking for a good way guided meditation. The meditation aims to
playing with the youth team for the Bursa- The team has only met twice so far
to relieve stress while earning college cred- promote better, deeper breathing, to focus
spor FC at age seven. but Flemming feels that Erkut will bring a
its, taking yoga may be a great decision for on areas of the body that may need healing
From 1998-2001, he played profes- positive change to the team.
you. The aim of the course is to relax the and to bring the mind, body and spirit to
sionally for FC Bursaspor. After another “He definitely has good knowledge of
body while also strengthening muscles and the present moment by letting go of stress-
two years with Bursa Merinos in Turkey, the game and just from these two meetings,
increasing flexibility. es caused by the past and future.
he made the decision to move to America I’ve been able to tell us what he like and
Niyoosha Arvani, a student currently In comparison to other yoga classes
to study and experience a bigger world. his style of playing,” said Flemming. “It
enrolled in Toney’s yoga class says that the that Arvani has taken outside of Edmonds
In 2004 at the age of 24, he enrolled feels like it’s going to be a good season.”
Community College, she feels that Toney’s
at Bellevue College where he studied busi- class is better because it focuses more on
ness and played for the school’s soccer healing rather than harming. Toney assures
team. After two years as a player, he was that all of her students are comfortable in
chosen as the assistant coach during his the poses that they are doing so that they
third year and began his coaching career. aren’t hurting their body or pushing it too
A few years later, Erkut moved to far.
Hawaii for graduate school and continued Arvani feels that other yoga instruc-
coaching soccer for both the women’s and tors weren’t informative enough about cer-
men’s team at Chimanade University. He tain poses which made it hard for Arvani to
came back to Washington where he contin- do the poses correctly.
ued to coach for various schools and youth Toney even involves some aspects of
teams. yoga philosophy in class by practicing bet-
Despite being a brand new experience, ter eating habits and working on having a
Erkut is confident that his time at EdCC healthier body overall.
will be a long and successful one. Through Yoga philosophy began around 200
his years as an assistant coach, he was able DCE and is included in sacred texts such
to learn valuable lessons from the head as the Vedas and is practiced in many re-
coaches he worked for. ligions including Buddhism and Hindu-
Erkut says that his past experiences in ism. The goal of yoga in religion is to
assistant coaching has put him in a place strengthen spirituality. Meditation is seen
where he feels ready and prepared to be- as a way to become closer to the Gods and
come a head coach. to become more God-like. In Buddhism,
“I’m not nervous. I’m confident and the goal is to reach Enlightenment which
excited,” said Erkut. “I really appreciate is done through a lot of meditation. Yoga is
what coach Brandon built in here with the very important to many religions because
athletics and it’s a strong program. I’m of the spiritual aspect.
aware of where am I coming in and to Other than meditation, yoga focuses a
keep the torch high and keep the standards lot on flexibility, because this helps prevent
high.” injury and helps heal the body. While yoga
Having a background as a student works most on flexibility, strength is not
player at Bellevue College and in Turkey, forgotten.
Erkut feels that he can be a good role mod- Many yoga poses require a lot of up-
el for the student players at EdCC. per body strength and core strength. Down-
He knows that being involved with a ward dog, a common yoga pose, requires
team while also being a student and excel- support from the arms and flexibility in the
ling at both is not easy but he hopes that he hamstrings.
can show them that it is possible with the Altogether, yoga is a good practice for
right amount of passion and focus. the body and mind and students who are
“I see myself as a mentor. I’m a men- interested in reducing their stress and anxi-
tor for the players. Obviously these are stu- ety should consider taking Megan Toney’s
dent athletes right, and school comes first, yoga class.
and then playing a competitive program.
I’m there to support them,” said Erkut.
The Review 19
“To be the best that I can be” not just in sports
By: Alicia Prasad
Staff Writer
A brilliant catcher with a Pop Time of
1.6 seconds and 2.8 Home to First base.
She has played on several teams, starting
with the Northwest Christian Sports league
T-ball team at the age of 6 and now cur-
rently on the Edmonds Community Col-
lege girls’ softball team.
Imagine looking out on the practice
grounds and seeing softball team players
from all around the world; Canada, New
Zealand, Australia, Japan. A front row seat
to see Amber Freeman, African American
catcher and Crystal Bustos, power hitter
from Team USA.
I had the fortunate opportunity to sit
down with a good friend of mine Antoi-
nette Watson, Edmonds Community Col-
lege student and softball player. I learned
about her experience in softball and who
she is outside of being an avid softball
In 2002 at the age of 6, Antoinette
Watson joined her first t-ball team, The
Rockies, on the North West Christian
Sports League as the only girl.
As much as she dreaded it at the time, photo by: Alicia Prasad
she had no idea that she would begin to Antoinette with special ed. student Sebastian, one of the many Special Ed students she works and helps in her free time.
grow such a passion for the sport and in
2015 end up on the same practice grounds That’s when she looked out on the with a good shot. Before her tryouts her about it.
as the players of the USA National Softball field and saw teams from all across the coach sent her an encouraging text “Go get She does have another shot at the
team. world and even two of her favorite players em’ tomorrow An, just relax and do your Women’s National Team when she’s 22
Antoinette’s mother, Linda is a single that she really looks up to. thing, carry yourself with the same confi- and I asked if she would do it again, she re-
mother of two boys and 2 girls. She want- Crystal Bustos, from California one of dence you play with, leave it out there, they sponded with “Oh yes, in a heartbeat, I will
ed to keep her kids active and involved in the best power hitters on Team USA and will know your name”. be there! Make it or not I will be there.”
sports and to have a backbone; something African American catcher Amber Freeman. It came time to find out the results, Not only does Antoinette have such
for them to feel passionate about. Being African American herself it was a they said that they would send out a text to a drive about Softball but she is so com-
After 4 years on the NWCSL, Antoi- heartwarming experience to see Freeman those who made it. She sat anticipating the passionate to others. My last question to
nette moved on to Mukilteo Little League, playing right before her eyes and imagined results and text message saying she made her was “where do you see yourself in ten
and that’s when Antoinette knew that soft- that being her one day. it. As she was scrolling through Instagram years?”
ball became part of her life. Being on Team USA was a dream to and Facebook she saw a post that congrat- She sees herself still in softball, wheth-
She has great respect for her coach Antionette and she made it a goal to get to ulated those who made it and that’s when er it’s still playing on a team or coaching.
Kim Hobbs who taught her everything she have that experience. she knew that she was unfortunately not She also sees herself helping special needs
needed to know about being a great soft- Before the end of last year, Antoinette getting that text message. children. She has a huge soft spot in her
ball player. Antoinette grew up with many was scrolling through Facebook and she She texted her coach and let her know heart for these individuals which began in
of her teammates from the time she joined came across a post about Team USA Open and said “it was one for the books!” Her High school when she was able to volunteer
the little league team until now. They be- Tryouts “OPEN TRYOUT FOR THE JU- coach responded and said “you still made to help out at the Special Needs classrooms
came a sisterhood and always showed NIOR NATIONAL TEAM AGES 98’, 97’, your impact as only you could. You are at Columbia Elementary in Mukilteo.
encouragement for each other and it was 96’” and Antionette is a 96’. She could not an inspiration to me, your teammates and She wants to be a therapist for children
never a competition. believe her eyes, she was just awe struck. softball players who have dreamt of play- to be able to come to her and have the feel-
“This group had such a huge sup- Even as she was explaining this to me I ing on USA Softball and never did any- ing of comfort and joy.
port system” and that’s what led them to could see the wonder in her eyes. thing about it. Antoinette loves to set and list attain-
great games each time. They created this Now, she has had many experience’s You showed up and that in itself is able goals, at the bottom of her list she
goal that when they saw the t shirts or tro- where she has come across open tryouts amazing. They will remember you and I wrote “I want to be the best I can be”.
phies that were up for purchase, Antoinette and they just did not seem legit. So she sent am so proud of you”. Though she didn’t I admire the fact that she wrote that
would say “no one buy a t-shirt, we are go- this link over to her EDCC Coach Sheryl make the team, Antoinette was so proud of last part “the best I can be” it doesn’t just
ing to win the championship t-shirts!” to see if this was the real thing. Her coach herself for actually going for her dream, it stop at “I want to be the best” but no mat-
From little league she moved on to responded with “well it looks legit” with a was such an honor for her to even get the ter what she’s doing the best she can and
an All-star team. After one of her games, sigh of relief Antionette proceeded to fill chance to be coached by those coaches. all along her way of doing the best, she is
this man that she had no idea who he was out the registration and was sent an email She did not give up on going for her inspiring others.
approached her and asked “have you ever back congratulating her on her registration. dream. As she sat in front of me telling me Antionette Watson, is a compas-
thought of playing on a select team?” She Before she knew it she was on her way about her experience she had the chills and sionate, self-driven and humorous young
pondered the thought, mostly thought it to the Tryouts in Santa Ana, Calif. On Jan. shook it off. woman and I am thrilled to have gotten the
was creepy that this guy randomly came up 1, 2015. It was such an amazing experience for chance to hear her inspiring story.
to her but she did consider the opportunity. Tryout day: She was immediately her and an honor for me to be able to hear
She started with the drills and she just encountered by a man who distastefully
wanted to get it over with; she kept to her- asked her what team she plays for and she
self most of the time. said “Edmonds CC” she then asked him
At the end of practice, her coach came what team his daughter played for, and he
to her since he noticed she wasn’t the same responded grudgingly, “oh she plays for
as she was when he saw her at that All-star LSU” with a little arrogance in his voice.
game, he said “I know you are not familiar Antoinette told me that “it kind of
with anyone here but you have to bring out drained some confidence out of me” but
what I saw at your All-star game” with that she didn’t let that get to her, she brushed
conversation between her and her coach it it off her shoulders and told herself “An,
then boosted her confidence and she was don’t let that get to you! I am just as good
selected into the Woodinville Reign. as her and I’m going to do what I do best, I
In this team, she traveled all over am here for Edmonds Community college
Washington and even Idaho, it was a brand and myself and I am going to represent”.
new experience for her and when she Going in to the tryouts she knew her
played out of state there were other coach- Pop time was 1.6 seconds, which is the
es watching her as well. time it takes from the pitcher pitching and
One of Antoinette’s greatest experi- when she throws it to first base. Her home
ences was when she was on a U18 team, to first base was 2.8.
The Hurricanes and had a Tournament in The criteria to be met was a pop time
Canada playing other teams around the of 2 seconds and home to first at 3. So with
world. that practice she knew she was going in
20 March 2, 2015

Bright Future for

An educator, a mother
John Wall
By: Alexander Jones
Staff Writer
and that he would be back, but little did
they know what Wall has in store.
and a strong woman
In my personal experience I have
How passion changes a life. By: Pearl Reid
seen multiple people go from bad to good. cord” it’s the greatest feeling to cheer them
Everyone loves a good underdog sto- Staff Writer
Sometimes bad experiences can make you on.
ry. It gives them hope, and shows them like An educator, a mother and a strong
appreciate the good things even more. “The camaraderie between com-
an average person can do so many amazing woman. Kristyn Whisman has won multi-
Some people think that without going petitors” is by far her favorite part about
things. The story of NBA star “little john’s” ple first place prizes in the North American
through the bad, you cannot receive the strongman competitions. Whisman’s
life before the court shows just how much a Strongman Competition.
good. coach, Stefanie Tropea, also happens to be
passion can change a life. In college, Whisman was an avid
This plays into a more “Yin-Yang” a competitor as well. Tropea won the na-
John Wall, or as some people refer to swimmer, but she knew her swimming ca-
philosophy on life where everything is all tional championship in 2013.
him, “little john,” is the Washington Wiz- reer would come to an end once she gradu-
about balance and virtue. “There is nothing that makes me hap-
ard’s #2 point guard. His early life con- ated. She also knew that she needed to find
In this theory, as Wikipedia states it, pier than seeing my best friends do well in
sisted of breaking into cars, fighting, and another sport to curb her “competitive na-
“Describes how apparently opposite or the sport.” Whisman said. Two of Whis-
basketball. ture.”
contrary forces are actually complemen- man’s training partners also help her be
Wall tells reporters that is he wasn’t in That’s when she saw World’s Stron-
tary, interconnected, and interdependent in successful.
the NBA, he would be “In the streets or in gest Man and World’s Strongest Woman
the natural world, and how they give rise “They help me wrangle Emmett and
jail.” Wall was also asked about how the on television for the first time.
to each other as they interrelate to one an- push me to be my very best. They deserve
NBA changed his life and he responded To be such a great competitor, Whis-
other.” a lot of the credit for my latest win at na-
with, “A lot of people in the league will man starts her training about 12 weeks pri-
I recently spoke with local aspiring tionals, there’s no way I would’ve done so
say that. or to an actual competition. She lifts four
NBA star Jacob Warren, and he said, “I well without them.”
But this really was my days a week to help her body get “adequate
believe everyone should have a passion, In the nine years that Whisman has
escape.””Without basketball, that’s where time to adjust to the events and ensure [she
whether it’s for basketball or anything been competing in strongman completions,
I was going. No sense lyin’ about it or co- is] able to compete each event well.”
else.” she has taken away four first place wins for
min’ up with somethin’ that sounds good. I After a big event though, her body
“I do believe people can change and nationals; 2007, 2008, 2011 and 2014.
was going down the same road as my dad.” needs a little while to recuperate. She said,
go from bad to good with that passion.” Second place after her son, Emmett
John Wall was part of a Boys and girls “After about a month, I tend to start itching
Warren agrees that hard work and dedica- was born in 2013. Third place after having
club in his early life where he played bas- to lift heavy things again, so I just get right
tion can truly change a person in ways that surgery to fix a torn Anterior Cruciate Lig-
ketball, cussed out team mates, and was back into it.”
make them a much better person in the end. ament (ACL) in 2010 and at her very first
excessively angry, rude, and aggressive to- One of the reasons Whisman loves a
If people did not have the ability to time at nationals in 2006, she was awarded
ward everyone there. strongman competition is the “lack of con-
change and adapt, the world would be dor- sixth place.
John even developed a nickname trol that exists in the sport.”
mant, bleak, and lifeless. More of the amazing accomplishments
while he was there. Wall was asked about The only thing that she can do on a
Wall joined Oscar Robertson, Magic that Whisman has made are, carrying a 150
his nickname that stemmed from his atti- competition day is show up and do her best
Johnson, and Chris Paul as the only play- pound keg 60 feet, pushing a 1,000 pound
tude at the club. at lifting and moving the items she needs
ers to average at least 17 points, eight as- wheelbarrow 60 feet in 8.67 seconds and
“Crazy J was a bad kid that did every- to.
sists, and four rebounds in just their first dead lifting a Toyota Yaris nine times!
thing...Always did the wild things. Didn’t Whisman’s competitors further her
300 games. Currently Whisman is getting
think. Did whatever. Fightin’. Jumpin’ off love of this sport. “To see feats of strength
It just goes to show you, however ready for the 2015 Arnold Sports Festival.
the bleachers. Basically, like a stunt devil of which we are all capable is quite amaz-
your life situation looks right now, you can It will be held in Columbus, Ohio
who would do anything. I was mean at ing”, she said. She also said that when
turn it all around with hard work, patience, starting on March 6.
times. If you try me...” another person reaches their “personal re-
and a passion.
Wall recalls days where he would steal
cars with his buddies and cruise around
town, and times when he was at a house
party and he was shot at twice, and re-
turned fire.
John explains that this anger all came
after his dad died. The anger was present
in his family as well. Wall reported that
his brother went to jail right when his dad
died. Reporters found that Wall’s half-
brother, John Caroll Wall Jr was convicted
of second degree murder in 1999, and that
he will be released in 2018.
Wall finally killed his “Crazy J” men-
tality after his mother payed 200$ for him
to go to a basketball tournament, and the
lights turned off in their apartment for a
few days.
“There was no lights for a day or two...
That was it. If my mom was going to do
that for me, I was going to make sure she
was satisfied for life.” Two years later,
Wall turned Crazy J into the number 1
High School basketball player in America.
Many doubted Wall’s ability to play,
and openly expressed their opinion on the
matter. Big John Thompson, a 2-time NBA
champion said, “Hell of a lot of experts
said John Wall might not have it...Now
look. John is that guy coming out of the
Wall’s future was looking bright. reports on Wall’s
accomplishment,“John Wall owned Ra-
His closest friends -- Bane, Eric “E.J.”
Grissett, Reggie Jackson and Ty Williams
-- had become uber-popular, hosting their
own parties, cruising the Southside Raleigh
loop for ladies. It wouldn’t be until the next
year’s NBA draft rolled around they coined
the name “5-Deep” for their crew, wearing
matching, diamond-studded pendants.”
When Wall left for the draft, he re-
called people saying he wouldn’t make it,
Event Calendars 21
Around campus and the community
March 3 March 18 Law Association Club Feb 7 - May 25
Conversations in Humanities Classical Student Showcase First Thurs of the Month Pompeii The Exhibition
Teresa Ciabattari Music 4:30 - 6 p.m. Call for times
7 -8 p.m. 7:30 -8:30 p.m. Sno 304A Pacific Science Center
Black Box Theatre Black Box Theatre
Black Student Association Feb 19- March 14
March 4 March 10 Mondays Blood/Water/Paint
Winter Quarter Boeing Application Workshop 4-5 p.m. Live Girls Theatre
Career Fair 2 - 4 p.m. MLT 204 7:30 p.m.
12 - 3 p.m MLT 138 Theatre off Jackson
WWY 202 Drama Club Seattle
March 10 Fridays
March 7 Safe Spring Break 3 - 4:30 p.m.
Recyclemania Mocktails Bri 244
Shred Event & E waste 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
10 a.m. - 2p.m. Brier Lobby
Parking Lot A

Arts & Entertainment

EdCC Campus EdCC Clubs Edmonds Lynnwood
Join a Club! There are many on Campus
March 3 Edmonds Art-walk Lynnwood Library Booksale
Brown Bag Lecture Geek Culture Club Third Thursday 5 p.m. Mon.-Sun. during library hours
A shot of Reality Fridays 1 - 3 p.m. Downtown Edmonds Lynnwood Library
12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Brier 233
Black Box Theatre Feb 20 -March 8 If you find something
Global Volunteers Club Death by Chocolate of interest
March 3 Fridays 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 8 -10 p.m. Thurs-Sat that is not located on
Linkedin Workshop Brier 231-233 2-4 p.m. Sun the calendar
2 -4 p.m. Wade James Theatre please let us
MLT 138 Ignite Fellowship know @
12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Brier 244

Men’s Basketball Sports Clubs Women’s Basketball
Rugby Club Feb 28
Feb 28
Fridays 1 p.m. 5 p.m.
7 p.m.
Frances Anderson Field vs Skagit Valley College
vs Skagit Valley College
Edmonds Home
The EdCC Soccer Club
March 7-10
Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
variable times
Triton Soccer Field
NWAC Championships Mar 1
Seaview Gym
Toyota Center Vs Columbian
Away Away
Don’t see a sport that has a club?
8 a.m.
Find an adviser and
start one, there are many
Mar 1
sports out there for you to
Vs Walla Walla
enjoy, maybe an
EdCC Karate Club
10 a.m.
22 Comics & Games March 2, 2015

Horoscope that it causes the water to reverse itself and

flow from the bay back into the river.
• It’s been reported that famed chef Ju-
tion you were given for a sud- den shift in
lia Child loved to eat corn chips with pea-
your duties. There’s a pos- sibility that you
nut butter.
haven’t been told all the facts that you de-
• You might be surprised to learn that
serve to know.
out of the 362 episodes of “Alfred Hitch-
SCORPIO (October 23 to Novem- ber
• It was feminist and social activist cock Presents” that were produced over
21) Having confidence in your abilities is
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You Gloria Steinem who made the following the course of a decade, Hitchcock himself
important, especially when you could be
need to be certain that all the right con- di- sage observation: “Logic is in the eye of directed only 20.
facing a new challenge, whether it’s in the
tions are in place before you take that first the logician.” • Those who study such things say
workplace or in a personal relationship.
step. It can’t hurt to listen to good advice • Some historians claim that Moses that the fastest-growing sport among high-
Good luck.
from those who have your best interests at had a stutter. school students in Minnesota is trap shoot-
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to De-
heart. • If you’re like the average Ameri- ing.
cember 21) A new work-related opportu-
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Be can, your vocabulary consists of roughly Thought for the Day: “These are bag-
nity might not be all that it seems. Before
careful not to get involved in other peo- 45,000 words. pipes. I understand the inventor of the bag-
making any decisions, you might want to
ple’s disputes unless you know the facts • Despite the sound of the word, those pipes was inspired when he saw a man car-
check with others who have had some ex-
behind the disagreements. That’s the best who suffer from amusia do not have any rying an indignant, asthmatic pig under his
perience in that area.
way to be assured of making wise and hon- impairment of their sense of humor; rather, arm. Unfortunately, the man-made sound
CAPRICORN (December 22 to Janu-
est decisions. they’re tone deaf -- medically unable to never equaled the purity of the sound
ary 19) A situation involving someone
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You still hear or accurately reproduce relative pitch. achieved by the pig.” -- Alfred Hitchcock
close could benefit from your timely inter-
need to be careful about how you’re going vention. Avoid being judgmental. There’ll • When the wildly successful 1965
to spend those energy reserves you finally film “The Sound of Music” was released (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.
be plenty of time later for those “little
got around to restoring. Best advice: Avoid talks” you like to have. in South Korea, one theater owner felt that
overdo- ing it. Let things take their course. AQUARIUS (January 20 to Feb- ru- the movie was too long. He took it upon
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Your ary 18) Travel could be a surprise element himself to remedy the situation -- by cut-
aspect continues to favor travel — alone or in that new project. Be pre- pared for other ting out all the musical numbers.
with that special person. So if you’ve been previously undisclosed aspects that also • If you’re planning a trip to the Ca-
putting off making those getaway plans, might come to light as you proceed with nadian province of New Brunswick, you
it’s still a good time to get started on them. the work. might want to include a stop to see the
LEO (July 23 to August 22) Those so- PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Reversing Falls of St. John. While the St.
called golden opportunities that continue Try to balance your work-related respon- John River flows into the Bay of Fundy at
to dazzle the Lion still need to be carefully sibilities with the time you’re spending on low tide, high tide in the bay is so extreme
checked out. Be sus- picious about any- your recently revived social life. An old
thing that looks like the “perfect” prospect. friend might be planning to return after a
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) long absence. Have story ideas? let us know what’s working and what’s
Changes at the workplace could make it BORN THIS WEEK: Your sensi- tiv- not.
- Is something going on around campus?
more difficult to do things the way you pre- ity makes you aware of the needs of others.
fer. But the wise Virgo who shows some Have you considered a career as a coun-
Comments on Or want to write for us?
flexibility could find it paying off in a big selor? stories? Drop us a line at:
way. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc. - Letters to the editor are a good way to
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22)
You might want to check out the explana-
The R eview 23

Answers to
last issue puzzles

1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the only

Central American country that doesn’t
have a coastline on the Pacific?
2. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin
phrase “in media res” mean?
3. MOVIES: What movie featured the
line, “The point is, ladies and gentleman,
that greed -- for lack of a better word -- is
4. AD SLOGANS: What American
manufacturing company once used the slo-
gan “Quality is job one” to sell its prod-
5. MUSIC: What does it mean to play
notes in a “staccato” style?
6. U.S. PRESIDENTS: What was the
Secret Service’s code name for Ronald
many official languages does the United
Nations have?
8. MYTHOLOGY: Who were the
Norns in Norse mythology?
9. TELEVISION: What television sit-
com featured parents who were named Al
and Peggy?
1. Belize
2. In the midst of things
3. “Wall Street” (Michael Douglas)
4. Ford Motor Co.
5. Abruptly or in a disjointed manner
6. Rawhide
7. Six (English, Arabic, Spanish, Chi-
nese, French and Russian)
8. Female beings who rule the destiny
of gods and men
9. “Married With Children”

(c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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