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1. NAME The Association shall be known as ‘MARISCHAL CHAMBER ORCHESTRA,

hereinafter referred to as ‘the Society’.

2. OBJECTIVE The object of the Society shall be to advance public education in and
appreciation of the art and science of orchestral music in all its aspects by;
maintenance, support, development of orchestral performance at the highest
level under professional guidance and by such format as the Society shall


1. Membership shall be open to students and non-students. A minimum of
60% of the membership shall be matriculated students of the University
of Aberdeen and affiliated universities.

2. Any individual wishing to become a member of the Society will be

required to pay an annual subscription of a sum determined by the
Society at the Annual General Meeting.

3. Full Membership shall be open to individuals who shall have paid the
appropriate annual subscription. Full Membership shall permit the
individual to partake in all activities carried out by the Society including
having the power to vote in the Annual General Meeting of the Society,
unless otherwise excluded by the committee and/or Musical Director for
good cause, or the actions of the individual warrant reason for
termination or exclusion under clause 3.B.

4. The Society at the Annual General Meeting may determine the

reasonableness of or choose to include a Social Membership option for
the forthcoming academic year.

5. Approval of the Social Membership will be performed by a simple vote of

those members present at the Annual General Meeting or being present
at the Annual General Meeting in a non-physical capacity, and having
such power to vote in the proceedings. In which case:

6. Social Membership shall be open to any individual being a student or

non-student who shall have paid the appropriate annual subscription.
Social Membership shall permit the individual to partake in some
activities carried out by the Society unless otherwise excluded by the
committee and/or Musical Director for good cause, or the actions of the
individual warrant reason for termination under clause 3.B.

1. Membership of any individual member may be terminated if their actions
are seen as being detrimental to the Objectives of the society. This will be
passed by a resolution of two-thirds of the Committee members present
provided that:

a. the President shall give at least 48 (FORTY-EIGHT) hours written

notice to the said member about the meeting at which the
resolution will be moved;
b. at the said meeting the individual or individuals, who may be
accompanied by a friend, will be given the opportunity to make
representations against the said resolution;
c. the decision of such a meeting shall be final.



1. At the Annual General Meeting of the society the members shall elect
from amongst themselves the following positions. All positions shall be
eligible for re-election.
a. President (Office-bearer)
b. Vice-President (Office-bearer)
c. Secretary (Office-bearer)
d. Treasurer (Office-bearer)
e. Librarian
f. Social Secretary
g. Co-Ordinator
h. 1st Year Member

2. The Committee at their discretion may decide the number of Co-

Ordinator positions to be filled for the following academic year.
Appointment of the Co-Ordinator position(s) is to be carried out at the
Annual General Meeting and shall be decided by vote of those members
having such capacity to vote in the Annual General Meeting (3.A)
a. Where the committee and Conductor and/or Musical Director
are in agreement the Secretary may assume the role of Tour Co-
i. Tour for the purposes of the constitution is defined as
being a period or series of concerts out-with the home
city of Aberdeen;
ii. Where a tour is to be international the committee must
seek and obtain the agreement of the Conductor and/or
Musical Director

3. Where the Committee and Musical Director are in agreement the Society
may undertake external activities and performances such as residential
rehearsals or a tour.
a. TOUR for the purposes of the constitution shall be defined as a
period or series of concerts out-with and including the home city
of Aberdeen.
1. The functions of each committee position shall be defined as follows:

i. President
a. Specific duties include but are not limited to:
i. Chair committee meetings ensuring they are run efficiently
and effectively.
ii. Act as a signatory for the committee in all legal purposes and
financial purposes
iii. Regularly focus the committee’s attention on matters of
governance that relate to its own structure. Role and
iv. Ensuring effective communication between the Society and
external bodies where and when necessary.
b. The President may delegate tasks where they deem necessary
to do so.
i. If agreed between the President and Vice-President the
chairing of meetings may operate on a rotating basis.
ii. Vice-President
a. Specific duties include but are not limited to:
i. Supporting the President in all matters relevant to the
management of the Society so in as far.
ii. Chair meetings subject to 4.B.1.b.i
b. The Vice-President may delegate tasks where the President
deems it within the capacity of the Vice-President.
iii. Secretary
a. Specific duties include but are not limited to:
i. Arrange meetings and book rooms or venues
ii. Creating an agenda and keeping minutes of meetings as
iii. Support the President and Vice-President in matters
pertaining to communication between the Society and
external organisations.
iv. Maintain up to date membership records.
v. Organise with the assistance of the committee any agreed
excursion (see 4.A.3.)
iv. Treasurer
a. Specific duties include but are not limited to:
i. Learning and understanding AUSA’s financial system.
ii. Keeping track and appropriate record of all income and
expenditure from the Society’s account.
iii. Updating the committee and members on the society’s
financial situation.
iv. Fundraising for the Society where possible.

v. Librarian
a. Specific duties include but are not limited to:
i. Organisation of music including hiring music where and when
appropriate and distribution of music for the orchestra and
ii. Keeping an accurate record of all hired and/or purchased
music distributed to individuals in the Society.
vi. Social Secretary
a. Specific duties will include but are not limited to:
i. Organising socials which ensure the consideration and
inclusion of all students.
ii. Organising fundraisers for the Society where and when
vii. Co-Ordinator
a. The role of Co-Ordinator shall assume an ordinary member
function. At the discretion of the committee or, having sought
the relevant approval the Co-Ordinator may at such time be
required to:
i. Organise and/or co-ordinate any formation of ensembles as
approved by the committee.
ii. Select repertoire to be performed by those ensembles
approved under 4.B.1.vii.a.i
viii. 1st Year Member
a. The role of 1st year member may either be undertaken by a
person enrolled in academic level one or a person new to the
b. The 1st year member will be required to assist the society
Librarian (see 4.B.1.v) and may be required to assist the
committee where and when required.

1. An ENSEMBLE for the purposes of the Constitution shall be any group,
formation, or combination of members from within the Society, having
been formed under the supervision and/or guidance of the Co-
Ordinator(s) and the Committee (4.A.2.vii) for the purposes of
conducting performances or activities in the name of the Society.

2. Any ENSEMBLE(s) under 5.1 will operate in the name of and under the
therefore also be acting as representatives of Aberdeen University
Student’s Association, the University of Aberdeen Music Department and
the University of Aberdeen.
a. All monies received by any such Ensemble is the property of the
Society and should be accounted for and documented in the
Society accounts by the relevant Co-Ordinator where appropriate
AND the Treasurer.

3. All the arrangements for the concerts and other events shall be in the
hands of the Society with the support of the University of Aberdeen Music
Department where appropriate.

4. In the event that a member or members carrying business in the name of

the Society as an Ensemble is/are found to be acting contrary to AUSA or
University policies or contrary to their honest obligations to the society,
contractual or otherwise, then those members may face suspension from
society activities and termination of membership under 3.B.

5. The Musical Director will be appointed to the Society by the University of

Aberdeen Music Department. The Musical Director will oversee artistic
content with the support of the committee as well as the selection and
appointment of musicians to the Orchestra.

6. Sub-committees may be appointed for any purpose by the Committee.

Membership of such sub-committees shall be entirely at the discretion of
the Committee.

6. POWERS In furtherance of the Objectives but not otherwise the Committee may
exercise the following powers:

i. Power to raise funds and to invite and receive contributions

provided that in raising funds the Committee shall not undertake
any substantial permanent trading activities and shall conform to
any relevant requirements of the law;
ii. Power to buy, take on lease or exchange any property necessary for
the achievement of the objects and to maintain and equip it for use;
iii. Power to employ such staff (who shall not be members of the
Committee) as are necessary for the proper pursuit of the objects
and to make all reasonable and necessary provision of payment to
any staff;
iv. Power to establish or support any charitable trusts, associations or
institutions formed for all or any of the Objectives;
v. Power to appoint and constitute such advisory Committees as the
Committee may think fit;
vi. Power to do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the
achievement of the objects.

No individual shall be excluded from the membership of the Ensemble or de-
barred from any official capacity on the Committee on the grounds of sex,
race, colour, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability or political affiliation.

1. The Society’s financial year shall be the period between the 1st of May
and the 30th of April of the succeeding year.

2. The funds of the Society, including all donations, contributions and

bequests, shall be paid into an account operated by the Committee and
AUSA in the name of the Society at such bank as designated by AUSA.
Cheques up to and including £100 can be signed by the Treasurer alone;
however cheques over £100 must be signed in the Society’s name by any
two of the Treasurer, President, or Vice-President. Cheques of £1000 and
over must be approved in writing or signed by the Treasurer and the

3. The income of the Society where derived shall be applied solely towards
promoting the objects of the society as set forth above and no portion
thereof shall be paid or transferred either directly or indirectly to any
member or members of the Ensemble except in payment of legitimate
expenses incurred on behalf of the society.

1. There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Society which shall be
held annually.

2. The Committee shall call every Annual General Meeting. The President
shall give at least 14 days’ notice to all members of the Society. All
members of the Society shall be entitled to attend. All full members shall
be invited to vote at the meeting.

3. The Committee shall present to each Annual General Meeting the report
and accounts of the Society for the preceding year.

4. Members of the Committee shall be elected as necessary at the Annual

General Meeting. Nominations for election to the committee may be
made by members of the Society by notifying the Committee in writing
prior to the meeting, or at the meeting itself.

5. In the event that a member is unable to attend the AGM but wishes to
stand for election to the committee (subject to 3.A.3 and 3.A.6), the
incumbent committee may accept either written submissions prior to the
commencement of the Annual General Meeting or live communications
by phone or equivalent media.

6. In the event of any of the committee positions not being filled, one person
may assume two roles at the discretion of the committee after the results
of the Annual General Meeting.
a. Office bearing positions must not be vacant.
b. One person cannot assume two Office bearing positions.

7. Other business at the Annual General Meeting:

a. to determine the following forthcoming subscription.
b. to consider relevant business placed on the agenda by the
c. to consider any other business by leave of the President.

8. A quorum at the Annual General Meeting shall be a minimum of two-

thirds of the Society.
9. The outcome of a vote, as stated by the President, shall be entered into
the minutes, but the number or proportion of the votes shall not be

10. If a vote is tied, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, the President

shall be entitled to a casting vote in addition to any other vote he/she
may have.

11. If there are more than two people running for a Committee role, and no
single member claims a majority of the votes, the two members with the
most votes will then proceed to a second round of voting.

1. A Special General Meeting of the Society can be called as follows:
a. by written request of the Office Bearers
b. by a written request stating the business to be considered at the
meeting signed by a minimum of ten (10) members of the Society.

2. Upon receipt of such a request the Secretary shall call a special meeting.
At least fourteen days’ written notice must be given. The notice must
state the business to be discussed.

1. Subject to the following provisions of this clause, the constitution may be
altered by a resolution passed by not less than two-thirds of the members
present and voting at a General Meeting. The notice of the General
Meeting must include notice of the resolution, setting out the terms of
the alterations proposed.

2. No amendment may be made to Clause 1 (the name of Society), Clause 2

(the Objectives), Clause 12 (the Dissolutions clause), or this clause
without prior consent of the majority of the Committee and the Musical

3. No resolution for alterations to the constitution will be accepted by the

Secretary unless:
a. it has been accepted by the Committee by a majority vote, or
b. the Secretary or Committee has received a written request signed
by at least fifteen (15) members. Such alterations should be
discussed and voted on at a General Meeting of the Society.
Fourteen (14) day’s notice shall be given of the said meeting.

If the Committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the
Society it shall call a meeting of all members of the Society of which not less
than twenty-one (21) days’ notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be
proposed) shall be given. If the proposal is confirmed by two-thirds of the
majority of those present and voting the Committee shall have the power to
realise the assets held by or on behalf of the Society. Any assets remaining
after the satisfaction of any debts or liabilities shall be given or transferred to
such other charitable institution or institution having objects similar to the
object of the ensemble as the members of the Committee may determine or
failing that shall be applied for some other charitable purpose.

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