Akashic Records of The Bastard Magical Instructor Vol.7 Ch.0-2

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Prologue: The Aspiration of a Certain Day

Chapter 1: The Secret of the Wall-Pounding Invitation

Chapter 2: Prom Preparation and Selfish Thoughts

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Akashic Records of the Bastard Magical

Translation Group: Noblesse Oblige


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It was a memory from many years ago… when I was just a child.

My mother, Queen Alicia Septima, came to the Alzano Imperial

Magic Academy on her routine inspection of the empire.


With my hand in hers, I accompanied Mother into the magic

academy’s main hall and was absolutely entranced by the sight that
unfolded before my eyes.

The bright chandeliers hanged from the ceiling and walls, while
the glittering candelabra basked the white tables and a vast selection
of dishes on top with a gentle glow. Nearby, musicians in tuxedoes
played a cheerful tune, where pairs of girls and boys in splendid
clothes danced the night away. Surrounding the dance floor, prom
attendees enjoyed a lighthearted chatter.

Everyone laughed and enjoyed their time at the joyous occasion.

To me at the time, the sight of the academy’s main hall was a scene
out of fairy tales.

“Hehehe, are you surprised? Erumiana, this is the famed ‘Academy

Prom’.” Mother explained to me, “This prom is an annual tradition
held at the magic academy. It felt like yesterday when I had enjoyed
the festivities as a student at this academy… Quite nostalgic…”

“Really…? So even Mother had taken part in this prom…”

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“Of course! Shall we look around, Erumiana?”

Hand in hand, we toured the ‘Academy Prom’. Certainly, it was a

tour that felt surreal and dreamlike, or perhaps it could simply be
considered as a reflection of the wondrous event itself.

At the center stage of the Academy Prom, there appeared to be a

dance contest as pairs twirled to the cheers of the spectators. The
stunning environment was infectious, and, despite standing a fair
distance away, my heart was set aflutter by the jovial atmosphere.

“If only Renillia-oneesama could come as well…”

Just as I was feeling regret for my dear sister, who was unable to
join us due to poor health, loud cheers and applause erupted in the
hall at the appearance of a pair of students on stage. The pair basked
in the gentle glow of magic, as if receiving a wonderful blessing from
the heavens above.


At that moment, I could not help but focus on the female partner
of the pair. More precisely, I was enraptured by the splendid dress
she wore.

“H-how b-beautiful…”

The wondrous dress further amplified the already dreamlike state.

Its litheness was reminiscent of a gown worn by angels, while its long
sleeves fluttered in the wind like the wings of fairies. Countless gems
dotted the surface in the same way stars dotted the night sky, and,
under the brilliant light above, glittered with an almost mysterious

The surrealistic scene immediately entranced me.

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“Hehehe~ Do you like that dress, Erumiana?” Mother spoke to me
with a hint of nostalgia in her voice, “I am not surprised that you
would be attracted to that dress – the ‘Gown of Fairies’.”

“Gown of Fairies…?”

“Yes. It is a gown that would appear at every ‘Academy Prom’

since the prom’s inception. Only the female partner of the dance
contest’s champion pair would be granted the privilege to wear it for
the night. It is a dress adorned with magic – the symbol of the
undisputed champion.”

Legends told that the dress was the masterpiece of a powerful

fairy. It would remain beautiful and pristine no matter how many
years had passed, and it was enchanted with the ability to fit
whoever that should wear it. Furthermore, the embedded magic
allowed for the amplification of its wearer’s beauty and charisma.

“Although I do not quite understand… but it seems the gown is

quite impressive.”

“Hehehe~ To tell you the truth, I had had the opportunity to wear
it… when I was a student in this academy.”

“Huh?! R-really?! Mother had worn it before?!”

“Yes. It was with your father – The man who had passed away
before you came to age – as a dance partner that we were able to
triumph in the contest and gained the privilege to wear the gown… It
was a wonderful memory for me to this very day.”

“With Father…?”

Mother looked exceptionally happy when reminiscing about the

memory from a long time ago.

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“How envious… Mother, I also want to wear that gown one day!”

“Huh? Does that mean Erumiana plans to enroll in the magic

academy in the future?”

“Yep! I want to wear the Gown of Fairies, just like her… and just
like you, Mother.”

It was a silly goal, but one reflective of my youth at the time.

Despite my selfish declaration, my mother gently patted my head as
she turned to me.

“Hehehe~ Is that so? Then you must learn to be mature… and

master the dance… and, most importantly, find the splendid other
half of your life worthy of your hands.”

“…Other half?”

I did not understand Mother’s profound words at the time.

“Hey, Mother. Why would I need this ‘other half’?”

“Hehehe… To tell you the truth, Erumiana, there happened to be

quite the legend surrounding the gown…”

It was a legend that foretold of the wearer’s partner…

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Rumia broke out of her trance as someone called her name.

“What’s wrong? Tired already?”

With a turn of her head, Rumia saw a platinum-haired girl with a

gentle smile. It was her best friend, Sistine, with hair as white as
liquid mithril.

“No, nothing… I was just a bit lost in thought.” Rumia replied with
a complicated smile while fixing her blonde hair.

Currently, the pair was at Alzano Imperial Magic Academy’s

multipurpose hall, nestled in the southwestern part of the campus.

In three days’ time, the multipurpose hall would play host to the
annual ‘Academy Prom’. As such, the Student Council members, the
Prom Committee members, and student volunteers all busied
themselves with the preparation. They cleaned the hall, shuffled
furniture, set up decorations, and arranged the supplies in
anticipation of the event.

“Sorry about this… I do feel like I’m responsible for dragging you
into this…” Sistine apologized with a lowered head.

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Given her close relationship with the Student Council President Liz,
Sistine would frequently help the Student Council out on various
miscellaneous tasks. On this occasion, Sistine was entrusted as the
representative and overseer for the student volunteers, serving as
the vital liaison between the volunteers, the Student Council, and the
Prom Committee.

Rumia, seeing how hard her best friend worked, decided to lighten
Sistine’s workload by volunteering.

“Especially when Rumia and Re=L have no duty to assist with the
Student Council…”

“It’s alright, Sisti. I don’t mind it at all. In a way, isn’t working

together quite fun?” Rumia emphasized, hoping to ease her best
friend’s feeling of guilt.

Certainly, Rumia did earnestly want to help her best friend out in
her time of need. Even though her body was exhausted by the
constant physical exertion, her heart was happy.

“Rather, I would like to thank you for letting me join in the


With that said, Rumia turned to clean the candelabra.

“W-what an angel…” Sistine muttered as she was touched by

Rumia’s kindness.

“Sorry to interrupt, Rumia-san… May I borrow you for a moment?”

At that moment, a male student came over to Rumia. From his

appearance, it was clearly one of the infamous womanizers on

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“Haa… Not again…”

Pausing her hand on the candelabra, Rumia cocked her head as

she turned to meet the boy. Nearby, Sistine could only let out a
deprecative sigh.

“Rumia-san, have you decided on the one who will accompany you
to prom?” The boy asked with a sweet smile.

“Ah… No… I haven’t thought much about it…”

“Really? It would truly be a shame for one as beautiful as you to

not attend…” The boy confessed, “In that case, would you like to
attend the prom with-…”

“Ah, sorry. Thank you for your offer, but I must respectfully

Rumia apologetically lowered her head with clasped hands.


The boy’s smile turned completely stiff. Even he could not imagine
receiving such a flat-out rejection.

“Uwaa!! D-darn it! Rumia-chan is impossible!!”

In the end, the boy ran away while crying loudly.

“Seriously, flippant guys everywhere…” Sistine sighed at the scene

that unfolded before her, “the ‘Academy Prom’ was never such a
frivolous event… At its core, it was an event for social interactions,
where people would demonstrate their learned manners… mumble

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The ‘Academy Prom’ was a traditional event that was held
annually at the Alzano Imperial Magic Academy. The event was
designed to foster a sense of camaraderie among the students and
to network with the guests, among which included the academy’s
notable alumni, students from neighboring magic academies such as
the Kleitos Magic Academy, and high-ranking officials and aristocrats
within the imperial government. From time to time, even the Queen
herself would grace the event with her presence, bringing a rare
regal air to the event.

“While there will be a dance contest during the ‘Academy Prom’,

this is just-…”

“You mean the dance contest where pairs would compete in

performance and skill?”

Sistine gave a somewhat irritable nod in reply to Rumia’s question.

“Yeah. The one where the female champion receives permission to

don the ‘Gown of Fairies’… There’s even a legend about the gown…”

“The legend in which the pair’s relationship will be blessed with

eternal happiness, right?” Rumia repeated the words of her mother
from a long time ago.

“Yes, and because of the lousy legend, those scheming boys are all
buzzing around Rumia like flies! Argh! What a bother, each and every
one of them!!”

Sistine scoured the multipurpose hall with annoyance. Her sight

soon befell upon a few loitering boys who were neither volunteers
nor organizers staring at Rumia from a distance, with their intention
to invite Rumia to prom as plain as day.

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Under Sistine’s intense glare, the boys hastily scattered away
while avoiding any eye contact.


Incidentally, no one has yet invited Sistine to the prom, painfully

true to her nickname of the ‘Mithril Fairy’. (Author’s note: Mithril is
very beautiful, but also incredibly hard and difficult to handle.)

“Still, Rumia sure is popular…” Sistine mumbled while looking over

at Rumia with an envious gaze.


“So… Rumia, who do you plan to attend the prom with?”


The suddenness of Sistine’s question made Rumia pause her


“Didn’t you sit out last year’s competition as well? I would expect
you, a former royalty, to have amazing dance technique… so it was
somewhat regrettable that you chose not to participate.”

“Oh… right.”

“Not to mention, the evening gown that only the female champion
is permitted to wear, the ‘Gown of Fairies’… Haven’t you said that
you really wished to wear it once? Why not just invite someone as
your partner?”

Rumia was left speechless by Sistine’s words, seemingly deep in


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“Y-yeah, I really do want to wear the gown… but, you know, the

Rumia gave the same lukewarm response as always.

“The legend in which the pair’s relationship will be blessed with

eternal happiness, is it? I’m surprised you would mind it that much…
To think you were such a romantic~” Sistine chuckled at Rumia’s
reply, “Seriously, Rumia, that legend is nothing but an unfounded
rumor! From purely the standpoint of magic theory, such an effect is
simply impossible!”

As such, Sistine began to espouse her reasoning.

“Given the requirement that the pairs are made from willing
partners, we could deduce that the chemistry between the pairs to
be good. When you include the long hours each pair must practice to
achieve respectable results in the contest, it was simply no wonder
that there is a greater likelihood for the pairs to end up together!”

“Perhaps Sisti is right… But I think I’ll probably pass on the dance
contest this year. I’ll just dance a bit for fun and then enjoy the
festivities from the sideline.”

This time, Sistine was the one left in thought for a moment.

“Well, i-in that case…” Sistine hesitantly muttered as her fingers

twirled her platinum hair while looking longingly at the distant, “W-
why not invite… Glenn?”


Rumia blinked her long eyelashes and stared blankly at Sistine

when the suggestion was made.

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“W-well, d-didn’t you always say that you like him? As long as it is
with our teacher, I d-don’t think you would need to mind the l-
legend! This way, y-you would have a chance to w-wear the ‘Gown of
Fairies’. N-not to mention, we w-would also dissuade those annoying
boys from prowling around!”

Rumia looked at her best friend with a complicated smile, clearly

seeing right through Sistine’s maiden heart.

Seriously… Sisti sure isn’t being honest with herself…

Rumia knew that Sistine had feelings for Glenn. In other words,
Sistine herself really wanted to partner with Glenn for the dance, but
she won’t acknowledge her own feelings. As for the legend, although
Sistine openly declared her skepticism, she could not hide her
romantic thoughts.

However, since Sistine had always wanted to become a ‘great

magician reminiscent of her father and grandfather’, she could not
consciously choose a partner like Glenn who was the very antithesis
of the term ‘great magician’. As such, Sistine wished to help Rumia
and Glenn get together, thereby eliminating the troublesome
thoughts from her mind.

For her to be this dense… In a way, I couldn’t help but be worried

about her future…
But still…
Rumia let her imagination take hold. She thought of the scene
where she and Glenn embraced each other in the dance contest,
then winning and donning the beautiful evening gown.

Ah~ That would be… great…

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The very thought of her dancing with Glenn made Rumia’s face
beet red and her heart aflutter with joy. It was a future filled with
happiness, and Rumia came to see the realization of such a future
worthy of any amount of dedication.

N-no… I shouldn’t hold such unrealistic expectations…

However, Rumia had once made a vow to herself. One she made
soon after being exiled from the imperial household and taken in by
the Fibels, where she was given the warmth of a family. Thereafter,
Rumia vowed that if one day, she and Sistine would share the same
desire, she would unhesitantly yield it to Sistine for all the kindness
the Fibels had shown her.

“Although it is an opportunity, I am still hesitant to appear under

the gaze of a large crowd…” Rumia said as she revealed a
mischievous grin, “Perhaps it would be better if Sisti and Teacher
partnered for the dance instead?”

“Wh-… M-me?!”

Sistine was left completely flustered, her voice warping oddly from
the surprise.

“W-why must I d-dance with that s-sort of vulgar b-bastard, devoid

of any dignity afforded to a mage?!”

“Don’t you really want to dress in the ‘Gown of Fairies’?”

“Ah, o-of course! After all, that elegant evening gown is the object
of envy for all the female students!”

“In that case, why not invite the teacher as your partner?
Especially since you do not believe in that silly legend, right?”

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“Y-yeah… but why does it have to be that bastard?”

“Well, don’t the two of you share a decent understanding? As I

recall, during the ruins exploration a while back…”

“T-that… It’s all because of his gullibility!”

“If I remember correctly, weren’t you a solid dancer yourself? I’m

sure you will definitely perform splendidly as a pair with Teacher.”

“No way! For one, that person is incredibly lazy, I am certain he

won’t be moved by my invitation.”

“In that case, why not make him a Bento? I’m certain you can win
him over with food.”

“Y-yeah… I guess…”

At Rumia’s suggestion, Sistine also realized that it would not be

hard to bait Glenn, who was always neck deep in debt and forced to

“S-say… Rumia, would it really be alright for me to dance with


“Ahaha~ Don’t worry! You should just simply kick back and enjoy
the event after toiling for such a long time in preparation. After all,
your happiness is my own.”


With Rumia’s encouragement, the thought of ‘Dancing with Glenn’

slowly sprouted in Sistine’s mind.

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“R-right… While we are students, we definitely should aim to wear
the ‘Gown of Fairies’ at least once… Not to mention, I doubt I would
be able to find another partner for the contest than Glenn…”

So be it!
Sistine clenched her fist with resolution.

“Yeah! Let’s try to invite that bastard to prom!”

“Hehehe… Good luck, Sisti!”

Rumia snickered at Sistine’s newfound determination, as if a

fledgling had finally sprung wings.

“By the way, the invitation doesn’t have any deeper meaning!
Once again, I definitely do not believe in that silly legend, and I am
only participating in the dance contest for the evening gown! I only
chose the teacher because I couldn’t find an adequate partner, that’s
all!!” Sistine repeatedly emphasized with a face dyed red with

Yet, Rumia could only wryly smile at Sistine’s lack of honesty with

“Hey, kids! Looks like everyone is working hard!”

At that moment, Glenn suddenly appeared before the two.

“By the way…”


At Glenn’s surprise appearance, Rumia and Sistine were left in a

temporary state of panic. However, Rumia soon recovered and
began to egg Sistine on.

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“Sisti, now’s your chance!”


Sistine took a deep breath before running before Glenn.

“T-teacher! Ahh… A-although I d-don’t mind who is my partner…

b-but since there w-wasn’t anyone particularly good, s-so out of n-
necessity, w-would you like t-to-… Huh?”

However, Glenn simply sidestepped Sistine and marched straight

toward Rumia.

“Umm… T-teacher? W-were you looking for me…?”

Rumia was unconsciously forced back by the air of intimidation

emitting from Glenn.

One step… Two step… Three step…


Just as Rumia backed herself into the wall…

Glenn slammed his palm into the wall and peered his face close to
hers. (1)

At a distance where they could feel each other’s breath, Glenn

stared intently at the confused Rumia before revealing a confident

“Hey, Rumia. For the upcoming dance contest… Would you mind
dancing with me?”


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Sistine and Rumia were taken aback by Glenn’s uncharacteristic
and forceful request. At that moment, the surrounding students
began to chatter.

“I know that many had already tried to invite you to the prom…
However, I will not let anyone else take you, so let me be your

“Ahh… T-teacher…?”

The sudden proposal had even thrown the usually calm Rumia into
a daze.

With her back to the wall and her side blocked by Glenn’s right
arm, Rumia could not hope to escape. Overwhelmed by nervousness,
Rumia tightly clasped her hands before her chest. Sweat poured out
as her heart raced uncontrollably. Even her face burned as if being
roasted by fire.

“By the way, I do not care what you decide. If you refuse, I will
simply fail you!”

Rumia was unsure how to respond to Glenn’s ultimatum, which

sounded like a joke despite Glenn’s intense stare.


Rumia looked to Sistine for help.

“I-isn’t this great?! Hasn’t Rumia wanted to dance with Teacher? J-

just be honest with yourself! Ah… As for me? W-well, I n-never
particularly wanted to d-dance in the first place! Ahaha…”

Sistine had completely lost her composure.

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“Yes, I will definitely make it worth your while and let you don the
enchanted evening gown… the ‘Gown of Fairies’… So just agree

“Ah… B-but…”

Just as Rumia attempted to escape to the left, Glenn blocked her

off with his other hand.

“Let me say this… you won’t escape.”

Glenn moved his face even closer, staring directly into Rumia’s
eyes, such that Rumia felt as if her very soul was being sucked into
the depth of Glenn’s gaze.

Between her own thoughts, her vow to her best friend, her
aspiration as a child for the gown, and the legend that accompanied
it, Rumia face was burning up and her beating heart felt close to
exploding. With Glenn’s high-handed invitation, Rumia’s thought was
left completely in disarray, and she nodded passively in reply.

At that moment, the famed unconquerable beauty of the

academy, Rumia Tingel, had just been conquered.


Rumia suddenly realized her own thoughtless actions.

“Uwaa!! Really?!”

“S-so Rumia-chan could be conquered this way?!”

At the same time, all hell broke loose among the male students,
smacking the walls with flowing tears.

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“Nice, Rumia… However, to be honest, it didn’t matter whether
you had agreed or not! Since I had already submitted the entry forms
with our names on it! So just submit to fate! Ahaha!!”

Glenn released his arms as he let out an obnoxious laugh.

“Umm… Sisti… Sorry, I-…” Rumia apologized to Sistine while trying

to calm down her own racing heart.

“D-don’t worry about it! Wasn’t I w-who made the s-suggestion to

have you dance with our teacher? N-not to mention how high-
handed the teacher was with f-forcing you to partner with him.
Rumia is definitely without fault!”

Sistine was left completely shaken by the events that had


“B-but teacher! W-why Rumia?! Why are you so adamant and

forceful about it? C-could you really believe in the legend and wish to
do that to Rumia…?”


Sistine’s anxious questioning caused Glenn to turn serious for a


“Hmph, wasn’t it obvious? Money, it’s money! I am aiming for the

champion’s purse! Was the announcement of the cash reward true?”

Glenn revealed a devious smile at Sistine.

“Yeah~ My wallet is quite deflated for the month, and among the
students, only Rumia would help someone like me.”

“I k-knew it… T-trash…!”

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Sistine glared at Glenn with a rage-filled gaze. Yet, at the same
time, her voice regained an unusual semblance of calm, which
neither herself nor Glenn realized.

“W-what is it, White Cat? Do you have some issue with me? It’s
just the Academy Prom, so who I partner with is my own business.
Not to mention, there isn’t anything barring me from participating in
the dance contest.”

“T-that may be the case, but there should be some limits to the
shamelessness! Teacher’s attitude toward female students is
absolutely horrible!” Sistine lectured.

“Hahaha~ White Cat… You know it’s not nice to be jealous of your
more popular peers, especially one that gets constantly invited to
dances. Try not to act so petty, alright?”

Afterward, Glenn had said something that he absolutely shouldn’t


“Really… I’ll find some boy from Kleitos Magic Academy to go

‘dance with the poor White Cat’… I’m certain Roldo or Kai would love

It was a development that everyone was familiar with…

“You biiig idiot…!!”

“Gyaa~ W-why?!”

As a strong burst of wind shot out from Sistine’s left hand, Glenn
was sent flying into the air before landing on the floor with a thud. As
always, Glenn was brought down by Sistine’s spell.

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Seriously… I’ve made quite the scene this time…
Glenn held back his own thoughts.

Although I feel sorry for Rumia and White Cat, this invitation
cannot be avoided….
Rather, Glenn had his own reason for the overbearing insistence.
Specifically, it was all for the sake of Rumia.

Yes… I will definitely protect Rumia… and this academy… I will

certainly not let that ugly bitch get her way…!
As Glenn slowly recovered from Sistine’s attack, he recalled a
certain event that had transpired.


At an earlier time…
About half an hour before Glenn would forcibly invite Rumia to the
prom and was subsequently blown away by Sistine.

“Ah~ How bothersome~” Glenn grumbled as he was led down the

hallway by a female student, “Do I really have to do this…?”

“Isn’t all this your own fault?” The female student chuckled
mischievously as she turned to look at the grumbling Glenn.

She was a mature beauty, with a calm and insightful gaze. The
name of this clever and witty student was Liz Filmer, the talented
Student Council President.

“Fine… I got it already.” Glenn responded unenthusiastically.

After repeated salary reductions, Glenn had finally reached the

point where he had to instead pay the school. To rid himself of the

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debt, Glenn had agreed to assist in the preparation of the Academy
Prom, or so it was decided by the academy.

“Darn it, from manual labor, to market research, and then to

outreach… They are really a bunch of slave drivers…”

“However, everything is proceeding well, thanks to your efforts.”

“Still, I wonder what underhanded trick you pulled to ensure my

participation! It almost feels as if my workload were determined at
the start!”

“Oh? What could you possibly mean?”

“You even got Celica to say ‘Work hard for Liz, or you won’t get
dinner’… What did you do to win her over?”

“Nothing at all… Just that I had visited Professor Arfonia a few

days back, while she was recuperating from her injuries in the recent
ruins expedition, and simply praised how incredibly thoughtful
Glenn-sensei was…”

“Y-you… sly fox!”

Then again, wasn’t Celica being a bit too easy?

This clever girl, Liz, was a year senior to Sistine, and had always
tossed problematic tasks over to Glenn after getting acquainted with
him from an earlier encounter.

What did I do to deserve this misfortune?

Glenn did not understand why the able Student Council President
would always bother him with one problem after another.
Incidentally, the usually calm Student Council President seemed
uniquely energetic whenever she teased Glenn.

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However, such was a story for another day.

Glenn was carrying a large pile of documents pertaining to the

upcoming Academy Prom, begrudgingly serving as Liz’s draft horse.

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Soon, the two made their way to the large lecture hall in the
eastern part of the magic academy.

As they entered, they were greeted by the members of the music

club seated in their respective sections. With instruments ranging
from violins to cellos in hand, the members seemed to be rehearsing
their pieces for the upcoming performance.

Certainly, the Academy Prom was one of the few opportunities for
the music club to perform in public, so everyone was diligently

“…That was truly a wonderful performance.” Liz praised after

listening to their rehearsal nearby, “At this pace, I am certain
tomorrow’s performance will be a splendid success!”

“Hahaha! As the club advisor, I have to admit that I’m quite happy
to hear such praises!”

The man standing near Liz gave an enthusiastic nod.

It was a well-dressed middle-aged gentleman of relatively

corpulent proportions. Although sporting a sizable beer belly, the
man seemed to appear more jolly than decadent. The man’s name
was Lawrence Tartaros, and he served as the advisor to the music
club on top of his official position as a professor of magic.

“Oh? We have a guest conductor?” Liz inquired while looking over

at the unfamiliar face in the front of the band.

“Yes. Unfortunately, the original student conductor had injured his

wrist, so we decided to invite a renowned conductor in his place.”

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“Oh, I am sorry to hear that… Although I am somewhat relieved
that you were able to find a substitute conductor on such a short
notice. After all, the quality of the overall performance rests heavily
on the quality of the conductor.”

“Hmph! It’s just a person twirling a small wooden stick, how hard
could it be?”

Having been forced to work as a gopher, where he was forced to

run errands and carry heavy loads all day, Glenn held little
enthusiasm for the inspection of the music club and quickly began to

“Wasn’t the whole purpose of the Academy Prom to eat, drink,

and dance? Who would even care about the quality of the
performance? It would make little difference if we just played some
music from a record player…”

“Speaking of which, this rehearsal piece… Is it not the ‘Sinfonia di

Sylphide’ that we use for the dance contest? Although I do sense that
it is an arrangement.”

“Ahaha~ So you noticed? As expected of the Student Council

President, what excellent perception! Or dare I say, ‘excellent ears’?”

Lawrence let out a hearty laughter at Liz’s discerning ears.

“Arrangement? I couldn’t tell at all!”

“Regrettably, I doubt we could finish our rehearsal for the eighth

movement of ‘Sinfonia di Sylphide’, so we will only have the first
seven movements ready in time for the Academy Prom.”

“I think it is sufficient to perform only the first seven movements.

Rather, I do feel curiously energized from listening to the

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performance. It is a wonderful arrangement that not only remained
faithful to the original, but also will foster a festive spirit at the
Academy Prom. May I ask who made such a wonderful

“To tell you the truth, the one who made the arrangement was
our substitute conductor.”

“Huh? What a busybody… Seriously, I am quite envious, especially

when he only needs to scribble a few dots on a piece of paper and
call it work.”

Glenn’s uncouth remark seemed to have doused the sophisticated

discourse between Liz and Lawrence.



Liz revealed a chilly smile in response and made Glenn shudder

where he stood.

Liz was someone who always maintained a calm and kind

demeanor around campus, which made Glenn forget a fundamental
fact – that Liz was an individual one dared not to cross.

“Student Council P-President, seeing that you will be busy with the
discussion, this lowly gopher of a magic teacher will take his leave to
help with the furniture!”

With that said, Glenn quickly scurried away.


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Later, in an equipment storage not far from the lecture hall, Glenn
sat with his back to the wall. As expected, Glenn had little intention
to actually help the students carry the furniture.

“Ahh… How tiresome… How could I possibly keep working?”

Glenn drowsily looked on to the many volunteers busy transferring

the decorations and furniture from the storage to the multipurpose

“Uwaa! Re=L sure is strong!”

“Mmn… Easy.”

There were a few familiar faces among the volunteers. Other than
the sheepish Re=L, Glenn could also see Kash and Cecil, all students
in Glenn’s class.

Being a girl, Re=L should be helping Rumia and the other girls with
wiping down the candelabra in the multipurpose hall. However, out
of considerations for her great strength that would unwittingly
damage the candelabra, she was dispatched to assist with the
furniture instead.

“Darn it! I will definitely not lose to Re=L!!”

“D-don’t do it, Kash! Trying to imitate Re=L is simply madness!”

Re=L easily carried an impressive stack of tables as she passed

before Glenn. The sheer amount of wooden tables gave off the
appearance of an impressive wooden tower. Nearby, Kash wanted to
imitate Re=L, only to be stopped by Cecil.

“Seriously… What’s the point of all that effort…” Glenn muttered

as he gazed over.

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At that moment, one of the volunteers suddenly put down the
chairs in his hand and walked over to Glenn. His sharp gaze glared at
the indolent Glenn.

“…Huh? What is it-… Wait, you?!”

Glenn irritatedly looked over to the volunteer, before gasping in


“I see you are still as crass as ever, Glenn…”

Lifting the hat that cast a dark shadow over his face, the man
revealed his obsidian-colored hair and eyes as sharp as an eagle.

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“A-Albert?! W-what are you doing here?!”

It was ‘The Star’ Albert, an agent of the Imperial Court Mage Corps
with the code number of seventeen.

“Follow me, we need to talk.”


Albert soon brought Glenn to the rear of the academy.

It was in a dimly lit coniferous forest, with not a single soul nearby.

“I sense an anti-personnel ward set up nearby. What exactly is

going on?”

Albert brushed off Glenn’s question and focused on removing his

disguise. Almost as if performing a magic trick, Albert quickly
switched out the laborer’s overalls for the black-clad uniform of an
imperial mage.

Albert then turned his attention to Glenn with a sharp glint in his
gaze. After a moment’s pause, Albert broke the situation to Glenn.

“Impossible… They plan to carry out the ‘Assassination of Rumia’

during the Academy Prom?”

“Yes. The Researchers of Divine Wisdom has finally started to stir.”

Glenn was completely shaken by the news, while Albert kept his
characteristic calm.

“D-don’t be silly, this is completely different from what I was told!

Haven’t you reported that those people won’t have any designs on

“Calm yourself. The situation changed.”

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While the agitated Glenn was shouting in rage, Albert coolly
responded with no change to the timbre of his voice.

“Just like there are war hawks within the imperial government, the
Researchers of Divine Wisdom is not completely monolithic


“They had recently split into two factions… for which details are
still sparse, but seemingly occurred some time after the ‘Project:
Revive Life’ incident. The two factions are the ‘Conservatives’, largely
made up of the veterans of the organization, and the ‘Progressives’,
composed of many new recruits.”

White Alchemy [Project: Revive Life] was a forbidden ritual that

allowed for the revival of the dead. It was an original magic created
by the late genius alchemist Sion Rayford. Yet, with Sion’s passing,
the magic itself no longer existed in the world, and the whole project
has turned to the realm of fantasy. (2)

Incidentally, for some unknown reason, Rumia’s unique ability

could recreate the magic.

“It is common knowledge that the Researchers of Divine Wisdom

had their sights set on the princess. However, the ‘Conservatives’
only desire to capture the princess alive, while the ‘Progressives’
wish for the assassination of the princess.”


“Under investigation.” Albert snorted.

The veil of secrecy surrounding the Researchers of Divine Wisdom

was proving to be a huge headache even for Albert.

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“Either way, after everything that had transpired at the White
Alchemy Research Institute, the organization as a whole decided to
tentatively leave the princess alone and the friction between the two
factions had temporarily rescinded. However…”

“…The ‘Progressives’ who had strongly opposed the policy shift

had gone rogue?”


“Darn it all…!”

As always, the actions of the Researchers of Divine Wisdom

remained as unpredictable. However, given that the organization
was filled with extremists, it would prove unrealistic to expect them
to function under normal logic.

Yet, more importantly…

“Glenn, where are you going?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

Under Albert’s intense pressure, Glenn paused his footsteps.

“I will immediately report this to the headmaster. Now’s not the

time to hold some silly Academy Prom! I will see the prom canceled!

“About that…”

Glenn had little intention to listen to Albert and dashed toward

the academy.


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However, a large wall of flame reaching high into the heavens
burst forth and blocked his way.


The unnatural flame was clearly the product of magic. Glenn

quickly leapt back from the scorching heat.

“Albert! You bastard! What do you think you’re-…”

“It’s not me.” Albert coolly rebuffed Glenn.

“…I can’t let you do that, Glenn.”

A young woman suddenly appeared from the depth of the

coniferous forest.

The young woman seemed to be younger than twenty, with an

appearance of roughly the same age as Glenn. She had a head of
brilliant crimson hair, braided and tied in a side tail. Her gait had an
air of elegance, yet at the same time, cold and distant. Her fuchsia-
colored eyes reflected a sharp glint, while her mouth curved in a
haughty crescent.

Dressed in the uniform of the Imperial Mage Court Mage, she

stood cross-armed as she glared Glenn down with a chilly gaze. It
was a sight Glenn could immediately recognize.

“Y-you are… Eve! ‘The Magician’ Eve…!”

‘The Magician’ Eve Ignite was Glenn’s superior within the Imperial
Court Mage Corps and the chief of the Imperial Court Mage Corps
with the code number of one. Incidentally, she was also a scion of
the prestigious House Ignite, a ducal house with a long and illustrious
history within the empire.

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“Long time no see, Glenn. I am quite happy to meet you.”

“Hmph… Only you I do not wish to meet…”

“Oh? Am I being hated? Even after all I had done for you?” Eve

“Don’t tell me you forgot! A year ago, during the incident with
Jatice, weren’t you the one who plotted to have Sara and me serve
as baits, while barring Albert from coming to our aid?”

“Yes, that is correct. So?”

Compared to Glenn, who was doing everything to suppress his

rage, Eve looked particularly pleased.

“Huh? Surely you do not plan to pin Sara’s death on me? Way to
pass the blame when you should know best that what happened was
completely your own fault. You were the one unable to protect her,
so don’t go around blaming others. Such a pitiful sight is completely
unbecoming for a mage…”


Glenn gritted his teeth as he tightly gripped his fist. His eyes
burned with unbridled rage, glaring straight at Eve.

“Certainly, I concede that I was at a slight fault for the

inadequacies in personnel assignments, and consequently, I lost a
wonderful pawn like Sara… Not to mention, we also failed to
eliminate ‘The Justice’ Jatice, leaving a permanent blemish on my
otherwise pristine battle records. How disappointing…”

“Y-you bastard…!”

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“Leave that aside for now, we should talk business.”

Eve completely brushed aside the fuming Glenn.

“Let me say it now, the Academy Prom must go on. We, the
Imperial Court Mage Corps, will carry out a clandestine operation to
eliminate those interlopers.”

“Huh?! What are you saying? Are you mad?!”

“This assassination plot will be carried out by the members of the

‘Progressive’ faction, the Second Order ‘Adeptus’. As such, this is the
best opportunity to capture them alive and obtain important
intelligence about their enigmatic organization. How could we
possibly let this slide?”

Eve’s ambitious but risky plan left Glenn momentarily without


“…You can’t be serious! Do you plan to turn the academy into a

battlefield? At least use our brain a little! If there is the slightest
mishap, let alone Rumia, everyone at the school may get caught up
in the fighting!”


Eve glanced at Glenn with a disappointed look.

“…’So’? What do you mean by ‘So’?!”

“Haa… You clearly do not understand the importance of the task

at hand. As expected of the coward who was unable to properly
protect even a single girl and deserted the army.” Eve coolly scoffed
at Glenn with knitted eyebrows and a slight shrug of her shoulders,
“In the history of the empire, there had always been a notorious

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organization that prowled in the shadows of society. Outwardly, the
organization claimed to champion ‘a world ruled by splendid mages’.
Yet, from the fragments of intelligence, their objective is something
much greater, much more sinister. It is an objective that could
adequately be summed up in two words… Akashic Records.”

“Yeah? What about it?”

“Lately, that organization had experienced a shift in its operations.

Although we are still in the process of investigating, we could
conclude that it would definitely contribute in some ways to further
their goal of obtaining the Akashic Records. If we let them have their
way, the consequences will be unfathomable. As such, obtaining
reliable intelligence is of the utmost importance… We simply have no
room to continue hesitating.”

“Just for this, you plan to use the Academy Prom as a fishing rod…
to use Rumia as bait? All for a bit of intelligence?”

“Both the imperial government and the military high command

had already authorized this operation. Even Her Majesty had
ultimately relented, despite some initial hesitation… Hehehe~ I am
thankful to live under such an enlightened monarch.”

“You bitch…! What did you do to Her Majesty?!”

House Ignite was a powerful aristocratic dynasty renowned for its

many splendid mages serving the Alzano Empire, for which they held
the unique distinction of being the leader of the war hawks within
the imperial government. As a reflection of their political might, the
current head of House Ignite has a permanent seat on the imperial
privy council, the highest executive apparatus within the imperial

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government. If House Ignite applied even the slightest pressure, then
surely even the Queen…

“You had always been well-versed in the machinations of the

government! I am certainly you used some underhanded method on
Her Majesty to make things go your way!”

Eve did not say anything in reply and simply revealed a

complicated smile.

Even the wise Queen was not omnipotent. Troubled by the

ongoing border conflicts with the nearby Kingdom of Rezalia, the
Queen certainly could not give much attention to internal affairs.

Not to mention, the operation was not planned out of spite for the
Queen’s authority, but rather out of loyalty to the imperial
household and the empire. As such, the Queen would be hard
pressed to refuse.

“Hey, Albert… Do you also approve this absurd operation?” Glenn

angrily asked Albert.

Albert remained silent for a moment.

“I do not personally approve. However, I could not refute the

benefits of the operation, and I will dutifully carry out my tasks.”
Albert calmly replied.

“…Oh, is that so? I guess I was wrong about you. Don’t show that
face of yours around me in the future.”


Glenn turned away from Albert.

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“I could care less about what the government thinks. I will now go

“Wait! The operation this time is top secret. If you plan to reveal it
to anyone, we will have to silence you where you stand.”

“So be it, let’s see who’s afraid of who… Do you honestly think you
have any chance of winning against me in close quarters?” Glenn
openly threatened Eve as he reached for ‘The Fool’ tarot card in his

“Oh? Have you forgotten my other title?”

Eve let out a condescending laugh. All of a sudden, walls of flame

burst forth from three directions – left, right, and behind Glenn.

At that instant, Glenn had already realized his loss.

Bloodline Magic [Seventh Garden]?! Darn it, I’ve been had! This
area had long been under Eve’s influence!
Bloodline Magic was considered a form of Original Magic, but was
inherently different from the basis of Original Magics that relied on
the uniqueness of the soul. Instead, Bloodline Magic was transmitted
by bloodlines. As such, while Original Magic was commonly limited to
only its creator, Bloodline Magic was inherited from one generation
to the next.

Among the Bloodline Magic known within the Alzano Empire was
House Ignite’s Bloodline Magic [Seventh Garden]. It created a field
that allowed the user to omit casting for flame spells within a
designated range. In other words, as long as they stood within the
field, Eve would not need to chant or manipulate mana, and could
easily burn her enemies to ashes by pure will.

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Understandably, Bloodline Magic [Seventh Garden] was a mana-
intensive spell that required a sizeable amount of preparation, and it
only works with fire.

However, as long as the preparations were in place, and the

enemy unwittingly fell into the field, the power of Bloodline Magic
[Seventh Garden] was beyond compare. Within the field, Eve’s spell
activation speed was even faster than Albert, perhaps even the
fastest in the entire world.

With Bloodline Magic [Seventh Garden] activated, Glenn’s Original

Magic [The Fool’s World] could no longer serve any purpose.

“The ‘Crimson Duke’ nickname was one that has accompanied

House Ignite for countless generations – a symbol of our
unparalleled might in close quarters. Glenn, you have no chance of
winning against my flames!”

Eve teased Glenn with a small ember at her fingertips.

On the other hand, Glenn wracked his brain for a method of

escape… yet nothing came to mind. After all, the current situation
was no different than having a blade placed on his neck.

“D-darn it!”

Glenn resigned to his fate as he sat cross-legged on the grass,

leaving his judgment to Eve.

“Then again, taking you out certainly wouldn’t be wise. There are
still uses for even a useless pawn like you… So discarding you at this
point would be somewhat of a waste. However, you seemed to not
care to listen… so I guess that it would be best to just show my
hand.” Eve reluctantly declared.

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With a snap of her finger, the walls of flame disappeared from

“Say, I’ve heard your little sister, Re=L, quite enjoys the school


Glenn was somewhat baffled at why Eve would mention Re=L.

“Although it had only been a short while, she is acting more and
more like a human… despite her peculiar origins.”


A coup suddenly hit the mind of Glenn. Eve’s word clearly hinted
that she knew about Re=L’s real identity. However, within the whole
of the imperial government, only Albert should know about Re=L’s

Albert, did you really…?!

Glenn turned suspicious at Albert, only to swallow his words at the
last possible moment.

N-no! Although that fellow was someone who focuses only on the
result, he is not one to betray his own allies. In that case…
As expected, the seemingly calm Albert glared at Eve with
incredible anger.

“Do you two honestly think you can keep a secret from me? Do
not underestimate my intelligence network… That being the case,
Albert, your concealment was absolutely perfect. Rather, if your
partner wasn’t Glenn, I doubt I would ever be able to find out.”

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D-darn it… so I let the secret slip somehow?!
With Eve’s words, Glenn could only blame himself.

“With that said, Glenn, if you reveal the details of our operation to
the academy, I will report Re=L’s real identity to the higher-ups.”

“Bitch… How much do you know…?!”

Glenn was completely red with anger. His whole body shook with
his barely suppressed rage.

“Re=L may be an oddball, but she is an excellent pawn. I would

hate to lose her, especially since she is the first successful case from
‘Project: Revive Life’… However, if I were to hand her over as a lab
mouse to experiment, do you not think there will be much that we
can learn?”

Although Glenn really wanted to give Eve a slap, he had come to

realize that he had lost to Eve. With Re=L as a hostage, he no longer
had any other options.

“Don’t act so afraid. Even I am also reluctant to part with Re=L. As

long as you do not interfere with my operation, I will leave Re=L
alone. Granted, I would certainly welcome your help in the matter.
Therefore, let me give you my orders, ‘The Fool’ Glenn.”

“Huh? Why must I listen to your orders? I am no longer an agent!”

“Hmph… Stop acting like a dumb mutt! I don’t have that much free
time to waste.” Eve sighed with annoyance as she flung back her
hair, “Imperial Military Law Chapter VI, Article IX, on matters of
emergency conscription. Surely you had not forgotten my authority
as a Knight Commander? Don’t think you could escape public service
just because you are no longer on the military’s payroll, Sir Glenn!”

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“Seriously… Could you act at least a bit more cooperative? Don’t

forget, the survival of the princess and Re=L rests in my hand.”

“Go to hell…”

Ironically, the demons of the underworld would probably act no

different from Eve. However, in the face of insults, Eve instead
smiled, seemingly satisfied with Glenn’s begrudging acceptance of
the power dynamics.

“Now, to recap the details, the enemy organization aims for the
life of the princess during the Academy Prom, and we plan to capture
them when they do. Therefore, it is imperative that the princess
attend the Academy Prom, and, at the same time, we must not bar
suspicious individuals from approaching the princess. As such, the
princess will need to have a personal protection detail. From purely
the standpoint of the Academy Prom’s guidelines and regulations,
the best way to serve inconspicuously as her bodyguard would
certainly be-…”


Glenn had finally returned from his reflections of what had

transpired just half an hour ago.

That’s right… I will need to enter the dance contest with Rumia,
and win my way straight to the top. This is the only way to remain
inconspicuous by her side, while at the same time preventing
suspicious individuals from approaching. Not to mention, the more
Rumia and I stand out, the easier it would be for the enemies to
notice. In other words, it will also lower the risk to the rest of the
student body.

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Understandably, Glenn was not happy with the development.
Under the circumstances, Glenn was completely dancing in Eve’s
palm. Without any freedom, Glenn could only act like a marionette
with Eve holding the strings.

So be it… But remember this, Eve… I will definitely get my revenge!

Glenn set his mind to welcome the challenge.

Ugh… more importantly…

Yet, for now, Glenn had to deal with his wobbling vision as the
floor rapidly closed in on his face. For a moment, Glenn had
forgotten that he was sent flying by Sistine’s spell.

Ugh… The floor looks quite painful… Maybe I should use something
as a buffer…
With a helpless sigh, Glenn readied his heart for the impending

(1) A popular confession maneuver called kabedon (壁ドン).


(2) White Alchemy: A combination of White Magic and Alchemy.

(Aka. Healing + Creation to allow for Project: Revive Life) “白金術: 白
Source: http://rokuaka.jp/special/

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The 7th ‘Lykaian’ Garrison was located in the southeastern

hinterlands of Cantare, one of the three major regions within the
Alzano Empire. Given its proximity to the Kingdom of Rezalia, the
garrison had to remain vigilant for roaming demon beasts that
wander across the border. As such, the garrison was known to boast
the elites of Alzano Imperial Court Mage Corps among its ranks. The
official designation of this elite garrison was the ‘7th Border
Regiment’, under the nominal command of the Imperial Eastern
Cantare Army’s 3rd Division.

The 7th Border Regiment of approximately five hundred veteran

mages was led by Knight Commander Mihail ‘Demon Lord’ Judeau.
Day and night, they fought against the demon beast incursions and
endured rigorous training. Consequently, the 7th Border Guards
numbered among one of the few elite regiments within the relatively
peaceful Alzano Empire. However, there should be an emphasis on
‘were‘, as the regiment in question had effectively ceased to exist
one fateful night.

“W-what… H-how?!”

With a fatal wound, Mihail laid flat on the ground as he looked at

the scene before him with abject horror.

“One more here~♪ and one more there~♪, and up goes one of
their homes~♪, this is fun!”

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“Really? I rather think of all this as boring. I’ve heard this is one of
the few elite regiments within the Empire… to think they were so
fragile. Perhaps they are lacking calcium in their diets?”

Dead bodies to the left, right, front, and back, piled up into
towering mountains of flesh. It was a surrealistic scene of hell built
by the corpses of the Empire’s most elite soldiers, and at its center
stood a young lass and a muscular man. It was truly an absurd sight.

“Darn it… to think something like this could happen! Wiped out…!
In less than ten minutes, my 7th Border Regiment was… completely…
wiped out… It must be a nightmare…!” Mihail lamented at the
unbelievable sight.

“Ah~ Sowwy… I feel like we did a terrible thing.”

A well-dressed youth in a tuxedo suddenly appeared behind Mihail

with an apologetic face.

“Let’s be clear, I did try my best to stop them~ After all, I told them
that there was no reason for us to attack this garrison when we
could’ve just as easily circled around… Over and over again!”

“Huh? Y-you are…?”

“Ah, to tell you the truth, we have some business in Fajite and
were only passing through here. It was clear that taking the
mountain path east of here would be shorter. However, due to their
willfulness, we were delayed for almost half a day with this senseless
slaughter. Haa… How could I possibly explain all this to Zaeed? How

The youth’s odd monologue left Mihail completely lost for words.

Without a thought for Mihail, the youth continued his speech.

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“Seriously, Glacia, that lass, rambled about ‘mountain paths are
hurting my foot’ and skipped out… and Zet, that hulky man,
muttered something along the line of ‘I want to find strong
opponents’ and came here to test himself. Babysitting those pair of
kids is quite stressful… I am sure you understand, given that you are
the commander here…”


Are these people for real…?

Do they mean to say that they merely came here… on a stroll?
All this slaughter was just a byproduct of their stroll?
For a silly reason like this… They wiped out the elite Imperial 7th
Border Regiment?!
“Then again, on closer thought… I doubt we had to take such a
roundabout way…”

At that moment, the atmosphere around the youth changed. The

previous visage of a cheerful gentleman made way for a cruel and
venomous expression.


Mihail had finally noticed.

Unwittingly, a giant monster had appeared next to the youth,

towering above any mere human.

“Come, eat up, my servant.”

With a snap of the youth’s finger, the monster extended a pair of

massive wings, revealing the twisted faces of boys and girls as it drew
the soldiers’ souls toward their open mouths.

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“Wh-…? Ah… Aaah!!”

The monster ate the souls voraciously.

It was a terrible scene that could make anyone nauseous on sight.

Immobile on the floor, Mihail looked upon with fear and despair,
with tears streaking down his face as he shivered uncontrollably.

“…The quality of the soul is not bad. Thanks to your generosity, my

servant will grow even stronger. As expected of elite imperial mages,
you must’ve trained them wonderfully. Simply splendid! I bet you
would’ve done excellently as a farmer, or any position that requires

The youth lightly patted Mihail’s shivering back.

“Still… I was hoping to indulge my servant a bit before we head to


“Uuu… N-no… P-please…”

The gigantic monster raised Mihail into the air with its muscular


Then, accompanied by a final howl of despair, the 7th Lykaian

Garrison was erased from existence.


The day after he had begrudgingly decided to obey Eve’s

instructions, Glenn led Rumia to the Academy Atrium.

“Umm… T-teach?!”

“Come, Rumia, let us practice our dance together.”

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“Sorry, I might be sounding a bit too forceful. Still, since we are

going to dance anyways, we might as well see that you end up
wearing the ‘Gown of Fairies’… Is that too much to ask?”

“O-of course not… B-but…”

Rumia’s face was dyed beet red as her eyes stared nervously at
Glenn’s hand that gripped hers. Ever since the previous day, Rumia
has had difficulty dealing with Glenn’s overwhelming attitude.

Within the atrium, there were many others busying themselves

with practice. Among which included pitiful boys who wanted to
participate but have yet to find a willing partner. Incidentally, they
were planning to score their partner within the atrium.

“H-hey… Look… I-isn’t that…?”

“Y-yeah… The rumors about Rumia participating in the dance

contest… were real?!”

“Our beautiful angel… Uwaa~ What an envious sight!”

“Say, how did she end up with that idiotic teacher?”

“Teacher must die! No mercy!”

All the gazes were focused on the pair that had walked into the
atrium with their hands interlocked. For many, the news of the
beauty who had been rejecting everyone suddenly accepting a suitor
was a terrible shock.


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Under the envious gazes and the heat transmitted through Glenn’s
palm, Rumia could only gaze down embarrassingly at the ground as
she walked.

On the other hand, Glenn seemed to revel in the attention.

This is good… With the rumor of Rumia gaining a dance partner

firmly entrenched in the collective consciousness, interlopers would
stay clear from asking Rumia for a dance, and her security would be
easier to manage. Sadly, this will result in some unpleasant rumors…
But I guess it can’t be helped.
On that note, more than worrying about Rumia’s security on the
day of the dance, Glenn currently had a different headache to deal
with in the form of a young lass.

“Hey, why are you following us…?”

“Why do you care? I am only here to give you a bit of an


Glenn gave a glance at Sistine, who was trailing behind him.

Her irritation at the development was reflected clearly in her

crossed arms and stinging glare.

Next to Sistine stood the sheepish Re=L, who had her head cocked
to one side in curiosity at the exchange. She simply tagged along like
a little duckling following the mother duck.

“Huh? Instruct… for what?”

“Surely Teach knows little about the proper etiquette of ballroom

dancing, right? At this rate, I fear that you would end up
embarrassing Rumia. In other words, I am willing to spend my
precious time teaching you the basic footwork, be grateful!”

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“T-then why are you acting so reluctant? Almost as if you are
scrutinizing my actions…?”

“Hmph!” Sistine scoffed as she turned her face away with her arms
still crossed.

“Haa… Ah, that’s right! White Cat, I’ve heard Professor Fosil
recently published a new thesis on archaeothaumatology!”

Glenn tried to forcibly change the subject to clear the air with

“T-that was quite a groundbreaking thesis! No need to worry

about us when you have such a masterpiece waiting for you in the
library! I think it was an analysis for a wall art of some sort, where
they demonstrated the markings as ones used by the ancients for
different intonations of speech. If their hypothesis was correct, then
the wall art was definitely…”

The method of using a recent paper on archaeothaumatology to

redirect the attention of the archaeothaumatology otaku was
somewhat of a thoughtless ploy, if not altogether underestimating
the individual in question.

“I’ve already read it.”


“The thesis you mentioned, I was one of the first to lend it from
the library and had finished reading it ages ago!”

“Ah, is that so…”

Glenn could only let out a pained sigh at the inevitable failure of
his ploy.

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“Umm… Sorry about everything, Sisti… It’s all my… fault… To think
this would happen right before Sistine asked…”

“Y-you aren’t at any fault! I-if anything, the fault lies with the
lowlife teacher planning to use Rumia to make money!”

Sistine quickly responded to Rumia’s sincere apology.

“E-either way, Teach! I will ignore your sinister intentions for now!
However, I will not forgive you if you embarrass Rumia in front of
everyone! Got it?!”

Ah… I guess her anger is understandable… After all, I’m seen as

using her best friend for making money… Still, why must I always act
the bad guy?
Glenn sighed as he glanced at the obviously irritated Sistine.

“Listen carefully, Teach. For the Academy Prom this year, you will
be performing the Sylph Waltz, set to the first through seventh
movements of the Sinfonia di Sylphide. Due to certain reasons, the
especially problematic eighth movement will not be within the
itinerary, so we can breathe a sigh of relief. From my knowledge, this
piece originated from the traditional war dance of a certain nomadic
tribe…” Sistine lectured with her right index finger raised and her left
hand on her waist.

Glenn listened halfheartedly as he reminisced about a distant


Sylph Waltz… How nostalgic…


“Hey, Glenn-kun, music and dance contain an incredible power

within them…”

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Such was a phrase that reverberated within Glenn’s mind.

It was a memory of the late silver-haired girl, an operative of the

Imperial Court Mage Corps with the code number of three, ‘The
Empress’ Sara Silvers.

“Music and dance have the power to touch people’s soul, the
essence of the body. They could easily infiltrate deep into the very
core of one’s being. As such, with music and dance, one can even
command another’s body and soul, do you not think that is

Perhaps due to her upbringing as a member of the southern

nomadic tribes, Sara especially enjoyed singing and dancing – and
certainly talking about music.

“There are even specialized magic that tap into this power, many
of which have a rich and colorful history that could be traced all the
way to the Ancients. In other words, they were the same magic used
by our ancestors… Pretty amazing, right?! So…”

With the countless times Sara had repeated this topic, Glenn
simply sat nearby with an irritated expression.

“…Can’t you be a bit more serious, Glenn-kun?”

At the sight of an annoyed Glenn, Sara puffed her cheeks up in

anger and began to lecture.

“Wasn’t the mission this time to infiltrate a dance where we act

the role of newlywed aristocrats?! They will easily find out if you
cannot dance!”

“Haa… How troublesome…”

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Glenn glanced annoyingly at the angry Sara.

“Say, aren’t you only excited because you’ve heard the dance will
be conducted to the Sinfonia di Sylphide?”


Although it was just a wild guess, Glenn’s words ended up hitting

right on the mark. At the sudden revelation, Sara’s strong
enthusiasm was slightly blunted, and she shirked back.

“Ah… I guess I’ve been found out?”

“After all, the Sylph Waltz originated from the traditional war
dance of your tribe, right?”

“Ahaha… Yeah, so it is hard to contain my enthusiasm…”

Sara was the daughter of the chief of the esteemed Silvers tribe,
whose tribe was evicted from the neighboring Kingdom of Rezalia
due to religious persecution. In other words, she was the princess of
a powerful tribe and was of an incredibly high social standing.

Many of the Silvers tribe were massacred by the Rezalian Templars

during the eviction, and those few who survived the genocide were
scattered to the wind. Consequently, Sara fights for the dream of
rebuilding her tribe and returning to her homeland.

“Although the song has seen a great deal of rearrangement to suit

the needs of a courtly setting, I am still excited for the opportunity to
dance to the Sinfonia di Sylphide… No, the ‘Baile del Viento’.”

“Hmph… Aren’t you making too much of a fuss for a mere dance?”

“Uuu… Glenn-kun, clearly you do not know the significance. The

‘Baile del Viento’ is a divine dance used to enter communion with the

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King of the Sylphides… Even for a battle priestess like me, it is not a
dance to be performed at will.”

“Really? Well, I wouldn’t know either way…”

“Precisely! The ‘Baile del Viento’ have eight forms in total. The first
form ‘El Primero’ to the seventh form ‘El Séptimo’ of the dance are a
demonic dance that imbue the warriors with the blessing of the
Sylphides, riling them into a frenzy and providing them with the
courage to endure the upcoming battles. After the battle, the eighth
form ‘El Octavo’ of the dance is a holy dance that removes the
blessing of the Sylphides, allowing the warriors to safeguard their
souls from the madness of battle. Without the eighth form, the
warriors would slowly lose their sense of self, and eventually,
devolve into crazed beasts.”

“Yeah, yeah… Thank you for all that pointless trivia. Seriously, all
these southern nomadic legends are quite annoying…”

“Ah, that’s right! Since we are practicing our dance anyways, why
don’t I take the opportunity to teach Glenn-kun the proper ‘Baile del
Viento’? All eight forms of it!”

“Huh?! H-how did we come to this?!”

“Hehehe… After all, the ‘Baile del Viento’ needs a proper partner
to perform. Since at its essence, the dance requires the dancers to
entrust their souls to their partners, so a dependable partner is a

“That sounds utterly suspicious! Forget it, I don’t have the interest
to learn some…”

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“Come and stand up Glenn-kun! Hehehe… Firstly, place your hand
in mine, and set your right foot there… Yep! Now, we turn like this…”

“Hiyaa?! D-don’t turn meee! M-my head is getting d-dizzy! H-hey,

tooo faaast! It is tooo faaast! S-slow dooown!!”


“Are you listening?!”

Glenn was suddenly snapped back into reality by the piercing voice
of Sistine.

“…Ah, right. What were you saying again?”

“I was just explaining the difficulty of the Sylph Waltz! As for the
steps, just follow what I said earlier…”

“Ah… Yeah, yeah… You are talking about this step, right?”

Glenn’s unenthusiastic attitude only served to further enraged


“Uuu… Do you really understand?! This is the Sylph Waltz! It is an

even harder dance than the infamous Noble Waltz’s First Step!!”

“Yeah, yeah… I got it already.”

“For Rumia, I have taken time out of my busy schedule to teach

you how to dance, so can you at least act seriously for once? Huh?
W-what’s so funny?”

Sistine inquisitively gazed at Glenn, who revealed a suspicious


“Nothing at all… I am just thinking how I will finally be able to

knock you down a peg or two~”

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Glenn’s words completely went over Sistine.

“I am telling you that I’ll be fine. Don’t worry. The contest will be
determined by the Sylph Waltz, right? Although I cannot promise
victory if it were some classy dance competition, as far as the
student dance contest goes, I will certainly not lose.”

Glenn’s inexplicable self-confidence continued to irritate Sistine.

“That’s quite the confidence! In that case, let me see how well you
can dance!” Sistine declared as she reached out her hand toward

In terms of etiquette, such was the action of offering an invitation

to another for a dance.

“So, may I have this dance?”

“Tsk… How bothersome…”

With the gauntlet thrown, Glenn could only begrudgingly accept

Sistine’s invitation. In a way, this would prove to be an excellent
opportunity for him to demonstrate his skill.

“Sisti, Teach, are you both ready? We shall begin~”

Rumia skillfully operated the record player in the corner of the

atrium, placing a large circular record before adroitly setting the
needle on top.

Soon, the record player began to play the first movement of the
‘Sinfonia di Syphilde’ through its large speaker. It was a grand and
elegant piece, with a hint of its nomadic origins between its majestic

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Certainly, the first form of the Sylph Waltz was the easiest of the
eight. It was one where even a mere amateur could master with the
slightest training.

Sistine glared intently at Glenn, who stood listless opposite of her,

occasionally yawning out of apparent boredom.

Hmph… Let’s see how you’ll survive all the turns! Pray that you
won’t break a bone after I am done with you!
Sistine revealed a devious smile. Certainly, Sistine had the utmost
confidence in her own dancing, which she had continuously practiced
since very young to prepare her for her eventual debut.

Although I was always toyed by Teach… I am certain to win this

time around!
Sistine had long lost track of her original thoughts as she prepared
to savor her revenge.

Initially, Sistine had tried to encourage Rumia to participate in the

dance with Glenn. However, with Rumia’s surprisingly effective
persuasion, Sistine herself was goaded into inviting Glenn and failed.
At that moment, Sistine convinced herself that her partner need not
be Glenn.

Yet, when she saw Glenn and Rumia affectionate practice,

followed by what would certainly be an affectionate performance
during the prom, Sistine subconsciously felt the need to intervene.

Her conflicted thoughts aside, Sistine also felt the need to knock
Glenn down a notch or two for all the trouble that he caused her and
saw the challenge as the perfect opportunity to do so.

Come, let me see how terrible of a dancer you are, Teach~ ♪

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With the prelude coming to a close, Sistine gave an elegant bow,
to which Glenn replied with a sloppy bow. The two then stepped
toward each other, before connecting their hands.

With their posture set, the dance finally commenced.


At that moment, Glenn suddenly jerked Sistine close to his body,

with the earlier lethargy nowhere to be seen.

“Let’s go!”

Glenn began his steps, forcibly sweeping along the unprepared

Sistine in an altogether energetic glide.


Sistine was completely taken by Glenn’s initiative and felt as her

body was caught in an inescapable maelstrom. The abnormally brisk
rhythm and steps, the aggressive leaps, the intense twists and turns,
and the exaggerated leans made the world spin around Sistine. Soon,
Sistine was overwhelmed with adrenaline as her heartbeat
resonated with the rhythm of the music.

“H-hey… Teach… Wait-…”

Sistine found herself out of breath, trying her hardest to escape

from Glenn’s clutch. However, with Glenn’s tight embrace, she was
unable to budge and could only haplessly follow Glenn’s lead.

Before long, a wave of white washed over her eyes, as her feet
became tangled in the endless twirls. However, Glenn immediately
came to the rescue, embracing Sistine’s body with an incredible force
and continued the dance enthusiastically toward the very end.

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“Hey, look… there…”

“Wow…! What moves…”

Glenn’s incredible dance moves left not only Rumia speechless,

but also has slowly brought countless onlookers to attention.

“Is that really the Sylph Waltz?!”

“At a glance, the form seemed to resemble the Sylph Waltz… But it
feels ‘rough’…”

“A-although it isn’t elegant… it is filled with passion…!”

“W-why… Why can’t I seem to turn away…?”

Although Glenn’s wild steps lacked the same elegance of a veteran

dancer, it contained a raw energy only found in rustic lands.

W-what is this…? I have never seen such a Sylph Waltz…

Sistine was already reaching her limits.

T-too intense! I can’t breathe! The dizziness… the blood… my whole

body feels hot… my heart seemed to quiver…! What is this feeling of
Sistine wanted Glenn to stop this abnormal dance, yet at the same
time, she could not force herself to act. Slowly, Sistine felt a growing
impulse to entrust everything to Glenn.

W-what is with this dance…? J-just what is this…?

Glenn’s aggressive style eroded Sistine’s thoughts as her
consciousness slowly became murky. On her forehead, droplets of
sweat gathered one after another.


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Before the stunned onlookers, Glenn made a cool finale as the
piece came to its end.

“Haa… Haa… Haa…”

With racing hearts and scorched skin, Sistine was overwhelmed by

adrenaline and satisfaction as she laid demurely in Glenn’s arms.

Clap! Clap! Clap

Loud applause soon erupted from the surrounding.

“Hahaha… How about it? Aren’t I great at dancing?”


Glenn only had to whisper those short words into Sistine’s ear
before Sistine recovered from her trance and immediately leapt
away from Glenn.

Her whole body felt incredibly hot. Only at that moment did
Sistine realize the sheer reluctance at parting, and the overwhelming
sensation made her turn beet red.

“I had a colleague from a while back who was especially

enthusiastic about dances. As such, we had much practice together,
so I am quite confident in my skills. So? What do you think?” Glenn
gloated with a confident smile.

On the other hand, Sistine was left completely speechless.

“Perchance, does this colleague of yours hail from the southern

grasslands?” Rumia asked.

“Oh? I’m surprised you noticed, Rumia.”

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“Yes, rather than calling your dance an elegant interpretation, it
would be more accurate to call it the original – the traditional dance
of the southern nomads, right?”

“Yes. What I performed was the spirit dance of a certain tribe

called the ‘Baile del Viento’, the original piece on which the current
Sylph Waltz was based. From my personal experience with the ‘Baile
del Viento’, the Sylph Waltz was undeniably easy, so much so that I
could barely contain my yawns.”


Sistine clenched her fists in frustration.

Watching Sistine and Glenn’s exchange from nearby, Re=L

suddenly moved before Glenn.

“Ah, Glenn is… too soft. Let me be your opponent.”

“Oh? What brave words, Re=L. I am surprised that you know how
to dance… Very well, I guess this master dancer will entertain you…

However, Re=L wrongly assumed that Glenn and Sistine were

wrestling, and simply threw Glenn into the air with a single swing.

“Kyaa! T-teach! R-Re=L, don’t toss our teacher!”


With that, Glenn and the rest returned to their usual bickering.

“Uwa… A strong competitor has appeared…”

“Hmph… We won’t lose! Let us practice!”

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Nearby, Glenn’s incredible performance had ignited the
competitive spirit within the winners in life who were fortunate
enough to land a partner.

“””Teach. Must. Die! No mercy!!”””

In contrast, those unfortunate losers without a dance partner

silently cursed at Glenn.

“Ouch… Seriously, that Re=L… Forget that, shall we go practice,


“Ah, sure! However… If Teach will end up dancing seriously, I am

not confident enough in my own ability to keep up, so please be

“No problem. I also think my earlier performance was a tad


With that, Glenn took Rumia’s hand and began their practice.

Glenn’s steps contained the same passion as before, but seemed

to give off a significantly more tamed air.

While Rumia did have some initial difficulty keeping up with Glenn,
she was soon able to match Glenn’s pace and slowly resonated with
his steps.


All around them, gasps of amazement saturated the air.

As expected of a former royalty, Rumia’s performance was on an

altogether wholly different level.

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Despite Glenn’s overwhelming energy, Rumia was able to maintain
a grip on the pace, while at the same time, using masterful steps to
fully accentuate his performance. It was a splendid combination of
Glenn’s raw passion and Rumia’s elegant air, like two birds of a
feather – one that could only be described as a ‘match made by

“Dancing looks… fun? They seemed to be enjoying themselves,

although I do not understand it well.” Re=L muttered.

Nearby, Sistine watched over Glenn and Rumia’s performance

with conflicted emotions, from which a single thought arose.

Perhaps, Teach and Rumia… could actually win.

Certainly, no other competing pair could match such incredible

Consequently, Glenn and Rumia would certainly win the dance

contest, and Rumia would don the ‘Gown of Fairies’. It was the
thought of her best friend dancing happily and fondly with Glenn.

It matters little to me… After all, Rumia had always looked up to

Teach… and even I wanted her to invite Teach to the dance… If so,
why? Why do I feel so terrible inside…?
Just as Sistine was bombarded by these unfamiliar feelings, Re=L
looked over to Sistine.

“Sistine, you look down… Is something wrong?”


Sistine suddenly thought of something.

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“That’s right, Re=L, hear me out… Do you want to give Rumia and
Teach a pleasant surprise?”



During the evening, Glenn stealthily arrived at the warehouse

district in southern Fajite.

Although the person in question didn’t want to come, there was

simply no alternative.

I think… the arranged meeting spot was… here?

Glenn silently arrived at the front of a large wooden warehouse.

On the massive wooden door, Glenn briskly wrote three runes

with his own blood that unlocked the seal. The door slowly creaked
as its internal mechanism began to churn. As the door opened to its
mechanism, Glenn squeezed through the small opening it offered.

Without caring about the automatic door that closed behind him,
Glenn ventured into the dark chamber covered by wooden crates of
all size and shape.

Plop. Plop. Plop.

The crisp sound of footsteps echoed in the deserted chamber.

From the depth of the chamber, there was a small clearing

surrounded by crates, where several early arrivals waited. The gentle
glow of candles illuminated their faces.

“Hey, Glenn-kun!”

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Among the early guests, a sturdy elder man that exuded the air of
a youth waved to Glenn with a smile. His face reflected the air of a
weathered veteran, but his smile revealed a seemingly childish side.

“Long time no see, you brat! Still alive and well?”

“Boss… ‘The Hermit’ Bernard… Seriously, you never change.”

Glenn stiffly responded to the elder man.

The elder man in the uniform of the Imperial Court Mage Corps
was ‘The Hermit’ Bernard Jester, with the code number of nine. He
was one of the most experienced operatives within the Imperial
Court Mage Corps Special Operations Annex, having survived
countless ordeals, and was known for his peculiarities. He also
happened to be Glenn’s combat instructor during Glenn’s time in
Special Operations.

“I am glad to see you are healthy and well, Glenn-senpai.”

Nearby, a youth revealed a gentle smile while sitting atop a tall

wooden crate. He had the appearance of a cute boy accompanied by
an air of logic and wisdom. Although his subdued behavior made him
seemed mature, he was only a few years older than Glenn’s

“Christoph, have you come as well?”

He was ‘The Hierophant’ Christoph Flowel, a colleague of Bernard

within Special Operations and holder of the code number of five.
Although young, Christoph was a master of field magic, with few
within the whole Imperial Court Mage Corps his equal.

“…Glenn, Slow.”

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Further inside, there was ‘The Chariot’ Re=L in her Imperial Court
Mage Corps uniform, sitting with her hands clasped around her legs
on the warehouse floor.


Finally, leaning on the right wall was ‘The Star’ Albert, seemingly in
deep contemplation with his arms crossed.

They were all colleagues of Glenn during his time in Special

Operations as code number zero, ‘The Fool’, and his frequent
companions on missions.

Faced with the gathering of his former companions, Glenn was at

a complete loss for words.

“…Senpai, I am deeply sorry for our actions.”

Christoph was the first to apologize.

“Yeah. Sorry about this, Glenn-kun. Even we were surprised by

such a haphazardly planned operation. Seriously, what were the top
brass thinking?!”

The other members all knit their brows in frustration.

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“Not to mention, they even forcibly conscripted Senpai… I am
certain Senpai have your own misgivings. However, as all the other
operatives of Special Operations are all preoccupied with their own
missions, we somewhat lacked the hands to complete this mission
on our own.”

“So just count this as doing us a favor! Please?!”

Christoph and Bernard’s words made Glenn open his eyes wide
with surprise.

“Boss… and others… Are you all not mad about my desertion from
the military?”

Bernard and Christoph contemplated for a moment at Glenn’s


“Ah… As for that, Al-kun seemingly had already given you quite the
scolding in our place, right?” Bernard chuckled with his fist resting on
his chin, “If you must know… Certainly, we understand that the
situation had brought you much grief, perhaps even overwhelming
for one so young. However, I would have really liked if you had
reached out to us, even if just to let out all your steam.”

“There are still many within the Special Operations that are critical
of Senpai’s actions. To be honest, even I have certain reservations
myself.” Christoph added, with an almost eerie calm to his
expression, “However, despite all that you’ve done… you are still one
of our brothers-in-arms. I have always believed in the Senpai that
would go out of his way to protect others.”

“I-is that so… Then, how to say this, I’m sorry for my actions…”

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Seeing his former comrades to not hold a grudge for his desertion,
Glenn felt a wave of remorse wash over him.

“Now… I think that is enough for nostalgia. Let us return to the

operation at hand.”

Sitting atop a table in the back, ‘The Magician’ Eve clapped her
hands at the scene before her.

“What operation, Eve?” Re=L asked, apparently never told of the


“Hehehe… Nothing, Re=L. Don’t bother with the details, since you
probably won’t be able to understand anyway. Just follow my
instructions and you’ll be fine, alright?”

“…Yes, got it. Listen to Eve.”

Nearby, Glenn seemingly wanted to speak, but Eve simply brushed

him aside and started the strategy meeting, specifically on Rumia’s
protection detail during the Academy Prom.

“First, I wish to confirm the objective of this operation. During the

Alzano Imperial Magic Academy’s annual Prom, we are to both
prevent the princess’s assassination and capture the assailants alive.”

Utterly unrealistic.

Although Glenn was familiar with the ineptitude of the top brass
at strategic planning, the sheer optimism was on a whole different
level for this mission.


“Of course! What would we do if they are launching a suicidal

frontal assault, and bystanders get caught up in the crossfire? It will

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nearly be impossible to prevent casualties in that case. Therefore, I
am still for informing the school and closing down the Academy
Prom.” Glenn immediately answered with a poignant demand.

“…As for that, not necessary.” Eve calmly rejected.


“The enemy have reasons to keep this from escalating beyond an

‘assassination’. After all, this is a unilateral action taken by the
‘Progressive’ faction within their organization… If they launch a
frontal attack, they will openly signal their break from the
organization and set themselves up as targets to be purged, making
their accomplishments moot. As such, it is a certainty that they must
keep this operation covert, without leaving any implicating

“…And so, an ‘assassination’?”

“As long as the mastermind behind this operation remains their

Second Order ‘Adeptus’, we can expect no harm to come to
bystanders. Therefore, we will take full advantage of their limitations
and strike them at their weakest, using the Academy Prom as bait.
Are you finally satisfied, Glenn?”

Eve’s sharp words had made Glenn’s temporal vein bulge in rage.
The air between Eve and Glenn immediately turned tense.

“…How many?”

“From our intelligence, one from Second Order ‘Adeptus’ and

three from one from First Order Portals’. We will be fighting six on
four, so it should be easily manageable.”

“…Are you sure there are no faults in the intelligence?”

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“Huh? When have the intelligence I’ve obtained ever been


With that, Glenn was forced into silence.

“Looks like you are finally out of excuses. I should also mention, of
the enemies we will face, the greatest attention should be given to
the one from Second Order ‘Adeptus’, the mastermind behind this
operation. We have already confirmed his identity, and it is a name
with which I imagine everyone is familiar – ‘Demon Hand’ Zaeed.”

Upon hearing the name, Glenn’s eyes completely shot open. Even
Albert’s expression turned stiff.

“Really… To think our opponent will be lead by that ‘Demon

Hand’… What a sticky situation.” Bernard exclaimed.

“‘Demon Hand’ Zaeed… Certainly an infamous one, known for his

ability to assassinate his target without drawing any attention, be it
during travels, speeches, or social events. Even his methods are
exceedingly diverse, with records of using knife, garotte, blunt
weapon, and martial art. To date, several high-ranking Imperial
officials had died by his hands, despite the extensive security in many


“While his main Modus Operandi remains elusive, we should be

fine. Since… I am here.” Eve declared as she raised her left hand in
front of the group.

At that moment, a small ember appeared in midair.

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“Bloodline Magic [Ira’s Flame] is a floating ember that could detect
negative feelings within a certain radius and locate the individual in
question. No one in this world could take another life without
displaying some negative feeling. No matter how practiced and
suppressed is the killing intent, the killer would certainly reveal
themselves at the moment of strike, and my ember will latch onto
them. After all, humans are still creatures, and therefore cannot
eliminate their biological reactions. Of course, this will all be done
within my field.”


“I will prepare Bloodline Magic [Seventh Garden] in advance. With

that, as long as anyone wishes to kill the princess, my flames will
immediately eliminate the individual… Of course, leaving the
assailant with just his life.”

“Tsk… Could this really be done?”

Glenn may have some reservations, but he already knew the

answer to his question. If there was anyone who could do it, Eve
Ignite certainly could.

Incidentally, during Glenn’s time in the military, the Researchers of

Divine Wisdom had on more than one occasion attempted to
eliminate high-ranking officials within the imperial government, and
they had all been foiled splendidly by Eve. After all, Eve was, for all
intents and purposes, invincible within her field.

Eve gloated as she basked in Glenn’s begrudging acceptance.

“My [Ira’s Flame] and [Seventh Garden] will ensure the safety of
the entire Academy Prom.”

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“In other words, as long as it is within the venue, Rumia will be
perfectly safe?”

“Yes. However, I am certain the enemy are not fools. They should
have already deduced my presence at the Academy Prom and
planned accordingly. If ‘the Princess is impossible to assassinate
within my field’, they will certainly try to create a scenario where the
princess would be forced to depart from the venue. For that…”

Afterward, Eve happily shared her elaborate battle plans.

Atop the rickety table, Eve laid out a detailed map of the
surroundings, with predicted paths for the enemies’ advance and the
corresponding ambushes, along with numerous contingency plans.
After walking everyone through the plans, Eve issued her orders.

In summary, the plan was to keep Rumia within the protection of

Eve’s field, with Glenn and Re=L guarding inside the venue. Any
external attack would be intercepted by Albert, Bernard, and
Christoph stationed outside the venue.

“Wow, I have to say this is quite the splendid plan, Eve-chan.”

“Yes, with this plan, we will ensure both the princess’s safety and
swiftly neutralize any threat.”

After Eve’s explanation, both Bernard and Christoph gave their


“…So how about it Glenn? Weren’t you the one who incessantly
nagged me about ‘getting bystanders caught up in the attack, so it is
best to cancel the Academy Prom’? With this, don’t you think your
fears were completely unfounded? As long as we know they are
limited to ‘assassination’, we can easily formulate the perfect trap.”

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Glenn was left completely speechless.

“There was an ancient proverb… You must enter the tiger’s den to
catch its cubs. Remember, we are already forced into a corner on this

Glenn had nothing to refute Eve’s sound logic.

With Eve, Albert, Bernard, Christoph, Re=L, and even Glenn on

patrol, it would be nearly impossible for the enemy to infiltrate and
assassinate Rumia, especially when they number no more than four.

Glenn’s reason screamed that failure was impossible.

If such was the plan presented before the military high command,
they would certainly approve it unanimously, especially considering
their pressing need for intelligence on the enemy. Even the Queen
herself could find no reason to veto this operation. After all, the
monarch must not show weakness.

However, what is with this terrible feeling of uncertainty? Have we

overlooked something critical…?
Despite Eve’s flawless plan, Glenn still held some reservations.

Glenn propped his palms on the wooden table and stared intently
at the plan, the formation, and the predicted approach.

No matter how ‘Demon Hand’ Zaeed perform his assassinations,

Eve’s perfect defense was impossible to break. If the intelligence
held, Glenn and the others vastly outnumbered the assailants.
Therefore, unless Glenn could point out a flaw with the plan, the
operation was a certainty.

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…Darn it!
Unable to find any flaw, Glenn bit down on his teeth in frustration.

“…I understand your worry.” Albert uttered while still leaning on

the wall with arms crossed, breaking his silence that had lasted for
the whole meeting, “However, the die was cast. No matter how
reluctant you are, there is no longer any chance of backing out. Just
do everything in your power to achieve the best possible outcome.
Then again, we can promise you that we will never underestimate
the threat, and we will do our utmost to ensure the safety of those
you want to protect… even at the cost of sacrificing our own lives.”

“Albert… you…”

Hearing his usually stoic friend’s elaborate words, Glenn was

momentarily at a loss for how to respond.

“Hmph… Do you think you have any right to say that now? Huh?”


“If you understand that much, then just spare me the theatrics…
Just remember, if anything happens to Rumia and the others of the
academy, I will finish off Eve first and then come after you. Got it?”

“Fine, I will leave myself to your judgment when that time comes.”

The two almost seemed to come to a head with their back to each
other, as if irreconcilable enemies.

Nearby, Bernard and Christoph simply revealed a complicated

smile as they shrugged their shoulders at the scene. Incidentally,
Re=L was already deep in sleep.

After all, the night was young.

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Elsewhere, the four members of the Researchers of Divine

Wisdom gathered in the depth of the Fajitean catacombs, where
they detailed their plan at the Academy Prom in two days’ time.

“Hey… Are you sure this plan would work, Zaeed?”

“Yes… As long as you follow my instructions.”

“Hmph… What an interesting magic, even now I am unable to

figure it out.”

“If you didn’t♪ see for yourself♪, you would certainly♪ think so♪.
Zaeed’s assassination was always like this~♪ It is very very special~♪.”

“Seriously, could you even call this an assassination?”

The four secretly plotted the assassination of Rumia.

“Speaking of which, ‘The Magician’ Eve… Her Bloodline Magic has

proved quite problematic in the past… as if specially made to counter
‘assassins’. Are you sure this will break through her defenses?”

“Certainly, I have my own ways of defeating ‘The Magician’ Eve.

After all, we still have another…”


“…’Demon Hand’ Zaeed will definitely be brought down by my

plans.” Eve confidently muttered as she strolled down the empty
street after the meeting, “They thought their camouflage was
flawless… Hehehe~ But I have seen through it all.”

In actuality, Eve had withheld a critical piece of intelligence from

Albert and the others.

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“I had always known that behind ‘Demon Hand’ Zaeed, there was


“…Although that may be the case, given ‘The Magician’ Eve’s

capabilities, she is very likely to have sensed the true mastermind
behind me, ‘Demon Hand’ Zaeed…”


“…Because I know all about their plans, they will not escape me.”


“…Because she sensed it, she will certainly be helpless to our



“…The participation of Albert and the others are not necessary. I

will certainly unveil the mastermind behind all their plans. I will do
this for the glory of House Ignite, with all the resources and power
provided to my house.”


“…No matter how strong House Ignite may be, no matter how
flawless ‘The Magician’ Eve may be, they will never unveil the
mastermind behind our plans.”


The two, albeit distant from one another, held similar yet
contrasting convictions…

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“For this battle… the final victory belongs only to us, the Imperial
Court Mage Corps.”

“For this battle… the final victory belongs only to us, the
Researchers of Divine Wisdom.”

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