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SARAJEVO Saturday, February 11, 1994 Dia Center For the Arts 155 Mercer Street, NY, NY TS PROGRAM HAS BEEN ORGANIZED IN ‘CONJUNCTION WT WARCHITECTURE- ‘SaRAIEVO: A WOUNDED CITY, A MULTI- \VEDIA BXKIBITION SPONSORED BY ‘STOREFRONT FOR ART & ARCHITECTURE, THAT DESCRIBES THE ‘COMBINED EFFECTS OF PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RSGALLTS AGAINST THE IVIUAN POPULATION BY PRESENTING ONE OF THE MAIN FORMS AND PRIMARY TARGETS OF THIS AGGRESSION: THE DESTRUCTION OF THE CITY'S Sawueyo: CULTURAL Resist Uner SIEGE 1s INTENDED AS A CONSTRUCTIVE RESPONSE TO THE STAT OF EMERGENCY IN SARAJEVO, THROUGH WHICH IDEAS AND STRATEGIES FOR REBUILDING CAN BE GENERATED. Suci WORK 5 VITALLY AND IMMEDIATELY IMPORTANT NOT ONLY BECAUSE SARAIEVO AND OTHER COMMUNITIES AR CURRENTLY IN GRAVE DANGER, BLT ALSO BECAUSE IT HAS THE POWER TO INDIMDUALS, ARTISTS AND ARCHITE (ON A PERSONAL BASIS, AS THEY CONTINUE TO WORK AND PLAN FOR TH FUTURE, EVEN WHILE THEIR EFFORTS ARE [ING PURPOSEFULLY DESTROYED, STOREFRONT Pees AN ROK ELTA “You CaN DESTROY OUR CITY, BUT OUR SOUL NEVER” “he eH Sane as bee inhabited nce he New Stone Age Bunter tutunzaton ofthe Sarajevo wll stared during Roman rt inthe fst century AD. NIAE ‘Dun he pst yea he Nato sue Tr Areca cation has been tort wih te Bosna Hesegovins Asoition of Meters Sarjo. Fo the ‘ining the Warhitectae projet the NIE proposed ging some of sma to New ork and to exibons wich wi be on daplay a Storeont or ‘ond Sette and at Pasion Schoo of Desig, se fhe reaiaton of hee effort Fao Mande. The support of lon Basi, PhD, and Maya Ls fom NE, wha made ros ode Roe TALKSHOWS AT STOREFRONT tn response to lst year’ sucessful comersation series Storefont begins 1995 with a new program of events providing unique and engaging “opportunities for discussion jn art and architecture. Each Tallshow will {eature 3 ain host who wil imvite special mystery guests to fuel comeratonal combustion. “This series is designed to maximize spontaneity, surprise and immediate participation from the audience. Al programs will be held at 7:00 PM at Storefront in an intimate salon-Nke environment. Entrance Fee of $10 includes wine and ight refreshments. Friday, January 20 Emergency Broadcast Network An expose, mimes Ine prance eam: os 3 ‘het ean Gander Pode jerky Ran Dome Dencanpn ond stn ecracan Tracy Bonr._EBN team hs ere complied tf fal-ength ado CD and Neil Denar Tuesday, January 24 Thursday, January 26 Dennis Oppenheim Frominet Amcicn ast hing NewYork, comet exhibiting at Bi 4 Februay— 18 March A Wounded City STOREFRONT f EXPOSITION URBICIDE - SARAJEWO Warchitecture-Sarajévo: A Wounded City February 4Mareh 18, 1994 Gallery Hours: Tuesda#Saturday 11.6pm ‘Opening Reception: February 4, 68pm ris exibition hasbeen supported the Heathcote Art Foundat nc by ind Bort EXHIBITION Warchitecture-Sarajevo: A Wounded City aang mires cy the Bona pubications fms, augl-tape, and personal testimony. Crested by the NereegovinaAsocition of Actes Oat Sab) Sarajevo betwee May T992 on (October 1993, Warctectur dese the combined psi and psychological ‘hreatenng conditions, lack of basi amenities suchas ater, fod, decry and medicine and without any communication with the outde wr, Srjewe es OTHER EVENTS at Dia Art Center 1 itn he ten aed lho th Sh and Fim Sarajevo Ground Zero im 1:30-2:30 PM The Media Coverage of Terror 1130-1330 PM. Cultural Resistance Under Siege Panel Discussion Cities as Battlegrounds of Culture 2:30-4:30 pm Writing on the Balan Wr She Ise he Pd am th Une ofCanetge ands covet wring oh uy ‘SF pop pots ed aurora sures in made Faso km is een ard y Arce Mams an independ 2 Sn

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