The Economic System We Have, Created The Global Warming

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“The economic system we have, created the Global Warming”

In an Interview with Naomi Klein, an activist who blames the capitalism for all kinds of things, also
for the climate change, she gave her arguments to convince us that the economic system is the guilty
of the climate problem we are currently experiencing.

Naomi Klein argues that we only could stop the global warming, if we radically changed our
capitalist system. The connection between greenhouse gases and global warming had been a
mainstream political issue for humanity since 1988. It had been precisely the time when the Berlin
Wall had fell and Francis Fakuyama had declared the "End of History"; the victory of Western
capitalism. In other words, she said that a new era of consumption and energy use began precisely at
the moment when sustainability and restraint had been more inappropriate.

She also explained that during the 90's, emissions had gone up by 1 percent per year, but starting
the 2000, the emissions went up by an average of 3.4 percent; the American Dream had been spread
globally and consumer goods that we had thought of as essential to meet our needs had expanded
rapidly. She affirmed that we had started seeing ourselves exclusively as consumers.

Later Naomi added that governments no longer created tough rules that limited oil companies and
other corporations. That crisis had fallen into our laps in a disastrous way at the worst possible moment.
The system was broken, income inequality was too great and the lack of restraint on the part of the
energy companies was disastrous.

She believed that the 2030 would at least in part be a worse world, we was going to experience an
angry global warming and far more natural disasters, that much was certain. However we still had time
to prevent truly the catastrophic warming, we also had time to change our economic system so that it
was not become more brutal and merciless as it dealt with climate change.

The activist also complained about the free market, she opined that we needed more strategy, the
system in which we lived was overly obsessed with growth, and growth was not always a good option.
In this case, an economic model based on indiscriminate growth inevitably led to greater consumption
and to greater carbon dioxide emissions.

Finally she gave a solution to the environmental problem; Naomi suggested a dramatic change both
in policy and ideology, because there was a fundamental difference between what the scientists was
telling us we needed to do and the current political reality. We could not change the physical reality,
so we had to change the political reality. We had to make some decision now about what values was
important to us and how we really wanted to live.

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