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Section 7.

Terms of Reference

1. Law Number 1 of 2011 on Housing and Settlement Area mandates "Each person has
the right to live in a prosperous and spiritual life, to live, and to occupy a decent and
affordable home in a healthy, safe, harmonious and sustainable housing throughout
the territory of Indonesia". The National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2005-
2025 describes the direction of housing policy that is (a) sustainable, adequate,
feasible and affordable housing development by the community purchasing power
and supported by adequate and qualified settlement facilities and infrastructure that
are managed by professionally, credibly, independently and efficiently; (b) the
implementation of housing development and independent settlement facilities, are
able to generate potential financing that derived from the community and capital
markets, creating employment opportunities, and enhancing equity and dissemination
of development; and (c) the implementation of housing development and settlement
infrastructures that pay attention to environmental functions and balances.

2. The National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2015-2019 prioritizes (a) the
provision of housing for the lowest 40 percent-income earning community by
facilitating the provision of adequate and affordable housing for 2.2 million
households; (b) encouraging self-reliance of the community and the business
community in the provision of housing; and (c) improving the quality of
uninhabitable houses for 1.5 million households including slums alleviation. The
target of housing provision is based on the baseline number of housing shortages of
7.6 million in 2014 to be 5 million by the end of 2019.

3. However, as the population increase in Indonesia shows various challenges and

problems of housing implementation in Indonesia. Data from BPS and Bappenas
(2014) stated that backlog of housing ownership of 13.5 million units and
uninhabitable housing amounted to 3.4 million units. The study from World Bank
(2016) about the ability of community in buying a house is still very low, 40% of

53 | P a g e
households can buy a house from the commercial market, 40% can not afford formal
housing without subsidized assistance, and 20% can not afford housing without
substantial subsidy assistance. Other fact also indicate that financing support for
housing sector in Indonesia is only 2.8% of GDP.

4. In fulfilling the mandate of the housing policy implementation, the government

through Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing has already provided assistance
programs for provision and financing affordable housing to Low-Income
Communities (MBR) such as (a) formal housing development (rusunawa, rusunami,
and special house), (b) provision of Home Improvement Assistance (BSPS), (c)
Facilitation of Housing Finance Liquidity Facility (FLPP), (d) Installment Discrepancy
Subsidy (SSA) , and (e) Interest Discrepancy Subsidy (SSB). Some of the housing policy
assistance programs still need to be improved and expanded the range of services.
Therefore, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing and World Bank on 2016
collaborate an affordable housing program which called National Affordable Housing
Program (NAHP).

5. NAHP assists MBR to own and to improve the quality of their settlement through the
development of housing finance schemes, strengthening the implementation system of
independent housing program, and encouraging the reform of liveable and affordable
housing policy and program development in Indonesia. The addition of NAHP benefit
also help the Government and Related Parties to solve main problems of housing
implementation in Indonesia.


1. The purpose of advisory consultant services is to provide support services to the PMC
and Secretariat PMC to fulfill or to carry out about the tasks and responsibilities NAHP
management program so the project is able to run smoothly and in accordance with
2. The objective of advisory consultant services is as think-tank of NAHP management
program by:
a. provide technical assistance (technical/substance/administrative),
consultation, strategic policy considerations, and coordination with multi-

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b. provide recommendations/suggestion/actions related to the
development/refinement of NAHP project management;
c. assist collaboration of all NAHP human resources together to achieve
performance indicators of NAHP with consist outcome program performance
indicators (Project Development Objectives/PDO) and output program
performance indicators (Intermediate Results Framework).


Scope of works and advisory consultant include, but not limited to:
1. Provide regular (day by day) assistance and service on administrative, technical or
substantive to the PMC Committee and PMC Secretariat in fulfilling the assigned
duties and responsibilities;
2. Facilitate Head of PMC and Head of PMC Secretariat to (i) review of NAHP Annual
Work Plan (AWP) and monitor preparation of the relevant budget document that
prepared by each Coordinator and Implementer of NAHP; (ii) provide policy
alternatives strategy and actions to be taken in it implementation to be on time and on
target; and (iii) provide efforts to solve the potential encountered problems and
3. Facilitate to coordinate both the External Parties and the Internal Parties of the
Ministry of Public Works and Housing in the form of meetings, workshops, and other
regular meetings about NAHP project;
4. Conduct coordination and collaboration with the Project Implementation Unit
Management Consultant Services to jointly provide material/data/progress
information periodically and achievements about NAHP implementation for NAHP
reports which needed by PMC Committee, PMC Secretariat, World Bank, Minister of
Public Works and Public Housing, and other Parties;
5. Provide technical assistance by providing materials/informations/reports that is
needed by PMC Committee and PMC Secretariat:
i. socialization and dissemination of NAHP project for Stakeholders/Institutions
at the Central and Local Governments;
ii. progress about project implementation of each NAHP component (Component
1 BP2BT, Component 2 BSPS, and Component 3 Housing Policy Reform)
covering physic, financial, problems and challenges, as well as the need for
completion of action;

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iii. Interim Financial Reports (IFR) of NAHP;
iv. consolidate the readiness and implementation of goods and services
procurement from every package of NAHP project in accordance with
administration and legal aspects of goods and services procurement that
applicable in Indonesia and the World Bank, includes STEP procurement
process management, review of procurement administration (TOR, Budget
Plan, Procurement Document/Request for Proposal) until the issuance of No
Objection Letter (NOL);
v. consolidation of SP2D and NAHP budget absorption reports from activity
packets from all NAHP Components that have been implemented for applying
withdrawal aplication (WA) and replinishment of special accounts;
vi. consolidation of mastertime schedule, target and realization of output and
outcome, as well as the need for spending and disbursement of loan funds
from each package of activities in all NAHP components to be mutually
coordinated and fulfilled;
vii. facilitate monitoring of complaints and audit completion (both financial and
performance) from each package of NAHP activities;
viii. facilitate monitoring of complaints completion and provide
recommendation/action to intervene for future risk mitigation;
ix. providing NAHP infographics as a publication, documentation and
dissemination of NAHP information to the wider community;
x. consolidation of NAHP correspondence administration, either entered or issued
by Head of PMC and Head of PMC Secretariat from External and Internal
6. Facilitate technical support to midterm review and final evaluation of outputs and
outcomes from each component/subcomponent/package of NAHP project under
Project Development Objective within the NAHP Loan Agreement;
7. Conduct development or refinement of guidelines, manuals, technical guidelines as a
tool of work that supports the effectiveness of management and working procedure
NAHP management;
8. Develop a NAHP Information System containing data, information on socialization
materials, campaign program materials, and other materials so that the transfer of
information and knowledge management among NAHP personnel is easy and fast and
supports information disclosure to the wider community;

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9. Assist the Head of PMC in providing technical guidance/briefing to all relevant NAHP
Personnel (i) NAHP reporting formats in accordance with World Bank requirements;
(ii) guidance of Working Unit that implementing the goods and services procurement
of NAHP packages activities; (iii) control of duties and working relations of all
recruited Service Providers as implementers of the NAHP activity package;
10. Provide facilitation and technical support on special activities/incidental related with
NAHP such as exhibitions, seminars, talk shows, World Bank Mission, and others.

Project Phase covers:
1. Work preparation and Expert Consolidation;
2. Desk Study for literature review/regulation/related studies;
3. Preparation of work services masterchedule;
4. Assistance, coordination, and intensive technical support to the Project Management
Committee and PMC Secretariat;
5. Development of information systems, devices or data management and information
related with NAHP;
6. Socialization, training, technical guidance or regular meetings that may involve all
members of the NAHP Personnel, internally among PMC members and the PMC
Secretariat, with the World Bank, or other Stakeholders inside and outside the
Ministry of Public Work and Housing;
7. Field visit related to monitoring, evaluation, and other required particular/incidental
8. Development/refinement of guidelines/manuals/technical guidelines for working
management and working procedures for the implementation of NAHP;
9. Preparation of progress reports on the implementation of NAHP includes regular,
preliminary, interim, annual report, reports to the World Bank, special reports and
final report.

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Working implementation method is conducted with:
1. Compilation of literature/studies/regulations;
2. Descriptive analysis techniques both qualitative and quantitative;
3. Technical content analysis;
4. Technical and academic studies for the development or improvement of guidelines,
manuals, technical guidelines for working management and implemetation of NAHP
and the development of NAHP information systems;
5. Surveys or field visits to the program target location such as progress monitoring,
World Bank missions, specific issues, program evaluations, and other urgent needs;
6. Socialization, training, technical guidance or regular meetings with all stakeholders
both internal and external in the Ministry of Public Works and Housing;
7. Progress report of the NAHP project implementation periodically to the Minister of
Public Works and Housing, World Bank, or related Stakeholders.

Conducted working program, in general consist of
Quarterly Period
No Activities 2019 2020 2021
Apr- July- Oct- Jan- Apr- July- Oct-
June Sept Des Mar June Sept Des
1 Work preparation and Expert Consolidation
2 NAHP Desk Study
3 Working service masterschedule
Development of information system or data
management and NAHP project information

Socialization, training, technical assistance, regular

meeting both in internal / external NAHP

a Kick off meeting NAHP

b External Coordination Meeting of NAHP
c Internal Coordination Meeting of NAHP
Coordination Meeting for Consultant/Non
Consultant Services of NAHP
Technical Assistance of Word Bank report
preparation on NAHP progress
Technical Facilitation for procurement goods and
services to Pokja NAHP
g FGD for NAHP system information development
FGD for NAHP development for Working, Reporting,
Procedures, etc
i Internal Quaterly Meeting
Field Survey for progress controlling, World Bank
Mission, special issues, program evaluation, urgent
6 needs

58 | P a g e
Quarterly Period
No Activities 2019 2020 2021
Apr- July- Oct- Jan- Apr- July- Oct-
June Sept Des Mar June Sept Des
7 Report meeting of NAHP progress
Reguler progress assistance of NAHP implementation
to PMC dan Secretariat PMC
b Inception Report
c Monthly Report
c Quarterly Report
d Semester Report
d Annual Report
NAHP Progress Report to WB:
 IFR per quarter
 Midterm report
e  Annual report
 Borrower Completion Report (BCR)
 Complaint Handling Report
 Annual Work Plan (AWP)
NAHP Progress Report to World Bank, Biro PA/KLN,
Ministry of Finance, and/or Bappenas
g Proceeding
h Special/exclusive/specific
i Draft Final Report
j Final Report

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1. Composition of required experts to be involved in this activity consists of multi
disciplines. Experts include profesional experts, junior profesional expert, and
supporting officer.
No Position Person (s)
Profesional Experts : DKI Jakarta

1 Team Leader Project Management 1 24

2 Financial Management Specialist (Co-Team Leader) 1 24

3 Housing and Settlement Specialist 2 24

4 Public Policy Specialist 1 24

5 Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist 1 24

6 Procurement Specialist 1 16

7 Website Developer and MIS Specialist 1 16

Junior Professional Expert : DKI Jakarta

8 Senior Assistant Profesional Staf Financial Management 1 22

9 Senior Assistant Profesional Staf Procurement 1 14

10 Senior Assistant Profesional Staf Website and MIS Operator 1 14

11 Senior Assistant Profesional Staf Design Graphic 1 22

Supporting Officer : DKI Jakarta

12 Assistant Profesional Staf Housing Finance 2 22

13 Public Relation and Communication 1 22

14 Bilingual Secretary 1 22

15 Office Manager 1 24

16 Office Boy 1 24

17 Security 1 24

18 Driver 2 24

2. Each of profesional experts and junior profesional expert have specifications about
background experiences, assignments, and outputs. However, to support the
smoothness and successful implementation of NAHP, the PMC Committee and the
PMC Secretariat may change the expertise of personnel beyond those already stated
in this TOR.

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3. All human resources in this advisory consultant services will be based in DKI Jakarta
to facilitate coordination, communication, and technical guidance services.
4. The Head of PMC Secretariat will conduct performance evaluations to each
professional expert and sub professional assistant. Performance evaluation includes
the ability, professionalism, and ability to produce the required work assignment.
The Head of PMC Secretariat has the right to propose replacement personnel to the
Service Provider.
5. Any professional experts and sub professional experts may undertake official travel
tasks outside the Jakarta area in the context of supervision, monitoring, evaluation,
and other purposes which should be acknowledged by the Head of PMC Secretariat.
The traveller (s) should submit the mission report (Nota Dinas) describing the details
of the activities that have been undertaken, the results of activities, and main issues
that need to be considered/acted upon.


Service Provider will work for 24 (twenty four) months starting the issuance of contract.
The performance of the Advisory Consultant Services (ACS) for PMC as a whole team and
the individual members will be subject to evaluation by PMC and PIU on regular basis and
annually as a minimum. The continuation of the contract will be based on the annual
performance evaluation of PMC and PIU which may recommend changes to the team
structure and personnel or termination of the contract in the case of unacceptable
performance. PMC and PIU will develop a system (forms and procedures) for overall
performance assessment which will be made available to the ACS.


Output and result report form working implementation that is needed from the service
provider :
IMPLEMENTATION in the form of official memos, live material, data and information,
etc. concerning mentoring and progress of NAHP regular implementation to PMC
Committee and PMC Secretariat, or other External Parties that requiring data and
information about NAHP project, preparation of materials and materials for
meetings/workshops/regular meetings, etc;

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2. INCEPTION REPORT that prepared by Main Experts of Service Provider that at least
a. Understanding of work, work responses, approaches and methodologies,
various forms of innovation, and other technical/administrative
recommendations to carry out the scope of work that contained in the TOR;
b. Procedures/methodology in the process of providing support services among
all experts to be involved;
c. Annual work plan that includes the full range of NAHP activities;
d. Consolidation of masterschedule from all NAHP activities

3. Development/improvement of NAHP information system includes data and

information management which includes all activities of components/
subcomponents/packages of NAHP activities, management of mailing archives,
knowledge management of NAHP product, and integration with other various
information systems (website Ministry of Public Work and Public Housing, BP2BT
Information Technology system, SIRUP, HRIES, and others);

4. MONTHLY REPORT contains NAHP progress implementation services every month

that addressed to the World Bank, Minister of Public Work and Public Housing, and
other External Parties

5. QUARTERLY REPORT contains NAHP three monthly progress reports that addressed to
the World Bank, Minister of Public Work and Public Housing, and other External
Parties which shall at least contain:
a. results of service and technical assistance services, managerial assistance,
advisory and recommendations on working management and working
procedures for NAHP project implementation;
b. realization of each component of NAHP activities implementation progress;
c. progress of financial absorption and physical implementation achievement of
each subcomponent of all NAHP;
d. encountered problems and challenges;
e. as well as other relevant data and information about progress of NAHP project.

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6. SEMESTER REPORT contains NAHP progress implementation services every six month.

7. ANNUAL REPORT contains at least:

a. results of service and technical assistance services, managerial assistance,
advisory and recommendations on working management and working
procedures for NAHP project implementation that have been achieved within
1 (one) year of work implementation;
b. realization of each subcomponent NAHP activities implementation progress;
c. progress of financial absorption and physical implementation achievement of
each subcomponent of all NAHP activities;
d. encountered problems and challenges during the year;
e. Achievement of annual output and outcome performance against the NAHP
Project Development Objective (PDO) in accordance with the Loan Agreement
f. work plan in the following years;
g. other related data and information

8. Advisory services and technical assistance for the preparation of NAHP PROGRESS
a. Annual Work Program which consists of detailed work plan and budget for
each activities to be undertaken within the respective year. PMC will submit
the annual work program to the Bank prior to the beginning of fiscal year, for
review and comments;
b. Procurement plan of NAHP;
c. Progress of activity and financial absorption/Interim Financial Report
(IFR)quarterly, semester, and annualy for each implementation of
component/subcomponent/NAHP activities package;
d. Midterm Review NAHP (MTR) is a review of project implementation progress,
achievements of project objectives and indicators (PDO) and other key
indicators, identification of the need for adjustments/NAHP project design
restructuring, etc.;

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e. Implementation Completion and Result Report (ICR) includes the realization of
project output, comparison with specified targets/indicators, problem and
challenges analysis, output realization, etc;
f. Midterm Review and Final Evaluation to the NAHP Project Development
Objective (PDO);
g. Follow up of complain completion and auditor findings completion to the
implementation of component/subcomponent/NAHP activities packages;
h. NAHP Environmental and Social Management Framework that obtained from
related PIU Consultant Experts Team;
i. Preparation process of administrative requirements, progress of the
procurement process, and the results of goods and services procurement from
NAHP activities packages.

9. OTHER SPECIAL REPORT that is needed such as:

a. Development of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) regarding the working
management and working procedures of NAHP personnel;
b. Review/recommendation for improvement/development of the NAHP Project
Operation Manual (POM);
c. Review/recommendation to improve the legal instruments on the
implementation of NAHP components/subcomponents (related to BP2BT and
BSPS), NAHP personnel, and other necessary legal documents/ instruments;
d. NAHP Infographic;
e. Any other required reports at any time.

10. DRAFT FINAL REPORT includes all the activities that have been implemented from
services and technical assistance service, managerial assistance, advisory, and NAHP
project recommendations for 3 (three) years. This draft final report also includes all
outcomes, encountered problems, lessons learned, knowledge transfer that has been
obtained or has been produced during the implementation of
components/subcomponents/NAHP activities packages, as well as replication and
recommendations efforts for policies and programs in the field of housing in the

64 | P a g e
11. FINAL REPORT includes all the activities that have been implemented from services
and technical assistance service, managerial assistance, advisory, and NAHP project
recommendations for 3 (three) years. This final report also includes all outcomes,
encountered problems, lessons learned, knowledge transfer that has been obtained or
has been produced during the implementation of components/subcomponents/NAHP
activities packages, as well as replication and recommendations efforts for policies and
programs in the field of housing in the future.

Client/service user is the Directorate General of Housing Finance, Ministry of Public Works
and Public Housing.


The Service Provider conducts intensive discussions with the members of the PMC, PMC
Secretariat, and any other specified Technical Team. In the implementation of socialization,
training, technical guidance or regular meetings that will be conducted, can invite resource
persons from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, World Bank, and other
Experts/ Academics who are competent and experienced in their field for the successful
implementation of NAHP projects.


This project will be carried out for 24 (twenty four) calendar months since the issuance of
contract. The budget is allocated for :
1. Payment of personnel remuneration of each professional experts, sub professional
experts, and supporting personnel.
2. The cost of organizing a series of periodic meetings in the form of kickoff meetings,
coordination meetings, technical training/assistance that required by Clients, Project
Management Committee, and Project Management Committee Secretariat. The Service
Provider shall formulate the Terms of Reference of each activity and the Budget Plan
before the planned activity is carried out. Every TOR and Budjet Plan must be
approved by the Head of the PMC Secretariat. The Service Provider in each activity
provides the logistics, accommodation, and seminar kits as set forth in the Budjet Plan.
Each Professional Expert and the Sub Professional Expert should contribute to provide
materials/data/information for each undertaken activity.

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3. The cost for work space rental, payment of Office Stationery, rental of work
equipment (computers, laptops, cameras, etc.), furniture rental, official operational
vehicles rental, as well as costs of office operational and maintenance in accordance
with the contract;
4. Official travel expenses for surveys (field visits), PMC and PMC Secretariat assistance,
monitoring, supervision, evaluation, and particular/incidental activities to 24
locations. The expected locations are (1) North Sumatera, (2) West Sumatera, (3) Riau
Island/Kepri, (4) South Sumatera, (5) Lampung, (6) Jambi, (7) Riau, (8) DI
Yogyakarta, (9) Central Java, (10) Bengkulu, (11) East Java, (12) Bali, (13) West
Kalimantan, (14) South Kalimantan, (15) East Kalimantan, (16) Central Kalimantan,
(17) North Sulawesi, (18) Southeast Sulawesi, (19) South Suawesi, (20) East Nusa
Tenggara/NTT, (21) West Nusa Tenggara/NTB, (22) Papua, (23) West Papua, and
(24) North Maluku. Meetings and workshops are planned to be conducted in four
cities (Bali, Kepri/Batam, North Sulawesi and West Jawa). These locations can be
changed based on the approval by the PMC Secretariat.
5. The Service Provider in determining the budget requirements and issuing the budget
shall refer to the provisions of the Input Cost Standard according to the applicable
Minister of Finance Regulation.

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List of Annexes







67 | P a g e

1. NAHP Loan Agreement No 8717-ID

2. Project Appraisal NAHP Document No PAD 1788
3. Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credit & Grants by World Bank Borrowers,
Januari 2011 and revised July 2014;
4. Ministry of Public Works and Housing No 18/PRT/M/2017 about Mortgage – Linked
Down Payment Assistance as amended into Ministry of Public Works and Public
Housing No 12/PRT/M/2018;
5. Ministry of Public Works and Housing No 7/PRT/M/2018 about Home Improvement
Assistance (BSPS);
6. Decree of Ministry Public Works and Housing No 857/PRT/M/2017 about Regional
Zone, Amount of Income Limit, Lowest Balance of Saving Applicant, Price Limit of
Landed House and Sarusun, or Development Cost of Self- Reliance House, Limitation
of Land Area and Area of Home Floor, Funding Limit of BP2BT, and Index in the
Implementation of Mortgage-Linked Down Payment Assistance;
7. Decree of Ministry Public Works and Housing No 918/KPTS/M/2017 about NAHP
Project Management Committee (PMC) and Project Implementation Unit PIU);
8. Decree of Directorate General of Housing Finance as Head of PMC NAHP No
269/KPTS/Dp/2017 about Coodinators, Implementers, and Secretariat of PMC NAHP;
9. Form Letter of Directorate General of Housing Finance as Head of PMC NAHP No
02/SE/Dp/2017 about NAHP Project Operational Manual (POM) series POM 0, POM
1, POM 2, POM 3, and POM 4;
10. Decree of Head of Project Implementation Unit Nomor 01/KPTS/PIU-
NAHP/XII/2017 as amended on Decree of Head of Project Implementation Unit
Nomor 01/KPTS/PIU-NAHP/II/2018 about NAHP Secretariat of Project
Implementation Unit.

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1. NAHP assists MBR to own and to improve the quality of their settlement through the
development of housing finance schemes, strengthening the implementation system
of independent housing program, and encouraging the reform of liveable and
affordable housing policy and program development in Indonesia. The addition of
NAHP benefit also help the Government and Related Parties to solve main problems
of housing implementation in Indonesia.

2. The main objective of NAHP is to improve access of MBR in both formal and
informal incomes to livable and affordable housing which includes the ability to
own newly constructed houses, from existing house supplies or independent housing
development through down payments support and housing finance credit, to
improve housing quality from uninhabitable house (RTLH) to habitable house (RLH)
through subsidies. Outcome indicators of NAHP program are measured with :
a. 126,000 targeted households to own houses through BP2BT program;
b. 140,000 targeted households to improve quality or build new houses through
BSPS program.

3. NAHP is implemented throughout Indonesia with target beneficiaries for low income
community (MBR). Total budjet of NAHP Program is USD 450 million which is
used for 3 (three) main components, namely :
a. Component 1 Mortgage – Linked Down Payment Assistance (BP2BT) is a
government housing assistance program that gived to low income community
who have savings accounts in fulfilling down payments for housing ownership
or some budjets for new house construction through credit assistance by Bank
b. Component 2 Home Improvement Assistance (BSPS) is a government housing
assistance program in the form of stimulant for low-income community to
improve self-reliance development or improvement house quality along with
public infrastucture, facilities and utilities;
c. Component 3 Housing Policy Reform is government housing assistance
program to strengthens the foundations and structures of housing policy in
Indonesia especially in the coming years.

69 | P a g e
Figure 1 Project Component Of National Affordable Housing Program (NAHP)

4. Each component of NAHP Program consists of subcomponents :

a. Component 1 BP2BT consists of subcomponents:
i. Sub Component 1.1. BP2BT Distribution
Distribution of savings-based housing assistance funds to low income
households (informal and formal) who do not have house by
providing housing finance assistance in the form of down payment
for ownership of Rumah Tapak and Sarusun or some budjets for
development of self-reliance house where the implementation refers
to Regulation of PUPR Minister No. 12/PRT/M/2018 about Mortgage
– Linked Down Payment Assistance (BP2BT);
ii. Sub Component 1.2. BP2BT Technical Assistance
Technical assistance for BP2BT Programs includes developing and
strengthening the management and operational BP2BT program such
as consumer literations, public campaigns, informal income lending
capacity building, system supervisory, controlling, and complain
handling mechanism.

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b. Component 2 BSPS consists of subcomponents :
i. Sub Component 2.1. Support for Home Improvement Assistance
Distribution of housing assistance funds to low income households, to
encourage and to increase self reliance for improving the quality of
houses and for constructing of new houses along with public utilities
infrastructure. The form of housing assistance funds are money and
goods which the implementation refers to Regulation of PUPR Minister
No. 7/PRT/M/2018 about Home Improvement Assistance.

ii. Sub Component 2.2. Support to BSPS Management and Operations

Technical assistance for disbursement and usage of BSPS fund to
beneficiaries undertaken by Field Facilitators and Coordinator
Facilitators, within 2 (two) coverage areas (Area I for Java and
Sumatera, Area II for other area of Java and Sumatera).
iii. Sub Component 2.3. BSPS Program Development
Technical support to strengthen self-reliance housing program
through Self-Reliance Housing Information System (SIRUS) and Self-
Reliance mechanism and community assistance instruments.

c. Component 3 Housing Policy Reform consists of subcomponents :

i. Sub Component 3.1 Housing and Real Estate Information System
(HREIS). Development of management information system and
centralized housing data base.
ii. Sub Component 3.2 Housing Finance Access. Development of capacity
and regulation reformation for Sarana Multigriya Finansial (SMF) and
grand design development of housing finance.
iii. Sub Component 3.3. Development and House Regulation Reformation.
Evaluation of housing implementation and policy recommendations,
housing market research, formulation of housing provision and
housing finance policy paper for technocrat input to RPJMN 2020-
iv. Sub Component 3.4. Strenghthening Perum Perumnas as a Public
Affordable Housing Developer. Study and analysis of Perumnas

71 | P a g e
assignments and provides input or recommendation to develop role
and business model.
v. Sub Component 3.5. Strengthening Local Government Housing Policy
and Planning Capacity . Strengthening and capacity assesment for
Local Government in housing program.

Figure 2 Descriptions Component Of NAHP

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