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F' :ffi dwl{Sie?-jf JTi: ".

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c/* K*kmmk*$mre t*e. 1f#'mter,* s&fl$f;*

October ?. 20i9

You are cordially invited to a luncheon

meeting with Civil Service Commission (CSC),
C*mrnissioner'l-eopo{d* Baberte W. Va}der*:4,}r. and *egl*na! Dlreetor i{ ton $arrnie*t* *{'C C
Region V{ to behosted by the Association Negros Occidental Water Sistri{f {ANOVfD} on Sct+ber
25, 2019, @ ten o'clock in the morning (L0:00 A.Mi to be held at Bar 21 Restaurant, Lacson St.

t* the recentty
Also as part of our csntinuing learningexpq,ricnc€. rnay w+ri.nvite ycu for a site visit
inaugurated water supply system of two (2) Yolanda Housing Resettlement being operated by
the Silaydiry Water,Oistriit {$lClWA},s11,'$etober,2$. ?St$ at trS:$S in the m*ining.

of two governr?xent ageneies Natiorlal :l,l*using Autharity {Nt{A}

Th:i* :sh*ws the,r.esolve and
S1CIWAt*,p d*wate tc allthe hoesirg hEneficj es in thc area.

The purnping statian* and plpeline installatisn wefe completed in record time with all the
modern amenities installeci at the two pump houses.

A registraticn fee o,f Fhp 1,*CIS.00ip*r GM-participailt and Php 500.00 per per$or f*r guest is
required to defray the necessary expenses which may be incurred. Please send you confirmation
to GM Manolito P. Mendoca, President NISWADA c/o Talisay Water District.

Far inquir*spkcse Nl M*,llns

Dolo,.osserrlirs. Sosr Aan 1orcio at Tel Nos. fi34l, 441-L773
/441-1774 or at cellphone no.09228609221.

Respectfully you

Engr, M*nd,ora

Mrs. MaH&,EIens }. ftil*readar

Tanjay Water District
Seratary, NISWABA

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