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1. Which among the physical properties of matter refers to the roughness or smoothness of a material?
a. color b. shape c. size d. texture

2. Why is rock considered a nonliving thing? Because _____________.

a. It cannot grow. c. It cannot reproduce.
b. It does not need air. d. all of the above

3. What part of your nose recognizes scent?

a. cilia c. nostrils
b. mucus d. olfactory nerve

4. How can you help the endangered animals?

a. hunting it c. preserving the forest
b. buying it as a pet d. making it as a souvenir or decoration

5. Which of the following is not a source of heat?

a. candle b. microwave c. moon d. wood


1. Which of the following is not a fossil fuel?

a. alcohol b. coal c. crude oil d. natural gas

2. What do you call the animals that have died out and their entire kind is gone forever?
a. endangered b. endemic c. extinct d. extra terrestrial

3. How do oil glands in your skin help you?

a. They keep the body warm.
b. They control body temperature.
c. They send messages to the brain.
d. They produce a substance called sebum.

4. Why do you feel dizzy when you turn around quickly several times?
a. The eardrum is damaged.
b. The outer ear is disturbed.
c. The ossicles in the middle ear move.
d. The liquid in the semicircular canal is disturbed.

5. Which part of the eyes focuses the light or image as it makes way through the eyes?
a. cornea b. lens c. pupil c. sclera

1. What is the largest flower in the world? RAFFLESIA

2. What is the other name for auricle? PINNA

3. What do you call the mouth part of a butterfly used to suck nectar? PROBOSCIS

4. What negative effect of temperature is when our body lose fluids due to prolonged physical
activity and over exposure to the sun? DEHYDRATION

5. What does bat use to help the find its food? ECHOLOCATION

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