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At the end of the lesson the students are aim to:
 Identify the different parts of the system unit;
 Give the importance and function of each parts of the system unit and;
 Execute in assembling and disassembling a system unit.
Topic : Different parts and Function of the System Unit
References :
Materials : Laptop, Chalk, Chalkboard, Printed Pictures
Value : Developed Learners self-esteem,
1. Preparatory Activities
a. Prayer
May I request everyone to please stand for the opening prayer.
Good morning class. How are you this morning? This morning we have our new lesson,
but before we start our lesson this morning let’s have a recap first.
b. Review
Anyone who has an idea about our previous lesson?
Okay our previous lesson was all about computer, when we say computer
it talks about an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically
in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
c. Motivation
I have here a picture, try to think and analyze on what can you say about
this picture.

Okay since you already seen the picture what do you think is the connection of that one
in our lesson today?
Anyone who can give me an idea?
2. Developmental Activities
a. Presentation
Okay class our lesson for today is all about system. The system unit is the
box-like case that contains the electronic components of a computer.
System unit is also known as a "tower" or "chassis," is the main part of a
desktop computer. It includes the motherboard, CPU, RAM, and other
components. It also includes the case that houses the internal components
of the computer.

These are some of the major components of a system unit

1. The Motherboard
- The motherboard is sometimes called the system board or main board. It is the
main circuit board of a microcomputer. This component contains the connectors
for attaching additional boards. All other parts connect in one way or another to
the motherboard. This part typically contains the CPU, BIOS, memory, mass
storage interfaces, serial and parallel ports, expansion slots, and all the controllers
required to control standard peripheral devices, such as the display screen,
keyboard, mouse, and disk drive.
2. Hard Disk Drive
- A hard disk drive is a high capacity, non-volatile, magnetic data storage device
with a volume (disk) that is usually non-removable. Data is magnetically read and
written on the platter by read/write heads that float on a cushion of air above the
3. Floppy Disk Drive
- This is a disk drive that can read and write floppy disks, although they are
obsolete nowadays. These drives have been replaced by the USB flash disk drives
in modern machines.
4. Power Supply Unit
- The power supply unit (PSU) is used to convert AC currents from the main supply
to the different DC voltages required by various computer components. Power
supplies are quoted as having a certain power output specified in watts, A
standard power supply would typically be able to deliver around 350 watts.
5. CD-ROM Drive
- This is a high capacity optical data storage device with a removable disk. It writes
data onto or reads data from a storage medium. A CD-ROM drive may be
connected to the computer via an IDE (ATA), SCSI, S-ATA, Firewire, or USB
interface or a proprietary interface.

b. Generalization
Guide Questions:
1. What are the components of the system unit?
2. Give atleast 5 parts of the motherboard and its function.
3. Identify the parts of the system unit.
3. Application
Answer the following questions:
1. It also known as the main circuit board of the micro computer.
a. Power Supply
b. Motherboard
c. Hard Disk Drive
2. Is used to convert AC currents from the main supply to the different DC
voltages required by various computer components.
a. Floppy Disk Drive
b. System unit
c. Power Supply
3. A magnetic data storage device with a volume (disk) that is usually non-
a. Hard Disk Drive
b. Floppy Disk Drive
c. CD-ROM Drive
Execute in assembling and disassembling a system unit, each of you will be given
10 minutes to do the task.
Okay for your assignment, do a research about adhoc and write it on a 1 whole
sheet of paper.

- Prepared by:

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