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In starting a business, no matter of its size, it is important to have

Last September 25, 2019, we have conducted a seminar workshop to the Grade 12 ABM students
of Ateneo de Naga University. At first, planning the seminar is not really easy, since we have to cater a
large number of students and help them in their businesses. We have to consider a lot of things in terms
of the planning stage and to distribute the tasks to each and everyone of us. First, we construct a concept
paper regarding the said activity. We keep in mind the content of the talk, we make sure that the lessons
to be discussed is relevant to them in terms of their business. We planned to have a smooth flow
presentation of the program for them to thoroughly understand the concepts and information that could
help them in their business practice and for us to attain our goals and objectives for the activity. Also, we
make sure that we allotted time, to address their necessary questions and clarifications in regards with
their business plan. Furthermore, we also send communication letters to the Senior high School
department, informing such activity and make sure of the 100 % participation of the students. Before the
actual seminar, we also conducted a dry-run which serves as our practice and preparation for the seminar
proper. On the day of the seminar, each of us was designate to specific group in each classroom that will
help and act as a consultant in their respective businesses. We’re also the ones who usher them to venue
and we make sure to have good discussion facility that would enhance process learning and
interaction between us. Overall, the seminar

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