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Worksheet Kelas 7 Telling times 3

The following dialogue is for number 1-5

Nanda : What day is it today?
Amir : It’s Monday.
Nanda : Really? So we will have a flag ceremony.
Amir : You’re right. What time is it now?
Nanda : It’s five past six.
Amir : All right, Let’s prepare to go to schoo. The ceremony will be started at
seven o’clock.
Nanda : Okay.

1. The dialogue possibly takes place at ...

A. School C. One’s house
B. School yard D. Concert

2. Nanda and Amir meet each other on ...

A. Sunday C. Tuesday
B. Monday D. Wednesday

3. They have a conversation at five past six in the morning.

A. 06:05 a.m C. 06:05 p.m
B. 05:06 a.m D. 05:06 p.m

4. What will they do on Monday morning at seven 0’clock?

A. Go to school C. Have lesson
B. Take a bath D. Have a flag ceremony.

5. Do they have a flag ceremony on Monday?

A. Yes, they do C. Yes, they will.
B. No, they don’t D. No they won’t

The following text is for number 6-13

I usually get up at half past four. I always pray for shubuh prayer. Then, I do
jogging. I usually take a bath at six o’clock. I never forget to have breakfast
before leaving. My mother always prepares breakfast very early and at about a
quarter past six everything is ready. I try to arrive to school on time at about a
quarter to seven. I go to school by my bicycle. The school bell rings exactly at
seven o’clock. I don’t want to be late for school.

6. The suitable title for the text above is ...

A. My daily activities C. My schedule of the day
B. My activities before school D. My experiences

7. What time does the writer get up? He gets up at ... a.m
A. 06:00 C. 04:30
B. 06:15 D. 04:00

8. What does he do before doing jogging?

A. Goes to school C. Takes a bath
B. Has breakfast D. Does Shubuh prayer

9. When is the breakfast ready?

A. 06:15 C. 06:00
B. O6:45 D. 06:30

10. How does the writer go to school?

A. On foot C. By his motorcycle
B. By car D. By his bike

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11. Why does he go to school earlier? Because ...
A. He wants to be late C. He wants to play before studying
B. He wants to be punctual D. He wants to stay at school longer

12. Is the writer a teacher?

A. Yes, he is C. No, he is not
B. Yes, he does D. No, he does not

13. When does the school begin to have a lesson?

A. At 07:00 C. At 07:15
B. At 07:30 D. At 06:45

14. I rarely go to bed . . . . 10:00 p.m.

A. In C. On
B. At D. From

15. . . . . Sunday morning at about six, I often do exercise with my friends.

A. In C. On
B. At D. From

The school time-table below is for number 16-20

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16. How many subjects are there based on the time table above?
A. Eleven C. Thirteen
B. Twelve D. Fourteen

17. What time does the Biology lesson start? It starts at ...
A. A quarter to ten C. A quarter past nine
B. Nine o’clock D. Ten o’clock
18. When does the English lesson end on Tuesday? It ends at ...
A. A quarter to ten C. A quarter past nine
B. Half past nine D. Ten o’clock

19. The students will go home at ...

A. Eleven o’clock C. One o’clock
B. Twelve o’clock D. Two o’clock

20. How long does the computer lesson last? It lasts for ...
A. An hour C. Three hours
B. Four hours D. Two hours

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