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Gingival response to orthodontic force

Meir Redlich, DMD, MSc,a Shmuel Shoshan, PhD,b and Aaron Palmon, DMD, PhDc
Jerusalem, Israel

Orthodontic tooth movement is brought about by prolonged application of force on the attachment
apparatus. This results in cellular and extracellular changes within the periodontium. As shown in numerous
studies, tooth movement is achieved after the remodeling of alveolar bone and the response of the
periodontal ligament to the mechanical force. Although gingival changes have also been found to be an
important factor in the overall response, the effect of orthodontic tooth movement on the gingiva has been
investigated to a lesser extent. Unlike bone and periodontal ligament, which regain their original structure
after removal of force, the gingival tissue does not regain its pretreatment structure, a fact on which a
hypothesis has been made that tooth relapse after removal of retention may be associated with changes in
the gingiva. The present review summarizes available data on the effect of orthodontic force on collagen,
elastin, and collagenase in the gingiva and its relevance to understanding the mechanism of tooth relapse.
(Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1999;116:152-8)

T he gingiva is composed of epithelium and irrespective of tooth anatomy and alveolar bone mor-
underlying connective tissue that is attached to the phology.7,8
external part of the alveolar bone and the supracrestal Gingival collagen has a high turnover rate. In the
region of the tooth. rat, collagen has a half life of about 10 days.9 A partic-
Collagen fibers are the main structural component ularly high turnover rate is that of the transseptal fibers,
in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the gingiva. They which is at least as high as that of collagen in the peri-
account for about 60% of total tissue protein.1 Healthy odontal ligament.10 Furthermore, both collagens type I
gingiva contains interstitial collagen type-I (90%), col- and type III are metabolized at a similar rate indicating
lagen type-III (8%) and collagen types IV, V, VI, and a common metabolic control mechanism of these col-
VIII (2%).2-5 Ultrastructural analysis reveals two pat- lagens.11 The high rate of gingival collagen metabo-
terns of gingival collagen arrangement2: (1) large thick, lism is a physiologically intrinsic characteristic associ-
mostly parallel collagen-type-I fibers interconnected by ated with the functional burden of the tissue, enabling
thin fibrils6 (Fig 1). This arrangement of the collagen it to maintain its integrity by an equilibrium between
fibers confers strength and rigidity to this tissue, which collagen synthesis and degradation.
sustains heavy masticatory forces; and (2) short and Apart from the collagen network, the gingiva also
thin fibers in a fine reticular network located mainly contains a network of elastic fibers, comprising 6% of the
under the epithelial basement membrane and around total human gingival protein. This network is composed
blood vessels. of three different types of fibers, namely elastic, elaunin,
The collagen fibers in the gingiva are grouped and oxytalan fibers, which provide the gingiva with the
according to their origin and insertion. The most impor- elastic properties needed to oppose pressure.12 The three
tant distinct groups are the dentogingival fibers and the types of fibers differ in their state of maturation after
transseptal fibers. The latter bridge the shortest distance biosynthesis and are distinguished by morphologic, tinc-
between the supraalveolar cementum of adjacent teeth, torial, and mechanical differences, as follows:
1. The elastic fiber, the most important component
in the elastic system, is composed of two mor-
In partial fulfillment of the degree of PhD for Dr Redlich. phologic ultrastructurally distinct components:
From the Hebrew University-Hadassah Faculty of Dental Medicine, founded by
the Alpha Omega Fraternity, Jerusalem, Israel. (a) the protein elastin that is a highly insoluble
aDepartment of Orthodontics and Connective Tissue Research Laboratory, morphologically amorphous component, and the
Department of Oral Biology. only component in the system that endows elas-
bConnective Tissue Research Laboratory, Department of Oral Biology.
cDepartment of Oral Biology. tic property to the tissue13; (b) a microfibrillar
Reprint requests to: Dr Meir Redlich, Department of Orthodontics, Hebrew component consisting of fibrils 10 to 12 nm in
University-Hadassah, Faculty of Dental Medicine, PO Box 12277, Jerusalem diameter.13 This is a glycoprotein located pri-
91220, Israel
Copyright © 1999 by the American Association of Orthodontists. marily at the periphery of the amorphous elastin
0889-5406/99/$8.00 + 0 8/1/95060 protein.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Redlich, Shoshan, and Palmon 153
Volume 116, Number 2

Fig 1. Scanning electron photomicrograph of transseptal region of intact gingiva in dog to show lon-
gitudinally sectioned large collagen fiber bundles (CF) interconnected with thinner fibers (arrow
heads). (Bar = 0.1 mm.)

2. The elaunin fiber is made of less mature elastin Laminin is present in all basal laminae including
protein in which the microfibrils are still within gingival basement membrane. It has binding sites with
the amorphous component.14 high affinity to the other components of the basal lam-
3. The oxytalan fiber is a collection of microfibrils ina thus providing stability to this structure.26
lacking any elastic properties and, therefore, does The calcium binding glycoprotein SPARC is an
not contribute to the elastic properties of the tis- extra cellular protein that disrupts cell-ECM interac-
sue.14,15 Interestingly, immunoassays have failed tion.27 In vivo, it is found at sites of cell proliferation,
to show elastic fibers in the human periodontal lig- migration, and morphogenesis.28 SPARC has been
ament that contain oxytalan fibers only.16 Recent- described in both periodontal ligament and gingiva,
ly, it has been demonstrated that either oxytalan which are dynamic tissues,29 and at the periphery of a
fibers or the microfibrillar components of the elas- healing wound (Shoshan, 1994, unpublished). It is
tic fiber are associated with type VI collagen.5 assumed that SPARC protein is associated with the
The ECM of the gingiva also contains proteogly- high turnover rate of collagen within these tissues.29
cans, such as chondroitinsulfate, dermatansulfate, and The most abundant cells in the gingiva are fibro-
heparansulfate.17,18 The proteoglycans represent a fam- blasts. Their volume comprises 5.6% of the total gin-
ily of macromolecules consisting of a central core pro- gival volume.30 Other cells residing in the gingiva are
tein, to which polysaccharide chains called gly- macrophages, lymphocytes, mast cells, endothelial
cosaminoglycan (GAG) are covalently attached.19 Pro- cells, and nerves.
teoglycans are important organizers of the ECM and The function of fibroblasts and other cells are inti-
their major role is to maintain the structural integrity of mately associated with the ECM, which provides the
the connective tissue.20 proper microenvironment for the cellular activity.31
The currently identified glycoproteins of the gingi- This effect of the ECM is mediated by specific cell
va are fibronectin, laminin, and SPARC (secreted pro- receptors via the cell cytoskeletal network to the cell
tein, acidic and rich in cysteine), also known as nuclei.31 The functional integrity of gingival tissue is
osteonectin.21,22 obviously maintained by the cell-ECM interactions.
Fibronectin and laminin, are extracellular multiadhe-
sive proteins. Fibronectin binds to collagens, proteogly- THE EFFECT OF FORCE ON THE GINGIVA
cans, and to cells via specific cell surface receptors Clinical Observations
known as integrins.23 Fibronectin is important for cell Gross gingival changes are observed after closure
migration and cell differentiation and plays an important of an extraction site or rotation movement or excessive
role during wound healing by attracting macrophages and labial tooth movement.
other immune cells to the injured area.24,25 Adjacent to an extraction site, the teeth are approx-
154 Redlich, Shoshan, and Palmon American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 1999

imated, resulting in an accumulation of gingival tissue hyperplasia.40 The newly formed transseptal collagen
and enlargement of the interdental papilla.32 The tissue fibers are coiled and compressed.8 and have a “football
accumulation is the result of both retraction and com- shaped” appearance.37 According to another study,
pression. The gingiva retracts together with the tooth however, the new transseptal fibers have a normal mor-
movement, although at a lesser distance.32 At the phologic appearance after closure of the extraction
mesial surface of the orthodontically retracted tooth, a site.35 In addition, loss of collagen fibers is reported in
triangular patch of red tissue appears.33 This red patch the hyperplastic gingiva after closure of the extraction
is considered to be the reduced enamel epithelium that site.40,41 In the transseptal region, distant to the alveo-
has been peeled off the tooth surface.33 Adjacent to the lar crest, a significant increase in oxytalan fibers35 as
accumulated gingival tissue, vertical invaginations or well as increased levels of GAG have been described.41
clefts of both the epithelium and the connective tissue The latter are also implicated in elevating the elastic
are formed on the buccal and lingual aspects. Many of properties of the gingival tissue at the extraction site.41
these deformities persist for years after treatment.34,35 In orthodontic rotational movement, an increase in
During orthodontic rotation movement, unlike dur- oxytalan fibers and reorientation (“stretching”) of the
ing the closure of extraction site, the gingiva rotates gingival collagen fibers has been reported.36,42 The
both to the same degree and in the same direction as the clinical instability of the rotated tooth, which almost
tooth.36 Extensive rotational movement causes the always relapses, has been attributed to the stretched
rotated gingiva to be compressed in the interdental area collagen fibers. According to this assumption, the
at the direction of rotation. stretched fibers that originate from the gingiva and are
Clinically, both the approximated and rotated teeth inserted into the cementum, pull the tooth back toward
are prone to relapse toward the pretreatment positions its pretreatment position. To relieve the rotated tooth
after removal of force (retention), thus indicating their from forces exerted by the assumed stretched fibers
instability. Completion of orthodontic treatment after and to ensure its stability after release of retention, a
extraction brings about reopening of the extraction site procedure of gingival circumferential fiberotomy has
and is a typical pattern of tooth relapse. It is assumed been introduced.43 The surgical procedure prevents the
that the compressed transseptal fibers in the hyperplas- rotational relapse and has no adverse effect on peri-
tic gingiva have become folded between the teeth, and odontal health.44
this is the main cause for the reopening relapse.37 The effect of orthodontic force on the synthesis rate
Indeed, surgical removal of the excess gingiva prevents of gingival fibroblasts has been studied histochemical-
tooth relapse.35 ly with tritiated proline.45 The incorporation of H3 pro-
These patterns of gingival response to tooth move- line in the gingiva has been measured after an ortho-
ment show wide variations in their clinical appear- dontic enlargement of the interdental space of maxil-
ances. However, the variations are modifications of the lary incisors in rats. It has been reported that proline
same pattern of gingival response, rather than any basi- uptake of the newly formed collagen increased signifi-
cally different responses.33 cantly in both the lamina propria and transseptal region
From the clinical point of view special attention should thus suggesting that orthodontic force stimulates colla-
be drawn to the possible consequences of excessive labial gen production in the gingiva.
tooth movement, especially that of incisors, which may
bring about an irreversible gingival recession.38 Ultrastructural Analysis
The effect of orthodontic tooth movement on both
Histologic Findings collagen and elastin in the gingiva has been investigat-
The assumption that the observed tooth relapse is ed also by ultrastructural analysis.
associated with clinical changes in the gingiva led to The ultrastructure of interdental gingivae of human
histologic studies being carried out in order to investi- premolars has been analyzed by transmission electron
gate the microstructural nature of these changes. Histo- microscopy (TEM) after application of force on these
logically, discontinuation of the transseptal fibers is teeth.46 The results show that the diameter of collagen
seen after a tooth has been extracted. During healing of fibers significantly increased in both pressure and ten-
the extraction site, newly formed collagen fibers bring sion aspects when compared to untreated controls. In
about a reestablishment of continuity of the transseptal some areas within the compressed papilla, degraded
fibers thus creating a fibrous bridge connecting the sep- collagen fibers have been observed. They have been
arated teeth.39 longitudinally split and without the typical banding
The orthodontic approximation of the teeth at the pattern. On the pressure aspect of the gingiva, a slight
extraction site is accompanied by papillary epithelial increase in the number and size of elastic fibers has
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Redlich, Shoshan, and Palmon 155
Volume 116, Number 2

Fig 2. Detection of collagen type I (col I) and collagenase (coll-ase) transcription in gingival fibro-
blasts before and after induction of mechanical force. PCR analysis was carried out using oligonu-
cleotides primers specific to collagen type I and collagenase. C, before induction of force; E, after
force. The PCR products were separated on ethidium bromide-stained agarose gel and pho-
tographed under ultraviolet illumination. Actin mRNA was also assessed as an internal control. On
the right-hand side, densitometric analysis of the PCR products. (M. Redlich et al. Arch Oral Biol,
1998;43:313-6, with permission).

also been seen. On the tension aspect, however, as well caused 30% and 50% cell death, respectively. Speed of
as in the untreated controls, only a few elastic fibers 1000 RPM and duration of 120 or 150 minutes caused
have been observed. 20% and 30% cell death, respectively. The force exert-
A similar gingival response to orthodontic force has ed on the cells after centrifugation of 1000 RPM dur-
also been found during rotation movement in the dog.6 ing 90 minutes is equivalent to force of 0.167 kg/1g of
There too the collagen fibers appear torn, disorganized, cell mass (according to F = [V2:R] × M, where F =
and laterally spaced in some areas, whereas in other force, V = speed, R = radius of the rotor, M = mass).
areas the diameter of the collagen fibrils has been sig- This force magnitude is within the range of common
nificantly increased. In addition, an increased number orthodontic forces.48 Under these conditions, the tran-
of elastic fibers has been seen in proximity to the torn scription level of collagen type I has been significantly
collagen fibers. increased whereas that of tissue collagenase has been
significantly decreased (Fig 2).
Molecular Analysis These changes after pressure on gingival fibroblasts
The effect of mechanical force on gene transcrip- indicate a disturbed equilibrium between collagen syn-
tion of collagen type I and tissue collagenase (MMP1- thesis and degradation required to maintain adequate
matrix metalloproteinase 1) has been studied on gingi- tissue stability at the pretranslational level (Fig 3).
val fibroblasts in vitro using the reverse-transcriptase
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).47 Canine gingi- Changes in the Phenotype of Gingival Fibroblasts
val fibroblasts have been grown in culture, and a pres- and Tooth Relapse
sure analogous to orthodontically induced force has Unlike bone and PDL, the gingival tissue is not
been elicited on the cultured cells by gravitational force resorbed after orthodontic treatment, but it is com-
during centrifugation. The speed/duration conditions of pressed and consequently retracts. The fact that
the centrifuge after which 90% of the cells remained orthodontic force does not bring about gingival
vital were chosen for the experiments. Such conditions resorption prevents the formation of periodontal
were 1000 RPM and 90 minutes. Increasing the cen- pockets and subsequent detachment of the tooth from
trifuge speed to 1500 RPM or doubling it to 2000 RPM the gingiva.
156 Redlich, Shoshan, and Palmon American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 1999

Fig 3. Schematic presentation of the effect of force on up-down regulation of collagen type I (col I)
and collagenase (MMP1) in cultured gingival fibroblasts. A, Collagen synthesis and degradation in
equilibrium under normal conditions (col I↔MMP1). B, Collagen type I is pretranslationally up-regu-
lated and collagenase is down-regulated after application of force on cultured fibroblasts.

Tooth relapse after removal of retention indicates an the treated teeth means that the force causing relapse is
undesirable force being exerted on the tooth. It is “stored” within the gingival tissue.
assumed that this force is generated within the attach- The clinically observed gingival changes after tooth
ment apparatus affected by the orthodontic forces.49 movement are accompanied by a significant increase in
This relapse, after closure of an extraction site or rota- the relative amount of both interstitial collagen and
tion movement requires clinical solutions in order to elastin.
overcome the instability of the orthodontically treated As for the clinically manifested relapse of teeth
teeth. The fact that surgical procedures, such as gin- after rotation movement, an ultrastructural study
givectomy or fiberotomy do overcome the instability of showed that it cannot be attributed to “stretched” colla-
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Redlich, Shoshan, and Palmon 157
Volume 116, Number 2

gen fibers.6 It was also found6 that unlike in normal The presently reviewed data indicate the impor-
gingiva, a significantly increased amount of elastic tance of understanding the mechanisms of tooth
fibers is present in the compressed gingiva after rota- relapse after the different orthodontic procedures in
tion. The newly formed elastic fibers that are part of the order to further improve the clinical outcome of such
ECM and that are not connected to the tooth, increase interventions. Thus, the changes in collagen and elastin
the elasticity of the gingiva. An explanation for the in the gingiva after orthodontic force are of important
mechanism of relapse has been proposed, namely the clinical relevance. The question whether the metabo-
compressed gingiva that rotates with the tooth during lism of gingival collagen is renormalized after the
the rotation movement and in which an increased removal of force has yet to be answered, as well as
amount of elastic fibers is formed exerts pressure on another unsolved question of the long-term metabolism
the tooth leading to relapse after the release of reten- of the newly synthethized elastic fibers. Under normal
tion. Indeed, the surgical procedure of fiberotomy dis- conditions, the elastic fibers hardly degrade,54 which
connects the compressed gingiva from the tooth thus means that the observed increased elastica in the gingi-
preventing tooth relapse. The compressed gingiva va after orthodontic treatment is there to stay for a long
resembles compressed rubber, which after the release time.
of compression returns to its original dimensions. The fact that proper elastic fibers are not noticed in
The effect of the orthodontic force on gingiva after the PDL poses the question whether orthodontic force
closure of an extraction site is similar to that after rota- will affect the ECM also of that dental structure.
tion. The relapse, which is in this case manifested by
reopening of an extraction site is also most likely due CONCLUSIONS
to increased elasticity of the compressed gingiva One should consider the fact that two disparate
brought about by biosynthesis of both new elastic processes occur in the gingiva after the transduction of
fibers46 and GAG.41 In that case, surgical procedures the orthodontic force. First, there is an injury of the
on the gingiva prevent the relapse similarly to that of connective tissue manifested by torn and ripped colla-
fiberotomy after rotation. It is assumed that in both gen fibers. Second, the genes of both collagen and
types of relapse the gingiva undergoes an elastic defor- elastin are activated whereas that of tissue collagenase
mation capable of affecting the stability of the adjacent is inhibited, thus, affecting the ECM of the gingiva.
teeth. Therefore, the relapse is probably associated with
An increased biosynthesis of both collagen and increase in elasticity of the gingiva that is being retract-
elastin after pressure has been observed also in other ed and compressed in direction of the tooth movement.
tissues.50-52 In specimens taken from human abdominal In order to better understand the relapse and per-
striae alba from multiparous and obese women, the haps to prevent it by nonsurgical procedures, one
number of elastic fibers as well as the diameter of col- should investigate the extra and intracellular pathways
lagen fibers, mostly made of collagen type I, have been of cell-ECM interactions through which the orthodon-
increased relative to that in normal skin.50 It has been tic force affects the gingiva.
suggested that this change in the phenotype of the
We acknowledge the valuable comments offered by
fibroblasts has evolved as a functional demand due to
Prof Adrian Becker (Department of Orthodontics) in
abnormal pressure acting on the skin.50 A similar effect
preparing this manuscript.
of mechanical stress on increased collagen and elastin
biosynthesis is observed also in the media of arter-
ies.51,52 Chronically elevated arterial blood pressure,
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