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Skill Utilization and Education-Job Mismatch Among the Bachelor of Science in Office

Administration Graduates of Cavite State University – General Trias City Campus




It is often said that graduating in college and attaining a degree opens a lot of opportunities

and is necessary for a quality and high paying profession or career. One may even decide on

choosing a college degree based solely on the average income an individual receives when working

on that field. Other major factors influencing in choosing a major in college are family and peer

influences and what an individual think is personally rewarding (Dollaga, 2016)

Regardless of the reasons an individual chooses to pursue a particular program degree in

college, his/her goal is to acquire relevant knowledge and skills to be used and venture to the career

they aspire. An individual takes on gruesome tasks and endure sleepless nights just to complete a

course with the end goal of mastering different skills and embodying the values they need to

hopefully one day land that job they have always dreamed.

It is this exact reason why students choose a major in office administration: it is flexible

and thus help access many career opportunities; it provides a solid, applicable skills that can be an

immense advantage in the current job market and; it involves regular social interaction which

might be what an individual seeks to explore and develop (Anderson College, 2018).
In pursuance to memorandum number 22 mandated by the Commission on Higher

Education (CHEd) in year 2002, a revised memorandum was published in 2017 for the

rationalization of the field of office administration (CHEd, 2017). This was in response to the

change in curriculum brought by the implementation of K-12 program in 2013, focusing on an

outcome-based quality assurance system (DepEd, 2016).

The revised memorandum highlights the program’s goals and articulated the skills and

learning outcomes which sets the minimum standard for the Bachelor of Science in Office

Administration graduates. It also listed the specific professions, careers and occupation one can

pursue once graduating under the program.

However, obtaining a degree in office administration and mastering the necessary skills in

the field is just a halfway step to the real world. The real struggle is obtaining the right job for the

right qualifications. One of the struggles experienced by newly graduates is job mismatch. Finding

the right jobs are becoming more difficult in this increasingly competitive industry. The needs for

qualifications or skills is changing rapidly because of technological advances but it’s not a problem

of lacking well-skilled employees, but rather a better allocation of human resources which is

critical for companies aiming to raise performance and be competitive. Matching the best person

to the right job means that educational level, field of activity, qualifications or competencies of

employee are adequate to workplace requirements and responsibilities. Mismatching is a lack of

equilibrium between a person qualifications and skills searching for a job and work-places but

settling on another job with more or less job requirements and responsibilities. Job mismatch have

many negative implications such as on quality employment and work productivity as well as

companies’ competitiveness.
Landing a job after graduation can seem to be a long hike. Not everyone will find the

process quick or straightforward, and there may be an element of luck to it all. There may be some

truth in the old saying that “getting a job is about being in the right place at the right time”.

In this research, rate of job mismatch for graduates of Bachelor of Science in Office

Administration in Cavite State University – General Trias City Campus is determined and analyzed

in regards to its variety i.e. market location, gender and the type of measure used.

This study will attempt to answer the question:

What is the rate of job match and mismatch in terms of education attained and skill

utilization of Bachelor of Science in Office Administration graduates of Cavite State University –

General Trias City Campus.

Specifically, this study will answer the following questions?

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

a. age?;

b. sex?;

c. working status? and;

d. current occupation?

2. Do the graduates have their job directly related to their education and training?

3. Do the graduates have their job utilizes their skills and abilities?


This research focuses on determining the rates of job matches and mismatches in terms of

education attained and skill utilization of Bachelor of Science in Office Administration graduates

of Cavite State University – General Trias City Campus.

Specifically, it aims:

1. To identify the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. age;

b. sex;
c. working status; and

d. current occupation

2. To determine the rate at which the graduates have their job directly related to their

education and training.

3. To determine the rate at which the graduates have their job utilizes their skills and



Functionalism’s and Human Capital Theory’s concept of Technical Rationality

Functionalism and the Human Capital Theory heavily implies the term ‘technical

rationality’ that argues about the skill qualifications and job mismatch. Both theories, assumes that

the demand for a specific academic qualification stems on the need for particular skills. Individuals

who invest their time and effort in acquiring these skills will find greater success in the job market

(Becker 2009). However, in any case the supply of skilled workers exceeds its demand on the job

market underemployment will eventually occur, resulting to devaluing of such skills and make

newly graduates finding themselves having a hard time obtaining the career they wanted

In two separate study in 1979 which question the extent to which employees match the skill

and educational qualifications of aspiring applicants (Parkin and Collin 1979). Findings of the

study implied that there is a definite barrier to occupational entry, due to credentials and other

selective criteria thus preventing the interest of those who has previously access to such


Another implication of the study is that technological advancement and its incorporation

to labor market does not necessarily lead to higher skill requirement for a particular occupation.
The increased in disparity of apparent skills can be enhanced or decreased depending on the

integration of new technologies to the managerial strategy of the company (Child, 1988)

Lastly, it is concluded in that study that the concept of skill is very complex. Few

organizations, had established sophisticated and comprehensive instrument to measure an

employee’s skill inventories and skill utilization and development.

This concept of technical rationality discussed above will serve as the groundwork to try

and explain the match (or lack thereof) of graduates to their career choice and skill they can utilize

based on the education/training they acquired during their college years (Redpath, 1994).

Male Female



Education-Job Skill Utilization-

Mismatch Job

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The paradigm shown in Figure 1 illustrates the Skill Utilization and Education-Job

Mismatch among Bachelor in Science Office Administration graduates.


This research will focus on identifying the rate of skill utilization and education-job

mismatch among Bachelor of Science Office Administration graduates.

This study is limited to the graduate of Bachelor of Science in Office Administration. It

utilizes historical and descriptive method by means of gathering all related literature and data

related to the study. Researchers will use an adaptive questionnaire and administer its instrument

through interview schedules and/or through email for the graduates of Bachelor of Science in

Office Administration, and distributed its survey forms to Office Administration graduates of 2

batches to collaborate the data gathered and examine for the validity and reliability of the study.


This study will provide a desired knowledge and insight about “Skill Utilization and

education Job-Mismatch among Bachelor in Science Office Administration graduates.”

Considering the idea, the researchers believed that this study is of great importance

particularly to the following:

School - provides the credentials to share in their graduating students to assist them in

choosing and finding the right career.

Faculty – enable them to promote success for the new students from the existing graduates

Parents – factors of sharing some ideas and skills of finding job

Students – factors some ideas what might to do when they find a job, this will help them

to improve their self-performance and ability.


Job mismatch- a situation of lack of equilibrium or imbalances between the characteristics

of employees, like level or type of education (knowledge), domain (field) or competences (or

skills) that does not fit to workplace requirements and responsibilities.

Underemployment - the condition in which people in a labor force are employed at less

than full-time or regular jobs or at jobs inadequate with respect to their training or economic needs.

Skill Utilization - a utilization method that attempts to maximize the efficiency of a

company's employees. This can be accomplished by a variety of methods, including training an

employee in multiple areas so that they can switch from one role to another depending upon where

they are most needed at a given time.



This chapter contains related literature which provide this study with helpful reviews with

regards to education and skill utilization – job mismatch of Bachelor of Science in Office

Administration. It would also support the discussion of the flow of the study.

Competencies of Bachelor of Science in Office Administration graduates

One of the characteristics of a country which qualified can be seen from the quality of its

human resources, especially in how many communities are educated. Education becomes the focus

of government in order to improve the welfare of its people. Many parties have their focus in way

of education, because education is one of place to coach the labor. In addition, for some, education

becomes a place to obtain employment and certain status.

In general, the form of Higher Education in Indonesia is divided into two types, Academic

Education and Vocational Education. Based on Law No. 20 of 2003 about National Education

System, education in Indonesia is divided into 3 parts: basic Education, secondary education and

higher education. Basic education is the level of the formal education pathways that underlying

the secondary education level, which is the composition of education that equates to elementary

and junior high. Secondary education is the level of education in the formal education pathways

which is a continuation from basic education. After graduate from secondary education, student

can take a higher education whose can be a diploma or bachelor of education. Based on Law No.

12 of 2012 in Article 16, mentioned that a vocational education is a higher education that equates

to a diploma program which more focuses the students to the jobs with applied skills until they

take the applied undergraduate programs.

The government through the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration encourages higher

education-based vocational education programs. At that time during the presidency of SBY,

through `National Mid Term Development Plan 2015', targeted in 2025 will stand 100 polytechnics

and educational composition is divided into 30:70. That is, where 70 percent of education is based

on vocational education, and 30 percent of other education is based on Academic. Meanwhile, in

society there is often a misconception that vocational education is a schism of academic education.

Actually, Vocational Education is a comprehensive and structured skills education owned by the

University, Polytechnic, academy and so on that must be connected and in accordance with

industry needs.

The process of connected and in accordance with industry needs, can occur if the college

can provide candidates for skilled workers, have quality competencies and in accordance with the

needs of the world of work. Therefore, vocational education, are expected to play a major role in

providing skilled and competent labor in an effort to improve the competitiveness of their

graduates. The purpose of `connected and in accordance with industry needs' is to bring the

industry with the quality of human resources, especially related to the quality of employment

(Sanjaya, 2009).

Quality is often perceived as the physical products, and these understanding isn't

appropriate. Quality can also be non-physical products such as services, output of human resources

and so on. Definition for `quality' usually describes the characteristics of a product such as

performance, reliability, easy to use, and aesthetics. Quality refers to a number of product features,

both on-premises and attractive features that satisfy the demand of the service recipient and thus

satisfy the customer of the product. Quality consists of anything that is free from damage or fraud.

The quality of an education, it is good or bad, can be seen from the output generated, especially
through the competence of alumni or through the complaints of users in the industry where they

are working.

Competencies can be interpreted as the underlying characteristics in individual to achieve

the superior performance. Competencies include knowledge, skills, and work-related skills, as well

as skills needed for work. In other hand, it is said the aspects that contains in the competence are

knowledge, skills, attitudes, attitudes, self-concept, values, and self-motivation/motivation

(Prasetya,, 2013). Based on that, competencies in the industry can be interpreted as an

individual characteristic related to the criteria of a particular job.

Competence is a behavior that can be arise when in certain situations individual

competence is below the standards required especially in the work place. Vocational Education

Program as a place to study should be watch the gap of the existing competencies with industrial

needs. So that does not happen an unemployed graduate or not work according to its field.

The government is currently promoting Competence Certification for Polytechnic and

vocational graduates, to improve their competencies. Office Administration and Secretary

Program is one of vocational education at the Universitas Indonesia. The Environment always

changes the Program to evaluate the quality of the education. One of the changes is Curriculum

changes, which made to fit the relevance of knowledge, alumni's competence in the framework of

facing global competition.

To improve the education process in Higher Education can be seen from `the quality of

Alumni', especially alumni who are already working in industry. Based on the description on the

aforementioned background, the main problem of this research is how much gaps of competence

possessed by alumni of Office Administration & Secretary Program Universitas Indonesia with

industrial needs (Sanaco, 2018).

Competency Education Implementation

Competency education dates back to progressive education in the 1900s and, more

recently, the mastery learning movement from the 1970s to ’80s (Le et al., 2014). Recent policy

initiatives, however, have meant a resurgence of this approach to learning and assessment, with 44

states reported as having adopted policies that allow students to earn credit based on demonstrated

mastery (Sturgis, 2016). Conceptual clarity has been a long-standing issue with this reform, and a

number of terms and definitions are used when referring to current competency approaches, yet

there are some essential components (Torres, 2015). One is the competency-based model, where

students must demonstrate mastery of agreed-upon competencies (also known as proficiencies,

standards, or objectives) in order to earn credit and graduate. The emphasis is on learning and

allowing students to progress through the curriculum at different rates. Competencies are another

essential component. Rather than focusing on discrete skills and concepts, competencies are

intended to be clear, transparent, measurable objectives that define the content, skills, and

dispositions (often including “soft” or no cognitive skills, like responsibility and persistence) that

are important across subject areas and that prepare students for college and career. Competencies

should demand mastery of deeper levels of knowledge and complex skills. (Torres, 2018)

Employability Skills and Job Performance

According to Maripaz C. Abas one critical measure of success in workplaces is an

employee’s ability to use competently the knowledge, skills and values that match the needs of his

job, satisfy the demands of his employer, and contribute to the overall achievement of institutional

goals (Abas, 2016). An explanatory-correlational research design was used to determine the extent

of relationship between categories of employability skills (using The Conference Board of

Canada’s Employability Skills 2000+) and elements of Contextual Performance adopted from
Borman and Motowidlo’s Taxonomy. There was a total of 220 respondents representing the groups

of employers and employees from 25 government institutions in the south-central part of Mindanao

region, Philippines. Inferential analysis shows that fundamental skills had moderate relationship

with employees’ contextual performance. However, being more competent in thinking and

problem-solving skills provides employees with more benefits in performing contextual behavior.

Findings further revealed that although personal management skills had moderate relationship with

employees’ contextual behavior, the competence in personal adaptability and learning

continuously are contributory across all elements of contextual performance. Finally, the result of

the study yielded that teamwork skills, particularly the skills on working with others, were also

moderately correlated with employees’ contextual performance. This implies that graduates’

competence in employability skills could give them due advantage in their respective work

settings. Thus, proper attention on developing competence on employability skills by employers,

employees, higher academic institutions, labor agencies, and policy makers may help address the

problems on job performance.

Job Mismatch effect on Job-satisfaction and Performance

Job mismatch is a potential threat in the new normal and fourth industrial revolution period,

which is characterized by rapid technological progress, stagnant economic growth, low-fertility,

and aging societies. Human capital becomes more significant than before, particularly for high-

quality talented human capital development. In particular, as the accumulation and application of

professional knowledge and information based on ideas and creativity are recognized as a crucial

resource, there has been a growing demand for talented human capital with high capability,

emphasizing various discussions on the treatments and conditions for a high-skilled workforce.

Research on the impacts of job mismatch on individual and group performance has been conducted
as well. Specifically, the job mismatch studies have mainly dealt with the changes in the

environmental job characteristics, stemming from the development and intensification of particular

technologies. For example, (Francesco et al.) examined the correlation between groups’ job

mismatch in the IT (Information Technology) application and its productivity, considering the

existing job requirements as well as the development of the IT technology and industries. Wade

and Parent J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2018, 4, 49 4 of 13 examined the impacts of

skill mismatch of webmaster workers on group performance. On the other hand, Pala et al.

examined the impacts of education mismatch on individual performance, and another study found

that not only individual job satisfaction, but also educational mismatch and skill mismatch can

subsequently influence wage level and job search activity.

Based on the existing job mismatch studies, the present study attempts to ascertain the

following hypotheses to examine the impacts of job mismatch of doctoral researchers on job


A detailed hypothesis for each hypothesis is also tested to figure out the impacts on job satisfaction

and performance depending on the types of job mismatch. (Si-Jeoung Kim et. al. 2018)

Job Mismatch Can Affect the Work Productivity

According to Magdalena Velciu (2017) Job matching and finding the best person to the

right job inside the right company has become one of the most important and actual challenges of

productivity. Not only full employment but the match between the employee and the job, in terms

of educational level or field of activity, qualifications and skills of workforce; all have been the

new gain of work productivity. Present article synthesizes the theoretical and empirical findings

on effects of job mismatch by selecting the main findings about influence of job mismatches on

work productivity including both employees and company’s sides. on short term over education
and over qualification could have a positive effect on productivity for one company, but on long

term, mismatched worker would be affected by decreasing job satisfaction and lower wages. Also,

at macroeconomic level, from a perspective of economy as a whole, job mismatches mean a loss

of resources and human capital and could have negative effects on overall productivity. The

opposite effects stay at the crossing between the employees, companies, policies and future

development. In fact, the effects of skill mismatch and productivity is a loss of work potential

through inefficient resource (re)allocation.

Chapter 3


This chapter comprised the results from the data gathered through the use of survey

questionnaires. The findings were systematically presented, analyzed and interpreted following

the sequence of the research questions as enumerated and explained in the first chapter.

Research Design

This research contains comprehensive and fully purposive data and in-depth inquiries with

direct quotations that capture peoples’ personal perspectives and experiences about their current

occupancy and how it relates to the degree program they had in college as well as their skill

utilization in workplace.

The study harnesses the quantitative research method to properly determine the rate of

“Skill Utilization and Education-Job Mismatch Among the Bachelor of Science in Office

Administration Graduates of Cavite State University – General Trias City Campus” of finding jobs

enabled the researchers to select sample they felt would yield the best understanding of the study

The utilization of quantitative method will highlight the numerical analysis by gathering the data

with the help of questionnaires and survey.

Participants of the study

The researcher aims to administer its instrument to all the graduates of Bachelor of Science

in Office Administration of Cavite State University – General Trias City Campus: 1st batch in

academic year 2017-2018, and 2nd academic year 2018-2019.

Sampling Technique

This study used consecutive sampling technique – homogeneous sampling, a kind of

method that the researchers will be giving questionnaires to the main participants who had been

graduated from the target school since the year that the school operates graduation ceremony up

to present. Participants must be a graduate of Cavite State University – General Trias City Campus

from academic year 2017 up to 2019.

Data Gathering Procedure

To be able to successfully obtain data through survey which consists of series of questions

designed to elicit essential information from the respondents. The adaptedsurvey questionnaire

would consist of several question pertaining to the graduates’ working status as well as education

and skill utilization-job mismatch. The instrument was taken from the internet which was a readily

available survey. A personal message was sent to the author asking for permission to use the survey

questionnaire, and it approved immediately.

Appointments were then sent to the respondents who were selected through consecutive

sampling. Upon receiving their approval and consent, the researchers conducted the survey forms

with each of the respondents on the time, place and condition they have agreed upon with the

Research Instrument

The instrument employed by the researchers in this analysis in order for them to collect

data is the close-ended survey questionnaires – a set of questions to be answered by the subjects.

Prior to issuance, the proposed questionnaire will be examined by the research adviser.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

This study used the following statistical treatment of the data such as frequency,

percentage, mean, and Chi-squared test.

Frequency, percentage and mean used to identify and describe the demographic profile of

the participants in terms of age, gender and year/level.

Chi-squared test will be used for the analysis of skill utilization and education-job

mismatch of the graduates.

Survey pertaining to job application

Dear Respondents,

We are conducting research that pertains to “Skill Utilization and Education-Job

Mismatch Among the Bachelor of Science in Office Administration Graduates of Cavite

State University – General Trias City Campus”. Your response in this regard shall help us to

complete this research in efficient way. Ensure you that that data generated shall be kept





Current Occupation:

1. Do you have a job as of now? (if yes, please
proceed to Bachelor
throughin5,Office Administration
otherwise ignore Graduates
2. Is your job directly related to your education and
3. Does your job let you use your skills & abilities?

4. Do you think being an Office Administration

graduate gives an edge to other job?
5. Are you contented in your current job?

3 Reasons to Study Office Administration in the New Year. (2019, July 10). Retrieved October 17,

2019, from

Becker, G. S. (2009, May 15). Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special

Reference to Education. Retrieved October 17, 2019, from

Child, J. (1988). Managerial strategies, new technology and the labour process. In R.E.

Pahl (ed.), On work. Historical comparative theoretical approaches. New York:

Basil Blackwell

CMO 19 s. 2017 - CHED. (2017). Retrieved from

Collins, R. (1979). The credential society. New York: Academic Press.

Dollaga, K. (2016, March). Factors Influencing Student's Choice for a Senior High School

Academic Track. Retrieved October 17, 2019, from


Parkin, F. (1979). Marxism and class theory: A bourgeois critique. London: Tavistock.

The K to 12 Curriculum and Its Support System - (2016). Retrieved from

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