10 22 10 23 Independent 1

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October 22 + 23 

Independent Station Expectations 

You are to work ​silently​ and ​independently​ for the duration of the rotation. If you have a 
question, raise your hand so Ms. Chavez can assist you. ​Do not ask your neighbors​. 
If Ms. Chavez cannot promptly assist you, move on to another part of the assignment, 
leaving room for what is confusing. 
Use this ​Google Timer​ to time yourself for each section.​ ​Make sure to turn the sound off. 
I will do ​2 spot checks​ during your work time to make sure you are actively working. I 
included a reminder for when these checks will occur in your directions. 

Part 1 - Vocabulary​ ​(10 min) 

1. Below the objective, write “​VOCABULARY​.” 
2. Create the following table in ​blue ink​ below the vocabulary title. Then, fill in the 
words and definitions in ​black ink​. In the final column, either​ draw a sketch​ to 
represent the vocabulary word ​or​ re-write the definition ​in your own words​. 

Word  Definition  Drawing/Definition in 

your own words 

antibiotics  A medicine that inhibits   

the growth of or destroys 

resistant  the ability not to be   

affected by something 

susceptible  Influenced or harmed by   

a particular thing 

Pan-resistant   Resistant to all known   

antimicrobial agents 

October 22 + 23 

Phenotype  Observable physical or   

characteristics of an 

Phenotype frequency  Percentage of a given   

phenotype in a 

3. Highlight​ the vocabulary word. 
4. STAMP 1 

Part 2 - Video​ ​(15 min) 

1. Write “​ADDIE VIDEO NOTES​.” 
2. Below the title, create a ​blue t-char​t for observations and questions, as shown 

October 22 + 23 

Observations  Questions 
3. Follow ​this link​ to get to a Frontline video titled “Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria.” 
4. Watch ​ONLY THE FIRST ​13 MINUTES​ of this video. While you watch, write ​at 
least​ ​6​ observations/notes​ and ​at least ​5​ questions​ that arise in your t-chart. 

Part 3 - Reflections​ ​(10 min) 

1. Write the title “​ADDIE VIDEO REFLECTIONS​.” 
2. Below this title, copy the following questions in ​blue ink​ and respond in ​black ink​. 
Criteria For Success​: 
❏ Answers the question fully, with as much detail as possible 
❏ Directly references evidence from the video to support responses 
a. Why might the antibiotics have stopped working? 
[Your response] 
Sentence Starters​: 

October 22 + 23 
● The antibiotics may have stopped working because…  
b. How could the doctors tell that there were ​resistant​ bacterial strains present?  
[Your response] 
Sentence Starters​: 
● The doctors could tell that there were resistant strains of the 
bacteria because 
c. What is your starting theory for how antibiotic resistance develops in bacteria? 
[Your response] 
Sentence Starters​: 
● Bacterial resistance develops because…  

Part 4 - Table of Contents Set Up​ - ​many people are missing this​ ​(5 min) 
1. Flip to the ​second page​ in your notebook.  
2. Title this page “​TABLE OF CONTENTS​.” 
3. In ​blue ink​, create the following table in your notebook, according to the picture 


October 22 + 23 
4. Fill out the table of contents in ​black ink​ for the lessons and homework 
assignments we have covered so,​ ​using your own page numbers and dates​. 

Part 5 -Done Early ​ ​(10 min) 
1. Follow the Homework 8 link in the Weebly. 
2. Complete the homework assignment in your notebook. 

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