Unit 3 Module 2 Heredity Inheritance and Variation: Heredity Refers To Genetic Transmission of

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Heredity refers to genetic transmission of
traits from parents to off spring variation in
a characteristic is a result of genetic
information from the formation is called
inherited variation. DNA is a self replicating
material which is present nearly all living
things. It is the carrier of genetic
information. It is a double long chain of
molecules of called nucleotides that tell
each what proteins to make. DNA is
composed of complementary strands of
deoxyribonucleotides units. The
complementary pairs of the DNA are held
by hydrogen bonds. It’s location is in the
deoxyribosome . RNA is a single stranded
molecule. There are three major types of
RNA that helps build proteins mRNA,
rRNA, tRNA. The mRNA carries the
information in DNA to the ribosomes found
in the cytoplasm.
1. What do you call the three molecules
that forms the basic building block of
2. What is the structural difference
between DNA and RNA?
3. How will you differentiate the
nitrogenous base pair of DNA and RNA?
4. What do you call the error change of
the DNA sequence?
5. How DNA and RNA works?

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