Log-Dependent Slope of Scalar Induced Gravitational Waves in The Infrared Regions

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Log-dependent slope of scalar induced gravitational waves in the infrared regions

Chen Yuan,1, 2, ∗ Zu-Cheng Chen,1, 2, † and Qing-Guo Huang1, 2, 3, 4, ‡

CAS Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 19A Yuquan Road, Beijing 100049, China
Center for Gravitation and Cosmology, College of Physical Science
and Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
Synergetic Innovation Center for Quantum Effects and Applications,
Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China
(Dated: October 22, 2019)
We analytically calculate the scalar induced gravitational waves (SIGWs) and find a log-dependent
arXiv:1910.09099v1 [astro-ph.CO] 21 Oct 2019

slope of SIGW in the infrared regions (f < fc ), namely nGW (f ) = 3 − 2/ ln(fc /f ), and nGW (f ) =
2 − 2/ ln(fc /f ) near the peak if the power spectrum of scalar curvature perturbation is quite narrow,
where fc is roughly the frequency at the peak of SIGW. Such a log-dependent slope can be taken
as a new template for distinguishing SIGW from other sources.

Dark matter (DM) is one of the components which presses the GW spectral energy density in terms of the
makes up around 26% of the total energy density in the energy density per logarithmic frequency interval divided
Universe at present [1]. However, the nature of DM re- by the cosmic closure density, namely [58, 59]
mains completely unknown. Even though there is a mira-
1 d log ρGW 2π 2 3
cle for the weakly-interacting massive particles (WMIPs), ΩGW (f ) ≡ = f Sh (f ), (1)
the limits on them are tightening. Considering some ρc d log f 3H02
alternative models to WIMPs becomes more and more where ρGW and ρc are the energy density of GWs and
important. Among the alternative models in literature, critical density, f is the GW frequency, H0 is the Hubble
the primordial black holes (PBHs) have attracted much constant, and Sh (f ) is the spectral density. Convention-
attentions in the past few years, in particular after the ally, ΩGW (f ) is modeled as a power law form, i.e.
discovery of the gravitational waves (GWs) from the co-
alescence of two binary black holes by aLIGO [2] because ΩGW (f ) ∝ f nGW (2)
PBHs are supposed to provide a possible explanation if with a slope nGW . The predicted SGWB from com-
the abundance of stellar-mass PBHs in DM is roughly pact binary coalescences is well modeled by a power
O(10−3 ) [3–6]. Up to now, there are a various obser- law of slope nGW = 2/3, and nGW = 0 corresponds
vations which have put constraints on the abundance of to a scale-invariant energy. For the primordial GWs,
PBH DM [5–25], but a substantial open window in the ΩGW (f ) ∝ f nt +αt ln(f /fCMB )/2 , where nt is the spec-
mass range of [10−16 , 10−14 ] ∪ [10−13 , 10−12 ]M is still tral index of primordial GW power spectrum and αt is
allowed for PBHs composing of all of DM. See a recent the running of spectral index [60–63]. For the white
summary in [5]. noise which corresponds to a random signal, the spec-
PBHs are supposed to form from the gravitational col- tral density Sh is a constant, and then ΩGW (f ) ∝ f 3 .
lapse of over-densed regions seeded by relatively large In this sense, the f 3 behavior is a trivial result rather
curvature perturbations [26, 27] on small scales which are than a model-independent evidence for the detection of
less constrained by the CMB and large-scale structure SIGWs. That is why there are many processes gener-
observations. These over-densed regions are produced ating a SGWB scaling as f 3 in the infrared limit, such
when curvature perturbations exceed a critical value and as GWs from first-order phase transition [64] and GWs
will collapse to form a PBH at about horizon size af- induced by an inflaton field [65]. In addition, ΩGW (k)
ter the corresponding wavelength re-enters the horizon. drops down quickly in the infrared region from the peak,
However, how to test the postulation of PBH DM is still making it difficult to detect the ∝ f 3 slope.
an open question. Actually, the curvature perturbations Even though the behavior of SIGW ΩGW (f ) is ex-
couple to the tensor perturbations at second-order, thus pected to be dependent on the power spectrum of the
inevitably generating the scalar induced GWs (SIGWs) scalar curvature perturbations, we find nGW = 3 −
in the radiation dominated era [28–34]. The enhance- 2/ ln(fc /f ) for SIGW in the infrared region, and nGW =
ment of scalar curvature perturbation for significantly 2−2/ ln(fc /f ) near the peak if the scalar power spectrum
forming PBHs will generate relatively large SIGWs which is very narrow. In the infrared limit (f → 0), nGW → 3,
provide a new way to probe PBHs [35]. See some other indicating that the correlation of perturbations can be
related works in [36–57]. neglected and the signal behaves randomly. This log-
A normalized stochastic gravitational-wave back- dependent slope can be taken as a distinguishing feature
ground (SGWB) spectral energy density ΩGW (f ) ex- for the SIGWs.

The perturbed Freedmann-Robert-Walker (FRW) power spectrum of the SIGWs, Ph (k), can be evaluated
metric for a perturbed universe in Newtonian gauge takes by the two point correlation
the form, [36],
2π 2
    hh(k, η)h(k0 , η)i ≡ Ph (k, η)δ(k + k0 ). (11)
hij k3
ds2 = a2 −(1 + 2φ)dη 2 + (1 − 2φ)δij + dxi dxj ,
2 And then, at the matter-radiation equality,
where φ is the scalar perturbation and hij is the GW 1

perturbation. In a radiation dominated universe with- ΩGW,eq (k) = Ph (k, η), (12)
12 H
out entropy perturbations, the equation of motion for φ
governed by Einstein equation reads where we have summed over two polarization modes and
take the oscillation average, and f = k/2π. The present
4 k2
φ00k (η) + φ0k (η) + φk (η) = 0 (4) density parameter can be evaluated by, [47, 48],
η 3
ΩGW (k)= Ωr × ΩGW,eq (k) = Ωr × ΩGW (η → ∞, k)
in Fourier space. This equation of motion has an atten- Z ∞ Z 1+v
uation solution given by, [37], = Ωr dv du I(u, v)Pφ (vk)Pφ (uk), (13)
0 |1−v|
" √ #
9 sin(kη/ 3) √ where Ωr is the radiation density parameter at present,
φk (η) ≡ φk √ − cos(kη/ 3) , (5)
(kη)2 kη/ 3 and Pφ (k) is the power spectrum of φ. Here u and v are
two dimensionless variables. The function I(u, v) comes
where φk is the primordial perturbation whose value at from integrating the conformal time in the convolution of
η = 0 is given by inflation models. The equation of mo- the source term, hSk (η̃)Sk0 (η̃)i. In radiation dominated
tion for the tensor components is given by Einstein equa- era, I(u, v) is given by [47, 48]
tion at second-order, namely 2
1 3(u2 + v 2 − 3)(−4v 2 + (1 − u2 + v 2 )2 )

I(u, v)=
h00ij + 2Hh0ij − ∇2 hij = −4Tij`m S`m , (6) 6 16u4 v 4
3 − (u + v)2 2

where the prime denotes the derivative with respect to − 4uv + (u2 + v 2 − 3) log
the conformal time η, and H = a0 /a is the conformal 3 − (u − v)2
Hubble parameter. The source term [36]
2 2 2 2

+π (u + v − 3) Θ(u + v − 3) ,(14)
(2) 1
Sij = 4φ∂i ∂j φ+2∂i φ∂j φ− ∂i (Hφ + φ0 ) ∂j (Hφ + φ0 ) ,
(7) where Θ is the Heaviside function.
is projected to transverse-traceless gauge by the projec- Let’s consider a scalar power spectrum Pφ (k) which
tion operator Tij`m , i.e. is peaked at k∗ and is nonzero only for k− < k < k+ ,
like that illustrated in Fig. 1. Since the amplitude of the
d3 k ik·x h i scalar power spectrum for the formation of PBHs is sup-
Tij`m = 3/2
e eij (k)elm (k) + ēij (k)ēlm (k) . posed to be much larger than those at CMB scales, the
(8) power spectrum at CMB scales is neglected. For simplic-
Here the two polarization tensors are defined by ity, we introduce a dimensionless parameter ∆ to quan-
tify the width of the scalar power spectrum as follows
eij (k) ≡ √ [ei (k)ej (k) − ēi (k)ēj (k)] , k+ − k−
2 ∆≡ . (15)
(9) k∗
ēij (k) ≡ √ [ei (k)ēj (k) + ēi (k)ej (k)] , The power spectrum is narrow if ∆  1. From Eq. (13),
the density parameter of SIGWs for such a power spec-
where e(k) and ē(k) are two time-independent unit vec- trum reads
tors orthogonal to k. After solving Eq. (6) in Fourier Z kk+ Z min( kk+ ,1+v)
space by Green function, one obtains, [37], ΩGW,eq = k dv duI(u, v)Pφ (uk)Pφ (vk),
− k −
Z k max( k ,|1−v|)
h(k, η) = dη̃ sin(kη − k η̃)a(η̃)Sk (η̃), (10) (16)
In this letter, we focus on the behavior of ΩGW,eq in the
where Sk (η) ≡ −4eij (k)S̃ij (k, η) with S̃ij (k, η) to be the infrared region, namely k  k− , and then 1  k− /k <
Fourier transformed source term. Then the dimensionless k+ /k.

Pϕ (k) v in Eq. (16) into three parts, namely

(Z k− k+
k+ - k- denotes the width of Pϕ (k) k +1 Z v+1 Z k −1 Z v+1
ΩGW,eq (k)= k−
dv k−
du + k−
dv du
k k k +1 v−1
Z k+ Z k+ )
k k
+ k+
dv du I(u, v)Pφ (uk)Pφ (vk).(21)
k −1 v−1

Considering 1  k− /k < k+ /k, both the first and the

third integrations in the bracket of above equation are
Pϕ (k) vanishes much small compared to the second integration which is
Pϕ (k) vanishes when k < k- when k > k+ approximately given by
Z k+
ΩGW,eq (k) = 2 k−
dvI(v, v)Pφ2 (vk). (22)
k k
k- k* k+
Since v ∈ [k− /k, k+ /k]  1 and
FIG. 1. The schematic figure of the power spectrum Pφ (k)
of scalar curvature perturbations. 3 −4 2 4v 2
I(v, v) ' v ln , (23)
2 3
First of all, we consider a narrow power spectrum defining a new variable y related to v by v = k∗
k (1 + y),
(∆  1), and divide the infrared region into two parts, we have
i.e. ∆  k/k∗  1 and k/k∗  ∆. For ∆  k/k∗  1,
k− /k > v − 1 and k+ /k < v + 1, and then 3 Z k+ −k∗

k k∗
ΩGW,eq (k)' 3 dy(1 + y)−4
Z k+ Z k+ k∗ k∗ −k−
− k∗
k k  2 
ΩGW,eq (k) = dv duI(u, v)Pφ (uk)Pφ (vk). 4k∗
k− k−
× ln2 (1 + y) 2
Pφ2 (k∗ (1 + y))
k k 3k 2
(17)  3  2
Here u, v ∈ [k− /k, k+ /k]  1 and k 2 4k∗
'3 ln Pφ2 (k∗ )∆, (24)
k∗ 3k 2
3 (u2 + v 2 )4 2 (u + v)2
I(u, v) ' ln . (18)
32 u8 v 4 3 where the higher order corrections ∼ O(∆2 ) are neglected
as well. Similarly, the slope of SIGW becomes
Introducing two new variables (x, y) related to (u, v) by
u = kk∗ (1 + x) and v = kk∗ (1 + y) respectively, we have 4
nGW (k) = 3 − 4k2
. (25)
 2 Z k+ −k∗ Z k+ −k∗ ln 3k∗2
3 k k∗ k∗
ΩGW,eq (k)' dy dx
2 k∗ −
k∗ −k−
k∗ −
k∗ −k−
In the infrared limit (k → 0), the slope approaches
2 2 to 3, or equivalently ΩGW (k → 0) ∝ k 3 , due to the
(1 + x + y + x2 + y2 )4 2 4k∗2
x y 2 un-correlation of the perturbations at those scales. In
× ln (1 + + )
(1 + x)8 (1 + y)4 3k 2 2 2 addition, for the δ-power spectrum corresponding to
×Pφ (k∗ (1 + x))Pφ (k∗ (1 + y)), ∆ → 0, we only have ∆  k/k∗  1, and then
n GW = 2 − ln (4k2 /3k2 ) which is consistent with what we
 2  2
3 k 2 4k∗ 2 2 ∗
' ln Pφ (k∗ )∆ . (19) have known.
2 k∗ 3k 2
From now on, we generalize our former discussion to
In the last step, we consider that both the absolute values the wide scalar power spectrum. In this case there is no
of x and y are much smaller than one, and neglect the available region of ∆  k/k∗  1 any more. Similar to
higher order corrections ∼ O(∆3 ). And then the slope of the previous case of k/k∗  ∆, one can easily find
SIGW is given by
Z kk+  2
d log ΩGW 4 ΩGW,eq (k)= 3 k dv v −4 ln2 Pφ2 (vk), (26)
nGW (k) = = 2 − 4k2 . (20) − 3
d log k ln 3k∗2 k
Z k+  2
= 3k 3 dq q −4 ln2 Pφ2 (q), (27)
Switching to k/k∗  ∆, we divide the integral range of k− 3k 2

and then taking the derivative of log ΩGW,eq with respect 3.0
to log k, we obtain
R k+
dp p−4 ln 4p2 /3k 2 Pφ2 (p)
nGW (k)= 3 − 4 R k+ , (28)
dq q −4 ln2 (4q 2 /3k 2 ) Pφ2 (q)
k− 2.0
R k+ /k
du u−4 ln 4u2 /3 Pφ2 (uk)

nGW (k)
k− /k
= 3 − 4 R k /k .(29) 1.5
k− /k
dv v −4 ln2 (4v 2 /3) Pφ2 (vk)
Restrictly, nGW given in the above equation certainly 1.0 3-4/ln(4k* 2 /3k 2 )
depends on the scalar power spectrum even for k  k− <
2-4/ln(4k* 2 /3k 2 )
k+ . Notice that both u and v are much larger than one
0.5 Δ=0.01 (numerical result)
because k+ /k > k− /k  1 in the infrared region for wide Δ=10 (numerical result)
scalar power spectrum, and both ln(4v 2 /3) and ln(4u2 /3)
can be roughly taken as a constant if k+ is not larger than 0.0
10-4 0.001 0.010 0.100 1
k− too much. In this sense, the above equation roughly
4 FIG. 2. The slope of ΩGW (k) generated by a broken power
nGW (k) ≈ 3 − 2
, (30)
ln spectrum given in Eq. (31). The orange and red solid lines are
our analytic results in Eqs. (20) and (25). The blue dotted and
where k? denotes a pivot scale for counting the integra- dashed lines are the numerical results for the narrow (k− =
tions in Eq. (29). 0.995k∗ , k+ = 1.005k∗ ) and wide (k− = 0.5k∗ , k+ = 10.5k∗ )
Before closing this letter, for example, we consider a power spectra, respectively.
simple broken power spectrum parameterized by
k − k−

 , for k− < k < k∗ , is roughly the frequency at the peak. Even though the
 k∗ − k−
Pφ (k) = A × (31) slope of SIGW approaches to 3 in the infrared limit, the
k −k
 +

 , for k∗ < k < k+ , correction of 2/ ln(fc /f ) approaches to zero slowly, and
k+ − k∗
the amplitude of ΩGW (f ) in the region corresponding to
and Pφ (k) = 0 for k < k− and k > k+ . In order to ΩGW (f ) ∝ f 3 should be very small and could not be
check our former analytic results, we consider two cases, detected.
one narrow power spectrum with k− = 0.995k∗ , k+ =
Actually, such a log-dependent slope is quite generic
1.005k∗ and then ∆ = 0.01; the other one is a wide
for SIGW. It comes from the oscillating behavior of the
power spectrum with k− = 0.5k∗ , k+ = 10.5k∗ and then
evolution of the scalar perturbations (the sine and cosine
∆ = 10. Both the analytic (orange and red solid lines)
terms in Eq. (5)). Integrating over these sine and cosine
and numerical results (blue dotted and dashed lines)
terms results in a cosine integral, Ci(x), and
are shown in Fig. 2. For the narrow power spectrum
(∆ = 0.01), the blue dotted line shows that nGW (k) is
roughly equal to 2 − 4/ ln(4k∗2 /3k 2 ) for ∆  k/k∗  1 lim Ci(|A|x) − Ci(|B|x) = ln(|A/B|), (33)
and approaches to 3 − 4/ ln(4k∗2 /3k 2 ) for k/k∗  ∆. For
the wide power spectrum (∆ = 10), the blue dashed line
roughly recovers our analytic result (the red line). Fig. 2 which finally leads to the logarithmic terms in I(u, v). In
indicates that our analytic results are nicely consistent this sense, the log-dependent slope of the SIGW spectra
with the numerical results. is a result of the evolution of the scalar perturbations in a
To summarize, there are various GW sources, includ- radiation dominated universe. It implies that such a log-
ing the scalar curvature perturbation, which generate a dependent slope is a unique feature for the SIGW which
SGWB in the Universe. It is important to figure out can be used to distinguish SIGW from other sources.
some features of SIGW for distinguishing it from other
sources. In this letter, we calculate the SIGW in the in-
frared region and find a log-dependent slope of SIGW, Acknowledgments. We acknowledge the use of
namely HPC Cluster of ITP-CAS. This work is supported by
grants from NSFC (grant No. 11690021, 11975019,
nGW (f ) = 3 − , (32) 11847612), the Strategic Priority Research Program of
ln(fc /f ) Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB23000000,
and nGW (f ) = 2 − 2/ ln(fc /f ) near the peak if the scalar XDA15020701), and Key Research Program of Frontier
power spectrum is quite narrow. Here f < fc and fc Sciences, CAS, Grant NO. ZDBS-LY-7009.

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