Kegiatan Chapter 3 New

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Membantu Orang Tua

Helping Parents
Komang anak yang rajin
Komang was a diligent girl.
Sepulang sekolah Komang berganti pakaian
After coming from school, she changed her clothes.
Selesai makan Komang ke kebunnya.
Then, she went to her garden after eating.
Kebun itu terletak di belakang rumah.
That garden was located behind her house.
Kebun Komang ditanami sayur mayur.
Komang’s garden was planted various vegetables.
Ada terong, cabai, dan kacang.
There were eggplants, chilies, and nuts
Di sana Komang membantu orang tuanya.
Komang helped her parents there.
Ayah Komang memupuk dan menyiram tanaman.
Her father fertilized and watered plants
Komang mencabut rumput liar.
Komang pulled out the weeds
Agar sayuran tumbuh subur
Thus the vegetables could grow well
Daunnya lebat dan buahnya banyak
The leaves were dense and a lot of fruits.

Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dengan tepat!

Answer the following questions correctly!

1. Apa yang dilakukan Komang sepulang sekolah?

What is Komang doing after school?
2. Kapan Komang pergi ke kebunnya?
When Komang went to her garden?
3. Dimana letak kebun Komang?
Where is the location of Komang’s garden?
4. Tanaman apa saja yang ada di kebun Komang?
What kinds of plants planted in Komang’s garden?
5. Mengapa Komang mencabuti rumput liar?
Why did Komang pull out the weeds?
Tulislah “B” (Benar) jika sesuai dengan bacaan!
Tulislah “S” (Salah) jika tidak sesuai dengan bacaan!
Write down “R” (Right) if the sentence is appropriate with the text!
Write down “W” (Wrong) if the sentence is not appropriate with the text!
1 Komang anak yang rajin.
Komang was a diligent girl.
2 Komang ke kebunnya dengan seragam sekolah.
Komang went to her garden by wearing a uniform.
3 Tanaman di kebun Komang dipelihara dengan baik.
The plants in Komang’s Garden was well maintained
4 Komang mencabuti tanaman di kebunnya.
Komang pulled out the plants in her garden.
5 Kebun Komang terletak di depan rumah.
Kebun Komang was located behind her house.
6 Tanaman perlu disiram dan dipupuk supaya subur.
The plants needed to water and fertilize in order
to be fertile.

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