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PG-DAI (August 2019 Batch), ACTS, C-DAC - Effective

Communication​ ​Effective Technical Presentation

Written By: ​Rajat Mudaliar
PRN No.: ​190840128026

Unsung Heroes Of Our Nation - The Metro Man of India

Everyone knows about Elon Musk, Sundar Pichai, Richad Branson, and
many other leaders. They are known for their management skills and engineering
excellence. But very few people know about a man named E Sreedharan aka
MetroMan of India. We will talk about what is unique about his personality and
what life lessons can we learn from him.
He is an IES officer working for Indian Railways. Everyone knows about
Pamban bridge which was washed away by a cyclone and then the government
assigned sreedharan to restore it. He was given 6 months time by railways, but
his boss cut the time limit to 3 months. But he achieved it in record 46 days.
One other major achievement was konkan railways. That was the toughest
project post independence because of the dense forest and rivers, mountains,
valleys and many more objectives. Even british government was afraid to think of
any such project but shredharan was given merely 8 years for this task. He did it
in 7 years. For him nothing is impossible. He has changed the face of indian
transport and the speed of development. For him faster transport is not just a
luxury, but a way to save lives by moving traffic from roads to railways.
He is a man of honor and a person who never listened to any negative
comments. He worked even after his retirement and is still kicking away his
problems perfectly even at the age of 80.He is a perfect example of
professionalism and is visionary.People like him should be known by Indians but
unfortunately he is still yet to be recognised.

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