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The Indian Tobacco Co.

- 2001

S.N. Date Particulars

1 April 1 Assets: Leasehold Premises, Rs. 1,80,000; Machinery, Rs. 2, 76,000; Stock of Leaf tobaco,
Rs 5,19,000; Cash at Bank Rs. 76,200; Cash in hand Rs. 8,600, due from Mohan & Co. Rs, 14,600
Furniture Rs 15,000;
Liabilities: loan @ 12% Rs, 2,00,000; due to Willson & Grey; Rs. Rs 60,000
2 April 3 Drawn From Bank (For wages to be paid the following day) Rs. 15,000
3 April 4 Wages paid Rs. 14,350
4 April 7 Bought of Wilson & Gery: 896 kg. Borne Leaf @ Rs 40/kg; 672 kg West India Leaf @ Rs. 35/kg
charges Rs 470.
5 April 9 Returned 128 kg of West Indian Leaf as not being upto quality.
6 April 17 Sold to Mohan & Co. 75 kg. Royal Mixture @ Rs. 200 Per kg; 20,000 Aromatic Cigarettes @ Rs. 500
per 1,000; 40 kg. Five Flackes @ Rs 800 per kg.
7 April 18 Paid Wilson & Grey by cheque in full settlement of amount due on April 1 Rs. 58,500
8 April 18 Received from Cavendish 7 Co. by cheque in full settelment Rs. 12,350
9 April 19 Bought of Sharp Bros. & Co. advertising posters Rs. 11,000.
10 April 24 Northern Engin Co. Ltd. Charge for repairing machinery, paid cash Rs. 2,500
11 April 24 Sold to Cavendish & Co. 10,000 aromatic cigarettes @ Rs. 500 per 1,000.
12 April 25 Bought of Jhon Barnes & Co. Indian Leaf 1,120 Kg @ Rs. 30 per kg.
13 April 26 Received from Mohan & Co., on account, cheque Rs 20,000.
14 April 27 Received for boiler part sold Rs 3,000.
15 April 27 bank notifies that Cavendish & Co.'s cheque is Dishonoured.
16 April 28 bought of Dale & Son; Borneo Leaf 882 kg. @ 40 per kg. and Indian Leaf 560 kg. @ Rs. 30/kg
charges Rs 70.
17 April 29 Paid for advertisements Rs. 70
18 April 30 Paid for repair of furniture Rs. 300
19 April 30 Paid Ground Rent Rs. 6,000
20 April 30 Drawn from Bank for Private Use Rs. 4,000.
21 April 30 Received intimation that Cavendish & Co. are insolvent, no possibility of recovering anything.
22 April 30 Allow Intrest (to the nearest rupee) on capital @ 10% per annum
23 April 30 Cigarettes taken for private use Rs. 100.
24 April 30 salaries for the month of April unpaid Rs. 20,000.
25 April 30 Sold to Blunt & Co. 50 kg., Five Flakes @ Rs. 800; 10,000 Aromatic Cigarettes @ Rs. 520 per 1,000.
Packing charges, Rs 300.
26 April 30 Paid by cheque intrest for the month of April, 2000 on 12% Loan, Rs 2,000.

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