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Ganpat University

Faculty of Architecture Design & Planning

Related Study Programme Dec’19
Programme Outline
What is Related Study Programme?

The Related Study Programme (RSP) at the Institute of Architecture is a unique contribution
to Architectural education. It is intended to take the students out into the field to get first-
hand experience of traditional built environments.

The idea is to recognize the value of the traditional architecture as well as the importance of
field experiences and travel in the learning of architecture. The students are encouraged to
learn about not only the architectural form also related components of architectural

The Students will develop the skills & understanding of measure drawing along with
synthesis of learning from various courses by observing; registering & mapping of actual
built buildings.

The Program outcome will be extremely valuable in creating knowledge base on

architecture field and accurate and precise drawings will become a base for future research.

The first process involves stay at the selected Village/city for few days where students will
get comprehensive awareness of that settlement by measuring the built environment in
terms of individual house, cluster of houses and building elements of that house.

Students also document the social, cultural, environmental aspects of that settlement and
make the final Drawings and report after they come back at institute


The Aim of the study is to understand and document the indigenous architecture of
Varanasi as a city and its structure by studying its traditional and contemporary form of
architecture and its impact of urban fabric. The study is divided according to the course
structure of the students of different years.

1st year (Architecture+ Interior Design)-

The students are supposed to Document Ghats and their architectural elements. The
intention is to develop skill to analyse the spaces required for different activities occurring in
different time duration. Also, the survey encompasses documentation of individual
traditional house form and their surrounding spaces in detail by analysing concepts of size,
scale and proportions in architecture along with vernacular architectural style and structural

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2nd year (Architecture)-

The documentation encompasses different clusters of Varanasi. The study includes activities
with shared elements, notions of public, private, semi-private activities and Inter-relations
of individual within a group. The student will also get a deep understanding about the
hierarchy and distribution of open/semi-open spaces, building facade and ornamentation of
the cluster. The study will also address to the influences of occupational, financial, socio-
cultural factors on the built form and resultant spatial organization of the cluster.

3rd year (Architecture)-

The study includes documentation of Regional Connectivity, Urban Infrastructure (Physical

& Social), and settlement pattern from Ghats – Residential streets- Market Street. The
students will analyse urban region as a whole and impact of market space and Ghats on
urban fabric also interact with the people of different communities through formulated
questionnaire, understanding their needs and transforming them into an architectural form.

2nd year (Interior Design)

The students will document different types/forms of commercial spaces in the main market
street along with the activity mapping and characterizations along with socio- cultural frame
work. They will also document various Commercial activity pockets, their specialized
product display system; showcase windows at street level, product communication at a
street level, signage and advertisement for masses of people.

3rd year (Interior Design)

Students will identify Historic/heritage/unused/abandoned sites that provide scope for

rejuvenation through multi-dimensional programs. They will also document their history,
change in use (adoptive reuse) of building and modification/renovation done in the building
from time to time. They will also document any institutional building like: Exhibition and
museum spaces, Recreational spaces, small Institutional spaces and integration of
architectural elements and insertions, dialogue between the existing and the newly added
insert, Interpretation of the functions/activities and their spatial co-relation.

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1st Year – Archi +ID 2nd Year - Architecture 3rd Year - Architecture
9th December Tasks
Examine each Ghats, market Examine each Ghats, market Examine each Ghats, market
street and residential areas street and residential areas street and residential areas
and observe change in and observe spaces formed and observe the architecture
activities of the Ghats at between them, types of
of the city fabric and the
different time; sketch inter-relations of individual
different architectural within a group in that space. types of interactive spaces
elements on the Ghats and They will also draw street formed between Ghats-
measure draw diff. types of elevations of primary and residential areas and market
spaces required for different secondary streets depicting street. They will document
activities the traditions/ culture of topography and settlement
different communities. pattern of that area and
interact with the people of
different community with
the help of questionnaire
Submissions in the form of Submissions in the form of Submissions in the form of
A3 size Sheets along with A3 size Sheets along with A3 size Sheets along with
sketches and photographs of sketches and photographs of sketches and photographs of
activities on the Ghats activities on the Ghats activities on the Ghats
10th December Tasks
Students will measure draw Students will study 3 clusters Students will draw sections
pre identified residences in of different communities of the whole region- market
groups and submit plans, forming groups and study street-residence-ghat and
and elevations and detailed the typology of house forms study the details of spatial
sketches of views of houses in accordance to their life organizations. The students
and traditional elements style. They will document will map street furniture and
used in houses inter relation between house activities on the streets.
form their community and
occupation. They will
measure draw whole cluster
in form of plans and sections
through the spaces formed
in and between clusters
Students will submit Students will submit Students will submit
measured drawing and measured drawing and measured drawing and
activity mapping in sheets activity mapping in sheets activity mapping in sheets
and Sketches of details and and Sketches of details and and Sketches of details and
photographs of the given photographs of the given photographs of the given
area area area

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11th December Tasks
Students will measure draw They will measure draw Students will continue to
traditional form of furniture, elevations of each and every make sections of the region
niches and other elements in house of the cluster. They and also study elevations of
detail and sections of the will also study different types the Ghats along with the
house. They will also study of open/ semi-open spaces impact of its activities on the
different spaces used in the formed between the city
house for different activities residence and also different
at different time. types of spaces (private/
semi-public and public) in
each residence.
Students will sketch Students will sketch details Students will sketch Street
furniture details and submit of houses and submit sheets furniture details and submit
sheets of measure drawing of measure drawing drafted sheets of measure drawing
drafted during the day during the day drafted during the day
12th December Tasks
Students will document Students will document the Students will document
traditional ways of context on which the cluster impact of Ghats, market
construction with vernacular is formed and their street spaces on the city fabric and
materials. Also, they will edge- their elevation, sense analyse the settlement
interact with the house of entry in the cluster, pattern accordingly.
owner documenting history topography and land use
of the house getting detailed surrounding the site.
information about it.
Students will Submit sheets Students will Submit sheets Students will Submit sheets
and the questionnaire page and the questionnaire page and the questionnaire page
they have made along with they have made along with they have made along with
the sketches of the details the sketches of the details the sketches of the details
13th December
Students will visit Kashi Vishwanath temple, Jantar Mantar, Ram Nagar fort

2nd Year – Interior Design 2nd Year – Interior Design

9th December Tasks
Examine each Ghats, market street and Examine each Ghats, market street and
residential areas and observe different types residential areas and observe traditional
of commercial activities occurring on historical building/monument with high
different parts of the street and document cultural values that are either abandoned or
by identifying the pattern in which each in very poor condition and needs to be
commercial activity is divided. Also rejuvenated. The students will identify and
document the ways different document such building and places and
study its surrounding activities and sketch
the views and elevations of such structures

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Students will submit activity map n form of Students will submit the sketches of the old
A3 sheets and Sketches of street elevation traditional abounded building and activity
and commercial activities. mapping of the surrounding areas
10th December Tasks
Students will identify cluster of shops and The students will measure draw elevations,
document type of spaces required in it along plans and sections of the heritage building
with the type and movement of visitors and study and document its history and
inside and surrounding the commercial area. changes that were to be made in it from
The students will also measure draw detailed time to time.
plans, elevations and sections of that area
Measured drawing in form of sheets, Measured drawing in form of sheets,
sketches of different views of the space from sketches of different views of the space from
inside and outside along with supporting inside and outside along with supporting
photographs of the same photographs of the same
11th December Tasks
Students will measure draw furniture details Students will Identify an institutional
along with materials and ways of building and understand the spaces required
construction. Also, the students will analyse for that particular building, the way of
specialized product display system; organizing of different things and quality of
showcase windows at street level, product spaces formed due to that. Students will
communication at a street level, signage and generate plans of the building and
advertisement for masses of people. circulation pattern of visitors and workers
inside the building
Submission of Observation in form of Submission of views in form of sketches and
document, details in form of sketches, plans in drawing sheets, circulation pattern
Measured drawings in form of sheets in sheets
12 December Tasks
Students will identify the commercial Students will measure draw elevations and
activities in the surrounding area and survey sections of the building and traditional/
there about the kind of commercial that is contemporary details that are required for
required there and analyse deficit the proper functioning of the building
experienced by the people according to their
Outcomes Outcomes
Submission of Survey form/questionnaire as Submissions of elevations and sections in
document and its analysis. And their form of sheets and details in form of
observations in form of sheets/ sketches/ sketches
13th December Tasks
Students will visit Kashi Vishwanath temple, Jantar Mantar, Ram Nagar fort

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6th to 8th December – Travelling from Ahmedabad to Varanasi via Delhi

9th December – On site/field work

13th December – Sightseeing and on site/field work

14th to 16th December – Travelling back to Ahmedabad

Overall outcome:

1st Year (Architecture and Interior Design)

Detailed part Plans of Ghats along with activities and movement of people, study of scale
and proportion w.r.t anthropometry; Architectural elements of Ghats and their use.
Detailed plans, elevations and sections of 4 houses along with structural systems and
architectural elements used in the house are required. Sketches and photography depicting
activities of the area


Sketches and pictures composed on A3 drawing sheet. Drawings of individual residence-

plans, sections and elevations are required to be submitted in 1:50 in A1 size sheet and
Details in 1:20 size Composed in A1 size sheet. Their observation may be in text form in A4
size document

2nd Year (Architecture)

Map showing different clusters forms of Varanasi. Activity mapping of shared elements,
notions of public, private, semi-private activities and Inter-relations of individual within a
group, hierarchy and distribution of open/semi-open spaces, building facade and
ornamentation of the cluster has to be done. Influences of occupational, financial, socio-
cultural factors on the built form and resultant spatial organization of the cluster is required


Cluster plans along with the surrounding in 1:200 scale, Plans, elevations and sections of
different houses in 1:100 scale. Activity mapping in 1:200 scale. Photographs and sketches
composed in A3 size sheet. Analysis in A1 size sheets and A4 size document

3rd Year (Architecture)

Regional Connectivity map, Urban Infrastructure (Physical & Social), and settlement pattern
from Ghats – Residential streets- Market Street has to be generated. Analysis of urban
region as a whole and impact of market space and Ghats on urban fabric also interact with

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the people of different communities in form of questionnaire, understanding their needs
and transforming them into an architectural form.


City Maps in Scale of 1:500; Settlement pattern of area in 1:200 scale, impact study in A1
size sheets along with supporting drawings, documents, sketches and photographs

2nd year (Interior Design)

Mapping of different types/ forms of commercial spaces, activity mapping and

characterizations along with socio- cultural frame work. Various Commercial activity
pockets, their specialized product display system; showcase windows at street level, product
communication at a street level, signage and advertisement for masses of people needs to
be studied.


Street Plan, elevations and sections in 1:200 scale of commercial spaces, individual shops
plans, elevations and sections in 1:50 scale, details in 1:20 scale

3rd year (Interior Design)

Identification of Historic/ heritage/ unused/ abandoned sites for rejuvenation through

multi-dimensional programs; history of the building, change in use (adoptive reuse) of
building and modification/renovation done in the building from time to time;
documentation of any institutional building like: Exhibition and museum spaces,
Recreational spaces, small Institutional spaces and integration of architectural elements and


Monument mapping in 1:500 scale; Building plans, elevations and sections in 1:100 scale;
details in 1:20 scale, sketches and photographs composed in A1 size sheet.

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Student’s Declaration

I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the content for submission and purpose of
Related Study Programme. I understand that failure of submission considering quality and
quantity of work may result to Present/ Absent in Related Study Project.

Student’s name:





Parents/ Guardian Name:

Relation to student:


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