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Solution manual


By hipolito STa. maria

Answered by: Unknown

Chapter 2

1). Assuming that there are no heat effects and no frictional

effects, find the kinetic energy and speed of a 3220-l ody after
it falls !!" ft from rest. #tart with the steady flow e$uation,
deleting energy terms which are irrele%ant.

'o heat transfer( *0 h*!!" ft k+*

'oenthalpy(*0 m*3220-l *


2. A reciprocating compressor draws in 00 cuic feet per minute of
air whose density is 0.0! lcu.ft and discharges it with a density of
0.304 lcu.ft. At the suction, p 1* 1 psia( at discharge, p2* "0 psia. 5he
increase in the specific internal energy is 33." 6tul and the heat
transferred from the air y cooling is 13 6tul. 7etermine the work
on the air in 6tumin and in hp. 'eglect change in kinetic energy.

W = - 2384.378 BTU/min

W= 56.235 hp
3. #team enters a turine with an enthalpy of 122 6tul and lea%es
with an enthalpy of 10" 6tul. 5he transferred heat is 13 6tul.
8hat is the work in 6tumin and in hp for a flow of 2lsec


W= 512.264 hp

W= 21719.994 BTU/min
4. A thermodynamic steady flow system recei%es 4.9 kg per min of a
fluid where p1*13!.0 k/a, %1*0.03"" m3kg, Ѵ *122 ms, and u1*1!.19

k:kg. 5he fluid lea%es the system at a oundary where p2*1.9 k/a,
%2*0.13 m3kg, Ѵ2*1"3 ms and u2*2."0 k:kg. 7uring the passage
through the system the fluid recei%es 3000 :s of heat. 7etermine
the work.

W= - 486 kJ/min
. Air flows steadily at the rate of 0. kgs through an air compressor,
entering at ! ms speed, 100 k/a pressure and 0. m3kg specific
%olume, and lea%ing at  ms, !00 k/a, and 0.1 m 3kg. 5he internal
energy of the air lea%ing is 0 k:kg greater than that of the air
entering. ;ooling water in the compressor <ackets asors heat from
the air at the rate of " k8. ;ompute the work in k8.

W= - 122 kW
9. =n a steady flow apparatus, 13 k: of work is done y each kg of
fluid. 5he specific %olume of the fluid, pressure, and speed at the inlet
are 0.3! m3kg, 900 k/a, and 19 ms. 5he inlet is 32 m ao%e the floor,
and the discharge pipe is at the floor le%el. 5he discharge conditions
are 0.92m3kg, 100 k/a, and 2!0 ms. 5he total heat loss etween the
inlet and discharge is  k:kg of fluid. =n flowing through this
apparatus, does the specific internal energy increase or decrease, and
y how much

7. Steam enters a turbine stage with an enthalpy of 32! "#$"g at
7% m$s and lea&es the same stage with an enthalpy of 2!' "#$"g
and a &elocity of (2' m$s. Calculate the wor" done by the steam.


W= -776.762 kJ/kg

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