Choose The Best Answer

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Choose the best answer.

1. Iqbal is He always gives something special to his darling.

a. romance b. romanced c. romantic d. romantically

2. The team......the game because they had trained hard.

a. win b. winning c. won d. winner
3. They look forward....from you.
a. hear b. hearing c. heard d. will hear
4. My watch is to slow. can I have it
a. fix b. fixing c. fixed d. fixes

5. ...............ill, he could not come to the meeting.

a. because b. because of c. being d. he was

6. His directions how to get the station were quite...

a. clearly b. like c. recognize d. clear

7. Many people visit Kuta Beach to see beautiful...........

a. sunrise b. sunlight c. sunset d. sunny light

8. Don’t’s very dangerous.

a. somewhere b. anywhere c. nowhere d. wherever

9. Sue has not traveled to as many countries as mary. but ann has visited more than both of
them. who has traveled to the least countries?
a. ann b. mary c. sue d. ann and sue
10. Raisa......go to school because she got sick.
a. could b.couldn’t c. can d. can’t

11. Tom and Mike asked Paul to play basketball, but he was so tired. who probably did not play?
a. paul b. mike c. tom d. mike and paul

12. A procession taking a dead person to be buried or burned is called.......

a. burial b. funeral c. cremation d. ceremony

13. The river is very.........

a. deep b. depth c. deeping d. deeps

14. I’m looking for someone to help me get my car out of the snow. glad to help you.
a. can b. should c. will d. have to

15. You must.....with good friends so you can have positive influence.
a. social b. socialize c. socialized d. socialization
16. M father bought me a T-shirt but so i never wear it.
a. fit b. fits c. don’t fit d. doesn’t fit

17. Traveling by aeroplan is......than by train.

a. comfortable b. more comfortable c. most comfortable d. less comfortable

18. ...............looked a long time before you got a job?

a. do you b. did you c. has you d. have you

19. Rita continued eating................she heard the phone ringing.

a. as soon as b. although c. because d. since

20. The man with three children..............prosperously all the time.

a. living b. lively c. lives d. have lived

21. Canada does not requirethat U.S citizens obtain passport to enter the country, and.............
a. mexico does neither
b. mexico doesn’t either
c. neither mexico does
d. either does mexico

22. Are you going to meet the boss......Saturday?

a. in b. on c. at d. to

23. They have.......their work well.

a. do b. did c. done d. doing
24. Exuse me, i.................for a phone box. is thereone near here?
a. look b. am looking c. will look d. want to look

25. You must lose you can get your ideal posture.
a. weigh b. weighing c. weighs d. weight
26. Exercise are always good.......our health.
a. with b. for c. in d. to
27. They usually watch TV......................the evening.
a. at b. in c. on d. to
28. the plane arrived..............the airpot two hours late.
a. to b. at c. on d. in
29. If i had seen the concert, i............ you about it last night.
a. can tell b. will have told c. would tell d. would have told
30. They would have lost their bag if in the hotel.
a. left b. leave c. had leftt d. have left
31. Change into positive sentence ‘She didn’t buy the magazine.
a. she buys the magazine
b. she she doesn’t buy the magazine
c. she bought the magazinec.
d. she she have bought b
32. Ahmad came late, ..................?
a. didn’t he? b. doesn’t he? c. don’t he? d. does he?
33. They won’t attend the seminar, ........?
a. will they? b. won’t they? c. are they? d. aren’t they?
34. Women usually use ..........lotion to keep their skin smooth.
a. white b. whitten c. whittened d. whitenning
35. ..........does she see at school?
a. who b. how c, whom d. how many

Direction for number 36-50, choose T for true or F for false.

36. Andri like to spent his time in the library.

37. Mother goes to market an hour ago.
38. Julia has decided to go either to jakarta nor to bandung.
39. There is something wrong, is there?
40. Before get driver license, you must pass a test.
41. The number of children in school are increasing/
42. My son didn’t found time to study last night.
43. If I were in this place, i would forget everything.
44. He would have come if you had ask him.
45. I meet him when he was crossing the street.
46. The nuclear threat is frightening.
47. You have finish the report, haven’t you?
48. Work hard will get much many.
49. The instructor explained the lesson more clearly than you did.
50. She started giving a long exclamation to the police.

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