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IPS Academy, IBMR , Indore

Revised Lesson Plan

Subject: Organizational Behavior and Processes Session: July-Dec

Class: MBA - I Sem

I: Course Objectives: Objective of this course is to help students to understand human Behavior in organizations at
cross cultural level so that they improve their managerial effectiveness.

II: Examination:
Student shall be evaluated on two components: 20 internal and 80 end semester examinations. There will be 20
marks for internal evaluation, three internal evaluations will be conducted out of which two will be written test and
third will be assignment/ presentation/quiz/ class participation. Best two out of 3 evaluations will be considered as
internal marks. The semester examination carrying 80 marks will have two sections A and B. Section A worth 60
marks will have six theory questions out of which students will be required to attempt any four questions. Section B
carrying 20 marks will contain one or more cases (or cases/practical).

III: Course Outcomes (CO):

After the completion of the course the students should be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of key terms, theories/ concepts and practices within the field
CO1. of OB.

CO2. Demonstrate competence in development and problem solving in the area of management.

CO3. Analyze the key issues related to administrating the human elements such as Perception,
Learning, Motivation, Leadership, Team Building and others.

CO4. Know the meaning of terminology and tools used in managing employees effectively.

1|Page MBA – I Sem

Subject: Organizational Behaviour and Processes
IPS Academy, IBMR , Indore

IV:PO-CO Mapping : HIGH-3, MEDIUM-2, LOW-1

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8

CO 1 1 3 1 2 3 2

CO 2 1 1 1 3 3

CO 3 2 3 3 2 3 2

CO 4 1 1 2 2 3

V: Session Plan:
Unit No. Topics Sub Topics Reference
Organizational Behavior: Concept and
1 B.N.1/B.N.2/B.N.6
OB models
2 Personality B.N.1/B.N.2/B.N.6

3 Determinants and Attributes B.N.1/B.N.2/B.N.6

Foundations of
Attitude B.N.1/B.N.2/B.N.6
4 1 Individual
Learning B.N.1/B.N.2/B.N.6
And Learning Theories
6 Perception and OB models B.N.1/B.N.2/B.N.6

7 Case Study B.N.1/B.N.2/B.N.6

CO: 1, 2
LO: This unit will help the students to understand basic concept of OB and various theories of Personality, Learning,
Perception and Job Attitudes.
Definition, concept and theories of
8 motivation - Maslow’s Hierarchy of B.N.1/B.N.3/ B.N.5
Needs, Herzberg's Two Factor theory
09 2 Motivation ERG theory, Vroom's Expectancy theory, B.N.1/B.N.3/ B.N.5
Equity theory, Reinforcement theory and B.N.1/B.N.3/ B.N.5
Behavior Modification.
11 Case Study
Assignment (Worksheet)
CO: 1,2
LO: In this unit students will learn various theories of motivation that how motivated employees can lead to increased

2|Page MBA – I Sem

Subject: Organizational Behaviour and Processes
IPS Academy, IBMR , Indore

productivity and allow an organization to achieve higher levels of output.

Defining and Classifying Groups, stages
12 of group development, B.N.2/B.N. 4/B.N. 7

Group Structure, Group Processes,

13 Group Dynamics, B.N.2/ B.N. 4/B.N. 7

Group v/s Team, Team Effectiveness.

14 Foundations of B.N.2/ B.N. 4/B.N. 7
Group and Intergroup Relations.
Group Behaviour
3 and Conflict Conflict- Transition in conflict thought ,
Management and Functional versus Dysfunctional,
15 B.N.2/ B.N.6
Negotiation: Conflict Process, Conflict Management
Negotiation Process, Bargaining
16 Strategies B.N.2/ B.N.6
Case Study
17 B.N.2/ B.N.6

CO: 2, 3
LO: Stages of group development, Group Structure, Group Processes, Group Dynamics and importance of Team
Effectiveness will be learnt by the students in this Unit. Students will also learn Conflict management Techniques and
Negotiation Process and Bargaining Strategies.
Nature and Significance of leadership,
leadership in different cultures
18 B.N.1/B.N.5/ B.N.7
leadership theories and Styles : Trait
19 theories, Behavioral theories B.N.1/B.N.5/ B.N.7
Contingency theories-- Fiedler’s Model,
20 Hersey and Blanchard's Situational
theory B.N.1/B.N.5/ B.N.7
Path Goal theory and Recent
21 4 Intelligence and
Development in Leadership Theory
Leadership B.N.1/B.N.5/ B.N.7
Emotional Intelligence-Framework
B.N.1/B.N.5/ B.N.7
EI implications for an individual and
23 managerial effectiveness.
B.N.1/B.N.5/ B.N.7
24 Case Study B.N. 5 p.- 260
CO: 3
LO: Various Leadership theories will be learnt by students in this unit. They will also learn emotional intelligence,
leadership effectiveness and recent development in leadership theory.

3|Page MBA – I Sem

Subject: Organizational Behaviour and Processes
IPS Academy, IBMR , Indore

Concept, Relationship of Culture with

25 OB and Levels of organizational culture. B.N.2/ B.N.6
Analyzing, managing and changing
26 Organizational organizational culture, Implications for
Culture and managers at national and global levels B.N.2/ B.N.6
Organizational Forces for Change, Resistance to
27 Change Change, Approaches to managing
organizational change B.N.2/ B.N.6
Case study
B.N.2/ B.N.6
LO The fifth unit will make the students understand analyzing, managing, changing organizational culture and
relationship of culture with organizational behavior. They will also learn organisational change and various approaches
to managing organizational change.
CO: 4

29 Stress, Work Stress and its Management B.N.1/B.N.2/B.N.5

Time Concept of time management, Barriers to

Management and effective time management ,tools and
30 Stress techniques for effective time B B.N.1/B.N.2/B.N.5
Management management.

31 Case Study B.N.5 p.394

32 Presentation
CO: 4

LO: The last Unit makes the students understand work stress and its management in current scenario. Barriers, Tools
and Techniques for Effective Time Management will also be learnt by the students.

Note: Apart from the mentioned lecture schedule faculty members compulsorily have to take 08 to 10 lectures on any
of the topic related to the subject.

VI: Book References:

1 Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A Judge, Seema Sanghi “Organizational Behaviour”, Pearson Education,
13th Ed., 2009.
2 Nelson, Organisational Behaviour, Cengage Learning, India, Latest Edition.
3 Fred Luthans, “Organizational Behaviour”, New York, McGraw Hill, 8th Edn.
4 John W Newstrom: Organisational Behaviour, Mc Graw Hill
5 Kavita Singh : Organisational Behaviour Text and Cases , Pearson
6 R. S. Dwivedi, “Human Relations and Organizational Behaviour: A Global
4|Page MBA – I Sem
Subject: Organizational Behaviour and Processes
IPS Academy, IBMR , Indore

Perspective”, MacmillanLatest Edition.

7 Jerald Greenberg and Robert A.Baron, Behaviour in Organisations, PHI
Learning, Latest Edition.Udai Pareek, Understanding Organzational Behavior,
Oxford Higher Education, 2nd Edition,2008.
9 M.N. Mishra, Organizational Behaviour, Vikas Publishing House, Reprint 2008.
10. Hitt, Millar, Colella, Organizational Behaviour A Strategic Approach, Wiley
India, Latest Edition.
11. Jai B P Sinha, Culture and Organizational Behaviour, Sage Publication,
Latest Edition.


1. Class tests/ assignment/presentation will be conducted.

2. There will be three major tests based on the practical and theoretical aspect
of the subjects. The marks of the best two major tests will be included in
internal marks.

3. Class performance and discipline will be an important factor for assessing internal marks.

4. The result of each tests/assignment will be declared within one week.

5. Attendance will be a multiplying factor as per given in academic plan.

VIII Rubric for Internal Assessment


Goal: Students examine the behavior of individuals and how they interact with each other in different
workplace organizations. Topics include an orientation to organizational behavior; individual behavior;
individual and behavioral processes; team processes; organizational dynamics; and organizational
Objective: To help students to understand human Behavior in organizations at cross cultural level
so that they improve their managerial effectiveness
16-20 Marks 11-15 Marks 06-10 Marks 00-05 Marks

__ Students __ Students __ Students __ Students

Outstanding Accomplished Meets the Criteria

5|Page MBA – I Sem

Subject: Organizational Behaviour and Processes
IPS Academy, IBMR , Indore

% Students having an % Students

understanding about Human Need More
Behavior in Organizations at % Students having to % Students Having
efforts for
cross cultural level so that understand about human understand about
they improve their managerial Behavior in organizations Human Behavior in
of Human
effectiveness towards Team. at cross cultural level. organizations.
Behavior in

IX: Scheme of Internal Marks:

Class Participation Internal Assessment Final Internal

Total Marks Out of
Presentation Quiz Assignment VIVA Internal 20
Out of 20 Out of 20 Out of 20 Out of 20 Out of 20

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Subject: Organizational Behaviour and Processes

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