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Atithi means guest

It is the verse in the Taittiriya Upanishad that says "Matru devo bhava, Pitru devo bhava,
Acharya devo bhava, Atithi devo bhava". Means One should worship Mother, Father,
Teacher and Guests as God.

Tithi in Sanskrit means a date. In ancient time when means of communication were
limited and it was not possible to anticipate date of arrival of guest the word "Atithi" was
coined to depict a visiting person who had no fixed date of arrival or departure. "Devo"
means God and Bhav means Be/Is, literally meaning "Guest is God"

There is another interpretation very different from the above

[edit] God is person

[edit] or Ritual of Pooja
In Hinduism God is worshiped in 5 Step worship or 16 step worship this is known as
Panchopchar Poojan and Shodshopchar Poojanrespectively.

These five step in Panchopchar Poojan are

1. Dhoop, means fragrance

2. Deep, means lamp
3. Naivaidya, means eatables
4. Akshat means rice
5. Pushp means flower

The "Shodshopchar Poojan" is simply elaboration of all these steps and is detailed form
of ritual. These Five Steps are actually five formalities that shall be observed while
receiving guest.

1. Dhoop or fragrance-While receiving guest we must see that rooms have pleasant
fragrance, because this is the first thing that attract or distract your guest. A
pleasant fragrance will put your guest in good humor.
2. Deep or lamp-In ancient time when there was no electricity a lamp was put
between host and guest so that expression and body language remain clearly
visible and there is no gap between host and guest.
3. Naivaidya or eatables-Fruits and sweets made of milk were offered to guest.
4. Akshat or rice-It is symbol of being undivided. A tilak made by paste of vermilion
is put on forehead and rice grains are placed on it. This is highest form of
welcome in Hindu Indian families.
5. Pushp means flower-Offering a flower has always remained a gesture of goodwill
since dawn of civilization. When the guest depart the flower is like sweet
memories that haunt him for several days.
[edit] Atithi devo bhav
This healthy tradition of Indian Hospitality is still in vogue in India. It attracts millions of
tourist every year. Taking advantage of this Tourism Department of India has started
campaign of Atithi devo bhav under the theme The Incredible India.

[edit] Campaign by Government of India

Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India, is using this ancient adage to promote tourism by a
publicity campaign. They are selling ‘Incredible India’. The ministry also started a
campaign ‘Atithi Devo Bhavah’, which they claim, ‘A nation wide campaign that aims at
sensitizing key stakeholders towards tourists, through a process of training and
orientation’. This is what the minister for tourism says on this program, “'Atithi Devo
Bhavah' is a Social Awareness Campaign aimed at providing the inbound tourist a sense
of being welcomed to the country. The campaign targets the general public as a whole,
while focusing mainly on the stakeholders of the tourism industry. The main components
of the campaign are training and orientation to taxi drivers, guides, immigration officers,
tourist police and other personnel directly interacting with the tourists, while
simultaneously creating a brand equity for the trained persons. "Atithi Devo Bhavah"
involves Sensitisation, Screening, Induction, Training and Orientation, Certification and
Feedback of key stakeholders of the Tourism industry in India.” Bollywood actor Aamir
Khan to be brand ambassador for 'Atithi Devo Bhava' Campaign for the Union Ministry
of Tourism. This was decided at a meeting here today between the Union Tourism and
Culture Minister Ambika Soni and Aamir.

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