Philippine Star, Oct. 22, 2019, Senator To Block 2-Year Work Probation Period PDF

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TUESDAY r OCTOBER 22,2019 news

Senators to block Sgnatofs r,o,'e"s.r

2-vear work Sen. Joel Villanuev4 chair-
man of the committee on labor
Sen. Sonny Angara said the
House bill may be iustified in
prob"ation period and emplovment, said the careers where more comPlex
bill appdars-to curb the right skills and training are needed
By PAOLO ROMERO of w6rkers in the Security of "but we have to be careful to
Tenure bill which he has been avoid cases where the unscru
pushing since the Previous pulous will take advantage of
The House bill seeking to lengthen a ihis lor,g"r period for Proba-
worker's probationary period will be dead "iV.rr{."tt would be on the tion."
once it reaches the Senate. "For examPle, is it necqs-
Senators issued the waming yesterday as
Iosing end if the Probation-
arv piriod is extended to 24 safy to have a person changing
thev shonslv opposed Hou se Bill 4802, filed min'ths from the current six bed sheets and towels for two
by 'Probln"syarid Ako Partylist Rep. lose vears? Definitelv not. So the
months," Villanueva said. "protection for
Singson Jr., which seeks to give employers
uo io two vears to deteirnine whether or not
He urged the DePartrneatt iuw must ensure
air employee is fit to be regularized.
of Labor and Employment to- employees agahGt abuse of the
"It pra'ctically goes against the move to fast'track the drafting of jts Iaw" Angara said.
version of the SecuritY of Ten- SenatE Minoritv Leader
remove contractualization lt needs a con-
ure bill so the committee can Franklin Drilon wirned the
siderable amount of study," Scnate Presi-
start tlre legislative Process on measure would be "dead on
dent Vicente Sotto III told rePorters. arrival" in the chamber once
Turn to Page 2
the measure. .

"We are determined to Push it Dasses the House.

for this measure because our "'I will oppose its passage. I{
workers stand to benefit the the House passes it, consider it
most from the SecuritY of Ten- DOAin the'Senate. This is unjust
ure bi1l" he added. and unreasonable," Drilon said.

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