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Ester Anggreni Simanjuntak (101318085) , Mohammad Rafi Syafwan (101318062)

Cantika Annisa Fitri (101318087) , Muhammad Bima Indarto (101317066)


In order to complete the task at the PEPE course, namely seeking information about oil and gas
from the experts, our group conducted an interview with a geologist named Mr. I Gede Rifki B.W.F, he is
an Integrated Geoscientist, Exploration geologist, and an Wellhead geologist with more than 5 years of
experience in the oil and gas industry at Petrochina. The reason why Mr. I Gede choose Petrochina
reather than other oil and gas companies is because Petrochina is one of the largest oil and gas company
in the world, which is one of the big nation oil companies in China, so in terms of safety it is more
According to Mr. I Gede the most important responsibility of a geosientist in terms of exploration
and energy is in terms of finding oil, and seeking the opportunities in a variety of ways and approaches.
Begins to interpret from its seismic, petrophysical, geochemical, and paleontology. In the oil industry,
the responsibilities for oil engineer are to maintain the reservoir, how to drain the reservoir, then
production. For example, in drilling a better way by using sludge, casing, optimum bits, etc. But for
geologists engineer is only one point, that is how to find oil or hydrocarbons by finding new reservoirs,
new traps, and others.
Mr. Gede's job as an exploration geologist, which is to work on an operation geologist includes in
the field as well as a geologist and petrophysic site. While working in the office, Mr. Gede worked to help
analyze data like a geoscientist in general. While working as a wellhead geologist is in terms of
responsibility for all data, data reliability, maintaining data retrieval and confidentiality of data taken from
the field. For example data logging, data cutting, and taking the results of samples using a tool called
EFBT. EFBT is a tool for taking samples in the form of liquid or gas from a reservoir. The last but not
least, all data is checked, appproved and sent to the office.
Mr. Gede's current project in the Jabung Block, Jambi is one of the working areas of Petrochina
International Company. Regarding the project that Mr. Gede is work on, everything is closely related to
the petroleum system, because when we talk “how to find the oil?” means, we ensure that the Petroleum
system works in that location. Mr. Gede's looks for petroleum systems that work both in conventional and
unconventional zones. Also, there is no relation with the geothermal system, because Petrochina itself,
only has a focus on oil companies, manly in the field of oil & gas hydrocarbons. Yet, geothermal system
has their own company and only focus in the gas field.
Regarding other next projects that Mr. Gede will be done in the future, perhaps there still lots of
project, but all of this will return to business. “Is fossil energy still needed?” That will be a big question
for everyone. “Is renewable energy is more promising for now?”. We can see the answer, s electricity,
there are from hydropower, PLTN, and others and could be from Geothermal, coal, it's all more
promising. As long as we see business potential in the oil & gas industry, we will continue to have
projects. Regarding the availability of oil, actually there is still a lot of oil and it will never run out,
because fossils will always form over time, the only obstacle is that the technology we use to find oil is
not optimal, many basins are not explored by humans because of the lack of technology. From problems
regarding technology itself, parties from Petrochina itself is planning the latest project that is being
worked on in the oil & gas field but is still a secret.

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