El Salvador v. Honduras: FACTS of The Case

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El Salvador v.

Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute Case
Judgment of 11 September 1992

FACTS of the case: Under this treaty a Joint Border Commission

was created to determine the boundary in the
On 11 December 1986, El Salvador and remaining six sectors as well as to decide upon the
Honduras jointly notified the Court of a Special legal status of the islands and the maritime spaces.
Agreement concluded between them on 24 May In the event that the parties did not reach a
1986 whereby a dispute referred to as "Land, Island settlement within five years, the treaty provided that
and Maritime Frontier Dispute" would be submitted the parties, within six months, conclude a Special
for decision by a Chamber to be constituted Agreement to submit the dispute to the ICJ.
according to Article 26 paragraph 2 of the Statute. Accordingly, a Special Agreement was concluded on
May, 24, 1986 requesting the Court to delimit the
The dispute was essentially rooted in the
frontier between El Salvador and Honduras in the
fall of the Spanish Colonial Empire in Central America
subject six sectors and to determine the legal status
in the 19th century. Both Honduras and El Salvador
of the islands in the Gulf of Fonseca, and the waters
belonged to the Captaincy-General of Guatemala,
of the Gulf itself.
which itself was a part of Mexico at the time. In
1821, Honduras and El Salvador joined the Federal RESOLUTION of the disputes:
Republic of Central America and became
independent in 1839 after the disintegration of the Regarding the land boundary involving six sectors
Federal Republic. Their respective national borders
corresponded to the administrative borders The Court relied on the uti possidetis
recognized for the former Spanish colonies according juris principle, according to which the national
to the uti possidetis iuris principle applied first in boundaries of former colonies correspond to the
Central America and later in Africa, which was earlier administrative borders of the colonies. The
generally accepted at the time. The dispute between Court underlined that it was the application of this
the two countries involves six sectors of principle which provided States liberated from
international land frontier, the legal status of islands, former colonial empires with internationally
and of maritime spaces within and outside the Gulf recognized borders. The different titles invoked by
of Fonseca. the parties to the case were of different legal value;
thus, the Court decided to recognize only the title
As early as 1854, the legal status of the deeds granted by the Spanish crown as valid proof of
islands located in the Gulf of Fonseca became an title as well as topographical characteristics in order
issue of dispute; the question of the land frontier to define a clearly recognizable borderline.
followed in 1861. Border incidents led to mounting
tension between the States and, ultimately, to an Colonial effectivites - the conduct of the
armed conflict in 1969. However, in 1972 the parties administrative authorities as proof of the effective
were able to reach an agreement on a substantial exercise of territorial jurisdiction in the region during
part of the land border between El Salvador and the colonial period.
Honduras; only six sectors of the frontier remained
Where the act corresponds exactly to law,
unsettled. A mediation process initiated in 1978
where effective administration is additional to the
resulted in the conclusion of a peace treaty in 1980.
uti possidetis juris, the only role of effectivite is to
corroborate the exercise of the right derived from a
legal title. Where the act does not correspond to the according to the uti possidetis juris principle.
law, where the territory which is the subject of the However, the application of this principle suffered
dispute is effectively administered by a State other from the lack of documents that might have testified
than the one possessing the legal title, preferences clearly the appurtenance of the islands to one
should be given to the holder of the title. In the administrative district or the other. Thus the Court
event that the effectivite does not coexist with any was forced to concentrate more on the behaviour of
legal title, it must invariably be taken into the parties with regard to the islands after 1821. On
consideration. Also, there are cases where the legal this basis the Court found that El Tigre appertained
title is not capable of showing exactly the territorial to Honduras and Meanguera and Meanguerita to El
expanse to which it relates. In such a situation, the Salvador.
effectivites can play an essential role in showing how
the title is interpreted in practice.

Ecclesiastical jurisdiction, in its primary Regarding the legal situation of the maritime spaces
sense, does not signify jurisdiction over ecclesiastics
The decision on the legal situation of the
("church leadership"), but jurisdiction exercised by
maritime spaces of the Gulf constituted the part of
church leaders over other leaders and over the laity.
the proceedings where the intervention of Nicaragua
Jurisdiction is a word borrowed from the legal
had been admitted. The Court, in this context, had
system which has acquired a wide extension in
first to decide whether the Special Agreement
theology, wherein, for example, it is frequently used
empowered it to draw the frontier only within or
in contradistinction to order, to express the right to
also outside the closing line of the Gulf. Following
administer sacraments as something added onto the
the argument of El Salvador, the Court came to the
power to celebrate them. So it is used to express the
conclusion that it was not competent to delimit the
territorial or other limits of ecclesiastical, executive
waters of the Gulf, because the Special Agreement
or legislative authority. Here it is used as the
did not contain indications in this sense.
authority by which judicial officers investigate and
decide cases under Canon law. According to the Agreement, the Court had
to determine the legal status of the waters of the
Gulf on the basis of applicable international law and,
Regarding the legal status of islands insofar as necessary, the General Peace Treaty of
1980 between El Salvador and Honduras. In view of
With regard to the islands in the Gulf of its general characteristics, dimensions and
Fonseca, the Court decided that, according to Art. 2 proportions, the Gulf would today be regarded as a
para. 2 of the Special Agreement, the parties had juridical bay in accordance with the Convention on
transferred general jurisdiction over all islands the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of 1958
located in the Gulf to the Court as far as their and the Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982.
national affiliation was in dispute. Accordingly, the As a consequence thereof, if the Gulf was a single
Court concluded that three islands were in dispute, State bay, a closing line could be drawn and the
namely El Tigre, Meanguera and Meanguerita, waters thereby enclosed and considered as internal
refusing Honduras' contention that El Tigre had been waters. However, the Gulf was not a single State bay
part of Honduras since 1854, without challenge. but constituted a so called historical bay, which is
neither defined in the 1958 Convention nor in the
The decision of the Court was based on the Convention of 1982. From this fact the Court
assumption that none of the islands had been terra concluded that its decision had to be taken on the
nullius in 1821, the date of independance. Thus, basis of customary international law.
sovereignty over the islands had been achieved
After reviewing its own jurisprudence on communal succession for the three States was a
the topic, the Court found that it had to examine the logical consequence of the uti possidetis
history of the Gulf. In this context, much weight was juris principle with regard to the sovereignty of the
accorded to a judgment of the Central American Gulf.
Court of Justice of 1917 in a dispute between El
Salvador and Nicaragua. That Court had come to the Finally, the Court drew the closing line of
conclusion that the Gulf of Fonseca effectively the Gulf between Punta de Amapala and Punta
constituted a "closed sea" belonging to all three Cosiguina and determined that the special regime of
coastal States communally, with the exception of a the Gulf did not extend beyond this closing line. The
three mile zone established unilaterally by each legal status of these waters inside the Gulf were
coastal State. Thus, the Central American Court defined by the Court as sui generis, but would be the
viewed the Gulf of Fonseca as a condominium same as that of internal waters and not that of
resulting from the succession of the three States territorial sea, except for the three-mile coastal zone
from Spain in 1821. Until then, the Gulf had been a of each State.
single State bay belonging to Spain alone.
As to the waters outside the Gulf, the
According to the Court, the decision of the Chamber noted that intirely new concepts of
Central American Court underlined the fact that at maritime law existed present day, unheard of in
the time of independence, no boundaries were 1917. The Chamber held in this context that there is
delimited in the Gulf and thus the waters had a territorial sea proper seawards of the closing line
remained undivided. The Court, however, stressed of the Gulf. Since there is a condominium of the
that the decision of the Central American Court waters inside the Gulf, there is a tripartite presence
constituted a binding judgment only between the at the closing line. Only seaward of the closing line
two parties originally involved, namely El Salvador could modern territorial seas exist, as otherwise, the
and Nicaragua, and accordingly, the Court had to Gulf waters could not be waters of a historic bay.
reach its own decision. The Court affirmed that the Therefore, the three coastal States, joint sovereigns
Gulf of Fonseca was a case of "historic waters", of the internal waters, must each be entitled outside
whereby the three coastal States had succeeded to the closing line to a territorial sea, continental shelf
communal sovereignty. In contrast to the frontier and exclusive economic zone. It is, however, for the
delimited on land, the waters of the Gulf had never three States to decide whether this situation should
been divided or otherwise delimited after the be upheld or replaced by a division and delimitation
independence of the three coastal States. Thus, the into three separate zones.

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