Rules For The Game of Light

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Rules For The Game of Light

● Start off with a Token

● Roll a Die for number of spaces to travel
● Follow Instructions on space (ONLY FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS AFTER
○ +1 square = advance 1 space and neglect instruction on space
○ +2 square = advance 2 spaces and neglect instruction on space
○ -1 square = go back 1 space and neglect instruction on space
○ -2 square = go back 2 space and neglect instruction on space
○ Card space = draw card and follow instruction but do not follow the
instructions on any space you are sent to
○ Fusion space = Has no instruction is only a checkpoint for what
element you are: Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium.
○ Photon Escape Space = simply a checkpoint.
● In order to win a player must reach earth before the other players do
● Card types:
○ Fusion cycle: Roll the die, 1-3 = go back to the last fusion space 4-6 =
○ Convection Current: Roll the die, 1-4 = go back 2x the number you
rolled, 5-6 go forward 3 spaces
○ Sunspot: If lithium or above go forward 3 spaces, if lower than lithium
○ Photon escape: Go straight to photon escape space

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