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force. Daily practice of yagya leads to a divine thousands of years.

ears. The Rishis requested A Mislead Deity Movement for the Reconstruction of the Era
Founder-Patron of Shantikunj and peaceful atmosphere in Shantikunj. Revered Gurudev to promote and propagate The premises of the Mother Gayatri also has
Acharyashri performed intense spiritual
(Yug Nirman Yojna), the constructive social
Important Contacts
Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya and Mata penance in the presence of this eternal flame, Reception: Reception takes care of the stay
Bhagavati Devi Sharma People with spiritual insights state that ancient their unfinished tasks. Gurudev readily the temple of 'A Mislead Deity'. Asharyashri and thus made it the root source of all the activities being conducted from Shantikunj,
arrangement of the people who come here
Yug-Rishi (Saint of the Era), Vedmoorti (Wrote saints and divine souls come to this accepted this as a divine directive from the has said that our own life is that true deity, achievements of the huge Gayatri Pariwar and a brief glimpse of the voluminous
for specific reasons in accordance with the
authoritative commentary on Vedas), yagyashala in subtle form and make oblations Rishis and started promoting the revolutionary which needs to be controlled in order to arouse (family). More than 2400 crore Gayatri Mantra literature written
discipline of the ashram.
Taponishtha (practiced tough spiritual in the yagya to strengthen the Movement for works of 21 Rishis after coming back to the divine capabilities and inculcate righteous have been chanted so far in its presence. Just by by Revered
Guide: For inquisitive visitors, there is free
penance) Aacharya Pandit Shriram Sharma the Reconstruction of the Era. Shantikunj. The idols virtues. This is the taking a glimpse of this eternal flame, people Gurudev. The
(who, in the present Era, is considered of cost arrangement of guides and video
of seven of these summary of all the receive divine inspirations and inner strength. books written by
equivalent to the ancient Saints like Vashishtha, Vyas, Bhagirath, Yagyavalkya, etc.) and his presentations.
3. Book Stall (Enlightening Literature) Rishis have been teachings of Revered Gurudev
wife Mata Bhagavati Devi Sharma (who, like Mata Arundhati and Mata Shardamani, Training Camps (Shivir) Office: Contact
The primary foundation of the Movement for established as spirituality. Vedas and 7. Devatma (Divine) Himalayas temple are also
complemented him in all his endeavors) are the founder – patron of Shantikunj. By their this office for getting information about
intense austerities and spiritual penance they proclaimed and propagated the divine the Reconstruction of the Era is the revolution- temples of ancient Upanishads also tell The temple of the Divine Himalayas is an displayed here.
various training camps and seeking
Movement for the Reconstruction of the Era, which is committed to create a bright future for ary thoughts of Revered Gurudev. Acharyashri Rishis in Shantikunj; a the same thing. extraordinary creation that does not exist permission to participate in these.
the entire humanity. For this, they liberated the Gayatri Mantra, which provides righteous wrote about 3200 books on almost all aspects part of their subtle anywhere else. Here, 9. Haritima Devalaya (Temple having Zonal Office: Contact this office for getting
intellect, and Yagya (which provides inspiration for righteous actions), and made is readily of human life. This life transforming literature form resides in these idols and continuously Sadhana (Spiritual Penance) Room Collection of Rare Plants & Medicinal Herbs)
one can get the divine information about various branches-
available to the common masses irrespective of gender, religion, caste, creed, color. is readily available in the book stall - the temple provides divine spiritual energy and protec- Inside Shantikunj, every true spiritual seeker Shantikunj has undertaken two construc-
sight of the four Dham Shaktipeeths of Gayatri Pariwar all over the
of righteous knowledge at Shantikunj. It tion. experiences the divinity inherent in its (auspicious pilgrim- tive movements related to the protection country and the programs conducted by
provides active guidance to people of all kinds atmosphere. This is the effect of daily chanting age centers - and conservation plants – 1. Conservation these.
Importance of Various Sites
of mindsets and 5. Temple of Mother Gayatri of about 1 crore Gayatri Mantra chanting and Badrinath, Kedarnath, and enhancement of the green cover of the Youth and Seven Constructive Movements
1 Prakhar Pragya – Sajal Shraddha 2 Yagyashala conditions, solves Visit to the divine spiritual abodes of deities daily performance of yagya. Whoever does Yamunotri & Gangotri), Earth (Haritima Cell: Contact this cell to get information
Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya Yagya is a way of life and the root of divine their problems, and (pilgrimage centers) is an important part of mantra chanting and meditation in the the five Prayag (Vishnu Prayag, Nand Prayag, Samvardhan) and about various Movements being run all over
and Revered Mata Bhagavati Devi Indian culture. This is why yagya is fills them with divine spiritual life style. The main purpose of these Sadhana Room situated in front of the Mother Karn prayag, Rudra Prayag and Dev Prayag) & the 2. Health conser- the country and how to participate in these.
Sharma have been actively involved in intrinsically connected with all the festivals, inspiration and visits is to derive continuous inspiration for Gayatri temple, gets the benefits of the pious streams of holy rivers Ganga & Yamuna. vation through Sacramental Rites Cell: If you want to get
uplifting people and sacramental rites, energy. Besides Hindi imbibing the divine collective spiritual penance thatis being Himalayas are the source of divine medicinal herbs. some sacramental rite done then first get it
helping to alleaviate etc. In the and English lan- virtues symbolized performed here regularly. spiritual energy for the world where the Haritima Devalaya registered in this cell.
their sufferings, both Yagyashala (place guages, this literature is available at an by the deity in one's Council of ancient Rishis (saints) has been has the collection Abroad Cell: People who want to get
during their life time and where fire extremely affordable price in several other life as well as to seek 6. Akhand Deep (Eternal Lamp) practicing intense spiritual penance since of both normal and rare medicinal herbs information and participate in the activities
also after shedding this ceremony is done) regional Indian languages as well. blessings and In Shantikunj, people can also see the divine eternity. Seekers of the spiritual path are found in different regions. Here, proper being conducted in foreign countries should
physical sheath. at Shantikunj, the Several other things like herbal medi- guidance. Revered eternal light (Akhand naturally attracted towards the Himalayas. training is given for identifying these herbs contact this Cell. The stay arrangement and
Prakhar Pragya – Sajal fire that burns in the cines, inspirational audio and video CDs of the Acharyashri told that Jyoti) that was lighted Revered Gurudev believes that all the seekers and knowing what are their benefits and guidance of visitors from foreign countries
Shraddha, which is the eternal abode of yagya kundas is a part of an eternal fire that Mission, stickers, etc. are also available at the the best thing that can be requested from God by Pandit Shriram of the spiritual path must meditate upon the how are these used. This training is also a is also arranged by this Cell.
Revered Gurusatta, is the readily has been kept burning in the Himalayas by book stall. is righteous intellect. If a person gains Sharma Acharya in Himalayas; this nourishes them with divine part of the one month training camp for Medical Facility - Hospital: Contact for
accessible spot for offering heartfelt the sages; this was brought to Shantikunj by righteous wisdom and intellect then he will 1926 on the day of energy and strength. He established the temple creating lok-sevi (individuals dedicated for getting free of cost medical consultancy and
emotional prayers to them. Everyone has Revered Gurudev. Ever since the establish- 4. Temples of Ancient Rishis (Saints) automatically start moving on the righteous Vasant Panchami of the divine Himalayas in Shantikunj so that social service) that is regularly conducted at treatment.
felt that just like earlier times, even today ment of Shantikunj, every day yagya is During the trip of Revered Pandit Shriram path and will be able to perceive happiness festival. This lamp spiritual seekers can easily meditate on it. Shantikunj. Training is also imparted on Membership of Magazines / Donation:
they provide all possible support for conducted here. These days, on an average Sharma Acharya to the Himalayas, he got a and contentment in every situation; these was lighted by Acharyashri at his birth place how to plant trees in houses and farmlands, Counters have been set up at prominent
fulfilling the righteous prayers of their about 2000 spiritual seekers get trained in chance to communicate with the ancient divine inspirations are actively propagated by (Anwalkheda village in Agra district, Uttar and how to enhance the green cover of the locations for subscribing to various
8. Exhibition of the Divine Culture
followers. this life style together with practicing Rishis in their subtle bodies, who have been the temple of Mother Gayatri. Pradesh) when he was 15 years old; this lamp Earth. The visitors are given saplings of magazines of Gayatri Pariwar and giving
This picture exhibition depicts the life history
spiritual penance. Yagya generates vital life doing intense spiritual penance since has ever since been kept lighted. various plants in the form of blessings. donations.
of Revered Gurudev and Revered Mataji, their
Constructive Movements being
run by Shantikunj all over India
Baby Shower, Namkaran-Naming Ceremony,
Annaprashan, Mumdan-Tonsure, Shikha
of Rajasthan). Various activities being conducted
under this Movement include cleaning of the banks Specialities of Shantikunj Essential Information about Stay Arrangements at Shantikunj
• The stay arrangements in Shantikunj are available only for those people who come here either
Gayatri Tirth
Sthapan, Yagyopaveet-Thread Ceremony, Vivah- of river bodies, awareness drives and constitution • Shantikunj is an academy for refinement of
Sadhana (Spiritual Penance): Nine day Marriage, Janmadivas-Birthday, Vivahdivas- of service groups (seva mandal) in coastal cities personalities. It teaches people to rise above to participate in spiritual penance and training camps (the main focus of Shantikunj), or to
Sanjivani Sadhana camps are regularly Marrige Anniversary, Shraddha-Tarpan, etc.) are and villages, extensive tree plantation on the banks, the mean mentality of caste, creed, sect, conduct some sacramental rite, or, after taking due permission, just to visit this spiritually
conducted at Shantikunj (every month from 1st religion, etc. and learn how to lead a holistic charged pilgrimage center. Those who come here just as visitors are given a maximum
to 9th, 11th to 19th, and 21st to 29th). These
conducted in Shantikunj in an extremely and encouraging people to do organic farming.
lifestyle. People belonging to all the religions
Philosophy and Vision
inspirational manner and totally free of cost. The permission of two day stay and they are required to participate in all its daily activities.
camps explain the difficult concepts of divine ambiance and pious inspirations present Disaster Management: Shantikunj is a nationally and sections of society come here to • Stay arrangement is free of cost. There is no need for prior reservation. Space is given subject
spirituality in a simple manner and teach various herein make the sacramental rite extremely recognized center for expertise in disaster participate in various training programs and to availability at the time of arrival. Spiritual seekers are given group accommodation only –
Gayatri Teerth Shantikunj
simple methods for adopting these principles in effective. Thousands of people come here every management. An active disaster management team practice spiritual penance. • Shantikunj is a spiritually charged
our lives. The inculcation of these principles separate rooms are not given. People can stay outside Shantikunj also and take part in all its
year to conduct various costly sacramental rites is present here that has been trained in government • Here there is extremely favorable pilgrimage center that has given
results in the upliftment and refinement of our environment, proper guidance and intense activities.
like marriage, thread ceremony, etc., in an run disaster management training institutions. This righteous direction and long lasting
character, thoughts and behaviour, which in turn extremely simple manner; thus they save crores team is always involved in the management of spiritual energy for the upliftment and sound
the form of blessings of righteous peace-happiness to the lives of crores
creates an effective personality. For more of rupees of both themselves and the nation. sudden disasters as well as tackling the problem of health of the entire personality including body, What to do, How to get connected? of people. Here, about 24 lakhs
elevated spiritual seekers Antah Urja Jagaran irregular waste disposal and open air defecation in mind and consciousness. 1. For detailed description of Shantikunj, read knowledge. Regularly read and
(arousal of divine inner strength) camps are • Shantikunj inspires people to believe in contemplate upon this literature. The (24,00,000) Gayatri Mantra are
Health: Shantikunj has revived Ayurved so that rural areas, running mass awareness campaigns, – 'Shantikunj – An Introduction'; 'Our Pledge
organized on specific dates. righteous thoughts and actions instead of thoughts and teachings of Acharyashri chanted daily by dedicated spiritual
health services may be easily available to enhancing the green cover of the Ear th, etc. There for the Constructive Recreation of the Era'
everybody. Shantikunj inspires everyone to are thousands of disaster management groups of having faith in superstitions, illogical beliefs, (basic tenets and concepts for the creation bring revolutionary transformation in the life seekers and about 1000 people tale
Training of Lok-Sevi (people dedicated to attain holistic health by adopting proper food Gayatri Pariwar spread all over the country. Gayatri fate, etc. Everything should be tested on the of the new Era); 'My Will – Its Legacy and of a person. part in the Gayatri Yagya.
social service): One of the main aims of habits, proper daily routine, purity of thoughts Pariwar has actively participated for months in relief basis of logical reasoning and due wisdom • This is an ideal center that imparts
Message' (Autobiography of Vedmoorty,
Shantikunj is to provide holistic training to people and easily available medicinal herbs. and rehabilitation drives during several national should be employed in adopting anything. Magazines of Gayatri Pariwar Akhand training to the masses based on divine
Taponishtha Pandit Shriram Sharma
committed to social service (lok-sevi) and in turn disasters. In Uttarakhand it is an extremely effective • As per ancient Indian tradition, Shantikunj Jyoti (monthly) – in Hindi, English, Marathi, spiritual principles. Training on
refine the thought process of the masses. One Self-Reliance: For financial self-reliance and reliable disaster management center for the encourages joint family system and practices Odia, Bengali, Telugu, Assamese, Kannada; Scientific Spirituality is imparted here
month Yug-Shilpi (people who can contribute to training of various cottage inductries like government. Shantikunj participates in the the same. This huge spiritual center is fully Yug Nirman Yojna (monthly) – in Hindi; Yug
constructive recreation of the Era) camp, one 2 There are three steps for participation in the free of cost.
handloom, hand-made paper, screen printing, management of various recurrent disasters in the managed by dedicated volunteers. The family Shakti Gayatri (monthly) – in Gujarati; and,
month Parivrajak (person committed to going members living here are allotted various tasks Movement for the Constructive Recreation • All the sacramental rites are conducted
bakery, etc. is given in Shantikunj. state as well as in the nation such as landslide, Pragya Abhiyan (fortnightly) – in Hindi,
place to place for creating mass awareness) according to their expertise and various of the Era (Yug Nirman Yojna) – Upasana, here in accordance with the divine
cloud burst, fire, flood, etc. Gujarati, Marathi and Bengali.
Training camp, three month Music camp, and Protection of Environment: Shantikunj has resources as per their basic needs are made Sadhana, Aradhana. ú
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¢ Indian culture and by arousing divine
Village Management camps are regularly available to them. Everyone keeps each Upasana: Chant three rosaries of Gayatri Ö» æ
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started the Vriksha Ganga (river of trees) Eradication of Unjust Social Customs: Shantikunj 4. Practice Bali-Vaishya Yagya for the
organized here. Besides these, personality other's welfare in mind. Mantra for self refinement. free of cost.
refinement camps for teachers, scout-guide,
Movement for the enhancement of the green has run strong campaigns against various unjust
• The attachments of the world do not exist here. Sadhana: Take a pledge and strive to leave refinement of thoughts and emotions of ç
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cover of the Earth. Through this movement one social customs like addiction, dowry, female
bank, railways and government officials, etc. are The world works for achieving name, fame, your vices and bad habits. family members and inculcating divine
crore trees have been planted all over the nation. feticide, etc. that are weakening the society.
organized here from time to time. position and money, Shantikunj inspires Aradhana: Ensure your participation in virtues in them.
There is special arrangement for 'Waste Extraordinary success has been achieved in these
Management' in Shantikunj. Not even a single campaigns. feelings of selfless service to humanity. some kind of social service activity.
Education: The Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya speck of waste is thrown out; there is full • The Supreme Consciousness of Mother 5. Contact the Youth and Seven Constructive
(University) established by Shantikunj is provision for recycling of all kinds of waste. Women Empowerment: Revered Gurudev had Gayatri is being propagated all over the world 3. In order to maintain continuous contact with Revolutions Cell of Shantikunj, get detailed
inculcating the virtues of patriotism and social declared '21st Century – the Century of the Women' from here. There are more than 6000 Shantikunj, you must subscribe to the information about the various Constructive
service in its students through its state-of-the- (ikkisavi sadi – nari sadi) and said that women will Shaktipeeths-Branches etablished by Gayatri magazines of the Mission. Make sure to Movements run by Shantikunj, and ensure
Movement for the Cleaning of Rivers and
art unique curriculum. The nationwide lead the new Era. Through the strength of his Pariwar all over the world that gain take the literature written by Acharyashri in your participation in these Movements.
Pilgrimage Centers: Gayatri Pariwar has
organization of Bhartiya Sanskriti Gyan Pariksha intense spiritual penance, crores of women of the continuous inspiration and guidance from
launched the nationwide Bhagirathi Jalabhishek
(examination for testing the knowledge of Indian nation got the right to pray to Mother Gayatri. Shantikunj for conducting mass awareness
Movement, in which the cleaning of holy Ganga
Culture) and Bal Sanskar Shala (camps for Thousands of divine women are inculcating campaigns and strive for the revival of Gayatri Tirth - Shantikunj, Hairdwar-249411 (Uttarakhand)
river from Gangotri to Gangasagar has been
inculcating divine virtues in children) are coordi- righteous virtues in their families and generating a spirituality. Phone: (01334) 260602 • Fax: 01334-260866
undertaken. Since past several years continuous
nated from Shantikunj. It is also the headquarter of refined constructive consciousness in the society • There is perfect confluence of Dharma E-mail: • Website:
efforts have been on for the purification of
'Yug Nirman Bharat Scout and Guide'. by performing the role of spiritual preachers (righteous duty - Spirituality) and Science in
various rivers like Narmada and Tapti (lifeline of
(purohit). The women empowerment movement of all the teachings that are imparted here.
Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat), Shivana
Sanskar (Sacramental Rites): All the Gayatri Pariwar is continuously striving to make the People are made aware of the scientific basis
(Mandasaur, M.P.), Dohi (Alirajpur, M.P.),
sacramental rites of Indian Culture (Punsavan- women well cultured, gentle, emotionally sensitive of all the spiritual activities that are performed
Mandakini (Chitrakoot, M.P.), and Banas (lifeline
and full of divine virtues. here.

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