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Sl no. topic Page no.

1) introduction

2) Experiment

3) bibliography

Water is an important and essential ingredient in our quest for

survival on this planet. It is very essential for carrying out various
metabolic processes in our body and also to carry out haemoglobin
throughout the body.
A daily average of 1 gallon per man is sufficient foe drinking and
cooking purposes. With the increasing world population, the
demand for drinking water has also increased dramatically and
therefore it is very essential to identify resources of water from
which we can use water for drinking purpose. Since many available
resources of water do not have it in drinkable form, in order to fulfill
the demand the water, it needs to be purified and supplied in an
orderly and systematic way.


There are many methods for the purification of water, such as :

 Boiling
 Filtration
 Bleaching powder treatment
 SODIS ( Solar Water Disinfection)


Therefore we need a purification technique which can be used
anytime and anywhere, does not require the use of any third part
content and which is also economically feasible on both normal
scale and large scale. Hence we look at the method of purification of
water using the technique of treatment by bleaching powder
commonly known as ‘Chlorination’.

Aim: To determine the dosage of bleaching powder required for
sterilisation or disinfection of various samples of water.
Requirements: Burette, titration flask, 100ml graduated
cylinder, 250ml measuring flask, weight box, glazed tile, glasswool,
bleaching powder, 0.1 N Na2S2O3 solution, 10% KI solution, different
samples of water, starch solution.
Theory: Bleaching powder when dissolved in water contains
dissolved chlorine, liberated by the action of bleaching powder with
Ca(OCl)2 + H2O = Ca(OH)2 + Cl2
The amount of chlorine present is determined by treating a known
volume with excess of 10% KI solution, when equivalent amount of
I2 is liberated. The I2 thus liberated, is then estimated by titrating it
against a standard solution of Sodium thiosulphate, using starch
solution as an indicator.
Cl2 + KI = 2KCl + I2
2 Na2S2O3I2 = Na2S4O6 + 2NaI

1)preparation of bleaching powder solution-

Weigh accurately 2.5g of bleaching powder and transfer it to a

250ml conical flask. Add about 100ml of distilled water. Stopper the
flask and shake it vigorously. The suspension thus obtained is
filtered through glasswool and the filter is diluted with water (in a
measuring flask) to make the volume 250ml. The solution obtained
is 1% bleaching powder solution.
2) Take 10ml of bleaching powder solution in a stoppered conical
flask and add to it 20ml of 10% KI solution. Stopper the flask and
shake it vigorously. Titrate the solution against 0.1 N Na2S2O3
solution taken in the burette. When the solution in the conical flask
becomes light yellow in colour, add about 2ml of starch solution.
The solution now becomes blue in colour. Continue titrating till the
blue colour just disappears. Repeat the titration to get a set of three
concordant readings.
3) Take 100ml of the water sample in a 250ml stoppered conical
flask and add to it 10ml of bleaching powder solution. Then add
20ml of KI solution and stopper the flask. Shake vigorously and
titrate against 0.1 N Na2S2O3 solution using starch solution as
4) Repeat the step 3 with other samples of water and record the

Weight of the bleaching powder dissolved to prepare 250ml of
solution = 2.5g
Titration I:-

Bleaching powder solution against 0.1N Na2S2O3 solution

Volume of bleaching powder solution taken for each titration = 10.0
Volume of KI solution added = 20.0ml

Sl. no. Burette readings Vol. of 0.1 N

Na2S2O3 solution
Initial Final used
1) 0 15.3 15.3

2) 15.3 30.6 15.3

3) 30.6 45.9 15.3
Concordant volume = 15.3ml (say V1 ml)
Titration ii:-

Volume of water sample I taken for each titration =100ml

Volume of bleaching powder solution added =10.0ml
Volume of KI solution added =20.0ml

Sl. no. Burette readings Vol. of 0.1N

Na2S2O3 solution
Initial Final
1) 0 13.2 13.2

2) 13.2 26.4 13.2

3) 26.4 39.6 13.2

Concordant volume = 13.2ml (say V2 ml)

Titration iIi :-

Sl. no. Burette readings Vol. of 0.1N

Na2S2O3 solution
Initial Final
1) 0 11.4 11.4

2) 11.4 22.8 11.4

3) 22.8 34.2 11.4

Concordant volume = 11.4ml (say V3 ml)

Titration iV:-

Sl. no. Burette readings Vol. of 0.1N

Na2S2O3 solution
Initial Final
1) 0 10 10

2) 10 20 10

3) 20 30 10

Concordant volume = 10ml (say V4 ml)

Amount of bleaching powder used to disinfect 100ml of tap water =
(15.3 – 13.2) ml of 0.1N Na2S2O3 solution=2.1ml 0.1N Na2S2O3
Since 250ml bleaching powder solution contains 2.5g bleaching
powder, thus 1ml of bleaching powder solution contains = 2.5/250 =
0.01g bleaching powder
Also, 20ml of bleaching powder solution = 15.3ml of 0.1N Na2S2O3
solution. So, 1ml of Na2S2O3 solution = 20/15.3ml of bleaching
powder solution.
Volume of bleaching powder solution used to disinfect 100ml of
water =2.1 x 20/15.3ml.
2.1 x 20/15.3ml of bleaching powder solution = 2.1 x 20 x
0.01/15.3g of bleaching powder.
Amount of bleaching powder used to disinfect 1L of water = 2.1 x 20
x 0.01 x 1000/15.3 x 100 = .274g


Amount of bleaching powder used to disinfect 100ml of pond water
= (15.3 - 11.4) ml of 0.1N Na2S2O3 solution = 3.9ml of 0.1N Na2S2O3
Since 250ml bleaching powder solution contains 2.5g bleaching
powder, thus 1ml of bleaching powder solution contains = 2.5/250 =
0.01g bleaching powder.
Also, 20ml of bleaching powder solution = 15.3ml of 0.1N Na2S2O3
solution. So, 1ml of Na2S2O3 solution = 20/15.3ml of bleaching
powder solution.
Volume of bleaching powder solution used to disinfect 100ml of
water =3.9 x 20/15.3ml.
3.9 x 20/15.3ml of bleaching powder solution = 3.9 x 20 x
0.01/15.3g of bleaching powder.
Amount of bleaching powder used to disinfect 1L of water = 3.9 x 20
x 0.01 x 1000/15.3 x 100 = .509g


Amount of bleaching powder used to disinfect 100ml of tank water

= (15.3 - 10) ml of 0.1N Na2S2O3 solution =5.3ml of 0.1N Na2S2O3
Since 250ml bleaching powder solution contains 2.5g bleaching
powder, thus 1ml of bleaching powder solution contains = 2.5/250 =
0.01g bleaching powder.
Also, 20ml of bleaching powder solution = 15.3ml of 0.1N Na2S2O3
solution. So, 1ml of Na2S2O3 solution = 20/15.3ml of bleaching
powder solution.
Volume of bleaching powder solution used to disinfect 100ml of
water =5.3 x 20/15.3ml.
5.3 x 20/15.3ml of bleaching powder solution = 5.3 x 20 x
0.01/15.3g of bleaching powder.
Amount of bleaching powder used to disinfect 1L of water = 5.3 x 20
x 0.01 x 1000/15.3 x 100 = .692g

Amount of the samples required to disinfect 1L of water –
 SAMPLE I = .274g
 SAMPLE II = .509g
 SAMPLE III = .692g
Thus we get the amount required for disinfection and if bleaching
powder is taken less than this, water will remain impure and if it is
taken in excess than this, then also it will be harmful as it will
contain chlorine.
The results show that the sample III requires the highest amount of
bleaching powder, hence it is most impure followed by sample II
and then sample I.

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