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Crying Stone

Once upon a time in small village in west Kalimantan Indonesia live a crazy
rich family. They have huge fields, so they have a lot of workers. They lived in
luxury, which made the young lady being a greedy. Darmi, was clearly wonderful.
Lamentably she had a terrible mentality. Darmi, she is spoiled girl. Besides she
spoiled she is also a lazy girl. Everyday she just watch her self in front of the mirror
to admire her beauty. Darmi’s father and mother was very generous, but their young
lady, Darmi, did not allow people enjoy their possessions. One day a worker wanted
to borrow money from Darmi’s father, but Darmi refused. Because of Darmi’s
refusal, and the nasty treatment of Darmi, the worker’s came up a evil idea made
them poor because of the attitude of Darmi’s envy. One night he set fire to the
Darmi family’s possessions. Which took everything away, including the house they
lived in.

Darmi’s father : Oh My God! What just happened? Noooooo, my


Darmi’s mother : It’s ok, this is me and Darmi, always beside you.

Because of the fire, they lost everything they had, forcing them to live far
away up the hill. These conditions force them to work hard for necessities of life.
But, Darmi rejected the fact that she could not accept that she was living in proverty.

Darmi’s father : Darmi, you have to go to the wilderness with us, to find dry
woods. You can not just stay home and beautify your self.

Drmi : NO! This is your fault that we into proverty. I do not wanna
go with you.

After a few years passed, because had been working in the wildernes to find
dry woods, Darmi’s father sicken. This is making their economy crash even more,
and made darmi even angrier. All she had in mind was money.
Darmi’s father : I do not think i have long life, so you have to tolerate an
Darmi’s attitude. Even so, she is our only one daughter.

Darmi’s mother : Please do not say like that, we have to live together forever
and live happily together.

Darmi’s father : I have to go, you have to be strong.

Since Darmi’s father passed away their life getting harder. The old widower
is poor to the point that she must buckle down consistently. To comply their needs
of their lives she gathered dry woods in the wilderness and sold them in the market
once per week.She did not want to help her mother. Everytime her mother took her
to the village she always refuse.

Darmi’s mother : Honey, lets go to the wilderness and give me a hand.

Darmi : No! You go by yourself mom. I can not to come to help. I do not
want to break my nails and my skin will go black. Hmmmm.... I do not want to
do it mom.

Darmi’s mother : Do not you feel sad to see i got it everyday?

Darmi : No at all. You go by yourself woking in the wilderness because

you only the old, no one can attend it to you.

Hearing the answer of her daughter, the widower can not say anymore,
nevertheless Darmi sill stay in her heart. When she comeback home, Darmi
always asking for money to buy her beauty product.

Darmi : Mom, where is your today salary?

Darmi’s mother : Oh please,do not take it. I need to buy groceries.
Darmi : But mom, my makeup rans out, I need to buy another one.
Darmi’s mother : You such a kid has not the grace, only thing really good it is
spending money without working

Eventhough she was angry, she still give the money to Darmi. Until the
next day when her mother come home from work Darmi ask her money, and this
situation almost happened most of the time. Like normal, in consistently end, the
old widower went down to the market to offer dry woods. When she want to go
the market, Darmi asked her mother to buy some cosmetic product, but her
mother did not know what kind of the product. Because of that, she asked to the
Darmi to come with her.

Darmi’s mother : So, lets go with me go to the market.

Darmi : I do not want to go to the market with you.
Darmi’s mother : But, I do not know what cosmetic product you are talking about

After during fo a while, finally Darmi want to go to the market with her
Darmi : Oke! I will go with you go to the market,but with one condition.
You need to walk behind me.
Darmi’s mother : Why should I do that?
Darmi : I feel shame to the people if I walking by side with you.
Darmi’s mother : Why you feel embarrased, it was not me your mother?
Darmi : You should looking your self in the mirror. Look at your face
and your dirty dress. I feel so embarrased to have mother like you

The market was so distant from their home. They ought to stroll down the
slope and pass a town. The young lady wore pleasant garments and spruce up so
the individuals who saw her will be appreciating her excellence. In opposite, her
mom wore grimy garments with a crate brimming with dry wood on her back.
And no one realize that the young lady and the old widower were mother and little
girl on the grounds that they lived alone on the highest point of slope.
On the way Darmi met her friend from another village.
People 1 : Hi Darmi. Where are you going?
Darmi : Go to the market
People one : By the way,who is someone behind you? Is your mother?
Darmi : Emm big no! She is my housemaid.

The old woman could comprehend why her own little girl said as much. She
just pointed the finger at herself that she couldn’t be the mother that her little girl
needed. The old woman just kept noiseless and proceeded with the trip. Not far
from there, a young fellow drew closer again and asked the young lady the same

People 2 : Greetings sweetheart. Where are you going?

Darmi : I want to go to the market.

People 2 : Is it your mom who strolls behind you?

Darmi : Of course no,she not my mother. She just my housemaid.

Darmi’s mother heart is getting sadder, so capable his daughter can claim
that she is housmaid. But she was desperately holding on to it. Finally they are got
at the market. When they went to the market, Darmi met another her friend.

People 3 : Darmi! It is nice of you to go to the market. Ouh, who is behind


Darmi : Ohhh she is my housemaid.

People 3 : Oh really? But i know ypu are lying.

Darmi : she is really my housemaid

People 3 : But i know who she is, you do not be like that to your mother

Darmi : What are you getting at? Go away!

It hurt the old woman so much that her own particular little girl did not
concede that she was her mom. The noiseless swung to bitterness. The trouble
swung to frenzy. Also, when a mother was frantic, a terrible thing would take after.
At long last, the poor old dowager can’t avoid any longer. The old dowager
appealed to the God to rebuff her insubordinate girl.

Darmi’s mother : Gracious my God, I was not ready to oppose this affront. Why
my own particular little girl treat her own mom like this. Yes, God rebuff this
insubordinate youngster! Rebuff her….

On the force of God Almighty, gradually her body was swung to stone. The
change begins from the feet. At the point when the change has come to a large
portion of the body, the young lady was crying asking absolution to her mom.

Darmi : Gracious, my mom, please overlook me. Pardon what I have

done to you. It would be ideal if you mother. I will change, mother. If you don’t
mind excuse you’re little girl, your just girl.

The young lady kept on wailing and cry begging his mom. Be that as it may,
everything was past the point of no return. The entire body of the young lady was
in the long run transformed into stone. Notwithstanding when she transformed into
stone, individuals still can see the tears. The stone cries. Accordingly, individuals
start to call it “Crying Stone or Batu Menangis”.

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