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Republic of the Philippines Province of Benguet MUNICIPALITY OF LA TRINIDAD Office of the Municipal Mayor ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 023 Series of 2017 AN ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (PDC) GUIDELINES, POLICIES, SYSTEMS AND PROCEDURES. WHEREAS, the Local Government Unit of La Trinidad, Benguet (LGU - LTB) in its Administrative Order No. 058 - 2016 dated October 12, 2016 created the LGU's Personnel Development Committee (PDC)pursuant to Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular 10s. 1989. WHEREAS, the PDC is tasked to formulate policies and procedures in human resource development programs of the LGU - LTB; WHEREAS, the PDC shall conduct the screening of applicants and recommend to the Municipal Mayor the most qualified personnel who may participate in human resource development programs; likewise, the POC shall monitor and ensure compliance by the participants or beneficiaries with applicable requirements, WHEREAS, the Local Government Unit of La Trinidad, Benguet (LGU - LTB) values its human resources and commits itself to a systematic program of career and personal development for its officials and employees; WHEREAS, LGU - LTB seeks to afford its officials and employees opportunities for academic development and skills enhancement for a more efficient delivery of public service; NOW THEREFORE, by vitue of the powers vested in me by law as the duly elected mayor of this locality, |, ROMEO K. SALDA, do hereby ORDER the establishment of internal control systems and procedures pertaining to the participation of municipal employees in human resource development programs: Section 1. COVERAGE.- These policies and guidelines shall apply to all appointed personnel of the Local Goverment Unit of La Trinidad, Benguet (LGU - LTB), regardless of the status of appointment. Section 2. GENERAL GUIDELINES. - In order to establish sound internal control systems ‘and procedures, and to strengthen the existing guidelines and policies of the Human Resource Development in accordance with Civil Service Commission (CSC) rules and regulations, the ‘following guidelines, policies, systems and procedures shall be observed: |. APPLICATION FOR SCHOLARSHIPS AND ATTENDANCE TO TRAINING SEMINARS, CONFERENCES AND CONVENTIONS Al officials and employees may avail of the opportunities for scholarships, and attendance to training, seminars, conventions and conferences both local and abroad, in order to develop and enrich their professional and technical capabilities, and to improve their performance on their respective official duties and responsibilities, relevant to the attainment of the mandate, vision and mission of the LGU, subject to the following: 1, Allinvitations and information for scholarship, training and attendance to conventions and ‘seminars must be properly disseminated to the Department Heads and posted in the bulletin boards by the Human Resource Section personne! Page 1 of 4 Republic of the Philippines Province of Benguet MUNICIPALITY OF LA TRINIDAD Office of the Municipal Mapor Al applications for scholarships, training and attendance to conventions and conferences. shall be coursed through and endorsed to the PDC for deliberation and appropriate action. Scholarships, training, seminars, conventions and conferences applied for whether sponsored by and /or funded by the LGU or by other government and non-government institutions, should not prejudice the existing official functions, duties, and responsibilities of the employee- applicant. For this reason, prospective trainees shall secure a favorable recommendation from hissher Department Head. Attendance to local training , seminars , conventions and conferences may be availed of by an employee not more than twice a year, except when by reason of his/her official functions, he/she is designated as representative or focal person and other meritorious cases to be determinedievaluated by the POC. The existing government allowable/authorized registration fee is TWO THOUSAND PESOS (PHP 2,000.00) a day per participant trainee. All required reports for submission by employeesidepartments thru a memorandum from. the Local Chief Executive such as: Annual Accomplishment Reports, Procurement Plans, Major Final Outputs (MFO), Office Performance and Commitment Review (OPCR), Individual Performance and Commitment Review (IPCR), Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) and other necessary documents, must first be complied with before applying for trainings/seminars. Il. ATTENDANCE TO IN-HOUSE SEMINAR AND CONFERENCE PROGRAMS ‘Attendance to the LGU-LTB orientation course and/or any other related courses, such as Orientation of Values Orientation Workshop (VOW), Basic Customers Skills Training, Revised Rules on Administrative Cases and Government Entrants Seminar on Public ‘Accountability shall be required for the new employees including the old employees who have not yet attended said training, or transferees under the first and second level positions. In-house programs, seminars, planning conferences and other related activities shall be coursed through the PDC for deliberation and for subsequent recommendation to the Local Chief Executive. Supervisory Training and/or Workshop Courses shall be required for employees with salary Grade 18 and up and who have not yet undergone or participated in said training. Il, APPLICATION FOR THE GRANT OR AVAILMENT OF STUDY LEAVE |. Applicant/s must possess all the qualifications as provided for under Section 68 of CSC Memorandum Circular No. 41, Series of 1998 as amended. 1. Applicants for the study leave must submit proofs of completion corresponding to the purpose of the leave such as: For Board / Bar Examination - Certification of Grades from the ‘School/University, Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), Supreme Page 2 of 4 Republic of the Philippines Province of Benguet MUNICIPALITY OF LA TRINIDAD Office of the Municipal Mayor For Thesis/ Dissertation Writing - Approval Sheet «= of,_—sthe Thesis/Dissertation by the panel and Dean of the Graduate ‘School and a copy of the approved thesis outline/proposal Applicant’s must secure a favorable recommendation from his/her Department Head. All applicants for study leave, both local and foreign must pass through the Committee for evaluation and approval, to ensure that the course and / or the thesis proposal are relevant to the official duties and responsibilities of the applicant as well as to the mandate of LGU- LTB. The Department Head shall ensure that the existing duties and responsibilities of the grantee are properly delegated and assigned, so as not to hamper the operations/functions of the department for the duration of the study leave. A grantee can avail of the study leave only once and no extension beyond the approved period shall be allowed, except under meritorious cases to be determined and evaluated by the Committee. However, in the case of approval of extension, all existing government rules in the availment of leave of absence shall apply. The grantee need not be rated during the period of hishher study leave, as the Performance rating prior to the grant of the study leave shall be adopted instead, |. Prior to the commencement and consummation of study leave, the LGU-LTB and Grantee shall execute a Study Leave Service Contract to be prepared and provided by the Human Resource Section. )._In case the official or employee fails to render full service obligation offered to in the contract on account of voluntary resignation, optional retirement, separation from the service through his own fault, or other causes within his control, he shall refund the gross salary, allowances and other benefits received while on study leave based on the following formula: R= (SOR-SOS) X TCR SOR WHERE R = REFUND. TCR = TOTAL COMPENSATION RECEIVED (GROSS SALARY, ALLOWANCES AND OTHER BENEFITS RECEIVED WHILE ON DUTY LEAVE) ERVICE OBLIGATION SERVED SERVICE OBLIGATION REQUIRED The offciallemployee beneficiary of the study leave shall inform his agency in writing, through the personnel office, of his failure to pursue his studies or his failure to take the bar/board ‘examination for which he was granted the study leave, IV. DOCUMENTATION/ REPORTS/ RECOMMENDATIONS ‘AS a general rule, all grantees/attendees are required to submit terminal reports, recommendations, plans of action whichever is applicable. They shall likewise share their learnings to their co-staff/and other employees during Monday programs. Page 3 of 4 Republic of the Philippines Province of Benguet MUNICIPALITY OF LA TRINIDAD Office of the Municipal Mayor Section 3. Effectivity. This Administrative Order shall take effect immediately and shall be valid until revoked or amended. Issued this 26% day of May, 2017 at La Trinidad, Benguet. Ane ‘és K. SALDA Municipal Mayor Copy furnished: The Provincial Governor, Benguet The Sangguniang Bayan, LTB ~The DILG-CAR through the MLGOO - File Page 4 of &

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