Science and You The Senses Detailed Lesson Plan

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School Occidental Mindoro State College Grade Three

Teacher Steven P. Ombega Subject Science

Date October 2019 Grading First Grading
PLAN Time 4:45 PM-6:15 PM Checked Mr. Romel Nacino

A.Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of parts, and functions of the sense organs of
the human body
B.Performance Standards The learners should be able to practice healthful habits in taking care of the sense organs
C.Learning Competency At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:
1.describe the parts and functions of the sense organs of the human body
2.state on how to take good care of sense organs, and
3.draw the sense organs and give the name of the different senses
Code S3LT-IIa-b-1
II.CONTENT Lesson 1: The Senses
A. Learning Resources Science and You 3, Diana L. Ferrer, pp. 70 to 121
1.Teacher’s Guide
2.Learner’s Materials Science and You 3 pp. 70 to 121
3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Material Pictures, audio and video
from Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Laptop, video clip and picture of the five senses of the body
IV.Procedures Teachers Activity Students Activity
A. Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer Everybody stand and let us pray.
Who will be the one to pray today?
Sir, Glory will offer the prayer for today.
Glory, please come forward and lead the
prayer. Are you ready to pray classmates?
Yes, we are.
Let us pray.

Our Father in Heaven,

We give thanks for all the blessing that we
received. Thank you for the good health
and guidance. We ask Heavenly Father to
always guide to all the things that we do.
In the name of Jesus Christ.

Good afternoon children!

Before sitting please pick up the pieces of

paper or plastics around you and throw it is
the trash cans.

Thank you!
You may take your seats.
2. Checking of Attendance
Are there any absentees today?
None, Sir.
Very good class for your perfect
3. Checking of Assignment Yes, Sir!
Bring out your assignment. Pass it forward
and I will be the one to check it.
4. Drill
Okay, please stand and we will have an
energizer. Please repeat after me.
(A background music video will be play)

We have five senses, senses

We have five senses, senses
One, two, three, four, five
We have five senses, senses
We have five senses, senses
One, two, three, four, five
Eyes are for seeing, seeing
Eyes are for seeing, seeing
Seeing is for our eyes
Eyes are for seeing, seeing
Eyes are for seeing, seeing
Seeing is for our eyes

Ears are for hearing, hearing

Ears are for hearing, hearing
Hearing is for our ears
Ears are for hearing, hearing
Ears are for hearing, hearing
Hearing is for our ears
Noses are for smelling, Smelling
Noses are for smelling, Smelling
Smelling is for our nose
Noses are for smelling, Smelling
Noses are for smelling, Smelling
Smelling is for our nose
Tongues are for tasting, tasting
Tongues are for tasting, tasting
Tasting is for our tongue
Tongues are for tasting, tasting
Tongues are for tasting, tasting
Tasting is for our tongue
Hands are for touching, touching
Hands are for touching, touching
Touching is for our hands
Hands are for touching, touching
Hands are for touching, touching
Touching is for our hands
We all have five senses, senses
We all have five senses, senses
One, two, three, four, five
We all have five senses, senses
We all have five senses, senses
One, two, three, four, five
A. Review previous lesson Class can you still remember our lesson
or presenting the new yesterday?
lesson Yes, teacher.
Now to test if you really remember. I
have something to show you. I have here a
chart of a human body. I would like you to
identify the body parts, match that
correspond to the part of the body.

Do you understand?
Yes, teacher.
(The teacher shows a picture of different
parts of the body)

Can you give me at least three different

parts of the body?
Sir, the head, neck and shoulder.
Very good!
Another different part of the body.
Sir, the stomach, arm and hands.
Excellent children!
B. Establishing a purpose (The teacher will show a picture of Helen
for the lesson Keller)

Do you know who’s in this picture?

No, Sir.
Alright, listen, I will tell a story of a Helen

(The teacher will read the story.)

Helen Keller was born on the year 1880

and she died on 1968. She lived in a world
of darkness and silence. She was blind and
deaf. She could neither see nor hear. Yet
she became a one of America’s most
authors and lecturers.
She had a very good teacher Anne
Sullivan. Anne made Helen feel objects with
one hand. Then she traced the word for
each object onto the palm of Helen’s hand.
(The teacher will give a short quiz about the
Okay children, get a piece of paper.
Instruction: Answer the following

1. Who is Helen Keller?

She was blind and deaf. She could
neither see nor hear.
2. Who was the teacher?
Teacher Anne Sullivan
3. How did her teacher make her
learned to read and write?
Teacher Anne Sullivan taught Helen to
feel the objects with one hand. Then she
traced the word for each object onto palm
of Helen’s hand.
4. What sense of organ she used?
Sense of touch
(The teacher will show the PowerPoint
presentation of the difficult words and its
Everybody read the following words.
1. Organs - Derive from the Latin or
Ganum, meaning instrument
2. Function - The kind of action or
activity proper
3. Sense organ - A specialized organ
or structure, such as the eye, ear,
tongue, nose, or skin, where
sensory neurons are concentrated
and that functions as a receptor.
Organs - Derive from the Latin or Ganum,
meaning instrument
Function - The kind of action or activity
Sense organ - A specialized organ or
structure, such as the eye, ear, tongue,
nose, or skin, where sensory neurons are
concentrated and that functions as a
C. Presenting (The teacher will relate the story of Helen
examples/instances of the Keller and show the picture of the five
new lesson sense)

Again, who is Helen Keller?

She was blind and deaf. She could
neither see nor hear.
Very good!
What is significant in Helen Keller’s life?
Although she has an illness still she did
her best to learn and became a popular
author and lecturer in America
Helen Keller became an inspiration to all
of us. All of you children can be great in any
aspects. You should be grateful because
you can see and hear unlike Helen Keller.
What is the lesson of the story?
The lesson of the story is to have a
courage to continue studying no matter
what hardships that we are facing in our
What we should do in our sense organ?
We must protect and take care our
sense organ.
What is in the picture?
Five senses Sir.

What are they?
The eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin.
What are the functions of each sense
The eyes are for?
The nose for?
The ears are for?
The tongue is for?
The skin is for?
D. Discussing new (The teacher will show the PowerPoint
concepts and practicing presentation)
new skills #1 Everybody read the instruction.
Get a piece of paper and answer it by
giving the different sense organs you will
use to describe the following.
Get a piece of paper and answer it by
giving the different sense organs you will
use to describe the following.
1. The height of the building_____
2. The taste of ampalaya ______
3. The texture of a silk cloth____
4. The fragrance of sampaguita___
5. The beautiful music_____
6. The heat of pot____
7. The color of your friend’s eye___
8. The flavor of your mother’s
9. The sound of the guitar______
10. The temperature in Baguio
1. The height of the building EYES
2. The taste of ampalaya TONGUE
3. The texture of a silk cloth SKIN
4. The fragrance of sampaguita NOSE
5. The beautiful music EARS
6. The heat of pot SKIN
7. The color of your friend’s eye EYES
8. The flavor of your mother’s recipe
9. The sound of the guitar EARS
10. The temperature in Baguio City
Can you use more than one sense organ
to describe things?
Yes, Sir.
Let us see.

Everybody read the instructions.

Get the objects and describe them.
Write your observation on the table and
group yourselves into three the group 1 are
assigned to do the object 1 (Chalk), group 2
object 2 (Table) and the group 3 object 3
Get the objects and describe them.
Write your observation on the table and
group yourselves into three the group 1
are assigned to do the object 1 (Chalk),
group 2 object 2 (Table) and the group 3
object 3 (Book)
Using the Sense Organs
Objects Shape
Size Color Texture Taste



Using the Sense Organs

Objects Shape
Size Color Texture Taste
Chalk Cylinder Long White Rough

Table Rectangle Green Smooth

Long N/A

Book Rectangle Red Smooth

Long N/A

(The teacher will ask the representative of

each group to present their output)
Each representative one after the other
starting from group 1 will present their
collaborative work here in front.
Are all representatives ready?
Yes, teacher.
For group 1, how many sense organs did
you use to describe the object?
We use the two senses to describe the
object which is the sense of sight and
Do you know the functions of the sense
organs? Yes, Sir the function of the sense we
used is for seeing and touching.
What would happen if you do not have
the senses?
I can’t appreciate the creation and
beauty of the world
Would you be able to taste or to smell
the chalk?
No, Sir.
Chalk generally considered to be non-
toxic and the chalk from the dust may
cause eye irritation, and isn't good for
your lungs.
Very good!
Give them three claps.
(The class will clap three times)
For group 2 the same questions, how
many sense organs did you use to describe
the object?
The same to the answer of the group,
we use the two senses to describe the
object which is the sense of sight and
Do you know the functions of the sense touch.
Yes, Sir the function of the sense we
used is for seeing and touching.
What would happen if you do not have
the senses?
If I don’t have senses, I can’t define or
see the texture, shape and color of the
Would you be able to taste or to smell the
No, Sir.
Because the table is not food Sir.

Give them three claps.
(The class will clap three times)
For group 3 the same questions also, how
many sense organs did you use to describe
the object?
The same to the answer of all the group,
we use the two senses to describe the
object which is the sense of sight and
Do you know the functions of the sense
organs? Yes, Sir the function of the sense we
used is for seeing and touching.

What would happen if you do not have

the senses?
I/we will be all worthless Sir,
Would you be able to taste or to smell
the book?
No, Sir.
It is not applicable to taste the table Sir.

Job well done!

Give them three claps.
(The class will clap three times)
E. Discussing new We’re going to have a group activity
concepts and practicing again.
new skills #2 Group yourselves into five.
Start counting from the right.

Before we start, what are the rules to

follow in group activity?

Everybody read.
(The teacher will show the PowerPoint
1. Listen attentively to the
2. Be careful in using and handling
3. Follow the time allotment for the
4. Be cooperative in a group work.
5. Enjoy and doings one’s work.
6. Maintain the cleanliness and
orderliness of the room.
7. Returned the materials used in a
Listen attentively to the instruction.
Be careful in using and handling
Follow the time allotment for the
Be cooperative in a group work.
Enjoy and doings one’s work.
Maintain the cleanliness and
orderliness of the room.
Returned the materials used in a
Can I have 1 representative in each
(The teacher will introduce the choices)
Pick an envelope

Group 1.
Materials: Cut out objects with different
shapes and colors.
1. Name the shapes of the objects.
2. Tell the colors of the different
3. Classify the object according to its
size place them on the table.
Size table:




(The students will put the different objects

on the table according to its size and



(The teacher will call the representative of

the group 1 to present their output)
This is our output, we placed the
different object on the box according to its
size and color.
What sense organ did you use?
The eyes, sense of sight.
Children, give them five claps.
(The class will clap five times)
Group 2.
Objectives: Identify the kinds of sounds.
Materials: Pictures
1. Name the sounds produced by
each pictures. It can be, loud or
soft, high pitch or low pitch,
pleasant or unpleasant?
2. Discuss it in front of the class.

Are you through?

Yes, Sir.
Okay, your representative will come here
in front for discussion.
As we discussed this task a while ago. It
has different sounds like thunder and cow
they can produce loud voice while the
radio and cow it can produce high pitch
and the bird and chicks they can produce
and pleasant voice.
Very good!
Let’s give them five claps.
(The class will clap five times)
What sense organ did you use?
The ears. Sense of hearing.

Group 3.
Objectives: Describe the texture of the
Materials: Towel, cotton, water, chair
1. Hold the materials.
2. Discuss the answer in front of the
3. Classify the different kinds of
textures and write it on the chart.

Is the towel wet?

No Sir, as we hold the towel we notice
that it is soft and we like to hold it.

How about the cotton?

The cotton is soft also
How about the water?
We can’t hold the water, but we felt
that it is cold.
How about the chair?
It is made of metal and the color is
green. And it is rough.
Circle Chart
Soft Rough
Cold Soft

This is our finish activity.

What sense organ did you use?
The Skin, Sense of touch.
Very good!
Let’s give them 5 claps.
(The class will clap five times)
Group 4.
Objectives: Identify the kinds of smell.
Materials: Perfume, (flower), alcohol
1. Smell the following materials.
2. Describe the smell of each.
3. What are the kinds of smell? Write
it down on the chart.

Venn diagram:

Are you through group 4?

Yes, Sir.
Present your output now here in front.

Fragrance Cologne

As we do this activity, we notice the

different kinds of fumes. We smell the
fragrance of a flower and cologne. Lastly,
the alcohol has different smell or ethyl.
What sense organ did you used?
The nose, sense of smelling.
Give them 5 claps.
(The class will clap five times)
Group 5.
Objective: Describe the different type of
Materials. Candies, Chocolate, calamansi,
1. Name the food given.
2. Classify them according to taste.
3. Discuss in the class what the taste
of each food is.
4. Write down the kinds of taste on
the chart.


Sweet Taste Salty

Are you ready group 5?
Yes, Sir.
Okay, let’s listen to them children.
Yes, Sir.
We are the last group and this is our
finish activity, as we do this activity we
learned the different kinds of taste, for the
calamansi it is sour, and for the candies
and chocolates, it’s the same it is sweet.
Lastly, the chips it is salty.
Thank you!
What sense organ did you used?
The sense of taste, tongue.
Job well done children!
Give yourself a big two claps
(The class will clap two times)
F. Developing mastery (The teacher will give a short quiz)
(leads to Formative Children get your pen and I have here a
Assessment 3)
short quiz, it is free and it is only 1-10
items. Write your name, grade and section
at the blank. Read the instruction carefully
before answering.
Do you understand children?

Yes, Sir.
Questions and Answers
Instruction: Choose the letter of the best
answer and fill the missing words in the
 1. We have ________ senses
o A. 4
o B. 5
o C. 3
o D. 6
2. Which group has ALL the senses?
o A. Seeing, hearing, listening, eating, feeling
o B. Listening, feeling, hearing, tasting, seeing
o C. Hearing, seeing, tasting, feeling, smelling
o D. Smelling, hearing, listening, tasting
 3. We use our eyes to_____________.
o A. Feel
o B. Taste
o C. Hear
o D. See
 4. We have _______________nose (s).
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
 5. The ears are used for
A. Hearing
B. Touching
C. Smelling
D. None of these
 6. The ________ is the sense organ of taste.
 7. Dave plays the music very loudly, it will
soon damage his ____________.
 8. If we lose one of our senses we will die.
o A. True
o B. False
 9. The tongue is the largest sense organ.
o A. True
o B. False
 10.A pair of glasses can be used to help the
sense of sight.
o A. True
o B. False
Are you finished class?
Yes, Sir.
Exchange it in your right seatmate and
we will check it.
Everybody read the questions and we will
answer it.
 1. We have ________ senses
o A. 4
o B. 5
o C. 3
o D. 6
2. Which group has ALL the senses?
o A. Seeing, hearing, listening, eating,
o B. Listening, feeling, hearing, tasting,
o C. Hearing, seeing, tasting, feeling,
o D. Smelling, hearing, listening, tasting
 3. We use our eyes to_____________.
o A. Feel
o B. Taste
o C. Hear
o D. See
 4. We have _______________nose (s).
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
 5.The ears are used for
A. Hearing
B. Touching
C. Smelling
D. None of these
 6. The tongue is the sense organ of taste.
 7. Dave plays the music very loudly, it will
soon damage his ears.
 8. If we lose one of our senses we will die.
o A. True
o B. False
 9. The tongue is the largest sense organ.
o A. True
o B. False
 10.A pair of glasses can be used to help
the sense of sight.
o A. True
o B. False
Who got the highest score?
I/We, Sir.
Pass your paper here in front.
G. Finding practical (The teacher will recall the lessons)
applications of concepts What sense organ is used in each of the
and skills in daily living following:
1. When we wear a beautiful dress?
What sense organ we will use?
2. When we eat a delicious food?
3. When it has a roaring of thunder?
4. When it is a wet towel?
5. When it is fragrance flower?
H. Making generalizations (The teacher will show the different sense
and abstractions about organ of the body)
the lesson
Who can identify the sense organs of the
Sir, I will try.
Come here in front.
How does each work?

Our sense organ is a precious gift from

above. We need to take care our sense
organs. It will work only according to what
we see, hear, smell, taste and touch.

Very good!
I. Evaluating Learning (The teacher will show the tree chart)
Everybody read the instruction.
Instruction: Identify the sense organ use in
the following things. Put it in the
appropriate branch of a tree chart.
Identify the sense organ use in the
following things. Put it in the appropriate
branch of a tree chart.
Go to your group earlier and form your
group again. The five groups

Every representative, come here in

front and put the appropriate words on the
branch of a tree.

Candy Chocolate Flowers

Fruits Vinegar Hot coffee Perfume

Cold water
Soap Cotton Rainbow Shouting
Pillow Shapes Colors Radio
Weather Fire Crackers
Job well done children!
J. Additional tasks or
Mediation (The teacher will give a homework)
For your homework, draw the different
five sense organs and label it according to
Do you understand children? Yes, Sir.

Goodbye class! Goodbye Sir. Thank you!



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did

this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers

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