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“Wearing of School Uniform and its Significance to Students

Discipline of Grade 11 Students of Cuartero National High School”

Develos,Reah Mae H.

Narciso,charisse Jade C.

Faderez, Jeffrey L.


Prado, Marlou



Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study

The basic aim of any well-established school is to impart a secure,

regulate and culture domain for the students. Enabling a dress

code helps to boost the students‟ etiquette and marks. Numerous

school districts have embraced school uniforms as an innovative

step to add on to safety and reduce aberration in the schools. The

consequence of school uniforms allowed added security, a reduction

in peer pressure, and an overall decline of diversion. There is no

general agreement whether the implementation of school uniforms

has brought any changes in students‟ behaviour and academic

performance. In actuality, the parents and students have raised

questions and disapproval regarding this policy of implementing

school uniforms.

Many students have experience a lot of difficulties in their stu

dies oneof these is about wearing the proper school uniform. Some

students hate their school uniforms because this not belongs to

their fashions, especially for the modern things nowadays.

(Gentile & Imberman 2009)

Uniform policies face approval and disdain in many school

districts. 'He emergence of uniform policies has led to discussions

over their effectiveness. Administrators often believe uniforms

create a safer learning environment while students have said they

notice little difference in the school. Some school administrators

believe that uniforms can improve discipline (Stanley, 1996)

Additionally, some believe that school uniforms provide an

equitable learning environment for students (Lopez, 2003) these

beliefs have kept school uniform policies in place for many years.

Detractors say that uniforms are an unnecessary burden and infringe

on students. First Amendment rights (Knechtle & Mitchell, 2003).

In addition, some minority groups see school uniforms as a

restriction on students. Many school districts assume that

uniforms are a way to fix student behaviour problems.

A school uniform teaches students to dress smartly and take pride

in their appearance. Howlette says: “Uniforms help students to

prepare for when they leave school and may have to dress smartly

or wear a uniform.”

Some people believe that a school uniform can improve learning by

reducing distraction, sharpening focus on schoolwork and making

the classroom a more serious environment, allowing students to

perform better academically.

Perhaps most importantly, a uniform means students don’t have to

worry about peer pressure when it comes to their clothes. When

everyone is dressed the same, worrying about what you look like

isn’t so important. There is no competition about being dressed in

the latest trend, which would put a great deal of financial

pressure on students and parents. Potential bullies have one less

target for their insults; it’s hard to make fun of what someone is

wearing when you’re dressed exactly the same. Administrators

believe that students who arrive dressed for success will be ready

to learn. Students' success can take on many forms--fewer absences,

fewer referrals for behavioural problems, better grades and, in

some cases, significantly higher achievement (Polacheck, 1996).

The way a student dresses can have an impact on school safety,

academic success and create a positive, productive learning

environment (Lumsden, 2001). Students success can take on many

forms--fewer absences, fewer referrals for behavioural problems,

(California, 1997) and others argue that it violate upon the

students' First Amendment rights to freedom of expression (Caruso,

1996). However, many schools already have dress codes in place

that approve and disapprove certain dress attire. The

administrators and faculty are the deciding factors to see if the

standards are met but it is still a judgment call. Enforcing a new

school uniform that everyone adheres too "can enhance students”

self-concepts, classroom behaviour and academic performance"

(Caruso, 1996), and also puts less responsibility on

administrators and faculty to decide if the standards are met.

The purpose of the study is to see the significance of

wearing school uniform to student discipline

Figure 1 below shows the conceptual framework of the study. As can

be seen in the figure , the independent variable wearing school

uniform and the dependent variable Wearing School Uniform affects

the dependent variable Students Discipline

Wearing of School _________________ Students Discipline


Figure 1. Wearing of School Uniform and its Significance to

Students Discipline

General Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Significance of Wearing School

Uniform to Students Discipline.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the significance of Wearing School Uniform to Student


2. Is there a relationship between Wearing school Uniform and

Student discipline?

3. What are the impact of Wearing School Uniform to Students


Based on the above problem, the hypothesis is formulated; there is

no relationship between the Wearing of School Uniform and its

Significance to Student Discipline in the Student of Cuartero

National High School.

Hypothesis of the Study

Research Research Title Null Null

Type Hypothesis Hypothesis

Descriptive Wearing of School

Uniform and it’s Directional Non

Significance to Directional

Students Discipline.
There is no There is no

positive Significance

Significance of Wearing

of Wearing School Uniform

School to students

Uniform to Discipline.



Significance of the study

The result of the study will be essential and beneficial to the


Students. This study will help the student to realize that wearing

a School Uniform may have a negative and positive effect in their

behaviours and disciplines. This will provide knowledge of the

student regarding the factors that may affect their disciplines.

This study may have the students to decide if they will wear their

uniform or not.

Teachers. This study will help the teachers to handle and improve

both negative and positive effect of wearing school uniform

concerning factors that occur regarding the research study. If the

result indicated positive and negative effect it can be a great

help for the teachers to know which part of students discipline

process that is in need of adjustments to become to discipline


Parent. This will help the parent to determine the advantages of

their children’s dress codes in school. This will also help them

in guiding their children.

School administrators. This study will help the School

Administrators to decide if they should restrict students

according to their dress codes. And also the school Administrators

will help the student to become more responsible and disciplined


Future Researchers. This study will provide guidelines that will

further enrich the prior knowledge of future researchers about

this topic.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is to determine the Significance of Wearing School

Uniform to Students Discipline of Grade 11 Students of Cuartero

National High School, Cuartero, Capiz for the School Year 2019-


This Survey Descriptive research will be conducted among randomly

selected Grade 11 Students from six strand.

This survey questionnaire of Wearing School Uniform will

be used in gathering information of this study. This study can

help them to be aware of what might be the Significance of Wearing

School Uniform to Students Discipline.

This study will be conducted during the second semester of

the said School Year. The independent variable is Wearing School

Uniform while the dependent variable is the Significance of the

Students Discipline of Grade 11 Students.

Definition of Terms

School uniforms can also increase student safety.

Students cannot wear gang-affiliated clothing or colours if

specific uniforms are required. Individual style, in this

case, is sacrificed for a safer learning environment. Even

something as simple as a teacher being easily able to spot

her students on a field trip or spot an intruder in the school

is another important benefit of school uniforms.



In this study, “Wearing School Uniform means that the things that

the Students use or wear at School and it should be the dress code

of the school.
In this study,

Discipline is defined as the practice of teaching others to obey

rules or norms by using punishment to correct unwanted behaviours.

In a classroom, a teacher uses discipline to ensure routine is

maintained, school rules are enforced, and the students are in a

safe learning environment.

( › academy › classroom-discipline-definition-

In this study, “Students Discipline” refers to the restrictive

policy of school to students.


( › academy › classroom-discipline-definition-




Anderson, W. (2002). School dress codes and uniform policies.

Bodine, A. (2003). School uniforms and discourses on childhood.

Brown, T. J. (1998). Legal Issues and the trend toward school


Brunsma, D. L. (2006). School uniforms policies in public schools.


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