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Analysis of Persuasive Message in “BukaLapak Advertisement 2019 4.

Serbu Spesial”

Pratama Suka Wijaya





Chapter 1


1.1. The Background of study

Language is a basic skill that human have. We will hardly to inform people about our

thought if we can’t perform such a language well. Language have an important rules in any field

of human life. We will use different type of language in different type of field. For example if we

are on an academic field we must use lot of formal language. Then in a daily purpose we use non

formal language. In the other hand in the business especially on advertisement we use lot of

persuasive language to gain an attention from people. Languages have a big impact in business.

Usually in the business field we will found lot of direct and clear sentence. Bukalapak is an online

shop business which is ones of the biggest online shops in Indonesia. Bukalapak is well known in

Indonesia because their advertisement is find in the most television, or online media. The other is

persuasive language. With persuasive skill that the speaker have will make a big difference in the

business. Persuasive language is a type of language that have a chance to drives people to do what

we told. Persuasive language also found in political field as they need them to drives the society.

In my paper, I will focus on how persuasive language use in Bukalapak advertisement. I choose

this because it is interesting to see that with just two or more sentence we can gain attention from

lot of people and drives them to do what we told. I will analyze how they arrange persuasive

language. Also, I would like to know what types of words they were used.

1.2 Statement problems

1. How they delivered their persuasive message ?

2. How they construct their persuasive message?

1.3 The objective of the study

1. To understand how persuasive message is made and delivered.

2.0 Theories

2.1 Persuasive word

Persuasive word is a word to persuade people. In the other word persuasive word is the

word we are using to make someone do what we told to them.

Persuasive advertisement

A type of product promotion that attempts to influence a consumer in favor of a purchasing

particular good or service. A business might engage in informative or persuasive advertising to
encourage first time customers to try its product, in addition to reminding customers to purchase a
product they have previously bought. (Persuassive advertising, n.d.)

Persuasive message

A persuasive message is the central message that intrigues, informs, convinces, or calls to
action. Persuasive messages are often discussed in terms of reason versus emotion. Every message
has elements of ethos, or credibility; pathos, or passion and enthusiasm; and logos, or logic and
reason. If your persuasive message focuses exclusively on reason with cold, hard facts and nothing
but the facts, you may or may not appeal to your audience. People make decisions on emotion as
well as reason, and even if they have researched all the relevant facts, the decision may still come
down to impulse, emotion, and desire. On the other hand, if your persuasive message focuses
exclusively on emotion, with little or no substance, it may not be taken seriously. Finally, if your
persuasive message does not appear to have credibility, the message may be dismissed entirely.

In general, appeals to emotion pique curiosity and get our attention, but some attention to
reason and facts should also be included. That doesn’t mean we need to spell out the technical
manual on the product on the opening sale message, but basic information about design or features,
in specific, concrete ways can help an audience make sense of your message and the product or
service. Avoid using too many abstract terms or references, as not everyone will understand these.
You want your persuasive message to do the work, not the audience. (Ashman, n.d.)
3.0 Method of Study

This study use qualitative method. Qualitative research is purposed to give an accurate

data, a data that have values in it. Values is the real data itself. (sugiyono, 2013) This study will

focused on objective method. It is mean that I only analyze the intrinsic element of this

advertisement. I record the video of Bukalapak advertisement and then rewrite it as a script as an

object of analysis.

3.1 Documentation method

Documentation method is a method of searching data for variable by transcript, note, newspaper,

magazine, and etc. (Arikunto, 2002) Document has been used in a research as a data resource,

document as a data resource can be used to testing, hypothesis, and forecasting. (Moloeng, 2008)

4.0 Research Data

Video script

Title “Special “excitement attack” 4.4 | “excitement attack” luxuries from Rp. 1”

“Excitement attack” 50 inch smart TV Rp. 12.000

“Excitement attack” Smartphone Rp. 1

“Excitement attack” 200 grams of gold Rp. 20.000

“Excitement attack” BMW 320i luxury Rp. 30.000

Special excitement attack from Rp. 1 from April 4, 2019

Daftar Pustaka

Arikunto. (2002). Prosedur Penelitian. jakarta.

Ashman, M. (n.d.). Introduction to Professional Communications. Retrieved from (
Moloeng. (2008). Metodologi penelitian kualitatif. Bandung: Remaja Karya.
Persuassive advertising. (n.d.). Retrieved from
sugiyono. (2013). qualitative and quantitave methods .

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